Adventist Heritage Daily Devotional

This month, each of our daily devotionals are from Stories of Faith, edited by Vania Chew and produced by the Literature Ministries Department of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in the South Pacific.

To find out more about this month’s heritage celebrations, visit the Adventist Heritage website or follow the devotions on Facebook or Instagram

What is Adventist Heritage Daily Devotional?

Imagine a thriving Adventist movement in the South Pacific. Do images or stories come quickly to mind? This podcast recounts important events, stories and memories from Adventists throughout the South Pacific. These mission stories from our past are proof that the Adventist movement is alive and thriving. Listen to these podcasts and step out to join these pioneering Adventists with Jesus on His mission of making disciple-makers in the South Pacific.

Free from addiction.

Read by Zoe Cochran.

God blesses, those who patiently
and Jua testing and temptation.

Afterward, they will receive
the crown of life that God has

promised to those who love him.

James chapter one, verse 12.

For 19 years, she'd been trying to give
up her addiction to smoking on her own.

Conrad you relo was out canvassing
when he came across a woman in her

late fifties with a European accent.

He asked her what her cultural background
was when he learned that she was Polish,

he was able to converse with her.

The woman said her name was Jada
and that God had healed her from

hepatitis B several years earlier.

She read the Bible and seemed
to be a God-fearing woman.

However, I noticed that she
had stubbed out a cigarette

just before we began speaking.

And that concerned me said, Conrad.

Got impressed me to ask her
outright, why she smoked?

19 years ago, a friend kept tempting
me to try smoking Yasha admitted.

I finally gave in, had my first
cigarette and the rest is history.

All these years, I've been pleading
with God to help me get rid of this

terrible vice, but I can't give it up.

Conrad then shared with her the
story of the paralytic who waited

by the pool for 38 years until he
encountered Jesus Who asked him if he

would like to be made well, The man
could have, let doubt fill his heart.

He told Yasha, but his
faith helped him through.

He believed in the words of
Jesus and put them into action.

Later that evening, Yasha lit a
cigarette and contemplated what

Conrad had shared with her earlier.

Suddenly the penny dropped for 19 years.

She'd been trying to give up her
addiction to smoking on her own.

She hadn't truly believed that Jesus
could help her break this habit.

Jesus take these filthy things out
of my life and you deal with them.

She prayed.

Please give me the willpower.

I need.

From that moment onwards,
she gained the victory.

She had so desperately been seeking
and suffered no withdrawal symptoms.

Her son tried to offer her cigarettes
and she was able to resist.

God sent you there to my house so
that I could have this victory.

Yasha told Conrad.

Since then she has been introduced
to several Polish Adventists and,

uh, started taking Bible studies.

We praise the Lord for
his power to overcome.

Zoe Cochrane: This year literature
ministries celebrates 175 years.

This mum's devotional readings come from
stories of faith edited by Vani Chu and

produced by the literature ministries
department of the seventh day Adventist

church in the south Pacific division.

Jarrod Stackelroth: To find out more
about this month's heritage celebrations,

visit heritage dot Adventist church.

Dot com.