National Health Executive News

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Daily News from National Health Executive

And here’s today’s news from National Health Executive on Tuesday the 20th of August 2024.
The Welsh NHS Confederation has called on Wales’ new first minister Eluned Morgan to include conversations about the country’s population health in her “listening exercise” with the public so they can inform decisions about Welsh Government priorities over the next 18 months. Former Welsh health minister Morgan announced her cabinet two weeks ago, while also committing to a public consultation over the summer to help determine the Welsh Government’s priorities and structure until 2026.
The Welsh NHS Confederation’s director, Darren Hughes, has called on her to include conversations on “what every individual, organisation, sector and government department can do to improve our chances of living healthier lives” for the future. This comes after the same organisation launched a call for a national conversation on the future of healthcare in Wales last September.

The new government’s campaign slogan of ‘Change’ must include reforms to how the NHS recruits nurses, according to the Royal College of Nursing, as new UCAS figures indicate another drop in the number of students accepted onto university courses for the upcoming academic year. The total number of students accepted onto nursing degrees in England has dropped by a fifth in three years, with the overall number for 2024/25 coming in at just 13,870.
The RCN has renewed its call for government ministers to take action and make nursing careers more attractive through financial incentives, such as state-funded nursing degrees as well as the introduction of universal living maintenance grants.
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