922 Ministries - The CORE & St. Peter Lutheran

To discover your role in God’s goals, it is necessary to know thyself. Do you? Have you come to know how your Creator created you? How to Giver of every spirit gift gifted you? Do you know your part in the Body of Christ? This message will help you answer those questions, enabling you to find your best fit in our mission to share God’s love. 

What is 922 Ministries - The CORE & St. Peter Lutheran?

The episodes are the weekly sermons from 922 Ministries (St. Peter and The CORE) of Appleton, Wisconsin.

Week 3 - St. Peter
Pastor Tim Glende

We're gonna get into the final week, week 3 of our New Year's sermon series entitled “Reset”. God's goals for our souls. I want you to actually think back a few weeks to your goals.

As we talk about goal number three today, for our souls from God. You're going to think about the goals that maybe you set, you considered the resolutions that you made for this New Year for 2024. And I don't want to ask you to consider how well you're doing. I don't need you to let me know by a show of hands. How many of you are headed still in the right direction? Or how many have already not followed through and have set them aside? What I want you to think about is back to whatever goals, you may have set resolutions, you may have made and the why behind them?

Like what was it? That was the motivation for setting that goal.

My guess is your goals, your resolutions, perhaps could be summed up the motivation behind them, by answering the question: who, why, or what?

Like, some of your goals, some of your resolutions were driven by a who, Your spouse, your kids, someone in your life that that you wanted to do something to maybe better yourself or bless them. There was a who behind the motivation of the resolution the goal.

Maybe there was a why.

Maybe the why is that Doctor who told you need to cut down on the salt intake. You need to do something about that blood pressure. There is a why, which is your health and the doctors encouragement caused you to set that goal. Maybe there's a what. Find your resolution as well.

Like if you're like me you have something going on this year maybe it's a vacation in a few weeks for spring break, maybe it's a family event and that goal of losing 15 pounds was set because of that. What? That's often the future. You want to look your best.

Like what was the motivation that drove the goal?

Now, maybe another way to categorize. Our goals are into one or two areas. There are some whose goals and resolutions were about something, they want to change something, they want to be different something about their life that maybe they, they don't like they they see a need for improvement. Uh, a need to be different. And so the goal is aimed at change.

And then there are other people's goals. You'll learn about changing something we dislike or see a need to improve on. And others whose goals about something they're good at something. They, they really enjoy something that is a part of their gifting and they want to take it to the next level. Like you see the difference between the two when we want to change things and we want to be different because there's something we dislike or see about ourselves that isn't so good versus wanting to take something next level. That is good and is a part of who we are.

And I think, if we're honest, I mean, I know it would be true of me, most of the time my fall into the category of the first and not the second.

Like the why and the what? And the who are all things that are about making changes in areas of things that I don't much necessarily like about myself? I think should be different. I want to be changed. As opposed to the things that I'm good at and the things I want to build on and the things that, I see my hardwire in who I am and taking them next level.

And I get it. Why does that happen?

Like there's something about what we see in ourselves and when we look at others and we look at the world that we desire to oftentimes be something that we're not. Because we think that might be better.

Let me just think about the different areas where you are gifted into the strengths that you have, when you think of resolutions like time over time. You've heard Pastor Tim and all his honesty, I am not a handy person.

And it'd be really easy for me in my life to look and say my life would be so much better. My wife would be far more blessed even around here at church. If I was handy, could fix anything. I wish I had the skills of the Joel's of the world. I don't.

And then what about strengths? Like if you've ever done the strength finder test, you have your top five, there are some of mine that I really like and there are others of them that I'm like they're nice but At times, I look at the gifts of others. And I would have to be honest and acknowledged like I remember like to change that about me. Like I don't really like to be a little bit more like Pastor Bill when it comes to positivity.

Like I'm sick and tired of every year at least somebody in my family by something that has the Grinch on it. Like am I not that positive? I should have worked on that. Should I be better at that?

I think about that and sometimes I might miss out on the things that I'm good at by trying to change and be like that.

With that in mind, I hope that you can kind of see the need for today's topic. Week, three of reset.

Because you know what happens when we get consumed by what we're not? Well, maybe get driven by seeing other people's gifts or talents and desiring that. I'm thinking ours aren't so good. Like the great question of who I am, the struggle that we have for where do I fit in? What's my value? What's my purpose is greatly impacted.

Because here's the truth, I think that lays out. The reason why this reset is something each and every one of us, perhaps, needs to consider all those things I talk about before we often want to be what we lack.

Like, we often want to be what we're not.

We look at what other people are. The gifts that they have, see the impact that they have and, and wish that we had them, which was us. We then sometimes look in the mirror and look at what, what we are. The gifts that we have and spiritually. If we get this wrong spiritually if we may not consider this reset. Understand the implications.

Like it can be overwhelming if we're consumed by what we lack and what we're not.

It can be frustrating if we don't think we have a place if we don't have value if we don't fit in,

Like the spiritual implications of what it might lead us to be jealous of someone else.

Covered in what they are? And what? We wish we were.

What the devil can do with it when he can cause us to to look at other gifts in certain people's gifts and say they have a place they obviously fit in they obviously blessed. But I don't. Who I am? What I bring to the table. Really seems of no value. Because I'm lacking.

And I don't know what area of that conversation you might struggle with, but the odds are pretty good.

That we didn't consider in our goals this year. The reality of maybe wanting to opt for What am I good at? Who am I and how do I build on it versus? What do I need to change? Because it's not so good.

Or it's missing.

And so today, as we dig into God's word, I pray that you might see the truth. God wants you to know for week three of reset. And answering that great question of, who am I how do I fit in? What's my role? God's goal for your soul and figuring out your place.

And to really get this right to maybe. Better understand the need for a reset or how a reset even begins. This reset, perhaps different than the other ones begins with a mindset reset.

Because our mindset is oftentimes, the things that's that is off in this area.

And the mindset reset that we need. I believe begins with this truth.

Because we so wrestle with it. When we try and answer that great question, who am I, how do I fit in? What's my purpose is their value in anything that I bring to the table. When it comes to who you are answering that question, the Bible is going to answer it for you. We are exactly who God wants us to be.

And we are exactly where God wants us to be.

Like, when people question their value, their purpose? Do they fit in? They don't see their place. The Bible is very clear on. We are exactly who God wants us to be.

The God did not make a mistake. God didn't gift you all the same way.

Because much as I want to be Jonathan Favorite some days and stand up front in church and sing and play a guitar, God did not give me that gift and ability.

As much as I want to be Pastor Bill or have some one like Pastor Jim. I don't have all those same strengths, but I am who exactly God wants me to be and where God wants me to be.

Here's where the Bible tells us these truths very clearly. The first one is in Psalm 139 who you are, physically how God designed you, the gifts, the strengths, the hardwiring that you have. God did all of this. You, God, created me King David said, my inmost being, you knit me together in my mother's womb as you are being formed inside of your mother. From the moment, you were conceived to the time you were born. God was at work, knitting, and forming you. And King David said, as a result, I praise you, because I am fearfully and wonderfully made God in his wisdom, made me this way. I am in all of it, King David said, and you made me fearfully and wonderfully.

Like I know at times it's hard for you to believe it and yes, sin has undermined, you know, our life and sometimes our actions and the use of our gifts. But who you are the gifts that you have? The strengths that are yours. You are uniquely made by God.

Like experts would tell you, the research says, if you need any further proof, look at these five fingers that you have, the things that you can't even see. They're so microscopic, the things that the government will take if you want to apply for like a pre-TSA or a global entry. Like get all of your fingerprints, you know how unique those are.

Well, here's how unique they are.

It said that based on a study, two like fingerprints would be found only once every 1048 years.

Literally, one trillion times 4.

Which if you do all the numbers in the zeros after, it's like one with 42 zeros behind it. Like that's how unique fearfully and wonderfully made you are by God.

When it comes to strengths.

Not here at 922 Ministries. It's one of many different personality tests. You can get your top five. And it's pretty uncommon to have the same top five and the same order as anybody you would ever meet. You can get some in common, my wife and I have a few, but my wife and I have some exactly the opposites.

It's almost next to impossible to get the same top 10 in order. And when it comes to your all 34, which you can find them on, you can print them all up and order. It's the same number basically, as the way in which your unique fingerprint is. It's about that drastic. What that many zeros about, how unique your hard wiring is from number one to number 34, like God made you fearfully and wonderfully. You are unique in the physical gifts, and talents, and abilities that you have, the you that you are is designed by the amazing. God of Heaven. Who you are? Is exactly who God wants you to be, and where you are, is exactly where God wants you to be in the book of Acts as Paul speaking to the people who are in the city of Athens as he's trying to point them to the true God, he says about that God, he made every nation of mankind to live over the entire face of the Earth, God made all mankind fearfully, wonderfully made and he determined he to determined the appointed times and the boundaries where they would where they would live where you and I are right now God.

Like when you question your value, when you question your place, when you question do I fit in God would tell you who you are physically fearfully and wonderfully made.

It's so unique where you are at. It's right. Where God wants you to be in the city that you live right now in the job that you have right now in the church family that you are part of right now. God is a part of that.

He knows it.

Which then spills over into our spiritual lives as well. About the who we are and where he placed us. The Apostle Paul wrote these words in that chapter, we talked about before, there are different kinds of gifts like who you are your strengths, your spiritual gifts, your physical gifts, there are different kinds of gifts but the same Spirit distributes them. There's one God and he disperses them out. There are different kinds of service. There are a whole lots of ways you can put your talents to work and a whole lots of areas that the body of Christ is blessed that we can serve in our life with our gifts, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working but in all of them and in everyone and does the same God at work, All these are the work of the one in the same spirit and he distributes them. He passes them out. He distributes them to each one to you and to you and to you and to you and to me just as he determines .

Like, I know there is something inside of you at different times. It says, I would really like to determine my gifts.

Like, it would be awesome. If I had that strength. But you know, how messed up that would be.

Like if everyone had woo as their number one, but no one wanted to go deep in relationships, like relators like we would all be surface level and no one would get to know anybody. Like, that's pretty shallow.

But a whoop person gets to meet people. Can connect people can get to understand people like We need those people but the Holy Spirit determines if you're one of those people,

And Pastor Tim, you might want some more positivity. Just thank the good Lord that you're in the body of Christ. And Pastor Bill, brings it to the table.

Like God determines it. It's, it's he who plans where we are and he has determined who we are. And that truth is so vital and important for this reset, like maybe that's just the reset you need. If you struggle with and wrestle with your place, your purpose, go back to God. The god of Grace, who loved you from eternity? The god of Grace, who, when you were being formed inside of your mother stepped in and knit you together, the god of grace, who, who brought you into his church family, and by the power of the Holy Spirit is blessed you as spiritual gifts, that are unique to you, with a purpose, for you to bless all of you.

And with that in mind, maybe we can understand And get the answer to the question. And see what we might need to do. Uh in regards to resetting because it's so significant to get this question answered, right? Here's why. The Apostle Paul mentioned 1 Corinthians 12, a great chapter on this uses a visual aid, the easy thing that everyone can understand about the body. Just as a body though, one has many parts but all as many parts form one body so it is with Christ. So physically speaking have this example of the body That's worth the Apostle Paul's going and he wants you to understand. And so it is the same as a part of being the body of Christ. Physical body body of Christ. Here's the visual for me. We were all baptized by one Spirit so as to form one body, we entered into this body, we got connected to this body made a part of this body by God's doing by his choosing.

Whether Jews or Gentile slave or free, we were all given the one Spirit to drink. Even. So, the body is not made up of one part, but of many

Now the foot should say because I'm not a hand, I do not belong to the body. Even not for that reason. Stop being a part of the hand.

If the ear should say because I'm not an eye. I do not belong to the body, not for that reason. Stop being a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where were the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear? Where would the sense of smell be? But in fact, God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.

If they were all part, one part, where would the body be as it is, there are many parts but one body. And the eye cannot say to the hand. I don't need you. And the head cannot say to the feet. I don't need you. On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable, and the parts that we think are less. Honorable we treat with special honor. And the parts that are unpresentable are tree to a special modesty while our presentable Parts. Need no special treatment, but God. Has put the body together and given greater honor to the parts that lacked it. So that there should be no division in the body.

But that its part should have equal concern for each other. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it, if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it now, you are the body of Christ.

There's this point.

And each one of you is a part of it.

Like Paul goes on this long dialogue, about the body, the eyes, the ears, the head, the hands. How they need each other? How some are more visible than some are not as much seen the ones that that are not seen?

Are just as important just as needed, the ones that are seen versus the ones that maybe aren't as noticed. The ones that aren't as noticed, are worthy of of honor and praise like every part rejoices with it. Every part suffers when one part suffers. And you are the body of Christ. The spiritual truth that God wants you to understand. Is the God who made you, who you are the God who's placed you, where you're at, the god, who has given you gifts that are yours uniquely determined by him.

Has connected you to the body of Christ.

By the work of the Holy Spirit.

When you take all those together, when you want the answer to the question, Like, here's the truth.

You have a place.

Because you have been fearfully and wonderfully made because God has given you uniquely gifts, spiritual ones, and physical ones, you have a place because in the body, all the different parts are needed. The head, the heart, the hands, the feet, the legs, the bones, the muscles, the tissue, like the intestines. And yes, even the appendix, even though, I don't know what it does or what good purpose, it serves.

Like all those parts of the body God is placed in the body for a reason physically and the visual is true for you. You have a place. You have a gift. You have strengths, you have talents.

And I know you might be wondering but what are they? What might they be? We're going to get there in just a second but I want you to see the significance of that truth that you have a place.

Because look at what the Apostle Paul said in another conversation about spiritual gifts for just as each of us Has one body with many members, and these members do not all the same function. So in Christ though, many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others. We have different gifts. According to the grace given to each of us. According to the grace of God, the God who came down to earth, the son, who saved you and me from our sins, the grace that God has showered upon us. It's according to His grace that he's given us these gifts. We are his handiwork created in Christ Jesus, do good works the Apostle Paul says in Ephesians just under we have different gifts. So if your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your faith, use it, Paul. Let's say if it's serving. Use it then serve if it's teaching, use it to teach. If it's to encourage, give encouragement. If it's giving then give generously if it's to lead, do it diligently. If it's the show, mercy to be a person of compassion to help people who are need like to, to lend an ear to, to hear and to, to support and help then do it, cheerfully.

Like I could break down all those categories into five or six different subcategories: what's serving looks like, what teaching looks like, what encouragement looks like what giving generously might look like? And there are so many more we could add to the list, but God says each one of you has been given a gift, you belong to all the others. Not only do you have a place. But here's the truth about that place. When you question and wonder about your purpose about your place, do I fit in? Do I bring value? You have a place and your place has a purpose to bless others.

Like your unique gifting is a blessing to the whole.

Let's take for example later today.

The Chiefs are playing the Bills.

Like let's say before the game, Andy gets in the locker and says guys. In the Hat are all of your names.

And I'm just pull them out after I say a position and that's what you're gonna do today.

Punter. Patrick Mahomes.

Defensive back. Travis Kelce.

And the kicker, I'm not even sure what his name is, but imagine if they ought sign him up to be an offensive, lineman doesn't make much sense.

Like that, dude has spent many years of his life working on kicking the ball through an upright.

Patrick says worked hard every day in practice all year long working on the plays that they offer with gifts and talents to do things. Most quarterbacks that talented can't even do but let's let somebody else do it.

But all of them in the right place on their team can bless their team later today.

The same is true with you.

Like 92 Ministries does not need three thousand. Six hundred Pastor Tims. Praise the Lord.

Like we would get a whole lot of stuff done here, but there would not be a whole lot of encouragement. I know somebody were like, you're an encourager sometimes. Pastor. Jim has empathy and encouragement and Pastor Bill as positivity and he's an includer, he wants to get everyone and Pastor Michael's all about the details and pastor Mike is a learner and he absorbs so much like all of us together.

You do know that the God and Lord of the church, Gifted us differently. And knows the appointed time for us here to be a part of this.

Like and I hear a lot of you say, many times how thankful you are for that.

If you appreciate that, can I convince you to appreciate it? The same thing is true of the other.

3595 of you.

Like who has different gifts?

Who can encourage, who serves?

Who can give generously? Who can teach? I mean the list could go on and on and the needs are great in a big church. It takes hundreds of people to do Sunday morning. It takes so many people during the course of the week to get stuff done that. That so many of us can't do who are even working on the team. Like, they're are so many ways. Your place has a purpose if it's encouraging, if it's serving. If it's musical, if it's intellectual, if it's in it, if it's visiting you tell me. And I can probably find something on the list, if you're a baker or someone who cooks, we have a place for you, like there are so many ways.

And it has a purpose.

Like your gifts bless me.

They bless our pastors. They bless our staff. Our gifts bless you like, your place has a purpose when you wrestle with the great question. Who am I celebrating? The great truth. God has made you who you are a place you where you're at with intentionality. Unique fearfully, wonderfully made.

As a part of the body, a place. That is a purpose.

And so I know the big question now is what is that purpose? Where is my place?

Or maybe why is it so important?

Well, here's the why like from a spiritual perspective, you know how frustrated you are, when you lack something, when it drives you nuts, when you work from your position of strength, when you celebrate your place, when you're using your gifts, you know what, the Holy Spirit will work on you and work in you and work, as a result of you using those gifts more joy. When you see them at work, more peace, when you celebrate your place,

All those things are real and will happen as a result.

God wants you to know those things experience, those things when you worked from a position of strength, the experts say, it takes less of your energy to get more stuff done. You feel empowered and some of you might question, I'm not sure what my gift is. I'm not sure how I fit in can I convince you of this? You know, the person who usually doesn't understand or see what their gifts are, or know them or sometimes struggle with wrestling, with where they fit in.

Like the things that you're gifted in the things that you're good at whether at work whether it or at home or at church like you just do them naturally, you don't think about them twice, you don't think of them as special that they're just you. You take them for granted.

So sometimes Maybe the best thing you can do to help figure out what's my role and what's my place is ask the people who know you best, who see you at work, who understand your gifts and have been blessed by them, like, they get you. They see you. They know you. They probably know if you're an encourager, they may appreciate that. You're a doer. They might celebrate that, that you're a learner. They might appreciate that. You are one, who loves to show compassion and mercy and his empathy. They probably know it, ask your spouse, ask your closest friends, ask as people that you trust, who, who will be real with you, and you'll probably hear things and go. Oh

That's why I like doing that.

I never thought I was good at that.

But maybe you don't.

Like maybe just maybe you're wondering what your strengths are.

And how that might fit in at church. What part does that play in the body of Christ? What are ways that can be carried out?

So here's some action steps. I would guess that one or both of these are action steps reset steps in light of the truth that God is fearfully, wonderfully made me who I am and where I am is is God at work. The fact that God has given me a place and it has a purpose. I want to I want to reset in some way shape or fashion and so maybe for some of you, it's this. Well, some of you may not know it and others of you may The action step for you is to discover.

Discover what God made you to do.

Like if you're not sure, Maybe if you've never taken the strengths finder's test, I'm a little bit scared to offer this to hundreds of people, but we'll get you a code to strength. Finders, if you've never done it, we'll let you take the test to find out your top five to see, maybe how that gives you some insight to your hardwire and then consider what you want to do here at church because you can see in those gifts and strengths how you do, what you do and what might work best like. We'll give that to you.

Maybe you've taken it before or after you take it, and you want to see the connection points? We have people on our team. Maria, who is our engagement coordinator has great insight on. Strengths, has spent a lot of time on strength, she'll sit down with you take a look at the list of all the areas of service we have here and line them up with your strengths and try and help you find a place where you see your purpose being played out like we want to help you if we can help you discover it and do anything to do that. Write strengths on your communication card today. Send me an email, we'll get you connected, but discover what God made you to do,

Because it's so empowering.

It's designed by him to the purpose. Because he's given you a place.

And once you discover it, maybe some of us this year, this new year, need our reset in this way. We need to do it.

Like maybe over the course of last year, we've gotten distracted and we're not doing If God's given you a place and it has a purpose and it blesses others, we belong to others. And you're not doing, you're missing out. And they're missing out.

Like, do it.

Like what does God uniquely designed you to do?

What gifts has he given you? What strengths are yours? Do what God designated me to do. He's placed you here in this time, connected to you, to this church, family maybe planted you in that life group. Like what role? What gifts in your home for your family? Can you use those in an amazing way? That you're not right now or you need to right now, or you, you just need to reset on at a fresh start with it, because it's kind of slipped off the tracks. God wants your soul to be blessed. As you celebrate your place because it has a purpose and he's designed you uniquely and place you right here to use it.

So, do it.

So, the Apostle Peter said,

Each of you should use whatever gift you receive to serve, others. Like this is not about you remember, all those resolutions that are about me.

Use it to serve others.

As faithful stewards a steward, as someone who's been entrusted with something that's not his own. We oftentimes think of stewardship as the use of our money resources. God's given you gifts, and spiritual gifts, and talents, and abilities, physical ones, spiritual ones, and your stewards of them, you're just using them right now. While you're here on Earth. You've been entrusted with them for a purpose.

If anyone speaks do it as one, who speaks the very words of God, if anyone serves they should, do it with the strength, God provides. So in all things, here's the purpose behind it. So that in all things, God may be praised through Jesus Christ. The one who came down to earth, the one, who shed his blood gave up his body on the cross. As we use our gifts, when we do it with God's, pray with strength. He provides God will be praised. Like doing it and discovering it. Is an act of worship and praise to God celebrating who he is and all that he has done.

Which alone has made us a part of the body.

To bless the other people that he has brought into the body.

To him be the glory and power forever and ever. Amen.

Like this entire series.

The goal has been to bless your soul.

Like priorities.

That the love of God, inspires motivates and moves us. To prioritize, love for God. I pray that you have been blessed so far this year in that, when it comes to purpose, like God has given us the most amazing purpose in calling to go and make disciples to share the message of Jesus Christ. And God has brought us into his body, God fearfully and wonderfully, made me with all the unique DNA and gifts and talents and strengths that I have And he's given me a place. Play to me right here.

And it serves a purpose.

So as you reset that place celebrating the answer to the question who I am.

Fearfully and wonderfully made. May God help you discover it if you haven't found it.

And may God helped all of us do it.

Because it blesses others and it glorifies him.