Clydesdale Media Podcast

We catch up on all the news of the week, Fresh Coast is on the dockett first then we get into the interviews with Dave, the Cuts Schedule has been released, How is training going for Jamie and the Master's Games, Plus a whole lot more.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

what's going on everybody

welcome to sunday night crossfit talk

Your eyes do not deceive you.

That is not Carolyn Prevost

on the far right.

That is Russ Mock.

He is the director of Fresh Coast,

an awesome competition

going on in Michigan.

And yes, to my left is Jamie Latimer,

co-host extraordinaire.

We're so excited to have Russ on.

We had him on last year

before Fresh Coast.

And the big news last year was, hey,

Rich Froning signed up for

your competition.


And you had to figure that out.


A little freak out person, uh, and, uh,

got the ship in the right

direction and he's coming back.

So you must've done something right.


That's like, yeah, that kind of, uh,

maybe feel legit.

Like if he had a good enough time and, um,

they made a vlog about it and yeah.

So it looked like he had a good time.

So he's bringing some

friends back this time.

So yeah.

How about that?

We'll get into that in one second,

a little teaser.

So with that, um,

he also immediately after

on his podcast bragged

about how much fun he had

at your competition.


So as an event director,

what's going through your

head is Rich Froning is

bragging about your comp.

I mean, it kind of, yeah,

legitimatizes it.

Like this is going to be our

ninth year and it started

on like a Saturday.

We talked about this last time,

but it was like 10 teams on

a Saturday and, uh,

and it's just gone nuts from there.

A lot of that's thanks to

the venue that we have

beautiful beach on Lake

Michigan and a lot of beach.


and then our community just pours into

it every year.

And it's kind of like our, I don't know,

like our highlight of the year.

So, so Jamie, you've, you've done it.

How many years?

I think this is my seventh.

I think I missed the,

I definitely missed the first year.

I'm not sure if I missed the second year.

So people like games athlete,

Jamie Latimer show up.


And we've had, uh, yeah,

Jamie's been there.

And then, um, like the eight day team,

they're going to the games.

They're all their athletes have competed,

um, across many years.

Uh, we had, um, uh,

you know, who else, uh, Jack Rosema.


Jack Rosema.

He was there last year, uh,

page powers when she was a type.

Um, and, uh, and yeah,

so it's been cool to have

those people come through

and then see where they've gone to.

And yeah,

we'll definitely be cheering for

Jack and then the eight day

team and for sure.

Yeah, it's funny.

I was interviewing Jack,

and I came across him at

Fresh Coast when I was doing research.

Brought it up, and he loved it too.

He bragged about how fun it

was doing that.

And he grew up in Grand Rapids, so for him,

it's like coming home.

Oh, I didn't know he grew up that close.

Yeah, cool.


And I think what Rich and I'm like,

he's like, they got that OG mentality.

And it's super chill.

It's not super elaborate,

like water blues or something,

which water blues is a blast.

But it's very like down to

earth and chill.

People bring their canopy

tents and a lot less rules and stuff.

So it's throwback.

So last year you had a rig on the beach,


Doing that again this year?

Yeah, yeah.

Oh, yeah, yeah, for sure.

That is quite the monumental

thing to put up.

My build crew is like

literally two guys go out there on Friday,

start in the morning,

and just build that bad boy up.

It's 90 feet.

And, yeah,

we'll be doing ring muscle-ups

and all the stuff.


Well, our dear friend, Lana Marcin, said,

see you there.

So she must be coming down

from Canada to check out

all the action in Michigan.

That's awesome.


we've got some teams traveling this year.

We've got Colorado.

We've got Texas.

We've got Canada.

I saw a lot of Canada.

So pretty excited.

So you alluded to Rich

bringing some friends.

You want to unveil who he's

bringing as a teammate?

Yeah, so I get a text, and his teammates,

J-Web and Swift,

Swift has a work engagement,

and he's not going to make it.

So I was like, oh,

you're reading the text.

You're like, oh, bummer.

Okay, what does this mean?

And then read further down, and it's like,

eh, Dan Bailey's coming.

So pretty excited.

Ohio boy coming up to Michigan.



He actually works out at my

gym doing the open workouts.

Dan's a great guy.

And those two were training

partners in the OG days of CrossFit.

Oh, yeah.

To see them back together on a team.

When Rich first went team,

people were calling for this.


They wanted Dan to be the

other guy on the team.

And it never happened.

And here we are at Fresh Coast.

You get to give the people

what they've been wanting

almost 10 years.

Yeah, I mean, I consider myself an OG.

2012, I think it was, Big Sky,

they actually worked out and stuff.

And I found myself going

back and watching those this week because,

yeah, it's just like...

Yeah, those are the glory days,

some might call it.

So to see them, you know,

we've got a snatch ladder in our comp,

and they're just going to

be going rep for rep,

climbing up that ladder.

That's going to be pretty sweet.


my biggest memory of the two of them

is Invitational times.

They got to do the

Invitational for Team USA and crushed it.

So it's going to be fun seeing that again.


We're really excited.

The weather's looking great.

So, um,

and then he's also bringing in Dre

Strom's coming and, uh, Ben Davidson and,

uh, yeah, we're just trying to, you know,

spring the whole mayhem empire up here.

Good people.


Craig Pasley says Dan's 100 pound Murph

workout is a total bad-ass

video and accomplishment.


That thing was sweet.

so yeah that's like a big

crew of mayhem people

coming up Dre just finished

semifinals Ben Davidson the

fittest videographer in the

business yeah it's going to

be fun seeing that yeah

it's going to be sweet one

of the cool things for me

is I've talked to you now

for the last two years

Jamie brags about this

event all the time and I

get to go this year yeah

And we're going to document it.

We're going to document it

from kind of a


perspective where I just

want to meet the people, hear the stories,

why they come here,

why they do this stuff,

what they're trying to overcome,

all that kind of stuff.

We're going to try to tell

that story while we're there.

Yeah, that's going to be sweet.

You're like our first real

media other than Rich and

Vanish Loop came down and

they did that vlog.

But yeah, I mean, it's going to be sweet.

I got your media credentials on lock.


And you know what?

I got them sooner than two

weeks before the event.

what the best part of this

whole thing was talking to

Russ was when I was riffing

about CrossFit,

not letting me know if I

could come to semifinals, Russ is like,

Hey, we'll give you two months notice.

We'll give you what, you know,

what do you need backstage?

Whatever you need, whatever you want.

It'll be cool, though,

to have you there because

you'll do a good job of

documenting the whole Rich and Dan thing.

And the community will get to see that,


And it just, you know, some people can.


we want to document all the other

athletes, too.

Yeah, for sure.

We want to showcase what

this has been for years and

why Rich and Dan want to come.

Yep, for sure.

But it'll be, honestly, as an OG fanboy,

super excited about that aspect, too.



But Atlanta, who's been talking,

she helped me with

videography at Masters

Fitness Collective when I was down there.

So she's awesome too.

Maybe I'll have to recruit

her in to get some video

shots for me as well.

And it's kind of an OG year.

I don't know if you want to

talk about the events at all,

but our first event is a

callback to 2014.

So 10 years ago, CrossFit Games events.


So all the events are old

CrossFit Games events or no?

Just the first one.

It's one I've been wanting

to do for a long time.

And it was called The Beach.

It was back in California.

And they had the team swim

with a rescue raft.

And this was back when they

were teams of six.

And then the individual,

they had to swim like 250, 500, 250.

And that's all it was.

And then the individuals had

to do a real swim without the raft.

And some thrusters with

kettlebells and some burpees.

So we smashed those together.


It's going to be pretty epic, I think.

I remember that vividly.

I remember that there were

some really weak swimmers

just hanging on and then

their teammates had to push

the raft with them being drug alongside.

There'll be more of that.

The current changed a week

ago and the lake dropped to 50 degrees.

Are you nervous about that?

Because I am.

The water temp changes with

every gust of wind.

We have written down 500 meters,

but that's always up for

changing depending on water

conditions and stuff.

Last year, there was no real swim, right?

You just had to kind of run

into the water?

Yeah, probably.

How high was it on you, Jamie?

It got to my neck for sure.

Um, but there was some guy,

there were some guys who

could definitely get away with walk.

Like, well, I want, I mean,

it was silly not to like,

when you're waiting that, that high,

you're better off just swimming.

But, um, yeah.

it was meant to be like a Wade.

I think one day it was a

little choppier and whatnot, but, um,

yeah, we just try to mix it up.

We use the water every year.

Sometimes it's as a team.

Sometimes it's as an individual,

like one of the teammates will do it.


so this year it's cool cause they're

all going to be out there,

but they all have a flotation device.

So I haven't gotten too many, uh,

complaints or, you know,

concerned athletes about that.


Any other workouts you're

super excited about?


I mean, the other two are great.

I mean, we just,

we try to put a really

balanced competition together.

Um, and I think we,

we hit that pretty well.


we got some high level like ring muscle


Um, we're doing three bars synchro.

We've never been able to do that.

And we figured out a way to

do that with using the men's bar,

the women's bar and an axle bar.

So that'd be cool to see the

athletes navigate the axle bar.

There'll be in the sand for the axle bar.

So that's,

some quirks and some

challenges for them that

they're not going to get inside their box,

you know?

And that's what it's all about.

The best is you explaining

it in Jamie's facial reaction,

who has no poker face.

I'm just bummed there's not

a run this year.

The shuttles don't count.

Yeah, there are shuttle runs.

Everyone loves shuttle runs, right?

So we threw a couple of

shuttle runs in there for a

little race of a finish on

the final workout.

So I'm hoping for some

really good pictures.

We bring in speaking of pictures,

we bring in FL sports guy.

He's he shoots like he's

been shooting the CrossFit

games for I don't know how many years.

He's like he shoots the

finishes and he's been coming up.

He takes thick pictures.

So we're excited to have him back again.

Yeah, super stoked for this.

So it's teams of three?

Teams of three, same sex.

We have the Masters Division,

and then we have the Individual,

and then we have RX Day,

and then Intermediate Day on Sunday.

And what's kind of cool, I think,

about our Masters Division is...

they're competing against the,

the young guns as well.

So we don't change the workouts.

I try to balance the workout so that,

you know, it's not too crazy for them,

but, um, yeah,

like so rich and Dan will

be competing in the master's division,

but there'll also be

competing in the regular RX.

Um, so that might, you know,

it's kind of cool that way they,

they can see how they match

up against the young, good young guys.

my guess is it'll be okay

though they'll match up

okay yeah and I'm just

jealous too because these

guys get to compete against

these legends and like I

mean I I'm there for the

you know to spectate it's

gonna be awesome but I mean

how many people get to say

regular folk get to say

they got to compete against

these guys you know right

it's really cool yeah way

too cool um jamie what are

you competing in masters okay

And you won last year.

We did master's predictions this year.


I don't know.

It's not,

they're not great workouts for us.

I, the snatching, the snap.

So like the snatching

workout is technically half the day.

Um, it's like a two-parter, but for,

so I feel like that one's

just gonna tank us, but that's okay.


we usually do like a true strength test.

And this year we have a snatch ladder.

So a little bit different.

Who's the title sponsor?


They've been with us for a

handful of years now and

they've been great.

So lots of sweet stuff we'll

have on the beach.

Really glad to have those on one time.

And then for spectators who come watch,

admission, is there any admission?


so it's $10 a day or $15 for the

whole weekend if you're

going to be there both days.

And so we fence it in and

provide port-a-johns and all that stuff.

And yeah, so $10.

You can buy tickets online or at the gate,


And yeah, all day, 8 a.m.

to about 5 p.m.


And then there's,

Jamie keeps talking about

this thing called the dock.

We're like the deck deck.

You want to tell them about it?

It's it's just a barbecue

place that's next door.

It's huge.

And it's got music and some

like long games.

And yeah, it's it's just a cool place.

It started as like this very small spot.

And like they've just it's

just gone bonkers.

It's they've got a concert

or not a concert,

like live band every night.

So they're good neighbors.

It's cool.


defender village or anything like that.

Food truck.


We got a ton of good vendors.


we're going to have some acai bowls out


So excited for that.

Um, yeah, food trucks, uh,

clean eats will be in there, um,

sampling food and take care

of our volunteers and also selling meals.

Um, and then, yeah, yeah.

Tons of vendors.

So definitely come check that out.

Buy some swag.

Last question.

Anybody you want to shout

out that's helped you put this on?

Just my, I mean, my gyms community,

Muskegon CrossFit.

I mean,

I have people that have done help

me since day one and like

they're there every year.

I've got people taking the

weekend or the Friday and

the Monday off of work just

to help us and like pull it off.

And yeah,

it's just yeah I couldn't be

what it is today without

those people and then a lot

of volunteers from outside

of our community like

that's been growing and

I've been trying to make

that a better experience

for people so um people

driving and you know

getting a hotel and staying

just to help put an event

on is just awesome so like

anyone watching that has

never volunteered for an event like

it's super helpful and you,

we try to make it fun.

It's, it's hard work,

but it's just like a CrossFit workout.

You're in it together with other people.

And so I recommend people, you know,

reach out and try to get

involved in other ways when they can.

Well, thank you so much, Russ, Russ,

for jumping on.


I'll probably be in touch with you this

week just to get some

finite details about some

things that I need, uh,

before I get up there.

And other than that,

thank you so much and good

luck this weekend.

All right, thanks, guys.

Thank you.

All right, thanks.

And now we'll swap out Russ

and bring in Carolyn.

There we go.

Hello, everyone.


What's going on, Carolyn?

I lost her.

She's muted.

I said just about to have dinner here.

I've had amazing dinner

every night here at Lex's parents' house.

It's great, great, great food.

Yes, how's it been in California?

Getting used to the early

morning workouts?

Oh, man.

Yes, we go to bed just so early.

But I'm actually exhausted by 7.30.

So it works out well.

We get up around 4, 4.10,

head on the road.

Lex makes breakfast and everything,

gets the dogs ready.

And then we probably begin

our first session around, first session,

basically our only session,

around 5 o'clock in the morning.

then we do the class

workouts that they like a

class wad and the lifts

that they have at their at

their gym around six

o'clock and then whatever

we have left right after

that before we uh walk the

dogs for a few hours sounds

fun well it's just so hot

here like it that we just

try to get everything done

early in the morning um and

then we have the rest of the day um

do things or she obviously

has work to do um so for

her job um so I guess I'm

the one that can chill

because I'm off from work

um but yeah no it's a it's

a good it's a good system

we have amy how's masters

training going good um I've

had some brutal pieces but

it's fun it's it's fun like

if there's some hot days

here I try to do stuff outside to

get some heat training in um

but I spent the last let's

see on thursday we went to

grand haven I spent the

last three four days there

jumping in the lake trying

to get used to the I think

it was 60 but it was cold

wow yeah I uh I just wish

we knew more and hopefully

yeah we'll talk about that

as we get into the show a

little bit but just wish we

knew more about that

I do have, like, it's been a great week.

I actually had some alone

time this weekend.

Julie went on vacation with her family.

So Walter and I just hung at

the house this weekend,

did some stuff kind of

around the house a lot.

And really, it was a nice,

relaxing weekend.

But growing up in the 80s,

I was the biggest Beverly Hills Cop fan.

Like, love that movie.

And the new one just came out this week.

Loved it.

I haven't even seen it.

It's came out on Netflix and

it's really cool.

And it's,

it's not the greatest movie like


but if you're a fan of the

eighties movies, the first,

especially the first two,

there's so much nostalgia

and so much like throwback to that,

but not too much that it, it's just,

it's a good watch.

And it just,

one of those like makes me feel good.


so just had to get that in

there I know sometimes we

talk about movies last time

last time we talked about

inside out too which I

can't remember what I was

watching it was I think it

was jr saying that he cried

at inside out too because

of being a girl dad and uh

and it got really emotional

so I thought this week I'd

talk about beverly hills cop

I saw Despicable Me 4 as

well with Lex this week.

Was it good?

It was good.

I mean,

I like just any type of funny movie,

young movie.

She likes all the scary

movies and action movies,

and I'm more just... I mean,

just those type of movies make me happy.




So, yeah.

Before we get into too much,

make sure you like...

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it's the only way you'll

know when new episodes are

coming out is if you hit

that little bell um and if

you feel like supporting

the show uh when we go do

things like fresh coast and

we're going to document

that and put it out as a

little documentary uh you

can hit that join button

for as little as 2.99 a

month uh with that we

really appreciate that but

One of the things we're

trying to do is listener

question of the week.

And we have one from Craig Passley.

And his question is,

will the games athletes

strategize with each other

to gain more information

from Dave's interviews?

I don't feel like they're

talking and figuring out

questions to ask.

I don't even know that they've all, I mean,

I think some have like Ruan said,

he's been watching and was

excited to ask the question, but I don't,

I don't know.

You would think they're all watching,

but who knows?


A lot of them don't seem to

be watching much of the

interviews because some of

the same questions have

been repeated over and over about,

What are you excited for

Texas and what are what's

the first workout and how

often are we going to be outside?

It's been a lot of the same questions,

but there were some good

ones this week as well.

I agree.

I think people that are

friends like Ariel and

Emily kind of felt like they talked.

Because the question's kind

of built on each other.

But really,

I don't think there's any

strategy behind the question asking.

I think they're just trying

to figure out what to ask

that Dave will actually answer.


And some of them have even

given up on that, right?

So that's that.

If you have a list or

question of the week that

you want us to bring up on

the show and talk about,

you can submit that in the comments.

after the show's over, uh, not the,

the chat, but the comments.

And we'll read that question

on the air and answer that.


if you had a riff about something

that happened in this week

and you want to get it off your chest,

record it two minutes or less,

send it to us.

And if it's good,

we'll play it on the air.

And, uh,

And yeah, go from there.

But we haven't had someone

brave enough to do the riff of the week.

So looking for someone to

take that plunge.

Because we've been having at

least one riff a week,

getting it out there.

And we want to share in the fun.

If you want to do a riff,

just record it on your phone,

send it to us,

and we'll make sure to get

it out on the air.

So one thing I wanted to

bring up before we dive

knee-deep into stuff is I

watched the latest episode

of the West Coast Classic

behind the scenes.

I am telling you that is one

of the best pieces of

content that I have seen in five years.

That's insane.

It is.

And because it is,

it's back to what made

behind the scenes great

initially and talking to

the athletes that nobody knows.


Now, some of them,

like we know from

interviewing on this show,

like Gabrielle Spence and I

know we talked to Jacob Schmidt a lot.

There was.

But in addition to that,

he also caught these like

conversations between coach athlete,

athlete, athlete.

There's one piece where he

catches Jacob Heppner,

Brent Fikowski and Pat Vellner talking.

And they put out,

or they were talking about,

when do you know it's the end?

And they were asking Jacob Heppner about,

when do you know it's time to retire?

And there's some funny pieces in it,

but Jacob's like, you know,

at the end of every season, you question,

do I want to go through this again?

But the year I knew it was

over is when I was

questioning it in the

middle of the season.


those are things that we

don't get in like a podcast

interview or because it's

just these three legends

sitting in a tent talking

and it's this episode is

chocked full of that stuff

when when pat the bed on

the snatch ladder

he talks right after that

about how bad he feels.

Like he literally says,

I wish I could dig a hole

in the middle of the

stadium and go down in it.

Again, stuff you don't get every day.


So just wanted to put that out there.

Very, very good.

This is, this is,

do you have to be a member

to watch these right now?

The first episodes are free now.


But this is the third.

Got it.

All right.

Have you seen it, Carolyn?

No, I haven't looked at it yet.

It appeared in my notifications,

but I haven't dug into them.




even this one is better than the

first two.

Like this one just hit all the feels.

For me, semifinals,

I kind of don't want to

look at anything of it.

I'm putting that way past me.

It was not a good weekend.

So I don't feel like

watching anything of any

regions of semifinals anymore.

If I'm being honest.

Fair enough.

So the other thing that came

out this week was we talked

about it briefly last week

with it being unknown,

but it's the cut schedule.



Now we know.

And I'm trying to find my mouse.

And I'm just going to take

this directly from our notes.

So there it is.

All 40 athletes on Thursday,

all 40 athletes all day Friday,

part of Saturday with the 40,

then cut to 30,

and then Saturday night going into Sunday,

cut to 20.


Oh, you know my thoughts.

Not a fan of the cuts.

Same with me.

I'm not a fan of it.

I know it's entertaining.

It is what it is.


Dave did say that the first cut would be,


that the athletes would get more

events into the first cut

than what they had last year.

And if I'm not mistaken,

they had somewhere around what,

six or seven,

maybe last year before the first cut.

Am I right?

It was six.

There were three events a day.

So the more opportunities for events,

the better if you're going to make cuts.

But I won't I won't give my

opinion on cuts,

but I've never I've never enjoyed them.

I think everyone who is at

the competition should take

the full test always.

If it means inviting less people,

it means inviting less people,

but ideally a full test for everyone.

And you get an accurate representation of

one through whatever it'll be.


I mean, the cuts are semifinals.

That's why we do the season.

The cuts are along the way,

not at the event, in my opinion.


I think we've hammered this

one to death about our feelings about it.

Craig asked,

do you think Chad will be the

last workout before the cut?

I don't.

I don't either.

I think that'll be like,

could have some aspect to

do with the Friday night lights thing.

Like, I don't know.

Oh, I hope not.

I hope they do something

else for the Friday night lights then.


I think it's going to be mixed with


So I,

so listening to one of the interviews

today, I think it was Linda Keisman.

dave said she her she asked

the question what are what

event are you most looking

forward to and she said

just give me a number and

he said well one two chad

the finale every one of

them right and just the way

he said it like it looked

like he was going through

in his head I think chad is

the third event

I'm probably wrong because

Dave always misleads us.

The way he just went through

it in his head,

it really appeared that he

was just going down the order.


Do you think it's going to be step overs?

I do.

I do too.

It would make it easier to judge.

It would make it a whole lot

easier to judge.

Cause he also said to somebody like it's,

it's just that over and over and over.

And he was doing this with his head.

But again,

you don't know if that's a trick or like,



draw your dagger going outside the box.

This would be a great

listener question of the week.

If you just submitted that in the comments,

however, Carolyn,

do you feel like advancing

to the games is getting

harder for athletes that are your style?

I E well-balanced,

no crazy outlier strength events,

not a knock.

The sport feels different.

I think you need wheelhouse.

I think you have to get top fives,

especially at semifinals

and get those points when

you only have six events,

unless you're well,

if you can get all top tens

of like you should be in, obviously in a,

in a region like, um, North America, uh,

East and West and Europe.

But if you're in a field of

40 and you have, you know,

moderate finishes,

it's just not good enough anymore.

you have to go and get those

top points because the way

that the scoring system is,

is you're rewarded for

having a specialty.

You're getting more points

for not for having a

specialty and you're getting punished,

obviously, if it's not your specialty.

So in that sense,

I just find you need to have

at least one or two workouts

that you can knock out of the park.

And sometimes I have that in competitions.

And for instance, this semifinals,

I had none,

like none that I really was like, Oh,

this is up my alley.

You know, I had them in the open.

I had them in quarters that were well,

but just,

it just didn't happen for semifinals.

And that's the thing with

our sport is you just don't

know what directions

they'll go for programming

and whether it'll be good

for you or less good for you.

Like you prepare for everything.

And obviously there's

athletes that are just,

fitter overall that it

doesn't matter what the programming is.

But for a lot of us, it does.

And in certain, in certain times that,

you know,

it's in your favor and sometimes

it's not.

So I don't know if it's, I mean,

I do have some wheelhouse workouts.

That's the thing is it just,

I just didn't have them this time around.

So as a follow-up to that,

do you think that that

delineation between the two

styles of programming were

when the switch went from Dave to Boz?

Or do you think it was

happening even before that?

I think it's still happening before that.

If you look at this,

like look at Dave

interviewing the athletes and like,

he'll ask the guys even

like what's their weight.

I haven't heard a single guy

say under 200 pounds.

And he's like, Oh,

that's not typical for a guy to be,

you know, as big as you.

And almost every single one

is six foot and about 205

to 215 right now for the, for the men.

You weren't seeing that before.

Like the guys are just guys

and girls are just stronger now.

Better on the machines.

Like you just have different,

I mean, we don't have a lot of like super,

super long events normally at semifinals.

So those power output events

are generating, I think,

different types of athletes.


So in his interview with Heinrich,

and I know he's probably

done this in others as well,

but this is the one I just

watched most recently.

He asked how tall he was.

Heinrich said, I'm six foot one.

And he said, oh,

that's strange that you're

six one and that tall.

That's not strange anymore.

And what does that say about

Does Dave understand that

his programming is now

bringing us six-foot

athletes over 200 pounds?

Or is this a wake-up call

for him in these interviews

that this is now what you

are programming into?

But those athletes are very

good on body weight movements as well.

Like, don't get me wrong.

Like they're, they're well balanced.

They're well balanced,

but like the shift is

getting towards that larger athlete,

male and female in general,

it would be really

interesting to actually

have an accurate

representation of the height and,

weight of the athletes,

like what they have on

their profiles is sometimes

I laugh at the weight that

some of the girls put or some of the,

you know,

I feel like some of it's just so old.

Some of them are way like 125, 135.

I'm like, maybe five, 10 years ago.


But just to get an idea of

what the average body type is,

I think would just be interesting.

Like obviously someone like Colton,

he's been able to qualify regardless of,

you know, his size because he's so fit.


And, and well balanced overall.

And he,

but he has those wheelhouses to

allow him to have those

holes so that he normally

can make it through.

I just don't remember this

many machines when Dave did

the programming throughout the season.


I think that's the biggest difference.

Like we had two echo bikes

this year and we had a row and we,

Last year was even worse.

Two air runners, two rows, an echo bite.

It just seemed like Boz's

programming leans more to machines.


Which is surprising.

You would think Boz would

lean more towards gymnastics.

Maybe he's overcompensating.


I just,

draw your daggers question just

made me kind of go down to,

go down to all these lines

of questions since we're there.

But I just think like some

of the things that like I

would excel at or an athlete that has,

you know,

a lot of background in different sports,

like aren't necessarily

getting those things

programmed at semifinals, you know,

like a lot of agility stuff.

sprinting, but not on a machine sprinting.

That's more like power output,

but just literally running

sprint and stuff like that.

You're just not seeing that

at the semifinal.

You would see that more at

the games as a one-off event,

like a 40-yard dash or

something like that.


Now you brought up something.

This isn't even in our notes.

We're totally off script now.

Everybody's saying this

thing about having a

combine at Farrington Field

on Friday night.

that has nothing to do with

the tradition of high

school football in Texas.

The combine is an NFL test.

It has nothing to do with

what goes on in high school

football in the state of

Texas where everybody comes out.

It's a big family get together night.

I would be supremely

disappointed if what they

chose to do that night is

an NFL combine test.

It just doesn't even make

sense in my head.

Yeah, I don't know.

There's so many more things

you can do with a track and

a field that would be so

much cooler than watching a

40-yard dash and a bench

press and a high jump.

Yeah, and, like,

while it's not very cool to watch,

perhaps, like,

I think those are tests that are, like,

in my opinion,

very important and

necessary and underutilized in our sport,


heavily underutilized in our sport

in terms of fitness.

And, like, most athletes out there, like,

speed is, like,

a very important factor in

fitness and just stuff like

that that you just won't see or just,

like, rush

powerlifting strength, right?

Is there numbers that you

can easily compare with different sports,

long jumps, but I just don't know.


that's not probably the right event

for if you're just going to

go one time to that field,

like you're probably not

going to use that.

Uh, like Henrik in his interview,

he asked if he could use his, um,

like track cleats and Dave said,

bring them in case we have,

they haven't said that they

can't use them.


obviously something on the

track probably that we'll see.

And perhaps some of them

that have the advantage of

having those type of shoes

might be able to use them.

So my, I am not opposed to testing those,

those skills, those NFL combine skills.

I don't think you need to do

it outside under the lights

on a football field.

Like that event needs to be

bigger than that.

You can do a lot of those

events inside the arena.

You just can't.

40 yards is not very far.

The thing is, it's the deceleration.

You can't just go into a wall.

If you do a proper 40-yard dash,

you have to have plenty of

space to... They have

indoor track meets that

have the padded wall that

you just kind of jump into

after it's done.

You know,


But I think I think we'll

see something else.

I think you'll see a

traditional like MGW type CrossFit,

like monostructural weightlifting,

gymnastics, something that I mean,

like a benchmark workout

that everyone can do.

I think it'll be exciting.

You think they're putting a

rig up out there?

They could.

I just don't know how much.

they're going to do to that field.

Like what did they get approval for?

They, you know,

like bringing in a rig is a big ask.

So it's, it's a lot of work for one event.


They could move like strongman implements,


Like sleds or yolks or stuff like that,

that anything that like

could utilize the turf part.

I think strongman is an

awesome event on the field.

That was a great event to watch.

Great event.

And instead of handstand

push-up or handstand walk,

you do something on the

track in between each lift.

High rocks.

Make them run.

All right.

So let's get back to...

We've already kind of dove into this.

Nuggets from Dave's interviews.

And I have a list here,

and please jump in with

anything you may have.

So one thing that caught me,

and there's been so many, and please,

I was so freaking wrong

about him getting through

all 80 and saying he was only doing 18,

because we're like well over 40 now.


First of all,

how good are these interviews?

They've been really fun to watch, hear,

listen to.

I think he's done a really

good job of asking questions,

getting to know the athletes.

I'm getting excited hearing

some of them that I don't know.

Have you guys had a favorite interview?

I'm so far behind.

I have not even touched

social media since Wednesday.

If you just want to smile the whole time,

watch the Bruno one.

He just made me smile so much.

I was just happy listening to him.

It was like a kid on Christmas morning.

I think he's my favorite.

All right.

I'll watch that one.

He was so good.

I like the people who push Dave.

So I really like the Saxon one.

I really like Laura's because of that.

I liked even Gabby giving him crap,

and we'll talk about that in a second.

I just like those people

that kind of push back.

But the overarching thing

I've loved the most,

we get to know Dave better now, too.

Not only are we meeting these athletes,

he's actually proud of his

daughter and her cross

country and couldn't brag

more about how good she is.

I did like that one.

And he's done that in three

or four of them.

So I think those pieces are really great.


I have that in my notes to talk about.

Um, so yeah, there's just, I can't,

I can't pick one.

They're all like, I think really,

really good.


but one thing that one nugget I'm going

to start with is Saxon's

interview with Dave in that

Dave asked him if they

split off teams and

individual to separate seasons,

would he do both?

And Saxon said he would.

That's all cool.

But the bigger story is here,

is there a plan to make two seasons,

a team season and an individual season?

I think you would have much better,

obviously, athletes in the team.

And I think a lot of the

individuals would team up and do team.

However, if you want to grow the sport,

I think allowing more athletes to play

to compete at the games

level is very important.

And it allows people like,

if you have no chance,

if it's only the games

athletes competing

individually and then super teams,

a lot of athletes are going

to get so discouraged.

And I mean,

it's going to push them to be better,

but I just think in terms

of growing the sport within

all the affiliates,

having athletes choose

whether they want to be in

the individual space or the

team space allows for more

people to play that's um my

opinion but I think there's

an opportunity to do like

an invitational where it's

kind of like or like the

socal tier wadapalooza

where you're gonna get that

super team and stuff like that

but allowing more affiliates

to actually have affiliate teams,

I think is important.

Here's, here's my overall beef.

CrossFit seems to want to be

able to do everything themselves,

but they have demonstrated

that they are not capable

of even like marketing

their own season and

And getting everything right

in the one season that they have.


By making a second season.

Now you're taking away the

off season from the rogues

and the water paloozas and

the SoCal's and all of that.

I don't want to see those go away.


Those guys do a great job in

having those events.

And that's the place where

people get competition

experience to make their

run at the games.

If you overlap a team season

over top of that,

those guys lose everything.

They lose viewers.

They lose all of that stuff.

And I,

as cool as it sounds theoretically

that we would get a full

year of the best athletes in the world,

I think you're sacrificing

way too much by doing it.


And that just piggybacks on

top of what Carolyn said,

where you're taking away

opportunity from so many of

these young athletes to get experience.

Now double that by taking

away their off-season

events where they can actually do that.

think about the transitions

that teenagers can also have by, you know,

that gap, those gap years where they,

it's hard unless you're, you know,

there's very few that have

been able to make that

transitions from the

teenagers to the elites,

but a lot of them choose to

go teams and get that

experience and stuff like that.

So I think keeping that around is good.



bruce brings up this point

that I did not have in the

notes how about laura

asking about the games in

europe and dave actually

giving uh like a projection

I don't know if so jamie

apparently you didn't see

this everyone he said that

he is hoping that the 21st

crossfit games will be in

europe and they're on 18 2027 interesting

So Laura was hopeful because

she wants to be still

competing when it happens.

But yeah, very, that was a really,

there's so many nuggets.

We're going to miss some as

we go through this for sure.

Dave programmed individuals,

Boz program teams.

He brought that up that he

just felt like he was in

the flow and said, give me my space.

Here we go.

I'm doing all the individual programming.

Boz, you take the teams.

And we'll just kind of check

in with each other,

make sure everything's going okay.

Thoughts on that?

I mean,

I'm excited to see what Dave brings out.

I'm curious to see if any of Boz's...

influence has rubbed off at

all or if he's just going

to go back to typical dave

um yeah I'm curious to see

what happens so here's

here's my question and I

and I'm fine with it if

that's what he wants to do

that's what he wants to do

but when he left when he

was fired last time he said

the one thing he regretted

is not having a plan in

place for someone to take

over what he's doing

It sounds to me like he's

just reverted back to what

it was before the firing.


And maybe there is a place

where they're talking about

stuff enough where he is

mentoring while he's like

explaining why he's doing the stuff.

Like, we don't know that for sure,

but that's my only fear about it.


Yeah, I mean, to say give me my space,

let me just go do my thing, like, yeah,

that's kind of a problem a little bit.

I would really like for one

of the athletes to ask,

because he says that he

didn't really follow the 2022 games,

but just ask him about his

opinion of the last few

years of games and how Boz

did and what elements that

he liked that Boz did and

what would he have done differently?

Just something like that,

I think would be an interesting question.

I don't know if anyone would

go there with their question.

But that would be an

interesting one to to know the answer to,

because, I mean,

those two have worked so

close for so many years.

And there are things that

Boz put in place that I

think are here to stay and, you know,

and that they were good for the sport.

So I hope that they're

working together because I think.

Both of them have really good ideas,

and I think in a teamwork fashion,

you can always do a little

bit better and less tunnel

vision of maybe certain

biases that you can have.

I think they could balance

each other a little bit better.

But we'll see what the games are like.

Dave has programmed

tremendous games in the past.

I expect nothing less.

You said that this one's not

going to be the hardest one

that he has ever programmed,

but that it will be a great test.


I think also the one thing,

and Dave said to Abby Domet that every,

every athlete at this level

should have a coach because

you have blind spots as an

athlete and you need

someone to make sure that

you take care of those blind spots.

And also you need someone to

make sure like just finite movements,


Well, as a programmer,

don't you have the same blind spots?

Don't you have... So it'd be

interesting to see what

those discussions are with Adrian.

That's the piece that would

level this out if those are

good constructive feedback both ways.

But like you said, Jamie, when you say,

give me my space, let me do my thing,

that doesn't sound like that.


Who knows?

um then there was another

one craig uh emma lawson

talked about mental health

with dave it was very

interesting I added the

very because it was I'm

only two that's the one I'm

on right now it would and

if when I'm done I'm caught

up by thinking let's see it

releases more as we're on

um I found this fascinating

that she brought it up

he followed up with it and

they went down the path of

what she was thinking this year.

And she said that it,

that she stopped having fun

and it became too much

pressure and too much.

And that she needs to work

through how to make it fun

again and not put so much

pressure and not so much of

her wellbeing or worth on

the leaderboard.


This is also,

this is also her first year that,

you know,

she just graduated last year

from high school.

And this is the first year

where she doesn't have that

other activity or that

other thing to get her mind

off of CrossFit and, you know,

being with different people away,

like in the space.

So it probably makes her

think more and puts the

pressure even more on her performance,

especially because she did

so well last year,

having the leader's jersey for a

good majority of the games

and being so close being

with the second place.

Like, I wonder if, you know,

just being all in this year

for like literally all in,

not having anything else on her plate,

whether that just is like

putting this extra pressure

that she didn't have when

she was in school.


And she did say all the pressure is,

is from her.

Nobody in her camp is

putting that pressure on her.

Nobody in her family.

It's all her.


So yeah, that was really good as well.

So the next thing, uh,

next nugget is during the Tia interview,


there was something cut right out of

the middle.

Oh, really?


barbell spin posted on Instagram with

the actual, where the cut was.

And I immediately responded.

That's exactly what I

thought when I was watching it myself.

There is a piece cut out of

the middle of the TIA interview.

It's the only interview

where there's any cut.

And like, like I said earlier,

he was on with Alex Kazan

with six minutes of

technical issues and that didn't get cut.

So what the hell happened or

was said that had to be cut

out of the middle of that interview?

Very interesting.

Yeah, it makes you go, hmm.

It sucks because it's with Tia, right?

Had it been with any other athlete,

you don't think twice about it.

You're like, oh,

someone's call dropped or

something like that.

But it's the fact that the

cut happened with that

particular interview that

it just speculates stuff.

Now, I don't think that there was anything,

but it's another

opportunity for people to

talk about things that

could have been said or deleted.

It's because of who she is, I think.

Of anybody who doesn't need any help,

it's her.


If you were to cut out some

of the issues from the other interviews,

I wouldn't have thought twice about it.


But because this one... Yeah.

And the way it comes back, he's like, well,

let's get back on...

track and blah, blah, blah.

So just, I just found it odd.

And again,

it's just those things that make

you go that when there's

already trust issues,

those are things you don't want to see.

So anyway,

Yeah, that's what... Dave said,

let's change the subject.

That's the words he said.

So, anyway, Bruce thinks it's nothing.

I don't think it's nothing.

I think it's nothing,

but I want to tell myself it's nothing.


I want it to be nothing.

I truly want it to be nothing.

It's just...

why only cut that out of the

40 whatever you've done

right because they're like

if I was doing them there

were things I would cut to

like that alex kazan one

like I almost turned it off

it was so bad with her

internet um and I would

have cut a lot of that

before releasing it but uh

craig says it's something

Agreed, Craig.

All right.

The next thing I have on my

notes is Korean women with

the interpreter.

I thought that was awesome.


I thought it was awesome

with the Korean women because

With Rosa and Roman,

there was so much

speculation about it

actually being accurate or this or that.

There was no question with

these ladies that it was

definitely accurate.

You saw it really good.

I thought it was really cool

to get to know these two.

And Chung Young Choi is a

really good athlete.

To be able to learn about

her past and how she got

here and all the stuff

she's going through,

I thought was awesome.

Did you guys see either of those?

Yeah, I watched those two.

I mean, I'm all caught up right now.

Unless he posted some during this.

I'm all caught up.

I've been watching all of them.

Been enjoying them.

But yeah,

the translator was the same for both.

And I think she works for CrossFit.

Yeah, she owns an affiliate in Korea.

And she's a red shirt.

Oh, wow.


That's the translator.

So that was really cool.

Oh, the translator is a red shirt?


Oh, okay.

So I thought that was cool

that Dave had resources to

be able to have a translator.


The coolest part of them was

they're both in Cookville right now.

They're both Mayhem athletes.

And the question was,

how do you get around in Cookville,

like getting groceries and

ordering food and not speak the language?

And Shung Young Choi says,

Google Translate.

Because they do not have a

translator with them in Cookville.

I'm glad they have each other, though.

That would help.

And the question was, are they friends?

And I guess in Korean, friends,

there's a double meaning.

And so the translator had to go deeper.

But they are friends' friends.

Like we...

They've known each other for five years.

Went to a training camp

together back in 19.

And have been friends ever since.

That's cool.

Super cool.

Then the Gabby Magawa

interview where she calls

out Dave for canceling her

interview to book Laura.

And they were both at

Krypton at the same time.

So they saw it all happen as

he was canceling one for the other.

oh wow and gabby did not let

him get away with it good I

love their friendship yeah

and and I love how in

laura's interview she was

like oh um yeah I'm

training with my brother's

girlfriend instead of

saying like gabby or like

her best friend it was just

like a little little poke

at her I thought that was

funny yeah yeah I feel like

gabby is becoming more like laura


If you close your eyes,

I don't know if I could

tell them apart vocally.

They seem to have a very

similar sense of humor as well.


you can just tell that they've clicked.

They've clicked.

They've just clicked as friends,

as training partners.

Even like the way that they

do their posts is very similar.

And they both have each

their little hashtags that

they always use.


I think she's learning a lot from Laura.

And she said that in her interview,

how much she's learned from

Laura and grown as an

athlete from moving to

Hungary and training with

her every single day.

Yeah, I thought it was really cool.

I'm trying to pull up

something on Instagram I saw today.

Just thinking of this off

the top of my head.

I know we're not supposed to, like,

judge things on the looks

of an athlete or whatever.

But I'm sharing the screen.

Laura looks ready.

And the caption, too.

The caption is, however it goes,

it will end with me winning.

she looks so ready oh my

goodness like yeah you wait

as you're scrolling and

then you see something like

this and you're just

stopping like oh my gosh

she does look like she's

leaned out wow anyway

I know that fitness is more

than just how you look.

It is how you perform.

But she has shown she can

perform really well.

So that's crazy.

So next, Emily Rolfe asked Dave,

what's the workout that he

feels like he messed up the most?

Draw your daggers just

trying to poke the bear.

Looks like a silver medal.

Um, so Emily, we're all fast.

And what is the one work?

What's the workout you were,

you messed up that you wish

you like had to do over.

And Dave actually started a laundry list.


And what I,

what I found fascinating with it and is,

and with any person who is

great at what they do,

You don't hear the compliments.

You only hear the criticism.

You always beat yourself up.

You're always looking to be

better at this and that.

And Dave just demonstrated

that by answering that

question the way he did.

That's good.

And I thought it was really

cool how much he went into it.

And the reason I said that I

think Emily and Ariel

talked is that Ariel,

it might have been the vice versa,

I don't remember what order, asked,

how do you measure success

of your performance at the games?

And Dave's answer was that

if the events all go as planned,

and he always uses the same example,

when Tia broke the test, that upset him.

And he listed that as one of his mess-ups.

And he said the reason that

was a big mess up is Tia

did two minutes of work and

everybody else did nine.


And that can't happen.

And so he was like,

success is that all the

testing is correct and that

everything plays out the

way it should on the floor,

regardless of the winner,

regardless of all that stuff,

that it plays out in the right way,

which I thought was really cool.

Um, the next thing I, I said,

and then this kind of got messed up today,

maybe, uh,

is he's mentioned a lot of swimming,

a lot of cycling and a lot

of cross country.

And to me,

those three things add up to

some kind of triathlon.

Then today someone asked him

about triathlon.

I think it was Linda Keisman

and he like totally dogged the triathlon.

said that when he was a SEAL,

they made fun of triathletes,

that they just felt it was silly,

the three together.

And he said that he likes

all the tests separate,

but does not like them as one test.

He's done it before, obviously,

at the games, but a different order.

You could see that again, or like a run,

swim, run, or bike, swim, run.


Something of a different order.

Yeah, but yeah, a lot,

a lot of benchmarks asking

everyone about their benchmarks.

So it makes me think like as

as we get more info on the events,

I'd be interested to see

whether it's a benchmark

games and if we could see

something like that or where there's,

you know,

multiple benchmarks being performed.

Cindy has been mentioned quite a bit.




You think that's a judgeable event?


I watched him do a version

with Bailey Rail.

I was trying to see on her

YouTube channel whether

there was any hints or

anything like that.

They did a bar muscle-up push-up,

or burpee it was, I think they switched,

and then a sandbag up a hill.

He talked about the workout, Cindy,

and how you can't really judge

the push-up and even the air

squat would be tough to

judge in that video so when

I watched that I was like

oh so it can't be Cindy at

the games that's that's how

I looked at that

conversation from the video

yeah yeah I just think it'd

be very similar to like

Mary and and Mary was so

good at the games Mary was

good yeah Mary gave me

rhabdo but it was a good event

Well, and you had two epic performances,

like one on each side.

So it made it like this.

Nobody's ever going to

forget Noah and Carrie's

performance in that event.


And that's why it's great.

Was it the workout itself or

was it the performances by the athletes?

And I think that's where

Dave's analogy of when you're programming,

it's a test to make the athletes...

show their stuff right like

they're the stars not the

programming you just have

to give them the right test

to be able to do it oh my

god this would be horrible

you could set up an assault

runner on one side of of an

indoor pool and an echo

bike on the other side that

would be the most boring

event to watch ever I would

like to see swimming stuff

come back from the 2020

games that they did because

a lot of the athletes that

competed there the five and

five um said how hard that

event was and it's too bad

that that event was used on

only 10 athletes instead of

a full field of athletes um

because I think that was a

cool event not that I would

want to do it because I'm

not a great swimmer but I

think that would be a good

one to um to watch yeah I

like that event I didn't

like the d-ball part

I think if they swapped that

out for something different,

I would be cool with it.

Even just a sandbag squat or

something like that.

But the D-ball was hard to judge,

and there was controversy around that.

We don't need that.

But what I did love is the

building effect on the swim.

Like each time through the swim,

if you were not a good swimmer,

it took its effect on you

as you move forward.


So, um, then I, I,

I watched the Linda Keesman

and I'm talking about this.

She's had a lot.

Um, and I, and I thought, oh my gosh,

she's trying to make Carolyn's argument.

it just got lost I think in

the accent and the

technical pause ups about

you're letting these people

from other regions

accumulate points at the

games and semifinals and

then there are better

athletes not making it to

the games and she asked the

question do you think

There's a way to get it.

It's easy.

She said,

is it easier to make the games

from some regions other than others,

which for a rookie to be

that ballsy to ask that question?

I was like, yes, that is awesome.

And then she tried to

actually make Carolyn's

argument about the points

and how it's going to have

a compound compounding effect over time.

Did he have a response?

he kind of skirted her

question and answered another one.

Oh, geez.

He did mention that like

representation from each, um,

region is important, which I've,

I've always thought that

that was important as well.

We didn't say go to zero.

We said go to one.


Go to one.


Um, and then he said, would Europe, uh,

be better with two regions?

Yes, but they're just not there yet.

And he said that in the past,

they had a better way of

getting people to the games.


and they're just not quite

at the right formula right now of things.

But that's essentially what he said.


Like everyone knows that

it's not necessarily the

top 40 in the world.

You could have a top,

like a better top 40 in the world.

But I think with him saying

that they want that representation,

then they're okay with this

being the top 40 with the

representation from every region.

And I think that's where his mind is.

And if that's their intention,

then they got like,

they're getting what they're,

what they're wanting.

So Bruce says,

not everyone at the Olympics

deserves to be there, but they are.

We are not big enough to be in Olympics.

The Olympics takes like

hundreds of athletes in a

field and cuts it down as

the week goes on.

CrossFit's taking 40.

And we're not getting people

from every country.

We're getting it from

continents because we're

just not big enough.

And to try to fit CrossFit's

model into an Olympic model

is just insane.

We're not there.

We're not even close to there.

You can get global

representation in other ways.

We can maybe get into this next week,

but Matt O'Keefe had a

brilliant plan on death by

brilliant plan.

It was so good.


and it was a way for people to have

hope to build and grow and

get better and better to

eventually make it to like the top tier.



basically have tiers of

levels of athletes and you

make it to the top tier.

You're at the games next year.

You go to CrossFit

sanctioned events that are

a different level,

but you can accumulate

points and get better and

better and move up the ranks.

Um, and so it was, it was really good.

I probably needs tweaked a tad bit,

but it was really good.

Uh, try your dagger guys.

The points are like shrewd bucks.

I'm not an office fan,

so I don't know what that means.

I know who Dwight Schrute is,

and I have seen a lot of episodes.

I just have never watched

the show straight through.

So anyway, there's that.

And then one thing that I

thought was cool was when

athletes were asked who

they look up to or who their hero was,

so many people said Rich Froning.

That's awesome.

And I think that we always

have this debate,

who is the greater athlete?

And I always argue that it's

Rich for what he's done.

He's the most impactful athlete,

that's for sure.


Not only as an athlete,

but as what your potential

can be as an athlete in

terms of a business and

just everything that he stands for.

He's grown his brand so much.

When he's an affiliate owner,

he was a seminar staff member.

Like he, he did all the things right.

He's a part of the,

he's continuously a part of

the community.

And I've never,

ever seen him be mean to a

person behind backstage in the crowd,


Like he always takes time.

And so anyway,

I just thought that was really cool.

Because he hasn't competed

as an individual in 10 years.


And they're still listing him.

And then the last note I

have is the Moritz Fiebig interview.

If CrossFit does not take that video,

chop it up,

and make a marketing campaign around it,

they are making a massive mistake.

What did he say?

He talked, he's an affiliate owner.


He's a coach.

And he talked about the

athletes that come into his

gym that are out of the

office and out of shape and

just trying to like live

their life again.

Like all this,

all the cool shit we talked

about in 2012.

right here's this guy going

to the crossfit games but

what makes his day is when

this 55 year old dude comes

into his gym and gets his

first strict pull-up right

yeah that should be out on

instagram tonight go clip it

they haven't uh the games

site has our games

instagram has been posting

more in the last week or so

of different athletes and

stuff like that they've

still yet to post a single

clip of the dave castro

interviews I would like to

see them you know reshare

at least clips of it uh I

know hillar did you know

some of it tagging crossfit

to facilitate it even more for them

uh they didn't you know uh

accept the the what do you

what do you call it just

the tagging of the videos

but I hope it's in the

works for them to use

different clips of um the

interviews because there's

a lot of great stuff within

those interviews for people

to know uh the athletes more and

much larger platform

obviously the crossfit

games um instagram then

dave castro's uh youtube

channel that just you know

like we're seeing it but if

you want more people to see

it it has to be shared by

the crossfit games that has

almost three million

followers so I i have

noticed that like we've

been dogging crossfit for

no posts their instagram

has been flooded with these

single shots of an athlete

coming down a floor

Like from the games last

year and from semifinals,

finally something used of

those 50 people on the floor taking shots,

we're finally getting

something put out there.

But it doesn't tell a story.

It's just highlighting one

person coming down the

floor to finish an event.


And then that thing they put

out today with Jeff Adler

and Roman Krennikoff

running at the syndicate crown,

putting script of the

Terminator over it like

Roman is the Terminator and

Jeff Adler is like,

what the hell was that?

I will find Sarah Connor.

Like, what?


I'm glad they're posting things.

It is an improvement.

I just want to see, like you said,

the stories, right?

Like we want those stories.

We want those stories to be shared.

I think this is at least a

huge step versus what

they've been posting, which is nothing.

The quality of the videos

and stuff is good.

It's just let's get the stories now.

if you would have posted

that Terminator thing after the games,

then it makes sense because

they just had their beef, right?

We're a year later that

they've reconciled and

they've been chummy.

And now you put it out.

Like when you're doing reels,

it has to be timely, right?

Like, and it's,

it just isn't making sense.

The rest of it has been better, though.



That one was a fail.

But the rest of them are...

I'm a 54-year-old dude.


I am so out of the loop on what is...

Like, my shit looks better than that.

And I'm one guy with a

little laptop at 54 years

old putting together stuff.

Come on.


That just, that was awful.

Speaking of awful,

Chad was released this week.

Oh, yes.

What are your thoughts?

I mean,

it's got to be stepovers or there's

going to be all kinds of judging fiascos.

I think it's a long... I don't know.

I don't think it's going to

be as straightforward as

Chad as we know it.

There's not...

There's got to be a way to

make that one progress and

make sense and be a little

bit more interesting to watch.

Whether it's something in

between rounds or going and

picking up a different rucksack.

I don't know.

Maybe they change the weight

each hundred or something

and do something different.


Do you think a step-up is

harder to judge than an air squat?

I don't think a step-up is

that hard to judge.

I just think that having a

live judge there that can

give... The problem is it

needs to be consistent between each lane.

That's probably the biggest issue.

I think you could see

something after 10 rounds of...

up 100 and in between you

could see something yeah

just to break the flow of

it um but I think by

breaking the flow you you

break sometimes the mental

toughness of what that

workout is so I don't know

right like those step overs

would be an easy fix um but

like I don't think step ups

are that ridiculous to judge or that hard

to judge in general, but I just don't,

the consistency between lanes.

It'll be the consistency.

And I actually think the

workout would be

drastically different being step overs.

Like there's something to

that standing up tall every rep.

So I don't have a problem

with the workout or a test.

I think when watching his

interviews and talking

about the mental test that

he wants to test, I get that.

I totally get that.

But from a spectator's point of view,

don't make this a primetime event.


Make this early in the

morning when people aren't

getting there yet or something.

Because I think it's just...

So that's the crux of the issue.

I think it's a good test.

I think it is like,

can you keep focused

through the monotony of the

same thing over and over again?

Can you stay focused?

Because you're all at this

level where little things

are going to matter.

But don't force people to

watch an hour of step-ups.

I watched the whole marathon row.

I did too.

And I, I enjoyed, I love,

I love the marathon row.

I was in the stands.

I was like, Oh,

I'm going to go out and do

something in between.

I ended up staying in my seat.

I think the whole three hours I did too.

I was like stuck on the race,

watching the little things

randomly on my phone, listening to the,

um, commentators at that point.


think you're gonna see a

bunch of boxes and you'll

see you'll still see the

race and the real fans are

gonna are gonna watch it's

not gonna be great for

other people uh I've done

this workout I think three

times it's a hard test

mentally um it's long the

calves were sore after just

from the eccentric loading

Um, the first time I did it,

I remember my calves were really sore.

The second time my quads were more sore,

but yeah, it's, it's, uh,

it's a good test.

I've never done it like

racing as much as like what

they'll be doing.

Like I just did it, um, to do like,

I've always been of the

opinion that hero workouts are

in a competition.


I don't know that we need to race

hero workouts.

I think what they were designed for was to,

um, do them, you know, suffer and, um,

and do them for that person

thinking about that person

versus racing the standards.


so I always think it's weird when we

put not weird.

I know it's part of our sport, um,

to put hero workouts there, but like,

I prefer benchmark workouts

versus workouts that are,

for people,

but I understand that this is a

big something very close to

Dave's heart and obviously

can bring awareness to, you know,

PTSD and suicide awareness

and stuff like that.

So in that way, it's important,

but I don't know.

But what are your thoughts

on doing hero workouts for

time in competitions?

Yeah, I totally agree.

I don't love the hero workouts for a time.

I think honoring the people

through the suffering is

much more important.

But there is something to be

said to bringing it to a

stage and getting more eyes on it.

We all loved Murph at the games.


We all loved Murph.

So to just make the blankets,

I think it depends on the hero workout.

Yeah, but Murph has been bastardized,


You see people doing it, and you're like,

wow, you're not even close.

I mean, not even close,

not even quarter pull-ups,

not even quarter squats,

not even quarter push-ups.

It's a joke now.

People race it to the point

that it is a joke.

So putting it on a CrossFit

stage where there are

standards shows the world

this is the way it's meant to be.

I'm good with that.

And like they'll be

following like strict standards,


So in that way, we get to see what,

you know,

what these top times are of

these hero workouts

following actual standards

than what people will post

on their social medias.


And so in that way,

I almost hope it is not step overs,

that it's step ups and that

we make people stand tall, right?


And it's consistent across the board.

That's the key.

It's just got to be consistent.

So next thing I have is,

I'm going to skip over that.

Failed drug test.

Another one in North America,

North America West team, Carla Corneo,


was reported by the barbell spin

CrossFit complex.

What X was the team.

They took third place, North America West.

They have been disqualified and the, uh,

Rhino dogs, um, are in their place.

And that is, um, Roth Duran's team.

I talked to him last night.

He could not be more excited to be going.

Um, so super stoked for them, but,

The failed drug test.

This was going to be the

first Mexican team to

qualify for the CrossFit Games.

It was a huge story,

but that was the fact.

And then one of the athletes

tested positive.

Teammate Sasha Nieves.

did not hold back on how

disappointed she was and

how her and another

teammate fought through

injury to get to this point

and to then have it ripped

away by someone being so stupid is,

is horrible.

And then I took this

directly from the spin.

She was found to have




They are all metabolites of metanolone.

And it's banned by the World

Anti-Doping Agency.

And it's used... It does

have a medical reason to be used,

but it's used in the

bodybuilding community as a

way to boost metabolism,

thereby increasing fat burn

while promoting muscle gain.

It's also known as Primo Bolan.


I don't believe it's

Kiefer's team that made it.

These are underdogs because

underdogs has promoted that

their team has made it to the games.

If you go to the underdogs Instagram page,

they are the one

congratulating the team to move forward.

And I'm pretty sure Raph is

with underdogs not proven or Kiefer.

So... But yeah...

Great conversation with Raph.

He's super excited.

But on the other side,

you have this fiasco where

it was a huge celebration

that this team from Mexico

made it to be the first

team from that country to

make it to the CrossFit Games,

only to have it ripped away.

Thoughts on drug testing, drug failings,


We've been here.

We've done this.

Yeah, that sucks.

I mean,

I can't even imagine it a team

aspect and putting your

trust into teammates and

then having something come out like that.

But good for her for speaking her mind.

For Sasha speaking her mind.


I was happy to see her give her opinion.

Yeah, just on how it affected her and

how disappointed she is because yeah,

that's the trust that you

put in going team.

And that's what scares me about, you know,

the possibility of going

like on a team is putting

my trust in athletes that I don't know.

I don't know what they do

behind closed doors.


You don't have that control

over what they're taking or doing.

So yeah, I mean,

Happy that that athlete got caught.

See you later.

And very happy for the Rhino team.

Excited to have them at the games.


And just so everybody knows,

the reason I'm super happy for Raph,

if you weren't a listener two years ago,

Raph was actually our

expert at the CrossFit

Games that we brought on

for the wrap-up shows every night.

So Raph is super close with

the show and was awesome in

that role back then.

But he's made the games

every year since then.

So bright things are in

Jamie and Carolyn's future,

it looks like.


So, yeah, with that.

All right,

next big thing that came out this week,

and Hayley Adams announces

that on the Dave Castro

interviews that she's back

in Cookville training with Mayhem.

Josh and Hayley were just on

Get With The Programming talking about

what they're doing with

haley how they're uh

coaching her and then it's

like less than a week later

she's announced she's at

mayhem do you think she's

still being coached by

haley yeah just working out

there I think she just

wanted to be in cookville

maybe have some people to

train around um gauge maybe

where she's at have some

races against people

um she's friends with that

community right like she

left but there were I don't

think that she had any bad

blood with with mayhem at

all um she has very close

friends there so I think

it's just a good

environment maybe for her

prior to the games um you

know there's a lot of games

athletes training there

right now uh to prepare

So I think just being there

and then maybe getting

coached from a distance by Josh,

Josh is probably what's

going on and Haley.

But I expect them to be her

coach at the games.


And her primary training

partner is Luke Parker.

Oh, who doesn't know what Cindy is?

Did she sell her house in Cookeville?

I don't believe so.

And someone said, Bruce says,

did she ever announce she

wasn't with Mayhem?

She never really made an

announcement about coaches.

It just was, hey, she's working with Haley,

blah, blah, blah.

And there was never a formal

announcement about anything.

So maybe that's it.

It's just like a co-op almost.


So I know Haley and Josh do

other things outside the CrossFit space,



training actors and actresses for movie

roles, things like that.

So my guess is that that's

probably still a pretty

lucrative business that

they didn't want to dive at

first into CrossFit stuff.

So maybe the co-op thing is

better for them.


Media credentials, still don't have them.

We're a month out of the games.

This is the first time ever

I've actually bought a

plane ticket in a hotel

room prior to having

approval for my tickets,

for my credentials.

So I may be just hanging out

in the beer garden for the

weekend at the games.

But who knows?

Just a little update there.

But we did buy the stuff we

were going to go there, so...

And I actually emailed Chris

Madigan today and said,

what's the timeline on this?

And then I said, hey,

have you guys ever thought

about doing a yearly

approval so that media can

actually make plans ahead

of time knowing that they're approved?

I got back a response saying, hey,

we're giving 20 X number days.

You were supposed to hear this week,

20 X days that we feel that

that's plenty of time and

that it's not really a

season like other things.

It's more like an all-star

game or an event.

And I said,

so it's going to change how

many people are allowed and

stuff like that.

I said, yeah,

but there are companies that

are there every year and

every event that can you

give them approval to say, hey,

we're going to have some representation.

That number may change.

The structure may change of who can go,

blah, blah, blah.

But at least say, hey, morning chalk up.

Hey, barbell spin.

Hey, blah, blah, blah.

You are approved.

We'll let you know the

numbers as we get closer.

So the response back,

I see Halpin's response here.

Anybody who applied before

July 5th will hear in the next week.

The deadline is July 19th.

So if you're waiting that long,

you may not hear until later.

But I put my application in the first day.

the application was out as I

do on everyone and I feel

like I wait for freaking

ever to find out and I'm a

small company who can't

just throw a thousand two

thousand dollars at

something and hope right so

with that uh then I think

that just kind of

a little bit of finishing up

is Sean Woodland actually

reached out to me this week,

said that he actually heard

our podcast last week and

wanted to thank us for the

kind words that we said about him.

But then he appeared on the

WOD Prep podcast.

And that was very interesting.

So just a couple notes, recap.


he hadn't heard Dave in one of the

interviews said,

or we can review said that

they had plans for Sean in Texas.


Sean has heard nothing about that.

He was finally reached out

to by Don fall saying that

they still want to work

with him in the future.

but they just wanted to go

in a different direction this year.

He knew two weeks before he made the post,

but never through official

channels until after the

post and was reached out to by Don.

It does sound like

is sure he's doing rogue and

he's in talks to do other

events this off season but

he's also trying to reach

out and expand into

non-crossfit sports uh to

do some other stuff so he

said the only bad thing is

he hasn't done some of that

in a long time and so he

needs to get reps in and

get some tape to be able to

give so he's just trying to

figure out that path

But I thought that was

really cool that he was on

there and he was very open

and transparent.

And he said the reason he did the post,

even though he wasn't reached out to,

was he didn't want it to be

a discussion point at the games.

He wanted it out there and over with,

so he was not the

distraction at the games.

We will miss him,

but I know that he'll do

well wherever he'll go.

His voice is awesome.

he does always a lot of

homework on the athletes

and whatever he'll do, he'll,

he'll crush it.


So the last thing I have for

tonight is for people who

don't know our very own

Carolyn Prevo was a junior

pan American champion in

Taekwondo when she was small.

Second place.

I lost it.

I lost a Peru championship.

And if you've not gone to

her Instagram and seen her

do some damage to Bob with her Taekwondo,

you need to go do it.

It is worth the watch.

But in Dave's interview with

Shung Young Choi,

her background was Taekwondo.

So I put it out to you, the audience,

who would win in a Taekwondo match?

Our very own Carolyn Prevost

or Shung Young Choi?

Dave also said that he did Taekwondo,

so you can throw Dave in the mix as well.

I used to fight against the boys too,

so let's put him in there.

Anybody have any response?

Do you think you could beat both of them,


I haven't done Taekwondo in a while,

but I feel pretty confident

in my background is what I'll say.

I go with Carolyn.


How big is Sun Yung Choi?

She must be a little bit taller than me,

which is not very difficult

because I'm one of the shorter athletes.

I would say she has maybe

10-ish pounds on me.

Somewhere around there.

She's solid.

Very solid.

I can't picture her.

She actually got really strong.

Taekwondo comes from Korea.

So I had to learn words, like Korean words,

growing up in that sport.

So not surprised at all that

she has that background

since that's where the sport started.

That's where probably the

top athletes are.


I don't know if they're the top athletes.

Craig Passley picks Guerlain.

uh bruce says dave said they

were in talks about using

him in a different capacity

right that's what I alluded

to bruce but sean had not

been contacted about any

capacity and how do you how

are you in talks if the

person doing the thing is

not in the talks yeah

because whatever you may

come up with crossfit he

may not want anything to do with right

He actually did also say he

didn't know if he was even

going to go to the games.

Oh, my gosh.

He does not want to be a distraction.

Even though Talking Elite

Fitness will have a presence there,

he wasn't sure he was going to go.


So, yeah, that's just crazy.

But again,

I should have had Carolyn's

Taekwondo video ready to go,

but I didn't.

Anyway, well, that's the show for tonight,


Don't forget, like, subscribe,

hit that notifier.

Join the channel if you want

to support us in going different places.

And also,

if you have a question of the week,

submit it in the comments

below or shoot me a DM.

Either way.

And if you have a riff about

something that's happened this week,

as Dave has announced,

more pieces to the puzzle

will be released throughout this week.

And I think you even alluded

to the first event will be

released this week.

All right.

So with that, do all those things.

Send us a riff.

Send us a riff video, two minutes or less,

and we'll get it on the air.

And with that, it's been a fun night,


Thank you to everybody in

the chat for being here.

We will see everybody next

time on Sunday Night CrossFit Talk.

Bye, guys.