Inspired Living with Autoimmunity

Inspired Living with Autoimmunity Trailer Bonus Episode 45 Season 1

Heather Gray: The Foundations of Healing

Heather Gray: The Foundations of HealingHeather Gray: The Foundations of Healing


In this episode we talk about the foundations of health and discuss tips for improving energy, reducing pain, and supporting gut health. Heather Gray joins us to give us the foundational areas we need to focus on for healing.

Show Notes

In today's episode, Heather shares her tips for setting the foundation to heal and optimize health.

Heather shares her health journey that began in early childhood with gut issues, included psychiatric events in adolescence, and undiagnosed Celiac, Lyme, and endometriosis.  This journey led her to question "why" and to become a Functional Diagnostic Nutritionist...first to help herself, and then others.

Wellness is a journey and we need to constantly adjust our routine and up level our self care.

Heather discusses the importance of slowing down and addressing trauma that may be hidden in the nervous system to truly heal.

The foundational areas of wellness are diet, rest, exercise, stress management, and supplementation.

Heather's tips include:
Testing for food sensitvities
Paleo Diet
Getting to bed on time
Staying well hydrated

Become your own advocate.  Don't fall for marketing tricks, read ingredients and know what you are eating.

Click here for the Full Show Notes

Creators & Guests

Julie Michelson

What is Inspired Living with Autoimmunity?

The podcast for high achievers who want to stay sharp, focused and full of energy despite their diagnoses. Those who know there has got to be something better than simply accepting decline.

Hosted by Julie Michelson, a National Board Certified Functional Medicine Health Coach who used to suffer from crippling Rheumatoid Arthritis until she learned the tools and strategies to take her power back from autoimmunity.

In this podcast, Julie brings you interviews with thought leaders in the Functional Health and Wellness space. You will get actionable recommendations to Take Your Power Back and catapult your health. No fluff, just concrete, useful steps to improve your health!

Welcome back to the inspired
living with autoimmunity podcast.

I'm your host, Julie Michaelson.

And today I'm joined by functional
diagnostic nutrition practitioner,

Heather Gray, AKA the line boss, Heather
considers herself a foundation coach.

And in our conversation today, she
shares countless tips that will help

you increase your energy, reduce your
brain fog and improve your gut health.

Heather welcome to the podcast.

Hey, thanks for having me.

I am really excited that you're here.


I love starting off with asking about
your story, because most of us got into

this world through a personal journey.

So share with us, how did you
become the line boss to, how

are you, how did you get into.

Functional medicine, functional nutrition.

Oh, cool.


I start off almost every talk with, I
was basically born constipated, right.

you know, so even at a very young age,
I remember my feet falling asleep, you

know, sitting on the potty and my mom,
you know, dumping thick, nasty oils

down my throat to help soften my stool.

But even at the time, nobody
was trying to figure out why.

Four year old was so constipated.

Around the same time my uncle had
killed himself and it was a pretty

dark, traumatic time in my family.

And shortly after that, I developed some
other like stomach issues behavioral

stuff, you know, and then fast forward.

You know, when I was 13 and actually got
bit by a tick and developed Lyme disease,

started getting symptoms from that about
two years later with my first dent,

psych ward for trying to kill myself.

And, you know, again, you know, I
got pills shoved down my throat,

you know, patted on the head
was told I was attention seeking

you know, and sent on my way.

Nobody was digging deeper on
why this, you know, 15 year old

was trying to take herself out.

There was a lot of early childhood trauma.

And I also found out that I
had undiagnosed celiac disease.

So you fast forward, even more
times to 27 years, you know, go by.

'em like 2013.

I finally got diagnosed with Lyme
disease, celiac Hashimotos endometriosis.

And you know, I was gonna go
the traditional route for,

for the Lyme disease stuff.

Cause I really didn't know any better.

And all they were doing was kind of.

Killing, you know, throwing napalm at
me trying to kill the critters, but

they never took into account the host.


What shape was the host in?

And I was in horrible shape.

I hadn't been chronically
ill for decades, right.

There was no way I could handle that
kind of, you know, onslaught war and

it's a couple weeks after I started
treatment and thought I was gonna die.

I actually heard the
founder of Reed Davis.

He's the founder of FDN functional
diagnostic nutrition speak on, you

know, you have to heal the gut, right?

Lower inflammation, open the detox
pathways are your, a hormones balanced,

you know, all these things that
nobody has ever looked into for me.

And I thought, oh my God,
that makes total sense.


Sign me up.

And at the time When you go through the
program, you can go through the program.

Well, back then you had like a choice
on whether you could go through it to be

a practitioner or, or to go through it,
just to look for your own health stuff.

And now it is definitely more practitioner
guided or, or, you know, centered.

But at the time I was a hair
stylist for like 15 years and my

body was starting to break down.

I couldn't even hold a fork to
feed myself cuz the pain in my

wrist in my hand was so bad.

It was kind of like a, a double
gift, cuz I knew I've always had a

propensity for the natural alternative.

You know, I loved studying
herbal stuff when I was younger.

So the, the thought of having a new career
and, you know, figuring out what was wrong

with me, you know, just seemed amazing.

So that is, you know, between that
in a nutshell is you know, how I

got into the functional world for.


And you are well now.


You know it with chronic Lyme.

And you've had mold issues and I've
looked deeper into my genetics, you

know, and I don't detox properly.

You know, there are things in
place that I constantly have to do.

My self-care is out of this world.

Like this morning, I was sweating
in my sauna bed, you know, and

I, I have to take the time out.

I think it was probably one of the
gifts of this disease, because a

lot of us, especially moms working,
you know, entrepreneur, like.


And as caregivers, you know, we have
a tendency to give, give, give, give,

give, and never filling our own cup.

And if anything, it's taught
me to slow down and to fill my

own cup up first because I very
easily can go out of remission.

And I have a couple times when I've
decided to get off my path and I

wasn't eating right for my body.

I, you know, was up too late, was you
know, drinking too much alcohol, you know?

So yes, and you know, this last
stint that I had with the, the

Ronna, you know, back in February
caused some kind of long haulers type

symptoms that I've been dealing with.

Massive fatigue in brain fog, again,
which sucked because I really had that

brain fog kind of, you know, gone.

So it's really, it's, it's amazing
when, when your brain works normally

and then it starts to, you can, you
can, you can feel it start to kind

of, you know, slip away from you
again, it's, it's a scary feeling.

But I'm starting to
get that under control.

I've got a, a new treatment that I just
recently started, but it's been kind

of, it's been kind of kicking my butt.

So kind of going through some hers
responses again, like yesterday,

I felt like that's all I did was.

Which it was insane.

But feeling so much better today.

So it's obviously what my body needed.

So to answer your question, like 80%
of the time I'm doing so much better.

And then there are a few other times
I have to, you know, dial in, dial

in, dial in and, and keep digging
and peeling those layers back.



And thank you for sharing
your, your full story with us.

And, and it is a journey.

It's always a journey.

Those of us that have, you know, lived
with chronic illness, I think all

know, I know what you it's like, you're
never there, you know, you can feel

great, but you, like you said, it takes
you're pro act hates your proactive.

You mentioned self-care and filling your
cup and To, you know, is that something,

is that where you start with clients when
you're working with them, or obviously

you're very in tune to your body.

And so you, what I'm hearing is like
you shift, if you know something, you

feel something going in a direction
you don't like you make a change.


No, absolutely.

And I, you know, even built
into my online course, some

traumatic experiencing exercises.

So se because that was a huge part
of my healing journey over in this.

Last year and a half that I figured out,
cuz I, I kind of went back off the wagon

a couple years ago and was really angry.

Had gained a bunch of weight, was back
being painful, was reactive and had

gotten to a fight with my husband.

And he kind of looked at me and was
like, you know, I'm not gonna be

married to an angry person anymore.

He's like, I don't know what's
going on with you, but you

know, let's figure this out.

And even back in 2013, when I
started the, the Lyme disease and

went through the program, I've
always focused on the physical.

And I've never addressed the hidden trauma
that was in my nervous system, hidden

trauma from my uncle, killing himself
when I was four, the hidden trauma from

massive abuse from, you know, alcoholic
and drug addicts that I was, you know,

raised by trauma from having mold in
lime, in my brain for decades, you know?

So there's all kinds of
things that can cause trauma.

And so basically for me, you
know, the gas was stuck on, there

was always a tiger chasing me.

And if you can't get that
nervous system calm down, right.

You don't digest properly.

You don't, you can't heal or,
you know, have lasting healing.

And so that was a, another piece that,
yeah, so I, I kind of call myself

like the foundation coach because.

It, it frustrates me so badly, especially
poor all these poor people with lime.

And I see 'em on all the groups and they
talk, oh, treatment, treatment treatment.

What treatment did you get?

Treatment treatment treatment treatment.

It's like, no, start with the
foundations, because even the best

treatment in the whole wide world, if
you're gonna eat McDonald's right and

inflame your gut and inflame your brain.

If you're gonna get three hours of sleep
at night, if you're gonna drink alcohol,

like if your mindset's not correct,
if your trauma too much trauma in your

nervous system, all the treatment in
the world is only gonna get you that far.

And if it does get you
there, you're gonna end up.

You're gonna end up in remission.

I mean, out of remission.

So yeah.

Got, yeah.

Gotta get those foundations down.

And so let's go there.

What are the foundations, although before
you jump into that, I, I wanna highlight

cuz I love that you brought up this
difference between we can feel better.

And not be truly healed.

And so for lasting healing, we do need to,
you know, activate that parasympathetic

system and allow our body to truly heal.

We can eliminate symptoms.

Which is a good thing, cuz sometimes,
but not some, it's always a process.

And so depending on the order,
but you know, when you're talking

about foundations, I heard, you
know, food sleep, but I don't

wanna put words in I in your mouth.

I know what I think of you know,
what, what are you focusing on?

the FDN has a, what they call
dress for success model and it's

diet, rest, exercise, stress
reduction, and supplementation,

you know, the supplementation being
the last thing, cuz it's just.

A lot, like when people focus too
much on treatment, supplementation

can be great to help calm some of
those symptoms down while you're

trying to get to the root cause.

But a lot of folks I've found even
in the functional world, sadly

will, will just put bandaids on
folks with supplements, right?

It's more natural than they do the
prescriptions, but they've never even

digging down deeper of kind of getting
why this person needs these to begin with.

And so diet is, you know, absolutely key.


It's amazing to me, how many people aren't
sleeping at night and like when you, it,

it, it never ceases to amaze me when I'm
in an intake form and that's not even like

a number one main complaint of theirs.

Like it'll come out a few days later.


And I don't sleep at night.

And I I'm just like, wait, why isn't
that one of your main complaints?

Like that's, ah, sleep is just, I
don't function at all anymore if I

don't get the right amount of sleep.

So I'm just, I'm in awe of folks who
weren't sleeping and functioning.

Isn't that a, a common symptom for people
with Lyme's disease in the insomnia.

Oh, absolutely.

I thank God.

Never had that as an issue.

Mine was the opposite.

I, well, I had like
extreme adrenal fatigue.

So even if I slept 12 hours, I would
wake up in the morning in tears cuz

it felt like I only slept two hours.

But I never had a problem with
falling asleep and, and getting

to sleep like I'm seriously.

One of those people that I could sit
here in my chair right now, close my

eyes and I'd be out in like a minute.

So I'm blessed in that way.

So exercise, you know, believe it or not
like the first thing that I do when I

start working with folks and my runners
and my CrossFit people, they are so

sad and they get so mad at me because I
tell 'em you, you've got to chill out.

You know a stress on the body,
a stress on the body, whether

it's good stress or bad stress.

And if you've got chronic
health issues, right?

The whole name of the game is
to lower the amount of stress

on your body, so it can heal.

And so, you know, I tell 'em for like the
next three months, while we're working

together, you can walk, you can do yoga,
you can do light weight training, but

that's kind of where I need you to live.

And it's amazing to me, women
who've been trying to lose weight.

And so they kick up their exercise
even more and more, more, more, more,

and it seems so counterproductive.

And then I tell 'em to slow down and cut
back and then boom, five pounds comes off.

Like it never fails.

So exercise, stress reduction.

That's where the sematic
experiencing work that I teach

some meditation, some breath work.

Right, because it was always frustrating
to be, he'd go to the doctor and the

doctor would say, you need to lower your
stress and eat better, but they wouldn't,

you know, give you any tools to do that.

It's like, you know, you walk out it and
you're like, okay, what does that mean?

You know?

So that's, that's the part of, of coaching
that I love is cuz I actually get to,

you know, hold somebody's hand and walk
with them while they're on this journey.

Cuz a lot of us weren't brought up right.

To understand what actual real food is
like when I was a kid, you know, this

is a part of a balanced breakfast.



That's actually like diabetes
in the making is what that was.

You know, it was sugary cereal with orange
juice and a piece of fruit and a piece

of toast like it, you know, so a lot of
folks, you know, including myself up until

just, you know, very few years ago, you
know, I remember giving my kid, you know,

Mac and cheese and Kool-Aid and hot dogs
for lunch and didn't think anything of it.

And now I look back at it and
go, oh my God, what was I doing?

And we say we do the best we can with
the knowledge we have at the time.



That's part of the reason why I like
doing stuff like this is, you know, if

I can plant one little seed for somebody
that they can take a look at what they're

doing in their life right now and go,
oh, maybe this is contributing to the way

I'm feeling or my mental health issues,
you know, then, then all my suffering

has been, you know, not, not in vein.

It's always one of my favorite things
when a, a parent is working with me and

they reach that point, they're like,
oh, Why am I, when they really get that

understanding of food and nutrition
and they realize like, why am I feeding

my kid terrible things while I eat the
healthy, good thing, you know, real

food and that click of like, oh, now
the whole family can actually eat well.

And, and that's, that's such a rewarding.

Piece of it is I always
say the ripple effect.

I dunno when people learn, cuz
you can't unlearn, like once you

realize how, how wrong we were
doing it, like you can't go back.


I, I used to say that quite often,
because this world is not set up for

a healthy, mental and physical health.

It is it it's not, and it can
feel so isolating sometimes.


I have to constantly think about
food prep and, and if I'm out of the

house, you know, what am I gonna make?

What can I bring with me?

Where can I get food?

Where can I get clean water?

You know, it's it can get
kind of exhausting sometimes.

And I get frustrated
and I'm human, you know?

And sometimes I wish I could just go.

On a whim and yeah, I'm gonna meet you
at the restaurant and have, you know,

our nerves or, you know, and a drink, you
know, but I can't, and, and that's okay.

Cuz I actually function so much better
than, than most people I know, even

that don't have a chronic, haven't
had a history of chronic disease.

So I'm grateful for that.

That it's, it is frustrating.

It can feel isolating because this world
is just not set up for a healthy life.


And, and, you know, the hope is
this is why we're doing this right.

That we will make a contribution to
that change and things will correct.

I mean, they actually have to,
it's just a matter of, you know,

whose lifetime it's gonna be in

Hopefully it's ours.

I would love to see the happen.

it would be so good.

I wanna highlight, because this is, it
is such a passion point for me as well.

And whether it's lime autoimmune often,
it's both this idea of over exercising.

I, I.

Is finding that proper level
of, I use the word movement.

I don't even use the word
exercise, but finding that level.

And, and it's true is a process to
get people to understand that when

they're over exercising and over
exercising, depending on where you

are for your health, it, it, it may
be going for too long of a walk.

Like it just depends on, you know,
if you, if you're exercising and.

Your symptoms are getting worse or
your, you know, do you feel like


that idea?

You know, that's another
like training we have, right.

Of like, oh, you know, I'm
hurting from yesterday's workout.

It must have been a great workout.

Maybe not so much.

And so people don't realize that,
you know, I love the saying you

can't, first of all, you can't over
exercise your way out of a bad diet.

But also, you know, that
often then I went through it.

When I was declining with auto immunity,
It it's like, I didn't, it was like,

no, it's not gonna take this from me.

You know, I'm going to keep exercising.

And so I think that's a, that plays
into it when people are, you know,

they may have no energy for anything
else, but they're pushing themselves.

And, you know, especially where we
live, CrossFits huge where, you know, I.

Lived in Boulder county for years
where they say, you know, everybody

in Boulder county is training
for something, you know, it's not

exercise and they're training.

So I dunno.

So I, I love that you brought that up and
I just, I wanted to highlight that for

listeners to really consider, like, what
is that proper level of exercise for you?

My husband lost 65 pounds and I lost 40.

By walking, you know,
actually, you know, testing for

Today is . It

and getting my hormones balanced.

But it wasn't, it, it wasn't by
cranking up the time in the gym,

you know, as how we lost weight,
it was actually the exact opposite.

So I know it seems counterproductive, but,
but trust us, we know what we're doing.

is so true.

So I know one of your big,
and that maybe we're just.

Going back to what we were already
discussing, but you're, you're all

about, you know, you have five tips
that help people, you know, increase

their energy, reduce their brain fog.

I think reduce their pain as well.

I've gut issues, right?

Because your story starts with gut issues.


So let's see, I don't know if
we'll get through all five, but and

maybe that was, maybe that was them

so I love testing for food.

Sensitivities is, is part of it.

You know, it, we call it low hanging
fruit in the industry because a

lot of, like, for me it was pork
it was coconut, it was almonds.


So I was going on a keto diet.

And gaining weight and, and, and
getting more angry and inflamed.

And I found out that I was reacting to
almonds, coconuts olives and pork, and

that was like a staple for my keto diet.

So it was a no wonder.

I've seen like people migraines that
they've been dealing with daily.

I, I, I mean, I've seen so many amazing
things happen by just eliminating

food sensitivities to start off with.

So that would be like number one.

Two, make sure you go into bed on time.

You know, we say that really optimal,
optimal health for sleep is, you know,

between 10:00 PM and like 4:00 AM.

So every time you stay up.

Later, past 10:00 PM.

I meant your body is actually missing out
on crucial things to detox and functions

that only happen when you're asleep.

So that's, that's a huge one.

Most people, I have some people I have to
really start 'em off, slow on that one.

It's like, they're up till midnight.

And I'm like, all right, well, try to go
to bed at 1130 this day, this week, right.

And the next week try to
gets bed at 11, right?

Because if you try to take somebody
who's normally going to bed at

midnight and trying to get them
bed at 10, they're gonna lay there.

Thinking about how pissed
off they are at you.

So sleep.

So one, two do do, do, do.

Making sure that you're hydrated, right?

They say you should be drinking
half your ounce, half your body

weight in ounces of water a day.

And I don't, there's so many
people who are so chronically

dehydrated it's ridiculous.

And then also constipated.

And so that would be another one is to
make sure that you're the three PS, right.

Pooping, peeing, perspiring
Yes, probably more than five

now from the total of this talk


Yeah, for sure.

I know I'm always, always
talking poop with my clients.

It's so important.

It's so important.


And I love that you brought
up and it's, and this is why

these are foundational things.

I love that you brought
up drinking enough water.

It is such a common problem.

And often when you go to the doctor, they
don't ask you how much water you drink.


Or if you drink water,

What kind of water you're drinking because
like our city water is flora, fluorinated,

and chlorine, and chlorine is absolutely
horrible for your gut bacteria and flora.

And chlorine's really horrible
for your, your thyroid as well.

You know, so anybody who's got issues
with their thyroid have been diagnosed

with Hashimotos, you know, put a
shower, filter on your shower and make

sure you're drinking filtered water.

Cuz that chlorine is, is
absolutely horrible for.

and I, I love that you added the
shower filter, so it's not just what

you're drinking our, you know, our.


And so I was so excited when I built the
house that I'm in now that we were able

to put in a whole house water filter

Ah, so

my favorite thing in the
world is just so good.

I'm not sure I could live
without one a again, ever.

Like now that I've had one

My favorite is gifts from my
husband was Valentine's day when he

bought me my first Bey, you know,
my first water filtration system.

I've I've upgraded since then, but I was
just like, that's my favorite gift ever.

What did work?

I am.

There was a girl I worked with on the
ranch and I gave her, she was outta water

and I gave her some of my water and she
came back to me the next day and said,

what was in that water that you gave me?

I'm like, why?

And she's like, I had more energy
and I, I just couldn't believe it.

I'm like, well, cuz your cells are
hydrated for the first time in their life.

It's more like, well what's
not in that water with you.

I love that.

That's that is amazing.

You talk about, I've heard you
talk about eating grain free.

Do you think everybody
should be grain free or.

There is a caveat to that.

So if you're gonna take, I love
Western a price and actually Western

a price was my first like kind
of intro into the alternative.

You know nutrition world.

And he was a dentist back in the 1930s
who were traveling the world and, and

seeing these indigenous folks of the
area and how their, their mouths within

one generation were just completely
getting trashed with the introduction

of like the standard of American diet.

And, you know, so if you're going
to take the time to soak and

sprout and prepare your grains
properly, absolutely go eat grain.

There are some health benefits to it.


I personally haven't found too
many people who wanna take the

time to prepare grams properly.

So that's why I put them on a paleo diet.

And even they're finding, even in organic
grains, they can still be high in mold.

They can still be high in, you know, other
things that aren't really great for you.

If you think about it, even an
organic piece of bread, it's

still processed food, right?

You have to do things to that.

You know, product to get
it, to be this product.

And I'm, I'm more of a proponent
of whole real foods right.

In their natural forms.

so, yeah, I, I am more of a paleo type
diet, but if you are gonna eat grains,

the only way that you really should
is if you're sprouting and soaking.

So that way your body can
actually absorb them properly.

And they're not leading to leaky.



I love that.

I I always find that.

Just does seem that even people
that seem to tolerate grains well

do better grain free, for sure.

And so is that something you, so
I know you said you, you do food

sensitivity panels right away
with your clients your com you're

combining it, it sounds like yeah,

I put everybody on the payroll diet.


Minus their food sensitivities.

And then I teach 'em how to rotate
because until their gut is healed,

if you're eating the same foods
over and over and over again, you're

gonna create new food sensitivities.

So, yep.

I love that.

I love the I always joke.

I, I am.

I've gentled, the longer
I've been coaching.

And so I, I try to like the one, no, no.

I say for anybody with autoimmune or Lyme
or, you know, toxicity issues without an

autoimmune diagnosis or the is, you know,
absolutely gluten free across the board.



Especially if you've been diagnosed with
an autoimmune disease, like me and gluten

are one of the number one contributors
to autoimmune disease out there.

So yeah, absolutely everybody.


I've just, I've been doing a lot of dairy
and, and corn and grain zoomers as well.

And I'm seeing how they all kind
of interact and there's some

molecular mimicry that goes on
with like wheat and dairy and corn.

And so all my autoimmune folks there,
that's, that's the, the three big

beds as we call 'em and I, I take
people off of those automatically.


I, I, it was always interesting to me.

Because we didn't learn a lot about
corn in the various schools I went to.

But I found time and time
and time and time again.

So many people, this was before I
was using food sensitivity panels.

But even without them, so many
people upon reintroduction that corn

was such a huge issue that it, it
rose that it was I'm same with you.

It was gluten, dairy and corn
because almost every time.



I was shocked when I got my corn Z back
and I was actually almost reacting to

it just as badly as we and the, and
the Mexican that's in, you know, part

of me was, was deeply, deeply crushed.

But, you know, if you think about
it, you know, what do we feed corn

to typically, you know, we feed it to
animals to fat them up faster, you know?

So it, it's just, there's
not a whole lot of, of.

we feed it to animals that
shouldn't be eating corn, but

that's a whole different episode.

Absolutely trust me.

I grew up in, in Greeley, in the
agricultural area and I go talking

like I talk now back, you know?

And it just Dr.

They just, their heads explode.

I'm like cows four stomachs.

None of them were met to break down corn.

They are not ghost eat corn.



Isn't supposed to eat corn

Yeah, exactly.



I'm not sure.

Very, especially, you know, maybe, you
know, the, the ancient corn back of our

ancestors, you know, might be a completely
different story, but we've, we've like

everything else we've changed and BAS
size it to the, where our bodies are.

Like, what the hell is that

Yeah, it's it is so true.

So we covered a lot and you
already gave a lot of tips.

And oftentimes my guests struggle
with this question, but we always,

I always ask you to pick one.

Sometimes people bring in a whole new one.

But if listeners.

Wanna just start one thing today.

Like what is one step that they
could take immediately to start to

move the needle on their health?


I, you said you,

step but, okay.


but it's, but it's free.

You don't need a, you know,
a person to help with that.

Like, that's something you absolutely
could IM you know, implement today

and you could implement it in, in tiny
steps, you know, start say, say this

week, you're gonna cut out wheat and
then next week you'll cut out dairy.

And then the next week, you know,
there's, there's ways to do it.

And within a month or two,
you can be completely paleo.

But you know, you had talked about you
can't exercise your way out of a bad diet.

You can.

So you can't supplement your way out
of a bad diet, like diet is foundation.

So absolutely.

That's like my number one.

go paleo.

I love that.

That's, you're speaking my language and
know for listeners that are like, this

is the stuff Julie always talks about.

I didn't, this is, Heather's not a plant.


If you put on my website, you
I've got YouTube, you can, I'm

ranting about it all the time.

I just got done ranting about
there's this new shake place in town.

And it's supposed to be healthy shakes.


I walk in and it's all herbal life.

It's soy.

Corn grain.

And they're touting themselves
as fricking healthy.

And like the word nutrition
is up on their sign.

And I thought my freaking
head was gonna explode.

I was so pissed when I left there.

I'm like, that is not healthy.


Well, I'll have to check it out so
that my head can explode as well.

People have to just sit out there
with some picking signs and just

saying truth and advertising, right.




Well, and that's the, this is where
we all need to be our own advocate.

And it's like using the word healthy
are all natural on the front of a label.

You know, it's the marketing and
you've got to take the time to

actually see what's in stuff.

So that's that, that's another,
see another tip everybody.

now, if you don't recognize
it in greet it, look it up.

You'll be shocked.

don't be fooled where for people that
listen like I do on the go and aren't

going to click links in the show notes.

Where's the best place to find you.

People are like, wow, I
have to check out more.

Where can they go?

I got a lot of great videos on YouTube.

So discoveringhealthFDN on
YouTube is a great place.

Or if you have Lyme disease and are
needing support, I've got a, a Lyme boss

unraveling the secrets of Lyme disease.

I've got a support group
for Lyme folks on Facebook.

So those would be the two
places that I would start.


Heather, thank you so much.

You have shared amazing gold and
given listeners more than five tips to

get started on their health journey.


Thanks for having me again.

I'm glad we were able to do this.

Me too, for everyone listening.

Remember you can get the
show notes and transcripts by

visiting inspired

I hope you had a great time and
enjoyed this episode as much as I did.

I'll see you next week.