Clydesdale Media Podcast

We bring on our good firend Cory Leonard to talk about what we just saw last weekend and predict what we may see this weekend.  Who is going to move on in the final weekend, who is on the bubble and who will be missing out?

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

what is going on everybody

welcome to the Clydesdale

media roundtable we had a

skeleton crew today we've

got people with doing some

some procedures today we've

got people busy with work

so I brought in none of

none other than the raging

cajun himself cory leonard

man what's up scott filling

in for the crew uh talk about man



I was glued to my phone the

entire time I was doing

anything from Friday

afternoon all the way through Sunday.

So, you know,

I always say this show is unscripted.

Can you verify that?

But yeah, we are 100% unscripted.

Yes, indeed.

Yeah, it's nighttime, Nick.

That's what the problem is.

It's dark.

Yeah, the Sunday night show,

very much scripted, very much notes.

So we're all on the same page.

We're all across the country.

This one, we just take a go.


I don't even have any cuffs to go off of,

so we're good.


So first things first, man,

did you get Murfinn?


Well, scale.

My plantar fasciitis in my right foot is,

as of this morning,

probably about 90% or so.

Didn't feel too bad today.

Still going to get some

treatment tomorrow.

So I did 5K on the Echo bike

and then another 5K on the

Echo bike and did 20 rounds.


I should have done 20 rounds of Cindy.

I did 10 rounds of Cindy.

10, 20, 30, as far as the pull-ups,

push-ups and squats were

concerned in the middle and

a 5k echo bike to start and finish it.

So, yeah, I mean, I did Murph.

I just need to do it the only way I could.


The second bike was interesting.


Cause I, I did half Murph and I did,

I did a mile.

So 1600 front 1600 back at

1600 back was horrible.

Oh yeah.



The second run, anytime I, since in the,

I think I got it low nine

times and in the six years

I've been doing CrossFit,

the second run is always

what gets me like first run

feeling fantastic, getting out there,

getting after it.

And the second run is just

basically a trilogy just to

try to finish it up.


The last time I did it,

full version um I cramped up

bad man on that last run

like I'm the calves almost

the whole way stop and

stretch and start running

again stretch it fun fact

is that so murph yesterday

and then uh mr brandon

luckett uh who you know

iman company program and

went ahead and programmed

heavy back squats today so

Went in there this morning

and 300-yard squats

yesterday and squatted 355

for six this morning at the

end of all that.

I feel great.


Get that blood flowing again, man.



He literally told me sorry, not sorry.

So let me ask you this.

When I first met you,

you were doing comp train, right?


And now you're doing EMOM?


Since right after MFC last year.

Someone came to do some smack talking.

Yeah, buddy.

What's up, Charlie?

What's up?

I wasn't going to come on,

but I saw you on here and I said,

I can't allow this.

Can't let, yeah.

Hey, I don't blame you.

I wouldn't let me be on here

either if I was you.

We got the,

we got the all dude show today.

There you go.

Hey man.


So speaking of programming, are you,

are you still doing that, Charlie?

Oh, the e-momster?


Well, I mean, it still comes to my phone.

No, I did it last week.

I just haven't done it this week.

That Murph about wrecked me.

I'm still recovering from that.

Kenneth DeLapp says,

the biggest driver in CrossFit.

It's way worse than Rich and Matt.


What side you got, Kenneth?

We just got to get the

picture of you two shaking

hands and like frowning.


The awkward.


The awkward kind of.


We're shaking hands.

We're totally cool with each other.


Not even in the gym,

in the lobby of a gym somewhere.

I'm not working out with him.

I'll just shake his hand.

We just both happen to be here.

Hey, let's take this picture right quick.

Like, so people would leave us alone.

it's fantastic.

So Corey was telling me that

he did Murph and then EMOM

programmed heavy back

squats the next day.

Yeah, like eight at 65%, eight at 70%,

and then six at, and then six at,

and like the last one was

like 85% or something like that.

It was fun.

I heard, Charlie,

your Murph went pretty good.

I mean, I didn't beat a record, but

I can tell right now I'm not

as spry as I used to be.

But I'm still in my prime.



Kenneth says eight back squats.

That's cardio, man.

Yeah, Ken.

Try them at 295.

Let me know how that works out.

I mean, I was definitely breathing hard,

if that's what you call in cardio,

for sure.

Write that part down.


after my half Murph man on Sunday morning,

I woke up yesterday.

My back hurts so bad.

Not hurt was sore.

Be clear.

I did not hurt my back, but man,

I was sore.

I don't know if it's just

all the core that Murph takes, but damn.

Feel better today though.

So ready to get back at it.

Anderson says,

any heavy weight past two reps is cardio.

I don't disagree with that, Andrew.

I would rather do one really

heavy one than seven not

quite so heavy ones any day of the week.

What was that workout we did that one time,

Charlie, where it was a partner workout,

30 bench press, 30 squats,

30 deadlifts or something like that?

Yeah, that sounds about right.

Was it heavy, though?


But we, I mean, you and I were all giddy.

I mean, that was our, that was,

that was our wheelhouse

workout right there.

I'd be down with that.

That sounds like fun.

It was.


And we were just trying to go as of course,

cause we were trying to win

because we thought it was a

wheelhouse go as fast as possible.

But I'll tell you my man, Charlie,

like his,

his bench press endurance is freakish.

I can put up some weight,

but I can't do it for as

many reps as he can.

That's all I got.

Well, that's the best I don't have.

Me and Alex Kazan have the

same one-grab max.

I mean,

that's not – he's probably got

bigger than a lot of people.

just saying like I saw her

put up two 65 and I was like, Oh,

that's fantastic.

Me too.


Well, speaking of Alex Kazan,

she just did the work,

the semifinals last weekend.

Any thoughts about what we

just saw last weekend?

Dude, she looked strong and fit.

Sweet Jesus.

Like that last event, especially like,

Like she was shot out of a cannon.

I mean,

lunge all the way across the line

with them two seventies.

I was telling my wife,

I was like looking at their times,

like the women's times with

the women's dumbbells.

I said,

I don't think I'd have finished

that in twice that cap,

much less what they were

doing it in what she was like two 55,

three, right at three minutes.

It was insane.

Her and Kirsten are put on a

show on Sunday that well,

just there's no way anybody

in the East beats.

No, I don't think so either.

Not on that one, that's for sure.

I felt bad for Olivia.

What, sub four?

Nobody else went sub five?


She's strong, dude.

She is so strong, and she's technical.

She didn't just muscle it up there.

They all look phenomenal.

The kid's insane.

Any thoughts, Charlie?

Did you get to watch any of it?

I watched some of it.

Is Cole still in?

I'm not sure.

Grace Hibber or Sager?


They're both in.

They're both in, actually, yeah.

That's impressive to me that

Cole made it again.

11 years in a row.


He's getting up there.

Him and BKG, the only two to do it.

And doing their whatever their program,

if anybody still follows that.

business yeah cole sager the

lone the lone ranger for

the uh comp train program

carrying the flag what's

hilarious about that for me

is that he was supposed to

retire you remember that

like at the games last year

he's like ah this is my

last year I'm not doing

anymore I'll be coaching

the elites and whatnot now

he's like well I qualified so yeah

And we don't have any elites to coach,

so I might as well just coach myself.

That's what he meant.

I'm coaching myself.


By elites, I mean I'm coaching me.

Yeah, I felt most bummed for Tudor.

I'm a big Tudor fan.

I think he's right on the cusp.

the fact he got no rep for

touching the line when

other people didn't get

that on the handstand walk,

that may have made the

difference of him qualifying or not.

Three points out.

Felt bad for that.

Who's he with right now?

He has this guy, Ed, that is his coach.

It's not a camp.

Just some guy named Ed?

Like you run into him at

Walmart or something?

I think that's the mystique

of it all is it's just this guy named Ed.

He's actually been around

the space a long time.

But, you know, if you saw him,

you would go, oh, gosh,

I've seen that guy around.

Roger that.

Roger that.

I mean,

he should just go by some guy named Ed.

Ed Coaching.

Good fan.

I mean, he's a big dude too.

Ed is a big dude.

So big Ed.

Big Ed.

Big Ed's elite CrossFit coaching.

Yes, indeed.

Elite coaching and firework sales.

You're big Ed's.



And then at the top,

like I said this the other night,

James Sprague went from

bubble athlete to elite

athlete this weekend.

And talked a lot of stuff.

I liked it.

I like how he called his

shot when they were asking him, you know,

who would you pick on the

shot caller for the Heat 1 app?

And he was like,

I would pick James Sprague.

And he won.



I have been saying this for a while now.

You either love James

Sprague or you're wrong.

Like there's no in between.

That dude is always on the up and up.

He's always positive, right?

Even when stuff's going bad,

he's still like, okay, okay.

Just moving right along.

He's a big puppy dog.


and then just to see him come out and

win that first event, like that,

like he did, dude, that was ridiculous.

And what about, uh,

Charlie's favorite athlete,

Justin Medeiros?

I just chill up and do things.

Mr. Consistency.

No event wins.

End of the weekend.

Sitting on top.

I mean, that's what it takes, right?

Being consistent.

You ain't got to win.

I mean,

he proved that before anybody else did.


I would say Matt probably did it in

his first year because he

only had like one event win.

But the two years Justin won in a row,

he won what?

One event?

Maybe two?

Something like that.

He also proved it's a

razor's edge playing that one.

Yeah, absolutely.

Yeah, it could also go horribly wrong.

But nobody plays that game

better than he does.

So there it is, man.

The real important thing is Amy made it.

Kringle, that is.


You weren't on last week's show to like

For Joyce, man.

Well, I had to bring it back up because.

Because nobody else did.


Amy Kringle was incredible in Europe.

Like her improvement over the last year,

late years.

See, I'm on a streak.


Charlie's been on the Amy

Kringle bandwagon for, I think, 73 years.

It finally came true.

Before that was from Think Tank.

Alexis Raptus.


Oh, Raptus.

He was so on board,

he can't remember her name now.

That's right.

He loves them and leaves them, man.

Just when you're all the way

in it like that, names become irrelevant.

Listen, I was at Daniel Brandon train,

and she had black hair.

not everybody hates her

allegedly I don't know how

to say how anybody could

hate danielle brandon she

has an attitude she is

somewhat emotionally

unstable and she's a freak

athlete like that to mean

she's got all three things

yep that's probably why I

think the documentary did a

lot for her yeah absolutely

absolutely absolutely I

mean I think it it

it's always good to

highlight like where you come from,

why you are the person that you are.

Once people kind of figure that out,

they can kind of make a decision.

Oh, Hey, okay.

Maybe I do actually like this person.

Good stuff.

Danielle has been nothing

but kind to me in person.

Like I, I cannot say a bad word about her.

She's always very nice to me.

She's always willing to talk.

She's always cool to hang out.

Like, you know,

I think people get upset or

emotional in their feelings

when they see her on the

floor and she's reacting to

the things that's happening to her.

Like whenever she couldn't

figure out the crossovers a

couple of years ago or whatnot,

and she's sitting on the floor going,

you know, trying to figure it out.

Well, she's human.

I'd have been doing the same

thing if I'd have been her.

Like she wears the emotions on her sleeve.

There's nothing wrong with that.

It's just, oh, she's dropping F-bombs.

Yeah, on ESPN, she most certainly did.

Like, she's a real human being.

She is a person.

So, yeah,

she's going to mess up from time to time.

Or I wouldn't even consider

it to be messing up.

She's just acting like she does.


I like that.

Adults do in the real world.





Is this the Corey Leonard?

It is.

One and only.

One and only.

You talking about that from Pat McAfee?

What's that?

Like adults do in the real world.




So a couple things about

West Coast to finish up.

We have Abby Domet, who won,

kind of the Justin Medeiros way.


Um, we have Alex and Ariel there.

Uh, Hattie Cano, our girl, uh, did, did,

did the show from Bali all off season.

She, she kills it and makes it in.


and then Danny Spiegel makes it in a

lot of people.

Girl is fit.

Like you can say what you

want about her and people pile on her.

She's, she is really fit.

She just can't run.

dex dex this morning on

savant shows that was in

the chat and he said it

best he said danny's body

looks like if you

photoshopped her legs onto

her top top like the two

things just don't match up

and that's why like she

just can't run and that's

fine like not everybody can

do all of the things all of

the time pat velner can't swim

It has the worst CrossFit

look on the planet.

Between him dropping a chain

on the bike ride to him

having to chase a weight

across the floor because

it's rolling away from him.

Poor Patty V can't catch a

break half the time.

But Darius doesn't have top end strength.

Someone famously said that

on a podcast one time.

I don't remember who it was.


No one is denying her fitness.

It's her personality.


I was laughing because they

said eight women qualifying

from the West semifinals,

like eight women.

And then Danny Spiegel's

eyelashes are qualifying from the West.


I am not a fake eyelash guy.

I just don't understand it.

When Bethany went that route, I was like,

come on, Bethany.

Come on.

Listen, if you look good, you play good.

HarleyMom223 says,

does Kyra Milligan run well?

Those bigger thighs make it hard to run.

Danny Spiegel is fit.


Kyra has improved her running greatly

over the last few years.

I said it last year when I

watched her live in Orlando.

I felt she was the most

improved athlete from the year before,

from 22 to 23.

But nobody was going to see

it because she was on Mayhem, the team.

And this year she qualifies for the games.

And Sarah Cooper wants to

remind me Bethany's eyelash

is also qualified.


A hundred percent.

A hundred percent.

We're going to talk about

Colton Merton's doing a 265

touch and go snatch.

Can we talk about that for a second?

It's one thing to do a 265

touch and go snatch.

It's another thing to make

the bar go wonky and then pull it off.

It caught somewhere on the way down.

I think it caught his belt.



and then we just went right back up

with it like a big deal.

My favorite part of that

entire sequence is after

when Brent does his second

one and then is laughing

hysterically as he comes

across the line because he was like,

holy shit, did that really just happen?

Like, yeah, dude, that just happened.

To put this in context, in 2021...

Tola Maracanio attempted a

touch-and-go snatch,

and he had a clean shot at

it and missed it.


One of the strongest guys in the field.

And Tola's more known as

being a weightlifter than Colton is.

That was incredible.

But what has been highlighted awesomely,

well, not awesomely,

but what's been highlighted,

a complaint I've had from a

media perspective,

so many people were in

front of Colton that nobody

got a clean shot of the

touch and go other than the

broadcast team.

And that sucks.

I hate that.

I hate that we have

cameramen all over the floor.

In Europe,

they were tripping over the

risers that the girls were

using on the rig and moving

them out of the way.

They were standing right in

front of people trying

heavy snatches and getting

waved out of the way.

You have a zoom on your camera.

You don't need to be right

in front of their face.

But yeah, that was impressive with Colton.

Even more impressive to me was his run.

Finishing top five on the run.

I didn't see that coming at all.

I'm going to be completely honest here.

I did not see that coming.

His big legs don't seem to be a problem.

Hey, bro,

he is two inches shorter than I am.

And if I wouldn't have bet

on me whatsoever,

because I know what my run

pace looks like,

but for him to finish where he did,

that was phenomenal.

Heidi Krum asks, who is this chap?

his name's Charlie.

I've been on a lot, but I'm back again.


you don't have to chug the C4 that they

left us, man.

I know I was,

I was thinking about that

when I opened it, I said, well,

we're not sponsored by C4 anymore,

but I'm just thirsty and

it's time for my C4.

So sorry about that.



And then we don't need to

talk about Australia

because Amy's not on the show.


We'll save that for next week.

But I'm going to pull up a picture.

I'm going to ask you a question,

both of you.

Is this girl ready?


I saw that yesterday and I

about lost my mind.

She looks good.

She looks strong.

She looks healthy.

She looks ready.

I saw this yesterday and I,

my mind was blown.

Like she looks so fit.

It feels like she's mentally fit.


like Haley two years ago wouldn't

have posted a picture like this.

No, indeed not.

I mean, she's got a tough,

like Nick just said,

she's got a tough field to

work through this weekend,

but I'm more excited to

watch her than I am anybody

else this weekend,

just out of sheer curiosity

more than anything else,

just to see exactly what

she's capable of.

There's so much to watch this weekend.

So I made my picks for Heat 1.

It is impossible to narrow

it down to 11 on both sides.


I started running through them,

and I was like, Dallin Pepper,

Dallin Pepper.

And you look at the rest of them,

you're like, well, wait.

Because all these other

people are still in.

The top 12,

you have to pick 12 people to

finish top 12.

I have people outside the

top 12 that could qualify.

I let Brooke Wells off.

That's fair, though.

The women's field on that

side is remarkable.

It doesn't even make sense.

So let me ask you guys this.

Any dark horses you're

looking at this weekend?

Would you consider Haley to

be a dark horse because she

took a year off?

After looking at that picture?


Okay, but here's the thing.

We haven't seen her.

We haven't seen her.

And this is going to sound horrible,

but it's a picture.


She does look, and she's giving off,

from what she lets people

see on Instagram,

a better vibe than the old Haley, right?

More confident, more strong, happier,

which is what everybody's

been wanting to see.

But at the end of the day, it's a picture.

I could post a picture,

good lighting and whatnot,

and I could look like an

absolute animal and go out

and get my ass handed to me.

But I'm curious to see

exactly what Josh and Haley

have, you know,

have pulled out of her and

built into her after a whole,

an entire year off and getting her,

getting her head right.

I mean, you're talking about the Marios.




Sorry, Sarah.

Sarah says,

get out of here with your logic, Corey.

She's going to do great.

I hope she does, man.

I really hope she does.

Harley mom.

Haley is ready to put in the work.

I'm gonna I'm gonna have a

this is a wild dark horse

this is my I'm calling this

my hattie canyo um pick

right calista lang will

shock the world okay

In 2021, she finished sixth.

In 2022,

she finished sixth when they only

took five.

Last year was an off year for her.

But these workouts are very much,

she's very much like a

Hattie Cano or an Abby Domet.

She is going to consistently be there.

And at the end of the weekend,

I think she's going to be right in that,

in the mix for a spot.

In a field that is very stacked.

Who does, she has just a regular coach.

She's with a camp.

Like what is, I have, that's the first,

when you said her name,

it's the first time I was

aware of that she's a person.

She was with TTT.

She left them this season

and now she has a, a one-on-one coach.

And I think it's just like,

it's like an Ed.

It's not Ed, but it's, it's just,

she lives in, in long Island, New York.

And it's just like a group

of people that train together there.


That are all lead athletes.


and then on the men's side

I'm going Jack Rosema I

like that dude now he's a

mayhem athlete that I know

for sure he called his shot

on this show he says he's

finishing top five dude's

really strong he is a

little shorter in stature

he's got the Corey build fire plug baby

But, yeah,

I think he's going to have a shot.

What about Dre?

Dre's strong.

Dre doesn't stay healthy very well, man.

He's got to do it for three days?

I don't know.

Dre, to me, and who knows?

He's much older now.

When I watched young Dre,

it was gas pedal to the floor.

He was the Charlie.

As much as Jack Rosema is the Corey,

Dre is the Charlie.

Let's get this engine fired up, full bore,

and we're going pedal to

the metal until the wheels come off.

And they come off quick,

but it's a full flame out.

Full sand, full flame out.


Let me ask you this,

representing for the old guys in here,

how does Ben Smith do this weekend?

He'll do better than Sam Dancer.

Look, I think I texted you that Sunday,


that watching Sam Dancer was... The

fact that he was not in the

first heat and was

competitive with all these

young guns and young kids

and whatnot is a testament

in and of itself.

That dude is a freak.

considering he won the

Masters Division last year and was like,

you know what,

let me see if I can qualify for the,

and wasn't dragging the

bottom of the barrel the entire weekend.

I think I responded to you by saying,

what's sad to see with Sam is,

the man who could hit home

runs has warning track double power now.



that man would have crushed a snatch


Five years ago.

And now it's, he just has like a,

a safe double.


50 years old though.

You start,

things start hurting only like 37.


30, 36, 37, something like that.

But a lot of these workouts

are what Ben Smith would have,

would have had a home run in.

That's why I'm curious.

The man is one of the best

rope climbers the sport has ever seen.

Um, he's decent on his hands.

He, you know,

he's always been able to grit

through stuff like that final workout.

It's just, you know, how,

how much is it left in the tank, man?

And for a three day weekend,

can he stay healthy?

Because he hasn't been able to do that.

Like last year at the games,

popped a knee right in, what, day one?

Like late day one, second workout.


I'd love to see it, though.

I mean,

he's also been in the sport since

he was a literal child.

So I think, what, since he was 18,

19 years old,

trying to qualify and then

qualified and then qualified, what,

10 years in a row?

Well, he didn't qualify the last year,

but they invited him anyway.


What about our guy we always

pull for there, Scott?

Oh, Trevor.

Trevor Myers.

We haven't seen him in a year.

It's going to be interesting.

I'd love to see it.

I'll tell you who I'm really pulling for,


After a year off,

I think he finishes on the podium.

Sarah's right with you, Charlie.

What about Travis, Mayor?

You know Travis is coaching this year?

Coaching who?

He's coaching Kira Napoli on

the women's side.

they've already like made an

agreement that she doesn't

want to interfere with his

his athletics so like she

doesn't need him day to day

or minute to minute over

the weekend she's gonna

have her fiance back there

to do that stuff and

they've like made all the

game plans ahead of time so

it's cool but I don't but

does that distract him at

all so she's got like the

the the the travis mayor

cliff notes back there

she said that she doesn't

like someone like in her

grill all the time she

wanted somebody that was

kind of like there for

training coming up with

strategies but um not

necessarily like a hands-on

coach so they have their

strategies developed way

ahead of time and she's

just gonna apply them over

the weekend and he's his

thing she's gonna do her

thing it could help

depending on if he goes first

He's like, oh, okay.

We thought about that.

Maybe we don't do this.

We switch it here.

Then he uses that strategy.


Did either of you see the

Misfits video where they

filmed the testing of the final workout?


And it was Paige and McKenna.

Basically, it wasn't the final workout.

It was testing the grip strength.

So they made them,

they didn't tell them how

many rounds they were going to do,

but they had to go skierg

until their heart rate was

way up and then dumbbell

75s for as long as they could go,

max effort to train that final workout.

And what blew me away is the second round,

Paige went further than the first round.

but it was all to train like,

and they made it a

competition between the two.

Like they put a cone where

they each finished.

Can you pass that person?

Can you pass your last one?

And then tell them how many

rounds they were going to do.

They ended up doing three.

It was crazy.

That's no, thank you.

I mean,

I would probably do something

similar to that if I was

testing for a specific workout.

I didn't want to actually

run through the workout

itself so I could see that.

But I'm going to tell you, dude,

70-pound dumbbells for

somebody who's not a games

athlete or heavy to be

lunging across the floor

with in any position.

It doesn't matter.

Farmers carrying whatever we

had them for the age group online.

We had with fifties when

overhead for the last part

and bore muscle ups like

last year or year before last,

something like that.

And that was terrible.

So like,

just be able to hold onto that

after you just did 15 ring muscle ups,

like, no, thank you.

And then for them to be

finishing it in between

three and four minutes, it's wild.

Or two something.

If you're Alex Kazan.

Um, the one thing I did notice too, is,

you know, in some,

some instances you see the

athlete swing the dumbbell

to kind of give them the

momentum in the lunge.

There was none of that during this,

because that is that

because it taxes the grip more.

If you are,

it's going to tax your grip more,

but it's going to help you

with the lunge.


cause you're building momentum as you

go to be able to keep going, keep going,

keep going.

So it's kind of a trade off thing.

You can hold on to them.

And if you got,

you got good grip strength

and you can kind of use

that momentum to keep

yourself moving while you're lunging to,

yeah, go ahead and swing them.

But if grip strength isn't all that great,

you're going to want to

just kind of hold them as

tight static to your side

as possible while you lunge

as fast as you possible.

So you can stop whenever, you know,

get across the line and stop.

It's a,

it's definitely a feast or famine

thing or from my perspective anyway.

Unless you're Alex or

Heinrich up a line and,

And you just go big baller

and hold the dumbbells for

another 10 seconds and

stare at the crowd.

Just getting across.

Just getting across the line.

And I forgot,

I think it was Adrienne that said it.

She had a look on her face

like she had no plans on

putting them things down at

any given point.

She was like, no,

I'm just going to walk across the line.

It's fine.

Or lunge across the line, rather.

Judy Reed says,

how tall is Kazan and what

does she weigh?

70 is so heavy.

I mean, I'm terrible at weight guessing,

but she's a taller athlete.

Not like Emily Rolfe tall,

but like she's taller than

like Ariel and I'd say 5'6", 5'7".

What's that?

Maybe like Daniel Brandon.

No, Danielle's way taller than Alex.

Danielle and like Emily are

like the taller athletes in the field.

And then Alex would be like

an inch or two shorter.

So according to her mint trading card,

because Dan is 5'6 and 155.

Yeah, I'd say that's probably about right.

Daniel, Emily are like five, eight, five,


I want, yeah.

I want to say Daniel Bryan is like five,

nine, something like that.

She's definitely taller than me,

which is not a hard thing to do.

My dog is taller than you, man.

It probably is.

So Daniel,

Putting you on the spot,

who is going to win on the men's side?

Who's going to win on the

women's side this weekend in the East?

I'll tell you what.

Let me see who I got picked.

I got Dallin on the men's side.


I got Alexis Raptus on the female side.


I think

Probably going to be Roman

on the men's side because

he always just destroys his stuff.

And then, I mean,

I don't know how you don't say Tia.

I mean,

I know she's got whatever issues

she's got, but she's...

So I picked Tia.

I think she has a better

shot at winning this than

she does the games.

I think that with more

events at the games and Tia

being off a little bit,

that's the time to get her,

not in a short competition

weekend like this.

So I go Tia on the women's side.

And you can't be the champ

until you beat the champ.

And Jeff Adler's winning this weekend.

I mean, Adler is so well-rounded.

He's going to kill the run.

He's going to kill the snatch ladder.

And a lot of these,

that's a weakness on one of those two,

and he's not weak on either.

I mean, that's fair.

That's fair.

I think I got him in second.


I got Dallin first and Jeff in second.

That one's a year away.

I got Emma Lawson in second right now.

I got Alexis, Emma, Tia.

One, two, three.

And here's the thing.

It's not that I don't think

Tia can win this, the whole thing out.

I just don't think she cares

to win the whole thing out.

Does that make sense?

As long as she qualifies, she's good.

So I don't think she's

necessarily coming out

trying to dominate

everybody in a semifinal

when she does not have to

dominate everybody in a semifinal.


Just get in.

Don't worry about winning.

Get in.


Especially if,

and I know that her wrist thing, whatever,

has probably been overblown at this point,

but staying healthy,

doing what you got to do, qualifying,

and then moving right along.


I actually have a Tia Raptus Lawson.

Just because I think people

at TTT have told me that

Raptors really attacked her

holes in the offseason.

And I don't think there's

anything in this lineup of

workouts that is going to slow her down.

It's just Tia is so good.

Tia's going to kill the

snatch letter and the run.

She's great at all the other aspects.


Does Taylor self-qualify this weekend?

I actually have him in as

the last qualifying spot.

But I don't know.

I don't know.

I think

Not having seen him since Waterpalooza,

was that two years ago?

And just seeing it with the

Kill Taylor stuff and

seeing some of his videos

and whatnot training, he is very,

very feast or famine.

We're either going to hit a

home run or we're going

back to the dugout and sit down.

So I'm hoping he hits some

home runs and then has a couple of,

like we were talking about,

warning track doubles and

gets himself in.

I would really like to see him

and hear his mouth at the games.

There are very few people

outside of probably Matt

Fraser and Colton Mertens

that can talk trash better

than that dude.

And that's just fun to me.

It's entertaining.

He is entertaining to watch.

He is entertaining to experience,

I guess you could say.

uh about my raptus comment

kenneth the lap says well

yeah proximity bias they're

gonna they're not going to

say raptus isn't even

improving let me just say

this I had scott tetlow on

the show and he told me

never been healthier in my

life going into these

semi-finals watching a

broadcast scott's coming in

with an injury and couldn't

lunge for four weeks

So, yeah,

I know that there's proximity

bias and flat-out lies

right before a big event.


nobody's going to come on and be like, oh,


I'm feeling like trash the entire time.

Like, yeah, no,

I'm pretty sure I'm

probably going to do terrible.

Who's going to come out and say that?

You're going to ask me.

I think Taylor will be top 10 but miss.


you can't be top 10 and miss in this

group, Andrew.

They get 11.

So North America East gets

the most invites of any region,

and they're getting 11 this year.

Just enough for my guy Marquand to get in.


I love Marquand, but he ain't getting in.

He's going to.

He's a great human being.

He's incredibly fit.

He ain't going to the games.


I wasn't confident.

Taylor can go to the dark

place and stay more,

stay there more than anyone in the field.


But I said this when they

did quarterfinals,

when you're looking at like

Mertens and Hopper and Dallin,

they all have a little bit

more natural God gifted

talent than Taylor does.


And in a one-time workout,

he can go to that dark

place and make it hurt and

compete with them.

To do that over six events,

where's on the body?

What happened on the fourth

event of that quarterfinal

weekend where his body just said,

no more?

He just fell off the box.

He more than fell off the box.

He didn't know where he was.

No, that's what I'm talking about.

He didn't bail off the box.

I've done that a million times.

He landed and then just slow

motion tipped off the box

and fell down and kind of

came to when he realized he

was on the ground.

Oh, yeah,

I guess I ought to finish this workout.

How many people can do that

and will keep going?


It's just,

there's a point where the body

just can't go anymore.

And does he hit that?

Sarah says,

are there any dark place workouts though?

There are that row handstand walk is a,

is a flat out sprint.

I think depending on who you are,

the snatch ladder is a,

If you're Olivia Kerstetter,

it's an all-out sprint.

But I would say the first three are rough.

Like that run clean and jerk

workout is going to be rough.

And in Knoxville,

there is no flat land around that venue.

So you're running hills for your 800,

and you're going to be

doing clean and jerks.

That's going to be tough.

And then that front squat.

Is it front squat?

Toe to bar.

Toe to bar.

Double under.


That one's going to hurt, too.

That one hurts just thinking about it,


Like, 100 dubs, jump up, 20 toes,

and let's go ahead and

front squat 225 for, what is it,

10 reps at a time?

will Taylor be in heat one

or two this weekend?

I don't think so.

I think, well,

he'll be in heat one for the

first event because he comes in in that,

but he's going to do well

in that run clean and jerk.

That's just something he's really good at.

And I really think the first

three workouts play to his favor.

It's the last three he's

going to struggle with if he struggles.

So I think he'll be up there for,

he'll be in the top heats

for most of the weekend.

Nick asks,

is there any way to split the U.S.

to make it more even, north, south,

or something else?

Bro, don't get me started.

I live in south Louisiana on

the east side of the Mississippi River,

and I'm in the west.

Makes no sense whatsoever.

The only thing that even

makes any kind of sense as

to how they split like that,

it's got to be population.

That's the only thing that

makes any kind of sense.

They drew a line and said, okay,

this side of the country

has this much population,

so you're going to go here.

And then, you know,

the East Coast is more densely populated,

so those people can stay

over there for that.

But, like,

the fact that Brandon and Scott

and Max and Jacob all had

to go to California whenever Knoxville is,

I think it's a six- or

seven-hour drive from here.

Something like that makes

absolutely no sense whatsoever.

I think the only fair way to do it,

and I think people saying

that the West was down,

I think top 15 were good on

both sides because there

are people not going to the

games that most of us

thought were going to the games.

So I don't think it says

shallow at the top.

It's shallow or at the bottom.

What I will say is what I'd

love to go back to is all

of North America, top 80,

and then you divide them

evenly amongst the two.


One, two, three, four, five, you know,

so that you get a fair

breakdown east-west, if that makes sense.



Because when it was four,

that's how they did it.

It was 120.

They split 30 in each.

Back when it was 30 per semi.

So the four locations.

So that's, I think they should go,

if they're going to keep this model,

that's what they should go back to.

We're the only country with two locations.

Don't worry.

They'll mess it up again next year.

It's fine.

I'm sure it'll be something

completely different.

It'll be something

completely different that

will make just as little

sense as it did this year.

It's fine.

Florida's in the West.

Don't worry about it.

More than likely.

It wouldn't surprise me at all.

It would not shock me at all.

We're going to go north to south next year,

and everybody that's in

Miami is going to be

competing in the north.

We're going to go with the

13 original colonies as one region.

Louisiana Purchase is another.

Alaska will be its own.

Alaska is going to be its own thing.

And then everybody who's in

Hawaii is going to have to

compete in Asia.

So all the jump ship people, sorry Seth,

all you people have got to

go compete over there.

If you went on the Oregon Trail,

you get to pick which one you go to.

And you didn't die of dysentery.

I was going to say,

unless you got dysentery.

I love when Corey's on the show,

brings out the old man jokes.

Only we understand.


Judy is correct.

South America.

South America.


But only the bottom half.

If you're in the panhandle,

you're in the West.

Panhandle is southern Georgia.



That's all it is.

One hundred percent.


Well, this has been a fun show.

Thank you, Corey, for jumping on.

Charlie, great seeing you again.

And maybe we'll have to do a

three dude show going forward.

There you go.

I'm with it.


I'm going to go take care of my


Wild Zombie will leave on this.

There's enough Cubans there

to where South America makes sense.

He is not wrong.

I have been to Miami.

Great food, though.

Great Cuban food.

So we will see everybody

next time on the Clydesdale

Media Roundtable.

Thanks, guys.

See you all soon.