The Estherpreneur

Are soul wounds silently sabotaging your success? 🌟

In this episode of The Estherpreneur Podcast, I’m opening up about something deeply personal and incredibly powerful—how healing soul wounds can unlock true freedom and success in both your business and personal life. As a business coach, military wife, and mother, I’ve faced my share of emotional scars and spiritual battles. Today, I want to share with you how I broke free from those chains and how you can too.

We’ll delve into how these hidden wounds might be affecting your decisions, your relationships, and your ability to lead with confidence. I’m also going to talk about breaking generational curses and how biblical wisdom has been the key to transforming not just my own life, but the lives of my clients as well. This episode isn’t just about spiritual healing—it’s about setting yourself up for true prosperity and leadership that honors God.

I won’t give away everything here, but let me tell you, this episode is packed with insights that could change the way you approach your business and your life. So, grab your Bible, a pen, and some paper, and let’s walk this journey together toward healing, freedom, and the abundant life God has planned for you.

✨ Let’s take back what the enemy has stolen and rise into the fullness of God’s promises. Tune in now! ✨

If today’s episode resonated with you and you’re ready to explore how deep soul healing and spiritual freedom can transform your business and personal life, I’d love to connect with you. Whether you’re struggling with unresolved wounds, seeking to break free from generational curses, or simply wanting to lead with more clarity and purpose, my tailored programs are designed to help you achieve holistic success.

Let’s start with a conversation. Schedule a discovery call with me today, and together we’ll identify the barriers holding you back and explore the best path forward. There’s no obligation—just a genuine opportunity to see if one of my programs is the right fit for your unique needs.

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Join me, Edna Harding, on a journey through spiritual growth, personal development, and entrepreneurial insight, where Timeless Wisdom meets Timely Methods in every episode. 

What is The Estherpreneur?

The Estherpreneur is a weekly chat about doing business and life God’s way. Join your host, Edna Harding as she offers biblical strategies and practical applications to improve your mind, business, spirit, relationships, and finances. Listen along as she talks with guests on how to thrive in all areas of life. Edna is a Wife, Mother, Growth Strategist, Author, Minister, Certified Maxwell Business Consultant and Executive Coach, an accredited Master Mindset Coach, and Speaker whose message of hope, truth, and wisdom reaches people all around the world.

Edna Harding [00:00:03]:
Welcome to Estrepreneur, a podcast for entrepreneurs and leaders doing business and life God's way. Each week, we discuss biblical and to improve your mind, business, spirit, relationships, and finances. Listen along as I speak with special guests on how to thrive in all aspects of life. Hi, I'm Edna. Like many of you, I wear many hats. I'm a military wife, mother, author, certified John Maxwell business and executive coach, trainer, and founder of Favor and Wealth who we help the good guys win. So tune in as we bring on the light. Well, hello, everyone.

Edna Harding [00:00:48]:
Welcome to another episode of The Estrepreneur, where we blend timeless biblical wisdom with cutting edge business strategies to help you achieve holistic success. I'm your host. My name is Edna Harding. And today, we're diving into a topic that is not often discussed in the boardrooms or in business meetings. K? But it's absolutely critical for anyone who desires to lead with integrity and intelligence. Okay? And so today, first of all, I just wanna welcome those who are new. I'm glad you guys are here. Thank you for your support.

Edna Harding [00:01:28]:
Thank you for your messages. Thank you for liking, subscribing, commenting in my LinkedIn profile or my Instagram, for estrepreneur and also, via email via my website I'm I'm sorry, guys. I have I've been going a 100 miles per hour. This past week, my family is coming in today from Florida, and so they're coming to visit. And so I'm really excited about that, but I wanted to go ahead and, share what the Lord put on my heart this week on this, particular episode, but I'm saying welcome to you guys, those who are new and those who are coming back. So let's go ahead and get to it. Hopefully, I could speak sorry.

Edna Harding [00:02:25]:
Keep up with how I'm what I'm thinking via speaking, if that makes sense. Alright. So I wanna start off by asking you guys a question. I think it's gonna be very intriguing, okay, to your spirit. Because a lot of times when you think of business, when you think of wealth, when you think of success, a lot of people don't think about the soul. Like, when I talk about soul work, it's kinda like a foreign concept. It's like a universal concept, harmonize, get in touch with your feelings. No.

Edna Harding [00:03:01]:
That's not what I'm talking about. Okay. I'm talking about bondage. I'm talking about what I call strongholds. K? I'm talking about those things that are blocking you from experiencing the goodness of God in our lives. And this topic is so important. And I know some of you guys are probably like, okay. I don't wanna message this episode.

Edna Harding [00:03:26]:
I'm gonna move to the next one. But I'm telling you guys, this is such an important episode, probably one of the most important episodes you would listen to in this entire podcast. So, let me just open up in prayer because I feel like this is a urgent word. This is a word, for the church, especially if you are in business or in leadership positions. This is really key, especially in this hour that we're in. So father God, holy spirit, Lord Jesus, we welcome you. Thank you for your ministering angels who are ministering on behalf of your people. We thank you, God, that you, oh, God, are guiding the right people to this episode by your spirit.

Edna Harding [00:04:08]:
Lord, let my mouth be your vessel. I pray, oh, God, that I will only speak what you want me to speak and say what you want me to say. Lord, take control over my tongue, and I pay pray that you will be glorified and honored in this whole entire episode. In Jesus' name. Amen. Okay. So have you guys ever felt weighed down bypass hurts, right, or unexplained spiritual attacks that seem to hinder your progress? I want you guys to really think about this. Have you guys ever felt weighed down by your past, your experiences, and even unexplained spiritual attacks? Meaning, like, spiritual attacks that came out of nowhere.

Edna Harding [00:04:55]:
Like, you're not living in sin. You have no idea why bad things are happening to you. You're seeking the Lord. You're praying. You're fasting. You're, you know, you're you're basically doing the Christian duties, but it seems like the attacks are relentless. K? Or maybe you've reached a level of success in your business, but something is still holding you back from experiencing true peace and freedom. It's not satisfying.

Edna Harding [00:05:23]:
It feels like something else is missing. Right? So today, we're gonna talk about healing soul wounds and breaking free from demonic oppression. I'm gonna share with you guys why this is not just a spiritual matter, but it's also a vital aspect of leading effectively in business. And so I just wanna welcome you guys, to this episode. And I'm saying this again because I want you guys really here. If you're in the middle of work, if you're in the middle of, you know, maybe doing chores, maybe I I just want I just wanna encourage you guys to pause whatever you're doing and just take about 20 to 30 minutes to listen to this episode uninterrupted. Get your Bible, get your paper, get your pen, and start writing down what the Holy Spirit reveals to you. Okay? I want you guys first so I'm I have I've broken this episode to different parts.

Edna Harding [00:06:23]:
The first part we're gonna talk about is understanding soul wounds through the biblical lens. Because soul wounds a lot of people use the word soul. K? Soul is a sexy word, meaning especially now with a lot of people interested in spiritual things, not necessarily the god things, but spiritual things in a sense because there's a lot we're we're spiritual beings trapped in the human body. And so our we crave for spiritual things. And so whether you believe in Jesus or not, whether you follow the other gods or not or other spirits or whatever, the reason why you hunger for that and you if you wanna experience the supernatural is because we're spirit beings. And so I want you to look at your soul through the lens of the Bible. This is the only thing that I will speak on on this episode, on this podcast, is through the lens of the Bible. Now if you are not a believer and you don't know if you could trust the Bible, whatever, that's fine.

Edna Harding [00:07:24]:
Just listen to it anyway. You know, I love talking to people who are not saved yet, who don't know when I say not saved, who does not have a relationship with Jesus because those are the ones that are open. You'd be surprised how many religious people are not open to the things of God. And did you hear what I just said? There is a difference between a Christ follower and a religious person. This podcast is not for the religious people. In fact, a lot of religious people, even though they're so called Christian, hate the things that I'm talking about. Because in their mind, it doesn't make sense. It's not logical.

Edna Harding [00:08:02]:
It's that, you know, theologically, whatever it is that, you know, they they want to say, you know, because I don't have the credentials. I'm not a technically, I am an ordained minister. I did go to, ministry school. But my point is when I talk when people talk about strongholds, soul wounds, healing, deliverance, not a lot of the church is in the country and maybe in the world believe in that anymore. They believe that our healing and deliverance comes when we die and we go to heaven. I am here to say with truth and transparency and with every ounce of my being, god still heals and god still delivers today. And so I I wanna start by saying again that soul wounds are through the lens of the Bible, In simplest terms, soul wounds are emotional and spiritual injuries that we carry within us, which are wounds that came from the result of trauma, rejection, betrayal, or even generational curses. Now follow me, guys, because I know this is like, woah.

Edna Harding [00:09:18]:
Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah. Woah. This is a little bit too deep for me, too much for me this morning.

Edna Harding [00:09:23]:
That's fine. Come back to it when you're ready. But I highly, highly, highly challenge you and recommend you guys listen to it this whole episode. K? Because I wanna let me tell you this. This is so important. That these wounds, if left unhealed, can become a breeding ground for demonic oppression. What is demonic oppression? Harassment. Right? Harassment.

Edna Harding [00:09:52]:
You can't sleep at night. You feel anxious all the time. You're always angry. You're uncomfortable. There's something in the air. You just can't pinpoint it. That's what I'm talking about. Okay? Psalms 143, it tells us that God heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

Edna Harding [00:10:11]:
This verse is a reminder that God is not only concerned with our spiritual life, but he's also concerned with the deep emotional wounds we carry. All of us have some sort of wound that we carry. And a lot of times, those wounds are not very apparent. They're not easy to find because those deep emotional wounds are hidden, like, in the inner part inner chambers of our heart. Like, if you think of a jail cell, it's like the inner cell. Like, all the way inside, like, it's stuff that traumatized you or really you kinda hid. You try to suppress. You try to forget because of the pain it caused you that's hidden inside of you that you don't wanna even deal with.

Edna Harding [00:11:00]:
You don't even wanna touch with a 10 foot pole because it hurts too much. That's the kind of stuff that I'm talking about. Okay? So, I wanna say that these wounds affect how we see ourselves, how we interact with others, and even how we lead our businesses. Okay? I'm a say that again because I think this is so important. These wounds, these soul wounds, affect how we see ourselves, how we interact with others, including our family, especially our family, our husband, our children, and even how we lead our businesses, the people that work for us, and even how we treat our clients. Those wounds affect that. So as business leaders, we often focus on what? Strategy, growth, profitability. But what if I told you that the unresolved wounds of your soul could be the very things that's hindering your business from reaching its god given potential.

Edna Harding [00:12:06]:
What if, let's say, you're already making 7 figures? What if the healing of the soul is what god wants to do in order before he releases you to the next level of 8 figures, 9 figures. God owns the universe. He is a limitless god, and we think we're settling with whatever our blessed number is, if that makes sense. Oh, I'm content. I'm doing pretty good. Multi 6 figures. You know, I'm making 7 figures. Whatever it is.

Edna Harding [00:12:38]:
I have, you know, 5 houses. All kinds no. See, that is a worldly standard of blessings, but God wants to prosper you. There is a difference between the prosperity of God and the prosperity of the world, and the prosperity of God comes with no sorrow. If you're experiencing some sort of sorrow right now without toiling and sorrow, thank you, holy spirit, it should come easy. It's a supernatural hand of god. I know I don't wanna say a lot, but I I know a good couple hands a couple handful, 2 hands full, or maybe less than 2 hands full. I don't know.

Edna Harding [00:13:24]:
I'm trying to think. Who were supernaturally I personally know thank you, holy spirit. I personally know 6 to 8 people who got the supernatural honor, the supernatural double honor from God, meaning they didn't do anything. They didn't work for anything. God just gave it to them because he trusted them. He trusted them to steward these resources well. And then I've read countless testimonies and stories, people that you might not know, but, like, regular people who was blessed by God beyond their wildest imagination. But why? What qualified them for that? And I truly believe it has to do with the condition of her soul.

Edna Harding [00:14:13]:
Okay? So I say all of this to say that a leader burden by their past hurts. My they could struggle with trust, decision making, or maintaining healthy relationships, which are all key components of what effective leadership. Because if you're not faithful with the little, however little may look like in your particular season, he knows you're not gonna be faithful with much. And, again, the Bible even scripture talks about you'll prosper just as your soul prospers, and prosperity has no bounds. We meaning we have a limitless god. Look at the world. The world has unlimited resources that people with not so pure hearts have access to and are using it, for their own personal gain. God wants to give the same thing or take that stuff from the wicked and give it to the righteous, but he knows that if he give it to us when we're not ready, it will kill our soul, meaning we will be far apart far away from him.

Edna Harding [00:15:30]:
Because if we're already distant from him with the little blessings that we have, imagine having the explosive abundance of his favor and grace and blessing, like, what that's gonna do to us as far as our walk with him. If we're already busy with the amount of success that we have, imagine when we have a thousandfold, that current success that we have, if we're still gonna prioritize God. Right? This is why it's so important that we ask the Lord to reveal to us our weaknesses, the things that are holding us back and making sure that our soul is right first before anything else. Right? And and that's why I truly believe I remember I was sharing this many times throughout my trainings and when I speak at conferences is I told the Lord, do not increase me. Do not give me my abundance, my inheritance until I have the character to maintain it, and I have the spirit to maintain it. Meaning, I don't want the success to take me away from him. If my success is gonna take me farther away from the Lord and make me reject his voice and make me forget his voice, I don't want it. I'm fine with the little successes that I have.

Edna Harding [00:16:59]:
Right? That has been my heart's desire. And I prayed that for many years, and sometimes I didn't really understand what that meant, but I meant it from my heart. It wasn't like I'm trying to bribe God. I really meant it because I saw so many young people that I've mentored, that I've coached, young adults, even grown ups that like, their parents were successful, but they never saw them around, and they made poor choices by marrying the wrong kind, by going into abusive, you know, by just, like, getting on drugs, getting hooked on some sort of addiction because they were so empty. Because there are parts in their lives, there's parts in their hearts, in their minds, in their spirit that wasn't healed from their past. And instead of filling it with the love of God, they filled it with material things thinking that that's gonna make that sadness or make that emptiness go away. When in reality is the only thing that can fill you up isn't world recognition. Okay.

Edna Harding [00:18:13]:
But it's the god recognition, the recognition that you are made in the image of god, and you are the son and daughter of the most high god. I'm hoping that makes sense. So I know that was a very long introduction, but the good news is that God desires to heal these wounds. When we allow him to do so, we are not just setting ourselves free. We're also paving the way for greater clarity, strength, and success in our leadership. And our leadership isn't just in your business, but it's also in your personal life. So I I wanna be very vulnerable. I know for me, you know, I led very well in the marketplace.

Edna Harding [00:18:57]:
Very, very well. And then when I get home in the family, I I had to learn how to submit to my husband because I have I'm such a leadership role mentality. I I didn't wanna be a Jezebel. Let's put it that way. I didn't wanna be a Vashti. K. I wanted to be an Esther. K? I wanted to submit to my husband because I understand the way God ordained.

Edna Harding [00:19:26]:
And and I know there's a lot of feminists out there like, oh my gosh. How could you even say that? You're equal blah blah. No. No. I know what the word of God says, and this is not the episode to discuss this. But my point is I know that I need to submit to my husband, meaning submit. Submission, meaning whatever his overall mission is for the family, my job is to help him with that mission. Right? Help him reach the assignment that God gave him, 1st and foremost.

Edna Harding [00:19:58]:
Not to say that I don't have my own mission, but I have I I have been sent to him as his rib, right, as part of his rib to help him fulfill the god given assignment he that he has for him. Right? And so I had to learn that, and that was and what am I saying? I I why am I saying that? That was a hard thing for me to do. That wasn't easy for me to do, and he the Lord had to break me more many, many times to allow my husband to take care of me because I was so used to taking care of myself. And imagine if I didn't go through, you know, the scam, if I didn't go through the bankruptcy because of the scam, if I didn't lose everything I worked hard for, I probably would be so prideful and think I don't need a man, you know, join this whole feminist moment and not really, you know, be the wife my husband needs me to be or be the mother. You know? Because I probably will be so busy, and I won't be present for the lives of my children and raise them up in that foundational biblical truths that god wants me to raise him up. Right? The I I I love the way god did things even though during these years, the past 6 years going on 7, it was not an easy journey, and it was really tough. And my flesh had to die many, many times. And I had so many wounds from the past, and I thank you, holy spirit.

Edna Harding [00:21:32]:
And I feel like he will he wants me to share this. It's because so my ex husband, for those of you guys who didn't know, was married before. I was only married for 1 year. I was very young. He was controlling, and I submitted to him. And I did everything he said he told me to do, thinking that I was honoring god. But he was not a godly man, and he was abusive, and I put up with a lot of things I shouldn't have put up with. But after that trauma, after that experience, I started thinking, oh my gosh.

Edna Harding [00:22:07]:
I'm never gonna let a man control me again. I'm never gonna let a man tell me what to do. I'm never you know, kind of thing. And so with my my husband now who is a godly man who loves me, who has a pure heart, god's gift sent to me, I took the the wounds and the pain from that trauma, and it's affecting it affected my view on him, meaning, like, I'm not gonna submit to you. I'm just gonna do my own thing. I need to protect myself because you're not gonna take care of me, and I need to look out for me. And I need to have a a way out, if that makes sense. And that's not godly at all.

Edna Harding [00:22:40]:
That is a life in the pit of hell. Your husband job is to love you like Christ loves the church and his and he's accountable to God if he's the son of God. And, obviously, my husband is the son of God. And so I have nothing to fear. I have nothing to worry about because it but if he is in the wrong, he has to deal with the heavenly father because he's accountable to God. So I could submit knowing that in the end, god has my back. And if he treats me bad, he he will have to deal with my father, my heavenly father, and not just my earthly father, if that makes sense. Okay? So that was just a a really quick example of how your soul wounds from the past can affect your current relationships now.

Edna Harding [00:23:26]:
And even as a and then for me, not knowing at Saint Jude Holy Spirit, I guess he wants me to share this too. Like, when I became a mom of young children right away after, you know, barely like, we weren't even married for a year yet. Like, I I took I took it out of my kids, meaning, like, you're the reason why I'm not successful. You're the reason why I'm not out there in my business. And I started blaming them instead of not seeing things through his lens by started thinking like, no. This is where God called me to do right now. He wants me to raise godly children because the first 7 years of their life is is laying us a foundation for the rest of their adulthood, and I need to be there to nurture them, especially because I have a military husband who's never around. I didn't want a nanny and a babysitter, you know, to take care of him.

Edna Harding [00:24:22]:
And and and if here I am ministering to other people's children, meaning they're grown ups, but to other people's children, what more my own children? You see that? So there was a lot of things that the Lord had to expose and work in my heart and really help me become the woman he wants me to be by showing me all these lies that I came in agreement with, all these vain thoughts and imaginations, all this deception that I I I believed about my life. And and it really honestly, it broke me many, many times. And I was really thanking God today as I was driving home, you know, from dropping off the kids, I was thanking God for the process. I was really thinking for the journey that, you know, I'm way better now, and I can handle my business way better now than if than if my business launched the way I wanted it to launch. Like, when I say launch, I mean, like, I would be way, way ahead if I didn't lose a lot of things. But my point is I'm glad that the maturity level spiritually of of myself now is able to handle the increase because of the brokenness I've experienced during these last 12 years. It's a long time. I know.

Edna Harding [00:25:47]:
But I'm sharing all of this to say that I'm not speaking to you from a place of pride, like, going back this all figured out. I'm speaking to you about this from a place of I know exactly where you're at, and I've been there. And it sucks, and it hurts, and I wish the process didn't have to take place. But I can tell you guys, being on the other side, you know, living in a really top notch neighborhood in Madison, Alabama, which is basically where the rich of the rich in the South here live. You know? Kids in private school, kids in, you know, in in taking piano lessons, kids like, I I have access, my resources, my systems, everything taken care of, everything paid for. I have no concerns. When I say I have no concerns, like, I have clients. I have 4 I have 4 good clients right now that is it that is sustaining me, and I have a bunch of other clients that wants to work with me.

Edna Harding [00:26:55]:
I have a group coaching program with 2 students already signed up, and then I haven't really, really promoted it yet to the public because I haven't even had time to record it. Like, I'm saying all of this to say that I am so thankful that somehow, someway, god still gave me what I wanted, maybe not the way I wanted it. But he gave me what I wanted in a way that brings joy to my soul. And I'm crying because, like, I can't I can't even I I look back. I'm like, how did this happen? Like, I'm sitting here, you know, in my beautiful office within my beautiful house. Gosh. Everything you could think of. Beautiful big yard.

Edna Harding [00:27:45]:
I mean, it's just like, what in the world? Like, I'm it's so surreal. Right? And I'm not sharing this to brag. I'm sharing this to say, like, wow. We serve a good God. He worked it out. And from day to day and glorious to glorious, he continues to increase you. He's gonna make all things beautiful in his perfect time. Okay? Alright.

Edna Harding [00:28:09]:
So that kinda went longer than I thought, but I'm gonna go ahead and go to the next part. Okay? So I wanted to say, first of all you know, let's talk about the spiritual battle. K? Demonic oppression and the role of biblical authority. Okay? Demonic oppression is something that a lot of people shy away from. You know, the Bible makes it clear that our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:12 is a powerful reminder that we are truly in a spiritual battle, and this battle extends to our business and professional lives. Now I wanna say the demonic oppression doesn't always look like what you see in the movies. Right? You're you're you're you're foam coming out of your mouth, eyes bloodshot.

Edna Harding [00:28:58]:
No. No. No. It can be very subtle, like persistent negative thoughts, overwhelming fear, or reoccurring destructive patterns. You you self sabotage every single time. K? If if you could relate to that, let me tell you guys. These are especially if you're a son and daughter of god, if you're a believer, these are the enemy's attempts to keep you bound, preventing you from fulfilling the purpose god has for your life and business. K? This is why this is so important.

Edna Harding [00:29:29]:
This is why I talk about soul work over and over and over again, not just in my programs, not just in my coaching, in my like, I talk about this, like, very openly even on LinkedIn. I remember one of the ladies that followed me on LinkedIn sent me an email and said something like something like, what I love your boldness and courage about your faith and about God. Like, how how did you get to become like this? And I'm like, wow. That's so sad. Because she was saying that it was very rare. And I was thinking, like, oh my gosh, lord. Like, this is so sad. Like, I would be so sad if my daughters were not proud to be my daughters, if they were ashamed of me, if they were ashamed of, you know, coming from me and my husband, and they were hiding their identity because for whatever reason.

Edna Harding [00:30:25]:
Like, I can't imagine how grieved the holy spirit must be that his sons and daughters who have access to everything the bible says we have access to are not living according to the price that Jesus paid, our inheritance, who we are, the authority that we have. And Jesus Christ, our lord and savior, paid the ultimate price with his blood, which, by the way, guys, this past I feel like this episode is gonna be long, so pardon me. But as I was as I was this past week, particularly, he was reminding me of his of his death. He was reminding me of his blood. He was reminding me of, you know, the the scourging that the that the pilot back then did. And scourging is is is horrible. It's, like, huge suffering. And I was thinking about, like, what are we doing? Like, why are we putting him back on the cross? Like, why are we not living out the the the payment that was paid paid by the blood of Jesus? We're not living to our full inheritance because we're not being bold and courageous with what god says we are.

Edna Harding [00:31:46]:
Right? And so I wanted to say this, that he wants to keep you balanced. He wants you to put there's a song that this is the light of mine, so my daughter's learning how to play that in in piano. He wants you to hide your light. He doesn't want you to be bold about your faith, because he doesn't want you to reach your full potential. Right? Not just for yourself, for your family, but also your business. But here's the truth, guys. As a believer, you have authority over these forces. Luke 10/19 says, I've given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy.

Edna Harding [00:32:24]:
Nothing will harm you. This is not just a nice idea. It's a promise that God said that you can stand firm against any spiritual attack. So in the context of leadership, what does this mean? It means that when you operate from a place of spiritual freedom, you lead them with wisdom. You lead with creativity. You lead with resilience. And you're not just reaching to not reaching. You're not just reacting to challenges.

Edna Harding [00:32:55]:
You're proactively overcoming them with the authority Christ has given you. So there is a difference, right, when when you are defending yourself versus attacking someone. Right? Proactive versus reactive. I am here to I'm here in the holy spirit. You need to stop being defending defend a defender. You need to be an attacker. You need to attack the enemy at the enemy's gates. Be bold and courageous.

Edna Harding [00:33:30]:
Take back what belongs to you. Take back what belongs to the kingdom of God. Take back the promises that God promised and stand firm on it and receive it by faith, and don't cower down. Stop being defended. Like, stop defending and start attacking the enemy. Right? Like, I it's like it's like what I'm seeing. It's like we're being so and I'm talking about me too because I I'm in there exactly. We've gone through so many trials and tribulations that we're just like, oh gosh.

Edna Harding [00:34:05]:
Looking out. What's what's he gonna do now? What's the enemy gonna do now? Like, we're we've been in constant what's that word, Lord? Like, defending zone. We're being constant attack that we don't even know how to fight and, like, how to attack ahead of time. Like, we're way we're just trying to think of, okay. What is enemy gonna do? What can I do in response? Instead of, like, going to the enemy's camp and attacking the enemy there. And how do you do that? And that's through what? Spiritual things, spiritual weapons, but not weapons of warfare that are that are carnal. K? So how do we do this? Number 1, it starts with and this is based on the word of God. It starts with repentance and forgiveness.

Edna Harding [00:34:49]:
You know, Matthew chapter 6 14 to 15, it reminds us for if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly father will also forgive you. Unforgiveness this is the disguise. Unforgiveness is one of the biggest barriers to healing. It's like a chain that keeps you tied to the very thing that hurts you. K? So what does that mean? If there's someone you need to forgive, take that step today. It might be difficult, but it's necessary for your freedom. I had to deal with lot of unforgiveness. Well, not really unforgiveness.

Edna Harding [00:35:21]:
I had to deal with true forgiveness when it came to myself. Like, I forgave my oppressors easily. I forgave my ex husband. I forgave the pastors. The multiple pastors who screwed me over. I forgave friends and and even family members who who who who took advantage of me, but I didn't know how to forgive myself. And that might be you. You might be the person that you don't wanna forgive because you blame yourself for the things that happen in your life.

Edna Harding [00:35:53]:
Okay? It might be very difficult. Okay? But it's very necessary for your freedom, And it might take some time, and it's okay. K? It it's really about giving yourself grace. Giving yourself the grace that god gave you. K? You're you've been set free. You've been delivered because of the forgiveness of your sins. You need to forgive yourself and others the same way. The second thing we need to do is we need to renew our mind.

Edna Harding [00:36:31]:
Romans 12:2 says, do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. This is about replacing the lies with the truth. It's about immersing yourself in God's word and allowing his truth to wash over you, transforming how you think and, ultimately, how you lead. Okay? So renewing our minds isn't just thinking positively. It's about filling that negative thoughts or those lies or deceptions with the truth by replacing it with the truth, which is God's word. Okay? Another another critical step that you find in the word of God is renouncing any ties to sin, negative thought patterns, or occult practices. Now this might sound intense, but it's truly essential. These ties give the enemy a foothold in your life.

Edna Harding [00:37:26]:
So through prayer and declaration, you can break these ties and close any doors that the enemy has used to access your life. So for me, I've dealt with a lot of things. I've dealt with lust, pride, wrong groups, wrong soul ties with different friendships that apparently operated in witchcraft. I'm talking about, Yeah. Lust. We talk about lust, sex, porn, all those different things that a lot of people don't talk about. But, yeah, those are all practices that I needed to separate myself from and ask for forgiveness and repent. Right? Covetousness, worry, fear.

Edna Harding [00:38:12]:
You come in line with fear, dealing with rejection. K? You need to get rid of that. So let me lead you guys in a simple prayer right now. If you're able to, let's close your eyes and pray along with me. Heavenly father, I come before you acknowledging the wounds of my soul of our soul. We repent of any sin that has allowed these wounds to take root. We choose to forgive those who have hurt me who has hurt us just as you have forgiven me or us. K? I renounce any ties to sin, negative thoughts, and occult practices that have given the enemy access to my life.

Edna Harding [00:38:48]:
In the name of Jesus, I declare that I am free. I bind every spirit of oppression. I command it to leave right now. Holy is never to return. Thank you, holy spirit. Holy spirit, fill every area of my life with your peace, with your joy, with your healing in Jesus' name. Amen. So if you guys prayed that prayer, I believe that God is beginning a work of healing in your life right now.

Edna Harding [00:39:16]:
I'm not talking about tomorrow. I'm not talking about 5 years from now. I'm talking about right now. He's the same god today, yesterday, and tomorrow. Okay? And so, I gave you guys some testimonials from my own experiences. I can talk about other clients' testimonials, but I feel like I feel that the Lord wanted me to share what I needed to share based on my experiences. But if, if you would like more examples, message me, and I'll give you guys examples. I have countless stories of individuals that gone through, deliverance and healing after they learn to forgive others and forgive themselves.

Edna Harding [00:40:01]:
Okay? Even dealing with fem generational curses. K. Let's talk about that. So in our family in my family, this is a personal example. My father's side, a lot of the women ended up divorced. In fact, pretty much all my cousins went through a divorce, except the young ones, the youngest ones, so far. And no. I'm not gonna say that.

Edna Harding [00:40:32]:
Thank you, Holy Spirit. I'm gonna correct those words. I'm gonna cancel those words. And it was something that no one believed in. And I myself and a lot of and and, in fact, one of my other cousins was murdered by, in fact, one of my other cousins was murdered by her ex. I mean, her yeah. From by her guy. Anyway, my point is generational curses exist.

Edna Harding [00:40:46]:
And it's not because some voodoo thing. It's just the scripture even says that the there are punishments the punishment or the curse of sin is rolled down to 4 generations. So if there's some sort of unconfessed sin or a generational sin that you keep continuously doing from your great grandfather to your grandfather to your father to you, whatever that makes sense, you pass on the consequences of that sin to your children. And so this is really important, and we I can't do it in this session, but you really need to ask the holy spirit, is there some sort of pattern that needs to break? Is there some sort of habits that or unconfessed sin that my family now can repent from. So my husband and I used to give you example. We broke generational verses from our previous generations about, like, mine and his, by praying together, multiple time. We we used to go to a one of the churches talked about deliverance, about healing from generational curses. And even though that didn't not work out, in fact, that was the church I got scammed in, which is not the point, There were some resources that was provided to us and, like like, wisdom that was provided to us that showed us how to break off generational curses.

Edna Harding [00:42:20]:
And we prayed those prayers. We've de facto and declaring those things over our lives, and I truly believe by the blood of Jesus and by faith that those curses are broken. But we had to make a conscious decision, both him and I, that we are not gonna allow that to come to our fam our our lineage, meaning we're gonna break that off of my children now, and we're gonna raise them up to to know god's word, to know god's truth. And, basically, the book stops stops with us. Right? The curses stop with us, and we're breaking off our lineage and our family. And that's something that, again, I could teach more on, and there's other probably other resources out there. But you gotta ask for discernment that could teach. If this is something you guys wanna learn about, please message me and let me know because I would love to go into that.

Edna Harding [00:43:13]:
But my point is, okay, the curses manifested in, like, financial instability, relational strife, and or it could be a lot of things, like things just breaking down, debts. It could be, like, health curses, whatever it is. Right? Now through prayer and biblical counseling, because you do need to get some counsel, whether if it's at your local church, whether if it's a counselor, someone who understands deliverance ministry, you could break free from those curses. And then you can begin to see a turnaround in your business and your life after you break those curses. Okay? So I share all these stories, as examples of how god's power can heal and deliver and can transform not only our personal lives, but also your businesses. Because I've seen this time and time again where people's businesses are failing, and they're thinking like, okay. Give me the right sales strategy. Give me, you know, give me a business plan, but when everything but the problem, and I I pointed it out, was some unforgiveness towards their parents, some, lack of integrity on their part stealing, you know, that even though it's not seem like like deception, not taking not paying their employees well, like, all these little things that you think shouldn't matter and is normal in a worldly business, that's not gonna work with God.

Edna Harding [00:44:46]:
God is very particular, and he only raises people that he can trust that has his heart. Okay? Alright. So what can you do today to start or continue on this journey of healing and deliverance? I'm gonna give you guys some practical steps, and I know this episode is going long. So I'm gonna try to wrap it up here. K. Number 1, start your day with prayer and meditation and God's words. Scriptures like Psalms 91 and Isaiah 61:1 are powerful reminders of God's protection and freedom. I do this regularly.

Edna Harding [00:45:18]:
I get up at 3 every morning even though I don't have to. I do it because I want to, because I wanna seek his face. I wanna pray and spend time with the Lord, and I wanna ask him I I don't wanna rush my devotions because I work out at 5 in the morning, and I don't wanna start my workout without without praying first and spending time with God. And so I purposely do that, but as a word, I'm just trying to follow the example of a Jesus Christ where he went before the sun went up, and he spent time with the lord. Right? That's the example that you see in the New Testament time and time again. Number 2, seek wise counsel. Proverbs 1522 says, pants fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers, they succeed. Surround yourself with people who can provide both not just business wisdom guides, but spiritual wisdom.

Edna Harding [00:46:08]:
Okay? I myself have spiritual advisers and business advisers, people who are really established in their businesses and have done really, really well, won war awards from Entrepreneur Magazine, from Inc Magazine, right, who've won lots of who has lots of patents, who are doing great and mighty things all over the world. And maybe not known in the world, but they're known in their sphere of influence, and they're these are not no small hitters. These are heavy hitters, but they also have spiritual wisdom. You need to find people like that. And guess what? If you don't have access to that, I have access to that, and you can join my mentoring group. And my group coaching program, Business Unlimited, I'm probably gonna launch it in the sometime in September. I was gonna do it in August, but as you could see, time just didn't work out. But you need to join our group, and I'll be more than honored to take to be part of your journey to teach you what are the things that I'm learning by the spirit of God and through these men and women of God who have the business savviness, but the spiritual savviness as well.

Edna Harding [00:47:17]:
Alright. Number 3, stay connected. Isolation, guys, can be very dangerous, especially in leadership. So stay connected with a faith community that can support and encourage you in your journey. Whether if it's a online thing or in person, I believe you should have both. I think there's something different when you have someone that you could pray with in person, someone who can lay hands on you. I truly believe that it cannot just only be a virtual space. And guess what? If you don't have that, use your kids.

Edna Harding [00:47:46]:
Use your husband. That's what I did. You know, I I prayed with my little girls, and they were my pray prayer partners for a while before I made friends. Number 4, practice forgiveness. Make forgiveness a daily practice. It's not a one time event, but it's a continual choice to release others from the debt they owe you and you owe yourself. Okay? Stop punishing yourself when god already forgave you so many times. So sometimes, especially if you're a perfectionist like me, like, we can be our worst critic.

Edna Harding [00:48:21]:
Right? And number 5, renounce negative tithes. Regularly pray to renounce any negative tithes. They may try to reattach themselves to your life. Keep your spiritual house clean. K? Keep your spirit clean. Ask the Lord to reveal hidden sins. Confess right away. If you lie, steal, cheat, whatever it is, confess right away.

Edna Harding [00:48:41]:
Say sorry, Jesus. Sorry, lord. Sorry for cussing. Sorry for thinking that vain thought. Sorry for being mean. I apologize to the lord, refusing, not out of habit, but because I'm like, oh gosh. I'm sorry, god. I my spirit is filling my butt flesh this week, you know, kinda thing.

Edna Harding [00:48:57]:
Alright? So as we close today's episode sorry, guys. That's my chair. As we close today's episode, I wanna encourage you guys with Philippians 14 that says, I can do all things through him who gives me strength. Whatever challenges you're facing, whether it's your personal life or your business, know that you don't have to face them alone. God is with you. God is for you. He's given you the strength to overcome, to heal, and to lead with excellence. Even though you feel like you're all alone, you're not.

Edna Harding [00:49:27]:
Jesus is with you in that fire. Alright. So let me go ahead and close in prayer. Father, I thank you for every listener today. I pray that you would continue the work of healing and deliverance in their lives. Strengthen them to walk in a freedom that you have provided through Jesus Christ. May they lead their business with wisdom, integrity, and excellence, reflecting your glory in all that they do in Jesus' name. Alright.

Edna Harding [00:49:54]:
Okay, guys. If this episode has touched you, don't keep it to yourself. Please share it with someone who needs to hear it. And if you haven't already, make sure to subscribe to the Estrepreneur Podcast for more episodes like this one on your podcast platform of choice. I'm Edna Harding again, reminding you to lead with truth, wisdom, excellence, and hope. Until next time, keep shining, my friends, and remember to stay blessed because Jesus said you are. Alright. Take care, guys.

Edna Harding [00:50:26]:
Bye. Love you all. Thanks for joining us this week on Estrepreneur. Make sure to visit our website,, for more information on our services. While you're at it, if you found value in this show, we'd appreciate a rating on iTunes. Or if you simply tell a friend about the show, that would help me out too. Also check out my book, The Old New Side of Sales, available on Amazon, where I share 7 of my secrets on how to win and grow business the right way. Until next time, keep shining.