Clydesdale Media Podcast

A week removed from the Semifinals of 2024 we take one last look back before we jump into Games season. Is Tia Unstoppable, Can Roman win with 2 legs?  Is Smack talking good for the growth of the sport?

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

What is going on, everybody?

I promise the theme song

will be back next week.

We need the hickory dickory

dock to get us going.

But I'm just consumed with

other things right now.

But it'll be back next week.

But welcome to Sunday Night CrossFit Talk.

As Kenneth DeLapp says,

the original Sunday Night CrossFit Talk.

And we're going to get into

a lot of stuff tonight.

Can't wait to talk to you about that.


Haven't seen you guys in a week.

Has your week gone okay?


Getting back in the swing of things.

How about you, Carolyn?

Yeah, just back teaching,

getting ready for the

provincial math test for my grade nines.

That's this Thursday and Friday,

so a little stressed with

that because we have high

standards at our school,

so got to keep meeting those.

That's good.


Well, I've been sending these things out.

I saw that.

Another batch is ready to go tomorrow.

So we're up about 50.

Envelopes have gone out this

week from all over the

world or to all over the world,

which has been really exciting.

So super stoked about that.

But if you want these, hop into my DMs,

send me your address,

and they're yours for free.


So I've had some requests for flags.

So you might have to

consider getting some of those printed.





I'll look into that.

I will talk off air and do that.

I still,

we're still supposed to have a

shirt soon.

Uh, so I'm trying to figure that out too.

Um, but with that,

the other thing I've got

going on before we meet again next week,

I'm going to go to the U S

Olympic trials in swimming, uh,

this coming weekend.

Is that the one that's on

the football field that

they're transforming that I saw online?

It is.


In Indianapolis,

they converted the Colts

football stadium into three

swimming pools.

That's insane.

It is.

Where do they drain it all after?

I'm assuming a lot of tubing or hoses,

but they did a time-lapse

on Twitter that you can go

see them build.

Yeah, I think I saw that.

It's insane.

Because they build it,

and then they build a deck

up at the top of it,

so it's all elevated.

But there's the competition pool,

a cool-down pool,

and a warm-up pool all on

the football field.

That's crazy.


So my mom is the biggest

Olympic nut in the world.

And for her birthday and mother's day,

that was her gift to take

her to the U S Olympic trials.

Um, and she's super stoked.

So we're going over her next

Saturday for the prelims in

the morning and the finals

in the evening.

Um, and then back on Sunday.

That's awesome.

And what's cool is Julie and

I just watched The Boys in

the Boat tonight.

Have you seen that movie?

So it's George Clooney directed it.

It's a true story of a crew

team from Washington.

It's on Prime.

If you have Prime, it's on there for free.

Check it out.

It's well worth the watch.

yeah I've seen it I just I

haven't watched it yeah

it's the night and it takes

place into the 1936

olympics okay so it's uh

it's really good but with

that we'll get back to crossfit talk um

Wrapping up semifinals.

It's been a week.

We've had time to breathe.

Some of us have had time to grieve.

What are our final thoughts

about what kind of went on

those three weeks of semifinals?

For the most part,

I think they were exciting.

There was...

you know, close races and a lot of heat.

That was fun.

I mean, that's fun and exciting.

You want stories like that.

I don't,

I didn't go back and watch really

like much of any coverage,

a little bit of Oceana's

coverage and a little bit of West,

but I like after being at

East and seeing some of West online,

I feel like,

I feel like those stories weren't,

And maybe it wasn't as

closely contested in the

heats as it was at East.

But I didn't feel like that

played out as well in West.

And it could just be the, you know,

camera work.

We all have frustrations with that.


I think as much was on the line there,

maybe the story just wasn't told as well.

or when you're there live,

you tell the story, right?

You watch what you want to watch,

not what they're showing you.

So you can kind of see the

whole floor and go to whatever.

And we say that every year, like it,

it's so much better live.

Um, yeah, I, um, overall,

like that last event was really cool.


I thought that was a really good

ending to the workout, uh,

Only because so much was on

the line and decisions had

to be made whether you are

aggressive at the end or

conservative at the end or

however you're going to handle that.

And some handled it way

better than others.

And it cost people trips to the games.



a lot of drama for sure on the final


I think overall,

the semifinals went down pretty smoothly,

like on all of the regions.

A lot of vets made it back to the games.

And I think there's some

excitement around some of

the new faces that we're

going to be seeing in Texas.

So I'm looking forward to

seeing how they how they end up doing.

yeah we're going to talk

about the rookie class

later in the show but 20 20

rookies this year I mean

there was a lot of open

spots so somewhat to be

expected but it is crazy

eight men 12 women rookies

this year going to the

games uh so that's crazy

The other thing,

a couple of things I have in my notes,

and we'll get into

DataWad's analysis a little bit,

is Barbell Spin did a blind

leaderboard where they

talked about the most

exciting thing from the weekend.

And everybody went to

Colton's Touch and Go.

Not Joe Piero's.

What's that?

Not Joe Piero's.


So when they said that it has to be Colton,

Colton wasn't the only one

that went touch and go.

Hannah, or is it Hannah?

Julia Hannaford.

Yeah, that's it.

She did it as well.

He did it.

I think it was more so like

the moment because it was a

tight race versus the

actual touch and go.

Because I think we did see it, what,

three or four times over the three weeks?


Some people didn't need to do it.

I bet you cursed at her

could have done it if she

really wanted to.

That's still the most

impressive performance.

That was my vote.


What Olivia did to that

snatch ladder was freakish

and should go down as like

one of the most impressive

things ever done.

Did you see the training think tank video?

They had one of their

coaches do like the woman's ladder.

and tried to beat Kerstetter's time.

I think that he only beat it

by like three or four

seconds or something like that.

Very, very close.

And he had to go touch and

go on the last bar.

And the transitions were

even tighter than what

Olivia had to do just to

show how dominant her performance was.

That's crazy.

She like,

and I think they brought this up

on the spin is that she had

to practice changing weights.

Like she had to do that so

fast to be able to get that time.

And then I talked to Hattie

on Friday night and she said, when,

when they got word of what her time was,

like, they all were like, well,

we're all fighting for a second.

Like they were all just like, that's out,

that's out of reach.

so and that that's just

craziness but um I think

the lunges were a story I

think um what the men's

competition getting shaken

up with ricky winning his

first semi-final jay crouch

not finishing top two and

bailey martin kind of

ruining jay's party I think

that was pretty crazy down there um


Dallin did that to Roman in the East.


And kind of, you know, we,

a lot of people thought probably,

you know,

Jeff and Roman one and two in

whatever order.

And I mean,

I'm sure some people expected

maybe Dallin or Hopper to be in the mix,


but at the end for Dallin to

take the spot similar than

Oceana with the three boys.


And then I'm going to,

I'm going to admit something here.

I was,

I was putting up our document that

we share for notes and I

saw Carolyn typing and

deleting and typing and deleting,

and then she ended up deleting,

but I liked it too much

that I put it back in.

And that is,

and I phrased it a little bit different.

And that is our Austin

Hatfield and Jack Rosema

enough to offset the

feeling that this was

slanted to the big boys.

I would say no for me.

Do you know my thought on this?

We talked about this the other day.

I just feel like the sport

gradually over the last few years,

if you look at where the women were,

where the men were overall

in terms of height and weight...

The sport is shifting towards taller men,

taller females,

heavier as we're going more

and more machines and power

output and the weights are heavier.

I think that over the weekend,

I don't think on any of the workouts,

gymnastics was really a

limiting factor for most athletes.

Um, and number one,

it was the runner at your engine.

Number two, I would argue is again,

your engine.

You could say toes to bars maybe,

but I think overall all

three kind of played a good factor.

That was a well balanced event,

but for most people it's

just their breathing.

Um, number three, same thing.

Like the echo bike played a bigger factor.

And I think the females

being on the echo bike

longer because the 10 cows

you're able to recover for

the legless rope climbs, um,

Same with the,

like it's enough time with

the box jump overs that the

legless was less of a factor.

I think that for that one, the rowing,

we talked about that last

week being a big factor there.

Unless you had really,

really fast handstand walk

as a shorter person,

you could stay in the mix more,

but it was more of a power

output rowing capacity.

Let me get this right.

Was that a rowing workout?


And you have to snatch with the weight.

And again,

those lunges playing a big

factor with if you can get

a head start on the echo bike,

it did play a role.

Because most people were one

or two sets on the ring muscle ups,

but you could you could gain some stuff.

So I just think the sport in general,

like we used to be rare to

see guys over 200 pounds, six foot tall.

And now you're seeing that quite a bit.

And even I think the height

of the females and the

weight of the females is

shifting higher towards the

155 to maybe 160 pounds now.

Like on an average scale,

maybe even heavier than that,

155 to 165 maybe on average.

And it used to be closer to like 145.

And I think the taller you are,

the better you will also be

on machines in general.


Yeah, if you look at Tia, Laura, Gabby,

Alex, they are all taller athletes.

I mean,

I think Tia still is the older

model mold.


she's more of an exception to the rule.

She's just so good overall.

She just stands tall in your

head because she's just so dominant.

Um, yeah, I guess.

So, um, that was one question I had.

And then this got posted

this weekend and I don't

know how to feel about it.

So that's what I'm posing it

to you guys is CrossFit

made a post saying is Paige.

The men's are the most underrated athlete.

I mean,

I don't think she gets a whole lot

of coverage.


think if you're like into

the sport like we are like

she's never forgotten when

we talk about the sport but

on the on the whole I do

see that but I think it's

everybody sixth and below I

agree because and crossfit

made it that way yeah yeah

anyone that's not in those

top those top that top tier

They don't really talk about,

they don't really film during events.

And she's just so consistent

year after year,

no matter the programming,

like she's always relevant and,

and solid.

And she seems to be getting

better the last couple of

years as she's kind of

maybe getting older,

maybe being smarter with her body too.

And just using that experience for her.

Andrew Sten says most people

don't know who 90% of the athletes are.

Larry Young says,

I personally think not

having a max or high level

gymnastics before

semifinals hurt people like

Colton and Olivia,

because everyone who made

it were really fit cardio wise.

They have to be strong too, though.

I think it was still a good balance.

Every event, you had to be strong,

but you had to have some

level of gymnastics capacity.

You had to be able to run,

but you still had to be

able to lift a certain amount of weight.

It was still balanced,

but I just think it moves a

little bit more towards certain stuff.

Yeah, yeah.

but page is never underrated in our book.

And it was funny.

I actually, uh,

ended up texting Patrick

and Brian last night

because I was listening to

their semifinal recap and they said,

nobody interviewed page

before semifinals.

And I was like, excuse me.

And then they,

they apologized and said

that they would make a correction.

I said, I don't need all that.

I just was giving you a hard time.

But, um,

But yeah, we did interview Paige.

But she's not someone that

posts every single day like

some of the other people.

She's more to herself,

training and under the radar, really.

And that's just who she is.

She's not flashy.

She's not trying to be

someone that she's...

you know,

not like just to get the

followers and stuff like that.

Like you see a lot of

athletes just posting stuff

and sometimes you're like, Oh, well,


This isn't in the notes,

but you brought that up.

Have you noticed that Tudor

is posting way more than he ever has?

And it's all running.



Yeah, I've seen more posts lately.

I guess I didn't necessarily

notice about the running.

But that's good.

He's got to embrace it.

I mean,

all of his counterparts are all over.


Damien says, like,

nobody knew about Kenya.

That is so true.

Okay, Larry,

I'm trying to figure this out.

If Big Braun was the

Colton... If Big Braun...

Colton moves up and the new

guy that beat him openly

says he isn't strong.

I'm confused.

Who's the new guy that beat him?

In the West?

Chris Ibarra.


That was the only rookie in the West,



If Big Braun was there...

Colton moves up.

And the new guy that beat him.

We'll go to Andrew Sten.

And that fault falls on

CrossFit for not having a

media department who highlights athletes.


not enough people watch this

channel to see the other

athletes covered.

We're getting there.

We're getting there.

We're growing.

Got to like and subscribe.

You got to keep telling the people, Scott,

like and subscribe.

That's why I brought you on here,

just to tell me.

Just tell the people, like and subscribe.

If you haven't already,

like and subscribe.

Larry, we know.

You only get so many

characters in this new age world,

and it's hard to condense

them down into the comment section.

It's like Twitter.


So the last thing I want to

talk about is DataWad put together,

because I think really

probably the major story of

semifinals was the allocation of spots.



And a lot of us don't

believe that that is done

in an equitable way.

So she put together a

combined leaderboard.

Now let's stay up front.

We know that it probably wouldn't have...

broke down this way if they

were all competing head to

head because you don't have

the races right you you may

have pushed harder here or

not here depending on who

you were up against but in

in the men's side it

doesn't shake up too much

and she actually did it

with the run and without

the run because the runs

were different from place to place

This first one,

is it only comparing

athletes that qualified or

is this with everyone in the field?

Because I think she did two of them.

I think this is all of them.

Yeah, I thought it was all of them.

Yeah, this one is the most recent one.

And so...

Their original rank is over here.

Here's the combined rank.

And you see that like Europe, Oceania,

North America,

East are getting people in.

And then Guy is kind of the

outlier with South America.

Which is great to see him up there.

It is.

What a great bounce back for

year for him so far.

And it doesn't change with

or without the run.

Yeah, that's great.

Well, we can get into that later, but, um,

and so we go,

we keep going and then South

America actually has two

more representatives in the top 20.

Well, I would, I would use the,

without the run category.



Um, so, but still qualifying spot top 40.


um and then we go here

nobody is out at this point

on these uh still pretty

much north america europe

and oceania and then here

we would have with the run

oldest would have been in

yonakoski would have been

in without the run yona

would have been in

Um, oldest out without the run,

Brandon Luckett just makes it in.

We know he's a great runner.

So taking out the run is a huge,

like he would do well in any field.

So it's hard to say that he

would bump out to 52.

Cause now you're just going

to find the fence,

but I get what you're saying.

I think this is the interesting part.

These three people from

North America East.

Taylor Self, Dre Strom,

and Tyler Christoffel would

have been in with the run.

Taylor and Dre would have

been in without the run.


So North America East would have had 15.

It's hard.

The only other thing that's hard is, um,

comparing weeks one when they only had,

you know,

certain amount of time to

prepare versus a week three,

like North America East, which then keeps,

can see the results.

And obviously the scores

typically get better as you

go through the week.

So there's all,

there's also that factor

that's hard to compare

between semifinals.


But it's still a good

indicator that we could have more spots.

And just to confirm this,

all 267 men and 271 women.

So then we go to the women.

And what I find fascinating is,

even though they were the first week,

Laura and Gabby are second and third.

But not surprising.

You look at the top three...

you're like, yeah,

that could be the podium at the Games.


you can look down further than that,

and that order wouldn't be surprising.


I think what was surprising

to me is nobody from the

West on the first page.

Because we thought it was top-heavy,

but we didn't even get this

in the combined ratings.

Europe is a dead even split

with North America East.

Now, without the run,

Linda Kiesman falls out,

and Shelby Neal pops in.

So that changes up a little bit.

But it's not until we get to

17th with the run or around

that without the run, 13th,

is Abby Domet.

Very interesting.

Very interesting.


because the West Run is by far the


and they have the stairs and everything.

So that one is really hard

to compare because their

original scores would be much slower.

And when we go to the third page,

we finally see Oceana.

And a couple more from the West.

Kazan and Kenyo.


Some more from Emily

Lundberg jumps way up and in.

She was, and she was out.

She was the first person out for Europe.


Anika Greer.

Look at the difference it makes combined.


That's not surprising though.

Amanda Barnhart gets in either way.

I think we have 17 or something from the,

from the East, which is crazy.

And it's not until the last

page do we get some Asia,

which we didn't get any on the men.

None from Asia,

none from Africa on the men's side.

But Sahir Kaya and Shung

Young Choi are good athletes.

They're great athletes.

Yeah, they're legit.

They're great.

But Jordan Sheffs would make it combined.

Ashley Wozni, Fee Sagafi,

Elizabeth Weishart.

it that's insane to me a lot

of yeast so uh no juan

young no kenneth no juan

young um so I think I think

this does point out that

there's some fallacy with

the allocations of spots

do you think there's an

immediate solution do we

want to listen to the

castro piece you could yeah

I i yeah I've got comments

on this did you listen to it yeah

So I have it started at the

357 mark of Patrick Clark's

interview with Dave Castro

backstage at the Syndicate Crown.

This was on Be Friendly Fitness.

I want to give credit to them for this.

But here it is.

And we'll go ahead and play that.

One last question.

The future of the semifinal.

Is that stage still,

obviously you mentioned

something about tweaking.

You can put it full screen.

Every year we're tweaking something,

improving it.

Is the semifinal something

that you would like to keep around?

And if so, if not,

what would you like to see

in place of semifinal?

I have ideas.

We have big ideas on how it

can evolve to a different model.

Are we ready for that now?

Potentially not.


I think this model here

There's an evolution of it

that's necessary if we're

if we're to stay with the

semi final and do semi final again.

I think we're operating a

model that is at the 60

yard line and not at the 99

yard line with this format.

And again,

it's some of the stuff I

mentioned in the beginning,

like I don't think

two events in North America

is the right expression of this.

But it's where we kind of

are and how we've evolved

to this from being on our

heels often in the last few

years and trying to climb out of that.

So there's also radical

expressions of what next

year looks like that are

potential areas we might

take that look nothing like this.

The actual decision yet has not been,

it's not final,

but there could be an

expression where it's like

this with some tweaks or

where it's a little

different or a lot different.



I like that.

All right.


Appreciate it.



Thanks a lot.

So thank you to Be Friendly

Fitness for that video.

And nice job, Patrick,

getting that interview

backstage at Syndicate Crown.

Original thoughts on that.

I have a lot of thoughts.

So, uh, but I want to hear yours first.

So a little bit earlier in

that video and I find it,

I'm wondering what,

at what point of syndicate crown,

this was, um, done.

So there's Saturday.




So we didn't get to see all the,

like all the heats, all the drama,

all the, he comments in there that.

there's too many people

qualifying and kind of like

the games kind of,

we've had this discussion,

like the fourth heat

doesn't matter and people

don't want to watch it.

And I,

and while I'll say that's true at

almost every single region,

that was not the case for

North America East at all.

Every heat was relevant.

There was like,

So I get what he's saying.

And if you could have if you

could have only had like 10,

12 representatives from

West and if you had five

regions still in the US and

you only took like 20 and

then East was actually split up properly.

Yeah, it would probably be more exciting.


he just was like smirking the whole time.

Like the whole thing is

going to flip around next

year or the following year.

Like he knows,

like he obviously knows what's going on,

but he can't say it just felt like he's,


talking like something big

is going to happen and

they're talking about it.

And obviously he doesn't

like the format right now.

He went to the West.

He probably saw the same thing,

like almost the whole final

heat qualifies and doesn't

quite like that.

But it's just hard because, I mean,

a lot of people are living

in similar regions.

Like back then you didn't

have training camps anymore.

that kind of influenced the

regions as much as they would now.

So it would just be very

hard to do regionals, I guess,

because there are so many

people within the same area.

So if you start going five

per like different parts of the East,

like it's just crazy.

I don't know.

I also feel like they don't

want to take responsibility

for the semifinals.

So doing like sanctionals again,

maybe under a like umbrella of CrossFit,

that's a little bit more

controlled from before

might be something that

they're looking into where

you just have different

competitions all around the

world where two or three qualify at each.

I could see something like

that coming back around,

like a hybrid model of the

sanctional season with regionals-ish.

I don't know.

That's my thought.

So here I have a couple thoughts.


I don't think it's good business to

admit failure in the middle

of the stage you're talking about.

I think it's better to say, you know,

we can always improve.

We'll always look at this at

the end of the season,

and then we'll go from there.

Because now everybody's

talking about what's it

going to be instead of who

these athletes are that are

going to the CrossFit Games.

We've now removed the

spotlight from all the

phenomenal athletes that

have earned a great

accomplishment of making

the games and turned it

back on the failures of CrossFit.

Because you, the head of all this,

are saying we're failing at

this stage and we need to make a change.

While it's going on 30 feet

from where you're saying it.


but I think a lot of people are saying

it's failing.


there's a lot of people not very

happy with the allocation of spots.

I get all that.

It's just bad timing.


the spotlight should be on the athletes.

If people want to talk about that,

that's great.

But you, the head of this company,

should not be the one leading the charge.

What is he going to do,

praise the Africa and Asia athletes?

You don't have to do the

polar opposite to not do the one.



And there's a time where

this discussion needs to be had.

And they can talk internally

and get this together

behind closed doors right

now and announce it after

the celebration.

Or even like a month before

the games that next season

is going to be different.

But I want to move on from that and say,

the problem is that there

is no easy solution to the

CrossFit's in a very big

bind because you can add

more regionals or

semifinals to the United States.

So that's right out.

The drama is always going to

be at the cut line at semifinals,

whether you're allocating five games,

10 to the games or 20 to the games,

it's always going to be at the cut line,

not at who's winning.

So that's inherent with this

stage of the game.

The next thing is you can

move them all over the country,

but it's not evenly

distributed geographically

in the United States where

all the talent is.

There's so many camps in the

East that the East is just loaded.

And if you have,

like they did a couple years ago,

four of them in North

America and distribute them evenly,

you've taken away the

regional aspect again

because you're moving

people away from where they live.

My biggest fear is they're

going to go online.

And if they go online,

it's going to break my heart.

It's going to destroy the

coolest thing in CrossFit.

And we've been pounding the

desk that you need to go to

semifinals because it is

the coolest time to watch the sport.

And I had listeners come up

to me at the Syndicate Crown saying,

thank you for telling me that.

This was the most fun I've

ever had at a CrossFit competition.

And we have decided we're

going to do this instead of the games.

CrossFit should market this

phase better than they do.

I don't think they want to go online.

I don't think they want to

deal with all of the video

stuff and the responsibility there.

I don't think they wouldn't.

But how are they going to

economically do anything else?

Yeah, without putting on other people.

Yeah, I mean,

the thing with the sanctionals and stuff,

it's like it just becomes

who has the most money,

who has the most time off

to go travel to all these places.

Because I know like for me

having a full-time job,

I can't go overseas and

just take a week of vacation,

two weeks of vacation to –

to go do that while someone

could go and do every single one of them.

Um, some sort of point system,

maybe a new ranking system,

but then again,

we're just changing the

ranking systems left and right.

And we have,

we haven't kept anything consistent.

It's just hard to know

because things just are always changing.

Um, who knows?

I hope to God they don't go online.

It's just a fear I have because that's,

that seems to be the answer

for everybody else, but the elites, um,

and they're crying,

they don't have money.

And so it's the cheapest way to do things.


I, in a way I think done correctly, it,

it could be the right move.


but it'll never be done correctly.

So I hate it.

But I think,

I think it could be done well.

And I think it could,

I think it could get the

right people there.

It wouldn't come down to a,

it would come down to you

move as well as you think

you need to move.

And we're going to make your

video public and we're

going to figure it out.

Like, did you move well?

It's not going to be a

judge's call ruining

someone's chance on the floor.

We would eliminate that kind of stuff,

but it'll never be done correctly.

So yeah.

It's a moot point.

If you look at every avenue

possible that I can think of,

there's something wrong

with that thought process.

You're spreading out to four again,

but you still have to

spread out the talent.

So then you lose the

regional aspect that way.

I'm almost on the bandwagon

of keep it as it is, allocate better,


And really embrace this and

market it better.

Would you do the one spot

per region minimum and then allocate?

Or would you just put, for right now,

Africa with another region

and it's just like travel?

Combine Africa with...

I've said all along that the

way to get global expansion

is not the Olympic model.

CrossFit is not big enough

to go to the Olympic model yet.

And that's what they're trying to do.

I think I think this is like

the last chance qualifier

is a good model.

And that's how and those

people need to get good

enough to show up there and

earn a spot that way.

at the end of the day I

would rather have what we

have today than some

bastardization of what it

could be that's going to

fall short anyway I would

rather stick with the same

thing market it better

refine it better so that

it's not as bad and hone

that in than to take

another shot at something

wild in the dark that is

going to take two years to

figure out and then they'll

scrap that and go to something else

The thing is a lot of these

regions like Asia, South America,

the ones that got more spots this year,

they're probably getting

more spots next year

because they have new

athletes that are going to

make it to the games that

have just gone points at

the games for their region.

And then if you add any previous people,

you're going to get four

people from Asia next year.

You're going to get four

people from South America.

And slowly,

as people are accumulating more points...

It's just going to keep

taking out from Europe, North America,

Northwest, and the bigger, I guess.

And at the end of the day,

you watch sports because

someone's going to win and

someone's going to lose.

And it sucks to be the

athlete that loses and loses out.

But that's why you watch.

You watch for that drama.

And if we open it up too wide,

because I'm just looking at the chat too,

I think 40 is plenty.

I don't think that South

America needed three women.

I don't think Asia needed three men.

Those are obvious places

where the allocation was wrong.


And it's going to be four next year.

I'm telling you.

They're going to get more points.

It's going to be four next year.

Everyone is going to go down.

I don't know.

I can't see them looking at that and not,

especially if those people

are all in the bottom 30.

But that's the way the system's created.

This is how South America or

Asia got three spots this

year was Choi came back.

So people got points last

year for being at the games.

And then she comes back and

they got points.

Now you have someone else, Duan Zhang,

will get points, new points for Asia.

And then you start adding more.

Like it's... Right.

One of the things they need

to hone is that model.

That model is strapped and then new...

The more that athletes are

different in regions,

like the more rookies in a region,

the more they're gaining

points for the region.

The more that the region

stays with the bets,

the harder it is for the

region to keep getting

points because everyone

else is not getting extra

points for the region.

So North America East

doesn't have many rookies.

North America West doesn't

have many rookies.

That's bad.

That's bad for the point system.

That's how it's made.

Europe getting rookies in

this year is actually good for them.

They got more rookies this year,

like four or something on one side.

That's actually going to

help their point system.

Because people in the year

prior had their games points,

new people are getting games points,

and now they're getting

more people within the top 100.

If we keep getting only the

vets in for the North America,

it's actually worse for us.

We're going to keep losing

and losing spots.

I know you're right.

And I know that everything

you're saying is absolutely correct.

I think they need to scrap

that model for allocation of spots.

And use more common sense.

I know that is really hard to do,

but common sense.

When we do a combined

leaderboard and there's no

man from Asia close to the

top 40 and they get two or three spots,

two, that's ridiculous.


I mean,

the evidence is looking at the

scores of these people and

do they have the capacity

and the ability to compete?

Because what you're doing by

this allocation is watering

down the final product at the games.

And then heat one doesn't matter.

Because heat one is never

going to be a factor in the

rest of the scores.

Because they're never going to,

like in the East,

there were top five people

from heat one in almost

every workout through the final day.

Because it's so deep.

And we lose that.

It's better at the, that's what sucks.

It's better at the semifinal

than it is at the games.

Because by the time you get to the games,

the bottom 10 aren't going to compete.

I shouldn't say bottom 10.

Bottom seven aren't going to compete.

So Seema says I need to clip

what Carolyn just talked about.

So look for that on a reel

in the next day or two.

All right.

We jumped all around these notes.

It actually made sense to go

in that order.

Um, but I, I am really me personally,

I'm at the point of let's

keep it the way it is and

change the allocation model.

until we can figure this out

and get better I i larry I

don't agree that every

level was watered down if

you were in knoxville it

was insane how how fit some

of these people were in

heat one heat two heat

three I wasn't at the west

so I didn't you don't get

the same feel over a stream

as you do live

But, I mean,

Carolyn knows she was battling

these people.

That was a super deep field.

There was almost, I think, 20,

on the female side,

almost 20 individual games

athletes that have

individual games athletes

experience in the last few years,

which is crazy.

All right.

So let's uplift and talk

about the uplift challenge.

This week,

our buddy Wadzombie is

sponsoring the uplift

challenge along with Hero

Barbell for prizes.

So make sure you go to

Uplift's IG account and do

everything you need to do

to do the workout, video it,

and make sure you submit

that video by June 21st if

you want to qualify for

some of those prizes.

In addition,

they made a huge announcement

this week that their actual

hero or uplift,

the beginnings of uplift

were every Labor Day weekend,

they would do a workout to

raise awareness of suicide prevention.

And they've done that for

the last couple of years.

This is, I believe,

the third year that they're doing it.

And they made the

announcement that the

person programming that

workout this year will be Adrian Bosman.

So this Labor Day,

make sure that you gear yourself up.

Unless you're competing at

the Masters Games...

make sure you gear yourself

up to jump in that WOD that

Adrian will put together.

And they usually do like three, four,

five versions of it to make

sure there's a version for

everybody to be able to do that.

And it's a great cause.

Make sure you jump on there and do that.

But a cool get to get Adrian

to program that for them.

Andrew Sten said that should

be the final workout for

the Masters Games.

That'd be really cool if they did that.

So the next thing is the Service Open.

Service Open has already started.

It goes through June 13th.

It is being hosted by the Rogue website.

So it's a joint effort

between CrossFit and Rogue.

It requires athletes.

It can be three workouts

over the course of one week.

The competition will include

an RX and scaled community

division and service

members in the following

professions are encouraged to join.

Affiliate owner, CrossFit trainer,

medical professional, educator,

military veteran, active duty military,

law enforcement, firefighter,

first responder, EMS responder.


I'm a CrossFit trainer.

Carolyn's an educator.

You doing it, Carolyn?

Yeah, I've done.

I did Randy and Kelly Brown already.

Randy's one of them?

Randy's one of them.

Ben and Snap.

second favorite workout of

all time yeah randy's one

of them kelly brown was a

good one so the kelly brown

one was uh five rounds for

time 440 meter row 10 box

jumps at 30 inches 24

inches so higher box jumps

uh 10 deadlifts also

heavier I think for the

females it's 185 I'm not

sure what the weight is for

the men and then the at the

real kelly brown one is actually

10 wall balls with 30 pounds

and 20 pounds for the,

for the ladies to a 10 and

nine foot target,

but to facilitate within the affiliates,

they've adjusted to regular

20 pounds and 14 pounds,

but they say that you can

like choose the heavier one.

If you want, I chose the 14 pounds.


the lab says bend and snap like

legally blonde.


that's exactly what I was referring to,

but yeah, that was a sneaky work.

It was, uh, it was hard.

Houston, Texas, 94.

Finished my Service Cup

workouts yesterday.

Was rough, but incredible.

I just don't know how I'm

going to do the Dango one.

The running one is going to be...

challenging because you have

to film your distance and stuff.

And it's like, I mean,

if you're trying to win your,

your division, which I am, um,

like if I'm just doing it by myself,

let's say at my school gym,

like I'm gonna have to take

the camera after my 400 meter run,

show the assault runner,

put my camera back, continue.


I just think of running distance like

that in an online format is like,

hard to do like even if you

go and run outside like a I

don't know 200 out and back

like I hope people are

actually running that

distance like it's just

hard to do I'll probably do

it on the assault runner

just so I can not have to

film something outside but

larry young says that one

to do he can check all the

boxes except the fitness one

And there's community versions too.

So if you're part of a

service category there and

you can't do the RX version,

they have like a modified

version for you to still

participate in the service cup.

How glad are you that they

brought this back?


I mean, I always just, like,

did the hashtag in the open.

In the past, like, they just used the open,

which I think that would

actually make more sense

because everyone signs up for the open.

So you can actually see if

you're the fittest teacher.

But the problem is,

is people use the hashtag

for anything this year,

as we saw some people that

had jobs that they don't actually do.


I think the open still would work,

but this is another like revenue for,

for them.

And I think it's just kind of, it makes it,

it makes it more special, I guess.


more focused on the service members in

the community versus in the open.

I think the open is a better

representation of the

fittest firefighter.

Everything is they actually sign up,

but this is still like a specialty.

Do you have to prove your teacher?

It says that you may be asked to prove.

So I filmed the first one in

the school and I filmed the school.

And I'm pretty sure a bell

rang while I was middle of Randy.

So if they had any doubts.

So the start date is June 6th,

which is already passed.

End date is Thursday, June 13th at 5 p.m.

specific time or 8 p.m.

Eastern time.

So make sure you get those workouts in.

Some of you already have.

Good luck.

And we hope to see you all

next week to know who is

the fittest where.

John Woolley.

John Woolley lost his Instagram account.

Half a million followers.

It's crazy.

So insane.

What happened?

Lex told me that and I

didn't know what happened.

So I don't even really know.

um it just got and he said

it's not coming back I

talked to him at syndicate

crown um it's not coming

back and he started a new a

page and it's had a couple

names but he settled on woolly memeth

is the new page but he does

want to kind of change the

structure of it not just be

a meme page but some other

stuff that he has a passion

for or an interest in uh

but he's already like he's

got tens of thousands of

followers already back to

it um he posted something

that was copyrighted by mtv

wow that is crazy

they don't just make him

delete that post yeah

that's crazy yeah he was on

glint and things I did not

I did not catch that

episode yet um but I'll try

to catch that or I'll I'll

just reach out to him he's

been on with me on a couple

different things when I

used to do the music show

and uh he's had a couple

interviews when we've been

at events together

So I'll check out what happened.

Maybe it wasn't his first time doing it.


it says that he already had two

previous strikes.


So there's that.

But it sounds like he's in a

really good headspace with

it because he did want to

kind of change –

What he's doing and he

wanted to talk about

different things than just memes.

So it allows him to kind of

change that up and move in

a different direction.

And he seems to be cool with that.


So now we're going to talk

about the CrossFit Games

coming up a little bit,

and I teased this on my IG

Live before we jumped on here,

but I'm going to show something first.

I did a poll question on YouTube today,

and it was, at the 2024 CrossFit Games,

who do you pick to win the women's title,

Tia Claire Toomey or The Field?

And 88% of you all said Tia

Claire Toomey with 12% saying the field.

So I'm going to ask you guys first,

surprised by the results of this?

No, not at all.

I'm actually surprised 12% said the field.

Yeah, I guess.

When I voted earlier,

I think it was like 93 and 7.

And that was like right

about what I would expect to see.



I am one person that is picking the


Of course you are.

And this is not new.

I've been saying this for months.

And when I do my spin poll,

I put Emma Lawson number one.

I actually, in the spin poll two times ago,

I went Emma Lawson, Laura Horvat,

then Tia Claire Toomey.

The last spin poll, I went Emma Lawson,

Tia Claire Toomey, Laura Horvat.

I feel like what she is

doing is amazing and she is

a phenomenal athlete and

that if everything is perfect,

she will do amazing things

and probably win.

But this is a lot.

It's been two years since

she's been on the floor.

She has to crank up the volume.

She has to get that body

ready for another run at this.

Anything can happen.

Everybody thought Mike Tyson

was unbeatable until Buster

Douglas beat him.

Everybody thought that

Georgetown couldn't be beat

with Patrick Ewing and NC

State beat them in the NCAA finals.

Upsets happen all the time in sports.

And for everybody to talk

about this like it's an absolute,

I think is insane.

Just as much as you guys are

yelling that I'm insane in the chat,

that I'm on crack and all

of those things.

I think it's insane to think

in sports period, there are absolutes.

Other than...

I can respect the, hey,

this is a sport and things can happen,

just like Roman.

Like, barring a sickness,

an actual injury in

something at the games,

she will run away with it.


if you're just saying she needs to

get back in shape,

she needs to get her body

back ready from the baby,

you are on crack.

I don't think she has to get

her body back after the baby.

That's what you just said.

She's still got to retrain her body.

I'll take Mia's body from

when she had the pregnancy.

She had a better body than I did.

Every athlete is cranking up

their volume at this point.

Every athlete is going to

another level for games training.

It is another stressor on

the body is what I'm saying.

And for years,

everybody has told me that I

put too much credence on

the results of semifinals

when I look at my games predictions.

And now, because Tia did what she did,

everybody's jumping on that

Tia is going to win the games.


I agree.

I agree with Jamie.

Barring any injury,

fluke injury or something

prior to the games.


Someone food poisoning something.


It looks pretty strong.

But yeah, it doesn't take like,

I still think it's gonna be close.

Between like Laura is never

to be counted out.

Like Laura,

like Laura has been the second

best to Tia for the last

few years while she was in the field.

And it takes something away

from Laura's win last year.

She was awesome.

But I think it with Tia in

the field with that many events,

if she's healthy and everything,

I would expect her to win.

Can she lose?


Anyone can lose.

Like you said, right?

It's sports.

That's why we,

that's why we play the game.

She can lose.

Do I think?


Can it happen?



Let me ask you this.

Last time she competed at the games,

she was not the dominant T

as she was in years past.

She was not healthy too.

That's, that's what I was saying.

Like if she's healthy,

She still won.

Not even healthy.

But the competition is much

better this year than they

were in years past.

You're telling me two years older,

she's going to be fitter

than she was two years ago?


I am.

Now she can defy age.

yeah but I do agree with

your point with like lawson

is going to be there in the

mix she's very consistent

there's not many holes that

she has so she is going to

stay relevant the whole

weekend laura we know the

one hole that she can have

but she's she can win multiple events um

Yeah, it'll be interesting.

I think a lot of the events

that Emma would win,

Tia excels at the same similar things.

A lot of stuff that Laura would win,

neither Emma or Tia win those,

if that makes sense.


I think Emma's like a mini Tia.

Like a younger version, future version,

possibly, of Tia.

Although, like, can't count out Kazan.

Raptus is looking great.

There's plenty of great women.

Yeah, Gabby.

Danielle, you know,

Brooke's back in the field now.


There's a lot of people who could middle.

If she slips up here, slips up there.

Then they weren't there in the past.

Just saying.


and that's what the men's side needed

when Matt was in the field.

Matt would win or he'd take second,

but there was no one taking middle.

It happened with Justin.

Pat couldn't get enough people to middle.

But this is taking nothing away from Tia.

I think she is amazing.

She is the greatest

CrossFitter to ever do this sport.

Male, female, period.


I hate when people talk

about winning in an absolute sense.

That's it.

Well, nothing's absolute,

but... Everybody's talking

like it's an absolute.

It pretty much is, and it's annoying.

We just don't even want to

deal with her anymore.


I like watching a champion just to see

what the bar is, a possibility.

Some people are annoyed that she wins.

She's made the woman's field much better.

She's pushed the woman's

field better than anyone

else has ever been able to do.


there's a difference between smart

money and an absolute.

An absolute.

All week long, all I've heard is,

it's over.

Might as well not even have

the competition.

Well, we're having a competition.

But Carolyn, when you first came on,

before we went live, you said to me,

that's why they play the game.

Yeah, 100%.

Yeah, that's why you play sports.

You don't know what's going to happen.

People get hurt.

People start having bad events.

And then mentally, they are out of it.

That's all.


That's all I'm saying.


what she did at Syndicate was amazing.

And she dominated that field.

But there were a lot of

really good people not there.

Like, we talked about the East being deep,

but, like, Laura wasn't there.

And Gabby wasn't there.

And Alex Kazan wasn't there.

And Ariel.

Those are all people that can get.

Dolmett looked great in the West, too.

But Alex is a home run hitter.

She can actually go

toe-to-toe in stuff that

Tia's not good at.

Like what?

Just like Laura.

Just like... I mean,

Tia was in the field at

Rogue and Alex won two events.

That's all I'm saying.

That's all I'm saying.


I don't think Tia's far

behind on any of the events

from like Gazan winning or someone else.

The only thing that I think

Tia gets a little bit

behind is that there's like

a major power output event

on a machine or something

where there's no way she's

matching someone like Laura

Horvath that's just gonna

dominate certain stuff.


She's so well-rounded.

Her Olympic lifting is great.

Even like her raw strength is great.

Like there's, there's no holes.

There's no major holes.

And if she has a bad event, it's,

it's an 11th place.


like it's everyone else is going to

get something outside the top 15,

but she just doesn't.

But she did last time she

was on the games floor.

On a single under.


I beat her.

It happened.

That's all I'm saying.

It happened.

I beat her on a skipping one.

But I guess everyone's

saying it's an absolute is

what makes the upset so great.


All right.

people make mistakes also in

workouts like they just

make mistakes sometimes for

sure all right uh kenneth

says might not even watch

the games no colton no

taylor stealth no prevos

all right uh next thing is

roman's statement about

taking third with one leg

people better be scared or afraid

Now that he has two.


I don't think people are afraid.

I don't either.

I don't either.

I think there's a lot of men

that are confident right

now in this field.

A lot of them that feel that

it's wide open to win.

Which is crazy.

Jeff is, you know, the champion.

He is going to do well.

But I think there's a lot of

guys that are confident and can do it.

You know what I think is

hilarious is after the games last year,

Roman said Jeff talked too

much trash and was unsportsmanlike.


Who was the only one not

talking trash at Syndicate Crown?


No, Jeff.

Oh, yes.

I felt Roman was constantly

talking trash at Syndicate.

Dallin was talking trash.

Roman was talking trash.


They're all talking trash.

And there's Jeff just

quietly doing his thing.

Now that's an absolute.

Adler's winning the games.

I'm just kidding.

Nothing's an absolute.

I just think the men's field

is so exciting.

There's so many good guys.

This is by far the deepest

field of men that we've ever seen,

I think.

Of legit chances to win.

You've got seven or eight guys that are

One small trip up,

and you could fall eight spots quick.



there's going to be some middling there.

There's a lot.


the men's field's crazy good this year.

As much as I want Belner to

do well and always root for him,

I feel like this is going

to be his worst shot

because he always has a mistake,

and you cannot have those

mistakes in this field.

Either you can't have one or

everybody's got to have one.

Yeah, and that's not happening.

Because Medeiros looks better.

And he's back to just don't

make a mistake.

Wads always said Medeiros is going to win,

been saying it all year.

That would be a great comeback story,


Especially with this group at the top.


For him to pull it off again.

I'd be happy for him.

think this is a great

discussion I hope or

crossfit uses rogues live

stream format for the games

it was so good that was

like the best thing to come

out of 2023. being able to

pick the the screen you

wanted to watch it was like

being there live yeah

um damien asked will we have

a better guess after the

first event depends on what

the first event is yeah I

mean because if it's a big

run then that's going to

favor those who run well

jeff yeah so impressive how

much that he's transformed

as an athlete like he's so

strong and the way he's his

aerobic capacity has

developed over the last few

years has been so impressive

It is because he was really

just a strong guy.

And then he's now turned

into like the engine guy with,

with strength.



He doesn't have any major holes too.

That we know.

Everybody's talking about

the rogue live stream.

They won't.

If they charged like rogue did.

What was it?

25 bucks for the weekend.

Well worth it.

In my opinion.

If you're a CrossFit nerd,

that was the best $25 you could spend.

I didn't end up watching it.

I just donated $25.

I just wanted to make sure

that I supported so that

they could keep doing it

for other events.

Because I was there, so I was like,

I don't really need the live feed,

but I just paid the $25 just to... Yeah,

and the Manning cast

version they had with Pat

Sherwood was great.

So you could get two

different perspectives,

switch from one to the other.

Um, it was awesome.

They brought in a lot of people.


Pat, Pat hosted the whole thing.

And then they bring in like Josh rich,

Annie, uh, Katrin, Annie Sakamoto.

Uh, they brought it, it was,

they brought in strong men

during the CrossFit,

which was interesting.

Damien says he's cheap, only $4.99.

Watch it once, and you'll get sucked in.

So the next question someone

put in here was, early predictions,

who will be rookie of the year?

So my first answer to this,

because I didn't put this one in here,

We have no freaking idea who

will be rookie of the year

because there's no criteria.

It's just whoever they pick

at the end of the weekend.

But there are eight rookie

men and 12 rookie women,

and they include Callum Clements,

Victor Hoffer, Ivan Kukartsev,

Harry Lightfoot, Chris Ibarra,

Peter Ellis, Ruan Potgeiter,

Austin Hatfield,

Then on the women, Gemma Rader,

Andrea Pinheiro,

I put question marks

because she went in the Masters.

This is her first time elite.

Lexi Neely, Georgia Pryor, Gracie Walton,

Daisy McDonald, Hattie Cano,

Kyra Milligan, Amy Kringle,

Linda Kiesman.

Are you missing Jack Rosema?

Yeah, that's who I picked, actually.

I am.

Jack Rosema.


Because I was going to say

Austin Hatfield wasn't the

highest finished rookie, I don't think,

in the East.

Let me add that to the mix here.

I picked Jack as my dark

horse to make the games,

and so I just assumed he

wasn't a rookie because I

already had him there.

There we go.

So, thoughts?


I'm intrigued by Chris Rivera.

If they, if they go gymnastics heavy,

I think that's a huge

advantage for him more than

cause he's great at gymnastics.

I don't know enough about him, but he was,

I was expecting him to have a fall,

like a fallout in the West

and he just never did.

He was always just there.

And I was like, Oh yeah.


he's worked hard on his

strength because when I

talked to him two years ago

in our semi-final series

like he was super confident

at the um super confident

in his gymnastics ability

but was not in his strength

so he's come a long way

with that so we have in the

we have a lot of hat fields

I do like the Jack Rosema pick though.

That's who I picked.

Especially with the

confidence that he had when

he did that interview with you.

And he was like, no,

I'm coming to podium at the

East and I'm going to go, you know,

top 15 at the games.

I was like, okay, so you're very, you know,

confident in where you're at this year.

And he was the highest, I think,

finishing rookie in the East.

And I don't know how he is

with like odd objects and

stuff like that.

Cause we didn't test any of

that at semifinals,

but I'll be interesting to see.

Uh, Larry young for 99, uh, Gracie Walton,

rookie of the year.

That's who I picked for women.

Damien Fink, Austin or Gracie decks.

Also who's men's 30 to five

to 39 rookie of the year.

Are you saying someone that

came in 40th just under the

cut line is going to be

rookie of the year decks.

Gracie or Hatfield from Chelsea Miller.

I think this is in reference to Jack.

Rumor is he has a new strength coach.

I wonder if Larry Young has

some inside information.

Claudia Gluck has been looking good.

She could do well.

I know that nobody knows who

this person is,

but Hattie Cano is really well-rounded.

good pick and looking at the

women she's my pick for the

women's side it's a great

thing um on the men's side

I think nobody's saying Victor Hoffer

I know he has some strength deficiencies,

but he's really good at a lot of things.

He moves very well.

And he's going to win some events.

His running isn't that great.

and his raw strength

probably is a little bit on

the lower side compared to

some of the bigger boys in the field.

But his gymnastics,

he can win a couple events if it's very,

very strong, like, gymnastic base.

When you're going to get at

least one of those at the games, right?

He's really good upper body pulling.


So there's usually something

like that there.

I think he's going to have a

couple really high finishes

that will give him a few

hundred points that then

it's just can he do well

the rest of the way.

I think you've got to take

your mind out of past games and –

I don't think you're going

to get the games of past.

I don't think you're going

to get a bunch of running events.

I think it's going to be the

machine games and you're

going to see Dalen and

Hopper and Fikowski excel.

I don't think someone like

Hopper has as great of a shot.

It's still way more events

than the stages we've seen.

And I still think you're

going to get a gymnastics heavy event.

There's more monostructural

at the games because you can do that.

Yeah, when you're outside.

Think about the Coliseum.

Maybe for one event.

Just take all the Coliseum

programming and extrapolate that.


They're going to go outside

for more than one event.

A swim.

They're going to swim.

I think – I love the idea of

a Friday Night Lights.

Texas is known for Friday Night Lights.

Go get a high school football field.

Not going to happen.

Going to happen.

They are spending all this

money to move to that stadium.

That's where they're going

to put their energy.

They're not going to find

other venues and put time

and money into making another –

all they want everyone at

that venue for their

vendors they are not going

outside of that well the

vendors aren't in the venue

the vendors are down the

street yeah like they'll do

some sort of running it'll

just be probably in the morning

It'll just be interesting

how big that venue is.

If they can put a turf area,

can they do the flips or some sleds?

Boz loves sleds, whether it's sled pull,

sled push.

I mean, we saw that on the rubber floor.

I guess they can still do that there.

It was in the Coliseum.

Dex used to live in Fort Worth.

Fort Worth has some pretty

interesting options for outdoor venues.

Trinity Trail, TCU Football Stadium.


they made those people run in 118

degrees in Vegas that year

for the West Coast Classic.

Yeah, some people dropped over,

but the show went on.

I'm not saying they won't go

outside and run one event.

I actually do think they'll

take them outside.

If that Trinity Trail is

close to that venue and

able to step outside,

I can see it happening.

But I don't see them paying

to go to an entirely

different venue and set up

an entirely different venue.

They don't need to put a rig and stuff up.

You can do an outdoor event

without a ton of equipment.

It's freaking CrossFit.

Take some sandbags.

They could still go outside

and do something and come

back in like they did for

the semifinals or what they

did at the games.

And that Vegas run was in a

hot parking lot, right?

Yes, it was.

And Bethany Flores...

beat about all but one of

the men on that run.

Sarah says only off-site will be a swim.

No, I don't agree with that.

I think they'll have more.

Football stadium is a

20-minute walk away from the arena.

I don't think they have the

funding to reserve a pool

and a football stadium and the venue.

If he dies, he dies.

Rocky IV reference.

Favorite movie.

Deck says TCU would be so

easy to get cost site for.

A ton of health initiatives with them.

There we go.

All right,

so final rookie of the year now

that we've totally went off the rails.

I'm going to go with... I

hate going with Rosamund

because you already picked him.

So I'm going to go Victor

Hoffer and Hattie Canio.

I have Rosamund and Grace Swanton.

I'll try to pick someone

else from you guys.

So Victor... I'll go...

Chris Ibarra and Amy Kringle.

Good picks.

Amy Kringle was probably my number two.

And none of us picked Austin Hatfield.

We'll let that other show do that.

All right.

Question here.

CrossFit being sold.


I don't know.

I'm guessing either Lex or

Carolyn put this in here.

I think it was Lex.

And when Peter was doing

Beyond the Whiteboard last week,

it was a week and a half ago now,

Mads Jacobs was on,

said that Dawnfall was at

an event in Europe where he

told the affiliate owners

that they were preparing to

sell CrossFit.

CrossFit came out,

said that isn't exactly what was said,

that because they are owned

by an equity firm,

that you're always kind of

gearing up for the sale,

but there's no plans for

that in the next two years.

So I don't even think it matters anymore.


Now that you're already with

a private equity firm,

it doesn't get any worse than this.

It's either going to go back

to a private company or

it's going to be a private equity firm.

And it's just going to change hands.

And none of those people are

going to directly run CrossFit.

They're just going to do it

as an investment or some

private company is going to

buy it and then want to do something.

And that might be a good thing.


Either way,

I don't think it really matters anymore.

Once Greg sold it,

it changed how it was owned,

changed the structure,

and we're never going back to that.

this point it's just it's

either going to be

swallowed up by a bigger

company like ufc and dana

white's big it's now wwe

ufc and I don't know what

the bigger company is

called but they own all

that stuff so anyway um

there's that uh and then

we're just gonna finish up

with what's next for the show

So we are starting our Games

Athlete Series.

We started that with Hattie

Cano on Friday night.

Had a great conversation with her.

In case you haven't heard of her,

she is a qualifier out of

the North America West and

headed to the Games.

Hasn't been on many shows.



She made her 15th appearance

on our show on Friday night.

But, you know, nobody knew.


But we have two people

locked up for this week already.

Both on Thursday.

Back to back.

Tough day for this dude.

Thursday at noon, we have Alex Kazan.


Followed by Thursday at 1, Eastern Time,

James Sprague.

So a nice back-to-backer on

Thursday should be a fun

two hours of conversation.

We'll talk to them about semifinals,

going back to the games for

third and second time and

what that means to them and

all of that stuff.

So, yeah, have that coming up.

Someone tell Savan that it's can-yo.


What does he say?

It's not that.


I don't know.

So, yes, Kenneth, we have James Sprague.

I've only ever had James on

one time and it was with

the whole Brute crew.

I did an interview with Dallin, James,


It was when they were just, when he was,

it was all the teens, right?

now james dominated that

whole conversation but it's

the only time I've had him

on and super stoked that

he's coming back on um to

do that so that's going to

be fun the last thing is

going to be kind of a plea um and that is

think we cover the masters

group as well as any other

media company in the space

other than like the masters

themselves like with

masters chatter all of that

stuff I don't want to take

anything away from them but

of the more um overarching

media companies I think we

cover the masters as well

as anybody we are trying

trying I've put in the request

To go do a behind the scenes

of the Masters CrossFit Games.

I have put together a team

to come do that with me.

Because Jamie will be a

little busy that weekend.

I don't want to bother her

with any of that stuff.

But I've put together a team

that if we get that from

Legends or CrossFit...

That we'll be able to come in,

talk to you all behind the scenes,

highlight all the awesome

stuff that the masters do.

And very much like the other

behind the scenes that you see,

just we'll do it with the

masters community.

I put that request in.

I've heard nothing.

So if you are a Masters

athlete or someone that

wants to know more about

the Masters athletes and

you want this to happen, please,

please let the legends people know,

let CrossFit know that we

want to do this.

And I've got a really cool

team put together.

It also helps that a lot of

my friends are competing.

And I want to be there to support them.

And now I have a frog in my throat.

So with that,

I am making the plea to

please let me cover this.

Because people are going to

want to jump in on the fact

that it's the games.

When we went to Legends last year,

we were the only company there.

The only company at Legends.

Will they have a live stream?


The teens and the masters

are both having a live stream.

The heads of both companies

were told that that was

going to help their live

streams to be on at the

same time during the weekend.

Not sure I buy that.



It's totally going to

distract from one or the other.

They're not on the same channel, right?


They're both going to be on YouTube or.


But not on one channel.

There's going to be a teens channel.

And so you have to go to one or the other.


You're viewing.

So I'm putting out the plea

to our listeners and our

Masters lovers that if you

want us to cover this,

people who know these athletes,

who have interviewed these athletes,

who know the backstories

before we even get there on

a lot of these athletes,

Please let us cover this.

Please, please, please.

And I bring with me the

greatest stats and

information person ever who

puts out leaderboards

nonstop of everything

that's going on through the weekend,

charts and graphs and

interesting numbers and

facts and figures all weekend long.

You get that too.

And when we were at Legends

and Holly was doing all that for us,

I don't know how many

mathletes came up to me and said,

thank you so much.

What she does, I can share with my family.

I can share on social media

so people know how I'm

doing during this weekend.

And a lot of competitions don't do that.

And it's hard to, like,

screen grab the leaderboard

where it makes sense to people.


We want to do a really

freaking cool job with this,

and we want to do it in a

way where everybody is highlighted.

Do you have sponsors to help

you for the trip?

Not yet, but I'll fund it myself.

I have committed more to

this than I am to the regular games.

Let's help Scott get to the Masters games.


Uh, masters lover.

Well, I just got a new label.


Is the competition Friday to

Sunday for the masters or

is it four days or three days?

Do you have any information?

I don't know.

Is it, say what?

Is it a three day event?

Is it a four day event?

Do you have any information on that?

Thursday through Sunday.


So four days of continuous,

not no rest day.


Denise, you got that correct.

I put in the request with

Joe Linton from Legends by

text because him and I have

texted since last Legends.

I put in that request.

I have not heard back.


I'm hoping we get check-in

information back.

sooner rather than later I

like I need to decide when

I'm getting there and if

it's this age group has to

be there at this time like

I need to know that yeah

like aaron we need to know

that for we're probably

driving and it's 11 hours I

need to know if I need to

leave at two in the morning

all right kent this is the

last thing I'm taking

Thick Boy Tour.

I'm taking this because

Thick Boy is the best.

He has sponsored us all at certain times.

Thick Boy Tour is,

Mark is the owner of Thick Boy,

is one of the hardest

working men in the business.

And every weekend he travels to events.

And he sets up his booth and

he sells his wares and he

just loves supporting and

meeting athletes.

Just loves it.

And so over like the next eight weeks,

I think he is at an event

every weekend for the next eight weeks,

all the way to the end of July.



Thank you, Mark.

And thank boy.


Thank you.

And he does this not to the big events.

He does this to the

mid-majors and those where

those comps need his help,

need him to be there.

And he's there supporting them.

So he does so much for the community.

If he has an event near you,

go check him out.

Um, you, most of these events are free, uh,

that are being held.

You can just walk in, watch some CrossFit,

check out his apparel, uh, meet Mark.

He's a really cool guy.

Um, and hang out with him.

And I'm going to try to get

to at least one of the spots, uh,

to do some interviews in his booth.

If I can swing it,

I'm going to try to go to Metcon Rush.


Because it's near Pennsylvania,

and I could probably swing

by my mom's house,

then down there for a day,

and then back up to my mom,

and then back to Ohio.

So I think I'm going to try that.

And don't forget,

we're going to be at Fresh Coast,

out there on Lake Michigan,

for anybody who wants to

head to the beach in the summer.

And what's the name of the town again?



muskegon michigan awesome so

uh denise is telling you

all of her travel agenda

there jamie all right yeah

I will not be getting there

tuesday night that's not

possible for me so with

that thank you to everybody

in chat you guys are

freaking awesome subscribe all of that

Hit the notifier so you know

when your episode's on and

it alerts you that it's coming.

With that, don't forget, check us out.

Roundtable Tuesday and the

two interviews on Thursday

so far this week.

I have commitments from others,

just don't have times yet.

So that's why you hit that notifier.

Because when I do set it up,

you'll be notified of when

it's coming and you'll be

able to jump in for those interviews.

With that,

we will see you all next time on...

the sunday night crossfit

talk the original bye guys