Peaches Pit Party

Today's topics include - the prep for vacation next week starts now, a UK tourist got bit by one of King Charles's horses, the Sony Discman is making a comeback, my soda tier list is available on my Facebook, a dude on eBay is selling nostalgic toys for way too much money, France now has a cheese museum, Chic Fil A is no longer America's Best Fast Food Restaurant, and today's To Peach Their Own question - what show doesn't require needing to get through the first few episodes/seasons before it gets good?

What is Peaches Pit Party?

A replay of Peaches Pit Party which you can hear on KBEAR 101 weekday afternoons 2pm - 7pm MST

It's Peaches here, and this is Peach's Pit Party, the podcast. A lot of puh sounds with that title. A replay of today's full show, which you can hear weekday afternoons live on k Bear 101. I hope you like what I have to say. And if not, well, then I'm sorry, not sorry.

Enjoy. Over the weekend, I was annoying my friends by yelling that out. Too many puppies. Primus says my pick of the day here on k barrel 101. We are back at it again.

Hopefully, a shortened week for me this week. I'll be off Friday heading back home for all of next week. The prep starts now for that whole that whole thing with not only the work here, but also all the work, back at the apartment, making sure it is spotless before I leave, and then I'll be back live on Monday, August 4th. Got this week to get through first. You can, of course, reach me at 208-535-1015 on Saturday night instead of cleaning.

I, finished season 4 of the boys on Prime Video. What an awesome show. I am totally drawn to shows overall that make fun of society, and this one always nails it, especially this season. I think that's the reason why I love Deadpool so much, simply because it makes fun of those, stereotypical superhero movies that I'm glad are, you know, dying now. For a while there, there was one right after the other.

It should have ended with Avengers Endgame. But, anyway, I did see a a great question from AskReddit, hence why I started talking about this. What seasons or wait. What show doesn't require needing to get through the first few episodes or slash seasons before it gets good? I'm making my way back to Fallout after finishing the boys.

You know, this weekend, I'm trying to catch up with all the shows that I've been, neglecting. Just some of the answers from the AskReddit page, Mindhunter. Many people were very upset by the cancellation of that one. I always get this word horribly wrong. Is it Chernobyl or Chernobyl?

Band of Brothers was another one or just one of the best TV shows of all time according to a lot of people. I might have to ask this question. What show according to no. What show why do I get this question wrong? What show doesn't require needing to get through the first few episodes slash seasons before it gets good for it to peach their own during the 4 PM hour?

Hey. Coming up, Metallica, architects, and more on Peach's pit party. There's been a lot of talk as of late of tourism, especially in Europe. Well, a tourist in the UK is, you know, likely regretting one stop on her tour of London as, she walked up to one of the guard horses, and the the horse just out of nowhere bit her right in the arm. And she looks she looks like she doesn't necessarily I'm not gonna make assumptions here.

I'm not gonna actually am making an assumption here. But from the looks of it, she doesn't look like she speaks English all that well or can read it, and I totally get that. So there's a sign that she literally stood right under that said, please do not get near the horse. It will kick or bite. And what do you know?

This lady gets bit right in the arm, makes a whole big fiasco out of it, runs back to her family. She's on the ground acting like she just been shot. You know? Oh, wait. There's another lady in the same video that stood right next to the horse in that exact same location and didn't get bit.

Maybe it was something this lady had. I don't know. Maybe this horse also hates tourists. There's been a lot of, anti tourism as of late, like what we saw in Paris. Also, people in Barcelona getting shot with water guns, which, by the way, one of the stupidest things to do.

Really. It's like, oh, let me show these tourists not to come here by getting them with a water gun. Oh, wow. You know, nostalgia is back or the Gen z is obsessed with the late nineties, early 2000. And we're seeing the, return of vinyl, maybe even, know, cassettes are still being sold by most modern bands, nothing more.

Their newest album, Carnal, they have a cassette version of that album. Now if you're a certain age, perhaps old, you you might remember the Sony Discman, that portable CD player. Well, the company has reimagined the old school portable CD player and will soon be releasing their very own called the DM 13. And just like the Discman, it plays CDs 1 at a time. But there are improvements.

You don't have to use wired headphones because this thing is high fidelity wireless, which is cool. I mean, I still use wired headphones. I'm not gonna pay $200 for me to, potentially lose 1 AirPod in the gym. And best of all, about this, DM 13, there's no more need to keep changing the double a batteries because it has a modern built in rechargeable battery with 8 hours of playback per charge. That is nice.

I would love to see the return of CDs. I, myself, have a lot of them. Every single time we have, CDs to give away at any single, cab era modes or even post about, like, recently we gave away the Nothing More Carnal CDs, There's always that one Facebook comedian that goes, what's a CD? Like, they think they're funny for some reason. It's a stupid comment.

I put out that, that tier list of sodas on my Facebook feed just because I wanted to. I think it's more so to annoy those friends that, you know, all say, I only drink water. You know, the the hydro homies. I haven't seen that a lot as of late luckily. It's been more so moved to, other things I should I would I would think, not focusing on only drinking water and spreading that spreading that message?

Let me pull the, tier list back up here. Yeah. Of course. Perfection. Mountain Dew Baja Blast.

I've mentioned that on the show a whole bunch of times. Pepsi, Cherry Pepsi, Virgil's root beer. Those are great. In the amazing category, regular Coke, Cherry Coke, great. You got the root beers in there.

You got Doctor Pepper in there. Now I I really wanted to make an overrated category and put orange soda in there. I'm not a fan at all of orange soda. I would much rather drink a lot of other sodas than Fanta Orange, Sunkist. I like other Fanta flavors like pineapple, strawberry a whole lot more than orange.

That's for sure. But there's been a lot I haven't tried yet. And as per usual, when I look at the comment section wait. You haven't tried LiveWire yet? Well, it's in the if it's in the haven't had yet category, guess what?

I haven't tried it yet. Of course, my buddy James, who have he was like, where's water on this list? And I said it was in the invisible category called essential. Of course, I'm drinking water, but it's okay to have soda every once in a while in moderation, of course. That's that go to phrase, everything in moderation.

If you wanna check out my soda tier list, go to my Facebook profile at Brendan Peach. Well, fans of the FX docuseries, welcome to Rexam. Is that how you say it? Rexham? Rexam?

Won't have to wait for a new season to air to see the team owned by Ryan Reynolds and Rob is it McIlhenny or McIlhenny? In action, CBS Sports has signed a deal to air English Football League matches on the CBS Sports Network, Paramount Plus, and the CBS Sports Galazo Network. The EFL includes league 1, which, Wrexham were were promoted to at the end of the last season. The broadcast start the weekend of August 9th. The Major League Baseball regular season started up all over started up again over the weekend, and some teams attempted to get more people to the ballpark by introducing new food items.

For example, the Colorado Rockies created a dish inspired by spaghetti and meatballs. That's actually ice cream and donuts. Only right here in America do you see something like that. Polar pasta features vanilla ice cream with donut holes, strawberry syrup, and mint, and the Kansas City royals won for the fences with their, taste of the k taco. It's a hot dog wrapped in a cheeseburger quesadilla topped with barbecue brisket, fries, lettuce, pickled onion, sriracha, Cracker Jacks, and barbecue sauce.

That definitely sounds like something I would try. Again, only here in America do you see that. And then on Friday, all eyes will be on Paris when the Summer Olympics start. It'll be a success for many people, including the athletes and spectators. It only comes around, you know, once every 4 years.

It's something to watch, but it's looking like the games might be a financial disaster. Paris is the most visited city in the world. Instead of boosting tourism, it seems the Olympics are keeping tourists away. These tourists will wait until the chaos of the Olympics is over, which is making it difficult for France to recover the billions it spent getting Paris ready Paris ready to host all the events. Isn't the Summer Olympics in 2028 going to be in Los Angeles?

It's one of the worst places to host the games. Los Angeles parking is already bad enough. I can't imagine if you have tourists from all over the world showing up to Los Angeles and seeing what a real dump it is. Watch the California governor, shockingly clean up the city right before the Olympics start, and then admit he did that, like, just like he did with San Francisco when the, when, those, high up people were showing up. He's like, oh, we we cleaned up San Francisco right before these people showed up here.

Again, that I I don't wanna get into politics here. That does it for your shot clock sports update right here on k barrel 101. We, I briefly mentioned, nostalgia not too long ago. Craig Andrews is one of these dudes that's, selling your childhood toys for 100 of dollars online. He's been selling on eBay since its early days.

He, realized that reselling toys was lucrative when he was just in college. And while he originally made 500 about $500 per year with his, side hustle, business boomed in 2020 during the pandemic. He had sold, toy grills, ice cream machines, McDonald's Happy Meal toys, vintage board games, and more. I really don't like these people. To resell these old fashioned toys, people just wanna have that feeling of nostalgia, and they can't get it because you got people like this guy who are like, well, you wanna buy your old, Lincoln Logs?

Give me 4 bands. It's so stupid. I I I really wanted to, get back into playing Pokemon on my Game Boy Color that I still have. My parents were able to get me 1, get me another one years back for Christmas, and it's the transparent, Game Boy Color. And I can't get any of the Pokemon games simply because if you try finding them anywhere online, few $100 for one of the copies.

Or if you do find a cheap copy, magically, it can't save. You gotta get that fixed somewhere, and you have no idea where you can find a place that can fix that type of thing, it's just annoying. D k oldies is another one of those businesses that does the, the they they resell old favorite games for the GameCube, p s 1, p s 2, all the systems for a ridiculous amount of money. There was one time I went to a pawnshop, and we saw me and my friend saw a, copy of one of those old games. We're like, hey.

How much is this, particular game? $96 for a game that's 20 years old. No thanks. I don't know why there's a whole article in the radio prep here about France's cheese museum that is now open, the Musee the Musee Du Fromage, finally open and get this allows visitors to immerse themselves in the practices of French cheese making. There are interactive exhibits, workshops, and, of course, a creamery and cheese shop.

It would be good to get some expensive cheese and try it out in France. You know? Really immerse myself like it says right there. The Museum collaborates with farmers, which I do like that. Charges a little over $21 per adult.

That's quite expensive per adult. That's quite expensive for a cheese museum. I do like the wacky museums we have here in the United States. Is there a whole thing online to go see the wackiest museums in, each state here in the US. The wackiest museum in each state.

Is there a whole list of them online? There's the Spam Museum. Where's that at? Austin, Minnesota? I don't know.

Minnesota had an Austin. Of course, there's the Idaho Potato Museum. There's the, Bunny Museum in California. The International Banana Museum Banana Museum in Mecca, California as well. You can make a museum out of anything now.

The museum, the National Museum of Funeral History. The one that I've always wanted to go to, and I really don't wanna go this time of year, is the neon museum in Las Vegas. It's extremely hot over there because, you know, Las Vegas is in the desert. The Neon Museum, I have for some reason, I have an obsession with neon signs. I just love them.

Always wanted to go to the Neon Museum. Chick Fil A, no longer America's best fast food restaurant. They were, they take they said they took over the top spot on USA Today's 10 best reader's choice awards for 9 straight years, but didn't keep the streak alive on the, latest finding. Turns out Del Taco got number 1. There's only 1 in this area.

It's in Rexburg, and, it is delicious, but I I don't have it all that often anymore only because it's so far away. You know? I I I used to have a Del Taco growing up right by my parents' place. I would go there quite a lot. Their food is always always great.

I might have some of my week trip next week, the back back home. Another chicken restaurant, KFC, got 2nd place, which is, it's pretty surprising. Chick Fil A dropped that much. In my honest opinion, I don't wanna make the Chick Fil A fanatics upset. I think it is the most overrated fast food restaurant.

People always say, well, In N Out is the most overrated? Chick Fil A. 100%. And I've tried their food many times. I'm not like a, you know, a person here in Idaho who's never stepped foot inside and In N Out just saying it's overrated just because it's a California restaurant.

No. I'm saying Chick Fil A after many times eating those sandwiches, not my go to. Just my personal opinion. Alright? To peach their own with this one.

I just love the fact that we're going bigger and bigger with these Halloween decorations. The 12 foot tall skeletons back at Home Depot, I talked about that on Friday last week. And now I see here, since the, Beetlejuice movie is coming out here soon, there is now a massive Beetlejuice 25 foot inflatable that can be yours for double the price of the, 12 foot tall skeleton. It's gonna cost you $600. It's not a real statue.

It's just an inflatable. Like I said, it's a 25 foot tall inflatable that'll certainly have you standing out, this Halloween. I'm all for it. I like this sort of thing. Why not have a 50 foot tall Michael Myers, 100 foot tall Freddy Krueger?

The bigger, the better when it comes to Halloween, decorations. It's one thing to get a tattoo. It's a whole other thing to get a face tattoo, and then it's even a whole other thing to to get your eyeballs tattooed. And you see these types of people, I would say, more frequently now, getting their faces tatted, their eyeballs tattered, even the thought of putting a needle near my eye as my eyes watering as I'm doing this break. It just it it would be so incredibly painful.

And even thinking about how the the oh, how the needle can, like, puncture your eye. This, Australia's, most tattooed woman has gone temporarily blind getting her eyeballs tatted. She calls herself the blue eyes white dragon. She attended the, Brisbane Expo on Saturday. She has no she has 250 tattoos along with multiple piercings implants.

Yeah. Looking at her. She is definitely covered, and I mean covered. Oh, they have a close-up on her eye. I did not need to see that.

She has yellow pupils and just dark blue oh, okay. I'm I'm gonna stop looking at this. And now this is today's what the headline. Once again, a Florida man in the news, he allegedly binge ate candy and other items while locked inside a Walgreens. Security footage shows, Christopher Morgan entering the Walgreens about 20 minutes before it closed, and Walgreens usually closes pretty late.

He went into the restroom, didn't come out until close to 3 o'clock in the morning. After his 5 hour bathroom break, he allegedly walked around the closed store, ate chips, dip, Reese's chocolates, Doctor Pepper, Ghirardelli chocolate bars. And then he just said, I came in here to use the restroom, which is what he told off officers after he was, as he was being arrested. Sure. 5 hours in the bathroom?

Yeah. Right. Pretty soon, I'll be traveling, of course. On Friday, I'll be, heading home for for the week for doing a Friday to Friday trip, coming back, and then enjoying the weekend, getting back to the the workflow or get my mind back into Idaho mode, if that makes sense. Not this weekend, but the next one.

And I was hearing this, story on another radio show this morning about how, how a traveler got through TSA with coconuts in his bag, and he was allowed to do so even though they have, liquids inside of them just because they're in coconuts. You know the TSA rule is that you can't take anything that has more than 3 fluid ounces in it. You can't take, shampoos or conditioners, a water bottle, for instance, none of that. You can't put that in your backpack. They'll they'll just take it away, confiscate it, yell at you.

But even though a coconut can hold up to 32 ounces of coconut water inside of it, you're allowed to take that. And what this traveler did is that he has a metal straw, one of those reusable metal straws, pokes it into the soft spot of the coconut, and just drinks it that way. I would say that that's incredibly weird to pack coconuts into a suitcase. If I was working for TSA and just, you know, I opened up a bag that had coconuts in it, I would feel like that'd be more so used as an attempted weapon on the airplane than somebody's, healthy beverage. What?

Like, what? You're too good for regular water? You need to have coconut water directly from the source? And you have one of those metal reusable straws, which I would say is better than those paper straws they tried giving you most of the time, but still, a metal straw and a coconut, I'd be afraid of that person using both of those either of those as weapons on the plane rather than just poking it in and having a nice healthy bev. I discussed this at the beginning part of the show, this, question on AskReddit that I'm going to ask right now for to peach their own because I wanna know basically your, TV show suggestions.

What show doesn't require needing to get through the first few episodes or seasons before it gets good? I want something that's right to the action. The boys, that very first episode, right to the action. The TV show you, right to the action. Stranger Things, right to the action.

You get the point. I talked about how Mindhunter was at the top of this list. Chernobyl, band of brothers. Orphan Black starts at 100 miles per hour and just speeds up from there is what one of the, answers says on, ask Reddit there. Oh, reservation dogs.

Only 3 seasons, and it just finished this fall. Dog face from here in the area in Idaho Falls was on that show. That's awesome. And then there's fallout on this list too, which is the, next show that I'm hopefully going to finish, but I wanna hear your suggestions at 208 535-1015. What show does not require needing to get through the first few episodes or seasons before it gets good?

Call in right now for The Peach Their Own. Hey, KBR 101. How are you? Doing good. Hey.

I heard you talking about series, and I had wondered if you ever heard of the series From? No. What's it on? I actually watch it on what's called Letflix, l e t flicks, like Netflix, but Letflix. And it's, it's kinda like, oh, let's see.

Do you remember the mood the the series Lost? Yes. It's kinda like that, but in zombie style. Sounds interesting. I like that.

Yeah. So I just was wondering if maybe you'd heard of it. No. I'll put that down on my list of, TV shows to watch because there's, there's a lot of them out there. Yeah.

I watched, I watched the series 1, but I'm trying to figure out how to watch series 2 because it's not on Netflix. You can't you'd probably have to buy it somewhere or do something dumb with it. Yeah. Just wondering if you had heard of it or not. K Bear 101, you're on the show.

So to answer your, question there, I got 2 of them for you. Okay. Lost was one of them that I was hooked from episode 1, and The Walking Dead. Yeah. My dad heavily watched The Walking Dead.

I never joined him for whatever reason. I don't know if I was over zombies at that point or what it was. Well, The Walking Dead, where they've done all these, run offs on it now, it's gotten even better and better because they've incorporated characters from the original series into these spin off series. Which technically means, hey, we made a lot of money. Let's just go ahead and try to make more money.

208-535-1015. What show doesn't require needing to get through the first few episodes slash seasons before it gets good? Just scrolling more of, AskReddit here, season 1 of True Detective. I like how they're specific with just season 1. Severance, I was immediately hooked.

Wasn't there that, TV show on, Netflix? Was it manifest where the the plane disappeared? Well, they were in the they were in the air for what was, considered to be a normal flight. But when they got back down to the ground, everybody was freaking out that 5 years had passed, and they somehow were alive and came back the way they were when they left. It's a very unique unique story with that TV show.

I meant to finish it. I, for some reason, had a friend over when I was watching the one of the first few episodes, and we were having this massive, massive argument because I thought it was selfish of the lady just to move on that fast when she was married. And then all of a sudden, you know, she's remarried to a whole new guy. I thought that was selfish. She was like, well, no.

It's not actually you would move on that fast. It was this whole argument back then, and I think I stopped watching it after that specific episode. It's very weird. 208-535-1015. What show doesn't require needing to get through the first few episodes or seasons before it gets good?

Let me know. Hey, K Bear. How's it going? Good. How are you, Peter?

I'm doing fantastic. What show doesn't require needing to get through the through episodes or first few episodes slash seasons before it gets good? Dexter, for sure. I don't know if you saw that one or not. Yeah.

That's like the, the the precursor to that show, You. Like, I've heard many people say Dexter is, before You and also better than better than the series You. It was amazing from start to finish. And then also, Mad Men? I don't know if you saw it.

With with Jon Hamm? Yes. Yeah. That's another good one. Good one.

Good one. And then also kind of weird, but Nurse Betty, I watched I got sucked into that through the whole thing. I feel like that's something like Victor would watch out of nowhere or or some that that name just sounds like something some series Victor would watch. Because he watches a lot of TV, I found out. I don't I don't think that guy does anything besides just sit there and watch TV shows.

And and play his guitar for an hour a month. Yeah. Exactly. Exactly. I saw this article pop up, and it could it it could be worthy of, cue the outrage on, Victor's show tomorrow morning.

I'll go ahead and send this article to him and say, hey. Look at the comments section from East Idaho News on their Facebook page about a man who was, charged after reportedly throwing 11 electric scooters in the Snake River. You look at this guy, and he's sort of smirking in his mugshot like, hey. You let me out. I'm about to do it again.

That type of thing. And all the comments are, you know, in support of the guy. Most some comments are in support of the guy. I shouldn't say all of them. But then, you get people who are saying, hey.

You that's disgusting. I I love how there's the the word disgusting is being overused in modern society. This person right here, why are we throwing things like this in our river disgusting? For a little while there on Facebook or any other, social media pages or any other social media platforms, people were saying do better. Like, somehow, some way, people would see that and go, oh, okay.

Just because this person said do better. I'll do better. And I'm I'm reading more of these comments here. And Pie Hole got into the the comments section here but talking about how these scooters are all over downtown. They're privately owned.

The downtowners use them to get around and have fun. They get charged and fixed up by the owner and the maintainers. When they need it, they are essentially a small local business. I I'm I'm thinking of 1 of 2 things. This guy was, like, somewhat drunk and was like, you know what?

I hate these scooters. Watch me do this type of cool thing with them and chuck them in the river. I'll show them. Or he just did that with no alcohol necessary and was like, I don't like these scooters at all. I'm just gonna throw them in the river and pretend they just disappeared.

I wonder how many of those things have been stolen. I really wanna know. This is a there's there's some heavy debate here in the comment section. Heavy, heavy debate. I wanna keep reading this.

Thanks for listening to Peach's Pit Party, the podcast. If you enjoy the show, please share, subscribe, and rate the podcast. Peach's Pit Party is hosted by me, Peaches, in his production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information or to contact the show, visit Until next time, Peach out.