Super Human Fathers

Welcome back to the Super Human Fathers Transformation Podcast! In today's episode, we dive into the inspiring journey of Joshua Plante. Joshua shares his personal experiences and the incredible impact that SHF has had on his life. We'll hear stories of transformation, gratitude, and the power of connection within this extraordinary community of fathers. Get ready for an episode filled with heartfelt moments, self-discovery, and the determination to break free from destructive patterns. 

Creators & Guests

Kyle Carnohan
Kyle Carnohan is the Founder of Super Human Fathers

What is Super Human Fathers ?

These powerful interviews share the transformation of our brothers. They have sacrificed, worked extremely hard, and are ripped AF! You won’t want to miss a single episode.

Joshua Plante: the real ones
will look at me and be like,

fuck, you hold the power, bro.

Like I respect the shit out of you for
saying no, cause food's a hard one, man.

For everybody, dude, I've
quit heroin, meth, alcohol.

I've done all that shit.

And I did a hard and food.

That's the hardest.

So, anyone of you, all you guys
here that are disciplined every

day and checking your macros and
shit, my hat goes off to you guys,

cause you guys are strong as fuck.

Cause food is the hardest thing
to discipline yourself with.

Everything else is easy

Kyle Carnohan: Welcome to the Superhuman
Father's Transformation Podcast.

If you're listening to this, you're
about to witness some of the most

incredible transformations that have
ever happened on the planet, and just

by listening to this, you will be
inspired to have your own transformation.

If you're listening to this for the
first time, or you're one of the brothers

in the brotherhood, go leave a review
on the podcast and let the brother or

member know how amazing they did and
how incredible their transformation was.

I'm Kyle Carnahan, founder of
Superhuman Fathers, and not only

am I gonna change your life, I'm
gonna get you ripped as fuck.

Ryan Carnohan: If you guys don't know,
Josh, we're gonna talk about this.

This savage wakes up at like 1.

30 in the morning every
morning or something.

Every day.

He's gotta get it done before work.

He's insane.

He doesn't sleep, I don't know.

We're gonna find all Sometimes
I do crash right now.

But let people talk, you know?

And Kyle, Josh, He wanted to be in here,
but he's on the, uh, he's on a, on a, on

a flight with Andy Elliott and I, I don't
even know some other big names, so if he

can make it, he's coming, but, um, he's,
I think he might be flying on their jet.

So it's kind of psycho.

Yeah, I saw that.

He sends.

He sends the love, bro.

And we're astonished.

Not surprised because of who you are.

We met you at our men's event in person.

And, um, maybe I'll get
into that a little bit.

One of my biggest, I get a little,
um, Am I gonna do this right now?

When I see shit like this,
I get really emotional.

Because I know the hard work
and Josh has a daughter my age,

or same age as my daughter.

And she's similar.

And, uh, he made this post

just like at the lake.

Of what he was last year and now he showed
up this year for and I know that feeling

and I know the moment my daughter drew
me with the abs and uh, I'm no guru.

I still yell at her sometimes, but at
least, you know, I'm showing up that way.

And I know Josh has felt that I
know he's felt that he shared it.

And so I meet Josh online.

He joins the program, but like
he's communicating with me on

Instagram and I'm, I'm watching him.

I follow him really quickly after he
follows me and he's like, dude, I just

appreciate your example and all this.

And I'm looking at him like he's getting
up at 1 30 and he's got all this stuff

that he says on his Instagram is fire.

And I'm like, bro, I
like, I'm, I'm nothing.

What are you talking about?

And yet he knows he's such a savage.

But he's still communicating with
me, making me feel powerful, making

me feel good, asking me questions.

Then I'm talking to him and he
purchased the, our men's event.

He's like, I'm coming out of
my Harley, which was terrible.

It was like a rain.

It was freezing the whole
time, like hailing on him.

He rained when he made it.

He's like, his hands are
like stuck like this.

And, uh, you know, that's when
I was doing my cold plunges.

Cause it was winter time.

I had committed for the whole winter.

And so it was fun to connect there, but I
just meet him and he had just this energy.

I knew.

I knew he was that he was
going places this way.

Like there was no question
and it was all selfless.

Everything was, nothing was about him.

Everything was just excited to meet
people and share his insight and

share what he was accomplishing.

And, um, and so Josh, I need to, I need
you to know how appreciative you are.

And I know we're going through
restructuring and the program with

monks and all this stuff and, you
know, coming to the monk movement.

But there was that moment.

Where I just was like, I, I need
this guy around me and that invite

since then, since that event,
you know, I, I still feel that.

And so you, you, you, the energy
you bring, everyone feels it.

They feel the love.

And I know that you're able to
attach meaning to the hard mornings

when you're up at 1 30, right?

Which sometimes I'm up late.

So we'll text each other.

He's getting up and I'm just
falling asleep, but I know.

I know that you're doing that.

I know that you're able to attach meaning
to that and that you understand your

impact or else you won't be able to do it.

And so this is, this is, this is big Josh.

All right.

So we're going to, we're going to shut up.

We're going to, I gave no prep on this.

We have, we have our, our zooms
planned out for the next weeks,

but this one, we had it open.

I was like, Hey, you're,
you're just posted.

You want to pull this trigger and do it?

And I even sent him questions.

So he's, he's on the spot right now.

Joshua Plante: Yeah, hey, appreciate
you, uh, calling on me this morning.

I had a feeling it was going to
happen, I just didn't know when.

Dude, honestly, I don't even
like talking about myself.

Ryan Carnohan: I know.

Joshua Plante: All about myself, right?

Um, now I don't give a shit.


Why do I wake up so early?

Well, one, I have to, I gotta be at work
at 4 30 in the morning, like starting

cause I'm a supervisor out there.

Um, so just getting into that
mindset to even do that, this

didn't happen overnight, right?

Like this is 18 months in the works.

Trust me when I first started getting
into the swing of things and making

all these changes, it, it wasn't easy.

There is a, there was times
where I backstepped a lot.

There was times where
I missed my wake ups.

There was, um, times where I missed my
workouts, uh, you know, fell short on

macros and this and that, and, um, even
wasn't honest on those, you know what I

mean, but there was always something that
I was doing and that was imperfect action.

I was taking the daily action
and that was the biggest thing.

And the other big thing is I actually
followed through with it, right?

Cause um, I've never
followed through with it.

I've followed through to a certain
degree in my life, but then I

would always find some sort of
excuse or maybe a self sabotage.

Yeah, that's what it was.

It was always self sabotage because
I never felt worthy enough to make

it to a certain point or felt some
type of way about myself, right?

Yeah, wow.

But maybe I would lie to myself
and say, no, it's because I

was bored or this and that.

And I would try to like tell
myself it was people, places

and things that was the problem.

And so I would just.

take the back steps and quit what
I was doing, um, and to just start

self stab, self sabotaging myself.

I've been doing that since I was
like freaking 15 years old, you know.

I always excel real quick at
something, and then I get to a

point where I didn't feel like I
was worthy enough to achieve it.

So then I would self sabotage it
just, and, uh, this is the first time

where I haven't done that, um, you
know, 18 months later, this is the

Ryan Carnohan: best shape.

Let's get, yeah.

Well, we'll just get into the
questions then we'll, we'll play that.

But what, how, what's changed?

Joshua Plante: Well, I think over
time, you know, with open mindedness

and honesty and taking that action,
not only did I open myself up to, um,

like the physical aspect of it, like,
obviously that was, that was happening

with the actions that I was taking,
but I was also shifting my mindset.

And my heart and through listening to guys
like you and everyone in this group and

doing starting to like take reflections
and listening to other people kind of

open my heart up to something bigger than
myself, who now I accept is as God, right?

So there was a spiritual shift in me.

That's the difference.

Now, I used to, I think I
realized I was filling the God

shaped hole with everything else.

And I was missing every time.


So I feel like that's what I've
done differently this time.

I think what I really realized that is
that that certification, uh, during the

breath work and when fricking ox saw
God and I saw the change in his eyes

when I saw, and then to Corey Gallop and
everything, like, honestly, certification

changed me like a hundred percent.

Being around you guys, a hundred percent.

That changed me.

Now I knew this was the right group
when I connected with you guys at

first, like, cause before I joined you
guys, I was with Wes Watson for a year.

And, um, that worked to a certain
point, but honestly, I took the

reins myself at some point and was
just doing it on my own, kind of

like in the, in the background.

But then my wife signed up with
Whitney and I started joining in the

marriage mastery calls on Saturdays.

Ryan Carnohan: And, uh, on those
guys, those Saturday calls are fire.

Other than this interview right
here, go to marriage mastery.

Joshua Plante: Yeah.

But what it was is just seeing
like the family aspect of it.

And then something else
that was drawn to me.

About it as maybe, um, that spirituality
part was kind of, um, coming out of

Kyle at that time, but I always find
myself kind of drawn to godly men.

I don't know what it is.

It's just the power that you guys have.

And, uh, I want to talk about God a lot.

I think right now, I think we've been
talking about God and spirituality

a lot lately, honestly, probably
the last, since I joined with you

guys, it's just been getting into
that level and it's been awesome.

But, um, I used to think godly
men were weak men, right?

I used to just do everything
opposite of that, shy away from it,

despise it, whatever, this and that.

But honestly, through physical
change, mindset change, and

opening myself up, I've been
continuously being drawn to that.

And now I see that godly men are way
more powerful than I ever could be.

And now I want that for myself.

And now I'm becoming that myself.

Ryan Carnohan: I love that.

So we're going to break into another
question here, how much, how tall are you?

How much weight did you start in your
process and how, where are you at now?


Jack you're shredding.

Joshua Plante: Um, I'm 41 years old.

Um, I'm five nine and the heaviest I
was at when I started was 270 pounds.

And, uh, honestly, that was because
I was treating myself like shit.

I hated myself.

I was drinking alcoholically for years.

Backstory is, um, I was clean
and sober for eight years.

And then, uh, eventually I started
taking my life back and doing

it, living it on my own terms.

I used to have a foundation of recovery.

That guy on the left is what happens
when you live life on your own terms

and, um, do everything your own way.

At least that's, that's my story.

And then I would find
every excuse of why I.

Needed the drink or this and that man.

I mean, that's my biggest vice
was alcohol man And then along

with that was food, right?

So that was a constant battle man Like
I would just go through this freaking

loop for six years my relapse lasted
six years, man Like I went from eight

years clean and sober doing recovery
going to meetings this and that and

then I and then I and then I call it
like a spiritual relapse where I just

Kind of got a resentment or whatever and
kind of shied away from my foundation.

I was doing spiritually
like prayer meditation.

and then, um, I relapsed mentally where
I started thinking about it and like, oh,

you know, I got this, I think I'm okay.

I've, I've, I've handled it long enough.

That I think I can go back and
I'll be okay this time around.


And then came the physical relapse where
I actually took action and doing it.

And I knew right from the beginning that
was wrong and I wore masks and I hid

that shit from people for a long way.

And, um, one way that I, um, hide myself
from people is I just push everyone away.

So that's part of my story too, is
I pushed a lot of friendships and

stuff away and just burnt bridges.


Cause I was too embarrassed of them
seeing my, where I was failing.

Cause I felt ashamed of that.


So, six years of that.

When you looked at yourself.

shit I put myself through.

That was a battle, man.

Ryan Carnohan: When you looked
at yourself in the mirror then.

And maybe not just physically but
just when you reflect it on yourself

then versus who you are right now
What's the biggest difference?

Joshua Plante: I love myself.

That's it.

How good does that feel proud of
what I see in the mirror, dude?

You kidding me?

I didn't want to look at myself
in the mirror during that time

And then there would be times
where i'd be like, that's it.

I wake up in the morning.

I'm done like today is the day
I'm fucking taking my power back.

And then by that evening I had
already forgotten about it.

And then I started negotiating
with myself of every reason why

I deserve to have another drink.

And I work hard and my, my
wife says, stay at home, mom.

I make the money I provide for my family.

Um, I'm stressed that work,
whatever it may be, just whatever

excuse we give ourselves.


And I just go right back to that man.


Ryan Carnohan: So I have two questions.

We're going to take them in
order, whichever you want.

I want you to define what it means to
love yourself and your perspective.

What does that even mean?

And number two, was there a moment
that you know that it switched over

where you finally realized something?

Was it earned?

Was it a gift from above?


When did this happen?

When did you switch to understand
that you actually love yourself?

Those are two kind of, that
was a bunch of questions.

Joshua Plante: Well,

Ryan Carnohan: shoot.

Was it a surprise

Joshua Plante: when it happened?

I think so.

It's kind of like a light switch.


I don't know what it
was, man, to be honest.

But what it feels to love myself is to do
these daily disciplines that, you know,

that you guys provide us that blueprint.

I wake up every morning.

Well, actually, it's not
even about me anymore.

Honestly, I love myself enough to
make it where it ain't about me

Ryan Carnohan: anymore.

Transcendence, bro.


Joshua Plante: go.

It was selfish at first, right?

Because I had a vision.

I knew what needed to be done.

I didn't want to be that guy anymore.

So I did whatever it took.

You know, and Sometimes I had
to fake it till I make it.


But I was pushing myself because I
didn't want to live that way anymore.

Cause I was sick and tired of being
sick and tired of being that person.

Um, I knew I was hurting my wife,
my daughter, my daughter was scared.


I wouldn't say really scared of me,
but like, here comes Grumpasaurus

coming to the home, you know, all
pissed off or whatever about whatever.

And alcohol and shit didn't help, right?

Because I felt some type
of way about myself.

So they didn't feel safe
about sharing shit with me.

They do now.

Thank God I didn't lose that relationship
and all that over those years.

But um, I don't know, I'm
kind of getting off track

Ryan Carnohan: here.

No, no, you have men right here that
feel that they don't love themselves.

I don't love myself.

Talk to me, Josh.

I'm coming to you right now.

I just don't love myself.

Maybe you're talking to
your old self, right?

What'd you tell him?

Joshua Plante: Well, now I
thank my old self because I

never gave up on myself, right?

Because I knew I was worth more.

But just the direction, like
I didn't know exactly what to

do or the direction to take.

On my own.

I know I can't do this by myself now.

I can't.

I've already proved it before
when I tried doing it on my own.

I freaking failed and it lasted
six years of failure, right?

So obviously, all right, Josh
doesn't know what he's doing.

I had to reach out to a group.

I had to follow direction.

I'm an idiot.

I'm going to fuck it up
if I do it on my own.

So, so this time around, I listened.

So how are you going to love yourself?

You're going to fucking follow direction.

You got to follow direction.

Quit doing things your own way.

No matter how much you think that
maybe if, Oh, if I tweak it this

way and do it this way, I'm going
to make it easier on myself.

Or I know better this than that.

Like I want to follow the plan of
what the guys that have the results

are doing and actually listen and
pay attention this time around.

And it's worked.

Ryan Carnohan: Are there in this
process that you've been able to

become kind of that man now, right?

Because you're that man.

They look, you're shredded bro.

And obviously there's so much level
up in every all of us We have an

infinite potential, but there's
someone's trying to get shredded.

You're shredded.

That's epic in that process Becoming
something that you wanted to be.

Is there any insight that you gained?

Is there anything that you learned
through this process the you

know, if I'm coming into it Well,
what would you tell me if I doubt

Joshua Plante: just just follow through
with everything that you told be the word

to yourself Like if you said that you
were gonna do it follow through and do it.

That's it Take the action like keep
it simple stupid I think I think that

we can like just do it make anything
hard on ourselves Right by the way

that how we want to tweak everything
and do it around where little plans

and designs or whatever but I just
freaking keep it simple like I don't try

to fuck around with like, fasting, or
switching my macros, or doing this or

that, or like the workouts or anything.

Like, I literally just follow suit.

That's it.

I try to keep it simple, man.

The work ethic and just just follow it.

That's it.

Everything else is going to rebuild
itself to you because everyone else is

all you guys are on your own like journey.

Every one of you guys has your own
little plan that's provided for you.

So just follow it.

Everything else is going to come out
however it may be, you know, my mindset,

spiritual, your physical, all that
stuff is just part of the journey.

Just follow it.

Just be open minded to it and honest
with yourself and just follow it.


Ryan Carnohan: let's say, because that
sounds like, okay, you're new to the

program, man, I've never been disciplined
before and someone's like, I have the

program, at least I think I do, but
then something happens and I feel the

pressure and the chaos and I give in.

So what is, what is your self
talk or in a moment where either

temptation arises, Or you don't want
to, like, you just, you lost it all.

How do you convince yourself to continue?

What, how do you talk to yourself?

Do you go through that daily at 1.

30 in the morning?

Or are you a robot?

Do you just, does it just

Joshua Plante: happen?

I'm trying to become a robot, but
before it was like, fucker, fuck you.

Get up and get going.

And yeah, sometimes I'll drift a little
bit for like 15 minutes, 20 minutes, and

just have to sit there and be like, fuck,
I don't want to fucking do this, man.

Like fuck this.

Or I feel some type of way.

I don't always wake up like,
Hey, wakey, wakey eggs and

bakey guys and this and that.

Sometimes I don't even want
to make those videos and shit.


But I've gotten to the point where I
know that it ain't about me anymore.


I get people messaging me.

My family depends on me and
you guys all depend on me.

And that's the one thing the
power is in the community, right?

Like without you guys, like
encouraging me with through your

messages and stuff weekly and
vice versa, like I would fall off.

And be in the background again,

Ryan Carnohan: do you
recognize your impact now?

And if so, what does that look like?


Throw some bangers at you, know like

Joshua Plante: how much they
appreciate me and stuff, right?

But I I don't know call it
being humble or whatever.

Sometimes i'm just like, all right,
cool, you know I'm, just fucking i'm

just at war with myself every day, right?

Hey, if you're

Ryan Carnohan: in this chat, and he's
impacted you, Hey, if you're in this Zoom

call, and he's impacted you, You can put
your hand up, or you can leave a comment.

As we go through this.

Let him know.

Bro, you, please.

Sit in your power.

Infinite impact.

Like, you are a savage, bro.

And you inspire the world, straight up.

Look at this, look at this!

Boom, Look at that.

Everybody, man.


Joshua Plante: Much love, guys.


Matt Cokewell: Josh.

Cory Gallup: Hey, Josh.

I'm sorry to cut in, Ryan.

Ryan Carnohan: Cut in, dude.

Cut in.

Go for it.

I knew this guy was a fucking...

Cory Gallup: Yeah.

Josh, I knew you were a fucking
savage at certification, dude.

It was cold and rainy.

It was end of March.

We all know the sun didn't come
out till the beginning of July.

This, his


from Arizona to, to a storm.

I don't think he thought out or quit
shivering for like 24 hours into

Joshua Plante: ation.

That's fact and And then I heard little

Cory Gallup: bit, yeah, I heard a
little bit about his story and I was

like, I knew this guy's a fucking
savage and he's not there yet, but

there's not a doubt in my mind.

That he will be and you proved me right.

And I'm so proud of you, dude.

And most of all, I'm so
stoked for you because

Joshua Plante: I

Cory Gallup: know what

Joshua Plante: it feels like to walk

Cory Gallup: past a mirror
and not even want to look in.

When you brush your teeth, you just stare
into the bowl of the sink because you

can't bear to look in the goddamn mirror.

And now you can stand
in front of a mirror.

And just give yourself a
knowing smile and just go, fuck.

Yeah, fuck.


And that's all you have
to say to yourself.

And I am so fucking stoked that you get
that feeling brother, because I know how

good it feels and how dark the other side


And the, now that you love yourself,
you got to find out how to make that

transition of leveraging your pain.

To be successful, to staying on track,
and you don't have that pain anymore.

And that's what I found was difficult.

I don't have any pain to leverage
because I don't fucking hate myself

Joshua Plante: anymore.


Cory Gallup: you got to find that
new thing to, to keep you on track,

that new motivating factor, but dude.

I'm so stoked for you, man.

And some people say it takes a different
kind of person to do what you've done.


It took you, bro.

It took the old you to become the new you.

I'm stoked for you, man.

You made us all proud.


Yeah, bro.

Joshua Plante: Let's fucking go.


Ryan Carnohan: go, dude.


Hey, let's just take a moment.

I was going to ask about his
family and how it's affected

his marriage and his kids.

We kind of, we kind of know
we've seen that and we will.

I want to touch there, but anybody just
want to tell if anybody want to say

something to Josh or ask him a question.

You're welcome to um, I
know i'm opening up early.

We'll go back to the
interview if you need to

Joshua Plante: I can't think of anything.

I don't want to sit


Ryan Carnohan: This is not about
that something I go by what

the universe tells me to do.

That's what that's what I do That's how
I run this And so it's funny for you

guys to either ask questions or share.

So put your hand up if you
got something, but who's that?

Who spoke first?

Let's go.

Who was that?

I got a question.

Matt Cokewell: Josh, can
you feel your hands yet?

I was so worried about you for so long.

I was asking doctors at the
hospital what they thought.

Like, what do you think?

It's kind of tingling, and then
I go, oh, he'll get it back.

I just need to know.

Joshua Plante: Actually, to be
honest with you, I just thought

about that, like, last week.

I was like, at work, and I'm like, holy
fuck, I can feel my fingertips again.

But it literally took like, when
was certification, months ago?

Ryan Carnohan: Yeah, it was March, bro,

Joshua Plante: for a while.

Yeah, like, if you guys don't know,
yeah, like they said, I rode my Harley

from Phoenix to San Diego, no big deal.

But I didn't know going through the
freaking mountain pass, there was a storm.

It snowed on me.

It was the most miserable
motorcycle ride in my life.

My jaw was chattering by the time I
got to that beach house and I could

not feel my fingertips for honestly
up until like the last couple weeks.

I've just barely gotten feeling
in my fingertips from that ride.

Matt Cokewell: Yeah, he was colder
than a corpse, but the most.

on fireman I've ever seen.

I was like, this guy's kind of
like, I don't know, reserved.

No, he was just frozen.

He had to defrost in California.

You fucking crushed it, bro.

Proud of you.

Joshua Plante: Well, you know,
I, I rode the bike out, um, kind

of like with the mindset of like,

like every warrior has like a, a
journey or something like a path.

I kind of use that as like, You
know, my envision like I rode my

freaking Harley to the certification
to make a change in my life, right?

So I had to go through like that journey
or whatever and it definitely was

And it changed me.

I came out she shifted in some
type of way, dude When we first

Matt Cokewell: met I honestly thought
you were gonna lose a finger that

day Your hands are like blocks

Ryan Carnohan: of ice

Joshua Plante: Yeah, it was brutal

Ryan Carnohan: and then I made
him get in the cold ocean, too


Joshua Plante: Oh, you guys
want to know something?

This whole transformation, I did
it in my garage with a set of

dumbbells, a bench press, and a
pull up tower and body weights.

Like, I have been to the gym two times.

And that was that certification.

So you don't need all the fucking
fancy gym equipment, this and that.

Ryan Carnohan: He just
robs all your excuses.

You need sleep.

He's like, fuck you.

I get up at one 30 in the morning.

You need weights.

Fuck you.

I work out my job or in my garage.

Oh, I work a lot.

Fuck you.

I work overtimes too.

Yeah, burpees.

He robs all your excuses, bro.

Oh, I have alcohol.

Trouble with alcohol.

Fuck you.

So did I.


Anyways, BJ, what you got for Josh?

BJ Barrett: What's up, homie?

What's up, brother?

Blue collar

Joshua Plante: bad boys.

That's right.

BJ Barrett: Dude, for anybody
on this call that doesn't know

Josh, let me explain a few things.

So, I've been in this program,
like, I don't know, fucking

four months or something.

And, uh, dude, I cried every freaking
morning for probably the first four weeks.

And I think Ryan talked me into
doing an Instagram and shit.

I was like, man, I want to
hold myself accountable.

You know, see what this shit's all about.

Just start posting authentic shit.

Bro, I started crying on like
the first one on the treadmill.

I just posted this shit up.

And uh, Josh was like the first guy.

I just get this message from
some dude named Joshua Plante.

Like, you got this brother.

And man, I never forgot that.

Little emotional, man, because, uh,
I feel like a certain kinship to you

and I just want you to know that.

I want everybody on here to know, you
know, what a real motherfucker you are.

And something I connect with you on
that is, you know, the whole blue collar

thing, like the working man and stuff.

But it's, you had a video, man, and
I know I reached out to you offline

and told you this, but there was a
video of your daughter looking at

you while you was roller skating.

And the way your daughter was looking
at you, I was like, that's fucking,

that's what it's about right there.

That's where that right
there is what it's about.

You know, and especially all
of us has got kids and stuff.

You're like, okay, yeah, he's lifting.

Okay, cool.


We're trying to lift too, but
it's, it's the other shit, man.

It's the stuff about, you
know, you got a beautiful wife.

You got that little girl that
looks at you the way that she does.

And man, that's everything, bro.

And, uh, so from, you know, one quote
unquote working man to the other.

You know, you know, I got nothing
but love and respect for you, man.

And also, um, I appreciate the shit
out of you giving me, letting my

oldest son have your phone number
when he flew down there, you know,

just to have like a, a backup plan,
man, that stuff means the world to me.

And I just want to get on here and
let everybody know you're a straight

fucking savage and I love you, bro.

And that's it, bro.


Alright, this is only the beginning,
this ain't no finish line.

Joshua Plante: Nope, this is
just another checkpoint to me.

Ryan Carnohan: Bring up

Joshua Plante: about family life?

Yes, my family life has ten times, I mean.

Through the Marriage Mastery
Calls with Whitney, Kyle, and

everyone's direction on that.

Like, you know, I'm dating my wife again.

Um, we, we play grab ass a lot more.

Sometimes we fuck like
we're in high school.

Like, whatever.

We weren't doing that before.

And now we are, you know?

Um, my daughter isn't, um,
scared to be open with me.

She's actually surprised
at the shit out of me.

Sometimes I'll be alone with her at night.

Just me and her and she'll
just start opening up to me and

spilling her guts about shit.

And I'm like, are you an adult?

What the hell's going on here?

I can't believe you're
sharing this stuff with me.

As before she wouldn't because
she was, she was scared.

I would be mad or whatever.


So, and then I asked my wife,
the biggest change that she

saw me and, um, it's patience.

And then, and then I'm happy.

And obviously being happy is
cause I love myself again.


So, um, yeah, this isn't
just the physical thing.

It's more than that.

That's just the by product of the work.

Your physical change is just
the by product of the work.

The real work is internal.

How you treat yourself, how you treat
others around you, how you, how you

look at the world differently, you know,
and, um, It ain't about me anymore.

I just, I just want to be, I just want
to help out as many people that I can

while I'm here from here on forward.

That's my main vision.

I have for myself that vision
didn't come at me overnight either.

But that's, I know that's my, you know, my
purpose is to help others save themselves.

And that I think that's, I think
that's what Superhuman Fathers is.

and encompasses as we're here to help
each other save ourselves from ourselves.


Because I'm my own worst enemy and
I know you guys feel that way too.

So what

Ryan Carnohan: would you consider?

What would you consider when
you say save, save ourselves?

What would you consider that's defined as?

How would you, how would you,
um, what do you mean by that?

Joshua Plante: Um, I mean, the
biggest thing is our self sabotage

we do towards ourselves, the
negative vices that we run to.

I mean, we do it all food,
porn, sex, drugs, alcohol.

You name it.

There's so many, there's a list of
items that we all run to when we're

stressed, when we feel some type of
way about ourselves, when we don't feel

worthy, when we don't love ourselves
and that shit snowballs, right?

The deeper we get into it, the
worse we feel about ourselves.

And then we start destroying
everything else around us.

So saving ourselves is we
start with our self first.

You got to make it selfish at first.

So it's all internal.

You got to start taking
those actions daily.

But the disciplines, I mean, all the
bloopers, it's so fucking simple.

Watch what you're putting in
your mouth, drop, drop the

fucking drink for Christ's sake.

Like it ain't like.

And I ain't saying drop the drink
because, oh, I'm not an alcoholic.

I don't, I don't have an issue with
that, whatever, but I didn't plan on

being an alcoholic or anything like that,
but that's what I was raised around.

And one of the things that I've
realized is like, if I'm doing that

type of behavior in front of my kids,
they're going to grow up thinking

that it's okay for them to do that,
or that's how they should handle life.

By going to those types of vices, right?

So, so you don't break the
chain, just the cycle continues

generation after generation.

Um, my dad's dad was that way.

My dad was that way on this way.

And now it's up to me to break
that fricking generational chains.

So my kids.

My daughter and then my other unborn kid
that's coming doesn't have to suffer the

way that I suffer and think that it's okay
that they need to go run to that type of

stuff because I made it seem like that's
what you have to do to cope with life.

Ryan Carnohan: That's so good.

How do you view your wife
and daughter differently now?

Is there a difference in how you view
them or how maybe we can be specific?

How do you be your wife?

And how do you view your daughter?

Joshua Plante: Um, well, everything I do
is for them from going to work when I come

home, I'm a service of them, you know, I
don't care what needs to be done from the

small basic shift from dishes, laundry,
cooking them dinner, this and that, right?

Like, I'll do that stuff for them.

But like.

Those guys are my everything.

Like I'm here to serve them.

I don't matter.

I take care of myself.

First thing this morning, 1 30 AM.

Right after that it's everybody else.

And that's my purpose.

Every day, take care of me first,
first thing in the morning.

That's why I'm early morning.

Wake ups are so important.

So you're taking care of
yourself, getting your mind right.

And everything that way you
can focus on everyone else.

The rest of the day.

Um, and that's who it's for.

It's for you guys, and it's for them.

It ain't about me anymore.

I don't care.

I don't care about me.

I just want to help everyone else and
make everyone else feel good, you know?

Ryan Carnohan: And yet
you find your power there.

You find love for yourself in that.

You need

Joshua Plante: nothing.

It is, because it's fulfilling.

Ain't that

Ryan Carnohan: weird?

The empty cup is the filled cup, huh?

Right, man.

Um, okay.

So give me a little contrast then with
your wife's perception of you and has

that caught up or what was it like?

How did she look at you versus
how she looks at you now?

Joshua Plante: Oh, well, back then
I was with, you know, drinking

and everything like I wasn't being
a good leader, so guess what she

was doing, to cope with my shit.

She was getting into shitty habits too.

Smoking weed every day, drinking
with me, eating like shit, right?

But as soon as I started
shifting the other direction,

guess who started following?

My wife.

She'd been smoking weed
every day since she was 13.

She's 36 years old now, and
now she don't smoke weed.

You think that was a coincidence
or do you think maybe it was

because she was following my lead?

So that's just one thing right there.

And that's huge.

And it was rough for a couple of weeks,
man, because she's like, I've never quit

smoking weed since I was 13 years old.

And then for like the first couple of
weeks, she was like, I fucking hate this.

She was going through all kinds
of crazy ups and downs and stuff.

And I go, just stick with it.

You saw me.

I've stuck with it and
I've made it past it.

You can too.

And then eventually she's gotten the
mindset where she's like, you're right.

I don't need that.

I've been using that to cope and
never like dealing with my feelings.

Cause I always use that and now
she's cut that off and now she's

able to deal with her feelings
without any type of substance.

So that's just one little thing of why we,
why it's important us as men in our homes

to lead, cause we need to lead our family.

If you go lead the other way, they're just
going to follow and do the negative shit.

If you're doing positive
shit, they're going to follow

eventually and do positive shit.

And then you grow together.


Ryan Carnohan: go.

Dropping bombs, Josh.

Alright, Isaias has been waiting.

He wants to say something.

I'm gonna let him.

Matt Cokewell: Hey

Joshua Plante: Josh, congratulations man.

You're a fucking savage.

Thanks bro.

I've called Josh out of the blue like,
I think about two or three times.

And he's just, dude, so
fucking kind with me.

So fucking cool.

He's just answering questions.

I just called him to
make a poll about things.

He's just giving me all his knowledge.

So I got a technical question now, bro.

I think it's going to
serve a lot of people.

Like, was there a moment on
your deep cut where you lost it?

Where you, maybe you ate more than
you had to, maybe you had a, I think

you guys call it binge on food, right?

Like, and if you did...

What's your steps to
getting back on power?

Um, well, uh, honestly,
I never, I never binged.

Ryan Carnohan: I didn't man.


You guys see that?

See all

Cory Gallup: your excuses bro.

Like shut up.


Joshua Plante: uh, when I, when I,
when I was done with Wes's program

before I joined SHF, I gave myself a
month and even then I had become such.

Like I was like so used to eating
right that I couldn't even fucking

allow myself to eat like shit.

Like I think I had pizza with my
daughter one night and maybe like

an ice cream cookie and shit.

And even that I was like,
ah, I don't know about that.

Ryan Carnohan: I
understand this mode, Josh.

I know.

Joshua Plante: And like, and, and you
can ask these guys, they'll tell you my,

my family, but like, Josh has the power.

Cause they offer me, they like
treats and my daughter, especially,

she's a fucking eight year old kid.

She's like, dad, eat a cookie with me.

I'm like, nope.

You know, so just don't do it.

Ryan Carnohan: What do you want?

Joshua Plante: You want to
see the results or don't you?

Like I've been selfish
most of my life, man.

And it's like, I've given my
power away most of my life.

Now I'm taking it.

I've taken it so much so
that not only have I quit the

vices of drinking and stuff.

I haven't watched porn in like a year.

I haven't jacked off in
probably six plus months.

Let's go for my wife.

That's it.

Like I have never been
this discipline in my life.

My biggest vice is like fucking Red Bull
or whatever to get me through the morning.

Cause obviously I'm up at one 30 in the
morning with five hours of sleep, man.

I, I hit, I hit those walls, especially
in those deep cuts, but it's it, man.

And honestly with that, I've That's
tapped me in on so many levels

that I didn't even know existed.

You just get, you get like these
little spurts of like gratitude

where you get chills and like
watery eyes or whatever it may be.

You know what I mean?

Just feeling that.

And I know that's just gratitude
and like love for myself.

And that's, that's
through the disciplines.


Ryan Carnohan: so Kyle just
hopped in here, which is cool.

What's up Kyle?

Made it.

Um, but it, you said something as you, you
just held the line, but it's not like I

hadn't had the experience before something
when you're listening, like, Oh no, like,

how could I just not look at his story?

This is what's so powerful with you, Josh.

It's like you were a deep, you were a
deep in the darkness, you were deep.

And right now you're just
like this illuminating savage,

just, just illuminate savagery.

And so right now if you're doubting
yourself, this is exactly the

concept, the weakness, what used
to trigger your selfishness.

Will trigger selflessness, depending
on how you prepare it, and Josh has

created standard operating procedures
or his non negotiables, where

it's just, he doesn't even think.

There's not even an option.

I put a donut on the counter, he
doesn't even, it's, that's not in

my standard operating procedure.

Joshua Plante: Right.


Unless, unless Chris gives
me a carb load for the day.


That's a different story.



Ryan Carnohan: unless Chris says,
hey, you have to eat one of these.

Oh, the epic bro.


What powerful knowledge, man.

Good wisdom here.

All right.

Uh, I didn't see who was next.

I think maybe Christian.

I think Aaron can't doesn't
know how to put his hand up too.

So we won't forget you, Aaron.

So Christian, I think
you were next before it.

Christian: Hey man, I just
wanted to say congratulations

and I'm super proud of you, man.

I just.

Seeing who you were before while I met
you in certification compared to now, and

just like the way that you operate man
has been, has been amazing to see, to say

the least man, you've completely changed.

And I've just, I've just been watching
your stories and every day man it's

automatic for you it's been, it's been,
it's been really, really inspiring.

And I'm just like, Sitting here.

I'm like, man, this dude is a savage.

I need to get to this type of level.

So you're pushing me to keep like,
I, I've been, I've been slacking.

I just need to finish this shit.

And you're like tipping me at that point.

I've been, I was at like
one, uh, 89 the other day.

And I'm like, Oh my God,
dude, I'm going back up.

I've been doing this wave and I just
see, I just see them abs popping on you.

And I was like, Oh my
God, he is killing it.

And so I'm out of like 180 today.

I'm, I'm ready to go.

And I, it's because of you, man.

So thank you.

I'm, I'm blessed to be a part of
what's going on with you, man.

Joshua Plante: Right on.

I appreciate you, Christian.

I see you, man.

You're working hard.

You're doing great, dude.

Trust me.

Trust me.

You're older than I was at your age
so keep doing what you're doing trust

me some of you guys are like i want to
be like josh when i'm 40 you know like

icas dude i fuck your name up every time
i'm sorry brother but he's like you're

messing me he's like josh how old are
you i'm like 41 years old he's like

Man, I want to be like you when I'm 41.

I go, no!

I told, didn't I?

I was like, no, you fucking better
not be like me when you're 41.

I go, I'm late to the game, dude.

Like, I don't know how old he is, 20s
or whatever, but you better be fucking

surpassing my ass when you're 41, dude.

Ryan Carnohan: Let's go!

Hey Kyle, you're coming in.

Uh, everyone asked, or no, I think
it was Isaias that asked Josh.

He goes, Hey, um, so like what happens?

How do you come back from
screwing up your macros?

And he just looks in the camera
and says, uh, I, I don't.

I haven't screwed up my
macros for like 18 months.

So yeah, it was pretty,
pretty savage, bro.

Yeah, um,

so, uh, yeah.

Anyways, Kyle.

Um, I know you're with some, some
cool peeps, but I know you, I'm

going to let you jump the line.

I don't know what's going on in your
life, but I want you to, I know we

have special feelings for Josh as
he's, it's incredible what, how he

leads and how he just shows up at one
30 in the morning and is building a

following and sharing superhuman fathers.

But I just want to give you
a moment to let him know your

thoughts and then we can continue.



I'll tell

Kyle Carnohan: you this right now.

Um, I'm on a private jet with Andy
Elliott, hanging out with Bradley, Carlos

Reyes, um, all these fucking big shots,
a bunch of big wigs, and I'll tell you

what, I'd rather sit in a fucking room
with Josh, shoot the shit, talk about real

shit, not on some fucking private jet,
but in your fucking room, in your house,

talking about real life with a man that
fucking lives it and does it, period.

That's what matters.

I've never been on a private jet.

It was cool.

It was cool.

Those are fun things, but
this is the shit that matters.

And Josh will be owning his own
fucking private jet if he keeps

this trajectory up, period.

So it doesn't even

matter, man.

I just, I mean, what we're doing
here, it doesn't happen anywhere

else because I'm all over the place.

I see it all.

This level of commitment is so rare.

So very, very rare and so very powerful.

We watched it happen.

That's all I have to say.

Joshua Plante: Appreciate you, Kyle.

I was telling these guys, my big
shift was that certification.

And I know there was a few things that
made me shift, but 1 of them, it was

especially after that breath work.

But then there was another
thing where I think it was

after the breath work where I.

I said, like, what was shown to
me is that I'm worthy, right?

Like I saw like my inner child or
whatever, this and that, all the stuff

that you can see during breath work.

And then, uh, you told
me that I am worthy.

And I think that was a huge
shift as hearing other guys, you

guys saw it in me when I really
kind of didn't see it in myself.

So I accepted it at that time.


And like Christian said, now you guys
saw like after certification, I've

shifted because I know I'm worthy.

I am.

Kyle Carnohan: Remember what
we said about your wife?

You have to earn the respect first
before you can submit to them.

And I would tell you, you were in a
room full of men that you respected.

And when they, when you have
that respect from another man,

then you have the ability.

You tell them they're worthy.

Now you hold that same ability to
tell the other men here that they're

worthy and they'll believe you.

Ryan Carnohan: Oh, yes.

That's it.

That's what

I would, yes.

My favorite thing, man.

Cause the whole time we're always
worried about proving our worthiness.

We're always how selfishly.

You selfishly think about,
Oh, when will I be worthy?

What do I have to achieve?

And then finally you realize you're
already worthy and you need to become

the man that when people walk in the
room, you can say that you're going to

remind them that they're already worthy.

And they believe you because
you're such a fucking savage.

Thank you, josh, you do that for me.

That's what it is.

That's what it is, bro That's why when you
told me bro, because I I felt it people

told it to me or whatever But you gave
that to me the first time I met you man.

There it is right there.

Let's go.

That was beautiful

Love it.

All right Okay, cory tucker and then
levi and then rob and then rob two

robs robert roberto first go go cory

Cory Tucker: What's up, Josh?

Joshua Plante: That's
that's that's Jason Statham.

Cory Tucker: Oh, well,
maybe maybe soon enough.

I'll have a career like this.

Hey, man, listen, I just wanted
to say I came in here January 28.

I've been watching what
you've done since that time.

Look, I'm inspired by every man who has
the balls to join this, this group of men.

But there are some folks on here that
take it to the next level for me.

Keep me disciplined.

Keep me, uh, in line.

Keep me waking up like before
the alarm clock goes off at three

o'clock and you're one of them, dude.

And I just want to say thank you, man.

Like I, I, I need you guys.

And, and, and, and you, you're
one of them, especially.



you, brother.


You're absolutely on fire.

I can't, we're walking this
thing together and it gives me

goosebumps to even talk about it.

And I'm fired up.

I'm fired up to be, be,
be your brother, man.

Joshua Plante: Oh yeah, wait till you
guys see me in six more weeks, by the

way, when I win the fucking competition
that all you guys better have signed up


Here we go, here we go.

I'm gonna be more ripped in
six more weeks, and then ripped

six more months from now.


Cory Tucker: hell yeah.

Congrats, brother.

You too.

Until next time.

Joshua Plante: Thank you.

Kyle Carnohan: Hey, if you guys
aren't used to that kind of um,

shit talking, um, get used to it.

And do it, and love it, and love
each other for it, and, and,

cheer each other on when you...

Speak with the power
of belief in yourself.

All of you should be
thinking that fuck you.

This is mine out of my way.

Joshua Plante: And dude you guys
stay plugged into the community?

That's so important to stay plugged
into the community, even if you don't

want to, or you don't think you have
anything of value to share, whatever,

like open up, be honest with everybody.

And stay plugged in.

And if you, if you're wanting, if
you're looking for cheers, you better

be cheering others on yourself as well.

So what goes around comes around, right?

So feel everyone else's cup.

They're going to feel yours back.

But the biggest thing is
power in the community.

That's what we're here for is to
support each other, love each other.

This is honestly the safest
place I've ever been.

Everyone here is safe to be vulnerable
and open up and it's life changing.

So just continue that everyone's doing
a great job at it, but continue it.

And if you guys see yourself or if that
if you hear me and and you are kind of

like in the background Start reaching out

you're gonna start getting all
the results that you envision for

yourself If you start plugging in
with everybody, it's the only way

Ryan Carnohan: levi.

She's still in here.


Rob Santos: Hi, Josh.

You're savagely, I think
it was a very impressive.

So congratulations for
your massive change.

Thank you.


So I wanted

to ask you, I mean, and especially,
you know, like before you were

kind of like, you know, smoking
weed and drinking and so on.

So I'm sure that one of the things that

happened was

that you had like your bitch,
like your big bunch of buddies.

Um, you

know, before.

So my question to you is
like, how did you live this


Like your weekends,
like on your spare time,

Cory Gallup: meaning apart from

your wife and daughter.

So like,

were you still meeting like
the same group of friends?


changed it.

And then if

you did meet them, how did you behave?

You know, like

whatever, you know, bars, barbecues, etc.

How, you know, you made
that shift, you'd say?

Joshua Plante: Um, I mean, honestly, the
last part of my drinking, it was mostly

just by myself at the house, right?

Like, I had a couple of friends
that we would do that with,

so that wasn't a hard shift.

And the one friend, and some of
the friends that I was partying

with, they knew me when I was
sober prior, so they were in full

support when I got sober again.

They're still my friends, right?

So true friends are always going
to stick around regardless.

So they basically supported
your yeah, I'm good.


Matt Cokewell: that's good.

That's good.


Thank you.

Ryan Carnohan: Yeah.

Did you ever feel pushback
in your nutrition though?

Around people or no?

Joshua Plante: Oh, hell
yeah, dude, honestly.

Food, yeah.

Of course.

Cause, you know, the friends see
it, like, Dude, you've lost like 50

pounds, 60 pounds, 70 pounds, you know,
as I progressed in the weight loss.

They're like, come on, you can
have a slice of cake or whatever.

But I got friends, you know, they
just like talking shit, whatever.

Give me a hard time.

But then the real ones will look at me and
be like, fuck, you hold the power, bro.

Like I respect the shit out of you for
saying no, cause food's a hard one, man.

For everybody, dude, I've
quit heroin, meth, alcohol.

I've done all that shit.

And I did a hard and food.

That's the hardest.

So, anyone of you, all you guys
here that are disciplined every

day and checking your macros and
shit, my hat goes off to you guys,

cause you guys are strong as fuck.

Cause food is the hardest thing
to discipline yourself with.

Everything else is easy.

Ryan Carnohan: Amazing.

Alright, I think it was Handsome Rob next.

Then we'll take Cokewell, Drew, and Brian.

Yeah, first

Handsome Rob: off, congratulations man.

Uh, You're a savage.

I've been watching you for a while now.

And, uh, you motivated me today
to come to the gym after work.

Man, I was freaking have a raging
headache and I'm here in my jeans at

Primal Fitness, but, uh, I just walked
in, but, uh, my question is, um, you

said that you were on Wes's program
for, I think you said a year, and then

you came over to see the human fathers.

Um, why, I don't know if you had
success in the program with Wes

or not, but what brought you And,
and sorry if I miss this, but what

brought you to Superhuman Fathers?

And, and then you've had obvious success
over here, so I'm just wondering, like,

what was the difference, um, that,
um, I know there's a lot different,

I'm sure, but like, what was it that
clicked for you that really helped you?

Align with your, your purpose and your
values, um, that, that you weren't

doing over there, if that was the case.

Joshua Plante: I mean, you know,
I much love the, the West and

his program that he started this.

I mean, I was following Kyle, um,
when I was in West's program before

you Kyle even started as SHF.

So I kind of followed along with that.

Um, but when I started getting involved
at the marriage mastery calls with

my wife, cause she hired Whitney.

I just knew, I don't know, man.

I just, that was my calling, man.

Just like the F I think the whole
family orientated thing and stuff.

And then obviously, as soon as I got
in a call with like Kyle, call me and

said, cool, man, I signed up with him.

And then, and then I talked
to Ryan, like, come on, man.

It's the world's greatest height, man.

As soon as fucking Ryan called me, I
like, I fell in love with him immediately.

And I was like, damn,
this is what it's like.

Like, this is awesome.

And then I jumped in with.

With you guys and the whole networking
thing and everything and everyone's

chatting and stuff and you just
know, you know, in your heart, like,

Oh, man, this is my tribe for sure.

Because I wasn't involved when I was
in West's program with, with the,

with those guys there like I was.


At first I was like going at it but then
eventually I just kind of drifted away and

I was just in the background all the time
I barely even talked to Wes, you know, I

was just kind of scared but I was still
just chugging along but With this group,

I just feel a different type of way.

It's just a whole nother vibe.

I feel safe.

Um, all you guys are just
freaking studs on here.

Everyone's, uh, here with like love and
support and compassion for each other.

Everyone's family orientated.

You know what I mean?

And that's, that's the biggest
thing that, yeah, to me, I just,

I love superhuman fathers, man.

This is the best.

This is the best weapon group, hands

Handsome Rob: down.

Right on, yeah, thanks.

Yeah, yeah, I just wondered,
I listened to Wes for several

years, and never did anything.

You know, I liked his message, but,
you know, and I grew up with Wes and

Kyle, and it wasn't until, you know,
Kyle started Superhuman Fathers, and I

started following him on Instagram as
well, and I felt, I think, a similar

safety, and like, this was my tribe, like.

Not that, no, nothing against Wes,
this content or anything that he

does, but I just felt more like it was
something that I fit in better, so.

Yeah, thanks for sharing that.

Um, appreciate it.

Joshua Plante: Yeah, no problem.

Ryan Carnohan: I forgot who
was next, was it Cokewell?

I think so.

Cokewell, Drew, and then Brian.

Yeah, I'll go.

Matt Cokewell: So, so I
got, I got a question.

So, Josh, you said like, At some point
like you just don't miss and I totally

understand that because I used to tell
Flores like I'm a machine, like just plug

in my stuff, and, and I'll do it like I'm
going to get the work done, but that that

came from like a lot of internal hurt
and like past things that happened in my

life that like drove me to that point.

So, like, for everyone else,
like, what, what was your biggest

struggle during your transformation?

And what'd you do to like overcome
it or get to that point where you

could just be like, give me the work.

I'm going to do it.

It doesn't matter.

I'm here.

I'm all in.

Like, what, what, what was it like?

How could you inspire some of us that are
like struggling or having a hard time?

Joshua Plante: My thing is just
knowing who I'm doing it for, you know?

My wife, my daughter, like,
and I gave them my word.

Like, my word means more
to me than anything now.

Cause I used to not be my word at all.

I'd always...

Talk, talk, talk, talk, talk,
but never follow through.

Now I'm following through, right?

And now they're following.

And I got other people following
outside of you guys, like on my

Instagram and friends in other
states reaching out and shit.

So, I have to do this because
now I'm being the example.

And I don't care about myself anymore.

It's just about being the
example for everyone else.

So that's what's keeping me going when
I'm struggling, I think about them, I

think about the word that I gave myself
and the word that I gave them, and

then I don't want to disappoint anyone.


Matt Cokewell: I think that's huge.

Like, you have to tie like
some bigger purpose to it.


not about the...


Joshua Plante: tie a
purpose to all of it, yes.

Matt Cokewell: Yeah, and like...

There was times I'd, like, I'd text
Ryan, I'm like, Dude, I, I fucked

up, like, I missed my macros by five.

But like, like, you just don't miss, but
like, you care so much about everyone

else, that it like, drives you to be
successful, which in return, just inspires

so many people, which is totally what
you're doing, and like, you crushed

it, and you continue to inspire people.

I'm so proud of you, bro.

Joshua Plante: Thanks, brother.


Let's go, it's so good.

That's the other thing.

Don't beat yourself up, man.

If you guys fall short on one male or
one day or whatever, pick yourself up.

And you got, there's a whole
nother day to just be better.

Uh, I know a lot of guys
like to be like, yeah, if

Ryan Carnohan: you give into an
excuse, Josh will smash it for you.

So, you know, so, you know,

Joshua Plante: start like hating on
yourself and shit, but you got to

also look back and be like, where was
I six months ago, three months ago,

a year ago, like You're not, you're
not gonna be the same person, you

should always be progressing forward.

So if you fall short for one day,
like, oh well, fix, see where you

fucked up and fix it the next day
and keep on chugging forward, man.

You know, no reason to cry
about it, just keep going.

Aron: Josh, my dude, I'm still on the
mic, I don't care, I'm jumping in here.


my boy, Blue.



I forgot, I know how to put his hands up.

I know you do, it's okay,
that's why I jumped in.

Yeah, jump in, Aaron.

Hi, you know, anytime I was
down, you've always inspired me.

You told me, you know, stop being
a fucking, I have a free assembly.

You said one time, like, you
know, you are worthy and stop

being a selfish, you know, person.

And you, you've always
shined for me, brother.

Like, uh, you know, a blue collar redneck.

Well, I'm a redneck, you know,
but you know, you've always.

Kept me up, man.

When I was down, it mean reached out for
whatever reason, uh, I never thought I

would have a friend like that, you know,
um, usually when I'm down, I'm down, but

man, you've always been there for me,
um, burpee, burpee game, but I haven't

done them in a while, but you know, Hey,
I just want you to know that, you know,

you're a very big inspiration for me.

Um, I probably don't tell you enough,
but dude, I fucking love you and fucking,

you've always been there for me and I
appreciate everything you do and you

inspire me to do better, be better.

So I just want to tell you that brother.

Love you.

Joshua Plante: Love you, Aaron.

Thank you.

Ryan Carnohan: Let's go, Aaron.

Big things happening for you, bro.

Get some.

Joshua Plante: Absolutely.

He's on fire

Ryan Carnohan: right now.

All right, Adam.

Adam Stout: What's up, man.


I'm, I'm really, really happy for you.

Um, when we met at, uh,
certification, it, uh, it was

powerful to

see your example.


And just kind of

have you sit back and just pay attention
and then to see you kind of open up.

It was awesome.

Um, you have


me so much just over the
last four to six weeks.


I look up to you and you've,
you've a shit on all of my excuses.

And, uh, that is, I, I still haven't

the excuse of like, I, I'm
scared to do social media.


I've been called to do

social media, but I have not followed

through with that yet.

And I look at you every

day, putting yourself out there and

I just admire

you and look up to you and

your, your extreme action.

I mean, just extreme discipline.

And so thank you so much for


Thank you.

Joshua Plante: Thanks
Adam, appreciate you.

And dude, talk to the camera.

Actually, Kyle helped me with that.

Another surfcation thing that I
learned out there is like, who

gives a fuck what anyone thinks?

I just look, when I'm talking
to the camera, I just picture

that I'm talking to you guys.

You guys love me.

It's a safe place.

So I don't care.

So my message is not only to my friends
here, but it's a message to myself.

So once you get that in your, Um,
your head, it gets a lot easier.

So just try doing that.

You guys serve

Kyle Carnohan: this up.

I have to, I gotta pitch it because
you keep hearing certification,

certification, certification,
certification, certification over and

over and transformation transformation.

So, uh, why the fuck have you not
signed up for our next men's event?

If you're not coming to Dallas.

Buy a ticket and come to Dallas.

We're going to be hanging
out with three days.

It's going to be a bunch of speakers.

I'm speaking.

Unfortunately, I think, I don't
think JP Jordan Peterson, I

think he backed out of the deal.

So those of you did buy tickets,
if you came to see Jordan Peterson

and not me, we can refund your
tickets, but it's going to be epic.

We're gonna have an epic
workout in the morning.

Come be with us.

You see what happens.

There, I'm done.

Thank you.

Adam Stout: I'm going to Dallas.

I haven't even bought flights


I don't even know anything about


Besides, I bought those tickets.

I actually forgot to buy flights.

I gotta buy flights too.

Can you

Kyle Carnohan: High Rollers
buy some fucking VIP tickets?

Or CEOs so you can hang out with me?

That'd be awesome.

I always buy CEO tickets
every fucking time.

And I did when I was broke.

Ryan Carnohan: That's why
he's on a private jet.

Or was.

Kyle Carnohan: Dude, I, Carlos


I see him.

Build connections.

That guy runs

over to me.

He's like, Kyle, what's up, dude?

How's superhuman fathers.

Everyone's like, what the fuck?

How do you know everybody?

Cause I go to everything.

Ryan Carnohan: That's why.

Well, Daryl, you want to tell
Josh how much you love him.

And if you want to go to any
of these events and you have

questions, you can text Chris or me.

Hey, can I, can I, uh, can
I say, add one more thing?

Um, Josh, you mentioned
something that when.

Adam Stout: You mentioned something
when, uh, when you were trying to kick

alcohol or and everything that, uh, when
you thought that you had gotten to a

place that you had arrived, you always

fell back.

Um, what, why do you think that


Joshua Plante: I think, well, like I said,
I just like the unworthiness kind of part.

Like, I, like, I'd get to certain
points where I felt like maybe

I, Wasn't good enough or deserved
some good stuff in my life.

Why I felt that type of way.

I don't know, but this is
self sabotage at that point.

Anytime I would get to a certain level
and I felt like I wasn't deserving of it

or whatever, I would just self sabotage.

Adam Stout: Was there trauma or

anything in your life that you had

to bring delight in order to feel worthy?


was it just the.


fact that other men that you
looked up to said you are worthy.

Joshua Plante: That right there.

Other men looked up to
said that I was worthy.

That helped me out big time.

That's awesome.

Ryan Carnohan: Awesome.

Let's go be the father.

You can tell your son he's
worthy and he believes you.


Oh, Darryl, go for it.

Daryl Petrilli: All right.

Sorry guys, but I have to tell
Joshua that I love you, man.

You, I don't know what it is, but I
resonated with you and I come to find out

that, you know, you were a lot like me.

You're you sat back, you were, you're

quiet at certification.

Then I find out that you were
just frozen out of certification.

You're on fire.

And I just love the fact that you,
um, you're constantly posting videos.


constantly given of yourself.

They always say that you're the, um,

Most did you raise

way higher than most?

I just want to tell you
that I love you and I

appreciate you and I appreciate
everything you've done for me and how

you push me to be the best I can be.

So I just wanted to let you know that.

Joshua Plante: Thanks, Daryl.

You're the man.

Love you, bro.

Ryan Carnohan: All right,
Ryan and then Matt.

Ryan: All right, Josh, I just
wanted to say congratulations.

I can't get over, uh, Brian
Robertson's, uh, your special


That was, uh, that was really sweet.


but I did want to say
congratulations, man.

You're crazy inspiring.

Like every morning when I wake up
and I've got that resistance, like.

You've already posted on social media.

You've already written a diatribe.

You've already done 600 pull ups.

It's crazy, man.

Um, so keep it

up because you're really, you know,
I, I know I speak for the group when

I say you're keeping a lot of us on
track, you know, you're a, you're

the white rabbit we're all chasing.

And, uh, yeah, man, one of these days I'm
going to clean that garage mirror though.

Joshua Plante: Thank you.

Matt Cokewell: Matt,

Ryan Carnohan: he's about
to bench press us right now.

Matt TheRiot: Almost.

Um, Mr.

Plante, I wanted to tell you it's been
great getting to know you and your family.

Um, I appreciate the inspiration of,
of just you being up every morning.

Every time I get up and it's like 4.

15, I'm like, well, Josh has already
been up for like two fucking hours.

So get out of bed.

Um, anyway, congratulations, man.

I know it's been a long road
for you and you deserve.

Every, every reward and every
minute of that you get from here.

So I'm glad things are going
well for you and your family.

And, uh, thank you, man.

You're my first savage client ever.

Joshua Plante: Yeah, that's right.

Appreciate you, Matt.

Yeah, Matt.

I signed up for a life insurance.

I got that through Matt.

So any of y'all need some life
insurance, link up with Matt.

He got you.

I just gave Matt

Kyle Carnohan: 50 grand to invest for me.

And, uh, I did it cause
we were on that one call.

Where, um, I was talking about being
a pussy and, and I'll be afraid to

put your money where your mouth is.

And I, I heard the voice real clear
and Matt's little head just shined.

It goes, he goes, ask him how much
his minimum is and then double it.

Ryan Carnohan: Fuck, let's go.


Matt TheRiot: The minimum
just went up, man.

Cause of you.

There you go, dude.

Hey, when the voice, I'm
second Savage client.

Cory Gallup: We fucking listened, dude.

And I think I got 10% on that
money last month, so good job.

Ryan Carnohan: All right, brothers.

Well, I guess we know
how much we love Jon.

Joshua Plante: Yeah, I
appreciate all the love, guys.

But seriously, let's
just get back to work.

Ryan Carnohan: He needs nothing.

He's like, wake up early, get your

Joshua Plante: macros.

All love on your families the
rest of the evening, boys.

That was

Ryan Carnohan: epic.

So good.

All right.

Kyle Carnohan: I hope you enjoyed
this transformation from Superhuman

Fathers, and one thing I want you
to know is that anyone can do this.

Yes, even you.

Go to superhuman and
apply for the Brotherhood right now.

Overdub: Next Time on Super Human
Fathers Transformation Podcast

Ryan Gehmlich: so back in
December, I was in the gym and,

and, uh, you know, pushing up.

Some heavy squats, and I get this call

that my house is on fire from a neighbor,
and I had no idea if my family was okay.


so I just, I pretty much like
dropped everything and just

ran out of the, out of the gym.

You know, I'd, I'd walked there, and
so it was a sprint to get to the house.


3 miles.

That's it.


3 miles.

And I, I could see.

My house, you know, this just pillar
of smoke and flames coming from

the roof of my house, and I still
could not sprint all the way there.

I was out of breath.

And here I'm thinking, you know,
I don't know if my kids are okay.

I don't know if my wife got out.

Like, I had no idea what was going
on as I was running toward the house.

And, and so, you know, In that
moment that it hit me as like,

dang it, I'm out of shape.

And if I had to run to save my
family like right now, I can't do it.

I'm just not there.