The Conscious Collaboration

Congratulations you made it through another day!
On days when you’re running on empty, feeling uninspired, or just not at your peak, recognizing the day’s victories can be a game-changer.

Studies say to celebrate your day and to reflect on at least 3 wins in 3 different categories.
We challenge you for the next 7 days to join us in journaling 3 Daily Wins: Physical, Mental, Spiritual.
Why? We hear that and believe that celebrating 3 Daily Wins can improve productivity, outlook, adding more balance and harmony to our hectic lives; and we're here for it!

Wouldn't it be great if life improvements were that simple?

Join conscious collaborators, Emily and Lisa as they talk about their interpretation of 3 Daily Wins, and find out how you can get involved.
Hop into the  Conscious Collaboration Collective on Facebook to share your wins, and to cheer others on.

Talk to ya in 5!
Emily and Lisa

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What is The Conscious Collaboration?

The Conscious Collaboration Podcast brings together entrepreneurs, changemakers, and thought leaders. We aim to highlight the people who embody the idea of aligned mind, body, and business. Each week, we share, discuss, and learn from the various experiences and ideas of our guest experts. Through our discovery, we find a path to aligned mind, body, and business.


Conscious Collaboration brings together entrepreneurs, change makers, and thought leaders. We aim to highlight the people that embody the idea of Aligned Mind, Body, and Business. Each week, we share, discuss, and learn from the various experiences and ideas of our guest experts. Through our discovery, we find a path to an aligned mind, body, and business.


Hi. I'm Lisa.


And I'm Emily. And we are the Conscious Collaboration Podcast. What up, Lisa?


Hey, Emily. How's it going?


It's cool. It's Tuesday. It's it's Tuesday, and, you know?


Tuesday, my new favorite day of the week. Is it? Like, the day it's the day I get everything done. Just everything on a Tuesday.


Yeah. Going up on a Tuesday. Yeah. Word. So today, we're gonna continue with a theme that we've talked about before.


We've talked about celebrating wins, big or small, you know, different reasons for that. It's something that I try to, incorporate in now every conversation with my clients. You know, finding, certainly finding challenges, that they've been facing, but also acknowledging, you know, their wins, at every check-in. So, this this idea of, you know, wins and acknowledging wins can really just help to, you know, kinda keep momentum going, regardless of of what your goals are in fitness, health, and life in general. So with that in mind, I saw a graphic on a social media account that I like.


It's kind of a, I guess, motivational Yeah. I like it. It's gonna be kind of account.


Necessity. Yeah.


Yeah. It's, so and I I think, this, person, the the creator of the account, maybe maybe just wrote a book, I might have seen. So the account is, change your perception. Your is just the you are. So change your perception on Instagram, if you wanna check that out.


It's pretty good stuff. Little little bite size, you know, motivation and insight. So but the, the one in particular that I really liked and kinda wanted to, springboard off of is, where he's talking about 3 daily wins. So evaluating 3 daily wins. So one physical win, one mental win, and one spiritual win.


And I thought it would be cool, to sort of maybe incorporate it as, like, a little mini challenge, for yourself, you know, address and and and document, every day for 7 days, one of each win, and just kinda see what happens, see how you feel, see how it, you know, sets sets the tone for, the following week and and stuff like that. So I thought that we would, kinda go through that, you know, drum up some ideas, for for each category, and, and, yeah, just kinda see what happens there. So first daily win being a physical win. I think this one's pretty, you know, pretty obvious, I guess, pretty self explanatory. So any kind of a workout or exercise would work here.


I don't I don't think it's any mystery what my kinda go to is. You know, of course, I I hit the weights pretty often, but, you know, it's not necessarily to my benefit to hit the weights every day. So even, you know, I try not to have any any 0 days. Right? Like, even even on my rest day, I'm gonna do some walking, some leisurely walking, ideally outdoors, that kind of thing.


Some I teach my, you know, restorative flow on on my restore day. So,


and restorative flow, if you wanna explain that to people that aren't following, and and also work today, they can watch.


Sure. So, it's it's a class that I teach a couple times a week here at the studio, and it's also, streamed for free every Sunday, in a private Facebook group that's called Studio Fam. So if you like free yoga, those classes actually stay in there forever. I livestream them on Sundays, but they're in there forever. So you can just scroll through, and there's actually a couple years' worth of free yoga in there.


And that's studio is spelled s tutieau x. So that's studio fam if you wanna join. But, basically, it's a a a restorative yoga class. Yoga is just more so kind of the vessel of delivery, I guess. I'm really, you know, it's super chill.


You don't actually need to have any yoga experience or knowledge to take the class. I really, you know, try to engineer it to where literally almost anybody could could take the class and and get some value from it. That is my hope. But I incorporate, you know, a lot of the fascia based movement, concepts that I've been studying and and working with over the years. We do a lot of breathing and just activation of the parasympathetic nervous system.


So, you know, great relief for stress and anxiety and, different kinds of pain and and things of that nature. So it's a it's a great way to move your body, you know, without a ton of exertion. And, you know, most of us, in the vein of our, hustle culture, grind culture episode last week, most of us are in dire need of some parasympathetic nervous system activation. So, yeah, so check that class out, if you want. That could certainly fit into your category, to check off a daily physical win.


And, you know, I could argue, that it could fit into the other two boxes as well. Yeah.


I would What about you?


What's your go to physical physical bin?


One, thing that we talk a lot about, of course, coming from the field of feng shui and working with, the environment is taking all walks. And so all walks meaning, like, preferably in nature, but any anywhere outdoors. Not everyone has the ability to to go walk along a beach or, like, you know, in a forest like we do where we live, but just to be outside and to not necessarily be walking for the sake of burning calories, but to really just appreciate nature. And I was just quickly looking at my phone to see because I know I don't know who coined the term, and there's so many articles on the health benefits of taking all walks that it's lost and buried, and it's something that's practiced internationally. But it's just, you know, a way to I think to your point, it can fit into all 3 of these categories, physical, mental, and spiritual.


So They


could, depending on kind of the intention behind it and, you know, how hard you're getting after it and things like


that. So, like, one thing that we like to do is, like, you know, not that we're gonna be super active or anything during it, but we'll take pictures of, like, patterns that we see, you know, if there's the people up north that are taking pictures of snowflakes or ice crystals or leaf patterns or that type of thing. Just really appreciating the cool things that we see that are created in nature. So Yeah.


So maybe you could knock out a couple birds with 1 stone there, but,


But, yeah, I mean, strength training, I I prefer strength training now that I'm not a runner any longer. That's, you know, a great way to start the day. Like you always say, do you you know you can do hard things. So if you can make it through a strength training workout, especially in the beginning of the day, the rest of the day, you can compartmentalize, like, yeah, I can do hard things.


Yeah. For sure. It sets the tone in that way. And I just wanna add, in terms of physical wins, while, yes, you do want to, you know, intentionally, challenge yourself, to a certain degree, with your physical workouts. It it you know, our our physical wins, our workouts should always leave you feeling better at the end.


Right? Even, even an intense strength workout, you shouldn't be approaching these things with, like, a a a punishing sort of mindset where you feel like dead at the end of it. You know what I mean? You know, people will kinda joke, oh, I kicked their ass in in a training session or whatever. But really, that's that's not that's not what we're doing.


Right? We're Yeah. That's actually not working to improve skills of of certain exercises and and mind to muscle connection and and things like that, because the value in exercise does not actually come from, you know, leaving in a pool of sweat and blood and tears and and so We were actually


talking about that yesterday too. Too. I'm not I don't wanna get controversial or anything, but, you know, I've done various different types of workouts throughout the years from things that are in sports training to dance to, you know, boot camp style to boxing to Orangetheory. And, you know, at my age, in my forties, it just doesn't appeal to me as much anymore. Like, there was this one point, like, a short period of time where it would trigger, like, especially when the tracking watches and things started coming out.


It, like, would trigger, like, you know, hit, like, some pleasure center that I burn more calories than I took in today kind of thing. Yeah. And that doesn't appeal to me at all anymore. But really just being able to at least find, you know, 20 minutes, here and there to take walks or to be active or to do something that's not, sitting and designing or or presenting or whatnot is that's a win for me.


Yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely. And it's it's sort of a separate conversation, but just, you know, keep in mind that, our activity is not you know, we don't wanna be using our activity to, like, chase a calorie burn.


Right. Right.


Right. Even even in the case where you're you're immediately in a fat loss phase. Right? So, but, yeah, physical physical win, definitely makes it easier to, carry over and achieve, the other the other wins in my opinion. So, so mental wins, you know, creating something, reading a book or, you know, a document or an article that you're interested in, working on something that you're learning, you know, any of those things, I think, could be considered mental wins, anything where you have to to use your use your brainpower, right, to achieve something.


And, yeah, I I could also argue maybe like a like a mindset win, could kind of fit in there, you know, like, if if there's a certain mindset shift sort of habit that you're working on, or even, like, you you know, like, I did my cold shower this morning, and that was hard. I didn't want to. So which I would consider a mental, you know, a mental, oriented challenge to to overcome. So I think that it's just things that could apply, but but it really if you have to create something with your brain, I think that that's really, where the


The idea. Yeah. Something where the user had space. I think Headspace is even like an app that feeds you, you know, short, digestible books that you can read instead of scrolling. I think it's called Headspace.


I could be wrong. But there's, you know, I think also that that mental part of it too could be using all of your brainpower, like you said, in creating, but also in, like, doing something new, like, presenting or negotiating or, within the business realm. That's a huge, like, mental capacity.




It really you know, like, I'm talking today about coming into this podcast. But before joining you today, like, the beginning part of my day took up so much of my mental capacity that I just had to, like, unplug for a little bit. And a lot of it was because I was trying to figure out things I haven't, you know, necessarily done before, and then also doing a lot of math. I'm gonna put math in there.


Yeah. Well and, you know, I it's context. Because what you it's like, some days, we, you know, it it just depends on what's going on, what what the mental wind could be. Because sometimes the mental wind could be an more of an unplugged situation. Some some days, we're required to use our brainpower so much that it's just, like, draining.


So, yeah, I think in that way, that that one could kinda swing several different ways. I also had a thought, Duolingo. Olivia, my daughter, told me that she and a couple of her little friends, just got Duolingo to learn Japanese.


Yeah. I do Duolingo. It's a it's a daily practice of mine. I think I'm on day, like, 564 or something.


I've I've gone on and off for Spanish several times, and I haven't done it in a while. What language are you doing?


Spanish. You know, that's that's what I learned all through school and, into college. And when we made a trip to go to Costa Rica a couple years ago, I was, like, oh, I really wanna, like, you know, use my best Spanish. And I didn't do a lingo enough to prepare for any of the situations, but it is like it's a it's a daily habit of mine. Even if I just do it for 3 minutes, sometimes I'll do it for, you know, longer than that.


But, it it's something that's, makes you feel like a win because it does, like, a little congratulatory,


lessons. So but I was pretty I was pretty tickled to to hear her say that, and she's like, she she told me a couple words that she had learned and and they're t they teach them the characters too.


Oh, that's cool. I


like that. Yeah. Yeah. There she's really into, Sanrio, so that's why it's like, I thought that's why you would choose Japanese. But, so, yeah, learning a language, I think, would be a really awesome, thing to fit in there.


And then a spiritual win, there are some more obvious choices there, prayer, meditation, going to church, or some sort of, you know, similar type of, service or or meeting, personal development, you know, fill in the blank. That that could be all sorts of different practices. But, you know, and and a lot of this, I think, could be very self defined as well. You know, whatever spiritual and spirituality means to you, I think could definitely fit, could definitely fit that bill. Mhmm.


Yeah. I mean, I think there's a lot of crossovers, for me personally between mental and spiritual, but I think a lot about Sure. Too, like, the intention of our whole podcast is the alignment of of a lot of these components that we're talking about, and how that relates to being a business owner, entrepreneur, or thought leader, visionary. And, but I like how that it's we're using 3 here numerically, and I think that feels like a bigger win when you can go back and reflect on your day. Like, I'm not sure that I'll think about it.


Maybe it's an intentional thing, which so, Emily, I don't know why my camera keeps turning off. Mercury is in retrograde, by the way. Oh, was it? Yeah. That's probably why.


So is this something that we intentionally should start out doing in the day for the 7 day challenge?


Or No. I think it would be a good I think it would be an end of day


thing. Thank you. That would


be a great, way to, you know, go to bed. That's what I think. With with that sorta I think that's like I think that's, like, in the stoic, stoicism philosophies somewhere to, like, you know, acknowledge your your victories or something like that at the end of the day. And, you know, it like, same as setting the tone at the beginning of a day, it sort of puts the punctuation on the end of the day, and and perhaps, you know, might prevent the sort of, thoughts racing at night, kinda thing if if, that's something you tend towards. I'm raising my hand.


Unless there's something that if there's a bucket you didn't complete at the if you can't reflect on something that you did that was physical or mental, and you're going to bed and you're like, oh, now I have to do something physical. I mean, you could do something still. But hopefully, you know, maybe in the 7 day challenge, it becomes a habit.


Yeah. Or, I mean, you could start the day by planning what, you know, what each one is gonna be and acknowledging when you're gonna do that and then and then acknowledging that they've been done at the end of the day. And I think that's just a good way to, because, you know, we're we're talking about just whole person, holistic health. Right? That's what it means.


Just looking at looking at the whole person, And, it's a good way to ensure balance, sorta, in the macro sense, because, you know, it's it's easy enough to kinda lean into one aspect in certain phases of life more so than the other, especially if you're doing some sort of physical pursuit or, you know, doing some sort of learning pursuit where you already are guaranteed to have, you know, certain boxes checked off each day. So I think it's a good way to to make sure that the others, you know, especially if you're if you're doing something like that, to make sure that the others still get, at least some acknowledgment.


Yeah. I like thinking of them as, like, buckets. Like, how much are the because at the end of the day, you probably realize, oh my gosh. I've filled so much into my physical bucket and so much into mental, but what have I done spiritual? But, at the same time, I think that it feeds into that positivity, that positive self talk and programming your brain to see




The good things in a day, that we talk about all the time because it's so easy, like you said, to forget about celebrating even the small wins. So, you know


Well, I think way just to manifest all the things that you're trying to manifest, but, you know, wellness, right, by intentionally being, you know, in this in this energy of, okay. Let me make sure I put at least a drop into each bucket every day, even if it's the tiniest drop. Mhmm. You know what I mean? It just kinda like and especially if we're doing this at the end of the day, like, it's not intended to be like, you know, some rigid structured thing, but just so that we've placed some kind of intention, some kind of draw Yeah.


Into each into each one.


Nice, because it probably is gonna demonstrate to everybody at the end of, you know, the 7 week trial or challenge if you wanna participate that you really do contribute so much into these different areas, so much that maybe they even overflow. But it's so important to have all these components so that you can have the momentum and the energy to spill over into all the other areas. And, you know, your top I I know it's water is kind of thing that comes to mind with filling buckets, but in feng shui, the center of our Bagua map is the holistic health and wellness. So it's all of these components, at the center hub of all the energy. So it holds in place, the wealth, the fame and reputation, relationships, creativity, travel, helpful people, career, self knowledge and wisdom and family.


All those things are all centered with within the center of them are holistic health and wellness. So you can't have all those things, even, you know, blowing in any way without that being nourished. So that's like that. Grounding, earth energy.


Yeah. I think it's just a good, exercise too, you know, as kind of an evaluation because maybe until you are, you know, not forced, but until you decide to sit there and intentionally think about it, you may not realize that, you know, one of your buckets is a lot heavier than the other. So, yeah, I think, like I say, without putting too much pressure on, like, the achievement part of it, it's just a good way to kinda take the temperature and, and see what's going on and and what Mike could use a bit more Yeah. Or a bit less.


I like it. It builds on what we were talking about last episode. You know, it's more of that nourishing yourself, returning to self. And it's so easy to get disconnected and forget that we need to take care of ourselves in any situation. So, I like it a lot.


And I think it'll be a fun challenge. Yeah. Yeah. So I'm gonna are you gonna write yours down in a journal or something? Are we gonna put our homework inside of the Facebook group?


I don't know. Are we? Should we?


I don't know. Maybe we should.


Maybe we should?


We'll we'll see. We'll see if people wanna participate inside of the Conscious Collaboration Collective on Facebook.


Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think it's a good idea. Like I said, I'm doing it with all my coaching clients.


I think it's a good idea to, regularly just check-in with wins in general. So, anytime you wanna share your wins with us, in the Conscious Collaboration Collective on Facebook. We are open and all ears, and we would love to hear about your wins and successes, big and small, physical, mental, spiritual, business, all the above. We wanna hear it.


Yay. Let's do it. Mhmm. It's been fun. Thank you.


I like it. Good topic.


Good topic. Good talk.


Good talk. Bro. So, also speaking about wins, this is episode 99. Right.


Got it.


Double 9. So


I love it. Yeah. Great day for a list of 3.


Yes. It is. So congratulations to us.




And thanks everybody for supporting us in your likes and your shares and your subscribes and, sharing with friends. So love it. Alright, Emily. Love it. Thank you.


Keep it keep it rolling.


Yes. Another 100. Mhmm. Alright. Talk to you in 5.


Talk to you


in 5.


Bye, guys. Bye.


Thank you all so much for listening to our podcast. If you haven't yet, please be sure to subscribe, rate, review, and share with all your friends so they can join our circle of collaboration on this journey. You can find us on Instagram at conscious collaboration podcast, on Spotify, iTunes, and Audible to name a few. Please join us next time for another deep dive into how you can live life in more alignment, mind, body, and business. Send us your questions and comments in our DMs or email us at conscious collaboration podcast


See you in 5 minutes.