Armbar Audio

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What is Armbar Audio?

Armbar Audio is a professional wrestling podcast for fans by fans!

Tim: You are now entering Arm Bar audio.

Hello and welcome to a new
episode of Armbar Audio.

I'm your host, Tim Farley, and next to
me is my trusted companion, Sean Kearns.

What's up everybody?

We are back and, uh, we're just
gonna catch up with you guys.

Um, uh, I don't think we've had
a podcast this calendar year.

I don't think so either.

So we're just gonna talk about whatever we
want to and, uh, hopefully you enjoy it.

This is the, uh, maybe there
will be points of contention

and you can talk about it.


John: uh, but this is like the rebirth

Tim: of audio.



We were born again.

We've been talking about it for a while.


It's just, uh, things have been going on.

Um, John moved, John got a promotion.

John new spot.

Hey, what up?


Uh, and I have been and a new spot
focused on getting better your life.


John: yeah.

And getting better.


While doing it.

Tim: That's right.

They were better than here every
day in every way, except obviously

not in the weight loss department.

You've had other shit to do.

Don't worry.

Fuck it.

They don't like it.

It's more for somebody else.

You know what I'm sure.

Anyways, so, uh, this past year,
it's not like, John and I haven't

discussed wrestling with each other.

Uh, we're in a group chat with,
uh, our friend Drake, who used

to be on the Phenomenal podcast.

He's been on our podcast a couple of
times, and of course, you know, our,

you know, him, member, Sid, nerdy Mark.

And, uh, one of the, one of the main
things that we've been going, we have gone

back and forth on, was this right here.


Uh, I was, I was very concerned, uh, if
r o h would have its own identity, uh,

because leading up to the actual show
on honor club, you know, there was a

lot of r o h workers and champions in
a e w, uh, whether it be on dark shows

or main shows, and, you know, I kinda
got a little rubbed the wrong way.

But now that we're, uh, a pay-per-view
and about eight episodes in, I would,

I would say some of my concerns still
exist, but they've dissipated a bit

and I really enjoy Ring of Honor.


Um, one of the main reasons I
enjoy Ring of Honor television

is an obvious anchor for them.



Now for sure, if you remember
John, whenever she became

the Ro o h women's champion.

I was kind of annoyed.



John: I think a lot of people were
because like it was like we hadn't

seen Mercedes Martinez for a long time.

And where your Honor comes around
and you're like, oh, great.

Finally Mercedes, uh, Mercedes,
Mercedes Martinez might be getting

the camera time that she deserves, and
then she lost the title, the first.

Defense under the Tony umbrella?

Tim: Well, yeah.

Like under, under the big time.


Tony K Umbrella.

Yeah, because she'd beat Serena D.

But that Yeah.

But like my thing was I wanted
Athena to be a big thing in a w.

In a W.


But now as Ring of Owners went on, and
as I've listened to some podcast with

Athena, I think it's great because,
um, For people who have watched Ring

of Honor in the past, the women's
division never really got off the ground.

In the early days, there would be a match.

Yeah, the Women of Honor, yeah.


There would be a match here and
there, but never really a division.

And then they had a division for a little
bit with Kelly Klein and Maui with Tawny.

I think they wrestled each other
at the Madison Square Garden Show.

But then things happened there where
it kind of fell apart and then Right.

Uh, before the pandemic or during the
pandemic, they had the Women of Honor,

uh, title tournament, and Roxanne won.

But then she went to wwe, uh, and then
Ring of Honor kind of went into this mode

where, you know, Sinclair didn't know
where it was going, and then eventually

Tony Con bought it, blah, blah, blah.

So to have a woman like Athena, who
in my opinion, is one of the best.

Women's wrestlers on the planet.

Oh yeah.

To be holding it down and actually
solidifying the title for the first

time in history is pretty fantastic.


Um, she's been putting on banger
after banger, Yuka Sakaki Emmy soccer.

Um, last week she did Heather Reckless.

Ashley d uh, Willow Nightingale.

How could I forget that?

And, um, she's just, her whole like
porcelain hussy thing where like, uh,

it's super card of honor where she
broke the, uh, porcelain doll at first.

Yeah, like I, her character
and uh, her promos, just

everything about the Athena is.

High gear

John: right now.

I like, um, and they sort of touched on
it on the most recent Ring of Honor tv.

Uh, Ian Rabani talked about Rick Bunny,
Rick, it's like, it's like a multiple

personality thing with her right now.


Like where she jumps into these
other, like these different

moods throughout the match where
she'll be, she does that thing.

She does that thing where she
like jumps like a court jester.


You know what I'm talking about?

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

But then she'll go right back to the
series and, uh, I, I just went to, I, I

just went to Dyna White a couple days ago.

Yeah, we're gonna get into that.

And Ring of Honor was, um, rank of
Honor kicked off the show or checked off

the live wrestling that we gotta see.

Unfortunately, we were late
getting in, so I did not see.

Avena was already having
her match when we gone in.

I didn't get to see who it was against.

I couldn't notice, but, uh, it was Drake.

Yeah, it was great and I'm, I'm
excited for people to see it.

Tim: Speaking of, uh, ring of my
favorite show this year so far has

been super, was super Card of honor.

Oh fuck.

If you haven't watched it, go
outta your way and find it.

However, pay for it.

Don't pay for it.

I don't care.

Just Tim, it's fantastic.

And it kicked off.

With Coman there, who is now Ali Elite.

Oh yeah.

And Triple Mega Champion.

Mega champion.

By now I've known for quite some
time the amazingness of VIO because

a few years ago, maybe even more
than that, impacted some shows in.

Mexico and he was on them.

Uh, it's really hard for me to
watch Lucha Libre to be honest.

Like I, um, it's a lot of cluster fuck
in my opinion, but I've seen some of

his tripa matches and they were good.

And he reminds, he reminds us of a

who of a young Ray, mysterious, Jr.

I was trying to get John to remember
what you said the other day, but,

uh, no, I said, uh, I gotta see

John: you live happy.

Tim: Uh, whatcha talking about?

John: But no, I said the
day I was like, imagine now.

Versus like, prime Raymond.

Tim: Yeah.



John: Monday

Tim: nitro ray, mysterious.

It would've been insane.

It would've been

John: insane.

Like Monday Nitro slash
ruthless aggression era.

Ray Mysterio versus by Kingo Now.

Would be nuts.

Tim: I would've, I would've, uh,
I would pay big money to see that.

But Vigo is now, uh, I'm sure whoever
listens to this knew that he was going

to do a United States run with G C W
Warrior Wrestling, uh, and some other

promotions and didn't want his stuff
being filmed or broadcast or streamed.

And I don't know what happened, but
apparently, They said no more because

we got to see him on Super Card of
Honor against Commander and it was one

of the best matches of the evening.

Since that time, uh, not only has he
worked those indie shows, but we've

seen him on Dynamite against Omega.

Yeah, we've seen him on Ring of
Honor against Ringo Loco and uh, I

believe he had another match as well.

But, uh, the guy's taking the
United States by storm right now.

John: He's on, he's on Rampage tonight.

Against, um, against Charlie?


Tim: Yeah.

Oh, wait, that's tonight?


Because of basketball and shit.


Ah, good, good.

Cause I watched GC W last night.


And I was like, watch
Rampage another time.

Uh, but that's on tonight.


Treat for me.

Uh, but I

John: was, I was there, I was in the

Tim: arena.


This influx of, of luchadors, uh, not just
by Kingo, but you know, command there.

Gringo, Locos finally
getting some shine on him.

Uh, it was really nice to
see him in ro o h this week.

And I believe you got to see him live.



John: faced, um, God,
Damn Blake Christian.

What is wrong?

Yeah, he, he faced Blake Christian on Ring

Tim: of Honor and we get to see
Metal League on Ring of Honor.

I don't know, I don't know what the

John: format for Ring of Honor is.

I don't know if that's
gonna be on Thursday or next

Tim: Thursday.

Yeah, I don't know.


But, um, you know, I like this.

I like, I like what Ring of Honor
is because we're seeing a w talent

there get booked differently.

A lot of times.

There are some exceptions
like Mark Sterling's group.

The varsity athletes and the varsity
athletes have been nothing but losers

on both shows, which upsets me because
Tony, because I, we like Josh Woods.


And Tony, I like Josh Woods.

Tony NES could win a win one
here and there, like they don't

have to lose every damn match.

And then, but then you
have the trust busted.

I just hate more stories that much.

Who, who were just, you know,
Jobber on a W and they're actually

like doing something with them.

Uh, on Ring of Honor, like I would say
Ring of Honor is based right now upon

the kingdom, uh, against top flight.


And of course, you know,
Dante Martin is gone.

So they have action Andre in
there, which is perfect for action.



Um, we have Athena holding it down.

Samoa Joe.

Uh, the Pure championship.


Which is being defended almost every week.

John: getting some shine

Tim: on there.

Ta Keta is getting the
wins on Ring of Honor.

I still don't know if he's
ever had a win on a television.

I think he has.

Well, it went, it was a
long time before he got one.


And we'll get to that.

And, uh, we

John: have, um, we got that this
thing going on with the dark order.

And Vincent's group.

Tim: Yeah.

It was nice to see the righteous.

The righteous finally come back.

John: Seems It seems like they're
targeting No, they were there.

Tim: Vincent wants Stu Grayson, Vincent

John: Grayson.

And, um, little bit of a spoiler.

When we were at Dyna White, uh,
Grayson and Uno had a tag match.

And Vincent, just, Vincent and
his guy Dutch, what's his name?




Just, um, they were up on

Tim: the stage watching in chairs.




John: uh, Vincent is cool.

Yeah, Vincent has a very

Tim: cool vibe.

What's, what's, what's funny about
Vincent is when he started this whole

righteous thing, everyone was like,
oh, he is just trying to be bra Wyatt.

Well look at Bra Wyatt now.

And look at Vincent.

John: I kind of wish Bre

Tim: was involved.

I kinda wish Bra would've
never became the fiend.

I kind of wish Bra wouldn't have
come up with all these things

and just stayed cult leader like,

John: yeah, I wish him and
Eric were still together.

Tim: It's all in some screwed up.


Like his, his return is was,
has just been abysmal I think.

John: I hate to say it, I think
Brody passing had a very big effect

Tim: on him.

Oh, definitely.

But like they were so slow with
his, his return and like, I dunno.

John: So I'll tell you what, I
liked Stroman a lot more when

the white family was a thing

Tim: for sure.

You know why?

Cause he didn't talk.


He didn't have a Twitter account.

Um, but anyway, um, so yeah.

Um, I used, I was afraid that Ring of
Honor would just be like a c A W light.


And then I would be like, well
then why is a w dark exist?

But it's, it's, it's finding
its own identity and, uh, the

fact that Shabbat came back and
is a pure champion, fuck Yeah.

It's fantastic.

Um, I

John: kind of view it
like, I kind of view it.

The same way that I viewed F
C W before it became an xt.


Like it is its own thing,
but it's still connected.

Right, right.

And I think if they can use Ring of
Honor the same way WW used N XT at first,

Tim: like Bobby, that'd be cool.

John: Yeah.




Tim: cool.


I agree and that I did say like a super
card felt like a black en gold show

felt like a black en gold takeover.



And then, um, another guy who's, who
belongs in ro o h right now, I don't

care what anyone says is Lee moi his
match, that match in nuts because

he was allowed to do his thing.

He wasn't just like a member

John: of the firm, the exact same
fucking thing I said, I said that

is the most limo already match.

That limo has had since coming to Aw.


Tim: Yeah.

Except like maybe his first one.


Which I think was, it was
against, somebody's like super

technical, I don't remember.


John: But yeah, that match was amazing and
they, and the fact that they followed that

immediately with gringo and Vigo was nuts.


Tim: Right.

I just, and it also seems like another
thing that I like about it is with Loco

on there, with vio, with, uh, Blake
Christian, um, it seems like Tony Cohen

is treating independent contractors,
like real independent contractors.


You know, and giving

John: em health insurance
at the same time.

How about it?

Tim: Because we know and paying when
we know Christian and Loco are Gc W.

Staples, staples, staples major.

Um, so yeah, bring of honor.

If you're not washing it right
now, change, uh, change your

mind and give it a shot because.

It's, it's, it's quite good.

Even how Billy starts

John: on there sometimes.


And, uh, Tony Shevani kinda
let the cat out, cat out of

the bag that, um, she's signed.

Billy signed, yeah.

Tim: Mm-hmm.


Great young talent.

Uh, a lot of people can't wait
for Nick Wayne to show up.

A lot of people who don't follow G C W
have only seen her on a w are like so

enthralled, amazed at how she is Yeah.

At her age.

And I'm like, Where you guys been, bro.

Like she's been killing the
Indies for like two years and

she just got back from Tokyo,

John: bro.

Wait, wait till fucking
Nick Lane shows up, man.

Tim: Oh man.

People aren't gonna know what hit him.

I just hope they, I hope Jordan,

John: Jordan Oliver.

I hope they give him the
young dumb broke music in.


Tim: that would be wild.

Like I don't care if he's
paired with Nick Wayne or not.

Yeah, I just, I want.

He deserves it.

John: Yeah, I want good things.

You want the east, west express together?


Tim: do, but even if they didn't, I
still want good things for all over.

But, um, anyways, so a w um, we're
gonna talk about r o h and a W because

that's what we mainly watch every week.

I can tell you a lot of things
about what's going on in Japan.

I think it's the easiest to watch.

I'm just gonna throw this
little bit out there.

Jake Lee left all Japan Pro wrestling and
he is now the gc That's True Champion.


Apparently last doing it last
weekend, he had an amazing

match against, uh, Nakajima.

I still haven't seen it yet.


John: my fucking dude, Sonata,

Tim: that's Baby Sonata, changed his look,
joined, uh, just four guys now they're

just five guys with flipping burgers and.

And, uh, he beat, he fi he beat Connor.

And I'm so happy because like whether
you, no matter what you think about

Sonata and if you think, yo, he's
still just a mid Carter and they

gave it to him, blah, blah, blah.

I don't give a shit.

If that's what you think, it's still a
good move because what is the main event?

Every New Japan show,
Sonata O' no Mito Osprey.

He gets in there, right?

Those four names.

Well, I was gonna say white, white throw.

Um, isn't in New Japan anymore.

They, they'll throw shingle

John: in sometimes.

Tim: Right?

Who is the king of pro
wrestling right now?

Fucking name.

Uh, but, but like even before the
title, we've always complained that

the main event scene was always

John: the main event scene was very
thin, thin, and also repetitive.


WWE ish in that way.

Tim: Yeah.

John: Yeah.

Like it's the same match every big show.

Tim: Exactly.


And, and, um, yeah, it's just
a not fresh air, don't champs.

And they're, they're, they're
so deserving, uh, they

John: pulled their heads outta the asses.


Tim: like that.

Uh, I think we're gonna
get that match again.


Uh, this year.

Um, but yeah, FDR pulled their heads
outta their asses and, uh, signed a deal.

Um, there's still things going
on with another guy that the a w

John: tag titles are back with.

Abel Belong?


With the top

Tim: guess.

Hey, you know, I have hopes for
the guns or the ass boys dude, but

it's, it's not their time right now.

Nah, they're still young ass boys.

I mean, I listened to, I listened to,
uh, one of Jericho's podcasts from his

crew, and, um, Austin was basically
saying how he had to train Colton when

Colton got into a w because Colton
had a whole, yeah, whole nother thing

that he thought he wanted to do.

Then he decided to wrestle and,
you know, Tony saw the money and

the brothers, so Austin kind of
had to teach Colton on the fly.

So like there's nothing wrong with that.


That those, those boys have a lot of
pressure on them and for what it's worth,

especially with where they came from,
they knock those things out of the park.

It's just they need some
more time and as long as

John: ftr, the personality, the
personality and the character is there.


Tim: they might be.


John: The in ring work needs
to match with the character.

Tim: Agreed.

Or match with the ego.


John: Yes.

Because the ego is good.

The ego is classic.



Tim: ego.

Speaking of ego, um, page, no, I
kinda, I kinda touched on it earlier.

Ego J White J had the wrestling world
wondering where he was gonna show up.

Was it gonna be at super of honor?

Was it gonna be at, uh, what
was the show revolution?

Uh, was he gonna be at revolution?

Was he gonna be at mania?

Was he gonna be at the raw after mania?


That's what a lot

John: of people thought.

And then a lot of people
thought the rumble too.

Tim: All these things.

And he held out until a random ass

John: dynamo.

It was the smartest thing ever.

He, he said nothing.


He was radio silent until
he showed up somewhere.


Tim: was so good.

It was so good.

Uh, Right now, juice Robinson and Jay
Whiter, rock Hard, the Bullet Club Gold

and David Finley, who has been chosen by
gto, uh, said whatever they're doing over

in a a w is not part of the Bullet Club.


John: okay,

Tim: come on guy.

Come on Guy.

I mean, you got LP over there who they
just kicked out because he didn't LP.

Well, he didn't stand in line with Finley.

He didn't believe in Finley.

You better turn or both of gold.

I'm hoping.

That's what I'm hoping.

Honestly, uh, in my opinion,
if Jay White is claiming Bullet

Club, that's where Bullet Club is.

Uh, I don't really buy Finley

John: because you never officially
left and it was never officially

Tim: like kicked out or anything.

He got kicked out the same
way everybody else did.

Yeah, he got his ass
whooped by the next guy.

So, I mean, I guess he did, but,
but he's still like the embodiment

of, of that idea of that, yeah.

Of that attitude.


I'm not buying David Finley as it either.

And I was really excited for Finley
at first, but they didn't, they're

not, they're, it seems like they
don't know how they want to go

about it, and maybe they're gonna
address it at Forbidden Door.

That would be interesting
for me, uh, to see.

But back to a w Our favorite guys,
the Blackpool Combat Club, have

turned shit heel and I love it.

It's amazing.

At first, everyone was wondering what
Danielson would think because Danielson

lost to MJF and took some time away.

And just Moxley, UDA and Claudia turned
into the three hyena from The Lion

John: King.

Yeah, for real.

And like Brian, Brian's
always had like this, she was

thinking about, so it was very

Tim: interesting.


When he turned and he, he came out
to like, help Omega, but then he

hit him with the bus psycho knee.


And now he's taken
screwdrivers to people's heads.

He's kinda like a manager.


I, I, um, but now with the recent
happenings, uh, I imagine he'll

be getting involved in the ring.

So Bull uh, Blackpool Combat Club.

Very angry.

That the elite are seen
as the top, top of a w.

They're, they're upset with a
lot of things about the elite.

They're going after
hangman page at dark order.

John: Lemme ask you something.

What does the e in the e w stand for?


Tim: E E Elite suck it up.

But John Moxley said we put
the E in the leap, not you.

I dunno.

So they've been going after everybody.

They even busted up Don Callis,
who some of us thought was

kind of orchestrating all this.

Uh, Dawn Callis, uh, in my opinion, is
so good at being a slimy douche that.

When he talked to Will Osprey on Dynamite
a long time ago, I was like immediately

like he's gonna leave Kenny for Will.

And that didn't happen.

And then whenever this stuff happened
where he like kind of faked his stuff

with Paige to keep Paige away from Omega,
I'm like, oh, he's behind all this stuff.

But what happened this past week?

I don't really think so anymore.

And you saw it live.


So let let 'em know.

John: Well, there's been a lot of
talk, a lot of rumors about, uh, callus

getting Tequesta involved with Omega.

And finally, after much speculation
this week on Dynamite, we saw

Don Callus recruit Young Tek.

To, uh, assist the via week when
they were getting beat down by the

Tim: bcc.


Uh, TETA of course, uh, was the ace of
d D t still wrestles for them sometimes.

And Omega has a rich history with
d D T and Callis on screen has been

trying to court Keta to and to Keta
has been in the middle with him.

Like, kinda like, okay, I don't know.

Uh, so.

BCC were beating down the elite.

Countless came down with a chair,
thought that he was gonna do something,

and then he got a better idea.

But we just thought he was a chicken shit.

And he's, he's trying to convince
Tata at the ramp to go and help.

As soon as Tata hit that ring,
it was like a ball of fire.

He was hitting everybody.

And you could see on Danielson's
face, and I know maybe you couldn't

because you were there live.


Danielson looked.

Frustrated and, and put on
his heels like he Oh wow.

He did not expect to Keta to be there.


No, that didn't come across.

Now there's still people out there.

If I was

John: looking at the big
tv, maybe, but no, I didn't

Tim: notice.

There's still people out there
who think that Don Callus is still

orchestrating it and that him and Tata
are gonna go Blackpool Combat Club.

But I don't, I don't see that
happening and I don't like it.

I don't like it at all.

Unless they sign Coda at Bouchie.

Hey, um, let's see here.

Of course, we got the four
pillar stuff going on, speaking


John: Coda at Bouchie, but
for Mike Bailey Oh, was very

Tim: good.


That, that was one of my matches of the

John: weekend.

Not, not coda's, not, not to
us, not Todas, first time in in

America, but a very good show.

Tim: Absolutely.

Um, speaking of Mike Bailey, His matches
against Jonathan Gresham with and G

C W and Impact have been fantastic.


John: match at Spring Break?

Yeah, all.

Oh, all of Spring Break
was fucking amazing.

Spring Break was fantastic.

Spring Break was my
favorite show of mania.

Weekend Super

Tim: card of honor for me

John: that was Mania can.

Holy fuck.



Jeep Spring Break is my favorite show of

Tim: the collective.


Those two shows really
were like, yeah, the shit.

Um, so yeah.

So we got the main story going on
in a w is, uh, mjf, who's a pillar

of a w who's a champion, and,
uh, Tony Kahn decided to pull the

trigger on the four pillars match.

Um, right now, uh, we've been getting
a lot of in ringing promos Yeah.

Between the four of them.

And it's been.

Pretty damn good.

Uh, Darby Allen has been the most
consistent on the microphone and

in my opinion, deserves to be
on the microphone more often.

John: Yeah.

Sammy Guo.

I like it.

I like Darby's really coming into his own.

Tim: Finally.


Uh, well, I think he's gonna
get, he's given the opportunity.

Yeah, that's, that's the
difference now, jungle boy.

He's given, he's been given the
opportunity and sometimes he knocks

it outta the park and sometimes
he comes up a little short.

In my opinion.

There's something about him that's,
what do you think this week?

I, I mean, on promos.

Yeah, I know.

Um, this week, honestly, the promos
didn't really need to happen.


I think we're past the point of talking.

Uh, it, it's now at the
point where, Things have to

start going into action mode.

And that's exactly what they did
by the end of the show because

they had a tournament of pillar
tournament and whoever wins the

pillar tournament goes against mjf.


So tournament with three people.

Well, somebody had feet, they had
to pick a name out of the hat to

get the buy, and it was Darby.

So Sammy verse Jungle boy,
and what the hell is going on?

What do you mean?

MJF gives a blank check to Sammy Guro.


I mean, what does, does MJF see
Sammy as the least threatening?

For sure.


Because he's a heel, or
like, I don't, I don't know.

I, I don't like this and
I know it's not gonna ha.

It's not gonna, in my opinion,
it's not gonna lead to anything.


Cause we're gonna get a fatal four-way.


Like it, this whole torment
thing is a nice way to take up

time before doubling nothing

John: in my opinion.

Well, they got some time
to take ups the thing too.

Tim: So now here's the question.

Do you think it's time for
one of the other pillars to

Deone Maxwell, Jacob Friedman?

John: I don't know.

It's hard to say.

If it is, if it's anybody.

I feel like it kinda should be gra.


Well, cause he's like
legitimate day one match one of

Tim: a w.

See, I would go with Darby.

I understand, but I'm

John: still, I'm just saying

Tim: like, because you got kids
painting themselves up as Darby, you

got, I mean, yeah, you got like the
endorsements from different places.

Darby, you got Yeah.

The guy who can rocket on a mic.


John: No, I understand all that.

I'm just wondering when, I'm kind
of starting to wonder when Sammy

Grava is going to get the reward for.

Being the, like the main
writer Die a w guy for

Tim: as long as he has been.


I'm gonna say this.

All of them will have
the title at some point.


I do not think MJF
loses it to any of them.

Uh, I could see, like he said, a
whole year of a reign of terror.


Um, Now I know, I know that John doesn't
want to talk about this, but I would

be remiss if I didn't bring it up.

There's a lot of rumors about an a w
Saturday show and a RO and a brand split.



John: you, do you understand my stance
that none of those rumor are coming

from anyone involved with a e W?

Tim: Still, there are a lot of talk.

There's a lot of talk, and I
wanted to say a lot of talk that I,

that's all it's, I'm saying this.

If you're gonna have a Saturday show,
take away dark and dark elevation.

It's too much wrestling.

One of the main reasons.

Well, there's a lot of main reasons,
but one of the main reasons I stopped

watching ww e was cuz I felt Overkilled.


Second, if you're gonna spread
up the brand, it should be to

maximize the exposure of talent.


That is, you know, a lot of people
have complained over the years.

Little, the little three and a half to
four years that a's roster is bloated.

I, I've been saying

John: it's always been
the ridiculous fucking

Tim: opinion, but, but at the same
time, there is some merit there.

But now you got Ring of Honor, right?


You got Rampage, you
got, you got dynamite.

If you're gonna add a Saturday show,
and even if you don't, if you're

gonna split, split, split the brand.

It should be for talent exposure and not
because your employees can't get along.

Yeah, I'm not taking anyone's side
here on our show or in general.

I still

John: don't think any of it's real.

Like in general.

Tim: In general.

I don't.

You mean him coming back or
like everything that happened.

Everything that happened.

You think it's

John: okay?


I don't think it's okay.


I think it's all.

Blown out

Tim: of proportion.



It's majorly blown out of proportion.

What we saw that night was a man who
just got the title back on him, who knew

that he was gonna have to relinquish it
again because he knew he got injured.


And a man who was, he was reading
dirt sheets and getting information

about something that happened that he.

Threw away six years prior
or something like that.

So he was a pissed off old man.


John: And he knew people
were gonna shit on him.

Tim: Right.

And you know, I did see a tweet from DAX
that said everybody should just make up

and apologize and punk agreed with them.

So it, and

John: I said, everybody.

Who's everybody?

Tim: Well, I mean there, there has to be
some type of mutual thing because here,

John: do you think Kenny should apologize
Kenny who got attacked and by a human man?

Tim: Maybe in the sense of we shouldn't
have come to your locker room that

John: night.

We shouldn't have done
what you told us to do.


That, that was dumb of us to do

Tim: that.


We're sorry we came down to your level.

Yeah, exactly.

John: Yeah.



Tim: Yeah.

Sam Punk needs to be humbled before
he gets another chance at wrestling.

Uh, in my opinion, and I've been a
punk fan my whole, the whole time

I've known Me too, his existence.

Me too.

But the man needs to show some
fucking humility, uh, and.

If that doesn't happen, you
wanna end up playing Miro?

I don't.

I don't give a rat's ass
if you make another show.

Just, just so you could have him.

So you could have him
versus Jericho and whatever.

No, I want you all to make up and I
want you all to wrestle each other.

I have four months leading up to
all in, in my head just for them.

And how they could sell out that
show, or at least get close to it.

I need people to start

John: putting respect

Tim: on Jericho's name.

It's not that I don't wanna see
Jericho wrestle anymore, it's that

I don't wanna see Jericho and punk.

I saw two Jericho and
punk programs and wwe.

They need.

To bury the hatchet.

John: What makes you think
it's gonna be Jericho and punk?

The first

Tim: fucking, because that's,
cuz that's what the rumors are.

John: None of that is real.

Tim: Because Jericho said
that he would be the liaison

between him and everybody else.

He would be willing to
go talk and, and la la


John: la Well that's, that's
Jericho being And Jericho.

Tim: Yeah.

A fucking professional.


The most professional,
professional, sorry, Brian Myers.

Jericho's the best brother,
brother in the history of breast.

Um, but yeah, you know it, if you're
gonna do the brand split, it should

be for talent, explode exposure, not
because children can't get along.

And yes, I mean to say that because if
this was, if they were professionals,

they would be able to get over it.

Um, I don't, I don't give a
fuck who that's about, you know?

And I don't care if you're
like, oh, the elite.

Oh see punk.

Fuck that.

They're all grown ass men.

Do what's best for business.


John: And with that, oh, is that it?

I think so.


That's it.

Didn't you wanna talk about, did you talk
about everything you wanna talk about?

Like cango and everything?


We talked about my kingo first.

I know we did.

No we didn't.

Yes, we did.

It wasn't like in the

Tim: middle.

Who knows?

Not me, it's Saturday afternoon.

We're both tired and fat.


John: I went and saw a fucking,
I went and saw Gabriel yesterday.

Yeah, uh, we got there at 10.

Gabriel hit the stage at 1115.

You didn't get out until two and
did not leave the stage until 1 45.



So I'm, I'm, I'm done.

Tim: I'm done.


That's what I was saying.

You were like, yes, I'm, I'm done

John: fast.

Tim: That's how it goes,
baby bullshiting bullshit.

We ain't done this in a while.

You ain't, you're not used to that.


Anyway, uh, wherever you are in the
world, whether it's morning, noon,

or night, you have a great one.

And peace and love to all
of you, to all of you.


John: Also keep the hat
Wrestler's Lab, wrestler's Lab.

We are, uh, sponsoring Wrestler's Lab.

Upcoming show in New Kensington,
uh, seven years of science.

It's the seventh anniversary
of Russell's lab.

Um, Vy.

Young's gonna be there.

I O'Neal's gonna be there.

Uh, Erica Lee is gonna be there.

Hong Kong.

There's gonna be a lot
of great indie talent.


Tim: what's up Also,
shout out to Da Donny boy.

Uh, the, the man who did, uh, the
theme song for Inside the Indies.

He just dropped a new album
called The House Show.

It's on all streaming platforms.

I use Spotify, so that's where I hear it.

Uh, check it out.

It's really, really good hip hop.

Um, yeah, so we're back.

We're not gonna be weekly.

We might not even be biweekly,
but we're still alive.

We're still watching rest.

John: Yeah.

We wanna shoot we at least monthly.

Yeah, we wanna be

Tim: at least monthly.

Yeah, yeah, for sure.

At least

John: monthly.

I'd like to shoot for biweekly.

But see what happens.

Who knows?

But yeah, uh, that's it for us.