The Choosing Ease Podcast

In this episode, Relinde dives deep into the fascinating dance we have with money. She'll help you uncover and release those pesky money blocks so you can invite more abundance into your life. Packed with heartfelt stories and actionable tips, this episode is your roadmap to transforming your financial mindset and embracing true prosperity. Whether you're eyeing your first 10k month or aiming for seven-figure success, we've got the tools you need to heal your money relationship and supercharge your financial flow.

What You'll Discover:
  • The Magic of Money: Explore how our beliefs about money shape our reality, often rooted in issues of worthiness and receiving.
  • Mirror, Mirror: Understand how money reflects our inner beliefs and impacts our outer world.
  • Relinde’s Journey: Get inspired by Relinde’s story of growing up with financial struggles and how she shattered her negative money beliefs.
  • Healing and Shifting: Learn how healing deeper wounds and changing limiting thoughts can transform your money mindset.
  • Breakthrough Strategies: Discover effective techniques to break through limiting beliefs and create a healthier money flow.
  • Self-Reflection: See how a healthy money flow mirrors our self-love and our ability to give and receive.
  • Money Letter Magic: Find out how writing a letter to money can clear emotional and mental blockages.
If you start shifting money beliefs on a deep subconscious level, download my beautiful audio guide with a comprehensive list of beliefs to identify what's blocking your flow. Plus, you'll get a powerful meditation to help shift those limiting beliefs and welcome abundance into your life, all for just $27. Here is the link.

Tune in to the full episode and transform your relationship with money. Let’s unlock your financial potential together!

Rewire Your Brain For Ease & Prosperity Audio Guide

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What is The Choosing Ease Podcast?

A podcast for multi-skilled coaches and experts who are ready to leverage their unique expertise, create money overflow all while embodying ease. Discover how to stop forcing things in your business and start letting your natural life force guide you... so you can spend less energy, get bigger rewards, and make the kind of impact you were born to create.


Let's talk about money. Money and money blocks and how karma and good flow relates to money. And if you are somebody who is like, you know what? Money and I, we do not have the best relationships always. Then you're in the right place.


We're gonna talk about this. So, like, what is money? What is it a money block? How do you release it? How can you create wealth and abundance in your life even if it is not something that comes natural to you?


I know that we all have our money stories. We all have our beliefs around money. We have the, you know, family that we grew up in. It's gonna create ways that we see money, how we think about money, how easy we think it is to create and keep money, and build more and more wealth in our lives. And it is such a huge topic.


And I am excited to talk about it today because I think it is so empowering to break through the beliefs that keep you from either making more money, being better at managing your money, being a better salesperson in your business, being somebody who can raise their prices when it is really in alignment for you to do so, instead of being undervalued, underpaid, always scrambling around with your money, just not having enough. I mean, if you are somebody who's like, I can add value to the world. I can add value to people. I'm truly here to be of service, then I think that is the best thing, you know, you can do for your business. Because isn't that what it's all about?


It's like I am here to be of service for others. I am here to help others on their path with that thing that you helped them transform or have, or let go of, or create in their lives. And now, when you have that, it is very healthy for you to also be somebody who can receive money in return for it. So that there is a beautiful reciprocity. There's working with the people, seeing that you changed life, and then also receiving the money for it that allows you then to create flow, more flow in your business and in your life.


And I actually really don't mind what kind of number we're talking about here. So it could be that you are somebody who's making already 6 figures a year and is wanting to get to multiple 6 figures, to 7 figures. It could be that you're somebody who's really looking forward to that first 10 k month or whatever that number is for you. For me, it is about expanding your boundaries and really healing your relationship with money and with wealth. All of this is coming from someone, me, who didn't grow up with money.


Like my mom was alone with me. My father left before I was born. It was just the 2 of us and back then childcare and all that wasn't a usual thing yet in the Netherlands. So my mom couldn't go to work. She couldn't work while having me.


She had to take care of me and we were on welfare. I don't know how she did it. I'm like that's impressive when I look back because I felt like we always went on a holiday. We never went on a fancy holiday. You know, we went with our old card France that might maybe break down.


But we had fun and we had all the beautiful things that I desire. But in hindsight, I know that she always had to, you know, really count every penny. And I also know that I was aware of it. You know, I was aware and over when I got older, even more, that other kids might have more fancy clothes or cars or houses, have more fancy holidays, like, all these things. And I started to see that there's a difference.


I also remember that my mom would talk about people who have money in a way that wasn't always positive. She would say things like, yeah. It's always the rich people that are the most greedy. You know? That are the least that wanna keep everything for themselves.


And rich people are the ones that, ruin the world. You know? Talking about big oil companies or like are not considerate people. So I really got some messaging and the beliefs that I needed to clear around money were a lot about, like, if you want to have even if you really want to have money, it's a bad thing. If you have money, you're a bad person.


So it was really hard for me for many years to even say that I really wanted to, you know, be prosperous or be more wealthy or create more opportunities in my life. Open more doors. If that is for me. For example, I'm a learner, so I always wanted to go to these trainings. Qigong trainings, yoga trainings, Business trainings.


Events. Higher, join coaching programs. And all these things I still want at. It is so important for me that I, if my heart feels it wants to be somewhere. If I wanna be in a place that I can develop myself further.


If I can learn more. If I can, you know, be more in spiritual alignment. I wanna be able to do the things that I want to do. And it's always really annoyed me if I didn't have the money to do it because I'd felt like I really know I need to be in this room or I need to travel to this place or I need to do this thing. And I do not want to feel constricted because of money.


I do not wanna feel constricted because of money and the experience that I can have with my loved ones or that I can create. And I am the first to say that money doesn't buy you happiness. And at the same time, I'm like, it's really nice to be able to choose from your heart and not by the limitations of your bank account only. Thus, a healthy money flow is something that I started to really desire in my life. You might know that I worked in the arts for many years, but also I would say some limiting beliefs around money, and I really had to kind of break free of that.


So my own money journey has been quite intense. And in that journey, I've learned so much on what it is that holds us back for making more money that I now help my clients with this on a deep level as well. I help them by finding the limiting beliefs that keep us from making money and spoiler alert, those are not only beliefs around money, but those are beliefs around worthiness, about being able to receive, about being a good person. You know? You can make lots of money and be a good person at the same time.


So here is where money and money blocks and money beliefs really come into play. What I see a lot with my clients is that there's just real deep beliefs around how much some how much they can charge. And I'm not saying you only have to charge high fees. Not at all. I think you can charge, you know, you can have your lower end product.


And I think at the core of all of it and I've talked about this in last week's podcast where I talked about karma. For me, money, there was this big feeling of unfairness tied to it. And I think that comes from the way I grew up and just some beliefs that my mom had around unfairness, around money. Like, why do not, why do good people not just have more money? Why why is it the bad people that have a lot of money and the good people that haven't?


These were things that I really needed to clear up and you already see and you might recognize that there's a lot of beliefs that we hold around money. So all of us have money beliefs. I've worked with clients who grew up with lots of money. Who grew up with very rich parents and always had more than enough and maybe still have that money flow coming into their lives just because of, you know, their family giving them an annual amount or anything like that. And still they feel blocked around money.


I've worked with clients that for had felt like I have so much money coming into my life because my husband is really rich and we have this really wealthy lifestyle, but it is me generating the money which feels blocked. Right? So there's so many different ways. And then, of course, we have just this upper limit problem, which is, a term coined by Gay Hendricks who wrote The Big Leap. Beautiful book.


And that upper lid on problem saying that everybody has an upper limit. Like, how much money can you earn? If you feel that it is normal, quote unquote normal, to make €2,000 a month. And you think, so that is what I can do. That is what I can generate but not more than that.


And you will notice that you always have €2,000 a month. I've had times where I was like €2,000 a month. And then sometimes if I were to make 4,000, next month I would make nothing. Or I make 2,000, oh, I'd make 4,000 and then there would be some kind of unaccepts, unexpected bill of 2,000 and I was back at that level of 2,000. Right?


And you might recognize this. It's almost like we have this ceiling planted into our system of this amount is safe to have and to keep. So all of these things are usually not desired. If you're listening to this, you might be like, yes. I recognize it and I wanna make more money.


I want to make 10,000 a month. And when you make 10,000, maybe you want to be able to expand your team and grow your business and grow your freedom and expand to 50,000 a month or a 100,000 1,000 a month, whatever your number is. And by the way, some people might listen and say, 100,000 a month? That's ridiculous. That is also money beliefs.


Because ultimately what is money? Right? Money does not exist. Right? Can we let that land for a minute?


Money doesn't exist. It is a made up concept. It is something that we have all agreed on. I know it's pretty aggressive like if you do not comply with certain rules around money, things in your life look very different. But it doesn't exist.


It is in a sense a mind game. Money is also not finite. It is more like an energy flow. If you see right now, money is moving all around the world from person to person, from company to person, to here to there. People often say this costs so much money as if it like they took the money and threw it down the drain and it never came again.


No. The money is spent on something. Somebody receives it, does something with it, and somebody else receives it. It is this flow of money. It's like a a very abundant river of money that is constantly moving all over in the world, in in in everything.


And you can decide to become part of that flow. You can decide of, like, I'm not going to be receiving my fair share of that money. And then you first need to believe that your fair share is abundant. It doesn't have a limitation. So shifting money beliefs is the biggest thing you can do for yourself.


And honestly, these beliefs aren't always related to money. As I said, I had a client, Willemijn is her name. She's Dutch. And she came to me and said, well, Linda, I've been trying to make money with my business. She had been working as a medical doctor for years.


Then quit that career because she did not thrive in it. She didn't love it. And then she started her own business and she is good at like implementing things. She had done everything right. Built a decent list in a short amount of time.


I partnered up with people like Kate Northrop. And she had this like really beautiful business built in a short amount of time. As I said, big audience, big list, no sales. Nothing. Can't believe it.


It's like, why was that not happening? And she asked me, I'm, you know, she did one of my programs and she's like let's bust through those money blocks. And we worked on that and the beautiful thing was in the way that I work I don't only look around beliefs that's money. You know, I deserve money. I can receive.


I can make money. I'm good with money. All those things. But I look at very different areas as well. And there was a different belief for her that was blocking her from making money.


And that belief for her was I can never give up. I can never give up. And that belief, I can never give up, made that she kept doing the same thing in her business while actually already knowing that this wasn't what she really wanted. That this business that she had created was what she thought would work, but not what she really wanted. So then she shifted in a different offering.


She still she emailed that out to that same list with a very different offer. She's like, you know what? Actually, this is what I'm gonna do from now on. And she we had shifted the belief. And 2 days later, she messaged me.


She's like, well, Linda, I just have 2 paying clients. Like, they paid, they signed up, they paid. I'm starting to work with them next week. And it was so beautiful to see that the belief that was actually actually not allowing her to make money was a very different belief than what she had. So what I'm saying is money is a mirror.


It is something telling you. And sometimes there are beliefs directly related to money, but sometimes there's other beliefs. Of course, there's a belief around worthiness. I am worthy. I am deserving.


It's easy to make money. You know? There's the taking away the fears around money. When I have a lot of money, I will become a bad person. Or if I have money, other people will think I'm arrogant or will lose my friends or, like, whatever those fears are.


If I make a lot of money, if I'm really successful in my business, I will have to work all the time and I won't have time for my kids. Those are beliefs and fears around money that keep us from not having it. So the beauty about this is that in essence, it comes back to the same principle. It's like clearing those deeper wounds, clearing those limiting beliefs, clearing those fears that allow us then to create a better flow better money karma so that the money can come to you. And that you cannot only make it, that you can make the money, that you can generate revenue in your business, but that you can also keep it and save it, that you can invest it and your money starts making more, that you can feel nourished and supported by your money, that you know that you're good enough, worthy, and deserve to receive that money, and to have it build up in your bank accounts and for it to be there for you as a loving partner, as a loving caretaker, as like, here, I'm here for you when you need me.


Your money, allowing your money to have it, you know, to invest it, to for it to become more without you even having to work. All these things start with healing your beliefs. Beliefs that come, as I talked about, my mother, from your upbringing, from your childhood, from the country or city that you've been born into, All these different elements that all these different influences in your life that created what you believe to be true around money. And thus what your, what your money reality is today. So here's the beautiful thing.


In essence, we're talking about money and really it is something that is about you, about healing deeper layers within you and to allow yourself to be uncomfortable and look at these stories, look at these things and ask, is this ultimately true? Is it really true that rich people are always bad? Right? By the way, one of the things for me, if you share that belief with me or this fear that you'll be a bad person or greedy if you want a lot of money or that it's bad to say that you want to make $500,000 a year or euros a year, a million, or how much however much you want to make. If you have that one, there's something that really shared shifted that perspective for me.


Which is somebody told me money doesn't change the person. It amplifies what is already there. So if you are a person who is wanting to be in integrity and authenticity and who is here to share your kindness and your love and your willing to help other willingness to help others with the world, and you have found a beautiful way to serve through your unique offer, through your programs, your business, your coaching, your courses, whatever that is for you, then more money is only gonna allow you to have more of that. Gonna if you are already a loving person, you're gonna be a more loving person. If you're already relaxed, you're gonna be more relaxed.


If you are, already somebody who's generous, you're gonna be more generous. Right? So it is not that it makes you into somebody. It is that it amplifies something that you already are. Now, also, I wanna say with that is if you get if you receive a lot of money, whatever way, you just receive it, somebody gives it to you, or you're actually generating it through your business, you have quick growth, and you do not do the inner work.


This is when you see that the money gets lost over time. You know, it's just you spend it or, you know, these stories that people win the lottery, they win a 1,000,000 and within 2 years, they spend it all. Those are things because the inner work needs to happen with it. So, simultaneously, you need to do the inner work in order to open up and receive more money. And also, because you do the inner work, you're gonna be the bigger person that can also hold more money.


And again, that is so, so important because in that way it becomes so much more fun and so much more sustainable and in the end it is not about the money. It's not about the numbers in your bank account. Every Saturday, they don't even exist. It doesn't even mean anything in a way. It's just a really important game that we all play.


And that does influence our reality, but it is a mind game in the end. So it allows you to receive more, but it also allows you to be so much happier while you receive it. So really the inner work around money blocks, the things that they show us, the mirror that it can be, that is where you really want to tune into. I do deep work around this with my clients and again it's a little hard for me to explain everything about that in this podcast. So the most powerful thing you can do is to identify these money blocks and to really heal them.


And if you want to know more about how you can heal them, I have a really beautiful audio guide, a meditation and a guide for you to find the beliefs that are blocking your money flow. And as I said, it can be beliefs around money, but it can be other things. And I have a beautiful way for you to figure out what are the things that are holding you back for it. I have a beautiful rewire your brain for ease and prosperity audio guide, and we have just renewed it. There's a beautiful guide on how to find the beliefs and then how to start shifting those beliefs on a deep subconscious level.


This audio guide has given students I keep having people saying oh my gosh, I've done so much work on beliefs already but this is what really shifted it for me. Such breakthroughs with just this method. So if you're interested in that we having this, you can download this audio guide, you can access this audio guide for just $27 So comment beliefs in Instagram and I will share the link with you. We will also make sure to have the link to this meditation in the show notes. But what you really, really wanna do is get clear on those beliefs and know what is ready to shift So that you don't only shift that relating to money, but for everything in your life.


Basically, this is gonna be such a transformation. Now another thing that I love to do which I have done with my students and especially I remember a retreat that I taught where we had everybody write a letter to money. So this is something that you can do at any time. You write a letter to money and you write it as if it is a person in your life. And the first part of the letter, I want you to get open and frank with money and tell money everything that you've loved it doing, being in your life and everything that you didn't.


If you feel angry, resentful towards money. If you feel regret towards money. If you have anything that you wanna share with money about your whole life, write it down and start with high money. And then just start your letter to it. Tell it as if it was a really good friend or a family member.


And you just have this moment where you can say everything that you've ever wanted to say unashamedly. And jot that down in that letter and write it out and let's let it out. And then at the and when you feel like you've said it all and everything is you clear the air with money, then set an intention. Write down the intention like you and me money going forward. This is what I would want us to create.


This is what I would love for us to create in our lives and write down everything, what your relationship with money, how you would want it to be. Make it this two way street, this reciprocity, this you and me. Let's create this together. This is what I wanna be for you. This is what I would love you to be for me.


And write that down and it's so powerful to do that. When we did this in the retreat at Ibiza I taught years ago, it was so powerful. Everybody read their letter to money, to the group, and it was so emotional. And it was so much about the relationship with yourself. It reveals so much about you, how you see money, but also how you receive care or support, Or how you can be really in a receiving state for money.


And also feel worthy and deserving for it. So that letter is a beautiful thing to write to. I feel we have a beautiful big cone versation. If you see that money doesn't exist, that everything is energy, and that really it is about clearing these bigger wounds, then you can get in a more clear mind to work with money. Now, I do wanna add to this.


This is not the only thing. Yeah? I've worked with clients over so many years and I always help them 2 ways. I'm like, we need to clear the beliefs. We need to get into a different mindset.


But you also need to have, if you have a business, a really good offer that you're selling. Right? There's also strategy. There's also action. There's also learning how to sell.


So I do not want you to think that, you know, I've cleared all my money blocks so why isn't that money coming? There's still another side of the coin which is like the strategy and the doing and the knowing what you're doing, and how to make money in business. So I just wanted to give you that. That it is really this this podcast episode was all about like the inner work around money and really shifting that. But I am not denying the fact that we need to learn how to actually sell and how to be make smart business decisions.


But the thing is, you're only gonna actually do them most probably when you've cleared your money blocks. We still have self sabotage. I can tell you all the things around, you know, you need to do this and, you know, create a beautiful offer and sell it to people over and over again. Like, all that I can tell you, it is not that difficult. But the things that will be holding you back from doing it are those deeper limiting beliefs and those deeper karmic blockages around money.


So here's an invitation to be really, really loving and mindful with yourself. To allow yourself to accept, to see. This is what is present for me around money, around worthiness, around self love, around receiving, around self confidence. All these areas. And this is how I can shift that.


So again, if you would want to dive deeper after listening to this podcast and get my beautiful audio guide with an extensive list of beliefs and ways to find out what beliefs are really blocking you and then a beautiful audio guide to shift that for just $27 and let me know. Send me the word belief, on Instagram, and I will share a link with you so that you can get started shifting your money blocks right away. Thank you for joining us today on the Choosing Ease podcast. Remember to subscribe so you never miss an opportunity to connect. And I'd be so grateful if you could share your thoughts in a review.


Join me next time as I continue to explore the powerful skills and strategies that will help you to let go of everything that keeps you from fully sharing your genius. You are destined for greatness. And through the Choosing Ease podcast, I'm here to help you own your unique wisdom, and share it with the world. Until next time, keep choosing Ease.