The Continence Challenge Podcast – Helping You Regain Control

The Continence Challenge Podcast – Helping You Regain Control Trailer Bonus Episode 5 Season 1

The Continence Challenge Podcast – A Service User’s Story

The Continence Challenge Podcast – A Service User’s StoryThe Continence Challenge Podcast – A Service User’s Story

This episode hears the story of a young service user with Multiple sclerosis and their lived experience of a bladder dysfunction. In a difference to the previous service user’s story, this episode presents a service user currently in the service and explores their symptoms and what might be contributing to their bladder dysfunction. We hear the strategies the service user is implementing to re-train their bladder and what other factors might be contributing to their bladder dysfunction. This episode It is supported by evidence based knowledge and guidance from the Northern Trust Continence Service staff.

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What is The Continence Challenge Podcast – Helping You Regain Control?

A podcast from the Continence Service in the Northern Trust, providing listeners with a greater understanding of bladder and bowel dysfunction and education of what may be contributing to the problem and supportive measures which could be implemented to improve bladder and bowel difficulties. The series will give an introduction to the Continence Service and discuss common types of bladder and bowel incontinence difficulties, such as overactive bladder, stress urinary incontinence and functional incontinence. It will also look at how good bowel management can help with incontinence overall. The series will also feature service user stories and learn about the lived experience of someone with a bladder and/or bowel dysfunction.