You're Wrong

An interesting question, no doubt. But I have one that's a lot more "out there": what if these nerds were able to stay on topic? (¬_¬)

Show Notes

Halloween Month continues! This week, the nerds focused their creative powers into coming up with... peculiar... horror scenarios and stories, things you've never heard of or seen before. Or, rather, a bunch of things you probably have heard of and/or seen before, but mashed up together in very weird ways. Ways that don't always make 100% (or even like 75%) sense.

Also, all of their brainpower was focused on coming up with these scenarios. Which means they had none to spare to ensure they stayed on topic. 

Not that that's new or surprising or anything. 🙄

Creators & Guests

Bespectacled comic nerd
Life is like a baboon's ass: colorful and full of shit...
Full Time Host, Part time everything else
Recurring guest host extraordinaire

What is You're Wrong?

You're Wrong is on permanent hiatus, but Chris, Luciano, Matt and Spencer aren't! They have a new podcast, dedicated (almost) exclusively to movies, called Popcorn & Plot Holes. Come listen to their ramblings at or anywhere you get your podcasts from!

[spoopy_mans]: and a test

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: guess you guys heard

[cobra]: that

[spoopy_mans]: that

[cobra]: works

[spoopy_mans]: rat okay

[spoopy_mans]: hello welcome back to your wrong this
week we are tackling life's hardest questions the

[spoopy_mans]: ones we've made up what if horror

[cobra]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: j in addition we're being very liberal
with what we're

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: doing here because well it's our show
so fuck you guys um

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: with me as always luciana

[cobra]: es

[spoopy_mans]: there is chris from parton

[cobra]: h

[the_question]: unknown

[cobra]: m

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: and our special recurring guest spencer

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: yeah thank you for having me guys
so so honored to be on first time

[spinner]: long time

[spoopy_mans]: m

[spinner]: and i'm just so excited to be
part of this production what's that

[spoopy_mans]: who knows

[spinner]: you guys hear that

[spoopy_mans]: i didn't hear anything

[the_question]: what are you saying what

[cobra]: who knows

[spinner]: i swear i'm hearing something

[spoopy_mans]: no

[spinner]: guys

[spoopy_mans]: it's fine you're not hearing anything why
don't we get into it we're driving right

[spoopy_mans]: into the what if who who thinks
they have real clutch deep dive whatever

[the_question]: it's cool

[spoopy_mans]: my

[the_question]: so i got something for you what

[spoopy_mans]: like

[the_question]: walk with me here

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: you

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: all remember steve

[spinner]: we're walking

[the_question]: irwin the crocodile hunter

[cobra]: oh sure

[spinner]: i do

[the_question]: okay

[cobra]: yes

[the_question]: so what if steve

[spinner]: lovely man

[the_question]: irwin p what if steve irwin sought
out and studied monsters like jason freddy chuckie

[the_question]: et cetera et cetera for human preservation
like like just like don't get killed by

[the_question]: these guys we gonna we're gonna let's
go let's go follow jason we've heard we've

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: my

[cobra]: that's

[the_question]: what do you

[spoopy_mans]: no

[the_question]: think

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: vincent's

[cobra]: not jason

[spinner]: back

[cobra]: i wasn't jason at all

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: whoever

[spoopy_mans]: that's vincent

[the_question]: it was is it's someone someone seems
to like this idea

[spoopy_mans]: interested

[spinner]: so he's not

[the_question]: right

[spinner]: he's not hunting them much like he
didn't hunt animals

[the_question]: what

[spinner]: so the name

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: is still not

[the_question]: well

[spinner]: accurate

[the_question]: hunting

[spinner]: he just does what he does with

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: crocodiles

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: pretty much well

[spoopy_mans]: the finder

[the_question]: i don't know like

[cobra]: so so

[the_question]: fine

[cobra]: basically

[the_question]: go ahead

[cobra]: what what if serverwin did with crocodiles

[spoopy_mans]: he

[cobra]: or did with monsters while he did

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: with crocodiles which was anything but hut

[spoopy_mans]: what

[cobra]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: if what if

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: steve reverend was a crypto zoologist is
that what we're saying

[the_question]: that sounds really

[spoopy_mans]: ye

[the_question]: really accurate i like that

[cobra]: well not really because they're not animals

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: but you know

[the_question]: but crypto zoologist also sounds like someone
in the field

[spoopy_mans]: are you saying

[the_question]: of n f ts

[spoopy_mans]: are you saying the big foot is
an animal

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: the

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: big foot a human

[spinner]: sounds like yeah

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: minds doge coin

[the_question]: what about nero zoologist

[cobra]: m i mean

[spoopy_mans]: i'll

[cobra]: you're

[spoopy_mans]: allow

[cobra]: not dead

[spoopy_mans]: it

[spinner]: m all right

[the_question]: so yeah

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: like

[spinner]: are you

[cobra]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: seed with dead animals

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: what

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[the_question]: i don't know about the sex bit

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[the_question]: but

[cobra]: h

[spoopy_mans]: dead animals technically by

[the_question]: eh

[spoopy_mans]: the anyways

[spinner]: as wat i said

[spoopy_mans]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: fine chris

[spinner]: or

[spoopy_mans]: move

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: all

[spoopy_mans]: on

[spinner]: then

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: i'll allow

[spoopy_mans]: continue

[spinner]: it

[spoopy_mans]: chris

[the_question]: so

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: to flash it out more steve steve

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: pursues

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: and i don't think like steve can't
steve wrestled wi crocodile but jason is inhumanly

[the_question]: especially zombi jason right so i don't
think he's going to try to like get

[the_question]: physical with your chuckies or your your
jason's or your michael myers um but i

[the_question]: think

[cobra]: i mean

[the_question]: he

[cobra]: with

[the_question]: would

[cobra]: check

[the_question]: have

[cobra]: he could

[the_question]: chunky's

[cobra]: just adult

[the_question]: chcke's a dog but chuck's nimble as
fuck especially when he's got that

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: knife in the hand like chuckie like
let's see if these moves fuck you know

[cobra]: oh

[the_question]: like

[spinner]: that is that his catch phrase

[the_question]: maybe

[cobra]: it is haven't you watched charles

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: play goddamn it

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: oh my gosh but yeah

[spinner]: i picture like i picture like steve
erin being like basically like

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: teaching people about like he'll

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: be like with jason and jason's like
just out of arms reach he's like you

[spinner]: say the thing

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: about jason is he doesn't move very

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: so you

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: got to keep your distance and

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: just

[cobra]: what i was

[spinner]: don't

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: thinking

[spinner]: trip a fall

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: don't trip for

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: when you're running away

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: don't stop

[cobra]: yea

[spinner]: just

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: just just and you can see it's
just ike just like jason's

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: like waving at him like

[cobra]: like

[the_question]: so

[cobra]: look he's like

[the_question]: so

[cobra]: holding

[the_question]: show

[cobra]: him back

[the_question]: show show

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: but the scary thing about

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: jason

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: is that jason learned jason maybe slow
sometimes mentally

[cobra]: oh

[the_question]: but he picks up eventually and he's
creat if with

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: his kills so like always

[spoopy_mans]: h

[the_question]: like steve is always on his

[cobra]: i

[the_question]: toes the camera crew

[spoopy_mans]: h

[the_question]: is always on their toes

[cobra]: i just think i don't think like
jason is as much as creative

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: with this kills

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: as much as he gets bored of
killing people the same way so he just

[cobra]: like vary so

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: he's not bored

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: make sure you're not sleeping in a
sleep sack around jason

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: if you do say jason

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: do

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: not have sex

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: well

[cobra]: it is key

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: if ye

[spinner]: it is key to stay abstinent

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: around jason

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[the_question]: bye

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: bye bye bye bye bye bye bye

[cobra]: uh

[the_question]: you happen to find yourself

[cobra]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: that doesn't sound australia

[cobra]: why

[the_question]: if you

[cobra]: was

[spinner]: this

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[spinner]: is the

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: none

[cobra]: was

[spinner]: of these

[cobra]: that

[spinner]: do

[cobra]: accent

[spoopy_mans]: what

[the_question]: don't

[cobra]: like

[the_question]: worry

[cobra]: mine

[the_question]: about

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: it

[cobra]: was kind

[the_question]: don't worry

[cobra]: of

[the_question]: about

[cobra]: chitty

[the_question]: it don't worry about it stay on

[spinner]: that sounded

[the_question]: stay

[spinner]: more

[the_question]: on topic

[spinner]: like allen rickman

[the_question]: no that was not an allen rickman
if you happen to find yourself

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: oh no

[spoopy_mans]: eh

[the_question]: i'm stuck

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: no

[the_question]: if you

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: have

[cobra]: no it is

[the_question]: if you find yourself unit if you
find yourself in a camp

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: great

[the_question]: like don't be having sex don't go
don't don't have sex

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: at eddy camp or

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: jason will find

[spinner]: if you

[the_question]: you

[spinner]: find yourself

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: in a

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: camp

[the_question]: thank you

[spinner]: don't have sex

[the_question]: there you go thank you

[spinner]: riki

[the_question]: you you

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: you

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: riki

[the_question]: translation is top

[spinner]: saved

[the_question]: notch

[cobra]: dango

[spinner]: saved it

[cobra]: ate my baby

[the_question]: thank you rosetta

[spinner]: yes

[the_question]: stone

[spoopy_mans]: um so

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: i just want to be clear here
is serene finding

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: these

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: creatures to talk about them or just
helping us avoid

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: them in the scenario

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: a bit

[cobra]: no

[the_question]: of both

[cobra]: he's like

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: both yeah

[spinner]: yeah he does what

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: he does with animals like he finds
them nd then he teaches you like why

[spinner]: you should avoid them you know what
to do if you

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: see

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: them

[cobra]: it's like

[the_question]: a

[cobra]: one

[spinner]: now

[cobra]: day

[spoopy_mans]: i

[cobra]: when you're

[spoopy_mans]: i

[cobra]: sleeping

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: you might

[spoopy_mans]: i

[cobra]: run into this weird creature

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: with a pull

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: over

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: a

[cobra]: he looks kind

[spoopy_mans]: right

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: of

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: silly but it will kill

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: you his name is freddy

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: what do you

[cobra]: my

[spinner]: do

[cobra]: accent just went i don't know where

[spoopy_mans]: you

[cobra]: he

[spoopy_mans]: did

[cobra]: went either

[spinner]: yeah yeah

[the_question]: all

[cobra]: it's

[the_question]: you've

[cobra]: tied

[the_question]: got to

[cobra]: okay

[the_question]: do it

[cobra]: it's

[the_question]: all

[spoopy_mans]: as

[cobra]: tied

[the_question]: you gotta

[cobra]: okay

[the_question]: do

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: it went

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: don't

[cobra]: it went

[spoopy_mans]: don't

[cobra]: like into the ocean

[spoopy_mans]: trust

[the_question]: the

[spoopy_mans]: anything

[the_question]: power

[spoopy_mans]: that

[the_question]: the power

[spoopy_mans]: has

[spinner]: no

[the_question]: the power of disbelief right

[spoopy_mans]: don't trust anything

[cobra]: yah

[spoopy_mans]: that

[spinner]: is

[spoopy_mans]: has horizontal

[the_question]: strip on the

[spoopy_mans]: stripes

[the_question]: bobby

[spoopy_mans]: no horizontal

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: stripes at all

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: so yeah

[spinner]: he's a

[spoopy_mans]: that's the rule

[the_question]: like like

[cobra]: if

[spinner]: i think

[cobra]: you

[the_question]: a

[spinner]: what you

[cobra]: if

[spinner]: do

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: in the

[cobra]: happen

[spinner]: dream is

[cobra]: to

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: leave

[spinner]: you try

[cobra]: in elm street be careful

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: what do

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: they

[cobra]: that

[spoopy_mans]: i

[spinner]: do

[cobra]: kind

[spinner]: in the

[cobra]: of ship

[spinner]: dream they like they like sometimes they
put their

[spoopy_mans]: he

[spinner]: hand in like a fire and they
will wake them

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: up

[the_question]: right

[spinner]: or something

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[the_question]: so i did some home work like

[spoopy_mans]: okay

[the_question]: so the power of disbelief and like
which translates to talking ship which is literally

[the_question]: like um all the power like this
is a seed from all the power if

[the_question]: you take it

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: back you're nothing fuck you and then
she turns her back on freddy can you

[the_question]: let see turn against back on like
trying to implement implement

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: you're turning your back on him

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: and he loses

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: all his powers

[cobra]: like

[the_question]: yes

[cobra]: narrating

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: it and like explaining

[spinner]: first

[cobra]: what he's doing

[the_question]: which

[cobra]: as

[the_question]: would

[cobra]: he's

[the_question]: probably

[cobra]: doing it

[the_question]: work because he's

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: like trying to carry a

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: show right

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: and he's like

[cobra]: uh

[the_question]: but all you got to say was
turn your back and

[cobra]: h

[the_question]: then freddy's like i smell fear and
then he stabs him through the shoulder and

[the_question]: he's like oh well actually he got
me in the soul a plexus and then

[the_question]: that would be pretty

[cobra]: i thought you was thought you're going
to say you know it didn't work and

[cobra]: then he did what the sting rated

[spinner]: but

[cobra]: too soon

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: too soon

[spoopy_mans]: friday

[spinner]: no and and then and then and
then he's

[cobra]: yet

[spinner]: like now if you

[spoopy_mans]: i

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: rub freddy's belly like this

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: he

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[spinner]: lies on his back and he's really
not dangerous

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[the_question]: actually you're

[spinner]: is

[the_question]: really

[spinner]: he freddy

[the_question]: close

[spinner]: like

[the_question]: to another

[spinner]: i'm

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: solution because freddy possessed some guy

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: he possessed

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: him

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: and then the power of love

[spinner]: he loved

[the_question]: was

[spinner]: belly rubs

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: no no the power of love freed
the host from jason so

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: the girl friend kissed

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: gave freddy a huge smooth a huge
smooch on the lips and the power of

[the_question]: love freed the human trapped

[cobra]: oh

[the_question]: inside fry demonic possession so disbelief

[cobra]: i did

[the_question]: and love

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: it's fun

[cobra]: did

[spinner]: if you

[cobra]: hur

[spinner]: see

[cobra]: louis

[spinner]: freddy

[cobra]: play as

[spinner]: just

[cobra]: well

[spinner]: kiss him on his lips

[the_question]: yes directly on the

[spoopy_mans]: right

[the_question]: lips

[spoopy_mans]: i feel

[the_question]: bye

[spoopy_mans]: like

[the_question]: bye

[spoopy_mans]: we

[the_question]: bye

[spoopy_mans]: have to

[the_question]: bye

[spoopy_mans]: modern

[the_question]: bye

[spoopy_mans]: we need to modernize

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: this slightly so

[the_question]: okay

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: instead of kissing him on the lips

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: i think

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh boy

[the_question]: cowboy

[spoopy_mans]: steve

[cobra]: h

[spoopy_mans]: steve arvin's going to send him

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: brown

[spoopy_mans]: a dick

[cobra]: h

[spoopy_mans]: pick and be like i'm interested

[the_question]: brown

[spoopy_mans]: are you

[cobra]: if you see

[the_question]: brown

[cobra]: freddy

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: toss

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: brown

[cobra]: his salad is that what you're saying

[the_question]: brown

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: send send him a dick

[the_question]: brown

[spoopy_mans]: pick

[the_question]: brown

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: or that

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: brown

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: he

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: wants

[the_question]: brown

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: to eat your soul

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: now

[spinner]: so you have to eat his ass

[cobra]: so what what you're saying is freddy

[the_question]: on

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: freddy is a prude is what you're
saying so any sexual thing would just get

[cobra]: him ike and now

[the_question]: npoonyscarily

[cobra]: is that what

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: a

[spoopy_mans]: no he just he needs some love
whether it's like physical emotional or

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: otherwise

[cobra]: dick pick is not love

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[cobra]: i don't know why they told

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: you matt

[the_question]: what

[spoopy_mans]: oh it's

[the_question]: a

[cobra]: but

[the_question]: boy

[spoopy_mans]: a kind

[the_question]: boy

[spoopy_mans]: of

[the_question]: boy

[spoopy_mans]: love

[the_question]: boy see what you've got to do
you pull his trousers down right and then

[the_question]: you

[cobra]: oh no

[the_question]: see to suck

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: is crack and you

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: will

[cobra]: of

[the_question]: be

[cobra]: course

[the_question]: freed

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: what happened to

[cobra]: of

[spoopy_mans]: his

[cobra]: course

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: accent

[cobra]: i went

[spoopy_mans]: there

[cobra]: there

[the_question]: i don't know

[spinner]: yeah would appen

[spoopy_mans]: yes

[spinner]: action

[the_question]: i don't know

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[the_question]: steve

[cobra]: i thought it

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: was

[the_question]: steve

[spinner]: was

[cobra]: going

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: can't

[cobra]: to end up

[the_question]: ve can't do anything

[cobra]: i thought

[the_question]: to me

[cobra]: i thought at the end i was
gonna end up eating some bartmilbascet

[spoopy_mans]: maybe

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: oh god

[spoopy_mans]: maybe

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: freddy just needs to be invited over

[cobra]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: for a group like dinner

[the_question]: maybe

[spoopy_mans]: you know

[the_question]: maybe

[spoopy_mans]: she was like freddy wanted

[cobra]: maybe

[spoopy_mans]: to come

[spinner]: it

[spoopy_mans]: over we're having but biscuits and

[the_question]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: fried chicken come

[the_question]: that's

[spoopy_mans]: on over

[the_question]: right

[spoopy_mans]: weonahave

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: cook up in the back yard

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: i would love to see someone

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: hit him with a curve ball such
as that

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: and just be like when the last
time you had a home cooked meal

[spoopy_mans]: frederick

[the_question]: you guys

[spoopy_mans]: frederick

[cobra]: frederick

[spoopy_mans]: frederick

[the_question]: no

[spoopy_mans]: you're you're loved

[spinner]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: frederick

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: you are loved

[spinner]: what

[the_question]: listen we know

[spinner]: am

[the_question]: you don't have to kill

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: to be seen we see

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: you here hold this crystal here

[cobra]: a single tear rolls down his cheek

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: the violins

[spoopy_mans]: yeah then

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: he opens

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: what

[spoopy_mans]: like

[the_question]: do

[spoopy_mans]: a

[the_question]: you you know

[spoopy_mans]: i don't know like a bail bonds

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: frederick frederick von cruger

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: bale bones

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: how does a bailbotsman

[cobra]: oh

[the_question]: work

[spoopy_mans]: i don't know

[the_question]: i love it though

[cobra]: he finds

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: he finds

[spoopy_mans]: a

[cobra]: them in their dreams and captures them

[the_question]: right

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: oh wow bail

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: always

[cobra]: there you

[spoopy_mans]: a bony

[cobra]: go

[spoopy_mans]: hunter

[spinner]: well

[spoopy_mans]: frederick fawn

[the_question]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: roger bounty hunter

[the_question]: and then he goes

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: back to back with a special

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: guest with dog frederick the dog the

[spinner]: if you see freddy ask him if
he wants to be a bail bondsman

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: with dog

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: the bounty on it

[the_question]: bye bye bye bye bye yes yes

[cobra]: how would

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: how

[spinner]: took

[cobra]: would

[spinner]: a turn

[cobra]: steve erwin deal with some arrow from
the ring

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: i mean how do you deal with
her you just have to ask how they

[spinner]: deal with

[the_question]: which

[spinner]: her

[the_question]: samara from the ring

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[the_question]: the one we've

[spinner]: don't

[the_question]: upgraded or

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: the one or the v h s
o g one

[spoopy_mans]: the v h s one

[spinner]: don't buy a v

[cobra]: just

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: one

[spinner]: s play

[the_question]: yeah ah

[cobra]: assuming you have a v s player

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: don't use

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: it simply

[spoopy_mans]: get

[the_question]: don't

[spinner]: throw

[cobra]: oh

[the_question]: use it

[spinner]: away

[spoopy_mans]: rid of

[spinner]: your

[spoopy_mans]: it

[spinner]: v player

[the_question]: take a sledge hammer and

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: smash it don't

[cobra]: caro

[the_question]: do it no i like your question
but like if we leaned into it right

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: i suppose

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: what would he do have it running
and i guess question though when you watch

[the_question]: ring if you if you watch it

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: a mirror is it the same are
you still cursed

[spoopy_mans]: they

[cobra]: i think

[spoopy_mans]: never

[cobra]: so

[spoopy_mans]: i don't think they covered it specifically

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: um

[cobra]: yeah as as long as you see
it because like

[spoopy_mans]: what

[cobra]: the idea s that seeing it kind
of like imprint it on your soul or

[spoopy_mans]: and

[cobra]: whatever

[spoopy_mans]: is she are

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: you

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: watching her that's a kind of thing

[cobra]: well

[spoopy_mans]: you're watching her

[cobra]: you watch you watch

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: the video

[the_question]: scenes

[spinner]: is just lie about

[cobra]: part

[spinner]: your cuts

[cobra]: of her life basically

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: like cuts

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: of a chair floating

[the_question]: m hm

[spoopy_mans]: yeah so

[cobra]: the

[spoopy_mans]: basically

[cobra]: part the parts that really like turned
her into a monster

[spoopy_mans]: right so

[cobra]: basically

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: so steve argon be like good i

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: if you see this

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: lady

[cobra]: no

[the_question]: commit you got

[spoopy_mans]: it's

[the_question]: it

[spoopy_mans]: wavering

[spinner]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: already right

[cobra]: m

[the_question]: commit

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: it went i crossed like it crossed

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: barriers

[cobra]: like several continents

[spoopy_mans]: yeah it's

[cobra]: in

[spoopy_mans]: fine

[cobra]: a flash

[spoopy_mans]: if you see this lady on t
v turn it off barry it

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: burn your v s player

[cobra]: never buy one again

[spoopy_mans]: everybody one again i think that i
think that's steve erwin's like and

[cobra]: that's

[spoopy_mans]: like

[cobra]: fair

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: he will

[cobra]: very

[spoopy_mans]: be like

[cobra]: pragmatic

[spoopy_mans]: and then he'll have like one of
the he'll show you what happens if you

[spoopy_mans]: do right so have one of his
like cast members watch it's like

[the_question]: here's jerry

[spinner]: johnny here watched

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: the video a week ago and he's
due for a

[the_question]: we

[spinner]: killing

[spoopy_mans]: and john it's just

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: like smiling and waving

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: who

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: and

[spinner]: johnny doesn't know what's coming

[spoopy_mans]: johnny's

[the_question]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: death clock is in the corners like

[the_question]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: five or three

[the_question]: three to

[cobra]: now

[spinner]: this is gonna

[cobra]: see

[spinner]: be this

[cobra]: here

[spinner]: is turning into the greatest

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: show

[cobra]: girl is climbing out of the t
v i don't know

[the_question]: hm

[cobra]: where my accent went either

[the_question]: yes

[cobra]: now if you can't run away from

[the_question]: hm

[cobra]: grab

[spinner]: sounds like

[cobra]: her

[spinner]: p

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: from

[cobra]: hold

[spinner]: bes

[cobra]: her hold

[spinner]: for

[cobra]: her really

[spinner]: man

[cobra]: tight

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: rub her belly you know

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: here's it

[spinner]: if you rub her

[cobra]: oh

[the_question]: yah

[spinner]: if you rub her belly she goes

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: on all fours

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: he

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: just rely

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: actions like a

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: little

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[spinner]: dog

[cobra]: no stop stop stop stop this is
an actual

[spoopy_mans]: h

[cobra]: girl stop stop stop

[the_question]: a possessed

[spoopy_mans]: she just

[the_question]: one

[cobra]: no

[spoopy_mans]: needs

[cobra]: i ran bout everything

[the_question]: hypothetical

[spoopy_mans]: what if steve

[the_question]: que

[spoopy_mans]: i was gonna

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: what is steve ervin just like recommends
that you carry where there's

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: a pack of werther in your pocket
and you just

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: a

[spoopy_mans]: give

[the_question]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: it to samara and that'll calmer down

[the_question]: i'm for it

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: can you translate

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: rosetta stone spinner

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: werther's

[cobra]: i want to see

[spinner]: if you

[cobra]: this

[spinner]: see

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: if

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: you say so

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: mara you

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: give a pack of war the

[the_question]: yah

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: and

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: then

[spinner]: not gomara days

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[the_question]: and then legit

[spoopy_mans]: yep

[the_question]: hypothetical question what if you took what
if you took the v h s ring

[the_question]: video and you didn't

[spoopy_mans]: yah

[the_question]: watch it being

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: converted into a gift is it still

[spoopy_mans]: h

[the_question]: same

[cobra]: i don't think they clarify i think
yes i think as long as you watch

[cobra]: the thing

[the_question]: damn

[spoopy_mans]: yah

[the_question]: because the quality

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: would have been torn to ship and
it would be you probably ouldn't be able

[cobra]: i mean

[the_question]: to convert

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: was

[the_question]: the whole video

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: and

[cobra]: it was

[the_question]: then

[cobra]: already quality was already shipped was a

[the_question]: i know but

[cobra]: so

[the_question]: still wait

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: probably convertigatin to gift would

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: improve it my bad

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: my bad i've killed too

[cobra]: anyway

[the_question]: many people

[spoopy_mans]: first

[the_question]: digging

[spoopy_mans]: of all gifts are being killed because
they're for boomers

[cobra]: my

[spoopy_mans]: and it's

[the_question]: really

[spoopy_mans]: all just video so yes

[the_question]: really

[spoopy_mans]: technically when you use gifts in the
future it's going to be a video therefore

[spoopy_mans]: it will be successful and you will

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: need to have a pack of waters
on you in order to avoid being killed

[the_question]: what about a

[spinner]: okay boomer

[the_question]: i love coffees

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: caramel centered toffs

[spoopy_mans]: no only whether she's a brand name

[the_question]: damn okay

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: wow

[the_question]: tough customer

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: hey we're

[the_question]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: making this move we

[cobra]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: got to get the branding opportunities you

[cobra]: getting

[spoopy_mans]: know

[the_question]: you're right

[cobra]: like

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: drowning

[spinner]: is

[cobra]: in that

[spinner]: it

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: a movie

[cobra]: well

[spinner]: now

[cobra]: really made her

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: pike

[spoopy_mans]: it's a steve

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: urban show right so steven

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: show as

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: got a i's got to pull in
branding marketing opportunities

[the_question]: to you by

[cobra]: well

[the_question]: waters

[cobra]: i mean if if that's the case
then she would be a vegumite girl i

[cobra]: guess

[the_question]: uh

[cobra]: uh

[the_question]: ah m

[cobra]: h m

[spoopy_mans]: why would

[the_question]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: you make her eat that disgusting

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: paste

[cobra]: some people

[the_question]: ah

[cobra]: like

[the_question]: a

[cobra]: it

[spoopy_mans]: well she doesn't have to

[spinner]: s already been

[cobra]: it doesn't

[spinner]: in a well

[cobra]: have

[spinner]: for

[cobra]: to

[spinner]: years

[cobra]: but i think

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: it works as a secondary one

[spoopy_mans]: no

[the_question]: sometimes you need

[spoopy_mans]: steve

[the_question]: to

[spoopy_mans]: is

[the_question]: spread

[spoopy_mans]: not like

[the_question]: it

[spoopy_mans]: that

[the_question]: on to just like to just

[spoopy_mans]: toast

[the_question]: really appreciate

[spoopy_mans]: her

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: hair

[cobra]: okay

[the_question]: yea why not it might be great
as like a conditioning agent

[cobra]: what

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: okay

[spinner]: how do we matt i think i

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: to re rail us

[spoopy_mans]: no and i got this

[the_question]: ah

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: is there any other

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: main monster you think steewareone needs to
inform the public about

[the_question]: where wolves

[spoopy_mans]: where else

[the_question]: that's that's pretty damn close to his
his wheelhouse but the question is where wolves

[the_question]: are

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: sucking apex predators

[cobra]: m

[the_question]: so how do you deal with that

[spoopy_mans]: i mean any

[cobra]: i mean is

[spoopy_mans]: any licanthrope

[cobra]: jason on an apex predator like

[spoopy_mans]: no

[cobra]: you deal

[spoopy_mans]: fun

[the_question]: jason

[cobra]: with him and

[the_question]: jason

[cobra]: just

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: fine

[the_question]: doesn't see jason

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: goes to manhattan he was pretty spry
but mostly jason is fairly

[cobra]: oh

[the_question]: just like he walks slower than his
own scary theme song

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: you know so

[cobra]: that's for effect

[the_question]: yeah but where wolves are like where
wolves are athletic fun they will chase you

[the_question]: the funk down and you're done i
don't feel like

[cobra]: i

[the_question]: it's

[cobra]: don't

[the_question]: quite

[cobra]: know

[the_question]: the

[cobra]: man

[the_question]: same

[cobra]: i think steve warren could do it

[the_question]: you think you can out dip dip

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: door zip it bon

[spoopy_mans]: this this isn't

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: this

[cobra]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: isn't steve

[cobra]: exactly

[spoopy_mans]: ewen

[cobra]: like that

[the_question]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: is

[spinner]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: steve erwin having a show ranking the
most dangerous apex monster predators here like why

[spoopy_mans]: we are giving

[cobra]: why not

[spoopy_mans]: who

[cobra]: he

[spoopy_mans]: is

[cobra]: could he

[spoopy_mans]: more

[cobra]: could

[spoopy_mans]: dangerous

[the_question]: because they can climb their

[cobra]: why

[the_question]: dog were

[cobra]: why

[the_question]: wolves

[cobra]: are you

[the_question]: right

[cobra]: boxing steve in in let him do
whatever he wants

[spoopy_mans]: i just want steven

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: to figure out how it affects the
ear but not how it affects you to

[spoopy_mans]: your your personal ranking between the two
of you

[the_question]: i figure out

[spinner]: i

[the_question]: how

[spinner]: think

[the_question]: he would

[spinner]: steve

[the_question]: do

[spinner]: erin

[the_question]: it go though

[spinner]: would just he would just treat him
you'd be like whatever you see a were

[spinner]: wolf make sure to bring a little
rubber ball and play fetch

[the_question]: i also think he would

[spinner]: it

[the_question]: rank the he would rank the were
wolf in order to get us up close

[the_question]: with the camera crew because

[cobra]: m

[the_question]: if like unless like unless can you

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: imagine steve using a drone

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: camera shot to like get up close
and personal somehow with a werewolf they would

[the_question]: have to semi sedate the werewolf somehow
or to your

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: point

[cobra]: i was

[the_question]: spinner use the

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: ball

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[the_question]: you know

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: or a red laser pointer

[cobra]: wait what

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: like like it's not a dog man

[the_question]: close enough

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: i actually

[cobra]: if you

[spinner]: think in

[cobra]: see

[spinner]: this

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: case

[cobra]: were

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: wolf

[spinner]: would work

[cobra]: just call him a good boy

[spinner]: and then

[cobra]: that

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: doesn't

[spinner]: if you

[cobra]: at gonna work

[spinner]: and then rub his belly right here
and he'll

[cobra]: gain

[spinner]: roll

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: over

[cobra]: guess

[spinner]: every every one of them

[the_question]: and then you

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: watch the

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[the_question]: transformation clearly he's going from a weird
wolf to wear puppy

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: all right

[cobra]: but

[spoopy_mans]: park book

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: buck

[the_question]: indeed

[spinner]: there's a good boy

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[the_question]: brought to you by wethers

[spoopy_mans]: yeah oh

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: all

[the_question]: so

[spoopy_mans]: right

[the_question]: i'm

[spinner]: well

[the_question]: feeling

[spinner]: said

[the_question]: that

[cobra]: i would watch i would watch that

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: yeah safety

[spinner]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: in my own home

[the_question]: in the safety of your that's right
i don't know what he do

[cobra]: oh yeah

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: i'll dig that

[spinner]: are

[spoopy_mans]: a part bark

[the_question]: and i guess

[cobra]: uh

[the_question]: like if he went into

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: like

[cobra]: h

[the_question]: if you went into ancient egypt and
went into a tomb and came across a

[the_question]: mummy that would be really that would
be really

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[the_question]: thrilling

[spoopy_mans]: huh

[the_question]: like trying to figure out the different
catacombs in the twist and turns and just

[the_question]: like

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: i was going to say trying to
avoid the traps

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: and ship

[the_question]: yes only to reach the sarcophagus

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: and

[cobra]: war

[the_question]: like

[cobra]: you see here

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: is a death trap

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: you don't want

[spoopy_mans]: i

[cobra]: to

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: know jessie tapped on the

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: trap or well

[the_question]: to go to to

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: know jesse's been impaled

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: grate for

[cobra]: wow

[spinner]: reading we're going to sell a lot
of wordes

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: brought

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: to you by warts

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: now if you see a mummy make
sure you re describe ha tra

[the_question]: hand

[spinner]: and that will put them back in
the grave

[spoopy_mans]: m

[the_question]: then

[cobra]: yea

[the_question]: he pulls out

[spinner]: no

[the_question]: of his

[spinner]: it's

[the_question]: satchupshow

[spinner]: all about

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: orcatoshato

[cobra]: if that if that

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: if that

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: doesn't work rob its belly

[the_question]: a

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: noxon

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: it's

[the_question]: moon

[cobra]: guaranteed

[spinner]: exactly

[the_question]: what's

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: ye

[the_question]: what's the what's

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: the australian accent for the moon yes

[spinner]: what

[the_question]: that was from the mummy

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: next to me on that was really
good actually

[spinner]: oh and oh it knocks on the

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: was like

[cobra]: yeah yeah that was

[spinner]: i got

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: actually i think that you you nailed

[the_question]: i tried

[spinner]: mommy

[cobra]: n

[spinner]: is

[cobra]: excunamen

[spinner]: in love with

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: knock through the moon

[the_question]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: oh no the crypt opened or some
some something chest or something or i'm

[cobra]: sarcophagus

[the_question]: no of ess i'm thinking of another
another section wall i can't think of it

[the_question]: but anyway because i'm trying to open
it up for oh

[spinner]: secret

[the_question]: no

[spinner]: passageway

[the_question]: it's dane johnson that's the scopian came

[cobra]: no that is

[spinner]: now i'm

[cobra]: really

[spinner]: just

[cobra]: scary

[the_question]: yes

[spinner]: now

[cobra]: now

[spinner]: i'm

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: just picturing

[cobra]: scary

[spinner]: steve irwin as like brendon fraser's character
in the mummy

[the_question]: i suppose

[spinner]: like being

[the_question]: so

[spinner]: like being

[cobra]: or

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: just

[spinner]: looks

[cobra]: brandon phrase

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: doing

[spinner]: betty

[cobra]: a really sheedy australian accent

[the_question]: m hm

[spinner]: hey benny looks like somebody's on the

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: side of the river

[the_question]: m

[the_question]: look at the

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: look at the take close note

[spinner]: ah

[the_question]: of the degraded pixals on date johnson's
face as the scopiangang

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: don't look directly

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: is sucking pixaltooibols

[spinner]: i s computifice

[cobra]: oibalsables

[the_question]: i know wot a boy boy boy
boy boy

[spinner]: yah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: h

[spoopy_mans]: all right

[the_question]: dig

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: it

[spoopy_mans]: satisfied

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: i think that that that helps a
lot thank

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: you

[spoopy_mans]: all right

[cobra]: i love i love that i sucking
it just gives up in the

[spoopy_mans]: a

[cobra]: middle

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: yeah the suspense billed and then i
just stopped

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: fuck it

[spinner]: oh there it is

[the_question]: uh uh

[cobra]: m

[the_question]: corbin

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: king not on a moon

[spoopy_mans]: m

[spinner]: we're done

[spoopy_mans]: who

[cobra]: you're

[spoopy_mans]: else

[cobra]: all

[spoopy_mans]: has n't what

[cobra]: very

[spoopy_mans]: if

[cobra]: welcome very welcome for that quality content
just now

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: listen we're professionals who who else has
what if they want to talk about

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: um

[spinner]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[cobra]: go ahead spencer go ahead

[spinner]: you go because my kid

[spoopy_mans]: fight fight fight fight fight

[spinner]: quasi

[spoopy_mans]: fight

[the_question]: to the

[spoopy_mans]: fight

[the_question]: death

[spinner]: related to what we just talked about
so i don't want to go

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: over

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: it

[spoopy_mans]: so

[cobra]: so we've seen a lot

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: of like there's a lot of like
stories about zombi apocalypses right

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: yhapocali

[spoopy_mans]: five

[cobra]: both

[spoopy_mans]: there's five stories

[cobra]: no it's not shut the fuck shut
the fuck shut the fuck

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[spinner]: it should be a buck a lie

[cobra]: i was you made me think

[spoopy_mans]: h

[cobra]: it was like

[spoopy_mans]: there

[cobra]: no

[spoopy_mans]: are five

[cobra]: no it's

[spoopy_mans]: apocholyze

[cobra]: not

[spoopy_mans]: stories

[cobra]: but what what do you guys think
would actually happen and let me set the

[cobra]: state so it is it's a virus
that turns people slowly but surely

[the_question]: into

[cobra]: into

[the_question]: republicans

[cobra]: zombies

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: was what the

[cobra]: same

[spinner]: ominous

[cobra]: same

[spinner]: music too into

[cobra]: same same

[spinner]: hold on mat into

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: republicans

[the_question]: h

[cobra]: well well done

[spinner]: no no

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: no

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: i'm anti abortion

[the_question]: not my

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: baby

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: it was really

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: well i can do a trump anyway

[spinner]: make america great again

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: kay

[spinner]: i believe

[the_question]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: in

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: making america great

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: again

[cobra]: know the best sums

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: the greatest sum their lives to me

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: back

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: to

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: everybody

[spinner]: re doing trump

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: listen to these people

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: these

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: people

[cobra]: this

[spinner]: are

[cobra]: people

[spinner]: amazing these people

[cobra]: they are

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: they're

[cobra]: awful

[spinner]: fantastic

[cobra]: but they're nice to me they're

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: awful but they're nice to

[spinner]: i've

[cobra]: me

[spinner]: seen a lot

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: met

[spinner]: of people

[cobra]: one once in eighty three

[spinner]: i've seen a lot of people i've
seen a lot of zombis out there the

[spinner]: great people they're not the worst people
a lot of people am the greatest person

[cobra]: he

[spinner]: okay i'm not a zombi i at
brains but i'm not a zombi okay

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: listen

[cobra]: that was too close

[spinner]: zombis

[cobra]: that was

[spoopy_mans]: ye

[spinner]: zombis are bad but there are good
people on both sides

[cobra]: on both

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: sides

[spinner]: i'm

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: just saying on both

[cobra]: i was

[spinner]: sides

[cobra]: about

[spinner]: thus

[cobra]: to make the

[spinner]: some

[cobra]: same

[spinner]: people it

[cobra]: to

[spinner]: brands

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: some people it brands some people don't

[cobra]: up

[spinner]: brad okay okay

[cobra]: i don't i don't

[spoopy_mans]: so

[cobra]: have

[spoopy_mans]: anyways

[cobra]: any brains

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: say

[spoopy_mans]: apocalypse

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: what if

[cobra]: so um

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: so the idea is that like i
said there's a virus a global pandemic

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: not that we had one

[the_question]: my

[spinner]: dong

[cobra]: where people that are infected actually become

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: like zombies and

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: they need to brains what do you

[spinner]: eat

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: brains

[cobra]: what why would you guys think

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: would actually

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: happen

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: like in the real world how would
how would we handle it

[spoopy_mans]: can you

[cobra]: would we all just die

[spoopy_mans]: can you set up a couple more

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: for me what kind of zombie

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: got super zombis everyone just a regular
son b

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: what i got to worry about

[spinner]: talking

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: george ramerozombis

[cobra]: so

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: we that's

[spinner]: were

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: talking

[cobra]: the kind

[spinner]: twenty

[cobra]: of thing

[spinner]: days

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[cobra]: we're

[spinner]: later

[cobra]: going to we we would learn as
we went

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: assuming we

[spinner]: o

[cobra]: live but yeah there's like it's more
like last of zombis where there's like a

[cobra]: couple kinds of zombies or maybe

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: like the

[spinner]: mushroom

[cobra]: left

[spinner]: zombies

[cobra]: for dead

[spoopy_mans]: yeah yeah

[cobra]: there's like a couple

[the_question]: too

[cobra]: of

[the_question]: scary

[cobra]: types of zombis um

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: but it's they're not all like super
fast or super powerful some like we have

[cobra]: the run of the mill george

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: romero shambling

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: sort of falling apart

[spinner]: bands

[cobra]: zone if they catch you

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: then you're fucked um and then you
have the

[the_question]: a

[cobra]: the zaxsnider one of

[spoopy_mans]: ye

[cobra]: the dead version of it with us
just like zippizombiis running around and jumping fences

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: so

[cobra]: those

[spoopy_mans]: i'm just

[cobra]: are

[spoopy_mans]: gonna

[cobra]: like

[spoopy_mans]: have

[cobra]: the

[spoopy_mans]: babies

[cobra]: up graded

[spoopy_mans]: in

[cobra]: version

[spoopy_mans]: that world my friend

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: is

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: that

[the_question]: my

[spoopy_mans]: is

[the_question]: gosh

[spoopy_mans]: that something you're

[spinner]: maybe

[spoopy_mans]: you're

[spinner]: we

[spoopy_mans]: acknowledging

[spinner]: should leave that maybe we should not

[spoopy_mans]: m

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: um and then you would have like
the clickers and the tanks like

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: you would have some special zombis depending
on you know specific genetics and that kind

[cobra]: of f but that

[spinner]: there

[cobra]: you would we would only learn of
those if we survived long enough actually

[spinner]: are there orange zombis

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: are the

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: orange

[cobra]: of course

[spinner]: zombis out the

[cobra]: yeah of course of course

[spoopy_mans]: so okay

[spinner]: orange people

[spoopy_mans]: i'm gonna answer

[spinner]: i

[spoopy_mans]: your question directly

[cobra]: itozombias we

[spoopy_mans]: before

[cobra]: call him

[spoopy_mans]: i

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: before i

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: derail this conversation to a question of
my own

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: as panic

[spinner]: a

[spoopy_mans]: where i guess

[cobra]: es

[spoopy_mans]: the thing i would want to know
is does the zombofour spread like covid like

[spoopy_mans]: it just come and

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: like can i can

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: i prevent it can i like

[the_question]: i thought you

[spoopy_mans]: stay

[the_question]: had to get

[spoopy_mans]: indoors

[the_question]: bitten

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: or

[the_question]: by

[spinner]: no

[the_question]: something

[spinner]: it's it's spread by bite

[cobra]: um m

[the_question]: vampires

[spinner]: stick

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: to the

[cobra]: let's

[spinner]: law here guys

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: let's

[cobra]: it depends

[spinner]: stick

[spoopy_mans]: it's

[spinner]: to

[spoopy_mans]: this

[spinner]: the

[spoopy_mans]: world

[spinner]: law

[cobra]: it depends

[spoopy_mans]: let them make

[cobra]: so

[spoopy_mans]: a shitty world

[cobra]: it does it does spread through the

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: air but if you do

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: get it through the air like it's
it's not as bad

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: what

[cobra]: fucking is as bad fucking fuci

[spinner]: what

[cobra]: bad

[the_question]: zombies

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: are not as bad

[cobra]: it's just progressed

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: it

[the_question]: as

[cobra]: just progressed lower no i thought i
was talking about the disease itself

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: progress slower

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: if you catch it by if like
if a zongbi scratches you or bites you

[cobra]: with worse it's fast

[spinner]: you turned

[cobra]: if it

[spinner]: quicker

[cobra]: gets directly

[spoopy_mans]: okay

[cobra]: into your blood

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: stream it turns you really fast

[spoopy_mans]: i'm gonna i'm gonna

[cobra]: but most

[spoopy_mans]: go ahead

[cobra]: people

[spoopy_mans]: and

[cobra]: would catch it like covid

[spoopy_mans]: what if we you just get bit
and you get to zombis we don't have

[spoopy_mans]: to

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: worry about

[spinner]: let's

[spoopy_mans]: multiple ways for the interest of

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: why

[spoopy_mans]: converse because like

[cobra]: why

[spoopy_mans]: we're

[spinner]: stick

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: trying

[spinner]: to

[spoopy_mans]: to

[spinner]: the law

[spoopy_mans]: just get some lower out here doesn't
have to have fucking ten variations like oh

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: if

[spinner]: you're

[spoopy_mans]: you get

[spinner]: fucking

[spoopy_mans]: it through

[spinner]: complicated

[spoopy_mans]: the air you

[cobra]: sign

[spoopy_mans]: you get to be a zombie a
week later like whatever no one's going to

[spoopy_mans]: stop

[spinner]: now here's

[spoopy_mans]: you

[spinner]: now

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: here's the interesting thing

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: if you drink a cup

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: that has been drunken by another person

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: been infected then it takes a month

[spoopy_mans]: right

[spinner]: but

[the_question]: to zombis

[spinner]: if

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: stub

[spoopy_mans]: i

[the_question]: one

[spinner]: your

[cobra]: i

[the_question]: cup

[spinner]: toe

[cobra]: i if you do that

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: you become a unicorn that's a whole

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: thing but then

[spoopy_mans]: but as

[cobra]: i'm kid okayso

[spoopy_mans]: unicorn

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: so it's a little weird

[cobra]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: i'm honest

[cobra]: okay no no let's

[spinner]: look

[cobra]: let's

[spinner]: at this

[cobra]: just go

[spinner]: look

[cobra]: with

[spinner]: at this

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: chart here

[spoopy_mans]: and if

[spinner]: look at

[spoopy_mans]: someone

[spinner]: this this

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: drinks

[spinner]: diagram

[cobra]: like a

[spoopy_mans]: the blood of a zombi unicorn

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: they get

[cobra]: they've become a vampire

[spoopy_mans]: a half life

[cobra]: unit car they've

[spoopy_mans]: curse

[cobra]: become

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: life

[cobra]: a vampire

[spoopy_mans]: a vampire

[cobra]: zombi

[spoopy_mans]: you got ben

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: get an extra life

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: in

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: super

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: mario

[cobra]: so

[spinner]: sixty

[cobra]: let's

[spinner]: four

[cobra]: keep

[the_question]: what

[cobra]: it let's

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: keep it simple

[spinner]: yah

[cobra]: it's like you have to be scratched
or bitten by a zone there

[spoopy_mans]: okay you get

[the_question]: if

[spoopy_mans]: to

[spinner]: thank you

[the_question]: what

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: if you're groped by groped by a

[spoopy_mans]: if they

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i can't

[spinner]: no it's

[cobra]: see

[spinner]: all by

[cobra]: him

[spinner]: harvey wine

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: team

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: i mean

[spoopy_mans]: h

[cobra]: he's already a zombi

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: oh no that's just regular

[the_question]: uh

[spinner]: harvey watch

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: exactly

[spoopy_mans]: truly

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: the

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: world's greatest

[cobra]: exactly

[spoopy_mans]: monster okay so in this world where
if you get bitten by a zambo become

[spoopy_mans]: a zombi and the zombivais just spreads
like wildfire um me personally would probably be

[spoopy_mans]: a zombi live in an apartment building
in toronto there's no chance in hell that

[spoopy_mans]: i would find a way to escape
my idea would be go to the center

[spoopy_mans]: island and of course when i got
to center island the zombis would be there

[spoopy_mans]: waiting for me in the scene

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: naturally

[spoopy_mans]: yeah however

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: we

[cobra]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: in this world i believe that the
military not

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: canada's military someone else is military

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: not the russians based on how poorly
they are fighting creating

[the_question]: hm

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: they seem like the now wat they're
doing creating an army would set up strongholds

[spoopy_mans]: in ukraine and people would

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: flock there to try to not get
killed by the zombi virus that's

[cobra]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: my answer

[cobra]: do you think like do you think
that people

[spoopy_mans]: m

[cobra]: that were suspected of being infected would
like that center

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: like i want to say the were
the term

[the_question]: ah

[cobra]: concentration caps

[the_question]: i was

[cobra]: but

[the_question]: going

[cobra]: let's

[the_question]: at

[cobra]: say concentration

[the_question]: camps

[cobra]: caps

[the_question]: maybe that's let's call

[spoopy_mans]: yah

[cobra]: they

[the_question]: it camps

[cobra]: would be sent

[spoopy_mans]: camps aren't

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: good

[cobra]: i

[spoopy_mans]: enough

[cobra]: just can't

[spoopy_mans]: it can't just be a camp like
if you think of of

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: twenty eight days

[the_question]: m hm

[spoopy_mans]: twenty eight days

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: later which one isn't the

[the_question]: right

[spoopy_mans]: sandra b

[spinner]: twenty days

[the_question]: oh

[cobra]: henri

[spinner]: later

[cobra]: is cendrads grease

[spoopy_mans]: i do sandra b

[spinner]: no san

[spoopy_mans]: centre

[spinner]: drebllick

[spoopy_mans]: bullock

[cobra]: i know

[spinner]: twenty eight twenty

[cobra]: thank

[spinner]: eight days

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: twenty

[cobra]: chris

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: eight

[cobra]: thank

[spinner]: nights

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: i think is the andre bug movie

[the_question]: a

[spinner]: zab movies

[the_question]: uh

[spinner]: twenty ight days later

[the_question]: h

[spoopy_mans]: twenty ight

[the_question]: congeniality

[spoopy_mans]: days later

[cobra]: is ten

[the_question]: is

[cobra]: yes

[the_question]: the

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: zombi movie

[spoopy_mans]: that's

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: right

[the_question]: with

[spinner]: yes

[the_question]: sandra

[spinner]: that's

[the_question]: b

[spinner]: the

[spoopy_mans]: so

[spinner]: one

[spoopy_mans]: in miscongeniality you see

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: that

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: they

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: hold everybody in a hotel for

[the_question]: that's

[spoopy_mans]: this

[the_question]: right

[spoopy_mans]: contest

[the_question]: there you go

[spoopy_mans]: i think you're going to put all

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: the infected people in th hotels

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: twenty ight days later i believe our
good friend doctor

[cobra]: and

[spoopy_mans]: who tries

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: to lock everybody up into a army
camp and that goes poorly

[the_question]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: and so i think you have to
i think you end up with i don't

[spoopy_mans]: know trying to kill the infected zombis
because people think that if they're dead before

[spoopy_mans]: they turn to be a zombi then
they won't become a zombi i think that's

[spoopy_mans]: ever first tactic

[cobra]: yeah and and like if you if
you killed them before you just just killed

[spoopy_mans]: m

[cobra]: them regularly right if you have to
wait until their zombies then it's

[spoopy_mans]: hey

[cobra]: harder

[spoopy_mans]: um

[cobra]: to kill right usually

[spoopy_mans]: what when you say

[cobra]: i'm

[spoopy_mans]: kill

[cobra]: asking

[spoopy_mans]: them

[cobra]: i'm

[spoopy_mans]: regularly

[cobra]: asking

[spoopy_mans]: what do you mean

[cobra]: just kill them like a

[spinner]: what

[cobra]: human

[spinner]: do you mean

[spoopy_mans]: you said regularly

[the_question]: like

[spinner]: i mean

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: like

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: a human what yo

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: mean

[cobra]: don't

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: have to

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: human

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: what

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: do you

[cobra]: know

[spinner]: mean you people

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: i'm very

[cobra]: what i

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: mean

[the_question]: triggered

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: is

[the_question]: right

[cobra]: usually

[the_question]: now

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: usually

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: usually killing zombis isn't just like you
can just like shoot him in the chest

[cobra]: and since they die like you

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: okay

[cobra]: do with a human

[the_question]: usually a bullet in the

[cobra]: you

[the_question]: head kind of thing or decapitation

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah or like chopping the head off

[spoopy_mans]: fire

[cobra]: or something eh

[spoopy_mans]: burned the body

[cobra]: fire

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: okay wow

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: just

[spinner]: we all

[cobra]: straight

[spinner]: know

[cobra]: to fire

[spoopy_mans]: fire

[cobra]: straight

[spinner]: let's

[cobra]: to fucking

[spoopy_mans]: fire cleanses

[cobra]: just

[the_question]: but

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: as

[cobra]: their catholic church

[spinner]: i think he's

[cobra]: settled

[spinner]: also

[cobra]: down

[spinner]: asking

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: how will the world handle this and
i think we

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: all know

[cobra]: that's

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: really like what would

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: happen

[spinner]: large

[cobra]: with

[spoopy_mans]: yes

[cobra]: the world

[spinner]: a large percentage

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: of people would say

[spoopy_mans]: no come

[spinner]: zombis are myth

[the_question]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: you know

[spoopy_mans]: true

[cobra]: that's what i was

[spinner]: it's

[cobra]: going

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: with like why if don't

[spinner]: fake

[cobra]: look

[spinner]: news

[cobra]: up was a zombi movie that's

[spinner]: there's a

[cobra]: basically

[spinner]: lot of people

[cobra]: my

[spinner]: saying

[cobra]: question

[spinner]: there are zombis out there

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: there's the zombi people these

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[spinner]: people it's a it's a china iris
okay no

[the_question]: yes

[spinner]: it's a it's

[spoopy_mans]: m

[spinner]: a silly zombi virus

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: from

[cobra]: too

[spinner]: china

[cobra]: real

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: that's too the real spencer

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: well that's what that's what would happen

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: and then

[cobra]: this is

[spinner]: they'd

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: say

[cobra]: it's yeah

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: then they'd

[cobra]: too

[spinner]: say

[the_question]: no

[cobra]: real

[spinner]: don't

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: get

[cobra]: too

[spinner]: bitten

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: soon

[spinner]: and say don't get bitten and the
there'd be ll te youtube look i'm getting

[spinner]: bitten right now nothing's happening

[spoopy_mans]: yeah the

[spinner]: fake

[cobra]: starts

[spinner]: news

[cobra]: fomnsafucking

[spoopy_mans]: there

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: foamy immediately

[spoopy_mans]: there would be

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: the zombi

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: brain challenge where people would be

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: like meeting zombi brains i didn't turn
to zombi

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: with the

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: funks this

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: is bullshit

[the_question]: i'm going to

[spinner]: what

[the_question]: a zombi

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: fuck is

[the_question]: party

[spinner]: yeah this

[the_question]: rode

[spinner]: is faked

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: new

[cobra]: oh

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: that's basically what i'm gonna o

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: yeah we're gonna do a obi

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: party where

[the_question]: turn on the

[spinner]: the challenge is

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: how many brains can you eat

[the_question]: rot

[cobra]: sure

[spinner]: more

[the_question]: i bet you i can eat like
this zombi ear like it's tied to a

[the_question]: tree like fans like tied it up
like earlier today and like

[spinner]: jas

[spoopy_mans]: recall what are we calling time out

[cobra]: because this is a perfect time for
spencer to introduce

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: his idea

[spoopy_mans]: m

[cobra]: what if the zombis aren't mindless

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: and now that it's a completely different

[spoopy_mans]: you killed you killed the jason

[cobra]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: rode bit

[cobra]: yes

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yes yes

[spinner]: jason

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: brody

[cobra]: did

[spinner]: been for that

[cobra]: you

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[cobra]: can continue it but

[the_question]: oh

[cobra]: i think it's a good good segued
because then

[the_question]: oh

[cobra]: you can go

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: into what would

[spoopy_mans]: all

[cobra]: happen

[spoopy_mans]: right well

[cobra]: if the zombis

[spoopy_mans]: it's

[cobra]: were

[spoopy_mans]: fun

[cobra]: in place

[spoopy_mans]: chris and chris can't

[cobra]: right

[spoopy_mans]: play all the non jascaror non

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: brody characters

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: so that's fine

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: becca so okay

[the_question]: h

[spoopy_mans]: so let's let's rewind then what

[the_question]: h

[spoopy_mans]: was the last thing we were saying

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: the body bit

[the_question]: uh uh

[spinner]: people wouldn't believe it

[the_question]: h believe

[spoopy_mans]: wouldn't

[spinner]: i

[spoopy_mans]: believe

[spinner]: think

[the_question]: it

[spinner]: there's a lot

[spoopy_mans]: it

[spinner]: more

[the_question]: believe

[spinner]: on

[the_question]: it eating brains

[spoopy_mans]: okay just go

[the_question]: stuff

[spoopy_mans]: off

[the_question]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: the

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: people wouldn't believe in things spencer and
and drag into

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: the idea that like like people probably

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: wouldn't believe but what if what if
people were still whatever

[spinner]: okay

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i mean i don't think people would
really believe that there'd be a lot of

[spinner]: people

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: denying it from even existing i mean

[cobra]: oh yeah

[spinner]: even if

[cobra]: definitely

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: they did exist i

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: feel like the

[spoopy_mans]: m

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: the zombis from like the georgeramaro world
would be easily beaten like they're so stupid

[spinner]: and slow

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: they

[spinner]: never

[cobra]: would

[spinner]: understood

[cobra]: do

[spinner]: why

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: they're even a threat

[the_question]: ah

[cobra]: they would do like tags on tik

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: tok watch us

[spinner]: would you

[cobra]: let's see how many zombis we beat
up in ten

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: seconds or whatever

[spinner]: look at me i taped a fog
horn to a stick of dynamite and

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: then

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: let's see how many zombies

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: i can kill because they're just going
to all funking go to it

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: so easy

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: but so what it be way more
interesting if the zombis were like

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: smart they didn't lose brain function when

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: became so like they still wanted to

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: people so people had this like need
to eat human flesh but they

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: weren't like

[cobra]: shit

[spinner]: dumb about it

[the_question]: true

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: just walking

[cobra]: that

[the_question]: normally

[cobra]: would be worse because

[the_question]: and

[cobra]: you

[the_question]: then

[cobra]: know what would happen you would have

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: celebrities on bes that's what would happen

[the_question]: uh

[cobra]: would

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: have

[the_question]: h

[cobra]: we would have like zombi this is

[spinner]: ye

[cobra]: smith he is the first zombi

[spinner]: he's

[cobra]: that was

[spinner]: here

[cobra]: turned

[spinner]: to meet no i pictured like like

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: christopher walking is a zombi and nobody

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: and he's like

[spoopy_mans]: a

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: he's like

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: yeah you know i'm going to meet
some people to day

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: come

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: into my trailer for a little one

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: one yea

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: your big brain looks

[cobra]: why

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: very tasty

[cobra]: the hell why did

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: why

[spinner]: think

[cobra]: did christopher walk in

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: go loud all

[spinner]: i think

[cobra]: of a sudden

[spinner]: now i just

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: i want to eat your brain

[the_question]: click the door locks

[cobra]: i think it would make like a

[spoopy_mans]: m

[cobra]: stupid pun was like i have some
people they're eating with me but meeting them

[the_question]: i

[cobra]: pineapple

[the_question]: uh

[spinner]: the main cause

[spoopy_mans]: ye

[spinner]: is you

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah yeah sometime he will do that

[spoopy_mans]: okay back in

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: semi reality land

[spinner]: m oh

[spoopy_mans]: i hate to

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: do this but like

[spinner]: no

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: if people

[cobra]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: had brains

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: right

[spoopy_mans]: were smart and they still want to
eat brains like

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: does the zombi apocalypse slowly take over
the world like how does something become

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: diseased in that scenario

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: if you're smart you're not going to
make us all but you're just going to

[spoopy_mans]: eat a brain when you need to

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: depends

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[cobra]: you might end up like you know
the first ones

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: won't know what's happening exactly

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: and they might go oh that arm
looks tasty i'm going to take a little

[cobra]: bite out of it for whatever

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: reason then they bite that person that
the person becomes zombi to

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: but like zombies

[cobra]: until

[spinner]: yep

[cobra]: we figure out

[spoopy_mans]: zombies

[cobra]: there

[spoopy_mans]: are only

[cobra]: it's

[spoopy_mans]: dangerous

[cobra]: going to spread

[spoopy_mans]: in a horde and like i think

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: not

[cobra]: not

[spinner]: if they're

[cobra]: if they're

[spinner]: smart

[cobra]: smart not if they're smart

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: imagine like some serio

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: killer turns into a zombi

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: or like

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: or like

[cobra]: rondecentis

[spinner]: lan mosque

[cobra]: turns into a zombi same saying really

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: rip it

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: maskesazoby i

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: like that

[the_question]: a hell of a time for h

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[the_question]: so what you're telling me is that

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[the_question]: jared

[cobra]: i can't nibble

[spoopy_mans]: yeh

[cobra]: i can't nibble on

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: sharon is that what you're saying

[the_question]: jared

[spoopy_mans]: yeh

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: proceeded to bite your ankle m

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: and removed some flesh from your ankle

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: jared is played by christopher

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: walkin

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: i did

[cobra]: oh

[the_question]: okay

[cobra]: oh

[the_question]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[the_question]: okay jared so

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: tell me why

[spinner]: uh

[the_question]: why

[spinner]: h

[the_question]: what compelled you to take a bite
of sherry's

[spinner]: uh

[the_question]: ankle jared

[spinner]: just i wanted a little taste of
that ankle yea

[the_question]: so what we need

[spinner]: that

[the_question]: you to do

[spinner]: sweet sweet ankle

[the_question]: so what we need you to do
is go ahead and stop eating pieces of

[the_question]: our co workers is this something you
believe you can commit

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: to as an action plan

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: gonna commit eating your brains

[the_question]: oh no like this is

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: i think jared i think you need

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: stop doing this it's not professional also

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: i'm going to need you to write
an email to the whole company apologizing

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: for your behavior

[spinner]: this i'm going to go be

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: the spokesman for subway

[spoopy_mans]: yeah yeah

[the_question]: the circle

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: is complete

[cobra]: subway eat flesh

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: he

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: don don

[cobra]: ye

[the_question]: do

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: thanks i hate it

[spinner]: well done well done

[the_question]: sang

[cobra]: uh

[the_question]: you know all h r departments

[cobra]: h

[the_question]: the world over

[cobra]: oh

[the_question]: would would have a fucking load of
complicated scenarios to unpack

[spinner]: so i think what

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: would

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: really happen

[cobra]: they

[spinner]: here

[cobra]: would summarily ignore

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: if this actually happened there'd be like
a society of people at the top

[the_question]: there you

[spinner]: who

[the_question]: go

[spinner]: are like who are like

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: zombies

[the_question]: yes

[spinner]: and they

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: the lizard people only their zombies

[the_question]: yes

[spinner]: yeah like like like the

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: what are those people called

[the_question]: luminary

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: the illuminati yeah but they're the zombi

[the_question]: there you go

[spinner]: makes something subway eat flesh

[the_question]: chop chop

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: and

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: then

[the_question]: they call it

[spinner]: basically

[the_question]: it's

[spinner]: they're

[the_question]: called

[spinner]: like

[the_question]: lick

[cobra]: uh

[the_question]: anyways

[spinner]: they create a system where you know
if you're like poor

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: you know you're you're not

[cobra]: you don't

[spinner]: really

[cobra]: go ndergoinyeah

[spinner]: nobody cares about you they're like we
have a new system to to the homeless

[spinner]: we take them to

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: a far away farm where everybody lives

[spoopy_mans]: all

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: right so

[spinner]: with

[spoopy_mans]: soiling

[spinner]: your dog

[spoopy_mans]: green is people we got it

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: okay but but they like

[cobra]: literally

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: this time

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: but that's like they're advertising

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: slogan

[spoopy_mans]: great

[spinner]: soil

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: and green is people

[spoopy_mans]: they're

[the_question]: cornelius

[spoopy_mans]: like oh

[cobra]: m yeah

[the_question]: cornelius look at this peasant

[cobra]: how how would how would the soup
kitchen work for like zombies

[spinner]: it'd be blood

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: m gray

[spoopy_mans]: as

[the_question]: matter

[spoopy_mans]: much as i want to answer that

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: we're pushing

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: to forty minutes already

[cobra]: yeah right

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: ah

[the_question]: so capture

[spoopy_mans]: yes

[the_question]: that sound bit

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: that's needed

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: we

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: can sagemen

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: that's fine

[spoopy_mans]: right i think we've talked enough about

[cobra]: yah

[spoopy_mans]: walking

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: disease

[spinner]: so

[the_question]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: and

[cobra]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: easy chris

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: let's move on to another

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: another what of

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: guts flesh damage for no reason

[spinner]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: who knows what happened spencer you

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: seem to have good ideas

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: that that's where you're

[cobra]: e

[spinner]: wrong

[cobra]: does

[spinner]: sir

[spoopy_mans]: that was

[cobra]: he

[spoopy_mans]: a

[cobra]: does

[spoopy_mans]: mistake

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yah

[spinner]: um i always thought what if

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: if freddy cruger

[the_question]: ah

[spinner]: the famous

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: dream man

[the_question]: scary

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: um

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: existed

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: i think that

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: we'd have a world where no one
could sleep and if you did fall asleep

[spinner]: ould be like a risk like he's
not killing everyone whoever falls

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: asleep but everyone would know it's a
possibility so it would really change

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: hm

[spinner]: society as

[cobra]: well

[spinner]: a whole

[spoopy_mans]: so like

[cobra]: first thing that would need to happen

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: everybody would need to be told about
belly rubs obviously

[spoopy_mans]: obviously

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: hm

[spinner]: watch

[spoopy_mans]: actually

[spinner]: steve burman's video

[spoopy_mans]: actually this is really

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: awkward but the first person freddy

[spinner]: a

[spoopy_mans]: crewe kills is steve urwin so that

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: never gets

[cobra]: no

[spoopy_mans]: out

[cobra]: so freddy career is a thing grey
i got it

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: got

[spinner]: was

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: a

[spoopy_mans]: i'm sorry chris

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: that that's just the way freddy rolls

[the_question]: buy like

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: wear

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: this

[cobra]: uh

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: they don't care

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: um so in this

[cobra]: so

[spoopy_mans]: world

[the_question]: hm

[cobra]: like what

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: is

[spoopy_mans]: so

[cobra]: yeah i was going to say

[the_question]: oh

[cobra]: like what is okay fine goal

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: that way

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: no

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: and

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: king stand off

[spoopy_mans]: m

[cobra]: all right

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: i was going to ask so like
how does this happen how does

[spinner]: what

[cobra]: everybody

[spinner]: do you mean

[cobra]: get became

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: feted by freddy

[the_question]: because

[spoopy_mans]: what do you

[the_question]: they

[spoopy_mans]: mean

[the_question]: go

[spinner]: well

[the_question]: to

[spinner]: it's

[the_question]: sleep

[spinner]: that

[spoopy_mans]: what do you mean it's

[the_question]: he's here

[spoopy_mans]: the freddy croker goes into your dreams

[cobra]: it

[spoopy_mans]: murders

[cobra]: just happens

[spoopy_mans]: you

[spinner]: it just

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: starts

[the_question]: assume

[spinner]: happening

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: people and

[the_question]: boom

[spinner]: then

[cobra]: okay okay

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: okay

[the_question]: he's in

[spinner]: is supposed to like

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: can't you can't avoid it

[spinner]: so let's

[cobra]: all

[spinner]: pretend like unlike every freddy cooker movie
when someone says jimmy was killed in his

[spinner]: sleep nd they're

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: like oh money you're so crazy time

[the_question]: ah

[spinner]: for some drugs

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: they go

[cobra]: oh

[the_question]: m yeah

[spinner]: they actually listened to them and

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: they're

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: like oh we have to look into
this and

[the_question]: hm

[spinner]: then they find out more and more
people dying from freddy

[the_question]: hm

[spinner]: and then they're like

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: it

[spoopy_mans]: m

[spinner]: goes in the news

[the_question]: hm

[spinner]: and tell said we're like oh shit
i don't want to go to sleep if

[spinner]: i could potentially killed by a bird
man with a bad sweater

[the_question]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: and a

[spoopy_mans]: fair

[the_question]: weird

[spinner]: men

[spoopy_mans]: so

[the_question]: indiana jones hat

[spoopy_mans]: in this world

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: friday can still only go like an
friday go into multiple dreams like what's friday's

[spoopy_mans]: limitation

[the_question]: my

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: oh i think i

[spoopy_mans]: a

[spinner]: think he can i think he could
be interesting if he could only kill one

[spinner]: person at a time but like the
second he kills him and going on the

[spinner]: next one

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: so like in a night

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: he could kill like twenty people probably

[spoopy_mans]: well

[spinner]: let's say thirty

[spoopy_mans]: i mean

[spinner]: people

[spoopy_mans]: it's

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: friday he's gonna be very elaborate it's
killing he's not just gonna show like

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: surprise

[spinner]: it's true

[spoopy_mans]: cock bag stab

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: eat that bag

[the_question]: yes

[spinner]: that's his new catch phrase

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: he's worked shopping

[cobra]: wait why

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: do you mean new catch rise

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: it's just his catch raise

[spinner]: yeah no frastit's freddy bitch

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: okay

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: so we're gonna kill

[cobra]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: so like that's the risk right it's
like because

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: human have to sleep so it's like
how long can i go in between naps

[spoopy_mans]: how many a few

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: hours going o sleep do you have
to dream like if i got black out

[spoopy_mans]: drunk and i don't dream can freddy
kill me

[spinner]: maybe

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: one of the potential solutions

[spoopy_mans]: i mean it'll be terrible

[cobra]: yes

[the_question]: alcoholism

[spoopy_mans]: sleep

[spinner]: one guy

[cobra]: of of course of course mat solution
would be for

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: listen

[cobra]: everyone

[spoopy_mans]: i'm

[cobra]: to get

[spoopy_mans]: just

[cobra]: fucking hammered

[spinner]: that's

[spoopy_mans]: checking

[spinner]: your solution to everything

[spoopy_mans]: just checking

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: of alcohol still on his table

[spinner]: when we talked about

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: mike myers killing people you're like oh
what if you're drunk can you still be

[spinner]: murdered

[cobra]: why if i why if i replace

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: his mask with beer

[the_question]: hm

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: h

[cobra]: that would be matt solution

[spoopy_mans]: hear me out

[the_question]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: oh no here we go

[spoopy_mans]: what if freddy

[cobra]: was drunk

[spoopy_mans]: only

[the_question]: that

[spoopy_mans]: killed

[the_question]: would

[spoopy_mans]: people

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: who didn't drink

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: only kill people who didn't drink

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: that's easy

[cobra]: yeah that people would just drink

[spoopy_mans]: in their sleep in

[cobra]: or

[spoopy_mans]: their

[cobra]: die

[spoopy_mans]: dreams tough you have to be drinking
in your dreams

[spinner]: okay

[the_question]: whoa

[spinner]: drinking your dreams

[spoopy_mans]: you can't control your

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: dreams

[spinner]: it's hardly a problem well

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: then

[cobra]: can learn to do that

[spinner]: what is

[cobra]: lucid

[spinner]: this

[cobra]: dreaming

[spinner]: accomplished

[cobra]: is a thing

[the_question]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: just

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: random thing than

[the_question]: ah

[spinner]: hope you dream about

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: drinking

[cobra]: this would

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: be people like well i'm supposed to

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: in my sleep maybe i should start
right before bad

[spoopy_mans]: there you go

[spinner]: maybe i should do some

[cobra]: that would be what they would do

[spinner]: dream like therapy

[the_question]: when did freddy

[spinner]: where

[the_question]: become

[spinner]: are you

[the_question]: the

[spinner]: like

[the_question]: spokes person for

[spoopy_mans]: yes

[the_question]: mad in your dreams

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: no no

[spinner]: yeah don't

[the_question]: say

[spinner]: drink it drive bitch

[the_question]: he

[spoopy_mans]: i'm

[cobra]: but

[spoopy_mans]: pretty

[cobra]: the

[spoopy_mans]: sure if freddy is like the opposite

[cobra]: but the

[spoopy_mans]: make

[cobra]: last

[spoopy_mans]: sure you drink

[cobra]: the last

[spoopy_mans]: bitch

[cobra]: dan met

[the_question]: um

[spinner]: yeah yeah

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[cobra]: the last dan mad there is dream
not drive

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: because

[cobra]: the

[spoopy_mans]: they

[cobra]: mother's against drunken dreaming

[spoopy_mans]: you think fridays

[the_question]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: like

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: did you drink like yes

[the_question]: no

[spoopy_mans]: sir did you drive no sir good
and moves on to the next like

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: is that how you

[the_question]: that's

[spoopy_mans]: offer it's

[the_question]: right

[spoopy_mans]: just like that's right live your life

[spinner]: no

[spoopy_mans]: son

[cobra]: m

[spoopy_mans]: bitch

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: if you if i catch your ass
again it will be these nuts yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: life

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: is a gift son

[the_question]: eh

[spinner]: you got to enjoy it but you
got to take care of

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: it

[cobra]: live left lof son

[spinner]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: now

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: now i'm thinking maybe it's what if
freddy kreger was

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: like the greatest

[spinner]: h

[spoopy_mans]: clandisten

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: assassin sent by the use

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: anty drugs

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: any drugs work for all ragged like
er son get

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: off

[spinner]: i'm

[spoopy_mans]: them drugs

[spinner]: dead

[spoopy_mans]: kill

[cobra]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: you bitch

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: ah

[the_question]: it's

[cobra]: just say no son

[the_question]: he's slowly

[spinner]: just

[the_question]: morefiginto r t

[spinner]: what mrtahwhl

[the_question]: slowly more figintomt

[spinner]: been in fool

[cobra]: pete pete the fool dreams

[the_question]: listen boy

[spinner]: i

[the_question]: next time i catch you drinking

[spinner]: bet

[the_question]: and

[spinner]: for

[the_question]: driving

[spinner]: who drinks

[the_question]: it

[spinner]: and drives

[the_question]: in your dreams

[cobra]: i would watch

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i would watch a nightmare in elm

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: movie where r t plays friday a

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: hundred per cent

[the_question]: because clearly

[spoopy_mans]: what

[the_question]: freddy needs level up in order

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: to make it through so many more
bodily like

[cobra]: to

[the_question]: people dreams in a night he possessed

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: dream form of m t spliced with
freddy no burn and there's no burned skin

[the_question]: because you need to be

[spinner]: they

[the_question]: able

[spinner]: just

[the_question]: to

[spinner]: get rid of the burns

[the_question]: you got to get rid of

[spoopy_mans]: gone

[the_question]: that and since m t is america's

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: sweetheart with that gruff but go center

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: he'll hil he'll warm the hearts of
those that need to be led

[spoopy_mans]: m

[the_question]: back to the flock and dice and
slice the momfuckers who who step out of

[the_question]: line

[spinner]: who drink who drink and drive

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: drink a drive

[spinner]: or do

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: drugs

[spoopy_mans]: are two drugs correct

[spinner]: batefuwho wastes the gift that is life

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: doesn't embrace a proper future don't

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: go to

[spoopy_mans]: we

[spinner]: school

[spoopy_mans]: can

[the_question]: and listen

[spoopy_mans]: no

[the_question]: to their mama

[spinner]: listen to the

[the_question]: my

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: your stay in school

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: you do some after school sports

[the_question]: that's right

[spoopy_mans]: keep your body as healthy as remand

[the_question]: that's right

[spoopy_mans]: you stay after drugs

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: that's

[spoopy_mans]: fo

[the_question]: right

[cobra]: we

[spinner]: you could

[cobra]: basically

[spinner]: be a doctor

[cobra]: replace

[spinner]: got dam doctor

[the_question]: h

[spinner]: i love you

[cobra]: replace

[spinner]: so

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: captain america

[the_question]: oh

[cobra]: on that on that like p s

[the_question]: my

[cobra]: on the movies with just

[spoopy_mans]: a

[cobra]: m t

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: s freddy cruger

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: my gosh

[cobra]: drinking drive

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: kill you

[cobra]: pity the fool

[spinner]: yah

[cobra]: dreams

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: after drinking and driving

[spinner]: yah

[the_question]: i kill

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: you

[cobra]: is what i'm

[the_question]: i'll

[cobra]: saying

[the_question]: kill you

[spinner]: so

[the_question]: i'll take

[spinner]: what

[the_question]: my

[spinner]: was

[the_question]: chance

[spinner]: the original question

[cobra]: you

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: asked it

[spinner]: i know

[spoopy_mans]: i believe

[the_question]: a

[spoopy_mans]: it was

[spinner]: i'm so

[spoopy_mans]: what

[spinner]: in

[spoopy_mans]: a

[spinner]: love with

[spoopy_mans]: freak cruger

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: existed

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: and what if you couldn't sleep

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: or else

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: you can kill you

[spinner]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: not if he was anti

[the_question]: ye

[spinner]: drug

[spoopy_mans]: if you

[spinner]: advocate

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: any drug

[cobra]: no

[spoopy_mans]: freddy freddy t cruger

[the_question]: he

[spoopy_mans]: r freddy t

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: cruger

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: not if i was r t cruger

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: got it yeah so i'm actually the
question was what how would the world handle

[spinner]: it like would there be people like
would you sleep in smaller intervals would you

[spinner]: not sleep for days and then sleep
for a long time would they try and

[spinner]: develop

[cobra]: ye

[spinner]: drugs where you could live

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: without em sleep

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: where would we go

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: in

[cobra]: can

[spinner]: this

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: crazy world

[cobra]: can we

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: find a way to

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: kill freddy or prevent

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: him from

[the_question]: you

[cobra]: coming

[the_question]: would need

[cobra]: into dreams

[the_question]: m t for sure

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: he was the second guy he killed

[spoopy_mans]: no no

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: i've

[the_question]: shit

[spoopy_mans]: got this

[spinner]: after steve erwin

[spoopy_mans]: if freddy exists we start getting inception

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: and you

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: pay the inception teams that go into
your in a freak fight freddy for you

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: hm m

[spinner]: yeah like well that's

[cobra]: we have

[spinner]: kind

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: of

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: lot of we would have a lot
of brom

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: i

[cobra]: in

[spoopy_mans]: would

[cobra]: this

[spoopy_mans]: hire

[cobra]: world

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: the eight

[cobra]: a

[spoopy_mans]: team so r t fighting for me

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: don't

[spinner]: m against m t

[the_question]: ship it's two teas it's to

[spinner]: two ts tidsthatdoest

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: make sense

[the_question]: and every time and every time you're
you're in your own dream and like you

[the_question]: ever find yourself

[spinner]: yeh

[the_question]: in the vehicle you find suddenly the
chafer slow pans and is miss t

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: he's like i came to help

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: you out boy but you better

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: watch yourself

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: you someone coming to kill you

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: but listen listen to me listen look
at my eyes listen to

[spinner]: what

[the_question]: me stop blinking listen look deep stop
i know he last time you

[cobra]: r t

[the_question]: shut

[cobra]: turned

[the_question]: up

[cobra]: into james

[the_question]: shut up

[cobra]: brown there

[the_question]: shut up did you tell your mammy

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: loved her listen to

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: my

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: listen

[spinner]: god

[the_question]: to my spoken

[spinner]: we're

[the_question]: word

[spinner]: back

[the_question]: poetry

[spinner]: life is a gift

[spoopy_mans]: t

[cobra]: oh

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: r t sir

[the_question]: spit it out

[spoopy_mans]: why are you wearing a horizon of

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: striped sweater

[spinner]: uh

[the_question]: listen

[spinner]: uh

[the_question]: i've

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: come

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: to get your soul bit yeah

[spinner]: spots are byworthers

[cobra]: jes

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: what happened clearly

[spinner]: my dreams ponder my where there's

[the_question]: what just took place

[spinner]: oh no

[the_question]: was a was not

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: a representation clearly this anomaly freddy is
taking my parents and muted into some cocomemi

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: exploit ship and i don't stand for
it so

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: here's what's going to happen i'm gonna

[cobra]: oh

[the_question]: my gold chains

[spinner]: yes

[the_question]: get myself some butter bit biskits and
i'm gonna go and steal this myself

[cobra]: as

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: m

[the_question]: stay in school hug your mama

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: tying school and mom

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: how do we get back to m

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: being anti drugs

[the_question]: the

[spinner]: and pro

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: pro mother

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: love

[the_question]: the tea is the key

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: we hired an inception team that is

[cobra]: didn't

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: just

[cobra]: the

[spoopy_mans]: r

[cobra]: tea

[spoopy_mans]: t

[spinner]: that's

[cobra]: is for

[spinner]: right

[cobra]: tenderness

[spinner]: that's right

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: m

[spinner]: because

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: even

[cobra]: teas

[spoopy_mans]: m

[spinner]: in

[cobra]: for

[spinner]: inception

[cobra]: tenderness

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: they were hired originally at least they

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: said they were to protect your mind

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: from invaders

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: exactly

[spinner]: so

[the_question]: hm

[spinner]: you

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: so you get trained you get a

[the_question]: yes

[spinner]: so you know you're in a dream

[the_question]: hm hm

[spinner]: and then

[the_question]: focus on it

[spinner]: you know

[spoopy_mans]: what

[spinner]: and you

[spoopy_mans]: i

[spinner]: make sure that you don't do drugs

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: hm

[spinner]: and you don't drink

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: and drive

[spoopy_mans]: a correct

[the_question]: h

[spinner]: you love your mamma

[the_question]: m yep

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: and your left live

[the_question]: that's

[cobra]: love

[the_question]: right

[spinner]: and

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: you realize that life is a gift

[the_question]: you practice

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: elizabeth

[spinner]: you

[the_question]: gilbert

[spinner]: don't waste it

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: so stupid

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: so back to your

[cobra]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: original questions

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: so

[spoopy_mans]: bezoar is

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: sorry

[spoopy_mans]: why why is freddy coming into our
dreams and killing us is he

[spinner]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: like just at a top of tom

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: that like he'll kill twenty people every

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: kind of thing

[spinner]: he always why does freddy kill anyone

[spoopy_mans]: because

[spinner]: in

[spoopy_mans]: they

[spinner]: any of his movies

[spoopy_mans]: burned

[spinner]: does

[spoopy_mans]: him

[spinner]: he

[spoopy_mans]: and

[spinner]: have

[spoopy_mans]: made

[spinner]: motive

[spoopy_mans]: fun of him

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah i guess he kills the kids
of the people who

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: burn them

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: so that's kind of localized

[cobra]: yes

[the_question]: to

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: the elm street neighborhood

[cobra]: ah

[the_question]: so i guess it sounds like a

[spinner]: yes

[the_question]: problem

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: if they didn't

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: want

[cobra]: does

[spinner]: to die in their dreams maybe they
shouldn't have burned him

[the_question]: exact

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: is that all i'm saying

[the_question]: you now

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: or had

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: kids

[cobra]: exactly

[the_question]: browny

[spinner]: or had

[the_question]: like

[cobra]: if you

[the_question]: you keep telling me

[cobra]: if

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: you

[the_question]: to

[cobra]: didn't

[the_question]: move

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: want

[the_question]: to

[cobra]: to

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: elm street

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: but like i don't want to at

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: anything to do with

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: me

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: um if you told your mama

[cobra]: if

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: love her

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: sorry

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: if if

[the_question]: oh

[cobra]: you didn't want to die in your
dreams maybe you shouldn't have burned that that

[cobra]: poor boy

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: he was ugly

[cobra]: guy

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: h

[cobra]: well i'm sorry

[the_question]: h

[cobra]: that changes

[the_question]: his

[cobra]: things

[the_question]: energy

[spoopy_mans]: i think

[cobra]: you're

[the_question]: was

[cobra]: right

[the_question]: just not it like

[spinner]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: i feel like he was ugly

[spinner]: h

[spoopy_mans]: because he was burned but i could
be wrong

[spinner]: he was

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: because that sweater

[the_question]: you know

[spinner]: fetch

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: no no

[the_question]: like who

[spoopy_mans]: and the hat

[the_question]: shops

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: still at like by way or like

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: like what's

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: next hiandzells

[cobra]: that is that that's

[spoopy_mans]: m

[cobra]: that is clearly an outlet

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: thing

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: i'm just saying

[spinner]: let's burn er let's burn

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: that bitch

[the_question]: that's

[cobra]: uh

[the_question]: self fat

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: that's my

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: just fucking belt er face

[cobra]: like if you're

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: going to be a basic bitch we're
just goin to burn

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: you this is just what happens

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: my

[cobra]: maybe

[spinner]: i hope you

[cobra]: don't

[spinner]: don't

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: be a basic bitch if you don't
want to get burned

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: badge i hope ou don't haunt my
children's dreams

[the_question]: like

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: that be weird yeah

[the_question]: like if you're going to be

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: wearing

[cobra]: that'd be weird

[the_question]: i'm just not

[cobra]: to be a weird

[spoopy_mans]: i

[cobra]: out because

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: and

[cobra]: we burned you

[the_question]: i just not

[spinner]: uh

[the_question]: into it like like next you'll

[spinner]: h

[the_question]: be telling me

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: that i should be putting comments on
my skin for rejuvenation

[cobra]: thomas

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: next

[the_question]: now

[spinner]: time next thing you'll be telling me
to like love my mama

[the_question]: you know next

[cobra]: okay

[the_question]: time next thing you'll be telling me
to hold these crystals because they're rejuvenating and

[the_question]: like

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: we'll help align my chalk rounds and
i just don't need to be told how

[the_question]: to live my life

[spoopy_mans]: becky

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: really shouldn't talk about theo like that
he's just

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: trying you know

[the_question]: but like

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: and jeb stones are like amazing

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[cobra]: but

[spinner]: like don't

[cobra]: but he's

[spinner]: you talk jeb

[cobra]: but he's

[spinner]: stones

[cobra]: like he's like so

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: ugly because we should burn him to

[the_question]: you know

[spinner]: he is ugly let's burn him

[the_question]: like like like

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: how

[cobra]: yah

[the_question]: soon

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: like how fast can we burn up

[cobra]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: fiona when are we gonna burn him

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: hey little girls some name right here

[cobra]: ah

[the_question]: some name right

[spinner]: oh oh m

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: t

[the_question]: who

[spinner]: where

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: do you come from

[the_question]: why are you

[cobra]: oh

[the_question]: talking all that mess

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: just

[spinner]: just

[cobra]: got to say

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: wanted to try drugs

[cobra]: like gold chains are

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: so last

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: year

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: nobody asked you to open your mouth

[cobra]: i'm sorry

[the_question]: bitch

[spinner]: should should

[the_question]: clearly

[spinner]: we

[cobra]: i'm

[spinner]: burn

[cobra]: sorry

[spinner]: m t

[cobra]: we should

[the_question]: i could

[cobra]: burn him

[the_question]: listen

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: i don't

[cobra]: like

[the_question]: like i don't want

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: to put

[cobra]: so

[the_question]: my hands

[cobra]: he has a mohawk

[the_question]: ladies and gentlemen i'm gonna look directly

[cobra]: like

[the_question]: at the camera

[cobra]: come

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: this time

[spinner]: he

[cobra]: on

[the_question]: i don't want to put hands on
the woman

[cobra]: who

[the_question]: but clearly but clearly clearly these these

[cobra]: i

[spoopy_mans]: yah

[cobra]: have no choice

[the_question]: when you when your back is against
the wall

[spoopy_mans]: h

[the_question]: you need to choke

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: slam and on that

[cobra]: jesus

[the_question]: note hug

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: your mama because you're n't want to

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: up like these mos you feel

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: me

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: m t

[spoopy_mans]: okay

[spinner]: i didn't

[the_question]: uh

[spinner]: hug my mama this morning oh no
somebody burned him

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: yeh

[spoopy_mans]: and

[spinner]: vincent

[the_question]: h

[spinner]: price

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: scene

[cobra]: see

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: do this all

[cobra]: all

[spinner]: day

[cobra]: right

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: moving on

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i oh

[spoopy_mans]: okay

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: h

[spoopy_mans]: i have a new at f

[spinner]: h

[spoopy_mans]: to get us

[cobra]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: off the rail

[spinner]: we did not ever talk of it
my actual

[spoopy_mans]: listen

[spinner]: question but it's fine it's fine

[spoopy_mans]: we're

[the_question]: we

[spoopy_mans]: past

[the_question]: did

[spoopy_mans]: it

[the_question]: we did

[cobra]: i mean

[the_question]: we

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: did

[cobra]: you immediately derailed

[spinner]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: all

[cobra]: it

[spoopy_mans]: i can tell you is that it

[spinner]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: won't

[spinner]: yah

[spoopy_mans]: be a problem ecus m t is

[spinner]: yeah that's true that was the solution

[spoopy_mans]: moving

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: on

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: a tug your mama

[spoopy_mans]: i have

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: a would

[spinner]: don't forget

[spoopy_mans]: scenario that

[cobra]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: like to present

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: what if

[cobra]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: the entire time

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: you know the catholic churches existed and
all of the deplorable things it's been doing

[spoopy_mans]: it's actually still

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: because who knows you pick it has
been saving

[spinner]: i

[spoopy_mans]: the world from countless evils

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: that have been trying to no attack
it is basically preventing hell from coming

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: to earth

[the_question]: well

[spinner]: what is

[spoopy_mans]: catholic church

[cobra]: okay so

[spoopy_mans]: is

[cobra]: the catholic

[spoopy_mans]: defending

[cobra]: church

[spoopy_mans]: the

[cobra]: so

[spoopy_mans]: earth

[cobra]: how

[spoopy_mans]: from

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: are they doing this

[spoopy_mans]: hell

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: they have you know magic powers

[cobra]: how are they doing

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: this

[spinner]: they're

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: like

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: the catholic church is like the avengers

[spoopy_mans]: you know let's

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: just say that the apostles

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: never died

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: and so

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: they are immortal

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: i

[spoopy_mans]: warriors

[cobra]: this is a call back this is
a call

[spinner]: come

[cobra]: back

[spoopy_mans]: i don't even remember

[spinner]: peter is alive

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: everybody

[the_question]: peter

[spoopy_mans]: even

[the_question]: peter never

[spoopy_mans]: even

[the_question]: dined

[spoopy_mans]: judas is alive but

[cobra]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: he's you know

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: judas so

[cobra]: where

[the_question]: this sounds

[cobra]: where is ben franklin on

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: this

[the_question]: yeah at

[spinner]: oh god nothing

[the_question]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: i don't think ben franklin is ben
franklin catholic

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: i know

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: he was

[spinner]: probably

[cobra]: proud

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: then he's dead

[cobra]: think

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: then

[cobra]: dead

[spinner]: he did

[spoopy_mans]: dead

[cobra]: dead

[spoopy_mans]: yeah the apostles the

[spinner]: a

[spoopy_mans]: twelve apostles started off is the original

[cobra]: angers

[spoopy_mans]: thank you very much

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: and when one of them is killed
you only

[cobra]: eh

[spoopy_mans]: be killed by one of the

[cobra]: eh

[spoopy_mans]: demonic warriors another

[cobra]: h

[spoopy_mans]: person takes their place and so you
know much like we elect the pope

[cobra]: m

[spoopy_mans]: through smoke in the vatican

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: they have

[spinner]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: some sort of deal

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: where they elect a new a new

[cobra]: spoke

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: to defend

[cobra]: spoken

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: like a true protestant their

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: matter

[spoopy_mans]: right oh

[cobra]: lace by the smoke

[spinner]: no

[spoopy_mans]: no

[spinner]: they

[the_question]: i'm seeing

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: uh

[the_question]: i'm

[spinner]: listen

[the_question]: seeing

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: a face in the

[cobra]: h

[the_question]: smoke

[spinner]: no i'm pretty

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: sure the way that they vote is
they burned

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: the old pope

[the_question]: m yeah

[spinner]: and that's

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: the smoke

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[cobra]: and then

[spoopy_mans]: yes

[cobra]: and then if the smoke is black
they try to revive them and

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: if

[spoopy_mans]: a

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: then

[cobra]: smoke is white they go okay that's

[spoopy_mans]: that's

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: obviously every catholic knows that so

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: anyway so so there's always been like
twelve twelve apostles that sounds right

[the_question]: believe

[spoopy_mans]: um

[the_question]: so

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: that have had this power and it

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: passed down from defender

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: to defender but you know at the
same point in time all the people that

[spoopy_mans]: aren't part of this inner circle have
been still

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: propagating all the nonsense the catholic church
does and thereby inviting all the evil so

[spoopy_mans]: i just wonder

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: how would the

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: world are we just cool it if

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: all knew

[cobra]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: like the adventures were just like yeah

[cobra]: so it was revealed

[spoopy_mans]: it's revealed

[cobra]: at one

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: point

[spoopy_mans]: it's

[cobra]: is

[spoopy_mans]: like

[cobra]: like

[spoopy_mans]: hey suckers were trying to defend you
from the demons of hell how the world

[spoopy_mans]: take that

[spinner]: well i think there'd be a

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: lot

[cobra]: man

[spinner]: of what's it called when you change
religions a lot of conversions

[cobra]: conversion yeah

[spinner]: will be like

[spoopy_mans]: hundred

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: percent

[spinner]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: catholicism

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: drive

[spinner]: hudrsctholisism

[spoopy_mans]: those rates right up

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: exactly everyone can be like oh okay

[spoopy_mans]: hm

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: pauses real jesus was real and demons
are real which means

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: hell is real which means that if

[cobra]: yah

[spinner]: i'm not that religion

[spoopy_mans]: m

[spinner]: go there

[spoopy_mans]: yeah so

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: the mormons

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: would definitely

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: start putting out like fake news be
like that there's no real demons we have

[spoopy_mans]: demons over here and it's just be

[cobra]: not just

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: the mormons but like every other like

[spoopy_mans]: shaky

[cobra]: deminomination

[spoopy_mans]: shaky

[cobra]: ike

[spoopy_mans]: came footage of like a demon

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: scientology

[spoopy_mans]: in the woodsyeah

[cobra]: the the original demons

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: were actually american well wait no

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: i don't want to say that

[the_question]: you give us

[spinner]: uh

[the_question]: twenty dollars for our

[spinner]: uh

[the_question]: printed or

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: print out it

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: tells you

[cobra]: no

[the_question]: everything you need to know

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: so that's that's not the mormons that's
the jehovah's

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: witnesses that would do that

[spinner]: pcientology

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: is like to cruise has been in
the bostil for cientology

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: for four thousand

[the_question]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[spinner]: years

[cobra]: yeah basically

[spoopy_mans]: h oh

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: uh

[cobra]: and anybody who

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: left is a demon

[spinner]: and he's been fighting tetons this whole

[spoopy_mans]: there

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: the

[cobra]: la

[spoopy_mans]: demons

[cobra]: ramini

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: is actually a demon because she left

[the_question]: oh my

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: gosh

[spoopy_mans]: exactly so

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: now you got it but also the
scientology would

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: be not real because it's

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: only catholicism

[spinner]: more not real than it already is

[spoopy_mans]: correct

[cobra]: i mean you mean i mean yes
but also they would not stop existing because

[cobra]: of course they wouldn't

[spoopy_mans]: no i'm

[spinner]: they're

[spoopy_mans]: pretty

[spinner]: still

[spoopy_mans]: sure

[spinner]: dumb people

[spoopy_mans]: scientology would be the religion representing

[spinner]: a

[spoopy_mans]: hell

[spinner]: got

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: it

[spoopy_mans]: so tom curse has been fighting the
apostles for four thousand years

[spinner]: i like

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: this

[cobra]: that that i believe

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: he looks

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: i

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: get

[spoopy_mans]: and

[spinner]: it

[spoopy_mans]: he

[spinner]: so

[spoopy_mans]: gets

[spinner]: he's

[spoopy_mans]: his

[spinner]: immortal

[spoopy_mans]: power demonic power from his fame

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: he from his movie

[cobra]: no

[spinner]: box

[cobra]: he

[spinner]: office

[cobra]: re charges

[spinner]: head

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: no no no he re charges

[the_question]: my

[cobra]: his powers

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: by running

[the_question]: ah

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: on camera

[spoopy_mans]: cara

[cobra]: exactly

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: exactly

[spinner]: only gouts on

[cobra]: that's

[spinner]: camera

[cobra]: why he runs that way it's not
it's not it's what

[the_question]: he's

[cobra]: he needs

[the_question]: literally recharging as we're watching

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: it's real

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: i we think

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: it's not but

[cobra]: exactly

[the_question]: it's not it is

[spinner]: and the successive top

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: gun has brought about the age the

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: end of days

[spinner]: what i'm understanding

[spoopy_mans]: scenario

[spinner]: the end of

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: days

[spoopy_mans]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: got it

[cobra]: okay

[the_question]: so this is all

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: well and good but like what about
all the children touching

[spoopy_mans]: yeah cost

[spinner]: now

[cobra]: so

[spoopy_mans]: cost

[cobra]: that's what

[spoopy_mans]: of

[cobra]: i

[spoopy_mans]: doing

[cobra]: was going

[spoopy_mans]: business

[cobra]: to say i was gonna say i
don't think

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: my god

[spinner]: god

[the_question]: uh

[spinner]: evil laugh for sure

[cobra]: wait

[the_question]: uh

[cobra]: wait wait

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: wait wait a minute

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: wait a got them second

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[cobra]: are you seeing the apostles get their
powers from diddling children

[spoopy_mans]: i didn't

[spinner]: h

[spoopy_mans]: say

[cobra]: is that

[spoopy_mans]: that

[cobra]: what you're

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: saying

[spinner]: that's not what he said

[cobra]: you did

[spinner]: that's

[cobra]: not

[spinner]: not

[cobra]: say

[spinner]: what

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: he said

[spoopy_mans]: i didn't apply

[spinner]: listen

[spoopy_mans]: that

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: you said it's the cost of doing

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: business that's how i have to assume

[the_question]: risky

[spinner]: it wasn't

[the_question]: business

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: if you just mantle the catholic church

[cobra]: tom crews

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: again

[spoopy_mans]: if you just mantle the catholic

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: church then the apostles will

[cobra]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: be no more

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: no

[spinner]: do they feed

[cobra]: why

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: on the power of prayer

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: are the power of diddling children

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: the power of

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: fear

[the_question]: the

[spoopy_mans]: generally

[the_question]: power

[spoopy_mans]: prayer

[cobra]: the power of trauma of childhood trauma

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: that

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: that's

[spoopy_mans]: feels

[cobra]: what they

[spoopy_mans]: like

[cobra]: feed on

[spoopy_mans]: that feels like the devils

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: m

[spoopy_mans]: devil's

[spinner]: we're

[spoopy_mans]: work

[spinner]: leaning war maybe they're the devil

[spoopy_mans]: so

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: so wait what might be

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: happening there is that the demons are
influencing like the rest of the catholic

[the_question]: pr

[spoopy_mans]: okay

[cobra]: church try and undermine

[the_question]: bad

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: p

[cobra]: them

[the_question]: r

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah yeah

[spoopy_mans]: it's like

[spinner]: yeah yeah

[spoopy_mans]: hydra hydras inside

[the_question]: shield

[spoopy_mans]: inside

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: shield

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: shield

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: okay

[spinner]: i feel like

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: that was

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: a pr move and like michael the
lead or peter the lead apostle

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: said that with real shifty eyes he's

[cobra]: is it peter

[spinner]: oh yeah they

[cobra]: he's

[spinner]: all

[cobra]: the leader

[spinner]: all the bad priests were

[spoopy_mans]: demons

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: demons too

[cobra]: it's demons

[spoopy_mans]: scientologist

[cobra]: demons

[spoopy_mans]: demons

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: got

[spinner]: you

[spoopy_mans]: him

[spinner]: need

[spoopy_mans]: all

[spinner]: to donate more to

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: us for to stop those guys

[spoopy_mans]: listen

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: guys

[cobra]: no

[spoopy_mans]: we're going to need you to go
ahead and call this one hundred number and

[spoopy_mans]: now what we're looking for is

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: the demon

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: slaying sword and that's going to run
us about

[the_question]: to be

[spoopy_mans]: two

[spinner]: he

[spoopy_mans]: billion dollars giver take

[spinner]: yep

[spoopy_mans]: we got to do it real real

[cobra]: bless up keep

[spoopy_mans]: long search yeah

[cobra]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: and

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: so

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: it's about two billion dollars to start
that quest

[spinner]: in the

[spoopy_mans]: so if

[spinner]: up

[spoopy_mans]: you could just

[spinner]: an

[spoopy_mans]: just

[spinner]: angel

[spoopy_mans]: find twenty dollars in your pocket talk
to your neighbors we'd

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: love to call this quest for you
get the demons lying

[spinner]: a

[spoopy_mans]: sword maybe find the holy

[spinner]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: grail as well you know

[cobra]: is this

[spoopy_mans]: side

[cobra]: like

[spoopy_mans]: quest yeah

[cobra]: is this like a go fun my

[the_question]: no this

[spoopy_mans]: it's like

[the_question]: is

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: they're

[spoopy_mans]: no

[cobra]: gonna

[spoopy_mans]: p b s you got to reach
out to

[the_question]: it's

[spoopy_mans]: the old

[the_question]: funded

[spoopy_mans]: people

[spinner]: we got we

[cobra]: just straight

[spinner]: got

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: all the

[cobra]: straight

[spinner]: apostles

[cobra]: ps

[spinner]: here waiting on the lines

[spoopy_mans]: they're all here

[spinner]: there

[spoopy_mans]: for

[spinner]: ready

[spoopy_mans]: you

[spinner]: to take your

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: call and

[spoopy_mans]: we got peter we got paul

[the_question]: hi

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: we got luke

[the_question]: hey

[spinner]: we got judicis here surprise

[the_question]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: yeah yeah

[spinner]: judas

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: i haven't seen

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: you

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: since zero d what's

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: up

[spoopy_mans]: so you think like

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: what apostles were replaced

[cobra]: is judas

[spoopy_mans]: over

[cobra]: like

[spoopy_mans]: the years

[cobra]: is judas like the rafael of the

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: do you think like i think that

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: ye

[spoopy_mans]: some of the apostles have died over
the airs

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: of combat so it's like maybe six
of them left and the other six have

[spoopy_mans]: been replaced so that's where you get

[cobra]: but

[the_question]: brodie

[cobra]: so so it's like you know

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[cobra]: john

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: s gonna say john

[spinner]: brody

[cobra]: paul luke

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: chad

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: jed

[cobra]: j brodie

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: chase

[spinner]: enrica

[spoopy_mans]: benedict

[the_question]: jase

[spinner]: glaciers

[spoopy_mans]: is

[cobra]: oh so like is like one of
them like a bro apostle

[the_question]: jewel

[spoopy_mans]: well yeah

[spinner]: christopher walking

[spoopy_mans]: like sorry did you

[cobra]: jewel

[spoopy_mans]: jewel

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: jewel the poet

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: joel is one of the apostles

[the_question]: i don't even know the song anymore

[spoopy_mans]: jewel

[spinner]: just just call just call in donate
it's one i

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: ate apostle and jewel is going to
pay a little song for us while

[spoopy_mans]: yep

[spinner]: we're well we're taking calls here

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: we're going to need

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: four small payments of six six

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: six

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: and sixty six cents

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: because we're

[cobra]: coincidental

[spinner]: fighting demons

[cobra]: number

[spinner]: we're just

[cobra]: coincidental

[spinner]: fight

[cobra]: number

[spinner]: going to

[cobra]: there's

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: nothing there's no mean

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: behind it

[spinner]: no not at all

[cobra]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: and if you act now we're gonna
take this

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: commemorative

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: plate

[cobra]: coin

[spoopy_mans]: set

[cobra]: like corn

[spoopy_mans]: now it's a

[spinner]: coin

[spoopy_mans]: plate set

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: it

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: is

[spinner]: we're going to

[cobra]: oh it's

[spoopy_mans]: every

[cobra]: a

[spoopy_mans]: apostle's face on each plate

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: plates

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: for this one time offer if you

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: call now we are going to lower
the petafelia rat in the church by ten

[spinner]: percent

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: hm

[spinner]: but only

[spoopy_mans]: now

[spinner]: if we hit our goal

[spoopy_mans]: now janis

[spinner]: only if we hit our goal

[spoopy_mans]: i heard that was the work of
the demons

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: now

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: i'm glad you asked

[spoopy_mans]: ye

[the_question]: my

[spinner]: it is but with this funding

[the_question]: hm

[spinner]: we can lower that rate by

[cobra]: we can

[spinner]: five

[cobra]: go after

[spinner]: to

[cobra]: them

[spinner]: ten percent

[cobra]: specifically

[spoopy_mans]: we're gonna we're

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: because

[spoopy_mans]: gonna

[cobra]: because if we don't if you don't

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: act now we don't really

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: have an incentive to oh i'm not

[spinner]: if you

[cobra]: supposed

[spinner]: don't

[cobra]: they

[spinner]: act

[cobra]: say they

[spinner]: now

[cobra]: are allowed never mind

[spinner]: i can

[spoopy_mans]: tom grew as

[spinner]: if

[spoopy_mans]: kid

[spinner]: you don't

[spoopy_mans]: off the stage

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: if you

[the_question]: ah

[spinner]: yeah tom cruse what are you doing

[spoopy_mans]: okay

[spinner]: if you don't if you don't act
now i can almost guarantee you petafhelia will

[spinner]: go up and i'll make sure of

[the_question]: hi everybody i'm joe osten

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: i'll make

[the_question]: oh

[cobra]: sure

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[cobra]: of it

[the_question]: listen

[spoopy_mans]: h

[the_question]: you you you all know

[cobra]: jesus

[the_question]: you all know

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: how it is you know it is
what it is

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: and it ain't what it ain't so
what i

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: is

[the_question]: need

[spinner]: this

[the_question]: you

[spinner]: jewel

[the_question]: to do this is no it's not
joe this is jol

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: joljole

[spinner]: joel we got joel and joel

[the_question]: no it's eel jewell make it when
you can but joe this joel olsteinand

[spinner]: oh no it's jol steve

[the_question]: look at my look at my my

[cobra]: what

[the_question]: my sleek luxurious slicked back hair and
what i need you to do

[spinner]: ah

[the_question]: is just look into my eyes and
understand that these butter bill skids aren't going

[the_question]: to cook them

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: boy

[cobra]: jesus

[the_question]: and if you if you

[spinner]: an

[the_question]: send your money

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: now right you'll be you'll be helping
us to yet everything where it needs to

[the_question]: go and set on the right track
now will you help us do

[spinner]: i

[the_question]: that

[spinner]: know he's a demon i know

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: he's a demon

[the_question]: who

[spinner]: this the demon fund

[cobra]: hundred per cent

[the_question]: who

[spoopy_mans]: and

[the_question]: allowed him on stage like

[spinner]: is

[the_question]: we're

[spinner]: this

[the_question]: trying

[spinner]: the

[the_question]: to

[spinner]: demon fund

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: we're broadcasting

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: live and we need to reach these
people we need

[cobra]: is

[the_question]: the people's

[cobra]: it

[the_question]: hall

[cobra]: like is in

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: love like one and the same let's
be honest

[the_question]: what

[cobra]: here

[spinner]: it's just the pro or anti pitafelia

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: donation

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: i've

[cobra]: yes

[spinner]: confused

[cobra]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: we're

[cobra]: yes

[the_question]: the

[spoopy_mans]: trying

[the_question]: sign

[spoopy_mans]: to raise funds

[the_question]: the sign

[spoopy_mans]: for the demon

[the_question]: age is very

[spoopy_mans]: slayer

[the_question]: clean

[spoopy_mans]: sword we're

[the_question]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: trying to get the demon

[spinner]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: slayer sword

[spinner]: that

[spoopy_mans]: that's

[spinner]: i

[spoopy_mans]: a

[spinner]: can bind

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: do you accept

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: black

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: checks

[cobra]: this or is this like a

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: quest to find it or someone has

[spoopy_mans]: we

[cobra]: to

[spoopy_mans]: got

[cobra]: make

[spoopy_mans]: to pay

[cobra]: it or is it both

[spoopy_mans]: to fund

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: like you have to

[spoopy_mans]: like

[cobra]: you

[spoopy_mans]: like

[cobra]: have to

[spoopy_mans]: it's

[cobra]: find

[spoopy_mans]: like

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: the

[spoopy_mans]: a

[cobra]: materials

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: and then

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[cobra]: do

[spoopy_mans]: it's

[cobra]: it

[spoopy_mans]: a crusade to find

[spinner]: who are you paying

[spoopy_mans]: demon

[cobra]: don't use

[spoopy_mans]: saying

[cobra]: that we

[spoopy_mans]: slot

[cobra]: don't use that

[the_question]: oh

[cobra]: word

[spoopy_mans]: what

[cobra]: we don't we don't use that word

[spoopy_mans]: that's

[the_question]: billy

[spoopy_mans]: fun

[the_question]: billy you're supposed to control

[spoopy_mans]: yah

[the_question]: the floor and screen these dank calls
before they come on the air were still

[spoopy_mans]: h

[the_question]: wecording billy billy

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: had one job

[spoopy_mans]: m

[cobra]: oh

[the_question]: billy

[spoopy_mans]: my

[spinner]: in burning

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: we don't

[the_question]: hello

[cobra]: hello collar

[spinner]: tom greg

[the_question]: hello

[spinner]: he true lord tom grew is the

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: real lord savior

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: another

[cobra]: uh oh

[spinner]: prank call

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: god damn it

[the_question]: it's billy

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: ah

[cobra]: you see they're trying to get derailed

[the_question]: hm

[cobra]: we need to stay

[the_question]: let me

[cobra]: on the

[the_question]: let

[cobra]: message

[the_question]: me just dab my forehead

[cobra]: believe

[the_question]: because i'm sweating beads

[cobra]: but

[the_question]: here

[cobra]: believe in jesus hilaluya

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: believe in jesus

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: and give us two billion dollars is
all we're asking

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: for it's not much

[spinner]: ring

[spoopy_mans]: a

[cobra]: just a little

[spinner]: ring

[cobra]: bit of money for the saving

[the_question]: let

[cobra]: of

[the_question]: me

[cobra]: no

[the_question]: take this call

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: hello

[cobra]: hello

[spinner]: i

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: only have enough money for

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: either my pills that keep me alive

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: or to donate to this sword

[spoopy_mans]: m

[spinner]: is it is it that

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: important

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: you hear this

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: ladies gentlemen this is a great question
we get all the time and here's the

[spoopy_mans]: thing this

[cobra]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: woman can double help the fund

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: one she can gives her money

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: to make sure we can afford the
crusade to go find

[the_question]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: that demon slayer sword but

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: also you can go to heaven and

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: power the army of god double

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: he

[spoopy_mans]: in

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: luahialuia

[spinner]: good

[spoopy_mans]: double

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: in

[spinner]: oh good all

[the_question]: praise

[spinner]: right

[the_question]: be

[spinner]: i'll write you my check now

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: billy give my check book my hands
don't work

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: so

[spoopy_mans]: and

[spinner]: good no more i can ride

[the_question]: eh

[spinner]: with my good hans

[cobra]: halloo

[the_question]: ah

[cobra]: your sister

[spinner]: the disease

[cobra]: you're helping

[spinner]: reached the

[cobra]: you're

[spinner]: bone

[the_question]: what

[cobra]: helping the right side

[the_question]: another

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: soul saved another

[cobra]: sister

[the_question]: dollar another

[cobra]: if

[the_question]: dollar

[cobra]: you die

[spinner]: no

[cobra]: for the cause

[spinner]: soul saved

[cobra]: your money is worth twice your money

[the_question]: i

[cobra]: is counted twice once in

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: here and once in the kingdom come

[spoopy_mans]: so anyways how do you think

[spinner]: who do

[spoopy_mans]: how

[spinner]: i

[spoopy_mans]: do

[spinner]: ride

[spoopy_mans]: you

[cobra]: m

[spoopy_mans]: think

[spinner]: the check to again

[the_question]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: ye

[spoopy_mans]: uh that is

[cobra]: tom crews

[spinner]: too

[cobra]: i mean

[spinner]: to gold

[spoopy_mans]: is to

[spinner]: yah

[spoopy_mans]: jewel

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: from alaska

[the_question]: to jewel

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: h to

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: to the werther's corporation

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: h

[spinner]: is that what you said

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: that sounds about

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: right

[spoopy_mans]: h

[the_question]: that sounds about right

[spoopy_mans]: um so anyways just to re rail
slightly i'm just wondering how the world would

[spoopy_mans]: take

[cobra]: slip

[spoopy_mans]: that

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: news would they be happy when they

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: sad

[spinner]: is that what the glutton was

[cobra]: i think we have given

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: you a very colorful

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: ye

[cobra]: palate of reactions

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: of

[the_question]: oh

[cobra]: the world

[spoopy_mans]: so it's

[spinner]: ho

[the_question]: he'd

[spoopy_mans]: just

[the_question]: be

[spinner]: i

[the_question]: some

[spinner]: think

[the_question]: on boarding people there'd be some

[cobra]: it be

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: some

[cobra]: it'd be the same ship with a
with a different dressing basically

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: but i feel like the

[cobra]: is what

[spoopy_mans]: idea

[cobra]: it would

[spoopy_mans]: that the

[cobra]: be

[spoopy_mans]: religions with all most religions would become
fringe religions is pretty pretty accurate

[cobra]: yeah for sure

[spinner]: there'd

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: be

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: think

[spinner]: die

[cobra]: the

[spinner]: hards

[cobra]: mason versions that spencer mentioned

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: is the first

[the_question]: there'd

[cobra]: thing that

[the_question]: be

[cobra]: would

[the_question]: a lot

[cobra]: happen

[the_question]: more

[cobra]: like

[the_question]: bible

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: like so many

[the_question]: thumping

[cobra]: people

[the_question]: people will be like listening you see

[cobra]: and

[the_question]: finding that

[cobra]: and

[the_question]: war

[cobra]: then like

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: and then the

[spoopy_mans]: m

[cobra]: like the really

[spoopy_mans]: m

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: like the christian denomination s that really
hate the catholics they would become like super

[cobra]: like like fundamentalistic and infringes like they're
lying they

[spoopy_mans]: m

[cobra]: are actually the demons and so and
so far like

[spinner]: pike

[cobra]: that would definitely

[spinner]: news

[cobra]: happen

[the_question]: hm

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: okay

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: a hundred per

[spinner]: news

[cobra]: cent

[spoopy_mans]: so there's like rival rival armies

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: i'll try and

[cobra]: like

[spoopy_mans]: raise

[cobra]: the

[spoopy_mans]: two billion dollars to find the demon
slayer sword

[the_question]: sounds like

[spinner]: i like

[the_question]: a

[spinner]: the

[the_question]: little

[spinner]: idea

[the_question]: rat race

[spinner]: of

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: the evangelicals would be doing that

[the_question]: sounds

[cobra]: for

[spinner]: i like

[cobra]: sure

[spinner]: the idea of the church having like
an army of like john constantines that are

[spinner]: just like

[spoopy_mans]: yea

[spinner]: hired to fight these demons with

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: the

[spoopy_mans]: yea

[spinner]: budget

[spoopy_mans]: they got a whole

[spinner]: donated from ethel who died from her
bone disuse

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: listen ethel was going to die by
the way but with

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: her

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: easy payment of forty nine ninety five

[the_question]: monthly

[spoopy_mans]: she is

[spinner]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: able to give john constantine

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: perpetuity

[spoopy_mans]: brand

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: new rosary

[spinner]: now i

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: had some money i

[cobra]: brand

[spinner]: was going

[cobra]: new

[spinner]: to leave to my kids

[cobra]: brand

[spinner]: so they

[cobra]: new

[spinner]: could

[cobra]: rosary

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: so they could buy their

[cobra]: holy shit

[spinner]: so they could pay for their house

[spoopy_mans]: yes

[spinner]: should

[cobra]: yah

[spinner]: i leave money from my kids or
send it to you

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: guys the wheelers corporation

[the_question]: let me tell you

[spoopy_mans]: you

[the_question]: something

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: know

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: will you kids with

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: your kids want to have a good
life or would you prefer to have them

[the_question]: to enjoy eternity

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: knowing that contribution protected

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: their souls and their

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: corporeal forms

[cobra]: sister sister if

[spinner]: yah

[cobra]: you leave the money

[spinner]: h

[cobra]: to your kids they might

[spinner]: yah

[cobra]: have something to eat but if you
give it to

[the_question]: spending

[cobra]: us

[the_question]: on drugs

[cobra]: we will save your souls

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: a pretty

[cobra]: shut up

[spoopy_mans]: fool that

[cobra]: shut

[spoopy_mans]: spends

[cobra]: up

[spoopy_mans]: her money on drugs

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: shut up

[spoopy_mans]: instead

[the_question]: oh

[cobra]: one

[spoopy_mans]: of giving it to the catholic church
to find

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: out on

[the_question]: ye

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: i'll rip

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: t

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: make some good point bill get all
the check book

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: my

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: bones are hurting again and stop

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: shaking

[the_question]: yes

[spinner]: got

[the_question]: some

[spinner]: the ball notes

[the_question]: yes dear yes

[spinner]: i can't phone medication

[the_question]: all right ma right i got i
gonna get it i'm gonna get it

[spinner]: linmlmborcbones

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: h now it's my chance

[spinner]: good bye

[the_question]: to go and

[cobra]: uh

[the_question]: go into that purse get me some

[cobra]: h

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: and that money

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[spinner]: pay

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: praise

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: tom crews

[cobra]: h

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: oh

[the_question]: ye

[cobra]: oh

[the_question]: the

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: denton

[cobra]: uh

[spinner]: twist

[cobra]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: um okay

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: anybody wanted to do it whatever or
we just

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: making

[spinner]: do it

[spoopy_mans]: up scenes

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: scenes from marriage story

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: what if what if what if t

[cobra]: so

[the_question]: horror film

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: okay

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: um does the catholic church

[spinner]: who

[spoopy_mans]: exist at this horror film

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: yeah got to go out

[spinner]: and

[the_question]: on a limb

[cobra]: and

[the_question]: and say

[cobra]: does

[the_question]: yes some

[cobra]: say yes

[spoopy_mans]: okay

[spinner]: and does

[spoopy_mans]: so

[spinner]: ethel still

[cobra]: some

[spinner]: have a bone disease

[cobra]: he has some

[spoopy_mans]: ell

[the_question]: yes

[spinner]: in

[spoopy_mans]: no

[spinner]: this

[spoopy_mans]: because

[spinner]: scenario

[spoopy_mans]: it's the

[cobra]: um

[spoopy_mans]: eighties um

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: and she has a big diagnosed yet

[the_question]: true

[cobra]: oh yeah

[the_question]: operating

[cobra]: she's dying

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: of consumption

[spinner]: my bones are hurting and no no

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: should

[spoopy_mans]: so

[spinner]: go to

[the_question]: okay

[spinner]: the doctor

[spoopy_mans]: i'm your doctor

[cobra]: ethel's dying of consumption

[spoopy_mans]: just smoke two packs a day

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: you'll be fine

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: oh

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: t told me not to spoke in

[the_question]: ye

[spinner]: to the health of my mom

[cobra]: no

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: why you should do is lay off
the sugar get on the

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: smokes

[spoopy_mans]: m

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: okay billy can

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: you get me

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: smoke for me my bones

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: don't make

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: it so easy

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: for

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: me to hold the cigarettes on the

[the_question]: r t

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: breaks through the doctors

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: yah

[the_question]: doctors will

[cobra]: yah

[spinner]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: um

[the_question]: what's going on here what's

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: all this

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: maloka

[spoopy_mans]: oh yeah

[the_question]: you're supposed to

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: be a healer and

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: you're taking and terrorizing

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: this poor old lady

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: snap back like being did back the

[cobra]: yeah oh

[the_question]: so

[spoopy_mans]: the doctor is confused

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: by that reference because it hasn't happened
yet it's the eighties

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: i knew it

[the_question]: good mean while his back is broken
so what if

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[the_question]: t was a horror

[spinner]: tis

[spoopy_mans]: yes

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: a time

[the_question]: phil

[spinner]: traveler

[spoopy_mans]: so

[spinner]: from the future

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: it

[the_question]: hm

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: is t like i think it's too
easy to make e t the horror monster

[spinner]: but if instead of t

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: it's myrt

[cobra]: no

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: look

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: into my eyes and listen to what
i say

[cobra]: m

[the_question]: or i will transfix you and then
break you back with me

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: gold chains wrapped around my knee i
wear nee pads when how you put on

[the_question]: shoals

[spoopy_mans]: no so

[spinner]: don't

[spoopy_mans]: i don't want to i don't want
to be this person

[cobra]: it's dark walk it's dark

[spoopy_mans]: but

[cobra]: walks

[spoopy_mans]: if all

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: we

[cobra]: not

[spoopy_mans]: do is

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: dor

[spoopy_mans]: to

[the_question]: i

[spoopy_mans]: volve

[the_question]: didn't

[cobra]: shells

[the_question]: say that

[spoopy_mans]: into insanity

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: what

[spoopy_mans]: it's

[spinner]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: too much

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: we can't always

[spinner]: no

[spoopy_mans]: go to insanity

[spinner]: t

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: sounds

[cobra]: agree

[spinner]: like m t

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: fine but we

[spinner]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: spent

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: the last half an hour just making
up random

[spinner]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: scenes

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: u

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: hat is

[spinner]: h

[spoopy_mans]: funny to

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: us

[spinner]: ye

[spoopy_mans]: but you have to have not improve
in the rest of the podcast at some

[spoopy_mans]: point

[cobra]: that's that's fair i actually

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: want to tackle the thing like like
for real not with the catholic church

[spoopy_mans]: my all right so let's hit it

[cobra]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: okay great r t i'm really fascinated
with your your doctoring scales and your references

[spoopy_mans]: to comic books that happen in the
future you might be a terminator we'll take

[spoopy_mans]: other episode however t the horror movie
t a monster is

[cobra]: i think it's

[spoopy_mans]: the

[cobra]: it's

[spoopy_mans]: kid

[cobra]: too easy like you were

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: saying i think maybe maybe t came

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: to warn the earth about some impending
doom that's already here

[spoopy_mans]: right

[the_question]: i like i also like that elliot
is also the monster and e t has

[the_question]: been tracking elliot this boy form like

[cobra]: oh like

[spoopy_mans]: m

[cobra]: keep keep your enemies closed that kind
of thing

[the_question]: yeah and then like what

[cobra]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: for some strange reason it's turned into
some kind of sit calm scenario they both

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: have to live under the same roof
and the family that's embraced and try to

[the_question]: harbor it is all

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: so the same house that eliot

[spinner]: we

[the_question]: who's the monster lives in

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: i

[the_question]: i

[spinner]: don't

[the_question]: don't

[spinner]: think

[the_question]: want to

[spinner]: i don't

[the_question]: turn

[spinner]: think

[the_question]: it

[spinner]: a

[the_question]: into

[spinner]: sit

[the_question]: that

[spinner]: com is

[the_question]: i don't

[spinner]: i

[the_question]: want

[spinner]: don't

[the_question]: a

[spinner]: think sit com is

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: a horror

[the_question]: okay well then

[spinner]: yes

[the_question]: or thank you it just makes me
laugh because now there it's like i could

[the_question]: do this all day i don't

[spinner]: three's

[the_question]: want to turn

[spinner]: company

[the_question]: it i don't want to turn it
into that but it made me laugh horror

[spoopy_mans]: use your creative powers

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: for horror

[the_question]: so they're still

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: stuck okay so if i follow that
line of think again they're both trapped

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: in the same house but their enemies
right so this poor family

[spoopy_mans]: right

[the_question]: has no idea what's going on under
their noses they're thinking that they're harboring i

[the_question]: don't know i don't strain an alien

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: right

[spoopy_mans]: correct

[the_question]: and then elliot meanwhile is given is
given is given e t cold i stare

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: i was here to kill this family

[cobra]: so

[the_question]: and now

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: you're here bitch

[cobra]: is elliot like an actual monster

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: or can he be like miccallycukins

[the_question]: pro

[cobra]: character on

[the_question]: the

[cobra]: that

[the_question]: good

[cobra]: movie

[the_question]: son

[cobra]: where he's like us psychopet

[the_question]: the good son

[cobra]: yeah yeah yeah

[the_question]: that's that's

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: what it was like mccallymccali

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: was the biological cook biological kid in
that movie i think

[cobra]: i don't

[the_question]: doesn't

[cobra]: remember

[the_question]: matter le's

[cobra]: i just

[the_question]: go

[cobra]: remember

[the_question]: with it

[cobra]: he was

[spoopy_mans]: i

[cobra]: like a little monster but like

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: a human

[the_question]: okay

[cobra]: monster is that what we're saying or
is elliot an actual

[the_question]: we could

[cobra]: monster

[the_question]: do whatever

[cobra]: that

[the_question]: we

[cobra]: that's

[the_question]: want

[cobra]: that's what i'm

[the_question]: so

[cobra]: asking

[the_question]: like is

[spoopy_mans]: m tess possessed by the devil

[the_question]: sassed

[spoopy_mans]: space

[the_question]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: devil

[the_question]: so the fat

[cobra]: oh damien so he's damien

[spinner]: the space

[spoopy_mans]: space

[cobra]: okay

[spinner]: devil different

[spoopy_mans]: space

[spinner]: from the

[spoopy_mans]: tall

[spinner]: regular

[spoopy_mans]: though

[spinner]: devil

[spoopy_mans]: space damian

[the_question]: pace them in

[spoopy_mans]: spamian

[the_question]: space

[cobra]: okay

[the_question]: i got

[cobra]: okay

[the_question]: it

[spinner]: yes

[the_question]: space

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: damon

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: pamianpamian

[the_question]: space

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: damian

[spinner]: m m

[spoopy_mans]: yeah spamian i said already

[the_question]: thank you

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: okay so run with it okay so

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: and and does the family know eliot
is pamianor is he hiding

[spoopy_mans]: now he's

[cobra]: as

[spoopy_mans]: taken

[cobra]: well

[spoopy_mans]: over eliot's body right

[the_question]: i feel

[spoopy_mans]: like he's

[the_question]: like that

[spoopy_mans]: possessed his body

[cobra]: okay so they don't

[spoopy_mans]: they

[cobra]: know

[spoopy_mans]: have

[the_question]: no

[spoopy_mans]: no idea

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: and then t comes and then and
and he is like identifies

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: like okay this

[spoopy_mans]: basically

[cobra]: kid is

[spinner]: ye

[cobra]: fucked

[spoopy_mans]: spamian is taken over eliot's body because
he wants to bring space hell to earth

[spoopy_mans]: and t is

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: a demon hunter from another planet whose
sent ere

[the_question]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: to stop him

[the_question]: in all his

[spinner]: if he's

[the_question]: waddling

[spinner]: an alien hunter

[cobra]: looks

[the_question]: in

[cobra]: like

[the_question]: all

[spinner]: why

[the_question]: of it

[spinner]: is he the

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: worst body

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: for walking

[spoopy_mans]: m

[the_question]: waddling

[spinner]: exactly

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: in

[cobra]: i was

[the_question]: all

[cobra]: going

[the_question]: his

[cobra]: to

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[cobra]: say

[the_question]: waddling

[cobra]: he's

[the_question]: glory

[cobra]: he's he's a demon hunter who has
the body

[spoopy_mans]: listen

[cobra]: of a ball

[spoopy_mans]: it's not

[cobra]: sack

[spoopy_mans]: his fault that the earth is not
designed around his body

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: type

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: just gotta roll

[cobra]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: with the punches

[the_question]: or waddle with

[spinner]: so it's

[the_question]: the punches

[spinner]: his planet

[cobra]: i see

[spinner]: like all tunnels

[cobra]: waddle yeah it's more waddle with the

[the_question]: well

[spoopy_mans]: everybody

[cobra]: punches

[spoopy_mans]: gets a sea and is plan so

[cobra]: hobble

[spoopy_mans]: not a problem

[cobra]: hobble with the punches

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: i would say

[the_question]: so then we let's let's not judge
the packaging t is a formidable hunter it

[the_question]: comes to slapping that as bringing justice

[cobra]: m

[the_question]: this

[cobra]: ah

[the_question]: poor ye

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: that's right so this

[spinner]: you

[the_question]: elliot

[spinner]: seen slapping that ass of the little

[the_question]: no i'm talking

[spoopy_mans]: yahwatshis

[the_question]: about kicking ass

[cobra]: you

[the_question]: i

[cobra]: didn't

[the_question]: did

[cobra]: say

[spinner]: he

[the_question]: but

[cobra]: slap

[the_question]: that's what

[cobra]: though

[the_question]: i meant

[spinner]: he sound

[the_question]: look

[spinner]: like

[the_question]: at

[spoopy_mans]: foot

[spinner]: the catholic

[spoopy_mans]: it's

[spinner]: church

[spoopy_mans]: a foot

[spinner]: again

[spoopy_mans]: slap

[the_question]: that's right it's a foot slap with

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: so what's

[cobra]: oh

[the_question]: going to go like how do we
how do we unfold this

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: this this show down like the family
has no idea this dispossessed elliot kid is

[the_question]: like at the mercy of this demon
and and my fucking waddling e t is

[the_question]: about to bring that walker texas ranger
energy to the scenario

[cobra]: is

[spinner]: the first thing

[cobra]: is re eliot dead or

[spoopy_mans]: m

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: just like

[the_question]: maybe

[cobra]: okay

[the_question]: he's dead

[spinner]: they're not

[the_question]: maybe

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: he's dead and he's just

[spinner]: there

[the_question]: being

[spinner]: never was

[the_question]: worn

[spinner]: a real

[the_question]: like a puppet

[spinner]: eliot

[spoopy_mans]: i say that elliot's in there because
then like t's got the extra challenge of

[spoopy_mans]: trying to

[cobra]: that

[the_question]: extract

[cobra]: get him

[spoopy_mans]: get him

[cobra]: out

[spoopy_mans]: out

[cobra]: without because you just kill elliot

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: the first thing

[cobra]: right

[spinner]: elliot does

[cobra]: but if he has to draw him

[spinner]: first thing eliot does is he peels
off the face of his father

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: s a horror movie okay

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: guys

[the_question]: okay okay okay

[spinner]: fucking

[spoopy_mans]: i was

[spinner]: with

[spoopy_mans]: going

[spinner]: the

[spoopy_mans]: to add

[spinner]: hell

[spoopy_mans]: that

[spinner]: you guys are

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: writing a

[cobra]: i like

[spoopy_mans]: t

[cobra]: it

[spoopy_mans]: basically

[spinner]: writing

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: a

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: syphi

[cobra]: it

[spinner]: romance

[spoopy_mans]: t or sor spamian has to kill
ten people in order

[the_question]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: to bring about space hell

[the_question]: i

[cobra]: any ten people

[spoopy_mans]: we can make some rule like virgins
or like

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: races people or whatever

[spinner]: but they have to be

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: above the age of eighteen that way
that's why he doesn't kill

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: his sister drew barrymore

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: no it's

[spinner]: who

[spoopy_mans]: like

[spinner]: becomes the protagonist

[spoopy_mans]: what is that what's the democraphic eighteen
to sixty four yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: he has to he has to kill

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: the most important viewers of ratings

[spoopy_mans]: white

[spinner]: and television

[spoopy_mans]: males between eighteen

[spinner]: white

[spoopy_mans]: and

[spinner]: mails

[spoopy_mans]: sixty

[spinner]: ran

[spoopy_mans]: four

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: m yeah

[cobra]: okay

[the_question]: i

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: feel that

[cobra]: and he has to kill them like
in a specific way so he can do

[cobra]: the ritual

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: will bring this this pelience

[spoopy_mans]: yes it's the ritual of ten faces

[the_question]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: it's a p l

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: i was going to say

[cobra]: he

[the_question]: faces

[spoopy_mans]: ten

[cobra]: has to

[spoopy_mans]: faces

[cobra]: has to peal

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: all

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: of them

[spinner]: age

[cobra]: okay okay

[spinner]: old ten face ritual we all

[cobra]: so like

[spinner]: know

[cobra]: the movie

[spinner]: it

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: would open the movie opens

[the_question]: you can

[cobra]: with like

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: bamian taking over elliot's body

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: as the hole

[cobra]: and peeling off the father's

[the_question]: you were

[cobra]: face is that what

[spoopy_mans]: yep

[cobra]: we're saying

[spinner]: yeah yeah

[the_question]: hm

[cobra]: okay

[the_question]: elliot what are you doing to my
face this don't make no sense yeah

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: i need you ten phases

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: for

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: the reckoning

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: the reckoning

[cobra]: he should have

[spinner]: of the space

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: hell

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: all right son i

[cobra]: oh

[the_question]: love

[cobra]: jesus

[the_question]: you

[cobra]: so so expemian is german

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: i come from

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: germania the

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: planet of the

[cobra]: rene

[spinner]: faces

[cobra]: land

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[cobra]: over alice

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: okay

[spinner]: yes

[cobra]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: okay

[cobra]: so so then

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: what happens like the dad the father
is just

[the_question]: first one

[cobra]: dad or does he replace

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: him as well

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: he's

[the_question]: shit

[spoopy_mans]: just dead he's

[cobra]: it

[spoopy_mans]: just dead but it doesn't matter because
like the dad is not really in the

[spoopy_mans]: movie right like the like

[the_question]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: he does it after after they separate
or whatever

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: he's like they're like

[cobra]: right

[spoopy_mans]: the

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: space people come to like look for
eat and so he knocks off one of

[spoopy_mans]: them they play

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: on t of those standard

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: tropes

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: like people's faces are getting ripped off
and there's an alien

[spoopy_mans]: m

[spinner]: obviously the alien is the face ripper

[the_question]: hm

[spinner]: do

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: and then

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: the other cups like you the do

[the_question]: meanwhile

[spoopy_mans]: m

[the_question]: is in the corner

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[the_question]: but not

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: as funny

[spinner]: hm

[the_question]: as the

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: way i did because

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: it seems to be my only mode

[spoopy_mans]: okay

[the_question]: he's actually scary

[cobra]: oh

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: okay

[spinner]: he's actually

[spoopy_mans]: thank

[spinner]: quite

[spoopy_mans]: you

[spinner]: scary when he does it

[spoopy_mans]: thank

[spinner]: it's

[spoopy_mans]: you

[spinner]: more

[spoopy_mans]: for

[spinner]: like

[cobra]: h

[spoopy_mans]: that

[spinner]: it's more

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: tip

[spinner]: like

[the_question]: oh so like what does it turn

[spinner]: it's

[the_question]: it

[spinner]: been in faces oh

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: so

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: spoiler alert

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: spamian

[cobra]: m

[spoopy_mans]: is actually the soul of hitler

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: yeah it sounds german bamian it's

[cobra]: there you go

[spinner]: german name

[the_question]: oh

[cobra]: yeah it's a german

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: name no no

[the_question]: oh

[cobra]: it's not

[spoopy_mans]: it

[spinner]: everyone

[spoopy_mans]: is now

[spinner]: knows that

[the_question]: so then

[spinner]: famous

[the_question]: is

[spinner]: german

[the_question]: te

[spinner]: name

[the_question]: trying

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: to get the job done but he's
now on the run

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: because

[spoopy_mans]: m

[the_question]: he's being falsely accused

[spoopy_mans]: well yeah

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: he's trying to not get caught by
the space authorities or whoever was trying to

[spoopy_mans]: capture him

[the_question]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: and meanwhile elliot is off

[spinner]: welt

[spoopy_mans]: here just whilst

[spinner]: whilst

[the_question]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: elliot is

[spinner]: trying to stop speamiing

[spoopy_mans]: and he's just cleaving off faces left
right in the center sometimes he does a

[spoopy_mans]: couple just for fun you know

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: because he's

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: got time is best

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: in around so you like cut off
a guy's face and then maybe no just

[spoopy_mans]: stab a girl because gratuity

[cobra]: so and in this in this like
during this time t is on the run

[cobra]: basically

[spoopy_mans]: he's trying to track him and like

[cobra]: c

[spoopy_mans]: stop stop

[the_question]: ye

[spoopy_mans]: the murders and then like one of
the times he doesn't stop them and then

[spoopy_mans]: the cop show open it's like tis
there like basically holding a face and be

[spoopy_mans]: like fuck

[spinner]: that's what he says but

[spoopy_mans]: yeah fucked

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: me

[cobra]: yeah that's

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: he goes

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: let

[spinner]: uh huh

[cobra]: not

[the_question]: uh

[spinner]: elliot

[cobra]: me

[spinner]: fucked

[cobra]: eliot

[the_question]: h

[spinner]: me oh he sex

[cobra]: you

[spinner]: with

[cobra]: killed

[spinner]: a child

[cobra]: a man

[spinner]: too

[cobra]: named lit you bastard

[the_question]: and

[cobra]: oh

[the_question]: suddenly

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: it gets too hot

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: like it's the scene becomes too hot
and elliot's like elliot can't

[cobra]: m

[the_question]: elliot can't kill kid drew barrymore

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: and the mother gets

[cobra]: like

[the_question]: lucky

[cobra]: the last one he's killed he's killed

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: nine

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: he

[the_question]: we

[cobra]: has

[the_question]: need him

[cobra]: nine

[the_question]: to wrack

[cobra]: faces

[the_question]: up some bodies

[cobra]: and now

[the_question]: first

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: it's

[spoopy_mans]: m

[cobra]: too like it's too hot like

[the_question]: so

[cobra]: like

[the_question]: he

[cobra]: you

[the_question]: leaves

[cobra]: said

[the_question]: the family

[cobra]: the situation so he's like there's like
spot lights on the whole

[spoopy_mans]: so

[cobra]: thing

[spoopy_mans]: would

[cobra]: now

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: yeah like that he like

[cobra]: she

[spoopy_mans]: he ends up sticking eli or e
t with like

[spinner]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: all the faces like he's collected all
the faces and he sticks t with them

[spoopy_mans]: because he needs to get into like
the cops place or whatever to perform the

[spoopy_mans]: ritual

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: so like put them on

[cobra]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: t til gets arrested and they lock
them up

[cobra]: like call him a serial killer and

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: him a stupid name like face

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: offer or

[the_question]: hm

[cobra]: whatever

[spoopy_mans]: that's a perfect name for him and

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: m

[spoopy_mans]: then and then

[cobra]: so it's not but

[the_question]: it

[spoopy_mans]: it's

[cobra]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: fine

[the_question]: is

[spoopy_mans]: now we're stuck with it and then
spamianlike has hitler has to break in and

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: like

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: get the faces and

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: and conductor ritual like the space center
has like the right met to conduct the

[spoopy_mans]: ritual into space to summon

[spinner]: he has

[spoopy_mans]: space

[spinner]: to

[spoopy_mans]: hell

[spinner]: do it with

[cobra]: or like

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: good good enough space to

[spinner]: he has to do the

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: ritual

[cobra]: he needs

[spinner]: with

[cobra]: space

[spoopy_mans]: a

[cobra]: to do the ritual

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: he also needs the body of the
original kid that he took the body

[cobra]: elliot

[spinner]: of elliot's body is there

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: and he has to put

[spoopy_mans]: it's

[spinner]: all the

[spoopy_mans]: the

[spinner]: faces

[spoopy_mans]: vessel

[spinner]: on him

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: my

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: word okay

[spinner]: so

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: we have to put the ten faces
on them and

[spoopy_mans]: and

[spinner]: then

[spoopy_mans]: he needs

[spinner]: kiss him

[cobra]: oh i see

[spoopy_mans]: a

[cobra]: and he needs the faces to bring
like the ten the ten generals that are

[cobra]: going to lead the invasion

[spoopy_mans]: sorry

[spinner]: generals from ancient

[spoopy_mans]: space

[spinner]: german

[spoopy_mans]: generals

[spinner]: and

[cobra]: es

[spinner]: nats

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: so he's going to get ormal

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: ah

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: goggles or

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: gurgles or whatever

[cobra]: yeah exactly

[the_question]: you

[spoopy_mans]: okay

[the_question]: bastard

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: exactly

[the_question]: i read your book

[spoopy_mans]: and and

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: t he wants t to there to
witness t's failure right so like t is

[spoopy_mans]: like shackled up but somehow t

[the_question]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: escapes and

[the_question]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: i don't know yeah

[cobra]: because he's like he's slimy so

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: he like slides off

[the_question]: okay

[cobra]: of the

[spoopy_mans]: he

[cobra]: shackles

[spoopy_mans]: only

[the_question]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: like binds him like down low for
some reason

[spinner]: my

[spoopy_mans]: around his big legs

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: as you just lift it over his

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: he just folds

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: his feet

[cobra]: exactly

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: like like some like

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: uncooked toast and he just like gets

[spoopy_mans]: i'm a

[cobra]: m

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: you find

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: out that that

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: the aliens

[cobra]: and he

[spinner]: have

[cobra]: goes

[spinner]: been hunting have been exterminating races for
other planets and the

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: nats used back in the day were
actually them trying to

[the_question]: first

[spinner]: exterminate

[spoopy_mans]: right

[the_question]: wave

[spinner]: all of humanity

[cobra]: i see

[spinner]: then they

[the_question]: yikes

[cobra]: i

[spinner]: learned

[cobra]: see

[spinner]: they need the ritual to do it

[the_question]: oh my god

[spoopy_mans]: yeah and then

[the_question]: scary

[spoopy_mans]: t

[the_question]: ship

[spoopy_mans]: sacrifices

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: himself to save eliot

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: um

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: real

[spoopy_mans]: and

[the_question]: eliot

[spoopy_mans]: elliot eats some recurs pieces to recover
his energy get that

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: where those we're

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: updating it

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: no he

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: eats wethers

[spoopy_mans]: so we got

[spinner]: of

[spoopy_mans]: that

[spinner]: course

[cobra]: to

[spoopy_mans]: sweet

[cobra]: recover

[spoopy_mans]: sweet

[the_question]: a

[cobra]: his energy

[the_question]: okay

[spoopy_mans]: advertising money

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: and then

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: because it's a horror movie

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: et has to rip the bad elliot
in half in the most graphic way

[the_question]: yes

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: he says he goes e

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: t blow up and he puts his
finger in his belly

[cobra]: instead of instead of

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[cobra]: a t phone home goes t fuck

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[cobra]: up

[the_question]: ah

[cobra]: and then he

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: just fuck him up

[spoopy_mans]: but as he

[the_question]: hm

[spinner]: that's

[spoopy_mans]: kills

[spinner]: even worse

[spoopy_mans]: uspamion

[the_question]: hm

[spoopy_mans]: hitler's soul gets trapped in e t

[the_question]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: that's

[the_question]: no

[spoopy_mans]: the last thing

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: we

[spinner]: no

[spoopy_mans]: see setting up our sequel

[cobra]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: m

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: how

[spoopy_mans]: m

[the_question]: do you get rid of evil when
your soul is

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: good but your body

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: is possessed

[cobra]: why

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: is the announcer

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: that's

[spinner]: mor

[spoopy_mans]: the trailer

[cobra]: like

[spinner]: t

[cobra]: southerner

[spinner]: again

[cobra]: met

[spoopy_mans]: that's the trailer

[cobra]: r

[the_question]: that

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: t

[the_question]: wasn't that wasn't on purpose yeah was

[spinner]: hello mother's

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: part of the trailer

[cobra]: oh

[the_question]: i wasn't trying to bring me to

[cobra]: and what's the name of the sequel

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[cobra]: t two cler

[spinner]: it's

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: been

[spoopy_mans]: uh

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: alien

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: or like

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: the fourth rice

[the_question]: oh

[spinner]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: h

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: h fucked

[cobra]: and

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: now we have to set it up
in a way that we can have like

[cobra]: twenty seven movies and it's t versus

[the_question]: oh

[cobra]: gonna be

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: t versus zilla hitler

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: t versus

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: like

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: i don't know um

[spinner]: jason

[cobra]: m pay me an reducts like it
has to get progressively stupider

[spinner]: be like

[cobra]: the point where like the original story
is completely

[spinner]: t

[cobra]: lost

[spinner]: goes to new york

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: like

[the_question]: as

[spinner]: like

[the_question]: always

[spinner]: that's bigger than space

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: t

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: m

[cobra]: t in space on

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: earth like that

[the_question]: and

[cobra]: kind

[the_question]: then

[cobra]: of stuff

[the_question]: like the most cerebral

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: of them et

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: checks in the hotel

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: hitler

[cobra]: what

[spoopy_mans]: yeah yeah

[cobra]: jesus i thought you're going to go
with the hotel from the shiny

[the_question]: you

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: could do that too

[cobra]: ocean view

[spinner]: i'd rather that movie

[spoopy_mans]: are we going

[the_question]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: to do t and hood

[spinner]: that's

[the_question]: yes

[spinner]: the

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: one

[cobra]: of

[spinner]: we're

[cobra]: course

[spinner]: all

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: waiting for

[the_question]: yes

[cobra]: eh

[spinner]: e

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: t going to smack up itch

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: oh god

[cobra]: oh

[the_question]: and then the greatest of them all

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: h

[the_question]: don't be

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: a menace to south centre

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: he

[the_question]: no

[cobra]: possessed

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: don't be men

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: south santrowell drinking your hitler juice in

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: the hood staring e t

[spinner]: m

[spoopy_mans]: yeah oh

[cobra]: m

[the_question]: s juice

[spoopy_mans]: m

[the_question]: ma grits

[cobra]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: and

[spinner]: de

[spoopy_mans]: m t

[the_question]: it

[spinner]: t and

[spoopy_mans]: yah

[spinner]: r t

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: together at last

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: break yourself

[cobra]: yeah it's

[spoopy_mans]: h

[spinner]: fool

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: that has

[cobra]: it's like

[spinner]: face

[cobra]: a

[spinner]: lip

[cobra]: but

[spinner]: ripped off

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: that one

[the_question]: run

[cobra]: yeah that that one is like a

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: sort of a buddy cop

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: kind of horror comedy

[spinner]: ah that kind of went

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: like lighter

[cobra]: with m

[spinner]: with tone

[cobra]: t

[spoopy_mans]: it's

[spinner]: as

[spoopy_mans]: a

[spinner]: it

[spoopy_mans]: thriller

[spinner]: went

[cobra]: and

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: and it's just called a bunch of
a couple of ts

[spinner]: they

[the_question]: a

[spinner]: never

[the_question]: couple of

[cobra]: that's

[the_question]: these

[spinner]: they

[cobra]: what

[spinner]: never

[cobra]: it's

[spinner]: really

[cobra]: called

[spinner]: reached the serious tone of the original

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: you know the heights of that original

[cobra]: no never

[spinner]: the stakes

[cobra]: they

[spinner]: that

[cobra]: never

[spinner]: they

[spoopy_mans]: yah

[spinner]: set

[cobra]: captured

[spinner]: up

[cobra]: the alter like the autervibe

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: ere

[cobra]: of

[the_question]: trying

[cobra]: the

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: to

[cobra]: first

[the_question]: go to they

[cobra]: one

[the_question]: went to main stream

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: they gave it to sam

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: rainey

[the_question]: oh

[cobra]: to

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[the_question]: my

[cobra]: shoot

[the_question]: gosh

[cobra]: one

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: of them

[spinner]: m that was a huge

[cobra]: and then

[spinner]: mistake

[cobra]: bruce kemball makes a cameo

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: he plays t

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: he plays m t

[spoopy_mans]: she's level

[spinner]: that doesn't work

[the_question]: give

[spinner]: as well

[the_question]: bruce

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: give bruce give bruce a headlining role

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: some shine he could do it

[cobra]: his pamian he plays

[spinner]: he plays

[cobra]: adults pemian

[spinner]: he exactly plays adult eliot

[spoopy_mans]: nice

[the_question]: oh shit

[spoopy_mans]: yes

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: that's the that's the three

[cobra]: she

[spoopy_mans]: ts

[cobra]: with yeah oh

[the_question]: ye

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: i've seen some things

[spinner]: yah

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: and i've

[spinner]: i changed my

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[spinner]: name

[cobra]: he

[spinner]: to

[cobra]: puts

[spinner]: telliot

[cobra]: like on a

[the_question]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: like a like

[spinner]: oh

[cobra]: a horrible

[the_question]: h

[cobra]: german accent

[spinner]: ah

[the_question]: elliot was

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: german the whole time from from the

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: one

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: i see that

[cobra]: when he's alone

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: when he's like we see him with

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: thoughts he has like a german like
yes yes

[spinner]: it's like

[the_question]: that's

[cobra]: don't i don't

[spoopy_mans]: why

[cobra]: know what

[spoopy_mans]: is

[cobra]: i

[spoopy_mans]: he

[cobra]: was going to

[spoopy_mans]: evil

[cobra]: say

[spinner]: it sounds

[spoopy_mans]: i

[spinner]: like

[spoopy_mans]: thought

[spinner]: he

[cobra]: but

[spinner]: was evil

[cobra]: whatever

[the_question]: yeah

[spinner]: all along

[spoopy_mans]: i thought elliot was good

[spinner]: s a natty handbook

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[cobra]: ye

[the_question]: mine

[spoopy_mans]: mind camp

[spinner]: yes

[the_question]: is

[spinner]: yeah

[the_question]: nine nine nine nine

[spoopy_mans]: m

[the_question]: yes

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: evil all along

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: all

[the_question]: that

[spoopy_mans]: right

[the_question]: would be a twist

[spinner]: oh

[spoopy_mans]: and scene

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[spinner]: that

[the_question]: we've

[spinner]: sounds

[the_question]: done it

[spinner]: like the worst movie ever heard of

[spoopy_mans]: ah

[spinner]: yeah

[cobra]: yeah

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: well

[spinner]: i'd watch the fun

[cobra]: ah

[spinner]: out of it

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: this is worse than that like this
is crazier than the dinasor movie

[spoopy_mans]: no

[cobra]: we made

[spinner]: rassckbark

[spoopy_mans]: as it

[cobra]: it

[spoopy_mans]: jack

[cobra]: is

[spoopy_mans]: action

[cobra]: as park trassic park

[spoopy_mans]: sickfurkyeah

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: try sick farkas a winner

[spinner]: yea

[cobra]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: what's the main character

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: s name

[cobra]: classic

[spoopy_mans]: jack action

[spinner]: uh

[cobra]: jack

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: action yeah something

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: like that

[the_question]: nice

[spoopy_mans]: it's a it's a

[spinner]: look

[spoopy_mans]: keeper so yeah this was what if
about horror

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: films maybe not really who knows

[cobra]: something

[spoopy_mans]: horror

[cobra]: like that

[spoopy_mans]: stories scary

[the_question]: m

[spinner]: ah

[spoopy_mans]: stories i don't know we went a
little off the rails potentially who's to say

[spoopy_mans]: um if you thought we went really
off the rails no you know positivity if

[spoopy_mans]: you like what we talked about if

[the_question]: that's right

[cobra]: we went off the

[spoopy_mans]: you

[cobra]: rails

[spoopy_mans]: like when we went off the rails

[cobra]: if you

[the_question]: yeah

[cobra]: like that we went off

[spoopy_mans]: if

[cobra]: the rails

[spoopy_mans]: if

[the_question]: give

[spoopy_mans]: you want

[the_question]: us some

[spoopy_mans]: to tell us

[the_question]: affirmation

[spoopy_mans]: if you want to tell us what
song jewel would have sang on our telithon

[the_question]: m please do

[spoopy_mans]: please feel free to tell us why
it's who will save your soul by heating

[spoopy_mans]: us up on twitter

[spinner]: my

[spoopy_mans]: at your wrong cast you can also
hit us up on the emails your wrong

[spoopy_mans]: cast at email dot com and of
course says always we have the websitehwww

[the_question]: to dot

[spoopy_mans]: you're wrong cast dot

[the_question]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: c a oh

[the_question]: brought to you like withers

[cobra]: m fucking cuts

[spinner]: m

[cobra]: in the middle

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[cobra]: m

[spinner]: m at

[cobra]: uh

[the_question]: h

[spoopy_mans]: yeah

[the_question]: uh

[spinner]: m

[the_question]: uh

[cobra]: oh

[the_question]: bleeding

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[the_question]: from

[spinner]: oh

[the_question]: my

[spinner]: god

[the_question]: is

[spoopy_mans]: um

[spinner]: yeah

[spoopy_mans]: m for now i'm at

[cobra]: all right lisianawa i think

[spinner]: yeah be food on mama

[the_question]: uh

[spoopy_mans]: oh

[spinner]: uh oh