Clydesdale Media Podcast

Today we had the Standard, a bunch of burpees and a one rep max Front Squat.  The day was filled with anger, tears and joy as with cuts today ended for a large number of athletes.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What is going on, everybody?

Welcome to Sunday Night

CrossFit Talk on a Saturday night.

Hope you're here for the

start of college football season.

That's where we're going to

break down the Penn State

West Virginia game.

No, not really.

We are here to talk Masters, Masters,


It was day three in Birmingham, Alabama.

It was cut day at the end of

the third event today.

Half the field got cut.

And so a little drama there.

I got to talk to a few

athletes who were done.

Most of the athletes in that

cut area did not expect to

make it beyond that.

And many of them had tears

of joy as of what they

accomplished getting there

and being able to compete again.

at the crossfit games uh and

we got some of that for the

behind the scenes on video

which is really cool and

can't wait to share that so

carolyn you watched the

live stream I was stuck in

the back room most of the

day uh so you're gonna have

to be my eyes and ears as

to what happened on the

floor uh but we had three

events and it started with

the good old standard

Yeah, I mean,

this is a classic CrossFit event,

and it was really fun to watch.

I was so impressed by Will Morad,

who went sub-eight, I think, in that one,


he's just on fire this weekend.


like this is one I knew he would do well,

but he's also surprised me

like yesterday with the echo bike one.

Like he did,

he's not one of the bigger guys there,

but he obviously has a

great capacity and he's been very,

very impressive this weekend.

Um, on the female side,

I think it was Nizzler if

I'm not mistaken that had won that one.

Let me check that.

We'll check.

It's a safe bet to say she won that one.

Cause she's,

I think she won most things today,

but yeah.

So she won that one just

under sub sub ten.

Like most of the men finish that workout,

about half of the female

finished that one for the

thirty five to thirty nine,

maybe five or six of the

females for the forty to forty five.

And then I think one female finished

with the adjusted reps on,

I think they go to twenty

five reps like in the forty

five to forty nine.

I think it was just Val that

finished that one.

So definitely a little bit

different of a work,

not different of a workout, but.

The men's field just are

finishing most of the

workouts and you're getting

lucky if half of the field

on the woman's side is

finishing some of these workouts.


Some of the time caps have

been a little bit tighter

on the female side for sure.

But that was a fun one to watch.

I would have liked to have

done that event.

I liked that one.

If you're a fan of the show,

our very own Jamie Latimer

definitely did better than

she thought she would do on that event.

She came off the muscle-ups

about a minute ahead of

where her plan was and her practice was.

So with that,

she got the sense that she

had a shot to finish.


So stinking close.


It's like an extra minute

would have made a big difference.

Like there was a lot of females, like,

like in the thirty five to

thirty nine within that,

like eleven to twelve.

And there's some of them just, you know,

they just need another minute extra.

I just felt like that twelve

was just kind of that field

a little bit shy.

But yeah, Jamie got.

Top ten on that one.


Uh, yeah, somewhere in there.


Eighth place.

She was just excited about

her performance there,

that that's what she was talking about.

Um, and we know she's going through it,

like, you know,

her shoulders been taped up all weekend.

And so ring muscle up is not

a move that you want to do

when you have any type of

shoulder issues.

So for her to, you know,

snatch ring muscle up and

then the clean and jerk,

that's a lot on the shoulders.

So yeah, that's,

that's a great finish for her.


And her, her grace look great.

Like really great.

So awesome there.

A lot of people look great.

Val Vobrol has been looking good all day.

Really extended her lead in

the forty five to forty nine.

Andrea Nistler is just what she's doing.

We've talked about last night.

She had a baby in March, mid-March,

and she is obliterating the

expectations of what

postpartum means for some people.

And that is it's crazy.

It's nuts.


It's not the, it's not the norm.

Definitely not the norm.

Val took a hit on that last

front squat one though.

She's in third place right now.

So actually a Canadian friend,

Deanna Posey is in first place right now.


Yeah, I know Kelly Friel had fallen back.


Kelly Kelly's in second and Val's in



Kelly was in third, moved up to second.

Deanna moved up to first.

Val drops to third.

But Tamar's workout is a very Val workout.

Yeah, there's still, I mean,

Val's got seven,

thirty six points and Deanna,

who's in first, has seven fifty six.

So you got, you know, twenty points there.

How many events tomorrow?

Two events left.

So still some points.

But yeah,

so it's going to be it's going to

be a good finish.

That's for sure.

CrossFat says,

I think this is a hundred

times more than I've paid

attention to Masters in the

moment compared to any other year.

Same here.

The fact that they're separated,

I've been able to

appreciate all of the

divisions and masters way

more than I would when the

individuals are competing at the games.

I agree.

I think that part is cool if

they wouldn't put the teens

and the masters on at the same weekend.


And I'm going to talk about

that a little bit later

because I think there's a

lot of reasons why that needs to change.

Not just,

I think that it's hurting the

sport in some ways.

So CrossFit also asked,

does Andrea make another go

as an Indy next year?

I don't think she ever

wanted to be an Indy athlete.

And she just did this year

for fun because she was having a baby.

Like all this is a surprise to her.



it's hard to know also like

things change every year um

programming wise or just

where you are at in in life

like as her kid gets older

she might you know just

want to be like like even

more involved as like the

baby's able to do more you

know so it's just it's just

hard to know what what

she'll want to do does she

have the ability to to go

individual absolutely like

she's she's stud she's

she's so good so uh it'll

just be where you know what

she wants to do and but

she's crushing it yeah you

mentioned will morad

killing it um the the men

on the forty to forty four

uh jonathan edel I think is

the guy in the lead he won

by ninety seconds wow

that's a big that's a big one

And I think he competed may

have beaten will more ads time.


Yeah, that's it.


On which workout?

Uh, the standard.

No, no, I was wrong.

No, he got ten minutes and, uh,

will was sub eight.

So do it.



No, we'll,

we'll have the top time of the day.

No one,

no one's touching Will's time on

that one.


So I talked to Will today in the back.

I'm not going to say what we talked about.

Cause it's a really good

piece that I want to be in

the behind the scenes.

But man,

what a perspective that dude has

right now.

And it's really cool.

Is he fully healthy right now?

He looks obviously fully healthy,

but does he still have

anything from his hip flexor?

It's something in the hip.

I don't think it's a hundred percent.


I don't want to give too much away

because he talks about all

of that in the behind the scenes.

Well, he got a twenty fourth on the lift.

So I would assume if

something was to bother him,

it might be like a heavy front squat.


Anything squatting is is is painful.


So he took a little bit of a

decrease in that workout.

Um, but I mean, he had such a huge lead.

He still has almost a hundred point lead.

Like he has ninety seven

point lead with two events to go.

So he's pulling a Tia going

into the final day right

now is what it's looking like.

Well, there's only one event to go.

He's got it locked up, right?

Like there's only one.

They only have one on Sunday.



No, they've done eight events.

Don't they have ten events?

They did nine today.

Nine was the front squad.

Oh, that's right.

They are nine.

Yeah, one event to go.

So, yeah,

he's Tia Claire to me right now

going into the final event.

Yeah, cool for him.

Like he's been around a long time.

He's put in the work.

So only one event on Sunday?

Like they couldn't have put two there?

Yeah, I don't know.

It's all done at like noon tomorrow.

It's crazy getting people to

stay like an extra night for one event.

So a lot of money.


And I don't know like

logistically how that's

going to work because today

when they didn't have, you know,

we talked about the crowds

kind of being really good

today because not all three

floors were running at the same time.

Like some of the floors were

just overcrowded because

they didn't plan for

that number of people at each floor.

And the stands are so small.

Like they fill up quickly.

And the people had no place

to go when they're only

running two floors.


I mean, the teams tonight,

because they were running

front squats on floor three, maybe one.

I don't know.

And then the main floor with

the big rig was teams.

It was packed over there

just because nobody could

get into where the front squat was.

And tomorrow, with less athletes competing,

maybe they're going to be

watching the event for the

last day so you could see

the most amount of fans tomorrow,

unless some of them go home.


I know a lot of people are

trying to get out of their

hotel room for tomorrow

night so they can start back early.

if I could do that,

I would do it in a heartbeat.

But yeah.

Katie Robbert, Then the second event today,

the eight minute one,

the first thing that caught

my eye was the difference

in the barbells distance.


I, as an athlete,

I would think about there's

an advantage at first.

I was like, okay,

there's an advantage on the closer bar.

And then I saw that they

were making them face the other way.

And then we had discussed this privately,

even with Jamie,

that we felt like the

turning around and then

twice turning around on the last burpee,

you had to go over the bar

and then turn and go back to the rig.

Like there was just

differences in half of the

field in terms of the

the timing, um, in a very quick event.

Like this is another event

where most of the men finished and, um,

wasn't the case on the female side.

Like, so again, that quick time cap is, um,

hurting the females more so than,

than the men on here.

But, um,

yeah, that, that one was super fast.

Another fast workout.


it looked like the transitions played a


I thought it was interesting

that they allowed the step over,

but if you want to take the

judging out of the picture,

I guess that's what you can do.

Some athletes chose to step over the bar.

The faster athletes were doing, you know,

staying low to the ground

and pushing the burpee pace,

jogging to the pull up bar

for the toaster pull up for

the toaster bars.



so I felt like that workout was one a

lot on the transitions and

how much you're being

aggressive there and then

just being able to pick up

the barbell right away.

Yeah, watching it live,

forcing someone to turn

twice was not a fair

substitute for a little bit shorter lane.

Just watching it, I'm telling you like,

When someone's faster on the movements,

they should be winning the race.

But because of the transitions,

they were behind.


It's like that one year at

the games when you had the

shoulder to overhead and

differences in the blocks.

And I was like,

this is an advantage for

the people that have the closer block.

And you didn't have to turn

or anything like that.

You could just go.

It was like an extra rep

every time almost.

Not for me because mine sucks.

Just think about it.

Think about coming up from

your burpee and jumping

over the bar and running

straight to the rig versus

jumping up and over, stopping,

turning around,

going back over the bar and

then running to the rig.

That is not equitable to ten feet.

Was it ten feet?

It didn't look like it was ten feet.

I don't know.

I understand what you're saying.


Yeah, that's something that

It's hard to know running

from the rig and just being

able to pick up the bar.

It was one rep.

So you didn't have to like, it was heavy,

but you didn't have to set up and,

and others had to run, jump the bar,

turn around,

then set up and lift to do

that twice in every round

where the other person gets

to run straight is not

equitable to the distance.


so we ended up saying that the

further bar was actually

more of an advantage than

the closer bar with the two

turnarounds that they had to do.

One on the clean,

one on the last burpee to head back.



So that was a crazy race.

The other thing that was

tough is because it was so many rounds,

I think it was eight rounds,

A lot of people,

you couldn't tell where they finished.

So from a spectator point of view,

it wasn't awesome.

But when people were finishing,

the race was fun.

And again,

I think it's your point about

the time caps being more appropriate.

Mostly just the female side this weekend.

Like the men has been pretty

much pretty close to fine

the whole way where most of

the field is finishing.

Like you're getting thirty

athletes finishing out of the forty,

which is fine.

But you're getting a lot of

workouts this weekend in

various age groups where

one to eight females are finishing.

Versus thirty something from it,

and I get the women are

competing as the woman, but.

I don't know.

I would like to see more of

the females finish the workouts.


I agree with you.

I think they would have been

more exciting finishes

because they would have

been allowed to finish and

you would have seen the run to the end.


like it sucks always getting time

capped at an event.

Your goal is always to finish the workout.

So when you get time capped

almost every workout,

but you're finishing like twelve,

that's not in a field of forty.

It's not fun.


So then they finished up

with front squat max.

One thing that I found

interesting here is if you missed a lift,

you had to strip the bar to nothing.

before you could re-rack it.

So you couldn't do it just

down to like

one-thirty-five or

one-twenty-five and clean

it up to the bar.

You had to go down to a bare

bar to re-rack it.


I mean, we saw some great numbers.

What impressed me was the

numbers in Jamie's division

of forty to forty-five,

forty to forty-four, sorry,

were better than the

thirty-five to thirty-nines at the top.

That's crazy.

Like you would think with age,

like you're not like,

that shouldn't be a

stronger division than the

one that's younger,

but they had the same top.

And there was more people at

the top with heavier

weights all the way until like.

Seventeenth or nineteenth

place in the thirty five to thirty nine,


sucks for jamie because

she's in a loaded division

that just has crazy

strength um but yeah

impressive numbers on both

the men and female side I

thought paul trombone was

gonna get that four fifty

five there at the end he

was so close like right at

the top and then boom just

dropped it um but yeah

CrossFit says caps without

timing chips stink.

No split times where we end

up with log jams at certain reps.


And we had a lot of ties too

for the weights for the

front squats because there

was no like one pounders

and stuff like that.

So sometimes you have six or

seven people at the same

weight with no no tiebreaker on it.

So and

Without the time chips,

it's also hard on the finishes.

You're relying on split seconds.

Like I think I had heard,

I think it was Sean or

Tommy say that Andrea had

lost a couple workouts just

by like not even a second

over the weekend.

And you don't even know,

do you look back on video, maybe like,

Maybe she actually wins.

Like you don't know what

these stopwatches.

That's one of the things I'd

like to see change in the

future is always some sort

of chip system.

And the stopwatch is a backup.


That's how it generally is.

The four fifty front squat

and thirty five to thirty

nine by Woodard.


Paul Tremblay tried to top it and

just couldn't finish.


it looked like he had passed his

sticking point, too,

and I thought he was right there,

and then, yeah, just lost it.

So one of the things I

wanted to bring up about

Pitt and Masters going in

the same weekend is,

and I'm not sure people

thought about this,

but you're diluting the

talent pool of the volunteers, right?

So the volunteer judges, you know,

when you're at the games,

even in the old days with

ten in each master's group

and ten in the teen

division and a full games field,

you needed less judges than

you needed just the masters.

Now you add Pitt,

who's expanded their field,

and now you're –

you're outside of your

normal tub of judges and

you're reaching for new people.

And I think that's becoming

more and more evident as

the weekend goes on.

Very inconsistent in some cases.



And I know there's a lot of

good judges out there.

And that, you know, when I was,

I hated when people dogged us,

but when you bring it,

we have to bring in a whole

fresh batch that may have

never done it at this level.

Like that's a lot to ask.

It is.

So not only are we diluting

the volunteer pool,

we're diluting the streams.

We're diluting the sponsorships.

like we're diluting so much

of this because they're on

the same weekend.


I was trying to watch the

teens like in between, like, you know,

sometimes I'd be like, Oh, this,

this heat is ahead or like, you know,

in this amount of time I'd

flip over the teens,

rewind quickly to see the, the,

the teens go and then come back and yeah,

you're, you're playing catch up.


it's just hard to have your

attention and in both comps and,

and try to follow like, like, like,

like we said,

like we're following the

masters right now more than

we've ever done.



and I'm sure that we would have

followed the teens if it

was the same weekend.


If the teens wanted to go

another weekend and we're

going to follow the teens, that's,

I guess that's fine as well,

but both on the same

weekend just doesn't work just too hard.

Like the, the viewership is split in half.

Yeah, Grant, you're late.

And we've already talked

about Will being a beast

and the standard in seven forty.


Try and catch up.

And when you hear the piece

where I talk in the behind the scenes,

you'll see where I talk to him.

The way he talks about it,

you're even going to be more blown away.

He didn't even look tired, though.

Like he just walked to the

finish line and was like, yeah, OK.

I mean,

if you're trying to compare that

standard to the one of the

games in twenty nineteen,

you also can't because his

transitions like the

transitions of the Masters

here are much shorter than

the ones that they had to

do in twenty nineteen.

He was, I think,

in that final in those

final ten athletes of twenty nineteen.

But he had, I think,

a pulled hamstring or something that year,

if I remember.

And I don't know if he got to do it.

I think he was injured, but he had,

he had made it pretty far.

Um, may have had an injury, but the way,

the way the floor was for the,

for the standard back then

you had to move your bar up

every little bit.

Then you had the rigs.

I think he had multiple rigs

and then you had the

snatches at the end where you moved up.

So I think one of the

reasons that you were able

to see some time,

like his time goes sub eight one,

he's fit.

Like he is just,

he's dominating this weekend.


but having a a smaller floor

so I I think it's hard to

compare but um super

impressive but what's

lacking from it and people

said this forever is like

the crossfit games is great

at telling a story and if

you haven't done that this

floor does not do that

It doesn't tell the story of

the event because it's hard

to follow who's in first.

When barbells don't move for thirty reps,

you have no idea what rep people are on.

That echo bike thing was

awesome if they were at a

counter where you could see.

Grubb at forty eight years old,

eight thirty.

I think his reps are changed, though,

aren't they?

Or is it just the females

that that lowered the reps?

I don't know.

I know that the females,

I think at some point they

go to twenty five reps instead of thirty.

I would have to double check that,

but that's very impressive.

I have it.

Yeah, they had.

So for Grubbs division,

they had twenty five, twenty five.

So a little bit different on

the reps you're losing.

Yeah, some reps there.


That's hard to compare, but yeah.


it's just hard because they got to do

the reps basically on the spot.

So you're just moving for that.

There's no moving of the barbell.

You can't see where you are in the race.

There's nothing at the end

of the lane that gives any indication.

Even on the echo bike yesterday,

that white...

board that they had like you

still couldn't even see on

the stream what number was

placed on it versus like a

colorful thing would have

been more useful I think it

would just help also the

broadcast team too right

like they're like they're

doing their best trying to

figure out who's in the

lead and trying to get the

information probably sent

to them and but they're

making it hard on on the

broadcast team to know

who's in the lead right like

Because first of all,

there's a lot of athletes on the floor,

ten and ten.

You're looking both ways and

you're not seeing any bar progression.


I talked to Tommy a little bit today,

and he was saying that it's

a production they're not

really used to because of all the floors.

And so with that,

they lost a little bit of

the information they get

during a broadcast.

So usually they get stuff

pumped into their ears as

to what's going on.

And I don't think they were

getting that fully this weekend.


because the floors changed and like

Tommy and Lauren would call

one floor and Chase and

Sean were calling another

floor and they couldn't

cross paths or whatever, but yeah.

And that must be difficult to, to,

to call the same workout for hours,

like all the different heats, all like,

even just to have two new people come in,

like with just, cause you could just tell,

like, they're just trying,

they're trying not to

repeat the same thing, but it's hard.

Like it's,

you have all those heats that

need to come through and

you're literally just repeating.

Like it's, it's different.

There's a lot of divisions

for the masters.



I actually heard from spectators today.

They actually liked the three floors.

Could they, cause they could watch,

they could switch during

the day back and forth.

And so they weren't sitting

watching the same event

over and over again.

They could run over and

watch event seven and then

watch event eight and then

go back and get a little bit more seven.

And, you know, so yeah.

All right.


before we go through the leaderboards

and kind of tell who's doing what,

I'm going to show you one

quick clip that I got today

for the behind the scenes,

just to give you kind of a

little preview of what we're looking at.

I thought it was a fun, fun clip.

So here we go.

Hopefully you can hear this.

I can't hear it.

There's no volume on my side.

Oh, shoot.

All right.

So what she's saying there

is those red socks she's

putting on are her game

socks from twenty fourteen

that she was issued back then.

And and she was wearing them

for good luck on the front squat.

And she was wearing her

twenty fifteen lifters that

she got at the games.

Sometimes it's like that.

If you have like a certain

shoe that you are like outfit,

but you can't wear the

outfit and you just feel good.

You had your PR.

You're just trying to get

that energy that you had in that moment.

So, yeah.

And, and she don't,

she's only made the games four times,

but her first couple of

times were fourteen and fifteen.

She made it one other time

and then it's been a while

and she finally made it back.

Four times is a lot.

I want to make it four times.

I mean, yeah.

All right, so let's go ahead.


we'll start with the women because

they went first all day today.

And their stuff is the most complete.

And hopefully by the time we

get to the end of the men.

Everything's complete.


All right,

so we will start with the women.

Sixty-five plus.

And real quick before I read this off.

Um, and this is not the right one.

Seventy plus finished today.

Those athletes were so cool.

They were so excited to be there.

They were just giddy about

being in front of everybody.

And they did the award

ceremony during the break

at the end of the day.

And there were a lot of fans

there cheering them on as

they got their medals.

And I thought that was, uh,

Cooler than the other side of the pillow,

as they say.


I just thought that was really

awesome that they got to go

up on the podium,

get their medals in front

of this big crowd.

And that was pretty awesome.

So I'm going to try this

again and hopefully grab

the right one this time.

There we go.

All right.

So women, sixty five plus.

I'm going to blow this up.

Patricia McGill, Denise Moore,

our very own, and Julie Holt are one, two,

and three.

Denise Moore did get an

event win today in the front squat,

and she texted me

immediately to tell me she

got it and could not be

more excited for her to get

an event win at the CrossFit Games.

It's looking like that

podium is pretty solidified

for tomorrow's last event.


we have a forty-two point lead for

Julie Holt and over Sue

Lawson for the last podium spot.

One event to go.


So then we go to women sixty

to sixty-five.

Lori Mishiznik.

I talked to her today.

I got how to pronounce her name.

And she told me that it is Mishiznik.

So now I have it.

Betsy Vanderberg.

And then Teresina Orisato.

But Laura's got a pretty

good lead with one event to go.

It's almost four.

It's forty points.

Forty three points.

Betsy has another thirty

points on Teresina.

So I think we're we're set

at top two for sure.

With with with less in the field,

the points are also going

to change tomorrow, I'm assuming.



so this workout is going to

be worth more more

separation between the

points per per finish which

is often a a big factor at

the end of the weekend but

yeah like you said these

they seem to be separated

enough right now you still

could maybe have a little

bit of a change on that two

or three position but plus

lori and betsy are so good

um I don't see them falling

out of the top two

Then we go back to fifty

five to fifty nine.

And we have Joanne Cooper to

you there and Tia Vesser.

This Shanna Bunce is right there with Tia.

That's going to be a battle,

and Rose Wall's even twenty

points away from Tia.


you could definitely see a fight for

that third place.

Joanne, I think,

has it locked up right there in first,

and barring a bad event for number two,

it should be pretty set there.

So Joanne's been on the

podium a couple times,

but I don't think never first,

so this would be a big...

Big win for him.

So Tia Vesser won the games in twenty one,

I think, in the younger division.

And Shanna Bunce won Legends this year.

So both great athletes.

Just not sure they have

enough left to make any move.

Bruce is asking where Jamie is.

Jamie is competing and we're

leaving her alone for the weekend.

So then.

We go to.

Women, fifty to fifty four.

And here we have Janet Black.

Seven forty four.

Jen Dieter, seven forty.

Stephanie China, seven twenty six.

Even seven twenty one.

It's close.

It's this one's going to be

a battle tomorrow.

There's there's there can

certainly be some changes

in positioning at the top

of the podium tomorrow there.

Jen Dieter won Legends last year.

Janet Black, I'm not as familiar with,

but man, this is close.

She's been around.

Both great athletes.

Then we go to forty five to forty nine.

We talked about this a little bit.

Deanna Posey, seven fifty six.

Kelly Friel, seven fifty three.

Val Vogel, seven thirty six.

Deanna and Kelly are more of

a power output type athlete,

where Val is more gymnastics-y.

So I think that this has

been a shuffled leaderboard

all weekend long,

primarily with those three.

And tomorrow,

I feel like the bar muscle-up

will play a bigger factor

than the dumbbell thruster.

For the female,

like being able to do that last,

unbroken for instance, um,

versus the dumbbell weight.

Um, yeah, this is,

you can tell in the older divisions,

the muscle up on the

standard really made a big

difference more so than the barbell.


So I think the same will

probably come into play here.

Then we go to the forty to

forty four year old division.

where Carly Newlands has

kind of taken command of

this and she's already locked up the win.

Andrea Pinheiro at six, eight,

one Janine Shillington at six, sixty nine,

Carly Matthews at six, fifty nine.

And then our very own Jamie

Latimer is in sixth at six, twenty nine.

Yeah, she had a.

uh, low finish on the front squat.

She would have been right up there.

Um, normally, but yeah,

she was in the top four all

weekend until that front squat.


She took a hit.

Like we said,

that division had some huge

powerhouses like, uh,

Janine had two eighty five

for a front squat,

which was the same winning

weight in the thirty five

to thirty nine division.

Like that's just a great, great,

great front squat.

So that propelled her.

Definitely up the leaderboard.


Carleen Matthews is someone else

that's been very relevant all weekend,

and she also took a hit in

the front squat event.

So that front squat's very top.

Even like Will Morad, same thing.

A lot of those top athletes

sometimes aren't the strongest,

and some of them got really

hit with some specialists in this one.


I think that Carlene and Jamie will

probably do better on that

event tomorrow than the

people ahead of them.

I just don't know if there's enough time,


and space to make a difference

on the leaderboard.

Exactly, yeah.

So then we go to... ...and

this is the Andrea Nistler show.

There she is.

Caroline Klutz...

Has a shot, but it's more like that.

Not on that workout for tomorrow.

There's a chance.

No, there isn't.

That's like you before the

game saying that everyone

had a chance with Tia.




This one's locked in.


with a fifty pound dumbbell thruster,

you're looking at one of the strongest,

if not the strongest in the field.

Plus, she's got phenomenal gymnastics.


this is probably another win for Andrea.

Caroline Klutz is an amazing athlete.

She really is.

Andrea Nistler's doing this

to her is ridiculous.

Yeah, I've been very impressed with her.

Mackenzie Riley has jumped

up into the podium position.

Again, if you don't know,

she has multiple time games athlete.

No joke.

This division is crazy.

And mother of two.

She has kids with her here doing it all.

It's, it's amazing.

All right, so let's go to the men.

I would think that the same

people that did well on the

standard will do well on

the one tomorrow.

Like you got ring muscle-ups

and bar muscle-ups,

and then you have a

dumbbell thruster versus

the clean and jerk or snatch.

Like it's very, very similar.

It's going to be maybe a

little bit more of a sprint, but yeah.


in the sixty five plus we have John

George, Freddie Cherry, Dan Brannigan,

John George and Freddie

Cherry have been at the top

the entire weekend.

Dan Brannigan's a new one.

David Hippenstiel has made a

move today and Dan Miller

fell back a little bit.


you're going to have a fight for that

third place.

And if you move up a little bit,

those two in the top two or

three points separating.

So whoever wins that last one.


I had a long talk with David

Hippenstiel today.

This may be his last games.

So he said he thought he announced it,

but he said, because I probably said,

I thought people aren't believing me.

In the sixty to sixty four division,

Joe Ames is in first, David Pound second,

Tom family in third.

I think the top two are the

same as last night.

Tom jumped from fourth to

third and he's just a good guy.

Glad to see him up there.

But it's still tight.

Anybody could move up into

the podium position,

especially Stuart Swanson

is only twelve points back.

Yeah, it's not much.

When we go to fifty five to fifty nine,

John Kim, Vic McQuaid, Mike Egan.


the first two have been in here all


Shannon McKibben was in the

top three and has dropped down.

But again,

it is a nine point lead for him

to get back onto the podium.

Fifty to fifty four.

Jamie McGarva, Sean Ramirez,

Justin Lasala.

These names have kind of been here.

Sean jumped from fourth to

second with one event to go.

But Jamie's been there all weekend.

But he only has a nine-point lead.

And the other two are tied

for second and third.

Those are very, very close.



So then we go forty to forty nine.

Jason Grubb in first,

Robbie McCord in second,

Robbie Perovich in third.

Jason has not been in first all weekend.

He's finally there going

into the last event.

He talked to me today, too,

and like because the field is expanded,

like mistakes are amplified

and it's something that

they have not had to deal

with as Masters athletes before.

One mistake and you can drop

to twenty seventh.

Like in years past,

the furthest you could drop is tenth.

You also have room for a

little bit more specialists

sometimes that have more holes.

We can talk about it when we

get to someone like Paul Tremblay,

who gets, you know,

yin and yang type of workouts,

but you get that right with

the with an expanded field

where some some of those

athletes sometimes have.

great finishes and then

lower finishes and they

just middle you a little bit sometimes.

Then forty to forty four,

we have Jonathan Edel,

Chicho Quesada and Julian Serna.

Serna and Edel have been

going back all week,

go back and forth all weekend.

Chicho has been consistently

in that top three,

but I don't think he's

taken the lead yet.

So that's where we sit with that one.

And then the thirty five to thirty nine,

we've talked about will a

ton straight up savage.

He would have to not show.

And then Henry would have to win.

Mm hmm.

for that to happen.

Henry Matthews,

Stephanie Cosette is in

third and Stefan and

Bronislaw Alinkowitz is in

fourth with only seven

points behind Stefan.

I met Bron today for the

first time ever in person.

The man's head is bigger than my chest.

He is

A massive human being and so funny.

So he, we talked about,

I think I talked about with somebody,

he shaved off his hair.

He used to have the little

man bun kind of top thing.

And I asked him today,

like why he shaved it.

And he said, uh,

to make me faster on the

run and it didn't work.

And I just cracked up.

I thought that was hilarious, but.

The man can still Turkish

get up an assault bike, right?

Oh yeah.

So those are the

leaderboards going into the last day.

We have a couple battles

going on that are going to

be fun to watch.

I think tomorrow the action

is going to be much faster

and furious with less heats

or less people in the heats

where you could actually see more.

I don't know if they're

changing the floor.

I hope they change the floor tomorrow.

I doubt it.

I think they'll just do one heat,

but I don't think the

layout will change much.


It's a quick one tomorrow.

Eight minute time cap again.


How many workouts have been

at that time cap?

Like short time cap.


been fun but it's going to

be a race it's going to be

hopefully we can see who's

in the lead and stuff like

the workouts are like

they're they're great

workouts it's just you

can't see the race as much

that's the only issue um

yeah I'm excited to see the

last day yeah yeah I'm

gonna I need to keep my

mouth shut before the end

of the weekend is over like I just do

With that being said, it's been fun.

There's been a lot of people there.

It's just a different vibe

than I've ever experienced

at the CrossFit Games.

And to have this many

top-level Masters athletes

have been super cool.

And they have great stories.

And it's very family friendly.

Like there are kids running around,

there are dogs there.

It's just a really good time

for families to kind of hang out.

I think that's what I like the most.

Like I love seeing, you know, the masters.

And then there was a video on, um,

at that cross at post.

And it was like these little

kids cheering for, I don't know,

their grandpa, something,

maybe it's their dad,

but probably their grandpa

doing the workout.

And it's just like the kids

being so excited to watch, you know,

their parent or grandparent compete.

Um, that's what it's all about.

It's super cute.

It's like you said, it's family.


um these are you know role

models in our community for

what can be done at that

age um and what's possible

so it's yeah I've I've

really enjoyed watching this weekend

Yeah, it's been a blast.

I got to know a lot of people,

get to know a lot of people,

and that's been fun.

But I'm whooped,

and I'm going to keep tonight short.

So with that, thank you, everybody,

for being here.

Don't forget to like, subscribe,

hit that notifier,

leave some comments about

what you think about the

Masters coverage.

We'd love to hear you.

There were some appearances today.

Don Fall did show up today.

I got to talk to Sean Woodland,

which was awesome.

And he is really feeling the

love from the community

that he is back and was

talking about how good that

has made him feel.

And I said, yeah,

everybody needs to remember,

you don't know what you got

till it's gone.


And then when it's gone, you want it back.

But he's doing awesome and

really having a good time

with it and really excited

for Rams football to start up in a week.

So with that,

we'll see everybody next time

on Sunday Night CrossFit Talk.

And maybe it'll actually be

on a Sunday night.

With that, we'll see you guys.
