Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast

Wake Up Classy 97 with Josh & Chantel from Tuesday, August 20th, 2024 / I want to mow your lawn, Josh washes his feet, the 3d printed neighborhood is nearly ready to move in, Josh is not a doctor, we learned that our family members have favorite utensils, Luna the Jack Russel is the main character in our family, there was a ravioli fight, boredom begets more boredom, Snoop Dogg has new sneakers, and the 2028 Olympic drama is heating up!

What is Wake Up Classy 97 The Podcast?

Wake up with Josh & Chantel every weekday from 6a-10a on Classy 97! Missed the show or want to revisit your favorite moments from the show, enjoy Wake Up Classy 97 - The Podcast!

It's Josh and Chantel, and this is wake up classy 97, the podcast. It's a replay of today's full show. It's Tuesday, August 20th. On today's show, I wanna mow your lawn, Josh washes his feet, the 3 d printed neighborhood is nearly ready to move in, Josh is not a doctor, we learned that our family members have favorite utensils, Luna the Jack Russell is the main character in our family, it was a ravioli fight, Boredom begets more boredom. Snoop Jog has new sneakers, and the 2028 Olympic drama is heating up.

It's International Radio Day, and thank you for listening. You can hear the show live weekday mornings from 6 to 10. It's wake up classy 97, the podcast. Enjoy today's show. Wake up classy 97.

It is Josh and Chantel. Hey. It's us. It is Tuesday. I didn't know how to respond.

Yesterday, you said I was a little too much. Oh, no. It was too much for a Monday. We're good now. Oh.

Yeah. There's so many rules. There's no rules. It's it's just talking and getting paid for it. There's no rules.

It's that's all it is. Do you get paid to do this later in the day? I mean, yeah. But then I went to work later in the day. That's the part that I always come back to is that, like, yeah, waking up at 5 in the morning and then driving into work and then starting bright and early at 6 AM is hard.

It's rough. It's a hard job. And then I remind myself that I'm waking up, and I'm sitting here, and I'm talking, and I'm listening to music, I'm hanging out with you, and it's all good. And, I also don't have to work until 5. And that's okay.

Okay. Fair points. The later we start, the later I have to work. That's true. So I just I talk myself into it, and I well, you know, all things considered, it's not bad.

It's not terrible. It's not bad. You're right. So what day is today? Let's start it off.

Today is National Radio Day. Today is? Today. What does that mean? That means we're talking about this this thing we do.

This thing called. Celebrate it today. Radio. That's right. National Radio Day.

All we need is Radio Gaga. Yeah. So, historically, do you know when radio kinda started? It started in 1942. Nope.

Earlier. By about 20 years 26. It was it was in the twenties. Earl early twenties, when when radio started. And, boy, is it evolved very quickly in the 100 years.

You believe that? Radio's a 100 years. How about it? Can you believe it? Yeah.

Look it. Happy birthday, radio. National Chocolate Pecan Pie Day. Oh, have you had chocolate pie? Gonna say, have you had a chocolate pecan pie?

No. You have never had a pecan pie. I don't like pecans. I know because something's wrong with you. No.

They taste too dry. Not in a pecan pie? Yeah. They do. No.

Yeah. Full of caramel. No. Not this one. This one's full of chocolate.

Well, give it a go. No. Thanks. It looks burned. It just doesn't it's it's unappetizing to look at, and I don't care for the nuttiness.

I don't like pecans. They're delicious. Okay. It's bad for you. Bacon lovers day.

I like it. We're talking. I don't love bacon. Bacon. It is international Hawaiian pizza day.

I like Hawaiian pizza. International. You do? Yes. You know this.

It's fine. It's just pineapple. It's great without pineapple. It's better with pineapple. No.

Mhmm. Nope. A hot Hawaiian is is palatable, but I still would prefer without pineapple. You eat it? You've eaten the pineapple?

Hawaiian? What's the hot one? Oh, it's a spicy Hawaiian. It's got jalapenos on it. It's very good.

And you eat the pineapple on it? If there's 1 or 2. Just eat all of them. It's gross. World mosquito day.

Why do they get a day? Yeah. Right? They guys are awful. Oh, I should say those gals because it's the lady mosquitoes that bite you.

Listen. They have to take care of their young. Could they find another way? Go bug them. Other ways.

Oh, poor horses. They don't even have a way to defend themselves. Yeah. They do. They got that whippy tail.

Not on it won't reach their face. Have you ever seen a horse scratch its face? They rub up on stuff. I was trying to figure out how they would do that with their little hoof like a dog, but they don't. No.

They can't. They rub up on stuff. They're fine. International day of medical transporters. These are, the men and women who get the sick and injured where they need to go to get help, whether that's, I assume EMTs and paramedics, down to, the folks that put you in a wheelchair and push you out to the car when you're done with the surgery and then you don't remember it.

You're saying that like that happened. Weird. Weird. Weird. But they got a day, and it's today.

So happy day. That's what I know. What do you know? Some days I know there are some days that need celebrating. K.

Let's do it. Happy radio day. Tuesday. Woo hoo. When you take a shower Yes.

Do you wash your feet? Yes. I do. Every time? Every time.

Would you believe me if I said that less a little less than half of people in the survey said that they just let the water run over their feet. They don't actually wash them. That is correct. And I would, I would argue that that half is also 90 something percent men Okay. Because they can't be bothered.

No. I don't know. I wash my feet on purpose every time I shower. On purpose? Yeah.

Why am because I don't wanna have stinky feet. Okay. Good. And that's where bacteria hang out and stuff. So no.

For real. I I very much am like, you know what? I don't really wanna have dirty, smelly feet. So I consciously scrub up the soap and and wash my feet and make sure they're nice. Good job, Josh.

Thanks. You do take very nice care of your feet. You have nice feet. Yeah. I appreciate that.

I do try to I try to keep them soft. Because I don't I don't wanna have hard soles and gross looking feet. So I was treating you what? Nothing. What what'd you what was that face?

Well, I don't wanna have hard soles either, and I take care of my feet and wash my feet, but I also like to wear sandals. Yeah. So they just get dry in the summertime. I wear sandals, like, when I'm in the water. I don't want my shoes to get wet.

It's what? Yeah. You wear sandals in the water when you don't want your shoes to get wet. That's right. I wouldn't go in there with my shoes on.

Like a sneaker? I'd put my sandals on, and I would, I I would wear my Chaco sandals in the water. I was reading some You bet. I was reading something the other day that said, if you come home and you're walking around your house barefoot, which I tend to do Mhmm. And then you just climb into bed, Think of all, like, your house food.

That's the thing that's on your feet that you've now put in your bed. Good point. That is kinda gross. Yeah. I don't like bare feet.

I don't like having bare feet. I I too many too many debris gets get on my feet. I hate it. Because people like you wear their house their shoes inside the house. That's why there's debris.

It's more about the dog dropping dog food particles all over the place And that. Little piles of food. And in the kitchen in general, it's not the rest of the house, to be to be fair. Really, it's just the kitchen. There's always some sort of Debris.

Debris, small little crumbs of things, whatever it is. Yeah. But that could be everywhere. Because if you're wearing your shoes in the house and you wear your shoes in the kitchen, then your shoes are gonna transport it to the living room. Are you trying to turn our house into one of those no shoes in the house house?

I wouldn't be opposed. Oh, man. It's not a bad idea. I don't I don't know. I feel weird when your guests come over and you're like, hey.

Could you just leave your shoes at the door? We're we're in, no shoes in the house house. I don't feel weird doing that at somebody else's house. It I it's a little strange. I don't think so.

Around with sock feet in somebody else's house. Just make sure you wear good socks. It's it bugs me a little bit. I don't like it. So we'll never be that house is what you're saying.

You wear shoes until you go to bed. No. That's not true. Depends on the day. No.

Yeah. I usually see. If I know I have somewhere else I have to go, if I know I'm gonna have to take the dog out, all of these things are mostly true every day. That's why you just Why am I gonna kick my shoes off? Because that's why you just put your flip flops by the door.

Nope. So you can quickly put them on to take out the dog. No way. No way. Flip flops?

What are you talking about? I have flip flops. Let me just throw these bad boys on. Slide that between a couple of toes. You used to have flip flops.

You don't anymore. You used to wear them all the time. When I first met you, you were more of, like, a hang loose kinda guy. Yeah. Now I'm all uptight.

You are. Shoe wearing guy. Can't be Sneakers. Can't be walking around with sock feet. No way, man.

I'm proud of you for washing your feet. Thanks for doing that. You're welcome. It's for you. I do it for you.

Hey. Listen to this story. This is kinda cool. There's this group called I Want to Mow Your Lawn, and it is a volunteer program for people who have some time on their hand or wanna do some service or wanna help out. And all you do is volunteer to say, yes.

I'd like to mow your lawn. And then on the other side, there's people who are maybe disabled, older with disabilities who can't physically mow their lawn. So the people who are able sign up and say, yeah. I'd like to mow your lawn. They get an address.

They take their lawnmower. They go get the job done. Is this done through an app or a website, or how are these connections being made? And is this happening everywhere? Is this only happening in one city?

It is a website. Yeah. And they are accepting volunteers, donations, and new clients. Let me see, Josh. It's I wanna mow your lawn dot com.

Yes. And, it's a nonprofit, free lawn mowing services, blah blah blah. Expectations of service. So they have, like, like, you don't just do a a, you know, half the job. You gotta show up and actually make the yard look nice.

Oh, yeah. Some of that. They've got some some you can, you know, just make a donation to the nonprofit. They've got a few different, big sponsors in here, which is nice. This is based out of Wayne, New Jersey.

This so I was reading a story from this navy veteran. His name is Springer Blankenship. And he volunteered, and he was like, I just love this so much. He now regularly maintains 7 yards on a regular basis. Well, that's good.

And he said that the organization equips him with environmentally friendly gear and noise canceling headphones. Excellent. And he mows each lawn with a sense of pride and service. That's great. It it does say they're looking for volunteers to join the mission of spreading kindness through lawn care and giving back to communities.

They offer flexible scheduling. Their platform provides a customized dashboard for managing jobs, and volunteers have the opportunity to upload photos of their work and log their hours. And as a token of appreciation, they have a free logo t shirt after you complete your first job through their platform. Uh-huh. So then you yeah.

Then you get to then you get the I wanna mow your lawn t shirt. They say everybody is welcome. It is diverse and inclusive. They wanna welcome anyone who wants to make a difference from college students to professional landscapers. There's a place for everyone on here, which is really cool.

And they do have, like, this whole community onboarding guide, so that you can you can work within your own community to kinda get the word out about I wanna mow your lawn. That's a cool cause. It is a cool cause. I think that's really neat. I mean, that was something I was doing, you know, very young.

I had a flyer, and I had a couple of yards in my neighborhood that I was helping some some people mow. So I think that's cool. I was getting paid, because I was a kid, and I probably should have gotten paid more for some of the yards that I did. But, that's really cool. I like that.

I wanna mow your lawn.com is the website. Looked in our app or in our area. Yeah. Yeah. There's a couple of volunteers.

I don't necessarily see clients, like people who need it. I can go on here and book these people, these volunteers, and say, yes. I need help mowing my lawn, which let's be frank. Hey. Easy.

Easy. Hey. I do need some help. Easy. Easy.

Easy. I've I've I'm ready. I'm I'm getting back in the lawn mowing game. Okay. Getting there.

Because I could book one of these people that I see right now. I'm not going to because that's not fair. That. Yeah. That's able-bodied.

Yeah. I'm able to do my own. When's the last time you mowed? That's not part of our arrangement here, Josh. I just, you know, have been down with the inability to lift stuff for the, you know, the few weeks.

Have to lift anything if you mow the lawn. Oh, no. There's yeah. There's but that lawnmower, you gotta push. You gotta empty the bag of grass.

That's heavy. I gotta put that into the garbage bag, and then I gotta carry that heavy garbage bag. All that is beyond right. If you needed that assistance. All you had to do is ask.

But, again, that's not in my realm of our responsibility of our agreements. You're the lawn man. Mhmm. Alright. And I do other things.

Okay. Right. The 3 volunteers that have signed up at I wanna mow your lawn dot com that are, you know, specifically in our area that I was looking at Yeah. They all have 0 completed jobs. They're ready.

They need some they need some stuff to do. They need some people. They need some clients. Yeah. So if you know somebody who's in need or if you wanna step up and do it, what a great thing.

I wanna mow your lawn.com is the website, and there's one person in Pocatello 3 in Idaho Falls. Volunteers or people who need help? Volunteers. I'm just gonna check Blackfoot real quick. Blackfoot's got one person.

All of them with 0 jobs. They're people that wanna help. To do. Yeah. So if you, if you know somebody, you need to request service.

There is an intake form you can fill out, I wanna mow your lawn.com. There's some people waiting to help you out. That's cool. That is cool. Alright.

Good find. Good news to get you going today, is is pretty great. So let me tell you about Cassandra Clover from Grand Haven, Michigan. She was brought to tears thanks to a very heartwarming and creative random act of kindness. Aw.

Cassandra's daughter Isabelle was born 6 weeks premature and needs a special expensive formula. The cost of the formula these days is, very expensive according to Cassandra, she said, especially this one. It is technically 4 preemies, and it's $80 for 3 cans. What? $80 for 3 cans of baby formula.

A can. How big is a can? Not big. I'm trying to think. I don't I haven't had to buy formula in 12 years.

Less more than that. 13 years. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

It's been a very long time since I've had to buy baby formula. I I'm blown away. $80. And I know going through that Yeah. Probably That's a couple days, I'd imagine.

I mean, that's maybe a week. I don't know. Three cans? Probably a week. Three cans a week, $80 a week?

Probably a little more than that. It's expensive Yeah. For a new parent, and you got diapers and everything else. And so during a shopping trip, Cassandra, had to pick up some of these cans of formula. Uh-huh.

And so she picked one up, and, there was a $20 bill tucked under the plastic lid, between the plastic lid and the little foil lid that you tear open. Yeah. And, and she said, we need to tell the person, whoever did this, that we really appreciate that. This is just amazing, and it just made my day. We got more formula using that money as well.

And because she has to have these special bottles that go with the formula, she got an extra bottle, and that is so great and helpful. That's so cool. I mean, this is this is what we're talking about in 2024. Is this wild? This seems wild to me.

$80 formula for 3 cans and Just to feed your just to feed a baby. To feed a baby. Unreal. Isabelle is now home, a month old and thriving. And thanks to this random act of kindness, Cassandra has been inspired to pay it forward.

Once Isabelle stops needing this special formula, she plans to donate, this this particular either the money or whatever to, other moms in need, which I think is it's phenomenal. I I like the pay it forward movement. But what a cool thing. Somebody said, hey. You know what?

Gonna help out. I'm gonna help out. I got this $20 bill. I'm gonna sneak this into some formula because I know somebody is gonna need this, and it's gonna be it's gonna be a mom who's dealing with a premature baby who has to buy this $80 formula. I can't believe it, man.

I didn't I mean, I knew baby formula was expensive, but that's It's been crazy. You said, 13 years. We haven't had to buy that for 13 years. It's wildly expensive. How much is it?

I'm Like, a regular can. Flabbergasted right now. Are you gonna tell us how much it is? I am looking at this can. This is just Enfamil.

This is a NeuroPro powder infant formula, 28 ounce can, $47. Out of town. What is going on? Like, the music quit at a very poignant time. What is going on?

I mean, ice there are $20 cans and $24 cans, and so this particular one is is like the good stuff, I guess. But this other Enfamil, $52. That's insane. Why? Why?

I don't know, Josh. That makes no sense. No. It doesn't. So there's, there's some strange stuff in your good news story.

Pay it forward, people. Do good things. Oh, it's nice. Yeah. I gotta I gotta tell you.

I got in trouble yesterday. You did? Yeah. Why? Well, I have a coworker here, who is, who's on our sales team.

And over the weekend, Friday Saturday, I was doing some live broadcast at Wackerley Auto Center, with him. Okay. And, he is, he's a big baseball guy. He coaches baseball for his for his kids and stuff. He's he's very involved in baseball.

And, somewhere along the way over the past several months, he hurt his his quad. Oh, no. And, and so we were talking about it during, you know, some downtime while we were hanging out this weekend. And, he was kinda like, man, it it's it's I'm very aware that I have a quad muscle right now. And he said he usually like, he's been working out regularly.

He, like, he does things and he's really he said he committed himself to rest and relaxation, to let it heal. K. And he was he was like, but it's really tight and it's you know? And he was talking about it enough that I was like, maybe he's looking for me to offer some help or some input or some suggestion. Maybe he wants me to say, have you tried some massage?

Have you tried putting, you know, a hot compress and a cold compress? Have you tried, you know, doing doing some help there? Have you tried rest is important, but you also you don't want that just to get stiff. Time out. Yeah?

Was he just looking for any kind of, like, response that you were listening? Maybe that's all he wanted. He didn't want you to be listen. Maybe he was like, man, my quad, and you were just, like, silence. And he was like, yeah, man.

My quad's pretty sore. Silence from you again. Like, maybe he just needed some verification you were listening. Oh, I was looking at him while he was talking. Yeah.

But I was in the conversation. There was no doubt I was part of it. Okay. But I just started asking questions. I said, have you done any, you know, massage?

Are you putting anything, you know, in to help and heal that, or are you just resting it? He's like, no. I'm just I'm not working it out. I'm skipping leg day. Oh.

I'm I'm not I'm trying to give it time. Some rest. Yeah. And I said, man, I said, I know, you know, for me, if I've got some sore muscles or whatever, I like to get like, when my back is sore, my shoulders are tight, massage is where it's at. And so I recommended that he get some massage in there.

I know. Now his method is his own fault. He has, one of those shoulder neck massage things with the handles you put over your shoulders. K. You know, those electronic massage things.

Yeah. So he decided to put that on his quad Uh-huh. For, like, 15 minutes. Yesterday, he's limping around the office and he's blaming me for it. And he's like, dude, I'm never listening to you again.

And he's going on and on. And I finally told him, I said, hey. I'm not a doctor. And he went, no. Really?

I had no idea. Then why'd you take my advice, bud? Just it's not my fault that you used a neck massager on your quad, and now your quad hurts. Also, I told him, I said, but you watch, man. Couple days from now, you're gonna be like, this is nice.

This feels good. He's like, I'm not listening to you. And I went, good. Because I'm not a doctor. You shouldn't have listened to me in the first place.

You should just keep your advice to yourself. But I'm glad that he, I'm glad that he tried at least. That you know, because I feel like, really, just letting it sit is probably not the right answer. Like, their muscle needs Sometimes those muscles, though, those neck muscles are there. That thing's way too tense.

And I what I asked him, I said, do you have a percussion gun? Yeah. Those And that's those are insane, but that's gonna get deep in that muscle. That's what they're designed to do. And so I I was trying to get him to work those muscle fibers.

So I I think he might have overdone it with the shoulder thing on his leg. It's not designed for that. So I don't know. I mean, I was thinking when I said massage, I was thinking, like, you got some nice warming oil and you're, you know, you're really with your thumbs kinda getting in there. I didn't think he was gonna take a machine to it, but, hey, man.

I'm still not a doctor. So maybe maybe seek the professional help. Need to walk into everybody's office here and just be like, hey. What ails you? Yeah.

Hey. What what's wrong with you? Because I can fix it. I've got a solution for you. Have you tried massage?

Because I think that might be the solution. It feels great. It's relaxing. I enjoy it. So everybody else probably should get it too because it's great.

Anyway, he's he's not happy. We'll see how he's doing today. If he's, like, rolling around on a walker or something, I'm gonna feel He's gonna send you the bill. Real bad. Yeah.

Right. I'm gonna send him the bill. I'm gonna say, you asked for medical advice, and I gave it to you. You owe me money. I don't think he asked for any kind of medical advice.

You're a radio DJ. So Hey. And I'm also a doctor. No. Yeah.

Just not a very good one, and I'm also not licensed. So don't take any of my medical advice. I I never do. I never do. When when have I given you medical advice?

I don't know. You probably have. I just don't listen. Yeah. That sounds about right.

The world's largest 3 d printed neighborhood is nearing its completion. This is happening in Texas. Okay. We talked about this a while ago because this was, they're actually building these houses. It's a 3 d printed technology.

Yes. And this is the same technology they plan to use, like, on Mars and build, you know, places where people can stay. So they've gotta, you know, transport up people, and they've gotta transport up these 3 d printing robots so they can build this all so that then when people arrive, there's a full infrastructure already built for them, which is fascinating. Well, this is actually kind of fascinating. They take concrete powder, water, sand, and other additives, mix them together Yeah.

And pump them into the printer. Then the nozzle from the printer squeezes out the concrete mixture, like, to paste onto a brush. No. Oh, it's so wild looking. I was just reading it, and it sounds fascinating.

And then they build layer by layer to make these walls. Yep. It takes about 3 weeks for To print a house? To print these houses, and they're single story, 3 to 4 bedroom homes. Yeah.

And the foundation and the metal roofs are installed traditionally. That's correct. Because That's not 3 d printing. It builds the walls, which it's figured out how to do. The way 3 d printing works, if you have to build any kind of structure on top of the the walls, you have to have all these supports that get printed.

So that is why it's not, laying out the beams, but it's it's so precise. Whatever you put into that machine, it does. And so there's there's a, like, a real lack of human error unless you really messed up on the programming end of it. Like, everything is gonna be to square. Everything is gonna be, you know, well done.

You need you do have to have a level plate to start with. So you have to you have to have ground level clearing that has to be done manually. Then the printer can come in, do its print thing, and then they can come back and slap on roofs. I think what'll eventually happen is they'll start getting into domes and, like, igloo type structure Mhmm. Where they can do rounded roofs because a 3 d printer could handle that by moving itself in even to a point, triangles.

Pyramids. We're gonna go back to pyramids No. I don't because we can 3 d print them. It does say that these concrete walls are designed to be resistant to water molds Mhmm. Termites, and extreme weather.

Oh, yeah. It's concrete. Yeah. Termites don't eat that. There is a gentleman who wants to live there.

He said it that it feels a little like a fortress, but he said, I feel like it would be resilient to most tornadoes and the heat, he said. Maybe it's resistant to the heat. Remember what I said about domes? What'd you say about them? That they'd be looking at dome technology because it can do a tapered roof.

They already are? Yeah. They already are. Look at you. Yep.

And, and the some of the architecture on these because it doesn't it doesn't have to be square. They've got big rounded corners. Some of the architecture can't be done the the same way. Like, you wouldn't do it with wood and siding and those things. It's this is really cool.

It is really fascinating. Really cool. It looks I mean, they look like, you know, the same. Every house looks the same. There's no kind of In the neighborhood, you mean?

Yeah. Yeah. The neighborhood of them. It's like Sure. Which house is mine?

Yeah. I get that. But they you could still go in and paint and stuff. And you could do different accents, different wood outside, and you could still do some siding and things, but, boy, are they cool. And they're working.

I mean, this one this one's very tall. This is probably a 2 to 3 story tall house on some of these. No. The the one I'm looking at is just single story. I'm looking at stuff all over the world that they're are.

Yeah. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. If you just if you just look at 3 d printed house and do an image search real quick, you're gonna see some really cool stuff. Really cool.

I would totally, live in one of these. Absolutely. This is it's just crazy. It's weird. This is crazy?

We're just renting houses. Yeah. Print a new house. Do you have a favorite fork? I have 3 favorite forks.

You do? Yeah. Are they all the same kind of fork? They're I mean, they have similar qualities. They're not exactly the same.

They're unique each one, but I like all 3 of them equally as much. And I'm sad when they're dirty. Are all 3 of them dirty at the same time? Sometimes. Oh.

Sometimes other people use them. And I go to get a fork, and I'm like, I don't wanna hold this fork. I want my fork. I don't like a lot of our forks. I There are 3 forks in the drawer out of, I don't know, 20, 30 forks.

There are only 3 I like. I like 10% of our Apparently, Emery also has this. I handed her probably the same forks. That's why they're dirty all the time. I handed her a fork last night, and she said, I don't want this fork.

I want Yeah. The I want the other fork. And I said, why don't you like this fork? And she said, because it's too heavy. I don't like to hold it.

There's a couple of forks in there I hate because they're too heavy. I love the those ones are my favorite. You like the heavy forks? Yes. Yeah.

I purposely will root through the door to get drawer to get those. And you know what? Those forks were expensive. The big heavy ones? And the ones that you guys like are cheapies Yeah.

That I just bought because we were hosting Thanksgiving 1 year, and I said, I'm gonna more forks. Go get some cheap ones. Well, no. Though, that's not the fork I like. The ones that we got for the for, like, the extra, we need more cutlery.

We got a bunch of people coming over. I don't like those. Though, there's only the 3 that I like are the little ones. I don't even know where they came from. They're stranger forks.

But there are sometimes we go to a restaurant, and I'll be like, this is my fork. It's the same as the one I like. And then there's sometimes I go to a restaurant and I'm like, I should have brought my own fork. And there are people, by the way, who do that. They'll bring their own cutlery to a restaurant, and I get it sometimes.

Like, sometimes I'm like, this fork, is this clean? Like, I know they wash dishes and they have machines in the back and all that stuff, but I I can see where you'd get a little germaphobe and a little bit weirded out about it. Are you gonna start taking your own silverware to restaurants? No. I'm just saying I can understand where why people would do that.

I have never been in that position. I've never sat down in a restaurant and said, I should have brought my own silverware. Me neither. Never. Yeah.

No. I've never done that. Who did I marry? What? I mean, I don't.

This is not this is also don't carry a bottle of salad dressing in a, you know, a purse or whatever because they might not give me enough. There are people that do that too. I know. They would rather carry their own than say, hey. Can I get a little extra?

So, you know, I'm also not one of those people. Okay. Well, now I wanna know if your favorite fork and Emery's favorite fork are the same. And I guarantee you that if we asked our son if he had a favorite fork, he'd say, no. What?

No. What? Yeah. I don't think he even looks. I think he opens the drawer and just grabs 1, and he goes, oh, that's a spoon, but it'll work.

I don't know that there's much more thought than that. I think you're right. So there is that. But I I maybe he does. I don't know.

But I'm a I'm a tactile person, I guess. And, like, if it if it's unbalanced like, those big ones that are fancy and they have all that ornate stuff on them, I don't like those. Those are too heavy. And then the ones that, I'd have to I'll have to show you. I'll have to show you.

I'll have to show you. Because the ones that I like that you and Emery think are heavy are not. I like the original ones that we had. Yeah. Those.

But those the little smooth straight ones Yes. Those are second to my 3 favorite forks. I'll use my my 3 favorite forks, and then I'll use one of those. But the big fork, I feel is too big, and the little fork is too little. I need a middle ground fork on those ones.

But I don't like the other ones. All the other ones could come out of the drawer, and I wouldn't miss them. Well, let's just do everything to make you feel better. No. I I don't care.

I'll find the 3 forks I like, or I'll just pick 1, I guess. But there's definitely favorite forks in there for sure. I didn't know you had 3. There are 3. One favorite fork, and there's 5 different sets of them.

So I'm set. Especially if you guys don't like them, so they're always gonna be clean because they're not gonna pick up. Those are my backup forks. I don't like any of the other ones, especially the big fancy ornate ones. Those are spoon?

Do you have a favorite spoon? I like the little skinny spoons. I don't like the rest of the spoons. But we have a whole bunch of the little skinny ones, so I'm pretty good on the spoon front. There's probably 10 or 12 of the little skinny spoons.

Well, good. I'm very happy to know this about you. I'm gonna asking. I'm gonna pay attention now. Do I have a favorite butter knife?

No. No. No. Butter knife is butter knife. No.

Not at all. There's this new survey out, and I I don't really care about the survey or who did it or all of the little nuances and percentages and any of that stuff. It's the singular line that caught my eye that says, according to a new survey, an overwhelming majority of dog owners think that their dog is the main character of their family. Yeah. Well, our dog is the main character of our family.

That our fault? Okay. I should say, is that our not fault because it is our fault because we we care for the dog, and the dog is a part of the family and is just as much a a family member as everybody else, and you gotta take care of it and you gotta feed it. I think the dog, Luna herself, has inserted herself as the main character, And and it's not necessarily our fault. It's not anything we did.

She was like, hey. I'm here, and I'm gonna be a lot of I'm gonna grab all your attention because I'm a very attention starved dog. Yeah. That's what I'm saying. I'm gonna make myself known.

Yeah. That's what I'm saying. At times. I'm feeling like the dog thinks she's the main character and has inserted herself as such. Yes.

I agree with that. When I read that, I went, yeah. That's a thing. Because try as we might to ignore her, she's like, hey. Here I am.

I'm back. Yeah. I was you were wondering where I was for a minute, but I'm right here. Here I am. Can you see me?

Can you see me? Can you see me? Outside? You thought maybe that I'd be quiet, but no. I just barked at all of the birds.

Right. And now I'm ready to come inside. So, hey, are you here? Oh, can I come in the house? Hello?

That dog. We had an old dog. We did because we had that dog for 12, 13 years. Quiet, and she did her own thing, and we were allowed to do our own thing, and she would quietly sit by. Right.

And then we got Luna. A different kind of dog. Luna is nuts. Yeah. She's a different animal.

More than 80%. We're talking about, like, 85% of dog parents think their dog, as their child. They're like, yeah. That's that's a kid. That's another kid.

Oh, yeah. It is like taking care of another child for sure. Like a toddler. Like a crazy toddler with 4 legs and a barky mouth. And who needs treats constantly and who gets mad when you tell her she can't do anything.

Yes. She is a toddler. Yeah. She never sleeps. Well, she does in the night.

And when no one's home, she's like, oh, nobody's here. I'll just take a nap. If you could do that while I was there, that'd be great. That'd be fantastic. Yeah.

Try that. Try just napping. I know you're capable of it. Just do it right now. Anyway, I just I like that.

She's the main character. She is. 100%. But her own doing. Yes.

I didn't do that to her. I was like, please. I would like to be the main character for once. Yeah. Everyone everyone, serve me.

Yes. I am the main character. Not the dog. The dog is like, nah. I think it's gonna be me.

Yeah. And we all agreed and said, you're right. Yeah. Because you won't let us let you be anything other than the main character. Yeah.

Could you just be part of the ensemble? That'd be great. Like, just go over there. I was just watching a clip, a video of this woman in China trying to eat her dinner, and there's a giant shrimp that jumps out of her hot pot that's steaming of hot water. Yeah.

Well, she tried to put it in there, and it was like not having it. It it was the old boil the frog thing. If you put boiling water you already have and you try to put a frog or, in this case, a shrimp in it, they don't wanna die. No. They're gonna jump out.

He jumped out. She tried to grab them with her chopsticks. He said, not today. Yeah. And then latched onto her arm.

And you got little pinchies, I guess? So this is a mantis shrimp. Mhmm. And it's named for its raptorial forearms Yeah. Which it uses to spear and smash prey like a Swiss army knife.

And it is trying to literally, it's trying to stay alive. Yes. And, and it was like, no. You're not gonna eat me. And I have seen several of these videos.

Is this Japan? Is that what you said? No. China. It's in China.

Uh-huh. I have seen these videos where people try to eat food that is still alive, and it the first of all, it's so weird. Like, to me, it's it's very, I I'm not into that. Oh. I'm also not into, like, seeing something that I'm going to eat Alive?

Go through the And then process of death in front of me right before I eat it. I'm not really like, this seafood is so fresh. Oh, man, is it fresh. Like, it's literally it's alive when we hand it to you. Looking at meat.

And then you have to cook it, and then you get to eat it. Like, I'm not that's not it. I don't care about that either. I don't wanna do that. Grateful that the grocery store is a middleman because I don't I don't do that.

This shrimp, he fought back. Yeah. He did. I don't know what happened. He did latch onto her arm.

It took a an employee to help get the shrimp off her arm. The woman is crying. It must have hurt very, very bad. Bad. It didn't look like it was enjoyable.

And I don't know what happened. I don't know what happened to that floor. Cuts off. Yeah. But yeah.

No. You mentioned the octopus 1. The like, I don't know if you've seen that where and and octopus is such a strange being anyway. Like, they are wildly alien and intelligent, and, like, we know very little about them. And the fact that they can, like, camouflage and they they can shape shift and do all kinds of things.

They are wild animals. Aliens. And somebody says, I'm gonna eat that, and it's still gonna have its little tentacle suction cup feet. And then it's sticking to your face as you're trying to eat it. Like, stop it.

I know. This is why I don't eat meat. Little suction cups stuck to your face while you're trying to eat it. Don't eat meat. No.

What are you doing? A plant would never do that to you. A carrot would never try to eat you back. No. You're you're right.

The carrot will not will not try to eat you as you're eating it. That is very true. Something is strange. I don't know. It's a it's their culture.

I don't wanna say it's weird. It's it's foreign to me, and it freaks me out. But you do you. Luckily, they're not making you do it. Yeah.

How often do you digital digital switch? Do you know what this is? No. This is when you switch between and within media content. So maybe you're on Instagram and you're scrolling, and then you're like, I'm bored with Instagram, so I'm gonna switch to TikTok.

And then you're scrolling TikTok, and you're like, I'm bored of TikTok, so I'm gonna switch to Facebook. So you are digital switching. Feel like you do that a lot. Like, you are scrolling multiple platforms I feel attacked. Often.

I'm not attacking you. I'm saying that you will scroll through. You'd be like, okay. I feel like I'm caught up on Facebook. Let's go see what everybody's doing on Instagram, and then you'll run through stories, and you'll watch some stories, and you'll scroll the feed, and you're like, this is boring.

And then you'll move over to TikTok, and then you get stuck on TikTok for a long time. Yeah. I feel like that's your sort of your thing. Alright. That's fair.

Facebook your first thing you check? No Instagram is. So you Instagram, then Facebook, then TikTok. Internet. Correct?

Yeah. I guess that seems to be throughout the day, do you find yourself going to one more than the other? If I have any kind of a dull moment, I can't just be bored. I have to pick it up and look at what's going on. Yeah.

And then I usually once I'm done scrolling, I feel unsatisfied and unhappy. Like, I'm still bored. That checks out. Well, they did a study, and they said, yeah. When you're bored and you're digital switching or you're watching these social media videos Yeah.

It begets more boredom. That makes sense. Doesn't decrease your boredom. It increases your boredom. And a lot of the times, they're finding because you're watching maybe there's a 5 minute video, but you're like, 5 minutes.

I can't watch 5 minutes of this. So you'll speed it up or you get bored halfway through so you never see the conclusion, and you'll swipe away. So you're never really investing in any one particular video. So you swipe away, and then you're left with more boredom feelings. That makes sense.

And you do get that, like, initial, like, dopamine thing where you're like, yeah. This is cool. I'm having a good time. But it burns fast. And then you're in the the you're doom scrolling where you're just mindlessly looking at pictures and some video come up, and you're like, yeah.

That's kind of entertaining. I laughed. Move on. Next. But this is our life now.

It's just like this little, like awful. Upward scroll motion where it was like, this is great. This is cool. This is so fun. And I do find that, like, I am noticing that I'm picking up my phone when I'm bored, and I go, oh, I'm bored.

Yeah. Let's pick up the phone. Right. And I'm trying to make a conscious effort to be like, no. Go outside or pick up a book or do something else.

Lego Harry Potter. It's what it's been these days. They did a study, and they said that, yes, when you play for movies in a movie theater, you're having a more immersive experience. Makes sense. So you're you're focused.

It's longer. But these these little increments of these small little videos are not doing it. No. It makes sense. I I agree because you're not because they're not invested in a story and characters and all of that.

You're just, it's mindless. You're going, oh, I'm watching someone wash windows. I know. Look at this. I am I am literally watching someone make paper clips.

I'm watching a machine make a paper clip. I know. Spit it out. Let's take a walk instead. Yeah.

Yeah. Let's go outside. Did they call that? What? Digital switching?

No. No. No. When you would go out walking with no electronics, no music, nothing. What did they call that?

Remember. Yeah. We need more of that. Do you remember? I don't remember what it was called.

I'll have to scroll somewhere and find it, but that, we need more of. Agreed. Mhmm. There was a 21 year old woman in Florida who was arrested after she attacked her sister with ravioli. Do what now?

Her sister came home with some food, but was not sharing. And Uh-huh. The I don't have names. So the sister who was arrested, they were arguing, and she said, I want some food. And the sister said, hon, sorry.

This is my food. So this one sister grabbed a plate of raviolis Uh-huh. And chucked it at her sister. Well, sounds like she got some food. The plates confused about her complaint.

No. No. No. No. Because clearly just eating it.

There's a lot of ravioli around. Not even just just waited it. Yeah. Why didn't she just eat the ravioli? Like, that's the you're I'm hungry.

Eat the ravioli. No. I'm gonna throw it in her face. The police were called. When they showed up, the sister still had sauce from the raviolis.

I don't know the what now? Raviolis. Raviolis. Raviolis. They did not say I don't know if it is tomato, pesto, marinara, cheese, butter based.

I have I don't know what I don't know what the sauce base is. K. So don't even bother asking. Probably red sauce. Probably red sauce.

I hope she was wearing white. You do? No. That's sad. Oh.

The sister admitted to throwing the pasta. Well yeah. She just wasn't sharing, and I was hungry. Well, now nobody gets to eat their pasta, do they? I've look.

I don't know. I just feel like you coulda just the ravioli was around. Just get some. I know. Grab a fork, your favorite fork, if you like, and just, grab yourself some ravioli and move on with your day.

Someone she's not looking. Oh, what's that out the window? No. That's that's the trick. Right?

You go, oh, look. A baby wolf. And they go, what? You go, ravioli. Exactly.

Come on. Hard? Instead, she was charged with domestic battery. They really did charge her with that for throwing ravioli in the face. I don't know if it was in her face.

I don't know where she threw it. You said she had sauce on her face? She had sauce on her. I don't know if it's on her face. On her face.

Yeah. For sure. You were we were talking about the Olympics, which have, now ended, but they really had a lot of Snoop Dogg airtime, at the Olympics. And they did the previous year as well, but it seems like, like, this guy has been all over the place lately. You see him popping up Snoop.

Snoopy doggy dog. Snoop doggy dog. You see him all over the place, and I just got an email. Oh, no. Yeah.

What's he doing now? He's he's partnered up with Skechers. Okay. And he's launched a series of shoes. There are 5 different shoes, that are available to purchase right now, and they're 90 to a $100 depending on which one.

On them? No. These are just sneakers. Like like Yesterday, we talked about the sneakers with the heel on them. Right.

And those were awful. They are awful. These are actually okay. I would wear a pair of these. He's got a, a slip on or a slip in.

It's a Snoop 1 OG Slip in. Will they one question. Will they allow you to crip walk a little bit easier? I don't know the answer to that because I don't know how to do that. But they're cool.

They kind of look like, like a Converse, and he's got it in a high top, which has I see. I see. Which has, like, album art on it. And then he's got a couple of, the the slip ons and or slip ins. He's got 4 different slip ins.

I like that he's like, you know, let's do a cool high top that laces up. But you know what people like? The convenience of not tying laces. I can't be bothered. That's weird.

5 years old. Yeah. Let's just make a slip in. So he's got 4 different, slip in styles. I like the white a lot, but I know it would get dirty so fast.

But it's a really cool shoe, and I can't tell what the design is on the back. And then, and he's got that one in the white and the black. And then he's got that pink one, which is, which is fine. It's kind of a what would you call that pink? Like, a rose kind of pink?

I don't see the I don't see the pink one. Here's the pink one. It's kind of a rose rose? A rose colored pink. And then he's got the black one with kinda like the bandana pattern on it, the paisley kind of bandana in gold, and I like that one too.

I think that's a cool looking shoe. That's a shoe you could sneak in as a as that being a dress shoe. Yes. Sneaks. Like, you could wear that with some slacks.

Let me see. And you yes. No. Oh, yes. That's a good shoe.

I disagree. I like it. Plus, it's a slip in. How much are these? I told you somewhere 90 to a $100 depending on which ones you get.

The slip ins are more than the Itox. I appreciate that they're I mean, that's at least it is high range cost, but you're not gonna that's what you're gonna pay for, you know Sure. A nice pair of Vans or a nice pair of Converse. Right. You're gonna pay around $100.

No. It's not $400 for a pair of stupid Yeezy's. Right. See, now you're talking. I like that these are more they're they're sort I mean, they're expensive.

They're not a $50 shoe, but they're they're also not totally out of price range. And I think he's I think he's smart for doing that. So, anyway, if you wanna wear Snoop Doggy dog shoes Snoopy Doggy dog. He's partnered with Skechers, Snoop Doggy dog. Yes.

You know, you can get yourself, in some of those. They're available now. So, yeah, Snoop Doggy Dock. Time for your would you rather this or that question of the day. Would you rather be a superhero yourself or be have your BFF be a superhero?

Would I rather be a superhero or be really close friends with a superhero? I feel like being really close friends with a superhero is kinda where it's at. Yeah. I was thinking that too initially because I feel like there's a lot of responsibility when it comes to being a superhero. With great power But comes great responsibility, they say.

But if you're the friend, you'll always be just that guy. No one will ever remember your name. Yeah. But here's the thing. They're But nobody cares about you.

Superheroes really I that's not even important. They take care of their friend. No. I understand. But they also have alter egos.

And, typically, the friend is friends with the alter ego, and it takes a little while for the superhero identity to become known to the friend. And so there's a whole bunch of stuff. And what happens is, like, some big epic thing happens, and then you go like, I really wanna talk to my buddy about this. This insane thing is happening. A giant sand monster is attacking the city.

I'm gonna call my friend because we're super tight, and I'm gonna go, hey, bud. We need to go check out this sand monster situation or leave. Like, where are you at? And you get no answer. And every time something big's going on, you can't get a hold of your friend.

But then right after the dust settles, your friend's like, hey. What's up? So eventually you're gonna kind of start putting 2 and 2 together, and you're gonna go, are you the superhero? And your friend's gonna have to be like, look. I can't keep it secret from you.

We're bros. I I gotta let you in. I get all that. But So then you're in the inside circle with other superheroes. Yeah.

But you're just a nobody. You're just there. Like, you're, oh, you're the friend. You're the plus one. That's right.

Yes. Nobody knows your name. Nobody cares about you. To get to hang out with superheroes, and I don't have to worry about putting my life in harm's way. And, plus, there's a good chance I'm starting this over.

There's a good chance I have a lot to say today. Yeah. That's a good question. There's a good chance I become a troubled victim. Oh.

And there's a rescue that I have to be involved in where I'm tied to train tracks and Exactly. Something crazy. And you know what? Because I am a good friend and I'm a good part of a story, I make it. I make it.

Not always. So I get to be a part of the adventure. And then what happens sometimes, occasionally, the friend becomes a utility person or or sometimes something happens where the friend becomes the sidekick with little mini powers. I need to apologize to everybody. I'm sorry.

I did not know that this was the direction that this would take. So that was a lot of words, and I'm sorry. I would rather be the friend. We get it. What are you tipping?

Get it. I'd rather be the superhero so I could fly far away. From my conversation? Is that why? Wow.

Wow. Big capital, all caps, w o w. Wow. I'd rather go fight crime. Than listen to me go on and on and on about Uh-huh.

Best friend superhero origins. Uh-huh. This has been today's this or that. Josh and Chantel, Wake up class of 97. Hey.

So I was we were kind of talking about, the Olympic Games. I had a conversation in the car with the family about my feelings regarding the USA Basketball team and how I felt like if you're playing in the National Basketball Association or whatever it is, the NBA, that you may be probably yes. You're a professional at your sport, but maybe you're not, like, representing the roots of the sport and the and the upbringing of people. And there are other, like, just athletes, like every other sport that want to compete in that sport on the worldwide stage that the Olympics is. And it got lost in the weeds, and there was a whole bunch of, you know, kind of back and forth between Beck and I about about it, the details of it.

Here's what's coming up in 2028. Los Angeles Olympic Games, Summer Games, in 4 years, they're bringing flag football to the Olympics. It's one of the sports that LA has chosen similar to how France said we want breakdancing as a sport. It's kind of a one off thing that we're gonna do. Okay.

So here's the problem. Flag football is not the same as American football, the NFL, or the, the spring league, the American Football League, the AFL. So the idea that NFL players should fill out the roster for flag football is causing a bit of controversy. Really? Because there is a US flag football team.

Uh-huh. And there is a quarterback of the US flag football team named Darryl Douchette, and he thinks it is disrespectful that the NFL and players on the NFL are trying to cherry pick spots I I know. On the 20 28 Olympic team. I agree with him. I don't think that's fair.

If there's already a flag football team, then they should pick people from the flag football team. Correct. I agree. Because in any other sport, it would be the people that compete in that sport Yes. That advance and do trials and competitions and things to qualify Yep.

For the opportunity to represent that sport Agree. On the world stage. And that is how I feel we ended up with the basketball team that represents the US being filled with NBA players. Not that they aren't great at their sport. Right.

But it's what they do for a job, and it's what they do professionally and on a world scale, and not that they didn't have competition because they did have competition and they nearly lost to a few different countries. And there are NBA players that play for different countries that they have heritage, you know, in. And so they kinda spread out a little bit, so there is some balance there. It feels weird to me. I don't know how you fix it or if it even needs to be fixed, but that feels greasy.

Giving you ick. And so this has given me that same greasy ick. Yeah. I don't like that because there's already a flag football team. Yeah.

Get those people. Yeah. It's it's interesting. And, the NFL executive vice president named Jeff Miller, he told reporters during a conference call yesterday, he said the amount of enthusiasm we've seen among our players or more broadly for flag football in 28 has been remarkable. Well, yeah.

I bet it has. A chance to play football on the world stage. And look, the NFL itself has been trying to kind of plant some roots by doing games in London and Germany and stuff, and they've been trying to get, American football kind of on a world stage in general. Right. But this is where there's, like, this whole controversy behind the guy who ran the track, who was like, hey.

Listen. This is the world stage. And so when you have sports like NFL and sports like NBA and and sports, you know, baseball's a little different because you do have teams in Canada, but it's still kind of a North American world Series Mhmm. Saying we're the world champions. And he was like, this is a different kind of world competition.

Like, we are gold and silver and bronze medalists on the world stage versus this. And it it it offended a lot of people within those organizations who are like, yeah, we compete, we play, we play hard, we play to win. It happens to be called the world championship. It's not our fault other countries aren't participating. It's kinda strange.

I don't know. But this has been very interesting to watch, kind of evolve. And I think it's gonna be really interesting to see who makes it onto the flag football team in 2028 because there are literal flag football players on teams that are competing that are gonna get cut in lieu of NFL players. And I don't know what else to do about that. Oh, drama.

Little bit of drama. Little bit of drama. And with that fantastic drama, we'll end the show. Okay. Have a great rest of your Tuesday.

We'll see you tomorrow morning, bright and early. We'll be back in the studio 6 to 10. You can connect with us on socials, Classy 97 KLCE everywhere. We have the podcast, of course. Search for wake up Classy 97.

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