The Power Life Coach

In this deeply personal episode, the host, Sabine Schoepke, reveals the secret to happiness and success nobody talks about: the transformative role of spirituality in life. Journeying from a state of depression and emptiness despite outward success, to discovering a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment, she shares her encounter with the 12 Universal Laws, a set of principles that have reshaped her understanding of success, happiness, and her place in the universe. Through personal anecdotes and insights, she delves into how these laws offer a blueprint for living in harmony and joy, emphasizing the Law of Divine Oneness as a cornerstone for interconnectedness and collective energy. This episode is an invitation to rethink happiness and success, to find alignment with your true purpose, and to contribute to the vibrational uplift of the universe.

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What is The Power Life Coach?

I’m here to guide and accompany you to your greatest potential and give you the tools to create a life beyond your wildest dreams. You will change your life’s narrative, transform your limiting beliefs, and you will fully own your magnificent power. So that you can go from lack, to making your life one big authentically yours mind-blowing story.

I know you want more than your current reality. So, let’s unleash your inner badassery. Let’s explore the Intersection of Pain, Passion and Power. You don’t know how? I do. I have been where you are now. I suffered, learned, awakened and succeeded so that I can show you how.

With me, you get an unapologetic, powerful sister and guide with exceptional skills and a fearless attitude, all in one. Think "Sistuoso Maestro".

So, welcome to your POWER LIFE!!

Let’s do this. You have waited way too long already.

Today I want to go a little deeper into the role that Spirituality has played in my life. I know that for some of you this might be challenging, but it’s a crucial factor in my journey and I am finally courageous enough to talk about it. I think it is my obligation to share.
Over the years I have done a lot of research trying to figure out how to live a more enjoyable and less stressful life and even more importantly, how to actually define a better life for myself. Because that in itself is not easy either. We are programmed by parents, educators, the culture we live in, and society in general to define a successful and happy life in very specific terms. But it turns out, they might not be in line with our own very individual and personal terms.
A few years ago, I realized, that even when I had achieved success, I felt empty. I got very depressed, to a point where I lost interest in life. Life seemed like a constant struggle, while it was totally meaningless. For a while I felt like there was something wrong with me that I could not be happy. I bought all kinds of self-help books. I went therapists, churches, healers and by chance ended up in a local spiritual center.
I started to realize that there was more to this life. With that realization, an amazing journey began. Lined with amazing people who helped me get new perspectives and clarity. I feel very blessed, because I got to redefine success and happiness and reset my life.
There have been a lot of aha and wow moments since then, but one of the most eye opening and helpful things I got exposed to, was the 12 Universal Laws. Based on my own experiences, they are an amazing guide for us on how to live in this world in more harmony and joy. It made my life more meaningful and fulfilling. It really is possible to navigate this life and all its struggles in a meaningful and joyful way!!
Some of you have done a lot of this work and you are probably familiar with this already. But I feel like it can't hurt to hear it from somebody else again, maybe from a different perspective. And for anybody who hasn’t heard of this, get ready for an eye opening and amazing ride.

So… your mindset is like the artist of your world—it paints your perceptions and sculpts your reality. By changing up how you think, you're essentially giving yourself the superpower to chase and catch any dream you've got your eye on. There are 12 Universal laws that are kind of like the hidden rules of the game of life. They're the backbone of everything that happens to us. Getting to know these laws is like unlocking a cheat code that lets you live life more on purpose, maximizes the impact you have, and with that, making life way more satisfying and rich.

Universal Law #1: The Law of Divine Oneness
The Law of Divine Oneness is like the golden rule of the universe, reminding us that we're all part of the same cosmic web. Imagine it as the base layer for all those other universal rules—it's the idea that everything and everyone is connected. Simple enough, right?! Picture every little atom in you having a secret handshake with the rest of the universe. Whether it's something you can see or not, everything's linked together. We're all part of this giant jigsaw puzzle, fitting together in ways we might not even realize.
This connection means we've got this shared, supercharged energy that comes from all of us being in it together. Think about it: your actions, thoughts, and feelings send out ripples, like throwing a stone into a pond. These ripples reach far beyond your own little patch of the world, touching the vast expanse of the cosmos.
Once you get this, it's like flipping a switch in your brain from feeling all alone to understanding you're a crucial piece of this bigger picture. We're never really solo players. This web of connections makes us responsible for our vibes because what we put out there doesn't just stop with us—it mingles and shapes the energy of the whole universe.
So, every choice you make about where to direct your energy, attention, and love doesn't just affect you or the people close to you. It's part of a bigger flow, contributing to the universe's overall vibe. How cool is that? Your personal spark can light up the cosmos!
The more you vibe with your true purpose, the more you'll find yourself riding a high-frequency wave that not only lifts you up but sends ripples throughout the Universe. It's not about hoarding stuff, chasing titles, or upgrading to the next model car. That is the most common misconception about success and happiness. Because it does not last. The greatest and most sustainable joy and happiness comes from boosting the Universe's vibe by boosting your own. And that magic happens when you're perfectly in tune with your purpose. You'll know you're there when everything just flows—when you're so engrossed in what you're doing that time seems to just slip away. That right there, that's when you're making the biggest splash in the cosmic pond. So, chase those moments, soak them up, and let them multiply. That's how you are the happiest and you make a real difference.

I have struggled with loneliness and how to make the greatest impact in my life for most of my life. At times it has been excruciatingly painful. At the same time, I’ve always had this great desire to help others, serve others and make this world a little bit of a better place. And learning about this Universal law has shown me two things:
• A: I am never alone. The Universe always has my back. I am always loved and supported. And I am connected with everybody and everything else out there. My feelings of loneliness, are based on the rules we have acquired from the people we have been surrounded by, society and culture. But they are made up and they are simply wrong. And worst of all, they make us feel like crap.
• B: For me, success is no longer measured in money, title or possessions. Real success is the impact I make when I follow my heart and I am in the flow. Just like what I am doing right now. Shifting to that perspective has helped me to redefine success. Success isn’t how many listeners or followers I have on social media. Success is about vibing high and with that, the frequency I put out there. Knowing that, has given me a lot of peace. I can now enjoy the work that I love so much, because I know I am blissfully vibing super high and impacting the Universe as a whole.
I know this might seem a little far out there for some of you. But I want you to play with it and give it a try. Give yourself the space and time to do something you really love doing. Practice awareness and observe how this feels to you. When you are in the flow, how happy are you? Are there any feelings of loneliness? I bet you, there isn’t. Because when you are doing something you love, when time flies, you are actually in alignment with your purpose, and your vibration is high. You are now connected to everybody and everything, and you never feel lonely. The truth is, the antidote to loneliness is purpose. Realizing this and really understanding and internalizing it, changed my life.
That doesn't mean I never get lonely. Especially being here by myself in the mountains. I have moments where the walls are closing in on me and I miss my life partner, my kids, my friends. But now that I know this, and I have flexed this muscle so many times, I can easily remind myself of this and shift my focus to something I love. Like recording this episode or writing on my next book. It makes me so incredibly happy. That there is no doubt for me that I am in total alignment with my purpose and that this is exactly where I am supposed to be.
So, promise me to try it?! Together, collectively, we can raise the vibration of the Universe. How amazing of a thought is that??
Wishing you a powerful and fabulous week!!