Reimagine Marketing: A podcast from SAS

In this episode of the Reimagine Marketing podcast, Brian reminds us that work is just one part of your existence and that this time of year offers the opportunity to relax into and enjoy the other important things in life. Subscribe to the Reimagine Marketing podcast today for show notes, to hear previous episodes and to catch more Season 3 content as it drops in the new year.

Show Notes

In this episode of the Reimagine Marketing podcast, Brian reminds us that work is just one part of your existence and that this time of year offers the opportunity to relax into and enjoy the other important things in life. 
Previous episodes of the Reimagine Marketing Podcast are available on your favorite podcast platforms. Subscribe today for show notes, to hear previous episodes and to catch more Season 3 content as it drops in the new year. Thank you for listening! 
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About our host: 
Brian Alfond is a principal solutions architect in the SAS Global Customer Intelligence Practice. From his start creating marketing content, through managing international marketing teams, to becoming one of the leading marketing operations consultants in the world, Brian Alfond brings over 20 years of Marketing Experience to helping his customers solve all their Marketing business challenges. 
A natural problem-solver, Brian understands that all the technology in the world is not going to fix a broken process, nor unite disjointed teams. By uniting organization dynamics knowledge with strong process re-engineering skills, he partners with his customers to design elegant and efficient solutions to their complex issues. With this approach, he has helped transform the Marketing operations of customers ranging in size from small Mom and Pops to Fortune 100 companies. 
Brian has a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Massachusetts, is an accomplished musician, and a frustrated stand-up comedian. 

Creators & Guests

Brian Alfond

What is Reimagine Marketing: A podcast from SAS?

Are you ready for the future of customer experience? Tomorrow’s level of CX and personalization will need to be smarter, more immersive, more trust-enabling. Tune in to the SAS Reimagine Marketing podcast as we explore topics including emerging technology, customer loyalty, data privacy and trust, and more so you can reimagine marketing for your organization.

All presentations represent the opinions of the presenter and do not represent the position or the opinion of SAS.

BRIAN ALFOND: Hello, folks. Welcome to this mini episode of the Reimagine Marketing podcast. I'm your host, Brian Alfond. And I'm part of SAS's Global Customer Intelligence Group, where I work with customers to find elegant and creative solutions to their marketing problems.

The holiday season is upon us. And it just so happens to coincide with the halfway point of the Reimagine Marketing podcast season. So this feels like a good point to pause the thinking about marketing and to take some time to reflect on, as I like to say, all the important things that at this time of year may deserve more of our attention.

I'm reminded of an episode from a prior life when I was in the office on a Saturday completely stressed out because something wasn't working the way it should have been. Evidently, my stress, or maybe the foul language I was using, thinking I was the only one in the office on that Saturday, attracted the attention of a VP who was also trying to catch up on some work that day.

Calling me into his office and pouring two glasses of wine-- hey, this was the 90s, he handed me one, looked me in the eye, and said, Brian, we're not curing cancer here. At the end of the day, you have to remember it's just junk mail. Even if we do our jobs to the best of our ability, to the vast majority of people, it is still just junk mail.

Now, please don't misunderstand me. Marketing is very important to those of us who make our living doing it or supporting it, et cetera. But work is just one part of life. And what I love about this time of year is the opportunity to really relax into and enjoy the other things, all the important things life offers us, and that we risk taking for granted as we go about our daily tasks.

We will resume the Reimagine Marketing podcast in the new year. Until then, I hope you have an opportunity to take some time this holiday season to reflect and enjoy the things that make you happy, that make you grateful, and make life whole. So until next time, this is Brian Alfond wishing you a happy and healthy holiday season, a safe and prosperous new year, and that, as always, all the important things in your life are good.