Public Sector Executive News

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And here’s today’s news from Public Sector Executive – on Wednesday the 10th July 2024.
The government has announced that it is bringing financial institutions together under the new National Wealth Fund.
At the request of the Chancellor and Business Secretary Jonathan Reynolds, the creation of the National Wealth Fund will bring key institutions together to bring in billions of pounds worth of private investment whilst delivering a return for taxpayers.
Investments will be available to be made immediately thanks to £7.3 billion of additional funding from the UK Infrastructure Bank, with this focusing on priority sectors such as green and growth industries.
Investments will be available to be made immediately thanks to £7.3 billion of additional funding from the UK Infrastructure Bank, with this focusing on priority sectors such as green and growth industries.
Liverpool City Council has launched a new consultation on the council’s plans for housing.
This comes as the council has set out its vision up until 2030, with this bringing a commitment to 2,000 new homes every year, reducing the number of empty homes, and tackling homelessness. Once the draft housing strategy is implemented, it should shape the £1 billion+ building programme.
The strategy will also work in line with the government’s aims as it commits to developing on brownfield sites.
In a move local council leaders believe will promote local and inclusive growth, Cumberland Council has joined forces with Westmorland and Furness Council to launch Enterprising Cumbria.
The news represents another step in the transfer of function from Cumbria Local Enterprise Partnership to the two unitary councils, building on previous work and continuing to champion the voice of business across Cumbria.
The move to transfer functions from the Cumbria LEP comes in the wake of the UK Government’s decision last August to stop core funding for LEPs from the April of this year.
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