Following The Call with Carolyn C. Lowe

Posted July 11, 2024

In this very short film episode, I was inspired with a message to “just start now start where you are and stop worrying about all of the puzzle pieces being perfected”. 

Everyday that I sit with God in silence, his voice is getting louder and louder. Like should I start now? What exactly would you like for me to do? Should I open myself to this person? Should I be friends with these people? Should I still post on social media? There are so many questions but the best place when you have a lot of questions is to get quiet and get centered with your Lord and savior. 

So this whole awakening that I communicate as God is qualifying the calling and calling the unqualified. Friends, we are being asked to devote our every being to the Lord. My gift back to God is taking these conversations to the next level. Worrying about the perfect timing and the perfect equipment will keep you stuck and rooted in being unproductive. 

God shifted me by merely feeling the nudge to stop waiting until you have all the signs, all the things, most of the time when God gives us an idea he wants us to start right where we are. You don’t have to see the whole staircase when you’re being led by God. We are now available via video on YouTube and audio via podcast anywhere you can listen to Podcasts. 

The Holy Spirit inspired me to START NOW! The doors are open. Start where you are with what you have and the Lord will continue to provide. Trust him and trust the processes he has assigned to you. Join me on this call! See you on the inside! 

2 Corinthians 3:5 reminds us, "It is not that we think we are qualified to do anything on our own. Our qualification comes from God." If God called you, He will equip you. It may take time, and it may require a learning curve, but trust that the God of the universe is in your corner.

What is Following The Call with Carolyn C. Lowe?

Welcome friends, to “Following The Call Podcast”. Honest communication saves relationships. Starting with the communication you’re having with your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!

Life is full of experiences that will lead you closer to God or further away from him, his love for us, his word, and his purpose for our lives.

God has given Carolyn a platform to share with her audience the trials, tribulations, breakdowns, and breakthroughs of her life experience as she seeks discipleship since denouncing “New Age Spiritual Practices” to following God’s call on her life; Lead his people back to his Kingdom.

In return, Carolyn has offered her life to the Lord by creating a community of likeminded believers whether seasoned, a baby in Christ, or just awakening to your spiritual journey; having hard conversations with honesty and authenticity, Carolyn creates a safe space for listeners to reflect, grow, heal, and draw closer to our Lord and Savior.

Do you remember a time when you felt called by God to make a change in your life because there is something bigger in purpose you should share with the world? You ever feel like your story will lead to a breakthrough for others? This may be a place of encouragement for you. Welcome and enjoy!

Topics: forgiveness, shame, guilt, obedience, spiritual warfare, desires of marriage, fallen friendships, career advice, prayer, fasting, hearing God’s voice and more…

If you would like a prayer request, help me honor the Lord by dropping it in your review message if anything you’ve heard here has helped you along your journey! I am here to be used by God, nonetheless this is also honoring the audience he has led here and ultimately honoring him. Please don’t leave without rating the show and giving us feedback on what you think we’re doing well or could work on. We love you, God loves you! GO IN PEACE! 🤍

C. Lowe:

Whoo. Y'all, the Holy Spirit is putting it on my heart today to go ahead and set up my already behind the scenes footage to create the start of my podcast show that God blessed me with, that God called me to called following the call. Okay? With Carolyn Cielo. Oh, this is about to be good.

C. Lowe:

Lord, I could feel that you're gonna bless this. I'm almost afraid because the thing that I keep hearing every time I talk about this with the Lord, I keep hearing the Lord is about to bless this ministry. But I'm not a minister. I'm not a pastor. I'm not a preacher.

C. Lowe:

Right? I'm not an apostle. I'm not a prophet. Right? At least God has not communicated that directly to me.

C. Lowe:

I may have gifts of such, but I'm not claiming any of it until the Lord tells me that that's who I am. But, yes. Congratulations, Carolyn, because all of this content gotta be going towards something. Like, we're building a brand. The guy is telling me has been telling me during this fast, get your house in order.

C. Lowe:

Get your life in order. Get your call in order. Get your purpose in order. All of the things. Right?

C. Lowe:

Because, I'm trying to create something rooted in a healthy spiritual foundation for you. And, I know that the Lord did not give me a voice of reason to, waste it or for it to not be used or for it to especially not be used for the greater good of all and to serve his kingdom. Right? I'm just really in this space where I'm focused on any and everything that I put my hands on or that I do or that I'm a part of is gonna serve the kingdom of the gospel. Okay?

C. Lowe:

The kingdom of the gospel. Alright? Because we have dedicated so many years to serve in the kingdom of darkness through tarot card readings and all of the things. And it doesn't negate that I have a spiritual, truth in my intuition and discernment of the Holy Spirit. But studying the Bible has actually given me the real tools and confidence to know that, like, oh, this ain't been no joke all along.

C. Lowe:

Like, yeah. I'll let you go dibble and dabble over there so you can learn what is not. You know what I mean? Think about all of the people that ran with Jesus as disciples. Baby, he went and got everybody who was unqualified.

C. Lowe:

Okay? Because God qualifies the call and he and he qualifies. He qualifies the call and he qualifies the un the the, what do you call it? The unqualified. Right?

C. Lowe:

And so let's get into it. Let's go ahead and put these get this on this platform. Let's mass produce and push this stuff out here. Right? Because somebody need to hear this.

C. Lowe:

Everybody need to hear this. And the thing I love so deeply about how I put it out into the world is I give you the very transparent portion of, like, spiritual growth and spiritual welfare and all of the things, right? I let you see me cry on camera. I don't care. I don't care.

C. Lowe:

There's a lot of things I won't do on camera, but crying on camera is something I'm okay with doing. I'm alright. I can be the example. I'll be the sheep. Right?

C. Lowe:

I'll be the shepherd. Because eventually, being a sheep will turn into me being a shepherd. God will ordain me as a shepherd if I'm okay with being his sheep. Okay? And so I love that for us.

C. Lowe:

Congratulations, Caroline. Congratulations to the audience. Congratulations to, everything that has led us to this point. And I have this prayer in the lord, the most high, the father, the son, and the holy spirit. Thank you lord for putting this idea on my heart, putting it within my spirit to actually get started.

C. Lowe:

Okay? Thank you. In Jesus' name. Amen.