The IT Girl Life

This week's episode is all about navigating the challenges of people pleasing.  Meredith and Mishelle share how they deal with it and how they manage it.  Do you struggle with this?  Drop us a message at or hit us up on IG @itgirllifepodcast

What is The IT Girl Life?

We are Meredith and Mishelle and together, we are flipping the script on what it means to be an IT girl. Each week we will be discussing topics and questions submitted by YOU, our audience, as we navigate life's challenges together.

Mishelle Kost (00:01)
Hey, fabulous people, I'm Meredith. And I'm Michelle. And together we're here to flip the script on what it truly means to be the It Girl. That's right. Whether you're rocking the runway or embracing the messy bun life, no matter your size, ethnicity, or state of your sweats, you are It. We're diving deep into the realness of life, celebrating the victories, navigating the failures, and sometimes not having a clue while doing it all.

We've got battle scars, heartbreaks, contagious laughs, and an unbreakable bond of love for each other. Join us every week as we unwrap different topics and answer questions brought to us by our amazing audience. That's you. Get ready for a fresh dose of perspective that'll make you think, laugh, and maybe even shed a tear. We're on this journey together, growing, crying, laughing, and fighting for one another, because that's what being an It Girl is all about.

So send us your burning topics and thought provoking questions through our website, itgirllife .com or drop us a line directly at hello at itgirllife .com. Let's make every moment count, embrace the chaos and live our best it girl lives.

Mishelle (01:02)
Alright everyone, welcome back. We are coming at you live today. It's raining here in Waco, Texas, but here we are. It's been raining a lot here in Waco lately. Yeah, it's really been pouring. Yesterday I was leaving my parents' house and it was a straight flood. Alright, but today's episode is people pleasing, but I'm not pleased.

Meredith (01:15)
to ask.

Mishelle (01:27)
I am excited about this topic. This is something that is close to my heart because I always tell people I'm a surviving, or no, not surviving, a recovering people pleaser. It's something I'm working on every single day, so excited to dive into this one. But I'm gonna turn it over to Meredith to kick off our icebreaker question. What you got for us today, Meredith?

Meredith (01:50)
Yes, I the icebreaker question today is what topic could you give a TED talk on right now?

Mishelle (01:59)
Okay, that's a good one. Like that one because I actually, it's a goal of mine to deliver a TED Talk and I really am excited about like the potential of doing one. The topic that I would want to give my like the my big idea is that the most important person you lead every day is yourself.

Meredith (02:01)
Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm.

Mishelle (02:22)
and that you can be a leader without any followers because I think people think about leadership and it's like a title or some big skill that you have to have and you have to have all these followers. But again, the most important person you lead is yourself and self -management and self -leadership is like the most important thing that you could be doing. And so.

That's the big idea that I'd be sharing on a TED Talk stage. I don't know, what's yours?

Meredith (02:53)
I would attend that Ted talk because I do firmly believe that as well. I, okay, so here's funny. If it's a PG 13 Ted talk, well, let's go with non PG 13 Ted talk would be like cut the ish, right? I would love to provide some content around how to like navigate through drama, cut the drama, cut the crap type of thing.

Mishelle (02:54)
Okay, good!


Okay, mm -hmm.

Meredith (03:20)
PG -13 TED Talks, there's two of them that resonate really with me and that is financial planning and financial literacy. I think that that's a huge topic that resonates regardless of age. And then the other topic would be similar to yours, but kind of different, like an abridged version where it is unlocking your potential through controllable factors and perseverance. So.

Mishelle (03:34)
Mm -hmm.


Meredith (03:48)
I think that leadership is a huge skill, but the focus that I have is until you have a really solid baseline and foundation, then you're not able to maximize your potential as being a leader or developing leaders for leadership and others. So those would be them.

Mishelle (04:05)
Yes, yeah, so very, yeah, very similar. Like you're saying you need a foundation and I think you get that foundation by leading, you know, the self leadership piece, understanding who you are, managing your emotional stressors, triggers. I think emotional, like I think that's a big piece of being a self leader is emotional management. And you don't learn that in school, but learning how to manage your emotions is like the skill of a lifetime. So.

Meredith (04:14)


Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Mishelle (04:34)
Because it should, and your thoughts and your mindset, like it just shifts your whole life. Okay. Anyways. Okay, great. So fun. Now I'm like, okay, we really got to make our Ted Talk dreams come true. Here we go. Let's just start applying. We'll start applying tomorrow.

Meredith (04:39)
Yeah. Yeah, I would agree.


Well, I...

I, unlike a lot of peers that I'm hearing as I'm going through that public speaking journey, have never envisioned myself giving a TED Talk. I don't know why. I see the attractiveness of it and love to do it. And then whenever I go on a big spiel, I always tell people, you're welcome. Welcome to my TED Talk when I'm going on a tangent. So I feel like I've performed many, many small ones.

Mishelle (05:19)
the side. Yeah, you're just always delivering some type of TED Talk to someone. I think it's attract - I like the TED Talk platform because it seems like the gold standard for speaking and public speaking. It feels like if you've made it to the TED Talk stage, it means like what you have to say matters. And I know that that's not always true, but I think that to me is what feels so attractive about a TED Talk and getting up on that stage on that red circle dot.

Meredith (05:24)
someone always.

Mmm. Yeah.

Mishelle (05:48)
I also heard that if you do get selected for your TED Talk, they do a lot of coaching and training for you and like they have a speaker coach and they really work with you. And I think that would be a cool process to go through and learn like how to deliver the TED Talk, the TED Talk way. I think that could be pretty cool too. So anyways.

Meredith (05:48)


Mm -hmm.

That is fun. Okay, well maybe I'm changing my goals and my dreams and we'll be on the stage together someday. So, okay diving in this week to the topic and the question that was asked and depending on you know how this conversation flows this episode flows this is really a two -parter question or two questions and the question is I have a problem with people pleasing I hate it but I can't seem to stop.

And then the other section was, can anything be done? I have a friend who always seems, seems for it to be their way or the highway. How can I stop being a pushover to them and do and say the things that I want? So kind of combining those two, even though they're a little bit separate, Michelle, your thoughts. I know that this is a topic near and dear to you. And so I'm really excited to hear, to hear, hear what you thought.

Mishelle (06:52)


What my advice is? Well, yeah. So let's start off by saying I'm still working on it. And so I can only give you the advice based on what I've learned so far about myself in my journey of people pleasing. So I'll just say that like in my natural state, if I'm not

Meredith (07:13)
Mm -hmm.

Mishelle (07:31)
like being conscious or aware, I just naturally want people to be happy. And if I don't pay attention to that, sometimes so that I will put all my own needs aside simply because I want the other person to be happy and because I don't wanna deal with the discomfort of them not being happy that I'd rather deal with my own unhappiness.

Meredith (07:37)

Mishelle (07:55)
You know what I'm saying? Where like I'd rather deal with me not getting to eat where I want to eat rather than dealing with somebody else's unhappiness about where I chose to eat. Like that wouldn't bring me happiness. And so I have to constantly be aware of that and manage those things because in the moment it's fine, but long term.

Meredith (07:55)
Mm -hmm.

Mishelle (08:21)
It's like exactly like the title says, it's like, but at the end of the day, then I'm not pleased. And I have to keep reminding myself, like my happiness matters too. Like that one phrase has carried me through so many situations where I want to go into my natural state, which is let's just do whatever you want, whatever you think, you decide. That I just continuously remind myself that my happiness matters too. And that helps me.

Meredith (08:26)

Mishelle (08:51)
make a new choice around doing the things that I want to do sometimes. And it's okay if the other person isn't excited about doing it, but this is what I want to do. So that's like one way I've learned.

Meredith (08:56)
Mm -hmm.


Mishelle (09:07)
I don't know, what about for you Meredith? How do you deal with, are you a natural people pleaser or do you feel like you're naturally more of a firm, I know what I want and I get what I want type of person?

Meredith (09:24)
I don't know that it says cut and dry as that for me, but I do really, I do a good job, I feel of taking on the things that won't drain me and won't make me feel more stressed. More so in a different settings, which is weird. I am not a people pleaser, but I am a high capacity person who loves to do things for others. That's my love language taking care of.

Mishelle (09:37)

Meredith (09:53)
and doing things for others. And so when someone's like, we have this volunteer opportunity or we have this or, you know, in other roles in the job, you've had this volunteer and I've noticed people didn't sign up for shifts. I'm like, I can take every shift and help. That's where I don't set good boundaries is I want to help so much that I overtax myself.

Mishelle (09:55)
Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm.

Meredith (10:16)
But when it comes to people pleasing and making decisions that will make me happy, I think I've set really good boundaries there. An example I would give that would start, like when you're first starting to date someone or get to know someone, and even in friendships and relationships, I've been really good at giving options because what drives me crazy is like, I don't care. Where do you want to go to eat? I don't care.

Well, I don't care. Well, okay. What about this? Nah, I don't want to go there. Nothing. Yeah. So what I do is I offer up three recommendations that I can live with and say, here are the three, but mind you, if you don't pick any of those three, then the choice is now yours. And then this comes into this battle. So I have been able to be a person that says,

Mishelle (10:46)
That's literally me. That's literally me. That's a thousand percent me. Yep.

Meredith (11:10)
Okay, these are the three things I'm gonna offer you. You said you don't care out of these three, is there anything you could live with? And then that's how we kind of decide because it's so exhausting to always say, and you make decisions, us as humans, we make decisions every day and sometimes we're tapped out. And that's why our natural thing is like, I don't care, but we really do. And we really have a certain.

Mishelle (11:19)

Mm -hmm.

Meredith (11:36)
portion of us that's like, I don't want to do that. I don't want to go shopping. I don't want to get gas. I don't want to go to the grocery store. And being able to verbalize the things that you can and can't take on is really critical in people -pleasing, in my opinion. But I, too, am still working on that other component where I feel like I am a servant leader and I want to serve everybody.

Mishelle (11:52)

Meredith (12:02)
in whatever capacity, even to the detriment of me being exhausted, me being anxious, all of that stuff. And so that's the portion that I'm still working on. I shouldn't have to feel like I volunteer for every shift or that I take on every single thing. But I...

Mishelle (12:17)
Yeah, like you're not responsible for filling the gaps. Yeah. But I like your, your three option mode. I feel like we would make a good couple, Meredith. I appreciate that. Let's be, let's do that. I feel like that's good because if somebody were to give me three options, that would make it so much easier for me to make a choice. Cause yeah, I do feel like I struggle with decision fatigue. There's so many decisions I have to make on the day to day that I do get tired of deciding, but like,

Meredith (12:20)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

Mm. Mm -hmm. Yeah.

Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm.

Mishelle (12:46)
For example, like my husband doesn't necessarily, he doesn't love Thai food. But then if we wanna go out to eat, I really wanna go eat Thai food, but I know that he doesn't love it. So then I'll just, I'll sacrifice my craving for Thai food because I know he doesn't like it and I know he doesn't wanna eat that. And I'll suggest a steakhouse knowing that he loves a good steak and will eat a steak and I too can find something there. I just, I find myself,

Meredith (12:57)


Mishelle (13:15)
Like bending, sometimes I find myself like not bending over backwards, but making small sacrifices to like accommodate other people's likes. And I think what ends up happening for me is what I notice about myself is that if I do that too much, I start to feel this like sense of resentment that like, I have sacrificed everything for what you want. Like, nobody asked me what I want. And so I think it's up to,

Meredith (13:26)
Yeah, yeah.

Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm.

Mishelle (13:45)
I like what you said about the boundaries because I think it is up to us as an individual, and again, we talked about self leadership, my TED talk, let's go back to my TED talk. I have to be a good self leader and recognize like, okay, I'm feeling resentful or I'm feeling exhausted by having to constantly please somebody or make small sacrifices. In that moment, I need to recognize that I've over exhausted my people pleasing.

Meredith (13:54)
Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm.

Mishelle (14:13)
Like I think it's okay to be people pleasing. I think it's okay to make accommodations for people, but I think where it starts, you got to manage it is when it, you start to overextend so much to the fact where again, like now I'm not pleased. Now I'm exhausted. Now I'm unhappy. Now I'm resentful. So really managing and looking at like my emotional state, my emotional tank helps me kind of get out of this people pleasing mode and remember again, my statement of,

Meredith (14:14)


Mishelle (14:43)
my happiness matters too. And it allows me to just like communicate and be clear about what I want. Like, hey, I know you don't love this place, but I really want to eat here. Can we please go eat there? Because it's okay to ask for what you want too.

Meredith (14:55)

Mm -hmm. I think that this might blow your mind. Ben and I are funny because similar things I I gravitate more towards like Asian cuisine and he does not want to eat that five to seven times a week and so just imagine this world where okay, then we compromise we call it hodgepodge nights Which is weird, but then I will get like lettuce wraps from PS Chang's

I'll get the chow mein from Panda and he'll get something else from somewhere. And we meet back at home and we have this hodgepodge where we're still having a date night, but accommodating each other's whatever they want because he's like, I'm not really into that. But I know I really want PF Chang's lettuce wraps that night. So, I mean, to be fair, those are like really smaller nights, smaller winds, smaller pivots.

Mishelle (15:33)
I'm sorry.

Mm -hmm.

Meredith (15:53)
but I also, this is gonna sound weird to say the words out loud, but hear me out. I don't love anyone more than I love myself. And what I mean in that, what I mean in that is my happiness and my wants and needs should come first and nobody should love me more than I love myself because I should.

be able to sit with my thoughts. I should love my company. I should love all the things about me. And that's a word that I say out loud to help all of those negative things that come into play. So the reason why I'm leading into that is I want Thai food. I want McDonald's and I know Ben won't eat either. I will go sit and have lunch by myself knowing that I will not get that craving later that night. But I'm content to read a book, sit and really fulfill the components that make me happy by myself.

Mishelle (16:40)


Meredith (16:47)
and then really enjoy the other time with them because I am self -sacrificing to, and then that time it's not a sacrifice. Okay, I really could use a salad now because I chowed down on some pad thai earlier.

Mishelle (16:58)
earlier, yeah, I agree. I agree. I feel like I do those things too. Like I'll do the things that I know the other person may not like with the people that I know do like that sort of thing. So that is, that's like one strategic way to get kind of both out of it. And then the other thing I heard you, what you just shared about what you just shared is I think what you're saying by that statement of like, I have to love myself first is like, I think what you're saying is you need to value yourself.

Meredith (17:08)

Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm.


Mishelle (17:26)
I think what I hear you saying is like, you're worth it. You're valuing your worth and you're valuing your happiness because your happiness has value to you. So that would be another tip, I guess, is just really giving, making sure you know that you're enough and that you also deserve to be happy and be doing the things that you want to do and going to eat the food that you want to be eating and not always sacrificing.

Meredith (17:29)
Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm.


And that puts you in a position to be your best self for others. When you put yourself first and your happiness and knowing your worth, like you were mentioning, then I am my best self to be a partner, to be a friend, to be a dog mom, to be an aunt, you know? And so... Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm. Yeah. Yeah.

Mishelle (17:58)

Yeah, no, yes. Yeah, because then you're not full of resentment and mad and pissed off all the time, because yeah, you filled your own cup first. Totally.

Meredith (18:22)
So that's what I mean when I say those words and a lot of people, it sounds kind of, I don't know if it's a more of like an egotistical maybe sounding thing, but I say that frequently. Like I love my, there's nobody I love more than myself to kind of flip the script on that negative talk, setting the boundaries, prioritizing myself and really drawing those boundaries of, hey, you're here for you. What do you want type of thing, protection. So yeah.

Mishelle (18:42)
Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm. Yeah.

skin. Okay, let's move on to the second part, part two of the question, which was, I think this person was struggling because they have a friend who always seems to like get their way, they don't really want to, like consider the other person and this person is having a hard time like not wanting to stop being a pushover. And like what are the things, like how do you handle that? And I guess my first question to that person is, are you sure you should be friends with that person?

Meredith (18:55)

Mm -hmm.


Mishelle (19:20)
I don't know if I want to be friends with somebody that's like that or doesn't have the self -awareness to realize that they're doing that. But maybe that could be like step one into help like dealing with your friend is sometimes people just are so unaware of how they're coming across or that their behavior is like off -putting because if they haven't done the self -work and they're not a...

Meredith (19:26)

Mishelle (19:44)
strong self leader, they truly may not even know that what they're doing is so bothersome to you. So I would start there of like, pull your friend aside and just let them know, hey, almost every single time we do something, we're always doing what you wanna do. I feel like I just say yes because you're so strong willed about it. Is there like a reason why you keep doing that? Or do you notice that? And then that could open up the door to have a conversation.

to see if that person A recognizes it, because maybe they don't, and they would be like, my gosh, I didn't realize, like, let's do what you want to do. So there could be something like that. How would, what do you think? Is there anything you would do differently than that?

Meredith (20:24)
Yeah. I think we're really optimistic in hoping that this person will be self -aware enough to get that conversation and really absorb the words that you're saying. I'm trying to like, what I do is I really envision what this friendship could be like, and maybe it's evolved because I've been so accommodating that it's just natural for me as the friend, the other friend to make all the decisions because...

Mishelle (20:30)

Meredith (20:53)
the other person's always been so accommodating. So maybe stepping in and leaning in and planning an entire outing and seeing how that's received would then really indicate if this person is just really unaware of that treatment and all of that. And, or if this person is just, you know, really being about themselves and not really respecting the partnership here. For me,

Mishelle (21:17)
Okay, so you would like run an experiment. You'd run a test.

Meredith (21:20)
Hell yes, yeah, I control everything. Yeah, I'm a Scorpio, I control everything, because my first thing... Because if they're a person who always gets their way, I assume that the reaction of us having a crucial conversation might not be great, and then that would be harmful to both of us. Whereas if I just interject like, hey, this day I planned this entire thing.

Mishelle (21:25)
You're like, I'm gonna take it the scientific route and we're gonna run an A -B test.

Meredith (21:47)
let's do it and they're like, ugh, why did you do that? That's the worst plan. Then I would be like, okay, bye, we're not friends. This doesn't make sense. I have other words, but if there's younger people listening, I don't want to use them.

Mishelle (22:01)
my gosh, Meredith, you're so funny. So, okay, okay, that's so funny. Yeah, I would totally have the conversation before running a test, but that's just me.

Meredith (22:10)

Mm -hmm. Yeah. But I think that also everybody needs to understand as a visual, trust and relationships are like a piece of pie. And anytime someone does something negative in this relationship, you bite a piece of the pie that doesn't get back. And you've allowed this person to continually do something that they're either aware or unaware of.

Mishelle (22:20)
Yeah. -huh. Yeah.

Meredith (22:38)
How do you continue to build back that trust that has potentially been lost and that feeling because it sounds like there's a little bit of resentment here already. So how do we battle this uneven balance that this relationship has in a very careful manner before it all just topples down?

Mishelle (22:57)
Yeah, but that's where I feel like having that crucial conversation makes all the difference because again, you can't go in like, again, okay, let's say I'm the friend who's been being a pushover and like bending over backwards. If I go, I can't just keep assuming that these things about my friend, like let's say it was you, I would wanna sit you down and just let you know, hey, I don't know if you even realize this.

Meredith (23:01)

Mm -hmm.


Mishelle (23:25)
But I feel like every time, you know, whatever it is, every time we have to go somewhere, we're always doing what you want to do. Do you feel that way or is it just me and my making that up? I feel like that conversation has to happen in order for us to like get on the same page. And then from there, we can decide how do we want to move forward? Is this a friendship we need to continue based on your response? Because if you're like, I don't know what you're talking about.

Meredith (23:39)

Mishelle (23:52)
then I may have to be like, okay, I'm exiting the chat now. Or if you're like, I didn't know and thank you so much for telling me and I do actually really wanna do what you wanna do. This is a bad habit of mine. Next time, can you please initiate what you wanna do or something like that? Because then it's like, okay, you're willing to work with me and then the relationship can be repaired.

Meredith (23:57)
Mm -hmm.

Yeah, I think that this is where Ying and Yang comes in, because I don't think either answer is wrong. I think either scenario is right. But what I think that you're providing and introducing is a level of maturity that a lot of times I have not come across. So I always anticipate and expect the worst because my

Mishelle (24:18)
I love it. No, Yeah.

And I always anticipate and expect the best. I always do. I try to see the best in people. And maybe that's my downfall.

Meredith (24:42)

I have been in a friendship like this and have unfortunately had to separate from that friendship and just cut it like cold turkey, cut it, not even trying because if the friend, this is gonna go deeper than just people pleasing. If the friend doesn't consistently ask about you, if it's more taking than giving or a balance.

I think you have the signs. So even other than just planning events, doing things they want to do, there should be other signs that kind of shows you what the person's all about. And you're just now at a new level where you're saying, hey, wait, this doesn't feel good for who I am now and who I want to be. And it's OK to outgrow friendships. And that's why I think that I come at it from a different perspective, because I do know.

people without a certain level of maturity will say you had that conversation with me and said, hey, how do you feel? I'm like, what are you talking about? Do you even hear yourself? You've been happy all this time. You've done all those things. I bought you lunch. I bought you Starbucks. And it gets turned around. And that's what I envisioned in my mind, having a mature conversation and assuming someone else is mature to handle it. And that's why I introduced little tests to see like,

Aha! Did you really want to be my friend and do the things I want to do? Or is it all about you? And this ain't Burger King. You can't have it your way. It is a friendship.

Mishelle (26:21)
Okay, hilarious. I love that. Obviously Meredith's been burned a few times. And that's okay. And I love that perspective. That's so good because I think actually, I don't know if I have been burned in that way. So I don't really have that viewpoint. So maybe that's why I'm more optimistic and like have better or have not better, but just like a different, like I'm trying to approach it from like, I,

Meredith (26:23)
I can't.

Mm -hmm.

Yeah. Yeah.

Mishelle (26:51)
no one would be that way towards me. Like, what are you talking about? No one's like that. But you're right. People sometimes are all about themselves. And you do have to kind of determine for yourself if this is even a relationship that you even want to save. Do you even want to still be in this relationship? So taking a moment to do a self -assessment around the relationship and is it bringing you life or is it draining you? Because...

Meredith (27:04)
Mm -hmm.

Mm -hmm.

Mishelle (27:15)
If it's just draining you, then maybe having the real conversation or the crucial conversation is not even worth it because it's not gonna go well. And why put yourself even through that if you know that it's not gonna be a good outcome? So I hear you on that, I do, I do. So I think.

Meredith (27:29)

Yeah, and that's what I mean. It's both answers or both. Both recommendations are OK. You know the person well enough to know what's going to spark a reaction or what will work. You've been friends with them, as you're saying, for amount of time, so you know their personality traits. And we're just giving a perspective based on our experience and what we say. But to be fair, Michelle's version is the mature version.

and a healthier version because open communication and conversation is what we are all striving to achieve where we can be our authentic self, say our feelings, receive respectful feedback and kind of go along. But man, that's hard. Man, it's hard and it takes a certain level to achieve that confidence to have that communication and.

Mishelle (28:24)

Meredith (28:31)
understanding the maturity on both parts and kind of balancing that, which unfortunately in this world where everybody's so reactive instead of intentionally listening and making sure that we're taking care of each other, we react. It's just not as common, which is unfortunate.

Mishelle (28:51)
Yeah, okay, so to recap all of this, I'm just gonna break it down to a couple of takeaways, and if I forget something there, please just throw it in there. But I think the things to take away is the most important person you can lead every day is yourself. Self leadership is the foundation that will hold you up. Knowing your own boundaries, knowing yourself, having self worth.

recognizing that you also deserve to be happy, that your happiness matters too. And sometimes that means seeking out to fulfill your own cup in other ways so that you can be present for other people. Sharing what you will and won't do or not do. Giving people options when it comes to making choices, options and choices that you can also live with.

And then in terms of managing friendships, doing a self -assessment and recognizing that not everyone is going to be the right friend for you. You can walk away from relationships. Having a conversation with people is a great way to assess if that's the right choice, but you can also run A -B tests if that is an, and that's a great way to make an assessment of whether or not this is a friend for you.

So those are, I think, all of the things we covered today. And did I miss anything, Meredith? Okay.

Meredith (30:14)
Mm -hmm. Mm -hmm.

No, I think that that's yeah, it really it's focusing if we can't drill anything else home focusing on what makes you happy. And what is taking away your energy versus pouring into you when you're navigating and surrounding yourself with people that respect that and that you can go along the journey. I know.

Mishelle (30:38)
So good. So good. Well, good luck to all of you and your people -pleasing journey. Good luck to us, because we're also still working on it.

Meredith (30:47)
I didn't expect to get my heart rate elevated from that question, but I was like, ready to roll up my sleeves on behalf of this person. Man. Okay.

Mishelle (30:56)
Yeah, Meredith is just ready to cut you out of this life. Okay, here we go. Okay, and as a reminder, please submit your burning questions at our website, itgirllife .com. We just updated it with our fun new pictures. We're really excited about that. So go check it out. Leave us a question or even if it's just a topic that you're like, hey, I'd love to hear you guys talk about this. Or if it's an icebreaker question and you want to hear us.

Meredith (31:01)
Mm -hmm.


Mishelle (31:23)
more about that, then just send that to us. So you can email us directly at hello at itgirllife .com. You can follow us at our Instagram handle, itgirllifepodcast, and send us a DM there as well. So either one of those ways, but we'd love to hear from you, and we'll see you soon.

Meredith (31:40)
Thanks, bye.

Mishelle (31:41)