The Power Life Coach

In this thought-provoking episode of “Achieving vs. Being: Why Living in the Moment is Life-Changing”, Sabine delves into the powerful shift from being an achiever to simply being present in the moment. Join her as she explores the impact of living in the now, free from the burdens of past regrets and future anxieties. Discover the keys to unlocking your creativity, finding joy, and shaping a future filled with positivity. Embrace the transformative journey of letting go of past struggles and future worries, and instead, focus on the magic of the present moment. Listen now to learn how to live a life that is truly fulfilling and life-changing. 

Stay present, stay inspired, and start shaping your future today!

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What is The Power Life Coach?

I’m here to guide and accompany you to your greatest potential and give you the tools to create a life beyond your wildest dreams. You will change your life’s narrative, transform your limiting beliefs, and you will fully own your magnificent power. So that you can go from lack, to making your life one big authentically yours mind-blowing story.

I know you want more than your current reality. So, let’s unleash your inner badassery. Let’s explore the Intersection of Pain, Passion and Power. You don’t know how? I do. I have been where you are now. I suffered, learned, awakened and succeeded so that I can show you how.

With me, you get an unapologetic, powerful sister and guide with exceptional skills and a fearless attitude, all in one. Think "Sistuoso Maestro".

So, welcome to your POWER LIFE!!

Let’s do this. You have waited way too long already.

I’ve always been very goal driven. Building one company after another. Reaching a goal, just to set the bar even higher. I was an achiever. A real workaholic. But with my most recent experience of selling my latest business, selling all of my belongings and uprooting myself from Los Angeles to the mountains in the German Alps, I’ve been trying to convert my achiever mindset to a more of a being mindset. Because I was tired. I was burnt out. And because to me, a life as such, of achieving more and more, did not make sense anymore. Despite the achievements, I felt empty.
As an achiever, I realized we always try to fix the past and create our perfect future. And with that, life is a constant and endless struggle. Because I was always struggling with one thing or another, I wondered many times if there was something wrong with me. Mental health wise, psychologically or just fundamentally.
When, as a matter of fact there really wasn’t, but I realized that we are just approaching it all wrong.
Growing up, I was told that who we are today is a result of the past and the only way we can be who we want to be in the future, is by revisiting the past. Analyzing and understanding the past. However, every time we revisit or re-member things, we don’t remember them as they truly were, but distort them. The result of that is overthinking and overanalyzing our past and that is when lessons turn into debilitating and self-limiting fear.
The past does not exist outside of our thoughts. We don’t have the ability to go back to the past. Remembering means putting it back together. Reconstructing it in our imagination. The more we remember it, the more distorted it gets. The past only exists as a remembered, imagined experience.
My lesson from that: there is a really fine line between learning our lessons from the past and moving on as a better version of ourselves and overthinking the past and limiting our personal and professional growth.
We also get obsessed with our future. How to create this future and how to avoid that future. It’s a constant struggle again, trying to line up something that does not even exist but in our imagination. Because the future is simply us imagining how things should or shouldn’t be. Just like the past, it does not exist either.
Human beings have the gift of imaginary thought and they are the only living creatures who turn that gift of imagination into worry. And then, if on top of it, past experiences have created fear, the cocktail of fears that stem from remembering the past combined with future fears will manifest itself into your future experience. The result: we get overwhelmed, anxious, and afraid about our future.
Now is the only time there is. We are made for that. How do I know that? Because when we are truly present where we are, our presence has impact. Our energy, the way we show up, has an impact. And how we show up has a ripple effect on everybody and everything around us. When we come from a place of positivity, peace and wellbeing, it effects not only the people around us, but it also effects the kind of actions we take. And with that it determines our future.
If you focus on the now without worries from past experiences and without worries about the future, we can do amazing and creative things. Creativity flourishes when we are uninhibited in the now. When we are not distracted by or lost in fear, we can create things beyond our wildest imagination. Just remember last time you were in the flow. You lose track of time and it is so blissful, because you have no worries. We are infinitely creative.
And lastly, the Universal mind will be responsive to the energy we put out.
Universal mind is always responsive to what you are focused on. It does not distinguish between positive and negative thoughts. But when you are single mindedly focused on your bliss, things will come to you, they will occur to you.
I have experienced it so many times. When I am in my flow. When I am doing something that I love doing - like writing for example – time flies by, things come to me easily, and I am in total bliss. I don’t have a care in the world. I am not worried about anything and I don’t lack anything. This is when the past and the future do not exist. I am single mindedly in the NOW. This is also the time when I realize new insights. When I have new ideas. When confusion is replaced by clarity.
It's like watching kids play: they're totally engrossed in the moment, not worrying about the past or stressing about the future. They just don't care about all that. What we're trying to do is to tap back into that joyful, playful state. It’s about living in the moment and enjoying life as they do. As we used to do.
So again, in real time we have presence, which has impact. We are infinitely creative. And we are guided by a real time responsive intelligence. Things will occur to us and we can do amazing things. Three powerful reasons to stay present.
So, next time you are at a crossroads and you need to make a choice of any kind, take the past and the future out of the equation. Put yourself in real time, by asking yourself “What would you do, if the past and the future did not exist?” What if you lost your memory and you had no past, and you had no concern about your future. What would that feel like?
Personally, I think it is a relief. Just imagine, you wake up in the middle of the night and couldn’t scare yourself with those future worries. The rabbit holes we dig in the middle of the night. It’s just awful. That’s when our imagination is in overdrive. What a shame! How we misuse the gift of imagination to constantly scare ourselves. And, if you really need to go there. Think about the future. Instead of constantly creating horror movies, how about changing the script to something beautiful? Something amazing?
So, the next time you find yourself drifting off to that make-believe place we call ‘The Future,’ catch yourself before you start directing a horror movie in your mind. Instead, start scripting a future that excites you. Let your imagination soar. Remember, just as you can terrify yourself with your thoughts, you can also fill yourself with joy. Get those feel-good hormones flowing, because your body doesn’t distinguish between happiness that's imagined and happiness that's real. Picture your ideal future as if it’s already happening. That’s what manifestation is all about. And since the Universe is always ready to help you achieve your dreams, I’m incredibly excited for what’s ahead for you.
Until next time, I'm sending you off with wishes for an incredible week ahead. May it be packed with moments fully lived in the here and now, and may your imagination overflow with everything you desire. Stay inspired, keep pushing forward, and remember, the power to shape your future starts right now. Take care and I'll catch you in the next episode!