B-Side Morning Brew w/ Bij & Niles

Bijon and Niles sit down with OrangeTheory Coach and Professional Dancer, Ashley Palmer. Enjoy your cup of morning brew as they discuss Niles purchasing his first home, Bijon and Niles’ new collaborative album for 2024, lifestyle, health & fitness, the dancing scene in Las Vegas, and much more!

What is B-Side Morning Brew w/ Bij & Niles?

B-Side Morning Brew with Bij & Niles is a unique radio show broadcasted on 91.5FM KUNV Jazz & More in Las Vegas, pairing music and lifestyle through tasteful consciousness. Live the Lifestyle™. Shows air the first Sunday of each month.

Unknown Speaker 0:07
Good morning and welcome. You're listening to beside morning brew would be at Niles had coffee, chat. chillin on the corner of lifestyle app and music stream on 91.5k wouldn't be jazz. Do we want? Do we want to talk about your new crib? Or you want to wait till after you're actually in the did I'm know I'll be in there next week. Right so it's done. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 0:34
It's closing it's closing on. So those who don't know, I just bought a new house and it's closing next week. So closing on, it's closing on the sixth or seventh.

Unknown Speaker 0:43
Casa Thomas. I know.

Unknown Speaker 0:48
I'm excited. You know, I spent many an evening on your couch. Classic couch. Yeah. In the days of your Yeah. When you were in that other state of Chicago. I mentioned. You did. Lie. No, no, but now I mean, well, now it's, you know, it's nice. Nice size house. Nice. So now you'd be able to have your own

Unknown Speaker 1:12
private full on spare bedroom and bathroom and all that kind of good stuff. You know. So excited. So excited for you, man. Thank you. But yeah, so it's all about pride of homeownership. Well, you know, it's fun to toe jam game. Yeah. All right. You know, you already already told you what your housewarming gift is going to be. Yeah, but it got some other ideas. Espresso Machine. Yeah. Any disorders, some machine? Yeah, you're gonna need that baby. Especially when you're gonna be all those projects you've been telling me about? You're gonna be doing so well, funny thing is shot to get skip the day start.

Unknown Speaker 1:47
What's funny is that the House has already dialed in. I mean, it's a beautiful home. But you know me, I have certain I have certain design styles that I have to, you know, me and I'm a DIY, right? A lot of people don't know that. It's funny. There's two things people don't know about me because they just see me as the artists, the poet or whatever. One is me being an athlete was played football, all through high schools on the football team. People flip out when they hear that first of all, and then secondly, you know, when I was young, you know, I think our age our demographic, when we were kids, our dads taught us a lot of stuff, you know, so, I mean, literally, if I needed to build a home, I could build a home, literally. So I mean, I we've taught Yeah, I mean, drywall man. You know, you want me to do some drywall.

Unknown Speaker 2:30
Hey, man, I don't mess electricity. I mean, either. That's the one thing drywall plumbing. You know? Yeah. Roofing. Yep. Yeah. All that flooring. I think it's important. It's very important. You know, I hear I hear some girlfriend's mind will say something about their husband or significant other like, you don't even know how to open up. A you know a can like, what?

Unknown Speaker 2:54
What are you talking about?

Unknown Speaker 2:57
Fix a doorknob. Exactly. That's, well, yeah, that's.

Unknown Speaker 3:02
Yeah. So it'd be a lot of Home Depot. What you said something before you said you're particular about design. I've never knew that.

Unknown Speaker 3:11
Particular. It's funny. If you don't know.

Unknown Speaker 3:16
Niles is borderline minimalist, like this brother. Like, you know, you know how you're supposed to have like a go bag, like in the event of an emergency. Niles could literally take his whole life with him in like five minutes if he had to. It's literally that.

Unknown Speaker 3:32
grudging, I'm just saying, Well, what's funny, it's actually real. You know, my buddies here, they're going to help me move. It's I've got I have six minimum boxes or medium sized boxes, u haul boxes, and all the rest is just the furniture.

Unknown Speaker 3:47
We know that you're not even keeping right or No, no, I already got rid of the furniture. You're not keeping right. Yeah, yeah. All the furniture I've been purchasing over the last year has been for the house specific for the house. But but

Unknown Speaker 4:00
you know, yeah, man, I don't dig that. Here's my here's my thought theory on this. Here's the deal. If you're moving house, and your whatever is in your storage, whether it's your garage, or some storage unit or some if you if you're moving that to the new place, and it's going yet in another storage or garage, you got no business, lugging that around. Agree. Get rid of it. Agree? No, it's that's my whole thing. I mean, I know I'm an extremist. Um, dude, I don't even have I don't even have my high school yearbooks, man, because it was it was sitting in boxes years ago that I was an into. So it's like, I just, that's how hardcore I am. I don't even I mean, I don't it's a waste of my high school. yearbooks are a waste of space. You're out of here. I throw them away. But that's how hardcore I

Unknown Speaker 4:47
I don't. I don't want kids awesome, man. It's a metaphor though in it. I mean, I got enough. I laugh out of jealousy. All right. All right.

Unknown Speaker 4:59
I just saw

Unknown Speaker 5:00
Like we did get rid of a lot of stuff and we moved across country back to Boston but yeah, then I picked in you know, moving into my grandparents old house. Yeah, I've got my great grandparents stuff in here my grandma see unfortunately my grandfather amazing man master well they're actually welded ships like battleships. Wow. Yeah he was a master welder. Wow working on the Quincy shipyards and stuff amazing and so like all the wrought iron that's around the house the fences and stuff like that he welded all that made all that wow stuff that's cool standing to this day. That's real craftsmanship. Yeah, right. Exactly. So he taught me how to weld arc welding and stuff like that. Yeah. And but anyway, but as a result, though, he thought he could fix everything so he there's a lot of projects that were never the thing to fix.

Unknown Speaker 5:56
My Yeah, barefoot basement that meat just go away. Well, and your house I mean, I've been it's been a minute but I've been to your house. It was 170 years old, right? 120 years old. Yeah. Yeah, you got ghosts in that house, bro. That freaks me out, man. And you know me, I'm extremely sensitive to that world. experienced it. So go into your house, and I know it's friendly, so to speak. But yeah, 99 Are you angry?

Unknown Speaker 6:23
Are you ready for the

Unknown Speaker 6:26
job you do know Casper the Friendly Ghost man and cool. Well, really exciting times. Yeah, man. We're about to go into the final quarter. The last third of the year going into fall right. I'm on the fall. Yeah. Out here on the East Coast. You know, leaves are turning you know leaf peeping starting. We get the pumpkins coming in. Nice. And you know what that means for you? And I too, especially for me, but I know you as well. Fashion. Oh, yeah. We get to switch gears. Yeah, the jackets come out. Yeah, I can switch back to my cashmere jacket. Yep. Got me sport coats. scarves. Yep. Cool. Hats. long sleeve shirt. Yeah. Yeah.

Unknown Speaker 7:11
Fashion fall fashion fall with Bayesian was fall into fashion fall. So yeah, it was definitely we'll talk about that probably in the next episode, for sure. But, yes, one of the other exciting things that we have on the books, I mean, I think it's important for people to, especially as artists, write your goals down what you wanted to do moving forward, obviously, Nas and I've been working a lot together for decades now.

Unknown Speaker 7:39
But we always are, I don't want to say reinventing ourselves. But we're always spending time to not only reflect but look ahead to what we want to do. And some of the things we want to complete one of those things, we realized as we completed our recent EPS individually, in the studio with our Las Vegas crew, is that we have yet to do a collaborative album together, where we've sat down and written the tunes together, usually it's been I'll write my tunes, he'll write his tunes. And you know, even in conversations, we will refer to it well, you know, my music is this and my music, you know, your, your music, is it you know, it kind of dawned on us.

Unknown Speaker 8:19
Why don't we How come we haven't collaborated together and actually written it out. And again, since we would add to each other's individual works, why haven't we? So we're really looking forward to that. And it's actually very exciting. Well, the cool thing is when you and I stumbled on this idea, you know, Larry Habermann, was, he's been playing with us drummer, he also brought it up. And that kind of helped maybe plant the seed even more so and you know, him saying to me one day that is like, Man, you guys should just collaborate and write songs together. And then you you know, which is what you and I are already kind of talking about anyway, and then it just, yeah, we've never done and how exciting it would be to do that discussing the direction and what we want to tap into musically, sonically, that's very exciting. And if we can record it at the fat greek in the south of France, then that's what we got to do. But it's gonna be a lot of cool things associated with that experience that will allow our listeners to be involved with some amazing recording experiences, performance experiences, well, they will have our band, you know, we've got we've got Brian Shree Triola on piano, we'll have of course, VIP which Nick VIP schmale based, of course, Larry abernant They Larry Bella Luna aberaman Yet no della luna Habermann. You've got skits, Sam skits limos. We've got Tom the face Luer Yeah, got the cats. So along the lines of You know, as artists, we have different influences of artists. Well, I mean, I'm a huge fan of the funk era, Music Instrumental r&b, before it became smooth as some of the greats like

Unknown Speaker 10:00
Parkway alone.

Unknown Speaker 10:02
Ronnie laws, Hubert Laws, George Duke. Well, those artists and songs definitely also had a bite to them more just

Unknown Speaker 10:14
definitely on the edge of fusion jazz too. I mean, we're used kind of the funk with a lot of the jazz sensibility on the 70s 80s Miles Davis even, ya know, Freddie Hubbard in his ECM records have had a lot of those types of funk attributes to it. So one of my favorites that I've always wanted to do live and I've written a few arrangements is a tune entitled always there played by Ronnie laws. saxophonist amazing groove timeless Yeah, so why don't we all take a break here and listen to always there by Ronnie laws you're listening to beside morning brew with BJ Niles on K u and v 91.5. Jazz and more

Unknown Speaker 15:00

Unknown Speaker 15:07
welcome back. You're listening to beside morning brew with BG Niles here on 91.5k u and v jazz and more. That was the great Ronnie laws with always there. Thanks for bringing that back, brother. I haven't heard that in a very long time. Go ahead beach. We're Welcome.

Unknown Speaker 15:27
Welcome Ashley to beside Oh, yeah. Why don't you introduce Ashley, you know what I'll introduce you introduce it. So we told our listeners early part of the show that we have a special guest today, so we'd like to welcome she would call you just Ashley Palmer's Ashley brown hyphen Palmer. What is it?

Unknown Speaker 15:45
Legally? My name is Ashley Palmer. I left it brown Palmer on Facebook because you know, when you change your name, and then people kind of don't even realize who you are. They knew you as Ashley Brown, but I just led to it. But Ashley is fine. So Ashley is Ashley's a dancer. And she came out here to Vegas a year ago, right? Just a year ago. Yeah, exactly a year ago. So she's a newbie. Well, welcome to Las Vegas. I met Ashley though at at, you know, I started. You know, in our last show. We talked a little bit about my workouts at Orangetheory. And so and he know me, dude, in terms of what you don't know about me, Ashley is that once you get to know me, I'm fine. But normally, I'm just extremely shy, timid cat. So going into Orangetheory for the first time was a huge feat for me, because I don't walk into places alone like that. You know what I mean? It was it took a lot for me to do that. And I will say be when I walked in, Ashley was there and just really just I felt at home immediately. It was crazy. She made me feel and she's just being her. But what she doesn't know yet is that

Unknown Speaker 16:54
that same morning, once I fill out all my documents and insurance waivers or whatever they have you sign your life away. Yeah, they, you know, to the to the crowd of I don't know, maybe there's 1520 people in that class that day, maybe somewhere in there. 15 Maybe she was everybody now welcome. Niles. Niles is new here. I mean, yelling it out. I'm like, Oh my God, you didn't just do this. But anyway, that's that's how I met Ashley. She's an amazing coach. And that's why I'm getting ripped up. So.

Unknown Speaker 17:27
Any show ready, getting show ready? If I can, if I can quickly interject, I just want to say that I have never heard Niles be so excited about going to work out yo, Stan, when he started working on our series. It's like, Man, I gotta get it from my class, man. You know, okay, so I you know, he was like, I gotta, you know, I can't be staying up late

Unknown Speaker 17:47
night, man, I gotta, I gotta I gotta get to class by was it 6am class, you take something that 530 Something like that. 615

Unknown Speaker 17:55
So, really, you have been a huge inspiration to him and it's exciting to see him excited. And just knowing him as I have for a long period of time, just the energy level positivity. And you know, those are some of the byproducts of just you know, working out but enough of us talking I want to hear about you I want to hear about what what you know, first of all, we'll obviously get to the benefits of of a thing like orange theory

Unknown Speaker 18:24
fitness, but how did how did you a happen to want to be involved with an orange theory situation? And what is your background that kind of led you to that in wanting to help others get to you know, their best you could be God you're good? Yes, that was floated

Unknown Speaker 18:45
while I was working at Disney, a friend of mine who also worked at Disney started to be a sales associate at an orange theory that was opening up right by Disney celebrating together the mouse brings people together. I know wild it's it is literally a small world they were not kidding.

Unknown Speaker 19:09
You were an entertainer Disney right? You were dancing or what? I was dancing at the time doing the castle show, you know, so he's trying to do sales but he also you know, reached out to us and invited me and some other people in the cast to come and take our first class you know, it's free that whole setup and so I'm always interested because I love fitness. I love working out and as a dancer, it's so in, like in integrated into my daily routine. And I have always wanted to find some type of group fitness, but I love going to the gym and there wasn't anything that was giving me that kind of workout in a group class setup. So when I went to take the class and that's exactly what it is. It's literally like going to the gym, but you have a coach leading you and the workouts plan

Unknown Speaker 20:00
And you know, the music's going. So for a dancer, this is like what we want. We're always to people telling us like, how to train what to do for how long music going, you know, and that's what inspires us. So I fell in love in that first class, and signed up that day, I left Disney as an employee and became a third party employee. So that's how I started working there. I just thought it was a good egg. Like I love working out there. And when you're working there, you get to work out for free. But it's interesting that your perspective, the reason I bought into orange theory is because unlike what you were just mentioning, what I love about it is that it does not feel like a gym to me because I hate gyms. There's something about them that I just I can't I hate them. Yeah, and so Orangetheory I don't feel so for those that are listening, that may not be in the gyms as well, to me, I don't get that feeling from Orange theory, even though it's very much a workout center. I don't feel like I'm in a gym. It's I don't know why, but it just doesn't have that same or that same vibe to it. I guess maybe it's because you guys, you're a coach, and you have someone's literally it's like having a personal trainer in this class the whole time. Right. And it's just amazing. So you know, it's like, it's a group. It's a group driven class, if I'm understanding and I've gone online and check, that seems very cool. So if you're not, if you're not self driven, and be able to create a program for yourself, this is an excellent thing to do. I mean, I grew up playing football and basketball, I did a lot of training and stuff like that. So I'm a little, it's a little easier for me to put together a little training program for myself. But I do like the the coach driven aspect of an orange theory, which keeps you keeps you in check, you know, and well. There's two other things I'll mention with this. And then I'd like to talk to talk to Ashley about her dancing is that for me, one I don't like personal I'm not into the personal trainer situation because I don't want to then it's like a hairstylist and you're just it's always it's you start getting into it's just, you know, I mean, then then they're not really working out anymore. It's like a weird, it just becomes I don't know, it's like you gotta spill the tea and tell your secrets. And yeah, it just becomes

Unknown Speaker 22:12
a workout and I get it if some people like that it's fine. I'm not. It's just not for me. Right. So tell us about your your dancing and and I mean, is there a particular style you do? Are you versed in all different styles? Tell us about what your what your goals are here in Vegas. Dancing wise and stuff. Yeah. So I trained in all styles. I grew up doing ballet, jazz, tap hip hop. So I'm, I feel like I'm well versed in all sites. My main I guess, main focus of dance would be jazz. Okay.

Unknown Speaker 22:48
So yeah, when you came out here, so you decided to come out to Vegas for what to just kind of kickstart or find a new place in dance in terms of the scene out here. Yeah. So my husband and I moved back to Oklahoma. That's where we're both from, we moved.

Unknown Speaker 23:09
That's usually where everyone stops, because they don't know anymore. That's true.

Unknown Speaker 23:15
Musical, I've played that musical several times. But yeah, anyway, good.

Unknown Speaker 23:19
We moved back to Oklahoma, and I thought I was done with dancing. I was a little burnt out. And after being home for a year, still pursuing fitness, we both decided we weren't done with entertainment. And Las Vegas was one of the first places we had considered moving to when we first got married. So we were like, well, maybe now's the time, all of our stuff was still in storage packed away. So we just decided to get a U haul and move out here.

Unknown Speaker 23:46
That time of thinking about moving out here though, a friend of mine, she lives here and she does start to delays Beatles love show. And she kept saying yes, you guys need to come out here and there's so much work like you'll know you'll find new things to do. And I was submitting for Michael Jackson one but doing well with the submission. So we decided to move out here to Vegas. And honestly, I just want to dance in general I wouldn't say I have specific goals. I'm just trying to navigate through the entertainment world here and see what is out here see what the offerings are like this shows her like she that's a cool way of approaching it actually. But we're gonna have to take a quick music break here and come right back with Ashley Palmer. One of my favorite artists, as many of you know is shot a. So this is shot A's FEAR OF THE PROMISE album here on 91.5k u and v jazz and more

Unknown Speaker 25:00

Unknown Speaker 25:08
is the color of

Unknown Speaker 25:15

Unknown Speaker 25:18
Willie come home to

Unknown Speaker 25:28

Unknown Speaker 25:35

Unknown Speaker 27:47

Unknown Speaker 28:09
Welcome back you're listening to beside morning brew with Bayesian Niles on 91.5k u and v jazz and more. Well, Ashley, we want to thank you for joining us and giving some insight into kind of the dance world and fitness. And so Ashley, where can where can people find you if they want to look into your dance career as well? Yeah, if you want to follow my Vegas dance journey on Instagram, I'm at a jay Palmer 319 Thanks again and we look forward to seeing you and seeing you in your other job. Your other profession can't wait. Thank you guys. I'm excited as well definitely keep you posted on the journey

Unknown Speaker 29:01
you've been listening to besides morning brew with beach and Niles chillin on the corner of lifestyle app and music stream on 91.5k u and v jazz

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