Beyond The Job Title | Underrepresented Career Stories

Episode Summary

My thoughts and reflections on recording the first 25 episodes.

  • (00:00) - Intro | simplicity and consistency
  • (03:07) - Gratitude
  • (04:28) - On getting started
  • (05:21) - Developing the podcast concept
  • (07:50) - Simplicity
  • (10:06) - On finding guests
  • (11:27) - Opportunity for improvement
  • (13:24) - Find community
  • (15:55) - Outro

🎙About The Podcast

Join Cesar Romero, as he shares the stories of trailblazing underrepresented SaaS founders, executives, and professionals who have broken barriers and achieved remarkable milestones. Whether you seek inspiration, mentorship, or actionable strategies to advance your career, our podcast is your go-to resource.

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Creators & Guests

Cesar Romero
Helping startups and SMBs build strong customer relationships that drive product adoption, reduce churn, and increase revenue | Community-Driven | Podcast Host

What is Beyond The Job Title | Underrepresented Career Stories?

The lack of diversity in tech can lead to imposter syndrome, bias, and a sense of isolation that hinders your growth and ambition.

Welcome to 'Beyond The Job Title Podcast,' where we shine a spotlight on the journeys of underrepresented tech professionals and allies within the SaaS industry.

Join us as we delve into the personal development and career insights that have fueled their success.

Discover the stories of trailblazing underrepresented SaaS founders, executives, and professionals who have broken barriers and achieved remarkable milestones.

Whether you're seeking inspiration, mentorship, or actionable strategies to advance your career, our podcast is your go-to resource.

Tune in to gain valuable insights, build your network, and navigate your tech career journey with confidence.

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25 Episodes Milestone | BJT
[00:00:00] Cesar: Simplicity and consistency. I did two things that keep most people from. Being successful in whatever project they decide to start. Because at the beginning, you don't need to make things complex. All you need to do is. The action, right? If. Starting a podcast. Record interviews, podcasts more. If you're writing a newsletter, write more. It's not about the tools and systems.
[00:00:24] Cesar: It's about developing the habit of. Publishing weekly, monthly, whatever the cadence is for you and keeping it as simple as possible to reduce. The friction of getting started. I decided to keep it as simple as possible for this first 25 episodes. And even for the next 25 and 200. Keeping it as simple as possible. Focusing on developing that muscle of repetition. Of shipping weekly episodes. Until that becomes a habit and then leveling up. To the next stage. [00:01:00] And if you look at other creators out there, it's the same thing with them.
[00:01:04] Cesar: Mr. B's on extra Mossi. For the first. Four. Three to four years. It was just. Nothing. But they kept consistent. they kept working on their craft. Iteration after iteration until. They became successful. Hey friends. Welcome to another episode of beyond the job title podcast. I'm your host. Cesar Romero. And remember, this is the podcast where we feature the relatable journeys of successful underrepresented professionals in tech. With the goal of providing you with the inspiration mentorship. Resources and strategies to advance your career. And in this episode, we get to celebrate. 25 episodes recorded in the bag produce published. [00:02:00] And I want to do the kid. This episode two. Pause, reflect and celebrate. Because. Most people out there don't even make it past seven episodes. 10 or even 15. So the fact that we've got 25. That is epic accomplished, man. And. This is a very short episode where I shared my, my reflections on the learnings, the lessons, the challenges. On the path of recording 25 episodes. And before we dive into the episode. Please. I have two requests for you. One. Make sure to subscribe so that you don't miss out on any future episodes. And that is one of the best ways to support the podcast. And number two. I welcome. Any feedback, questions, comments. That's how we continue and growing. And improving this podcast so if you have a question if you have feedback what is good or bad or any common Please don't hesitate reaching out my dms are open. Thank you so much for tuning in, and here [00:03:00] are my reflections on the first 25 episodes. Enjoy.
[00:03:07] Cesar: Starting with gratitude. I am so grateful that I got the opportunity to. Record these episodes. Put my crap into practice. And everybody that I reached out to. That came into the podcast. Super grateful for them. Super grateful for. Giving me the opportunity. Sharing their experience on the podcast. And. Also for. Living in a time in age where technology. Makes everything possible. If you have access to the internet, if you have access to a computer. You can create podcasts, newsletters. And with AI, I would even say that you can create. Anything. And of course. We can talk about, you know, privileged and all that, but I'm not going to get into that. Just very grateful. To have the opportunity to. Explore. Something that I'm passionate [00:04:00] about. Having conversations with people gave them to learn more about their backgrounds, their stories. What makes them tick? And. Thank you. Thank you. The listener. Thank you to the audience for supporting me. In these 25 episodes and. We're going to continue to grow. We're going to continue to put content out there. That. Sheriff's does stories of successful under represented? Founders and professionals in tech.
[00:04:28] Cesar: Now with that in mind. Getting started with podcasting. Starting is the easy part. In this day and age. If you have access. To the internet. To a computer to tools, to technology. Getting started is the easy part.
[00:04:43] Cesar: And I don't know about. Caught up in this mental block of why getting started is hard. But it's not because anybody can start anything these days. And all you need is a willingness and drive to start. And after recording 25 episodes. I gotta tell you. The [00:05:00] hardest part was. The boring consistency of producing 25 episodes. And sticking to a weekly schedule. Which. It wasn't perfect. There were times where I missed, a specific day that I had in mind to publish an episode. But we got it done every week.
[00:05:21] Cesar: Then. When it came to developing the podcast concept and you're choosing a topic, the name, the cover art, the domain name. I kept it very simple and I tapped into something that resonated with me. Which is I come from a underrepresented background. I love tech.
[00:05:40] Cesar: I love startups. And. What I kept hearing. From other people like me, is that the stories out there. They cannot relate to them because a lot of times it's someone that doesn't. Identify right. as underrepresented. Tech fonder. So I wanted to focus on that and. Haida the stories of [00:06:00] underdogs of people that have succeeded. Despite. All the obstacles and challenges and the odds stacked against them. And the podcast name was the same.
[00:06:11] Cesar: I wanted to. Go beyond the job title, go beyond the superficial social media profiles and really dive deeper into the stories. Into. What makes these human being. Who they are. And why are the challenges that they have overcome? And then. If you are thinking about starting a podcast or newsletter or whatever, creative project. I would recommend don't overthink it and just tap into something that you'd be wanting to explore.
[00:06:37] Cesar: Have your curiosity lead you. Tours coming up with this. Concept.
[00:06:42] Cesar: And I didn't follow the advice of,
[00:06:45] Cesar: I didn't find out the advice of.
[00:06:47] Cesar: Taking too much time in this part because otherwise I wouldn't have recorded 25 episodes and I would still be thinking about.
[00:06:54] Cesar: Strategizing the podcast. Now. Along the way as I [00:07:00] recorded more episode aside.
[00:07:02] Cesar: Reach out to people. I've refined the concept of the podcast, because it started out, which is, Hey, I just want to have a podcast so I can reach out to people network with. With professionals in tech. But as as I recorded episodes, I realized I need to go. I need to. Differentiate myself. And I need to have. More defined audience, more defined. Problem. That listeners will tune into. And that's when, where I came out with all the represented. Founders and professionals in tech because I am one of those.
[00:07:34] Cesar: And. I guess in a way, this is. Away from me. not only to network. I also get inspired by the stories of other people that have succeeded. Despite the odds.
[00:07:46] Cesar: And I know the lesson.
[00:07:48] Cesar: Is.
[00:07:50] Cesar: That's simplicity. We always win, especially at the beginning when you're just trying to get your reps in. So I didn't really thought too much about the [00:08:00] podcast set up and equipment. I have my computer in. My guest room in my home. I have. A. Blue Yeti USB mic. Which.
[00:08:10] Cesar: It can be very controversial depending on who you ask.
[00:08:13] Cesar: ' cause, I didn't know this, but you know, there are other better Mike's out there, but Hey, that's why it had. And I decided he didn't want, I'm not going to overcomplicate this. I just want to. Have the minimum viable. Podcast.
[00:08:26] Cesar: And that's what I did. Yeah. So focusing more on getting those. On getting that repetition. Those reps in. Then the equipment. And same thing with the software. I started, I would zoom.
[00:08:42] Cesar: To record the episodes. With the script. Because I've been using both tools even before I decided to. Start the podcast. transistor to publish and host the podcast. A big fan of. The founders are transistor and. [00:09:00] It's a indie startup. I always like to support the. The little guys. This small businesses making big impact.
[00:09:09] Cesar: And then when descript acquire. Squad cast. I decided to cancel my zoom subscription because squad case is. I've been a fan of the. Team at squad. Ever since it got started and squad cast itself. It's a piece of software that is dedicated to record. Interviews for podcasts. Remotely. That's it, One thing I could do better here is having a. Project management tool. Like a combination of notion and air table.
[00:09:43] Cesar: I haven't done a good job at that. But as I keep recording episodes, I say, keep growing. I'm going to have 12,database in a single source of truth for.
[00:09:54] Cesar: For the episodes. And just keeps track of everything. So that's one thing I could. I could, I would [00:10:00] do a better there it's a.
[00:10:02] Cesar: Having a tool to.
[00:10:04] Cesar: Keep track of everything.
[00:10:06] Cesar: And,
[00:10:06] Cesar: On finding and booking guests, I would say. The principle here is be curious about someone's background. Be curious about what they have accomplished.
[00:10:17] Cesar: what they published, the content they put out there, and make it easy for the guests to. Book a slot. With you. Yup, which is, I use for that. Because he has a lot of integrations and automations. And it makes my job easier. as a podcaster. Number one thing is be curious about your guests, because otherwise it's just going to. You're not going to have a good interview. you just not going to be into it. And it's going to show when you. Do the episode. When it comes to editing.
[00:10:48] Cesar: I try to keep it very light. And I do. I do make sure that there's a structure to the episode. so there's a teaser clip. Typically it's 30. Two 50 [00:11:00] seconds. we got punchy quota or a punchy segment that. Gets people's attention. Bent the intro about the episode, the actual interview and the ultra. And I learned this from. My good friend, David Lipinski. He's a podcaster. And.
[00:11:15] Cesar: I actually took his email course on how to set up your podcast. And that's when I realized too that, How easy it is to set up the podcast and that the hardest part was staying consistent. And then I publish it.
[00:11:27] Cesar: And that's it. And one opportunity for improvement for me is.
[00:11:31] Cesar: Getting more involved in the promotion aspect of it, because right now I'm doing nothing zero and that's on me. And it's because it's it's bandwidth ready. cause producing these episodes right. Takes a lot of work and. I have to juggle between taking care of my baby. It's incur my family and prison, the episodes, and that's, Falling. To the side. But that's okay.
[00:11:56] Cesar: I'm okay with that because I'm focusing on the content first.
[00:11:59] Cesar: Making sure I [00:12:00] have a good rhythm making sure I have a good systems in place. And then I will. Incorporate the promotional aspect of a podcast. because otherwise. It's just, it's a lot of work. And I think eventually I will also. Bring a team or hire someone to produce the episodes for me. And that's it. You know, it's I enjoy it.
[00:12:18] Cesar: I enjoy reaching out to people. I enjoy reviewing someone's background or profile. Coming up with questions and to feed the feedback that I've been getting it's oh man, you're such a great listener and you ask great questions. And I really look up to Danny Miranda. He is a podcaster and the first time I'd come across him was when he did the interview with Alex. And he was just asking great questions and addicts are mostly in another podcast episode. he gave a shout out to Danny. Because he had done his homework, he had done his research. And he wasn't just like a. Superficial. You know, just on a podcast.
[00:12:55] Cesar: So shout out to Danny, keep doing what you're doing. And, I'm looking up to you [00:13:00] for that. And that's it. Simple lessons. I'm enjoying it. I'll keep going. Next milestone will be 50 podcast episodes. And. Yeah, we'll see what we go from there. And I think this has been a lesson in consistency in. just doing things. Can you start it? Getting traction on things and not stopping.
[00:13:24] Cesar: Just keep pushing. Keep publishing and refining along the way. Now, one last thing I want to touch on is. whatever. Create a project you are trying to start. And develop most likely. There is a community of people out there already doing it. And for podcasting, same. There's a podcast movement, which is the largest community of podcasters. Out there.
[00:13:52] Cesar: And if you're trying to. start a podcast or refine your craft. You can find other people doing. Exactly [00:14:00] that,when you start something. Something that we often overlook is who are the people we're going to meet because of the thing that we're doing.
[00:14:08] Cesar: In my case, I was able to realize that, you know, there's other podcasts. Podcasters out there sharing their journeys. People like Joe Casabona who specializes in podcasting and automation.
[00:14:21] Cesar: And Ecuador Santi, Stedman. With someone that, also helps podcasters. Refined their craft. And many others, right? And there's also people like. Matt Gil Halevy. And I'm probably butchering his name. So Matt, I apologize. For that.
[00:14:42] Cesar: But you inspire me with the life shifts podcasts. And just how consistently you're are not only publishing, but getting better. We drew a craft.
[00:14:52] Cesar: Yeah. As you.
[00:14:55] Cesar: Start to put things out there. You start to attract people that are aligned [00:15:00] with. Whatever you're creating. And that builds community.
[00:15:04] Cesar: And community is the most powerful thing that you can build because in a world where. There's a lot of loneliness. And lack of connection. Community is that. Antidote. Right. So. Keep creating, keep connecting and keep sharing your gifts with the world.
[00:15:25] Cesar: And that's it. Those are my thoughts. Those are my reflections on the first 25 episodes of the podcast. Thank you so much for coming. I'm on this journey. If you're a listener, if you are. previous guest. I appreciate you. Super grateful that I get the opportunity to do this. And hopefully. in 2024, we get to do more of this and keep sharing those stories of. Underdogs and underrepresented people in tech. Thanks so much.
[00:15:53] Cesar: And we'll see you next week.
[00:15:55] Cesar: [00:16:00] all right. I hope you enjoyed this episode and thank you so much for listening all the way through. I appreciate you. And I hope that you get some valuable information that you can apply to our personal and professional life. If this story resonated with you and you would like to support the podcast.
[00:16:18] Cesar: Please make sure to subscribe. So you don't miss out on any future episodes. Thank you so much for the opportunity. I appreciate you. And I look forward to serving you in the next episode.