Okay. Would you rather go to a DJ Khaled poetry hour or a Yoko Ohno one person opera?
Intrnet Bf:Don't know don't even need to know the other thing. I want to go to the DJ Khaled slam poetry hour, DJ Khaled. DM me.
Bad Snacks:Hey, guys. It's Bad Snacks here, and welcome to the Sauce Factory. This is a new show where we're talking about music production, music tech, music lifestyle, and talking to all kinds of artists, producers, and engineers from all over Los Angeles. And I'm so excited to start this new series, and we are starting off strong with our first guest, none other than Internet BF. Truly, no one better to stand in
Intrnet Bf:the studio. Talent, Internet boyfriend is in the studio.
Bad Snacks:I really cannot emphasize this that there is no other person on God's green earth I would start this podcast with than Internet BF. He is the man, the myth, the legend.
Intrnet Bf:Thank you. That's the best introduction I've maybe ever received.
Bad Snacks:Oh, there are plenty more to come. Great. You will be introduced many times in your life.
Intrnet Bf:I freaking better be. I'm tired of doing it myself. Actually, no. I'm not. Hi, everybody.
Intrnet Bf:I'm Dom. I'm Internet BF, and I'm here to talk sauce. I'm here to talk swag. I'm here to discuss the nitty gritty of what is compression
Intrnet Bf:and how does it work.
Bad Snacks:That's exactly the vibe of this show.
Intrnet Bf:Hell yeah.
Bad Snacks:Yeah. So without further ado, let's get into it.
Intrnet Bf:I don't really think that this needs
Intrnet Bf:an introduction.
Bad Snacks:I wanted to start this off with a question that I know, I've been really curious about, and I know that a lot of people who also follow you on Instagram have been curious about. We're gonna just dive right in, which is, are you good? No. Are you okay?
Intrnet Bf:No. Is anybody good? Actually well, straight up, gay down. I have been pretty good lately. I have managed to fall ass backwards into abundance.
Bad Snacks:Uh-huh.
Intrnet Bf:And, frankly, health is wealth. I got a lot of good friends. I got I got a lot of sweeties in my immediate orbit. Oh. I don't know.
Intrnet Bf:I think I'm an unwell person in a a unwell society. Mhmm. I think I'm good. Yeah. I'm hanging out.
Bad Snacks:So I have been meaning to ask you. I know that it's a little bit, time has elapsed since they happened, but I was wondering what your thoughts were on the Grammys this year.
Intrnet Bf:I have a lot of thoughts, but what were you gonna ask?
Bad Snacks:I was gonna ask if you thought that anybody got snubbed.
Intrnet Bf:I am so happy that you asked this question. Thank God that Beyonce won album of the year for her country.
Bad Snacks:I thought of you immediately.
Intrnet Bf:I was sobbing. Yeah. I was at a church gig, and I received a text that Beyonce had won album of the year, and you better believe a tear did roll down my cheek. I don't know actually that that happened. I'm lying.
Intrnet Bf:But, simultaneously I have some notes. Okay. One. Did we know that Chris brown won R and B album of the year this year?
Bad Snacks:Did he actually?
Intrnet Bf:Yeah. He's like out here winning Grammys and shit, bro. Look up what he did. Actually, you can edit this out. I don't know how much legal we were trying to get into.
Bad Snacks:Information
Intrnet Bf:about Chris Brown won r and b record of the year at the Grammys this year. That's sorry. That's just, like, wake up sheeple.
Bad Snacks:Wait. Wait. Wait. I thought that the no worries album won R and B.
Intrnet Bf:Did it?
Bad Snacks:Can we fact check this?
Intrnet Bf:Can we Google this?
Bad Snacks:The no worries album was, like, definitely contemporary something because I remember Rae Rae Khalil got her Grammy.
Intrnet Bf:Twenty twenty five. Chris Brown's '11 '11 deluxe won the 2025.
Bad Snacks:The no worries record win. Do you know how to spell no worries?
Intrnet Bf:N x worries. Progressive r and b.
Bad Snacks:Progressive r and b. Is completely completely warranted.
Intrnet Bf:Oh my god. Perfect album. Yeah. I listened to that I listened to the no worries album last year.
Bad Snacks:Oh, so
Intrnet Bf:Every single day from, like, 7AM to 07:45 while I was working out in my backyard just
Bad Snacks:absolutely It works for all hours of
Intrnet Bf:the day. It I'm glad to hear that that one,
Bad Snacks:Yeah. Progress so that was progressive.
Intrnet Bf:Okay. So progressive R and B, clearly the R and B clearly in the not progressive category. Clearly, Chris Brown is taking some awards not in the progressive R and B awards respectfully. I also think I was really excited to see Charlie XCX take home dance album of the year. That was a huge win.
Intrnet Bf:And also the fact that not like us won record of the year and song of the year. Yeah. Beautiful.
Bad Snacks:Yeah.
Intrnet Bf:And you can hear everybody in the Grammys, all the people that work in the music industry screaming a minor. Yeah. And the camera cuts to Beyonce, and she has to stop singing because she has caught herself. And Mhmm. Oh my god.
Intrnet Bf:It was beautiful. As a as a as a Southern California born and bred fool Mm-mm. It was a good year at the Grammys.
Bad Snacks:It was a good year at the Grammys.
Intrnet Bf:Doce won rap album of
Intrnet Bf:the year rightfully fucking so.
Intrnet Bf:Yeah. And she also gave probably the best performance I've seen on television twice on time.
Bad Snacks:She's crazy.
Intrnet Bf:It was wild.
Bad Snacks:Yeah. I
Intrnet Bf:mean, I would have said maybe Tochi best new artist last year, frankly.
Bad Snacks:A %.
Intrnet Bf:Because who won?
Bad Snacks:Chapel. Chapel Rohn, our girl, who art in heaven.
Intrnet Bf:Hallowed
Bad Snacks:Hallowed be thy name.
Intrnet Bf:And she did win that award, and I'm and you said it. And Dottie maybe should have, respectfully to the other
Bad Snacks:people in
Intrnet Bf:the room.
Bad Snacks:I think I think it was a toss-up, and I would have been happy with either one. But also, I feel like just given, like, the meteoric success of Chapel but I will say there is this phenomenon with artists like Chapel Roan and Charli xCX, you know, just like these are artists that are, like, huge in the gay non male community.
Intrnet Bf:Poppers.
Bad Snacks:But it's like you go to, like, Florida and people are like, who? Yeah. Not to pick on Florida.
Intrnet Bf:Respectfully. I feel like there's I Arkansas actually, I went to Arkansas pride last summer. It was fucking lit. I showed up and the friends I was staying with were like, hell yeah. We're so excited to have you.
Intrnet Bf:And I was like, why did you guys invite me out here for pride? And they were like and I was like what do you mean and they were like you're it's a straight couple and at one point I was hanging out with the woman of the two of them and I was hanging out with her and like a couple other girls and one of them was like she who I'm, like, staying in her house. I've been there for, like, three days. And she's like, Dom, you're straight? And I was like, yeah.
Intrnet Bf:And she was like, oh, my God. I never would have guessed. And I was like, thank you. Huge compliment. Means I'm safe.
Bad Snacks:Yeah. No. You are. You are. It's it's one of my favorite things about you, actually, is how remarkably safe of a person you are.
Bad Snacks:For this next segment, I'm pulling out my laptop. Alright. So we're gonna play a game.
Intrnet Bf:Yes.
Bad Snacks:And this is a rapid fire would you rather.
Intrnet Bf:Hell, yeah.
Bad Snacks:And I sourced these from Instagram.
Intrnet Bf:Okay.
Bad Snacks:And, they're good Okay. I think.
Intrnet Bf:I'm ready to go.
Bad Snacks:Okay. Would you rather sweat mayonnaise or have forever Cheeto fingers?
Intrnet Bf:Cheeto fingers.
Bad Snacks:Would you rather fight a goat sized chicken or 50 chicken sized goats?
Intrnet Bf:Goat sized chicken.
Bad Snacks:Okay. Would you rather go to a DJ Khaled poetry hour or a YoTara Khaled poetry hour? One person opera?
Intrnet Bf:Don't know don't even need to know the other thing. I want to go to the DJ Khaled slam poetry hour. DJ Khaled, DM me.
Bad Snacks:Would you rather this one kills me. Would you rather switch to FL or kill yourself?
Intrnet Bf:Kill myself. I love Ableton.
Bad Snacks:Okay. Would you rather invest all of your money into Slinkys or the next magician you see at a birthday party?
Intrnet Bf:The next magician I see at a birthday party. Oh my god. That's the best birthday party I've ever been to.
Bad Snacks:Now that's stimulating the economy. Would you rather would you rather fight one horse sized duck or a hundred duck sized horses?
Intrnet Bf:It's gonna be the duck sized horses. Yeah. I'm kicking those little I got my boots on. Get out of here. Come here.
Intrnet Bf:PETA, stay out of my DMs. Opposite of DJ Khaled.
Bad Snacks:Okay. Would you rather have one bean or two beans?
Intrnet Bf:Two.
Bad Snacks:Okay. Tight. Nice.
Intrnet Bf:Actually, it would kill me to have to divert it. Would he be jealous of himself? I've already said two.
Bad Snacks:That's a good question.
Intrnet Bf:Because they could they'll hang out. That's fine.
Bad Snacks:They would hang out and, like, snooze together, maybe. Mhmm. But Bean is a very jealous little boy. Okay. Here's another question for you.
Bad Snacks:K. What is your personal anthem, and why is it Slut Me Out two?
Intrnet Bf:I I was gonna say Slut Me Out two. It Slut Me Out two by NLE Choppa because just so catchy. And, also, like, he's he's in sup he's he's in he supports the LGBTQ community. I've seen him discussing it. He's an ally.
Intrnet Bf:And also, if I was a bad bitch, I would me too. Hurt me too. So there is there is drugs in that song. And also the beat is so, like, I one, I love dropping a sequel to a song. Two, the beat is this, like, crazy Jersey maybe not Jersey club.
Intrnet Bf:It's like, if I was a bad bitch. I can't remember if it goes I can't remember if it does that or not, but it really is incredible, and I think it's certainly a level of hype I aspire to.
Bad Snacks:Yeah.
Intrnet Bf:Yeah.
Bad Snacks:It makes sense. Mhmm. Not that I hear that song in the wild ever, but if I did
Intrnet Bf:I only hear it in the wild.
Bad Snacks:It's a state of mind. Hey. The wild is a state of mind. It's a song that finds you.
Intrnet Bf:I praise God. NLE Choppa has has given me a lot of confidence, I think, because what he did was he said some of the most insane things I've ever heard a person say. Yeah. And then he said it a second time directly in a row. That the Luther Chorus repeats.
Intrnet Bf:It's so
Bad Snacks:funny. It's it's really It's incredible. It's really amazing. So speaking of amazing songwriting
Intrnet Bf:Okay.
Bad Snacks:One thing about you, because I'm realizing that we as a collective audience, we don't know that much about Internet BF, but I can tell the audience that you are one of the most, like, efficient, fastest, and also, like, poignant songwriters that I know.
Intrnet Bf:Listen to women, folks.
Bad Snacks:And I'm, like, kind of curious, like, how did you get to be that way?
Intrnet Bf:Oh my god. I'm so glad you asked. Yeah. One, Jesse. Thank you.
Intrnet Bf:Uh-huh. That's an incredible compliment. I think I one, I decided I wanted to, and then I was like, how do I do that? A friend of ours gave me some really good advice several years ago. So I think we often think of the creative skills, writing, composing, whatever, as like a person who is gifted and chosen by God reaches out into the icy ether and they they take hold of an idea and they wrestle it forth.
Intrnet Bf:And it's
Intrnet Bf:like, no, dude, you just have to sit down at the instrument every day.
Intrnet Bf:Yeah. And sometimes there are different skills involved when we think about the arts. One, there's the mechanical skill of like, am I good at my instrument? Two, there is creative taste that you cultivate over the course of years and years and years. And then there's the exercise of the creative muscle, which is different than technical proficiency in your instrument or even musical knowledge and music theory itself.
Intrnet Bf:Yeah. Because there are a lot of people who are really, really brilliant musicians who have no taste.
Bad Snacks:So how how do you develop taste, though?
Intrnet Bf:Listening to good things and being discerning and reading books. You have to listen to women. Ask yourself the right questions. And, also Yeah. But the the most obvious it's funny because there's an answer that's, like, simple and
Bad Snacks:it's
Intrnet Bf:it's really easy and the answer is right in front of you and it's boring. It was our mutual friend. It was Keefer who literally was like, I was like, dog, I'm not writing fast enough. And he's like, what if you practiced it? I was like, what?
Intrnet Bf:And he was like, set a timer on your phone for five minutes and you have to have the verse done in five minutes. It doesn't have to be good.
Bad Snacks:It doesn't have
Intrnet Bf:to be anything. But in those five minutes, it's like, I worked at a warehouse and I had eight hours a day where I had headphones on.
Bad Snacks:Right.
Intrnet Bf:So how many times can I set a timer for five minutes after
Intrnet Bf:I finished moving a shipment of books around
Bad Snacks:Yeah?
Intrnet Bf:And listen to a knowledge beat and, like, go into my notes app and freestyle a
Bad Snacks:little bit. Totally. Totally.
Intrnet Bf:That's the practice.
Bad Snacks:I feel like we could easily find a name for this because it's kinda like the Pomodoro technique. Are you are you familiar with that? Yes. Where yeah. It's, like, forty five minute intervals or something like that.
Intrnet Bf:I think it's, like, you study for twenty five minutes.
Bad Snacks:Yeah. Right. Right. Right. But it's like intervals of time where it's like you're on, you're off, you're on, you're off.
Bad Snacks:Okay. So what would you call this?
Intrnet Bf:The dill zombo method.
Bad Snacks:The dill
Intrnet Bf:your goal as small as possible. Make it so small that you can pick it up and digest it and do it even on the hardest day of your life. Because, like
Bad Snacks:What's, like, a roasted carrot. Oh, wow. Hold on. Oatmeal? No.
Intrnet Bf:Oatmeal? Probably I feel like oatmeal's die oatmeal's digested by I'm trying
Bad Snacks:to think about, like, what you feed to small babies.
Intrnet Bf:Baby food.
Bad Snacks:Yeah.
Intrnet Bf:You need to make your goal baby food. You need to puree your goals. The question that was posed to me was Yeah.
Intrnet Bf:What's a goal that is so small you can do it every day for hundreds and thousands of days in a row?
Intrnet Bf:Yeah. Because we don't need 75 hard.
Bad Snacks:Like A %. Yeah.
Intrnet Bf:I've never finished 75. I've started and gotten three weeks in. Right.
Bad Snacks:But
Intrnet Bf:then you burn out, and it's like I miss a day, and I failed. Yeah. Yeah. Make your goals smaller, be nice to yourself, and get really, like be specific. I
Bad Snacks:don't know. Yeah. Just
Intrnet Bf:make getting good your goal.
Bad Snacks:Yeah. No. A %. I mean, that's, like, my thing is, like, the no zero days, but no zero days in my vernacular means, like, you do just, like, one thing, one super achievable thing. I really still want to find a good name for this technique.
Bad Snacks:It's it's not pomodoro, but it's not baby food. It's because pomodoro is a type of sauce. It's like a type of tomato.
Intrnet Bf:Well, Jesse, I mean, it's snack sized.
Bad Snacks:Snack sized.
Intrnet Bf:Woah. Make your tech make your practice session snack sized.
Bad Snacks:Snack sized. Itty bitty, tiny snacks.
Intrnet Bf:Tiny itty bitty, tiny snacks. Itty bitty, tiny snack for you.
Bad Snacks:Yeah.
Intrnet Bf:Do less.
Bad Snacks:I've been talking about this with so many people of just, like, I am trying to do less in 2025. Like, it it in every facet of my life except for a couple.
Intrnet Bf:I'm trying to be or, but other than that
Bad Snacks:But I've
Intrnet Bf:but everything else, Les. No. I'm I don't need to I don't need to modify the orgasm count. I think that we've achieved
Bad Snacks:You know what? It's good for you. It's good for your health. Yeah. It's good for your health.
Bad Snacks:Alright. We're gonna do a truth or dare.
Intrnet Bf:I'm 53. What's up?
Bad Snacks:Okay. Truth is that you tell me the most diabolical thing that you have most recently written in your notes app. The dare is that you show me the most diabolical photo in your photos app. Recently. Within the last week.
Bad Snacks:They both have to be within the last week. Okay. Oh.
Intrnet Bf:Okay. Define diabolical. Is this are they gonna see this or just you?
Bad Snacks:I'll see it, but I'll describe it.
Intrnet Bf:Okay. Define diabolical, please.
Bad Snacks:I feel like you'll know.
Intrnet Bf:Okay. Actually, yeah. Okay. You know, Jesse, I can't show you any of these photos.
Intrnet Bf:It would ruin our friendship.
Bad Snacks:Okay. So go to your notes app.
Intrnet Bf:My notes app? Okay. Let's see. Unhinged. Okay.
Intrnet Bf:Actually, you can read all the way down until the multiple spaces and dash marks that I've made here. And Okay. We can do all of this. Okay. So Okay.
Intrnet Bf:Getting back into it. The truth was what's in my notes app. The truth is this is what's happening.
Bad Snacks:So some could say that this is
Intrnet Bf:These are ideas for, like, alright, if I'm rapping
Bad Snacks:That they were given to you by God. Yeah. Okay. So starting with, I'm texting Shadi about woodwinds.
Intrnet Bf:I know who that's about.
Bad Snacks:I need a woman I can climb like a tree. 3AM, and I'm yearning like a white
Intrnet Bf:woman. I've never lied in the notes. I've never told a lie.
Bad Snacks:Alright. Alright. Oh, wait. Oh, wait. Good.
Bad Snacks:It gets better. Bye. My chain's all gold, but my nuts blue. Pull up to the function and leave with a lesbian. Acting my age, grown up.
Bad Snacks:I'm a thespian.
Intrnet Bf:I forgot I wrote any of these.
Bad Snacks:Oh my god. This is good. Alright. I gotta give the gram a little ass. And you do.
Intrnet Bf:And you do. I'm sorry to my mom.
Bad Snacks:Follow Internet b f.
Intrnet Bf:For cheeks.
Bad Snacks:I seen a lot of things fall through my chain gold, but you know nuts blew.
Intrnet Bf:I did. I read it a second time. I wrote my chain gold, but my nuts blew twice in the same notes in the same note at different times. That means that it that means that I thought of it, wrote it down, forgot it, came back to it, and then was like, yo, I have a great idea for a lyric. My chain's gold, but my nuts are blue.
Bad Snacks:Okay. I'm only gonna read I'm only gonna read one more because it's just catching my eye.
Intrnet Bf:I'm the worst person that anybody's ever met.
Bad Snacks:I see hot on my Here you go. Here you go. God. I need need to calm down. That was very funny.
Intrnet Bf:Oh, yeah. We can do that.
Bad Snacks:Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Can we do the brother? Yeah.
Bad Snacks:The brother one? Brother. Okay. Alright. Alright.
Bad Snacks:So now that we know that you're a lyrical genius
Intrnet Bf:I don't know.
Bad Snacks:So genuine genuine question is what is on the docket for you? Do you have releases coming up? Because you've been kind of teasing you've been you've been teasing.
Intrnet Bf:I love to leak my own music, and then when nobody listens to it, I'm like, it sucks that I'm not famous. I have an album that's done. Yes. I have a music video that's done. Yes.
Bad Snacks:I have
Intrnet Bf:a bunch of stuff that's done. Yes. And we're in the process of, I'm going on tour. I need to book it. I'm going on a law.
Intrnet Bf:I'm going to ride a mechanical bull
Intrnet Bf:at some point in a city near you.
Intrnet Bf:I'm coming to your town, and I wanna ride the craziest piece of ass in your city.
Intrnet Bf:I need to be on the mechanical bull in your town. That was a painful voice. I I became a prospector so quickly. I have an album that is done. I have a tour that is in progress.
Intrnet Bf:I got tickets to see Beyonce, cowboy Carter, and I got a really good outfit for it.
Bad Snacks:Yes. Okay. So exciting things are on the move. We are not ourselves this year.
Intrnet Bf:No. Not this year.
Bad Snacks:Not this year.
Intrnet Bf:We're building community.
Bad Snacks:We are building community. We're yes. Yeah. Exactly. Middle fingers up.
Intrnet Bf:I made so many of the best songs of my life in the last year and a half, Jesse.
Bad Snacks:I am honestly so proud of this arc and watching this arc in progress because you, not too long ago, lost your hard drive in a tragic accident
Intrnet Bf:Yeah.
Bad Snacks:Which I think we can turn this into maybe a little bit of a PSA, which is to back your stuff up.
Intrnet Bf:Back your stuff up.
Bad Snacks:You know how many songs there are out there that are like, back it up. Back it up. Back you know, it I'm just like, instead of backing that ass up, why don't we back up your files onto another hard drive?
Intrnet Bf:Amen.
Bad Snacks:Yeah. So now we're introducing the secret sauce segment, which I'm really, really excited about, which is that we are going to trade some workflow secrets, some tech stuff.
Intrnet Bf:Yeah. So my secret sauce is the plug in master plan by a company called Music Hack, m u s I k, Hack. And as a person who has been, like, stubbornly rooted in, like, I have to do it myself. I have to learn how to do it myself. I need to understand it.
Bad Snacks:Mhmm.
Intrnet Bf:For years, there's a there's only so much I know how to do with, like, the multiband compressor from Ableton Yeah. And EQ and etcetera. Right?
Bad Snacks:Yeah.
Intrnet Bf:But I was like, I need bang for buck. I need a cheat code. I need something that has four knobs on it because I'm I am easily distracted.
Bad Snacks:Mhmm.
Intrnet Bf:So
Bad Snacks:By knobs.
Intrnet Bf:By knobs. It's remarkable.
Bad Snacks:Okay.
Intrnet Bf:The differ it's like night and day.
Bad Snacks:Yeah.
Intrnet Bf:It's really ludicrous.
Bad Snacks:It sounds incredible. So it's kind of like a minimal UI.
Intrnet Bf:Yeah. It has on there the LUFS. Mhmm. Loudness something. Loudness, you fucking stupid
Intrnet Bf:ass nerd.
Intrnet Bf:That's what LUFS stands for, and don't let anybody tell you different. It's very understandable. Yeah. And I watched a three minute video about it, and then I made a ten minute video about it. Like, it's that good.
Intrnet Bf:This is the the best part. I think rent to own for, like, six months, it was, like, $7 a month. It's, like, $80 total, and they had a rent to own option.
Bad Snacks:Is this through Splice?
Intrnet Bf:I don't think so.
Bad Snacks:No. It's just oh.
Intrnet Bf:Yeah. Just through Splice.
Bad Snacks:Only $7 a month.
Intrnet Bf:Yeah. Okay.
Bad Snacks:And then I'm
Intrnet Bf:and I and then you
Intrnet Bf:own it at the end.
Intrnet Bf:Like, exactly.
Bad Snacks:Let me tell you, I love that model so much. Like, I you know, as somebody who's worked with a lot of software companies in general, it really irks me when there's no ability to just own the license, and you have to constantly keep re upping. Like, I love the rent to own model so much, like, vouch all day long. So that's actually amazing to hear about because it sounds great in the session that you sent me. So what we're gonna do is we're gonna go into your demo session and just AB a couple spots.
Intrnet Bf:Yeah. There's plugins you can put on your master that will make the host fall in love with you, respectfully to all the host. As a person who has a short attention span and only so many hours in the day, I love a plugin that has one, two, three, four, five, six, seven knobs total, and we get some toggled options like thick or clean or smooth. First, what I'm gonna show you is one of the most insane songs that I've ever made. I'm gonna play this song for you without Master Plan.
Intrnet Bf:Alright. Well, we can all agree that that bangs super hard and whoever made it definitely can do way more burpees than, Phineas. If your speakers are up loud, you're probably gonna wanna turn them down. All I've done is I've turned master plan on.
Intrnet Bf:On. Master plan is is
Intrnet Bf:really tight, and it's, like, $80 total. So I don't know, dog. That's pretty that's, like, what, 4 McDoubles a month? Here, I'm gonna just walk you through what it does real quick. If I put it on, this is how it looks.
Intrnet Bf:All the sliders are at zero. We've got low, middle, and high. This is just our EQ situation. And then this is your loudness. This applies compression and limiting to make the track get louder at a a good rate.
Intrnet Bf:And then you have your wideness, your width. Then we have thick, which, what does it do? It enables an additional saturation circuit, and you have a slider we can crank up. We have clean. It removes a buildup of sound in the low mids, parentheses, muddiness, close parentheses.
Intrnet Bf:We also have a multiband compression situation here. So if you wanna compress the low end and the high end, but leave the middle the way that it is, you can do that. I am not gonna do that. Smooth. Smooth it out.
Intrnet Bf:What is the definition that it gives us when we hover? Oh, very gentle compression that smooths the overall sound. Horny. Then we have calm, which, reduces harshness that builds up during the in the box processing, which in the box is your laptop. It's where Jack is, and you can double that calmness.
Intrnet Bf:That's when you have two Zannys on the airplane instead of one. Don't do that. Then we have a tape emulator. Now, what does all this do?
Bad Snacks:I'm in on the muse on
Intrnet Bf:a nice day. An Italian cheese calls a motherfucker bed. Yeah. Jesse,
Intrnet Bf:that's it. That's my sauce.
Bad Snacks:Hey, guys. Today's episode was brought to you by me. Right now, we don't have sponsors. It's just us. Thanks.
Intrnet Bf:Was I supposed to say something?
Bad Snacks:So my secret sauce today is a plugin that I've talked about before, but I still feel like it's super slept on, and it is Life by XLN Audio. And specifically, what I've been using this for is creating tops. So those cool kind of rhythmic, really interesting little sound bites and qualities that you can put between your strong beats, that's been, like, a huge part of my workflow, and this has made that so easy. So we have a couple little inanimate objects here. They're jars full of candy.
Bad Snacks:And, oh my god.
Intrnet Bf:I'll pick them up. We keep we're recording. Keep keep going. I'll pick them up.
Bad Snacks:Tom just spilled the No.
Intrnet Bf:I didn't.
Bad Snacks:Phones everywhere.
Intrnet Bf:No. I didn't.
Bad Snacks:Okay. So now that we've gotten it back together a little bit. So the way that this works is that there's a phone app that accompanies the plug in so you can take, like, fully, you can capture fully wherever you are, and then it's gonna turn it into a sequence. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna record this with our little jars of candy. I'm gonna just you can use yours as a shaker.
Bad Snacks:Maybe you wanna put a little sound bite at the end. Exactly.
Intrnet Bf:Exactly. Alright. On it.
Bad Snacks:Alright. Here we go.
Intrnet Bf:Elon Musk has hair plugs and they're falling out because he's getting bad ketamine.
Bad Snacks:I don't know if we can use that.
Intrnet Bf:It's just one long sensor. Okay. Yeah. Actually, yeah, I went on a little longer than I expected to.
Bad Snacks:So we just recorded that and see how it already syncs straight to the plug in?
Intrnet Bf:I am aghast.
Bad Snacks:Isn't that crazy how fast that works?
Intrnet Bf:Mouth agape.
Bad Snacks:Alright. So I'm gonna hit okay, and then let's see what we got. Yeah. And what's cool is you can also add
Intrnet Bf:wants to use a man now. He's more confident to live his plan now.
Bad Snacks:And then you can put in this kick to contextualize it. Like, come on. That's, like, already a beat in of itself. Alright. We're gonna randomize this to give us more options.
Bad Snacks:That's actually kinda tight. Let's go. Oh. Like, every single one of these is a song starter.
Intrnet Bf:Just max.
Bad Snacks:Doesn't it?
Intrnet Bf:Yeah. Absolutely.
Bad Snacks:So that's what I'm saying is that I feel like this plug in is super slept on. Like, any single one of those could be the beginning of a song in of itself. So I'm
Intrnet Bf:losing my mind.
Bad Snacks:That's so right. And and it could be anything. It's literally anything that you can record, and you can record with your phone. XLN.
Intrnet Bf:Damn. Shout out to Peter.
Bad Snacks:Shout out to Peter.
Intrnet Bf:Shout out to Sweden.
Bad Snacks:Shout out to Sweden.
Intrnet Bf:Shout out to Peter. Shout out to every XLN.
Intrnet Bf:Shout out to Sweden.
Intrnet Bf:Oh, I sat on my balls.
Bad Snacks:We are in we are in rush. Oh
Intrnet Bf:my god.
Bad Snacks:Are you okay?
Intrnet Bf:No. Oh. No. I'm fine now.
Bad Snacks:So on that note, thank you guys so much for watching the first ever episode of the Sauce Factory, and thank you Internet BF for being my first ever guest.
Intrnet Bf:My pleasure. I'll be here seven days a week. You're the best. Thank you for having me and teaching me about music. What's so funny?
Intrnet Bf:What is it?
Bad Snacks:I can't with you. I don't
Intrnet Bf:know what I'm doing.
Bad Snacks:You'll definitely be back. You'll definitely be back on the show, no doubt. I'm so sorry.
Intrnet Bf:No doubt.
Bad Snacks:We'll be if you would like to support the show, all of the ways that you can stream this are down below and the best thing that you can do right now is just let your friends know that we exist and we're doing this. I'm really excited about this because we got a whole journey ahead of us.
Intrnet Bf:Follow to get your aura up.
Bad Snacks:Yeah.
Intrnet Bf:Be safe out there, kids.
Bad Snacks:Follow for the sauce. Oh, that reminds me, actually, so I want to make this a tradition.
Intrnet Bf:Are you gonna ice me?
Bad Snacks:Low key, I'm kind of about to ice you. Hold on. Close your close your eyes. As a token of my gratitude for you being on this show, I would like to present to you my ultimate secret sauce, which is my bad snacks hot sauce.
Intrnet Bf:Oh my god.
Bad Snacks:Which, by the way, I make in house. I made it with a labor of love. It's quite literally the fruits of my labor. There's a lot of fruits. Very fruit forward.
Intrnet Bf:Yeah. Just like fruit forward. Just like what were you gonna say? Was it gonna be homophobic? No.
Intrnet Bf:Would Jesus have said it?
Bad Snacks:Yeah.
Intrnet Bf:I don't think he spoke English. Jesse, thank you so much. I have had a bottle of this before and it lasted about a week in my house. It's that good.
Bad Snacks:Great.
Intrnet Bf:And you can can people buy this somewhere?
Intrnet Bf:No. It's all mine.
Bad Snacks:Not yet. Not yet. We gotta figure out some stuff before that can happen.
Intrnet Bf:Thank you so much. I love you. I'd take a bullet for either of you.
Bad Snacks:Yeah. Thank you to Noah for being on the, AV for for being Shout
Intrnet Bf:out to Noah.
Bad Snacks:Our our manager for the day, our producer for the day.
Intrnet Bf:Thanks, dad.
Bad Snacks:I can't call you dad.
Intrnet Bf:Oh my god. We need a segment where we make where we send we send beats to NLE Choppa, and we check back in on the status.
Bad Snacks:Write that down. Somebody write that down.