Flip the Script with Vic

This week's episode is inspired by one of my favorite kundalini kryas to overcome perceived limitations. Reflecting on some of my own experiences and challenges, let's chat about:

- energetic capacity
- confronting your fears
- making bold decisions
- cultivating your energetic capacity
- fear vs. energetic limits

Share your fave takeaways from the episode on Instagram with me (@victoriamargauxnielsen) and tag someone who needs to hear!

The Return to You Retreat is April 8-12, 2024 in El Sargento, Mexico. Click here to apply.

Join The Portal Collective, Victoria's new on-demand kundalini and breathwork membership to help you access your highest self with a daily meditation practice for $22/mo.

IG: @flipthescriptwithvic
IG: @victoriamargauxnielsen
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email: victoriamargauxnielsen@gmail.com

Cover art: @house.of.morgan

What is Flip the Script with Vic?

Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I’m your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together, we’ll unwind all the things you thought you knew, and awaken to what’s truly possible when you flip the script on your reality and take control of your own life.

Speaker A [00:00:00]:
Hi, loves. Welcome to another episode of flip the script with thick. I'm your host, Victoria Nielsen. Today I want to talk about pushing past our perceived limitations and boundaries. I led that Korea this morning, actually, in my studio practice. I teach in person here in Atlanta on Saturdays, and it is one of my favorite Koreas because it really brings things to the forefront from the subconscious mind and allows you to see where you may be inadvertently stopping yourself and not even realizing it. And it's a really short kriya. And if you're interested in learning more, I have it as part of my online Kundalini yoga membership.

Speaker A [00:00:43]:
And it's super simple. Nine minutes. One of my favorite meditations. But I think that's why I'm having this epiphany this morning, because I'm realizing there are areas in my life that are being shown to me that I am not meeting my energetic edge, and I'm choosing to play it safe. And I think there are times when you should do that in your life. But if you are really going to walk the walk, go after your dreams, do these things that you say you want to do. I think the universe gives you opportunities like this to back your words up with action and for you to then say yes to these things that are like little breadcrumbs. Right? Because the universe is always cocreating with us, and so it wants to know if our wishes have changed.

Speaker A [00:01:28]:
We have free will as humans. So just because we had a dream a week ago doesn't mean it's the same thing we want to go after today. And so the universe is not testing us, per se, but it is putting out feelers to see which direction you're moving. Is it like, okay, Victoria, you said you wanted to be a published author. Here's this opportunity. Are you going to follow that path? It's almost choose your own adventure, right? Like, you have all of these different opportunities that are going to present themselves to you from the universe, and it's up to you whether you want to take them. And our mind wants to keep us safe, and it's really easy to just say, oh, I don't have enough time for that, or, oh, it doesn't make sense or not right now. Okay, well, if you're saying no to a dream right now, you're kind of telling the universe, like, no, never mind, I don't want this at all.

Speaker A [00:02:14]:
And it's going to take a bit to get that energy and momentum going back up in that direction if you decide to change your mind. And so when you are given these opportunities, it is paramount that you take them. And I'm realizing there was this area in my life. I have seen a vision of myself on a stage and, like, being a speaker. And I'm really passionate about sharing my story and just any of these mindfulness techniques and things that I talk about on the podcast. But I have a chance to apply to be a speaker at a wellness event, and I haven't done it. And I've been talking myself out of it, saying, oh, I leave for Mexico the next day. It's too much effort to try and drive there and drive home, and, oh, it just will never work.

Speaker A [00:02:58]:
And just all of those stories, right, that may or may not be true, but I'm realizing that they're bullshit, right? It's my mind trying to keep me from getting hurt. Okay, what if I apply to be a speaker and they're actually like, no, never mind, we don't want you. Could totally happen. But my mind is like, okay, I'm going to protect you, so I'm going to self sabotage so that you don't even put your name in the ring for this opportunity. And I think a lot of us do that. And it's not that we're meaning to, but it's scary to step into these dreams and to claim them and say, this is what I want in life. It's bold to say that I am worthy of going after this thing. I think as women, we're not taught that.

Speaker A [00:03:42]:
We're not taught that it's okay to be brash and go after these things with our full hearts. And it doesn't have to make sense to anybody else. Like this event. Yes. I'm going to have to drive a couple of hours there. It's in the afternoon, drive back. I leave the next morning to fly up from Mexico. Well, guess what? The retreat doesn't start for another day.

Speaker A [00:04:01]:
We get there a day early. If I need time to recoup, there is always another opportunity and another side to things where, why would it not work out in your favor? Why would it not be this amazing thing that you want? And I think that we just get too scared and we don't go for it. And that is something that I want to continue to do more of because I feel like last year I really did that with the book that I wrote, and I toured across the country hosting women's circles, and it was a dream I had that I could have said, oh, I'm a busy mom. I can't leave for these six weekends. It's just too much. And at the time, that was okay with my priorities. Maybe your priorities are different, but I'm trying to build my business. I'm trying to build my brand.

Speaker A [00:04:50]:
I'm trying to help as many people as I can. And so that's going to take some time away from my family, hopefully not too much. Right. I got to have boundaries, but I will learn what those boundaries are as I do them. And if I'm really passionate about these things, then I have to put my money where my mouth is, and I have to follow the breadcrumbs and say, okay, universe, I'm going to meet you halfway here. Let's try this thing together and see what happens. And all of this has me thinking about as well, energetic capacity. Because the reason you're then able to take on or go after these dreams, right, is because you have the energetic capacity to do so.

Speaker A [00:05:26]:
As a mom of two young kids, I get it. I'm fucking tired. I know we're all tired. And it takes a lot of energy to go for these things. That may not even be what, quote unquote successful, right. But I encourage you maybe to think of a different version of success, that it's not always monetary success or financial success. That's the same thing. Or like fame or anything like that.

Speaker A [00:05:53]:
Sometimes it's just for doing it because your soul wanted to experience it. Right. So allowing ourselves that and taking the time to cultivate them means that you have to cultivate the energy for them. And so you can only hold so much as a human. Right. And I am a projector also in human design. So I don't know if you guys know human design, but it means I need more rest than other people. And I certainly love my rest.

Speaker A [00:06:23]:
If I could sleep all the time, I would. But that's why it's important to find these things that light you up and recharge you as part of that process. And so I'm not saying not to rest if that's what you absolutely need. But again, is that a story that your mind is telling you? I'm going through a very difficult time right now. If you've been listening to the podcast, we had a miscarriage recently. I could let that keep me down. I have been down. I've been in bed all week long.

Speaker A [00:06:53]:
And so finally, I'm kind of coming out of that and I'm allowing myself to move forward, but not in, but move forward in a mindful way and a really intentional way. And I think that when you do it like that, it's a really beautiful thing to know that you are honoring your body's needs, and you are honoring the wishes of your soul, because time, right, is like this human construct, and we're always go, go and always pushing ourselves. But I worry sometimes that we've gone to the complete other side when it comes to talking about feminine energy, that we talk about rest almost too much, which that sounds really strange for me to say, because I love to fucking sleep. But I think I'm realizing after this week that it's different types of rest, right? It's not just always napping that that can actually deplete you more. I was talking to my friend Meg Sylvester about this, that sometimes, as a busy mom, I'm actually tired because I haven't done anything, like, creatively stimulating. I haven't done anything that has filled my soul in that playful, energizing way. And so, if that's the case, it's not really that you need more rest, quote, unquote, laying in the bed. It's that you need to be doing these creative things.

Speaker A [00:08:08]:
And so, when it comes to your energetic capacity and expanding that capacity, I think it's important to start differentiating between the two. Like, are you already completely maxed out? And that's why you maybe can't go do this thing that you have on your vision board or your wish list? Or are you just scared? Or do you really not have the energetic capacity because your life is so full? And if that's the answer, that's okay. There are seasons of life where that happens, where life is just so full that you can't pack another thing in. I think that's a beautiful circumstance to know your boundaries and know yourself and begin creating that foundation, right. To expand your energetic capacity. And I think that's what this miscarriage has shown me, is that I had some room in my foundations for my capacity, because I was already worried about how much time this extra little person was going to take up in my life. And that I didn't have enough as it was to be building my business, to raise my two boys, to work a full time job. My plate is pretty full.

Speaker A [00:09:11]:
But building this business and helping other women is so important to me that it's not something that I want to only do a couple of hours a week. I want to do it all the time. And so to do that, it's a game. And a balance of resting, filling my cup, getting inspired, but always coming back to that self love practice of believing in myself and choosing me. I think that's what this really comes down to is if I am to be living this full embodied life that I talk about all the time, then I have to make full embodied decisions. Okay? So if that's you, too, if that's you listening, I really want to give you the permission and the power to make these bold decisions for yourself, because they may not make sense to anyone else. Like, coming back to this whole speaking event thing, it does not make any sense to my husband to drive there and back and, like, all of this. But if it is what my soul wants, which I'm sitting here realizing it is, then I have to go for it.

Speaker A [00:10:12]:
And I have to be willing to make myself or let myself be uncomfortable in that moment that maybe I am packing a lot. But that's where you meet your energetic edges, and that's when you realize that you have more to give. When you are replenishing yourself in this creative way, this invigorating way, not the depleting, like, I'm just laying into bed, doing nothing, scrolling, Instagram way that has its time and place again, I did it all week long. I get it. But it cannot be the only form of rest that we take and then tell ourselves, pat ourselves in the back, like, oh, I did such a good job resting. No, that's not what we're talking about here. Get back on topic. I think it's important that we take inventory every single month of the things that we are wanting to do in life, in business, and see what gets stuck on the to do list.

Speaker A [00:11:08]:
What are the things that every month, you're coming back to again and again and that you're not doing? I think this is a really beautiful place to explore and see where you are potentially letting your fear win, where you are afraid to take that next step, even if it's something that you've been dreaming about for a long time. I have another to do on my list beyond just applying for the speaking event around kind of being an influencer of sorts for a brand, and I have to film a video for them. But I realized it's been on my to do list for, like, two months now. And I say that I want to be out there and influential, but I'm not backing that up with my actions. I'm choosing, right, subconsciously or not, to not move this partnership forward. And it's not about it being, like, a lucrative thing. It's about just doing it and being in that energy. And I think everything is energy.

Speaker A [00:12:09]:
And so taking a look at where are those areas in your life that are asking for you to expand, that maybe you're looking right at and you're putting a negative story on them or you're projecting fear onto them. And can you instead, this week take a different perspective? What's the best thing that could happen if you actually followed through with these things that you want to do but are having a hard time moving forward and that paralysis, that kind of anxiety, the easiest way through that is one step at a time. So I know I personally can get really caught up in the big vision and think like, oh, God, I have to do all of this stuff. What's the next thing that you have to do to move this forward? One thing, do I have to shoot a video? Do I have to pick what type of content I want to create? Actually, it's that simple to start with. Like, what type of content do I want to create? Do I want to create something with multiple images? Do I want to do like a still frame? Walk it back, go back to the very first step that you have to take. And it can be a lot less daunting because I guarantee you're going to be finding these themes in your life where you are not taking full responsibility or you're not really going for it. And it's okay that you're not. This is showing you the shadow and the things that you have to work through so that you can.

Speaker A [00:13:41]:
But people come to me all the time and ask why things aren't manifesting or why dreams aren't happening. And it always comes back to us and our energy, our energetic capacity to hold the manifestation and keep the manifestation, as well as our energetic capacity to push beyond our current edges, because we are not meant to stay the same and stay in the same energy. So we have to constantly be pushing and changing and evolving. And if we're not doing that, if we're burying our head in the sand, if we're spending too much time resting, quote unquote, scrolling, Instagram, all of that stuff, then we're not going to move forward, right? And there are gold minds just waiting for us to notice, right? Everything is data as well as energy. So can you take some of those data inputs of your life and notice a theme and a correlation of the types of things that you are avoiding? Perhaps the areas where we procrastinate and avoid the most are the ones that will have the biggest impact for us in our lives. And we're just scared because we don't know what the outcome will be. And maybe we have been programmed with old stories that actually success means a lot of work, or that this is going to change things drastically and not for the better. So again, can we flip that perspective and say, actually it could be really fucking amazing, or it could be really easy, or whatever the story is, flip it on its head and then take that one step to move yourself forward? Because you owe yourself that.

Speaker A [00:15:10]:
You deserve that. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. If this dream was planted inside of you, it was planted inside of you for a reason, and it's worth you meeting it with your energy, or at least exploring it, right? We have full permission to change our opinions all the time, and I think that that's actually a sign of growth. When you're able to change the way you see things, change your perspective and opinion on it, then you're truly growing. So it's okay if the dream that you had when you were in college is so different than the dream that you have now, or even if a week from now, that idea of, I don't know, creating a tarot card deck just doesn't seem as sparkly and amazing anymore. That's okay, you can change your mind and shift to a new dream. But I beg you, do not just switch because you're afraid or switch because you don't want to put in the work. Okay? Every single one of you listening, you know how to work hard when you need to.

Speaker A [00:16:15]:
I think this is another fallacy that has been kind of coming up in the feminine flow world. Is that like, oh, things are just going to be so easy? Yes, to an extent, right? If it's meant for you, maybe the opportunity flowed to you really easily. You didn't have to do anything and the speaking opportunity fell in your lap. But then you have to put in the work to meet its energy. You can't just expect it to all happen without your input. And I think sometimes we get so esoteric and so woo woo that it's like, oh my God, if it's meant to be, it will be. Yes, but you have to fucking do something about it. You can't just sit and wait for the universe to do everything, because that's not how it works.

Speaker A [00:17:01]:
You've got to meet the universe halfway. Like I said at the beginning of the podcast, you have free will, you have choice, and the universe wants to see you exercise that. And then it's going to meet you more than halfway, and then it's going to help things explode in your favor, because it knows that this is a choice that you're making, and something that you actually want. So with that, I hope you're leaving a little bit more inspired to go after that big scary thing and know that you're not alone. If you need someone to cheer you on, I am here. I love working with women one on one as you put together a plan to receive more clarity or figure out what's next for you, what's on the path, let's do that together. And if you're looking for Kundalini yoga or meditations to help you do that in your own home, in your own time, my portal collective online Kundalini and breathwork membership has super short, impactful Kundalini Kriyas meditations to help you move forward. Just like that one that I was talking about at the top of the episode.

Speaker A [00:18:00]:
Thanks so much for being here with me. I love chatting with you guys. I'll see you next week. Be good to one another. I love you. Close.