The Web Canopy Studio Show

We have to hook the audience like we're fishing, right? 

We have to hook them, or we're never going to get them in the boat. If we don't do our job of putting the correct information out there that catches their attention, that appeals to them, our efforts become a complete loss.

But you shouldn't just stop there. 

In this episode, John Aikin uncovers critical actions you should take to successfully create a conversion, including compelling details for the: 
  • Hook
  • Story
  • Offer
  • Capture
  • Nurture
This episode is for you if you are wondering how to create more conversions with people in all different stages of the buyer's journey. 


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Are you frustrated with your website’s performance? Is it a clearly outdated thorn in your side? Do you wish you could actually use your website as the #1 sales tool for your business and consistently put high-quality leads on your calendar for calls and demos?

If you want a customized action plan for how you can actually achieve all of this, then you need to take our free Website Conversion Assessment at

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When you fill out this assessment, you will receive a personalized report which includes:

✅  Individual evaluations for how your website performs in each of the 6 key areas of the Website Conversion Framework

✅  Detailed descriptions of the areas you should focus on and why they are critical to your company’s success

✅  A checklist for each area of focus that shows you exactly what you need to do to fix your website in a step-by-step format
Additional resources to help your website perform better

And the best part?

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Get your free self-guided assessment and see how your website fares today!

What is The Web Canopy Studio Show?

Everyone wants to grow their business, but not everyone has the time or patience to learn all the ins and outs of marketing, sales enablement, and making the most out of a CRM such as HubSpot. Join the Web Canopy Studio team, a HubSpot Diamond Partner Agency, as they chat about various topics all designed to help you grow your B2B business.

What are the important things that have to happen in order to get somebody to fill out a form online? In today's episode, we're talking about the five critical actions that are necessary to create a conversion event. My name is John Aikin. I'm the CEO of Web Canopy Studio and this is the website conversion show
There are five critical actions to create a conversion event and kind of like with the buyer's journey and the awareness consideration decision, like these are the things that ha that people have to go through in order to make a purchase. So if we're gonna get somebody to even go back to the very beginning, the first level of this, what are the things that have to happen to create a conversion?
So we have awareness stages where we're living and a lot of this stuff comes from actually it comes from Russell Brunson and Dan Kennedy great books by those guys, by the way, if you're familiar the first piece of this is called the hook. We have to hook the audience like we're fishing, right? We have to hook them, or we're never gonna get them in the boat. If we don't do our job of putting the right information out there that catches their attention, that appeals to them, we are just a complete loss. It's not worth it. There's nothing successful that we're gonna have next. We have to tell the right story. We have to make sure that our message says the right thing that's answering. It's showing the problems that people have, and we're acknowledging that and getting on their level. And then we have to give them an offer.
So these are like, these are like Russell, secrets like core pieces of his book, hook story offer. Okay. It's, you'll see this all over the place. If you do anything with ClickFunnels or anything like that hook story, offer everything boils down to hook story, offer. This is ads. This is any kind of positioning on landing pages. Like the hook is how you get people there. The story is how you get them to engage. And the offer is how you get them to take action. So without that, there's just, there's just, nothing's gonna happen. And then we have capture. So the offer itself is, is presented. This is going a little bit to the, the next level down. We have to give them oh, we have to capture them somehow. We have to get that lead into the system. So they, the offer, yes.
They fill out the form. We're capturing that lead. We're putting them in the CRM. We have their contact information now hook, story, offer, and then capture. But most people stop right there. That's where kind of, we go back the example that I gave of, of someone doing like ads going through like the website and then they got a lead in and they called it good. What do you think is next? There's one more stage here. So we have capture as we were at. Okay. Now we have to nurture. You could say real end. Yes. So we have to nurture them and notice that nurture goes right back into hook. Nurture. Doesn't go into like a fish basket. I don't know. I'm losing my mind on the analogy here, but stay with me. So nurture goes right back into hook. So why is that?
Why does nurture go back into hook? Cause we have to give them a reason to come back. Okay. They're not going to move through awareness, consideration and decision stage if we don't give them that reason to take action and to come back. And so that nurturing is critical, this consideration stage super, super important. And so that nurture, we're gonna take that nurture stage and that, that event, whether it's a, you're doing sequences and you're calling and you're sending emails, you're connecting on LinkedIn or whether it's just a workflow, depending on what stage you're at. And you're just sending a series of emails. This is how you get people to the consideration stage. Okay. So we're no longer in awareness and we're in consideration stage. So I, I don't wanna jump ahead too much yet. So what's gonna happen is just to kind of do a little foreshadowing before I go off on this other side, tangent, we're gonna go from awareness stage hook story, offer we're captured.
And now we're nurturing that lead. We're nurturing them into again, another hook. Okay. So nurturing them into, Hey, book a call. I wanna sell you. Something is not a hook. That is a, I don't wanna deal with you anymore. Kind of nurturing. Right? So nurturing them into, Hey, you had this issue. What about solving this one? What about this other thing? Have you thought about this? You, you might have noticed that this sucks over here, but this whole thing sucks too, and I'm gonna show you how to fix it. So we're gonna nurture them into that consideration stage. And the way we're gonna do that is by solving their biggest problem. So awareness, stage checklist, guides, and so on and things like that. And when you get into consideration stage, like I said earlier, it's kind of, it's kind of like the sniff test. It's building that trust with them.
And when we skip that, we're, we're not allowing them to go through that, that middle of the funnel piece, which is so critical. All right. So solving the biggest problems. This is how we get into the consideration stage. We're gonna use content on the website to do this so we can do it on the website. Now that's just living there. You can create, again, like I said, other pages that go into this kind of content, you can do this through presentations. So we're looking at problem focused versus product focused. And what I mean by that is when we are talking about the issues that someone has more so than talking about ourselves, we're doing a good job. We're gonna get on their level faster. We have two seconds. Remember you have two seconds and that's it. Two seconds to get on their level.
And you're not gonna get on their level by saying, Hey, look how cool this thing is. I wanna show you what I can do. I wanna show you our product. I wanna show you the benefits. You're gonna get on their level by being like, Hey, you're a, you're a dad of a three year old kid and you are dealing with all this crap at home. And like, I'd be like, yeah, actually, you're right. Okay. What do you, what do you want? what do you, what are you talking about? Right. So the more we can be problem focused and get on their level, the more likely we are to build their trust, the way that I would recommend doing this is through a presentation. Okay. I would do a, a webinar. I would do a masterclass. We do masterclass. We call 'em conversion campaigns, honestly.
But we do this for a lot of our clients and we, we help them build that rapport and build that trust because it's really difficult to do that just through text. And they're not ready to book a call. So they're not wanting to get one on one with you so they can be pitched and feel like they have to go through negotiations, but they would be willing to talk to hear what you have to say on how you can solve these problems. So they're validating you and you kind of want them to, right? You want them to see the information, the knowledge, the resources, the trust factor here. So a presentation format in this consideration stage is almost always our go-to always it's, it's so critical.
And then lastly, you have to pitch during this and not in a sense of being obnoxious, but you have to let them know they came to you and they had this problem. And now you're building trust with them in a presentation or on a video. You've earned the right to say, Hey, let's take it the next step. And let's book a call, right. Or let's fill out a strategy session and we'll go through this together. Or you're a product. And you're saying, okay, let's do a demo. Or I don't know. There's all kinds of stuff. You're an eCommerce, your store, sell them a starter product, sell them something. That's, you know, 20 bucks and your actual product is 300. So give 'em a coupon, right? Like there's all these different ways that you could, that you could pitch. And, and, and get there different get to the success, I guess, faster doesn't have to be live.
No, it does not have to be live. In fact, I would there's lots of people that would say you should do it live before you get comfortable enough with it to do it recorded. I like to do them recorded simply for the fact that we have a lot of people with zoom fatigue, and it's a nice way to get people to engage and watch something on their own time. And especially depends on the level of audience. So we, we deal with a lot of clients that sell more of a considered purchase software. Maybe they're selling to an HR team and or, or a CFO or someone like that. Like those guys are not gonna show up to at 3:00 PM for your webinar. It's just, it's just rare. But if they sign up to get this free training or to do this thing, they might watch it at eight o'clock at night or on Sunday at, you know, 7:00 AM while they're drinking coffee, because it's in their inbox.
So if it's a recorded be transparent about it. I don't like it when people are, you know, lying and pretending that it's not live or pretending that it is live when it's not. But let them know that this is an exclusive thing. It's not just available for anybody. It's gated. You have to fill out a form to get to it. And it's kind of like a, a, a, a short presentation of what and what that should look like would be like, get on their level. The next thing is, you're gonna talk to them about the important stuff that they need to be aware of, that you're gonna build trust with, and then you can offer them the next thing. And so that's that presentation format. It's probably, Ethan will probably back me up, cuz Ethan spends a lot of time with us.
And in building these with clients, it's probably one of the most important things to do. And if you don't get it right, you have no success. And for agencies out there that do this, your clients are gonna hate you. So this has to be done really, really well. And when I say really well, I basically mean like, you have to make sure that your script for this is good. You're saying the right things to the right people. Okay. And then lastly, segment this list and retarget to them. So if, if you had, let's say over the course of three months, you had 400 people sign up to watch your masterclass. Then you know, I would want to treat those 300 people differently. So I'm gonna put them on a list I'm gonna tailor them or talk to them differently in, in like a segmented kind of target.
And you could do ads retargeting, or you could just do email retargeting. And that pitch again is really really the, the piece that'll help you move to decision stage. And so I know I talked a lot about, I think consideration stage is the biggest miss for most companies. I fully wholeheartedly believe that, but this would be the biggest miss. If you did a consideration stage kind of webinar or presentation, and you didn't do a proper pitch because that is the, that for, for us. And, and like what we've seen with so many clients, like getting them on this free thing and then getting, getting that CFO or that director of it, or, or director of purchasing to just do the demo. Like, by the way, we've got seven slots for this demo available book one, here's my calendar. And you put it directly on that watch page. You'll just see great results. It works very, very well.
Cold, hard facts, no one cares about your product or service. I apologize sincerely if that offends you, but it's, it's literally truth. No one cares about what you do. No one cares about what you're selling until you've earned that respect or that, right. For them to actually care about what it is that you're selling software world that's, this is kind of geared specifically to SaaS companies because I, I, I'm sure you guys have seen like the stereotypical, like ego, SAS owner, Silicon valley, and you know, we we've dealt with a few people like that in the past and they think their software is the coolest thing in the world and it's gonna sell itself, cuz it's so awesome. But like no one cares. There's new software. There's a new software every day and there's something new for everything. And the people who are buying your software are getting a million messages about why they need to buy a million other products.
So there's nothing special about that. What is special is when you talk about the problems that I have and tell me specifically my problems, then I'm like, oh, okay. So tell me more about that. I'm interested in what you're saying. So again, we're talking about our product or our service on our positioning. We're not doing a good job. Okay. Product focus means you're focusing on you. You're focusing on what you're selling on, how you feel on what you think, problem focused, you're focusing on your clients or prospects. And that is critical. That is very, very important. So if we go back to this diagram again, we have hook story, offer, capture, nurture, and then notice it spins right back up. And that's because the same thing happened now we're in consideration stage hook, story, offer, capture, and nurture. And then the same thing happens for decision stage, hook, story, offer, capture, and nurture.
If you if you're looking at your book, a demo book, strategy call, and you're, you're jumping right into that, you're jumping right into that from a, a cold start. You're like almost going straight into like capture, offer and capture, you know, your what, 15 steps down, 10 steps down almost. So there's a lot of stuff that has to happen. Now. Some of this can be done very, very fast, like really quick. So we could say hook story offer is literally just a landing page. Okay. Now they fill out the form and I'm nurturing them. If we're talking about consideration stage, I got, you know, say I got you to sign up for this masterclass or this HR payroll provider. Okay. And in that masterclass, I talked about booking a demo and why that's important because it's open enrollment and all these other things are going on.
So the hook story offer is a part of that masterclass. And then they filled out the form and I had a call with them and then they became a client and bought the software. So that is how that works. Hey everybody, thanks for listening. At the end of each episode, I like to put a little cherry on top and, and give kind of the footnotes of what that discussion was all about. And that was a snippet from a private workshop that we held with a select few. And the key takeaways of that little snippet of, of the three hour workshop that we recorded is around awareness, stage, consideration, stage, and decision stage. And so if there's one thing that I want you to take from that episode, it's that there's a path that each person needs to follow each one of your prospects at the different stages and depending on where they're at, they're gonna need different things.
Right? So when we think about how do we capture them, how do we get them to move to the next zone? We have to hook them. We have to tell them a compelling story and we have to give them an offer, right? This Russell Brunson 1 0 1, but it's not just that we then have to move into capturing that contact and nurturing them to move them towards the next thing. So that awareness stage, we're nurturing them into consideration stage. And how are we doing that? Well, hook, story, and offer. Okay. And the same thing through, into that decision stage, which might be a book, a call, get a demo book, a strategy session. Okay. I think that's it. If you have not yet taken the website conversion assessment, please go to and take that you will not regret it. It's gonna give you a bunch of questions, not a bunch. It's about 30 questions around how your website's performing today. You're gonna give an honest assessment of where you're at and it's gonna deliver a score and a personal report, a personal checklist on each of the things that you're doing and how you can improve them. Okay. I think that's it. Thanks so much. We'll catch you later.