Sandals Church Podcast

We hope you enjoy an episode the whole family can listen to as we dive into the topic of being 'Real with Self'!

What is Sandals Church Podcast?

At Sandals Church, our vision is to be real with ourselves, God and others. This channel features sermons and teaching from Pastor Matt Brown and other members of the Sandals Church preaching team. You can find sermon notes, videos and more content at

Kelli Ayotte:

Welcome to the Sandals Church podcast. My name is Kelly Iatt, and some of you may know me as missus Coyote. Today, we've got something special for the whole family to enjoy. In today's episode, we're gonna talk about what it means to be real with yourself and give you some action steps you can do together as a family. If you enjoy our content, please consider leaving us a rating to help this podcast reach more families.

Kelli Ayotte:

But for now, let's jump into our story.

Joell Holland:

Alright, friends. It time to get real. Today, we're talking about Marthamorphosis from our story in Luke 10. This week, we'll find out how we can be real with ourselves because god knows us better than we even know ourselves. So let's get real.

Kelli Ayotte:

I want you to imagine your favorite celebrity or your favorite YouTuber or athlete. Why do you like them? Well, maybe it's because they are the best in the world at what they do. Maybe they're super funny or you just like their style. Maybe they're just downright cool.

Kelli Ayotte:

Well, what if you got to meet them in person? What would you do to get yourself ready if you knew that they were gonna hang out with you at your house? Would you rush home and clean your room? Would you do your hair just right? Would you put on your favorite outfit?

Kelli Ayotte:

Well, what if the person that was coming over to your house was Jesus? What do you think you would do to get ready for him? Let's find out right now what 2 people in the Bible did to get ready to meet Jesus. So as Jesus traveled, he came to a city called Jerusalem, where 2 sisters whose names were Mary and Martha lived. Now, Mary and Martha were pretty different from each other.

Kelli Ayotte:

Mary was laid back, while Martha was hardworking. Mary was calm, while Martha was kind of a worrier. Mary was relaxed, while Martha wanted everything to be just right. So one day, Mary and Martha decided to invite Jesus to visit their house. And when Jesus arrived, Mary sat at his feet and listened to him teach.

Kelli Ayotte:

And while this was going on, Martha was running around in circles like crazy in the home, trying to do everything to prepare for Jesus and the huge crowd that had followed him. Martha got really frustrated that she was doing all the work. So she actually went and talked to Jesus and told Jesus that he needed to tell Mary to help her out. Believe it or not, Jesus did not respond the way that Martha was expecting. Jesus told Martha that she was too distracted by things that weren't necessary in that moment and that Mary was the one who was actually choosing to do the right thing.

Kelli Ayotte:

Martha learned in that moment that she wasn't being real with herself about how her feelings were all tangled up in trying to make her house appear perfect for Jesus and the crowd, rather than just enjoying the presence of Jesus. So let's talk about being real for just a second. Now the first way that we need to be real is by being real with ourselves. If we can't be honest with selves, we can't be honest with anyone else either, including God. Think about how you are feeling right now.

Kelli Ayotte:

Are you sad, happy? Are you frustrated about something? Are you excited or looking forward to something? Maybe there's something else that you're feeling. You can get real with yourself right now by admitting how you feel.

Kelli Ayotte:

Are you distracted by something that isn't important right now and instead need to focus in on the important thing? When we're not real with instead need to focus in on the important thing? When we're not real with ourselves, we can get stuck. Being real with ourselves means being honest about who we are and who God wants us to be. And the only way that we can find out who we are is through God.

Kelli Ayotte:

The Bible tells us in Psalm 139:1, Lord, you have seen what is in my heart. You know all about me. And that is why the one thing to remember is God knows me better than I know myself.

Joell Holland:

Just like in our bible story, we have an option. We can pretend that if we just work hard enough, we can fix ourselves and make ourselves look good without god like Martha tried to. Or we can choose to be real with ourselves by admitting that we are broken by sin and know that the only way we can be fixed is through Jesus. We can be honest about who we really are even if it's hard because god already knows us and loves us no matter what. He has the best in mind for us every time and every day.

Joell Holland:

We have to admit that god's way is always the best way because god knows us better than we know ourselves. That's why the one thing for today is god knows me better than I know myself. And our action step for today is I can choose to be real with myself. Today, we talked about how to be real with yourself about your sin, but you can also be real with yourself about how god uniquely made you. So draw a picture or make a list of all the great things that make you, well, you.

Joell Holland:

And make sure to check us out on youtube.comforward slash sandalskids. We have videos on videos for you guys to watch at home with your friends, siblings, and family. So next week, join us as we'll talk about what it means to be real with god, and I'll see you all then.

Morgan Teruel:

Thank you so much for tuning in today. If you want more content from the series, we have a YouTube playlist linked in the description. And if you want more information about who we are and what we do, you can go to

Morgan Teruel: