The Traffic Hackers

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In this episode of the Traffic Hackers podcast, Brent and Glenn discuss how to be a ninja on LinkedIn. They highlight the platform's popularity, with over a billion users and an average yearly income of $75,000 or above for its users. The main focus of the conversation is on using In-Mail, a feature that allows users to message others on LinkedIn without being connected. They emphasize the effectiveness of personalized and value-driven messages in generating high acceptance rates. Additionally, they mention the benefits of upgrading to premium LinkedIn for access to more features and insights.
  • LinkedIn has over a billion users and offers a unique opportunity to connect with individuals who have a higher average income compared to other social media platforms.
  • In-Mail on LinkedIn allows users to message others without being connected, and it has a higher acceptance rate than email open rates.
  • Personalized and value-driven messages are key to successfully using In-Mail on LinkedIn.
  • Upgrading to premium LinkedIn provides access to additional features and insights, such as seeing who viewed your profile.
Introduction and Overview
LinkedIn's Popularity and Potential
Using In-Mail on LinkedIn
Premium LinkedIn Features
Investing in Premium LinkedIn

Welcome back to The Traffic Hackers, where your hosts Brent Stone and the LinkedIn maestro, Glen, dive deep into the digital networking realm of LinkedIn. This episode is a treasure trove for anyone looking to polish their LinkedIn strategy, from seasoned professionals to newcomers aiming to carve out their niche in this bustling professional community.
Unveiling LinkedIn's Hidden Gems
LinkedIn, with its staggering user base of over a billion, is not just a social platform; it's a vibrant ecosystem brimming with opportunities. Glen and Brent peel back the layers to reveal why LinkedIn's affluent user base, with an average yearly income of $75,000, makes it a goldmine for meaningful professional connections unlike any other social platform.
Mastering the Art of In-Mail Without Premium Perks
The spotlight of today's episode shines on LinkedIn's In-Mail, a powerful tool that breaks the ice without the need for connections. Glen shares insider tips on leveraging In-Mail to bypass the gatekeepers of networking, boasting a phenomenal 107% higher acceptance rate than traditional email open rates. And the best part? Glen walks us through how to harness this potent tool using just the free version of LinkedIn, debunking the myth that premium features are a necessity for networking success.
Crafting Messages That Open Doors
Diving deeper, our hosts discuss the cornerstone of effective LinkedIn communication: personalized, value-driven messages. They stress the importance of crafting messages that resonate on a personal level, transforming cold outreach into warm invitations to connect. Through a blend of humor and wisdom, Glen and Brent underscore that genuine, thoughtful communication is your ally in the LinkedIn arena.
Why Upgrading to Premium Might Just Be Worth It
In a twist, Glen points out the benefits of considering LinkedIn Premium. Beyond the basic functionalities, premium offers a panoramic view of who's been peeking at your profile, among other advanced features. It's about making informed decisions on who to approach with your newly polished In-Mail skills, potentially opening doors to opportunities that were invisible before.
A Call to Action for All LinkedIn Adventurers
Glen and Brent wrap up the episode with a call to arms—or rather, to keyboards. They encourage listeners to step into the LinkedIn labyrinth with a new perspective, armed with strategies that can turn connections into opportunities and messages into partnerships. Whether you're wielding the free version of LinkedIn or contemplating the premium upgrade, this episode is your compass in the vast digital networking wilderness.
Key Takeaways:

  • LinkedIn's vast user base and high average income offer unmatched networking opportunities.
  • In-Mail, especially when used thoughtfully and creatively, can significantly boost your connection acceptance rates—even without a premium account.
  • Personalization and value are the golden keys to unlocking meaningful interactions on LinkedIn.
  • Considering an upgrade to LinkedIn Premium might just be the investment needed to elevate your networking game, providing access to insights that can refine your strategy further.

Join Brent and Glen as they navigate the twists and turns of LinkedIn, offering practical advice, laughs, and insights along the way. Whether you're a LinkedIn novice or a seasoned professional, this episode is packed with value that will change how you view and use the platform. Ready to transform your LinkedIn approach and become a networking ninja? Tune in to Episode 10 of The Traffic Hackers and embark on your journey to LinkedIn mastery.

Creators & Guests

Glen Martin
Struggling with month-to-month finances, I reached a breaking point in 2013 and contacted a mentor who changed my life. His guidance shifted my mindset from an employee to an entrepreneur, leading me to create various business ventures in e-commerce, digital marketing, and coaching. Nine years later, my wife is a full-time homemaker, and we've been blessed with success. I'm passionate about helping others escape financial struggles and take control of their lives, aiming for impact, influence, and income. Let's connect to start your journey of growth and change lives together!
Brent Stone
Overcoming early turmoil, I've transformed challenges into resilience and success. My journey includes: Escaping legal trouble in my teens. Achieving national recognition in network marketing at 19. Transitioning from managing a multi-million-dollar dental facility to co-owning a Dental Service Organization in my early 20s. Launching a lead generation firm/software development company and starting the “Traffic Hackers” podcast. Undergoing a spiritual journey and creating the “Changed Podcast” with my wife. Today, I'm an entrepreneur, owner, connector, and author, inspired by my encounters with Jesus. I founded Funnel Force and developed leadtether, an innovative lead generation software. I focus on helping professionals streamline their business processes. Expertise: Advertising/Marketing Strategy, Scaling Systems, Dental Industry, Software Development, Podcast Hosting, Strategic Business Consulting. Looking for: Collaborations, partnerships, opportunities to expand my podcasts, and speaking engagements. Join me for a transformative journey in entrepreneurship. Let’s make an impact together.

What is The Traffic Hackers?

Welcome to "The Traffic Hackers" podcast, your go-to resource for mastering the art of lead generation and demand generation. Each episode is packed with insights and strategies to help companies and entrepreneurs skyrocket their business growth. We delve deep into the secrets of increasing sales and revenue, transforming the way you attract and nurture leads.

Join us as we explore innovative methods to increase lead sources and reveal the tools and tactics for automating your lead generation process. Whether you're a seasoned business owner or just starting out, "The Traffic Hackers" is your guide to putting revenue growth on autopilot. Tune in to unlock the potential of hot leads and learn how to turn clicks into customers, driving your business forward in today's competitive market.

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Brent Stone (00:00.466)
Hey, welcome to the Traffic Hackers. I'm Brent and Glenn's here with me. And we are excited to talk to y'all today. And I'm excited because Glenn is an expert in a lot of things. And he's going to talk to you about how to be a ninja on LinkedIn today. Glenn, thank you for being here.

Glen (00:21.046)
You bet. Always good to be back on the traffic hackers podcast. And it's fun to talk about LinkedIn because I mean, it's not only made us a lot of money, but it's a really cool platform when you really dig into what it's how, how it works, how it's used and all kinds of cool things. So yeah, it's going to be fun.

Brent Stone (00:40.191)
What's one of your favorite things, not which we're gonna talk about today, but what's one of your other favorite things about the platform? How many people, you were telling me the other day, how many people are actually utilizing the platform?

Glen (00:52.462)
So there is right now close to if not over. So this has been probably a month or two since I realized this stat, but right at a billion users on LinkedIn. So a little bit before, a little bit after, it's insane. Here's the cool part. So this is the great part. And if you wanna learn how to master LinkedIn, this is why the average user's yearly income is $75,000 or above.

Brent Stone (01:02.894)
That's so crazy.

Glen (01:18.878)
If you go on TikTok or Instagram or something like that, the average user is not earning over $75,000 and above. I can guarantee you. So that's a cool tip that you should think about on why you should get consistent on LinkedIn if you're a business owner. You're welcome. Yeah.

Brent Stone (01:34.25)
Yeah, no, that's and that's really valuable. I mean, there's a lot of things to consider there because as much as, you know, I maybe not tick tock anymore. There's other socials popping up all the time that will promote you. And, you know, all these things, if they're new and they want to, you know, pump up your endorphins by, you know, getting you likes and views and all this other stuff, which is great, right for, you know, exposure. But you got to be in front of the right people and.

There's something to be said for being in front of people that are basically making enough money to support your business and buy from you and, you know, take advantage of your services. But, um, you're telling me something else that was really exciting that I can't wait to talk about today. And, uh, and that's going to be one of the really vital things that I think people could probably be doing. Do before we, before we talk about it, do they need a sales navigator account in order to do this Glenn?

Glen (02:02.73)

Glen (02:09.826)


Glen (02:30.862)
So what we're going to talk about does not require a sales navigator profile or subscription, technically it doesn't require premium. So you can do this on your free version of LinkedIn. Now there is certain features that are limited, but there is ways to do this from a pre, from a free profile, which is really, really cool because

Brent Stone (02:36.226)
That's exciting.

Brent Stone (02:54.414)
But we're not going to shoot those today. I'm just kidding.

Glen (02:58.29)
And that's what we're going to share. You have to, no, just kidding, but this is going to be really valuable because every single person can use this for just signing up for LinkedIn for a free account. It's crazy. The amount of rates you can have.

Brent Stone (03:09.07)
That's awesome. All right, why don't we why don't we let the cat out of the bag? Tell them to tell them the secret. Tell them what we're gonna talk about.

Glen (03:16.674)
So it's something that you're already familiar with and you already heard, and it's something called an in-mail. And it is crazy. The average in-mail acceptance rate is 107% higher than the email open rate. It's really high. So just that one statistic alone is pretty cool. And so you're like, well, I understand in-mails are a sales navigator feature, and you would be correct. You would be 100% correct. That is a sales navigator feature. But there's also,

a aspect of in-mails that you can use inside of the free version of LinkedIn. That's what I want to talk about. And so I would say grab your notebooks because this is going to be really, really valuable when you are trying to reach out to someone in regards to your services or your industry, and you want to have a conversation and for whatever reason, that person just won't accept your connection request. Well, I've got good news for you. If you go into their profile and

You see that they have services listed on their profile. So they offer a certain amount of services, whether it's coaching, they offer consulting services. They offer, I mean, there's a hundred, there's probably a million plus different services that you could have on a profile, but if they have that feature turned on their profile, what that means is you can actually message them for free. Utilizing in-mail without being connected. Now.

Knowing how to do that might take a little bit of creativity for you. Feel free to reach out to us and we can show you, you know, how to do that. But basically just click on message on their profile and it should pop up and in mail that you can then type. Right. And what that's going to allow you to do is then get in front of that individual to pitch them your services or what you're doing, et cetera. Quick story of why this is so effective. I had a buddy.

of mine and he's like, yeah, we're trying to hire for this position. And I was like, let me see what I can do. I'll be happy to, you know, put some feelers out there for you. And I sent several in-mails to people in and around his area, people that I didn't know told them a little bit about the position and what he was offering and said, Hey, I can make an introduction to the CEO of the company if you're open minded and I booked him several interviews from just those

Glen (05:38.814)
simple in mails that I sent out to people that I wasn't connected with. And he even had one of the people come into his office and interview them.

Brent Stone (05:46.558)
And you're not even a headhunter. You're not even like a recruiting... Like, you know, these people that do businesses where they headhunt and they recruit people and you're not even... I mean, you can do that and you have... I'm not trying to say you can't do that, but you're like... You're just like, hey, look, let me show you how powerful this tool is. Basically is what you told your friend.

Glen (05:58.702)

Glen (06:07.562)
Yeah, I mean, I didn't care how I was doing it. He's just like, wow, that's awesome. You know, and here's the thing, I'm a really good copywriter, but that's a different topic for a different time. So knowing what to say is obviously important, but if you believe that you can help this person or you know why you're trying to connect with them more than just, Hey, I hope you're doing well. We'd love to have a conversation. That's not going to do it. If you believe, man, I need to talk to this person. It's like the gentleman that became.

partners with Apple and he got that conversation. He's in this big company. He was working for, oh man, now I'm going to jack the story up. But basically the conversation was something like when you get tired of selling sugar water over there at Pepsi or at Coke or whoever he was working for, you can now he's like, if you want to actually come change the world, come talk to me. And that was a really good conversation. That was a quick voicemail. Boom. He brought them in. So if you believe you have something that powerful start leveraging

a certain amount of in-mails in your approach, specifically if people are not accepting your connection request. And you're going to see a high acceptance rate, again, if you're personalized, if you're offering value and you can actually do something. And we can talk more specifically about copywriting. And if you want to know what to say, when to say it, you know, just book a call with us because we can help you figure some of those things out. And I'd be happy to show you some free stuff.

and give you some free value because you know what? We need entrepreneurs like you out there changing the world and talking to people. So go use that in-mail method because that is going to change your lead generation in your business forever. Now don't be crazy with this and don't go and do stupid stuff. Use it effectively and you're going to get amazing results.

Brent Stone (07:59.414)
And if you do stupid stuff with it, LinkedIn's gonna probably call the LinkedIn police on you and check your account out. No, I can't. I'm just kidding. But maybe I guess that's always a possibility.

Glen (08:11.958)
This is true. And then you're going to log into LinkedIn one beautiful morning and it's going to say your account access has been restricted and you're going to be really unhappy. So, so stay in the bounds, but that is a feature that you're able to utilize. It's there for you. Just use it effectively. And it's a, one of the best things I think that they've done doesn't work for nearly everybody, but for open profiles, it's a beautiful thing.

Brent Stone (08:41.39)
Man, that's so awesome. Is there anything else as we close out this episode, this quick tip of an episode that you wanna share with people?

Glen (08:51.874)
I'll give you one quick tip. So if you want to open up more features, view more accounts, see who's viewed your profile and all these fun things, upgrade to premium. It's like 35 bucks a month. It's the most inexpensive thing that you can probably do. And it opens up a plethora of options on what you can see. So if you've got content going out and you see people are viewing your profile, you can't always see who they are. It says this person at this company viewed your profile and you're like, Oh man, how can I not see this? Upgrade to premium.

Now you can see it and maybe you can even try your fancy little new in-mail thing out on them if they're not connected. So you're welcome.

Brent Stone (09:28.374)
Man, that's so good. That's so good. That right there, I mean, everything else is great, but that right there, I think that that's so key. Like if someone were to just invest the $360 a year and then see who viewed their profile and then in-mailed those people, I mean, come on. You know, like, come on. That's awesome.

Glen (09:50.666)
I mean, do some quick math. Y'all are hitting up Starbucks like every day. So now Glenn, I don't do Saturdays and Sundays. Okay. Cool. So five times a week, $25 a week. Take that times for guess what you're at $625.

Brent Stone (10:03.986)
$100 a week Yeah, so it's like half of your Starbucks habit So you just cut out Starbucks, you know half of what you do right now And then you can affect premium you can you can afford premium LinkedIn

Glen (10:15.566)
100 bucks a month, man, you're spending a Starbucks drinking those sugar lattes. And now you could do something cool with it and actually invest in your business. So.

Brent Stone (10:24.99)
Yeah, and just postpone diabetes, you know? I mean, seriously. No, hey, thank you so much. This is awesome, and I hope everybody has gotten something of value from this, and look forward to talking to y'all next time on the Traffic Hackers. See y'all later.

Glen (10:29.204)