The Viktor Wilt Show daily recap! If you miss the show weekdays from 6A-10A MST, you've come to the right place.
Morning. Oh my goodness. It is finally Friday. Was this not the longest week of all time or what? Holy cow.
I am definitely ready to be done with today. Hope it's your Friday. And if it's not your Friday, I hope, you know, whatever workdays you've got ahead that they just rocket by. Everybody needing some weekend action right about now. Well, anyhow, how's your morning?
I hope it's good. Ended up staying up later than I wanted to unexpectedly. You know? Not because well, part of it was I couldn't get to sleep once I finally did go to bed. You know, it's not as bad as other nights this week, but, you know, yesterday, I got a call from one record rep in Los Angeles, and I'm like, you guys are working?
You know? Because I know where this guy lives. He, you know, works, from up in the hills. And depending on which hill, it's not good. It's not good if you have seen the news reports and photos and videos.
So I chatted with him for a bit, and I was like, yeah, I should probably check-in with, you know, some of my other LA radio friends and such. So made a few calls. Thankfully, everybody's fine. You know what? One guy that I know from, a record label, he was in the Hollywood Hill.
He lives in the Hollywood Hills and was, like, minutes from evacuating when they managed to, put out that Hollywood Hills fire, so that was good. Then last night, I was like, well, I'm gonna call another guy I haven't talked to in a long time, and I ended up on the phone with him for, like, over an hour just talking about all kinds of things, all kinds of stuff. It was nice catching up. He's fine. But, you know, to get some of this information about these fires and how the community is feeling in LA, like, direct from people who live there, it gives you a little bit different perspective than looking at a news article on Facebook from here in east Idaho.
Like, you know, we're just sitting here covered nice and snow, all nice and safe, and I've mentioned it a past or a few times the past few days. You know, just try to be a good human being in the comment sections and things like that. There are people here who have family and friends affected by what's happening over there and, you know, you see all these comments about, the rich people in LA, blah blah blah, these celebrities. Well, I was watching a bunch of local news from Los Angeles last night because they're reporting 247. They've been live just talking about the fire stuff for for literally days on end.
And you know what I saw? Lots of normal people just like you and me. Just normal people who lost everything. You know? I I just hope that one of these days, the empathy levels can kick up a little bit when it comes to other people because yeah.
You know, here in Idaho, there's this California thing. Oh, they're moving in. They're taking over. These are just people. K?
And, it it's really crazy. It's really crazy how how bad these fires are. You know, they're they're not contained. They're still going. There's people evacuating probably as we speak.
Thankfully, from what I've seen this morning, it looks like last night was, much better than the last few nights before that. And I think the winds are supposed to die down this afternoon, but then I also saw on the news that they're supposed to kick back up again on Monday. So, you know, it's there's people dying. And I think the death toll as of right now is 10, but they haven't even really started to search the rubble. You know?
Those are people's family members and friends. So I know this is not the most pleasant way to start the show, but that was the last thing that I was discussing before bed. And, yeah, getting that different perspective from people who were there. You know? It it's just very different than you can get reading a news article and then especially, letting what other people are saying in the comments sink into your head.
So just, you know, try to be nice. Alright. It's the Victor Wills show. It's Friday, finally. Pretty stoked on that.
I mean, aside from the workday, you know, I'm I'm stoked on that after work. Mhmm. That sounded pretty good. Sounded wonderful. Alright.
This is definitely one of those threads I should have previewed before going. Alright. I'll just dive into that. Sure. What's the craziest dare you did or saw someone do in a game of truth or dare?
Alright. People can do some really stupid things when somebody dares them to. Alright. Let's see what we got. 1 of the kids I went to school with was dared to drink a can of used oil in shop class.
Oh. Don't do things just because people dare you to oil used used or knew. Don't do it. Oh, is he alive? So no one thought he actually would.
Oh, he was both hospitalized and kicked out of the tech school. How bad is that? You drink oil. You know, you risk killing yourself by drinking oil. You end up in the hospital.
And then when you get out, you get kicked out of school anyway. Jeez. Alright. Let's see here. We were at the dorms and dared our friend who had just gotten accepted to a culinary school, not even taken a lesson yet, to make us a fancy dinner with the dorm room appliances, toaster oven, George Foreman grill, hot plate.
He got up and left. We assumed it was because he was tired of us always making fun of him wanting to be an Iron Chef. He watched it all the time. Nope. He came back with groceries and made us a short rib dish that I still think about to this day.
I I I don't know about that being crazy. Hey. I dared my friend to cook us something good, and he did. That's just, you know, a good friend. Alright.
Let's see here. I'm not gonna read that one. Alright. Yeah. We could do this one.
17 year old me in high school. Yes. This was in Florida. My friend, we'll call him Dan, decided he was going to be a professional stuntman in the future. Dan insisted he knew the proper technique to be hit by a car and take 0 damage.
He knew I had a beater truck, so the chance of any damage to the vehicle was minimal. Alright. If your friend dares you to run him over, don't do that. Running your friends over with your beater truck is bad. Long story short, he sprained his wrist and bruised his shoulder, getting hit in the school parking lot.
I still have the recording. No. I'll never Now you have to share it. Okay. He did share it.
I got permission. Here's the first hit. Let's take a look at this, little video here. Alright. I mean oh.
Oh, no. Oh, no. That is not how you get hit by a truck with 0 damage. That is definite damage. He almost looks like he does a handstand on the roof of this, SUV.
Holy cow. Yeah. I bet. Sprained wrist. Wow.
Oh, they got a a second video? Oh, this is from the driver's perspective. Thank you to this Redditor for uploading. Oh. Smash the windshield.
Dude. You know, me and my friends did some stupid things back in the day, but had one of them ever dared me to hit them with my vehicle, I'd been like, no. No. Alright. In 6th grade, my girlfriend dared me to kiss her best friend.
Alright. Listen. If your girlfriend dares you to kiss anyone, chances are you you probably don't wanna do that. Alright? Especially in 6th grade.
So he did it. She got angry, said it was a test, and I failed. Yeah. That could be a test. That could be a test.
Okay. Now we're starting to get into more that I can't read here. Alright. Well, no. That was fun enough.
Give me a decent laugh this more. I you you shouldn't laugh at people getting hit by a car, but they did it on purpose. Alright? I don't feel bad about laughing because they did it on purpose. Dare you, man.
Dare you to run me over. Hey, my peeps. What's up? It's Victor Wilt. Wanna give you the heads up on what's going down with Traffic School powered by the advocates today.
Really hoping I don't happen to get a text from lieutenant Crane asking if he can do it over the phone because as you know or may not know, our phone lines are still still down. It's crazy. Probably not gonna be fixed till at least Monday. So for traffic school powered by the advocates, I've made a post in the Kay Bear group where you can leave traffic school questions, and my plan is to go live on Facebook doing live video action, taking your questions there, and we're we're just gonna power through and do it whatever way we can. So, if you are unable to watch the live video and you have a question you'd like to ask, please go post that, in the comments on the post I made yesterday about traffic school questions in the group.
But if you can join in live, even better. It'll be a lot of fun, you know, just making the best of a, you know, annoying situation with the phones. So that's coming up at 8:45. Traffic school powered by the advocates injury attorneys. If you miss Traffic School, don't forget you can always catch it on demand.
Search for Traffic School Everywhere podcast can be found or search for the Victor Wiltshire, because I always put those up on my my show's podcast pages as well. So, alright. That's the plan for today. We'll see how it goes. I got fingers crossed that it's a, you know, flawless execution, but, well, you know me.
The zenith passage. Sometimes you just gotta go for something like that on a Friday. It's a good mind exercise to listen to those time signatures and and such. Alright. Let's take a look at the latest conspiracy theories that aren't gonna make you crazy.
No. Conspiracy theories from the grand theft auto subreddit. Yeah. Nice and harmless. There have been numerous theories in the last month or so as to whether or not grand theft autos you know, or rock star, I should say, is going to be releasing a new trailer for grand theft auto 6.
For a while, it was December 27th. That's the big day. That's when it's going down. You know, there were all these weird little clues, and it really did seem like Rockstar was doing little things to kinda point at that. And then nothing happened.
Then nothing happened. So the the current one is that now they're doing a countdown based on the number of posts that they have on Instagram. That was the the the theory yesterday anyhow. Now maybe it's early. Maybe they haven't got around to deleting yet another post today, but currently, they have 11 posts on their page, and that's the same number they had yesterday.
But prior to that, it was like, oh, look. They're count they're deleting 1 a day. It's a countdown. I guess if this at some point today changes to 10 posts, maybe it is a countdown. I mean, obviously, I want a new trailer so I can get my hype levels back up to, you know, full full force extreme for GTA 6.
And looking at some of the posts they have on the page, like, why do they have an article or not an article. Why do they have a post for bully? Or just a basic rock star hoodie? Things like that. These look like posts that could certainly be deleted.
So I hope it is a countdown. It'd be nice if in 10 or 11 days, we get a new GTA trailer. And I know I've read in the past they tend to do it on a Tuesday. Well, or was it that they announce it on a Tuesday and drop it on a Friday? I don't know.
I'm just having fun reading these conspiracy theories compared to all the stupid conspiracy theories that I read on Facebook. Anyway, if I get any any updates on that, I'll definitely let you know. But it's nice to have, you know, just some mindless conspiracy, some mindless speculation that doesn't hurt anybody. It's not rude to peruse. You know?
If only all of the internet could be that way. I'm sure if nothing changes today, the GTA fans will just lose their collective minds again. But, again, I'll take that. Losing your mind over a video game over, yeah, what I see on Facebook. Was scrolling my friends down the hall's website,
And I don't know why I go into these sections because I got enough critters around my house. I have a reasonable number. 2. You know, the 2 cats. But I still can't help but check out pets that are up for adoption.
If you look under features at, we always do a, pet of the week. Let's take a look at this week's pet that is, up for adoption at the Snake River Animal Shelter. You know, if you're like me, you live by yourself. I'm telling you. Having someone around to talk to is very good.
I don't know if you've got a brain like mine. I think if I was cooped up all alone in my house all the time, I might go crazy. So I got the cats. Yeah. They're they're kinda like having very small children around or something that are, you know, quite a bit less maintenance than an actual child, but they bring me lots of joy as you probably know where you see how many videos I share of them.
But maybe you're in the market for a pet. Lots of animals that could always use homes. Let let's see what we got for this week at with their pet of the week. Alright. This is Jammin.
Jammin'. Oh, and thanks to Teton to Volkswagen. Hi. I'm Brandon over at Sneak River Animal Shelter. Today, we have Rocket.
Very energetic. Very he loves people. This dog doesn't belong in a kennel. He just doesn't do great with him. But once you get him out, he's the sweetest dog ever.
No. He does look pretty pretty nice. Yeah. If you have any questions about Rocket or any of our other dogs, come down and talk to us. We're located at 3000 Lindsay Boulevard Way in Idaho Falls.
Alright. So, you know, if you're in the market for a pet, that's something you can check out each week under features,, the pet of the week. And alright. I'm I'm glad it was a dog video and not a a little sweet kitten because next thing I know, lunchtime, I'd be heading over to the, Snake River Animal Shelter, and then, oh, sorry, Jade. Half day it is.
I gotta take care of my little kitten. Anyhow, Let's talk about pregnancy. Yeah. Congrats.
You got a little one on the way. It's gonna be very expensive. Oh, sorry. I should be more positive. Right?
There's ways to help with the expense. Thanks to our friends at z 103 next door and Mountain View Hospital's new NICU. That's right. Idaho's number one baby bump is back, and we've made it super easy for you to get in on that contest. We even put a link right in the k Bear app, the alt app, the Cannonball app.
All you gotta do, if you're yourself, you know, pregnant or know somebody who doesn't, just let them know. Fill out the form, submit a photo of your baby bump, and you're in the drawing to win all of the prizes like a crib, piles of diapers and wipes, and all kinds of other stuff for the nursery, a newborn photo shoot. Yeah. Pro photo shoot. All kinds of great stuff.
But you gotta enter to win, so I would get on it immediately. Again, fire up the k Bear app or the alt app, the Cannonball app. Get into that menu and just click the link for z 103 baby bump. Fill out the form and boom. You're good to go.
I would love to see a k Bear Rock Army baby take home all the prizes. So get in to win and stick around for freak news coming up here in just a few. Freak news powered by Greasemonkey voted Idaho's best oil change. What's up, Victor? Well, it's you.
Alright. I don't know if you've heard about this, but I actually first heard about this when I visited New York City back in May. My lady took me there to check out Manhattan, see some Broadway shows. We met up with a few of my record label friends for just a few minutes, a real quick, hey. What's up, guys?
Blah blah blah. I I still can't believe I didn't get a a photo with those guys, but, they were discussing these congestion tolls. So if you roll in to, like, Manhattan, you just have to pay a bunch of money simply to be there, making it very expensive for people who work in the area. I saw a radio show talking about this the other day. Hosts are having to drive in, like, 2 hours earlier for the morning show.
Yeah. You you know, imagine that you have an hour commute into New York to begin with to start your morning show at 6. So you probably, you know, wanna be there somewhat early. These these people are leaving for work now at, like, 3 in the morning just to save, you know, $30 a day. That adds up.
I don't even know exactly what the polls are. Well, apparently, kind of shady companies on TikTok and Amazon are selling I don't know if these are fake license plates or just unreadable characters that you put over your license plate. I'm I'm guessing if you monkey with your license plate to prevent, you know, toll cameras from being able to read your plate, you're probably gonna get in a lot of trouble. I'll have to find out what tampering with your license plate would be as far as a charge goes here in East Idaho when lieutenant Crane gets in. But yeah.
I mean, I agree. The tolls sound really ridiculous. You know? But still don't get yourself in trouble to save a few bucks. Yeah.
Sometimes you just gotta eat it. You know? What else do we have going on here? Over in the UK, I guess they are, you know, equally bothered by people having fun making snowmen. I don't know if you've seen, I think even in Calvin and Hobbs.
Calvin made a few disturbing snowmen. Someone made a 7 foot snowman that had, we'll just say private parts, and people are absolutely disgusted. Disgusted. It's a snowman. I mean, there was another guy who got arrested for, you know, spray painting the same kind of thing over potholes, which, you know, that's the best way that I've seen to get these kind of things fixed.
You know, you you just unleash a little bit of spray paint. I think that was over in the UK too. They they are not I mean, you shouldn't spray paint the road. But this particular I guess we could call it a symbol. It does seem like that being spray painted on potholes has been very effective everywhere at getting those potholes fixed.
Luckily, here in east Idaho, you can just report potholes, you know, go to your your local transportation department website and, you know, just make a report. That pothole season's on the way. It's coming soon. But yeah. I would imagine if someone made a snowman around here like that, people would probably lose their minds as well.
Because losing their minds, that's that's the name of the game in 2025. I mean, I'm looking at is this real? It I guess it's gotta be real. Elon Musk sharing conspiracy theories from Alex Jones about the fires in California. I talked about this yesterday.
How you know, I've I've been seeing some pretty wacky things in the Facebook comments. Energy weapons, blah blah blah. Alex Jones says, you know, it's part of a larger globalist plot to wage economic warfare. But yeah. Could we just try to help people?
This kinda, you know, speculation and conspiracy theory is not helping anyone. It's just making things worse. So annoying. I mean and it's Alex Jones. Come on.
Come on. Alex Jones is a habitual liar. Alright? I've talked about his, MO many times. K?
I've been familiar with Alex Jones since I was a teenager. He's been around a long time. And what he does is makes endless predictions about a 1000000 different things. And every once in a great while, something will be somewhat accurate. And then that's all he focuses on.
If you were to look at the hits and misses with this guy, it's ridiculous. But who's who's listening to 4 hours of a show every day? 4 hours of just babbling about whatever crazy ideas he can come up with. Come on. Let's try to be helpful to our fellow man.
Speaking of being helpful. This was not helpful. This was the opposite of helping someone out on New Year's. Over in Cody, Wyoming, woman was out with her friends just doing a little bit of drinking at the silver dollar bar. And apparently toward the end of the night, someone gave her a drink.
You just can't take drinks from strangers anymore. You just can't. You know, unless you see the bartender, like make it, and then they hand it to you directly. This other person that you don't know has no way of touching it. You just can't take a drink from a stranger anymore.
You don't know what's gonna happen. Somebody spite this woman's drink with antifreeze antifreeze. Jeez. She almost died. She almost died.
She was foaming at the mouth, started having seizures, hospitalized in billings for, like, a week. She was all messed up. All messed up. Thought she got roofied? No.
You got antifreezed, which that is, horrific. That is absolutely horrific. Just be careful out there, people. There are a lot of really terrible people out there. What is up, peaches?
Good morning. Good morning. I gotta start getting the video set up going for Traffic School powered by The Advocate. That's right. If you need my help at all, I can join in studio or I can go to the Cannonball studio and just antagonize you in the comments to hopefully start other people doing the same thing.
Didn't you say you had, like, a notepad going with some questions or something? On your screen there. K. Cool. So we'll have those as backup.
I know we've got some questions posted online, and our listeners are pretty good about hitting, the online live video. So Right. Hopefully, we'll get some good interaction there, and we'll we'll pull off the show. Sometimes, you just gotta work around things however you can. Definitely.
No phones. We'll figure it out. No cancellation of Traffic School powered by the advocates. So if you're listening right now, you can go leave your questions in that post we made yesterday or just wait. Join the live video, and we'll take your, you know, sort of live on air questions by reading them in the group.
So, yeah, I think I'll go live on the group and, on the main page. Oh, good. Maybe on my page too. I don't know. However Oh, of course.
Many it'll let me. However many it lets me click. Yeah. But then you have to keep track of all those questions. With up.
Yeah. I guess I better decide on which page is gonna be the primary source. We'll go with the group for questions. So watch it in the group, everybody. The group seems to be more active.
Well, Facebook, pushes content to group pages better than from, main pages. Yeah. At least right now. Yeah. It changes.
It it does change all the time and no rhyme or reason. You know? I've I've been trying to network, you know, with social media people and get their, you know, feedback, you know, their tips and tricks and watch videos on YouTube about, you know, each platform. And there is no rhyme or reason from anybody. Yeah.
You you could look at one person doing one thing that's killing it, and then, you know, they'd say never do blah blah blah. Then you find somebody else who's doing all those things you're not supposed to do, and they're killing it too. We just need to get that one viral video. That one. That's all we need.
Alright. So, what kind of sickness can we put into a video? You know a viral video? Yeah. Well, I don't know.
Because, again, sometime sometimes the dumbest things go viral. There's no way to predict what it could be. You just have to Chuck it all at the wall and somehow something blows up. It's very strange. I mean, yeah, like dog face skateboarding, biggest video of the pandemic, just skateboarding, drinking juice.
Well, because I think he was like a sign of comfort during that whole year. Yeah. He was all chill. You know, I I think plus east Idaho's just kinda chill in general. Yeah.
It's pretty laid back around here. So you combine that with somebody just on their way to work drinking from it. You could recreate it, peaches, if we get you a long board and your big jug of water. I cannot skateboard long board to save my life. Dude, I wouldn't step on one either.
You you would see me fall immediately. Oh, yeah. Me too. I tried I couldn't do it when I was young and much more coordinated. I tried a couple of times, like, nope.
Skateboard name for me. Well, bicycle. I'll I'll stick with the bicycle. How about a unicycle, Peach? Is a unicycle in a jug?
That's even worse, isn't it? There was a guy a few years ago who would ride his unicycle around here in the snow. Do you remember that? No. Maybe you weren't around at that time.
I don't think so. Because I know we talked about it on air a bunch. It was just a thing. There would be videos popping up online, just up and down sunny side. It's cold and icy and just unicycle in a way.
Have you ever tried a unicycle? Why would I try that? I just said I haven't tried a skateboard. I don't know. A unicycle seems harder, doesn't it?
It? It is, well, it's a different kind of hard, I guess. Because you gotta you gotta have a balanced core, I think, for that specifically because you're sitting down on the seat Yeah. And you're pedaling below. And so you gotta, like, balance yourself, horror wise.
It's kinda kinda like riding a bike with no hands, but just harder. I I tried it once and was, like, no. Have you ever tried a pogo stick? You wanna see me on a pogo stick? Yeah.
I do. Tried one of those too. Guess who it didn't work out for? That requires a lot of balance too. I thought it would be easy, you know?
Oh, I see. Jump up and down. So many accidents involving those. America's funniest home videos ruined that for me. You know, you you one slight tilt on that pogo stick and you're just right in your face.
Oh, yeah. Yeah. I mean, you can either fall down or the pogo I've seen videos where the pogo stick flies back up into people's face, crack them in the head. How about moon shoes? You remember those?
Did you ever try roots? Yeah. I I could I couldn't get those because as a kid, I my feet were already too big for me. Oh, man. That sucked.
Yeah. I want I wanted a pair. Well, you're not missing out. That was another thing that, you know, you might have just eaten it. You know what I also wanted?
Heelys. Couldn't have those either. Too small for me. Yeah. Those weren't around when I was a kid.
We didn't have Heelys. The we had the shoes with the pump in them. You know, they had looked like a basketball and you pump up your shoes. I think John Cena used to do that quite a lot. That was his schtick.
You bend over and just pump the shoes. Yeah. So you could jump as high as a basketball player. I had some pump shoes. And then we had, you know, when they were new, the shoes with the lights in the back.
Woah. Like, you know, they'd flash red when you hit the ground. Yeah. Those were really cool. But What what age did you wear those?
Oh, I must I must have been, like, 8. I don't know. I was Isn't that funny? Because, like, now, like, adults, like, who are, like, 28, even older, want those light up shoes again. Yeah.
I that would just be, I don't know. All I'm about now is comfort. I I don't care about any any flashy brands or features. I just want them to be comfortable. And you can't take me seriously.
If I were to go to, like, the promo meeting and try saying, hey, we should be doing this and I walk in with light up shoes, Like Forget that. They're just gonna be like, get out of here, freak. Exactly. Get some real shoes, man. It's the Victor Will Show.
Got peaches in the house. What's happening, fool? Hyped up now that I heard that song. Well, it does make you wanna run upstairs, doesn't it? It does.
Just run up as many stairs as possible. Yeah. Then stand at the top and shake your hands around. Run run. That's me.
I did it. That's right. Okay. Well, that was kind of fun doing traffic school live online. It worked out pretty well.
Haven't done it in a while, so thank you to everybody who took part. I I don't think it saved the video on Instagram, and I'm trying to figure out why. I guess you can only save those for 30 days, and you have to go in and set it to do that, and I don't see it in the setting. So if you wanna catch us the full recap of Traffic School, keep an eye out for the podcast available on demand. It'll be up later today, or just go to the Facebook page, k Bear 101, Idaho rock and metal on Facebook, and you can watch it all there.
Save that live video from Facebook. Post it on our YouTube channel. Could do that. Yeah. It's a good idea.
And I even trimmed it so the silence at the beginning is gone. There you go. So yeah. Perfect. We're getting a tiny bit better at these things day by day.
We're, you know, the old dog trying to learn new tricks. And I I would say for a guy that you say who you say is old, you're doing really well with technology. I'm old. Like, you're much better than most people that I know who are younger than me. Well, I I just do my best, peaches.
Do my best to try to learn the new things. You have to in this industry. You you got it. You got it. So it it was fun.
We'll have to go live on the, K Bear Twitch one of these days. Oh, yeah. I did make one. Just, haven't got around to it it's easier to go live on Facebook where we already have an audience. Twitch, it is so hard to build an audience.
And also, if you're not a Twitch user, you don't really wanna go use it. You know, it's kind of a niche platform. You know? So I don't know. It's it's getting lower and lower on my priority list as, my years of this old life go on and on.
Anyway, everybody, thank you. Appreciate the, support here. Try to dig up something fun to talk about, after this upcoming break. But, hopefully, next week, the phones will be up and operational, and we can do traffic school the normal way. We can only hope.
We can only hope. But I'll still, I think, try to start doing it live at the same time online more often. I was wanting to do more artist interviews live like that via Zoom. Just put the live the Zoom call live into the Kay Bear group or something like that. Yeah.
I mean, as long as you got the artist's, thumbs up, you know, go. I can't do that when they're in studio. The people will just flock to the building and Well, yeah. That's the thing is depending on the artist, you might not want to let people know when they're actually physically here. You know?
Cause yeah. People might show up. I mean, the front door is always locked, but still there's creeps out there peaches. There's some weirdos. There's some creepers.
Thank you again for tuning in to the Victor Wilt show. This program is a production of Riverbend Media Group. To contact the show or for more information, hit us up at