National Health Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from National Health Executive on Tuesday the 14th of May 2024.
NHS leaders are calling for change after a new report from the Institute for Fiscal Studies revealed that real-terms health spending has risen less quickly than originally planned – despite a pandemic, record waiting lists, and growing ill health. The IFS says that, at the 2019 general election, the Conservative Party implied that, over the course of this parliament, England’s day-to-day health budget would increase by 3.3% per year once inflation had been accounted for.
The government’s latest plans imply average growth of 2.7% per year – something which, in the IFS’ words, breaks the habit of a lifetime as across the last 40 years the NHS budget has almost always grown more quickly than planned.

As part of ongoing work to deliver the NHS Long Term Workforce Plan, the government has announced the official allocation of 350 additional medical school places in England for the 2025/26 academic year. One of the plan’s key commitments is to double the number of medical school places in England to 15,000 by 2031, as well as level up the geographic training of places to help tackle unequal access to services.
While places have been allocated by the Office for Students across the country, it has used data provided by NHS England to target distribution disparities and under-doctored areas, leading to substantial increases in Sunderland, Leeds, East Anglia, Plymouth, and Surrey.

New legislation in primary care is set to give pharmacy staff more time with patients while also making medicine dispensing more efficient. The changes will enable smaller pharmacies to take advantage of the so-called ‘hub and spoke’ model, specifically ensuring that pharmacies belonging to different legal entities can use hubs belonging to other companies.
The idea of the hub and spoke model is for the routine parts of medicine dispensing to be done at a large scale at a pharmacy known as the hub – separate to the pharmacy where the prescription was handed in, which is the spoke. Subject to parliamentary approval, all pharmacies will have an option of two hub and spoke models from 2025.
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