Noon Hour Of Madness & Mayhem

On today's show, we discussed the trailer of the new Naughty Dog game, a Traffic School powered by The Advocates question being posted in the Life In Idaho Falls Facebook group, Ohio introducing drinking at funerals, and companies sending threats about NOT getting your presents shipped before Christmas. 

What is Noon Hour Of Madness & Mayhem?

The Noon Hour Of Madness & Mayhem can be heard live on KBEAR 101 weekdays at 12pm MST. Viktor and Peaches talk about a wide variety of topics depending on the day and you never know what to expect!

The noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's, the podcast. What do you have over there, Victor? Well, we were talking video games, and it reminded me that I saw an article about the new Naughty Dog game. Yeah. I I didn't watch the trailer.

Did you? I I saw the announcement. Didn't watch any part of it. The name I was more so very happy they announced Borderlands 4, and as per usual, lot of complaints. Oh, this game's looks boring.

God. The game's not gonna be out for, like, a year. There's a girl with a septum piercing. We have a hardcore leftist as a protagonist. That is not my Borderlands type of so sick of people whining about everything being woke.

Just shut up. You remember that list of those team of people that I shared with you, my friend Hunter. For some reason, like, he had that list of all these different video games that would be considered woke or not woke. And, I mean, it was a team of people that put in the effort to rank every game on Steam. Yeah.

And it was so ridiculous because they were off. They were not accurate. Like, I'm playing through Grand Theft Auto San Andreas right now. There are moments in that game, which is I mean, that's a very old game at this point. There is certainly content in that that could be considered woke content.

People just can't get that word out of their heads and anything they don't like Uh-huh. That's their, oh, this is woke now. Like, next time I hear somebody say that, I'm like, could you please define that word for me? What does it mean to you? Because I think it means something different to everybody.

But, anyway, back off of that subject, I I did wanna talk about this new Naughty Dog game, Intergalactic the Heretic Prophet. It's a long name. But as a big fan of The Last of Us, this company, I I usually hold pretty high hopes for the wolves. Game. The Last of Us is Woke.

The Last of Us 2 Super Woke. It was a wonderful masterpiece of a game. Anyway, I guess Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross, 9 inch nails, are doing the soundtrack for the game. I knew about that. Yeah.

It's pretty cool. I thought they did a fine job with all the movies they've scored. I mean, I'm more excited for new music from 9 inch nails than anything, but way back in the day this is before your time, peaches. Do you ever hear of a game called Quake? Yeah.

Yeah. The original Quake back on an old crappy PC. Trent did the soundtrack for that, and it was, it was amazing. It was a lot of people still listen to that just as like a 9 inch nails album. Like, I gotta listen to that, Quake soundtrack.

So I I think I don't know if he's done any video games since. Probably has because he's just such a busy guy, but that's pretty exciting. Naughty Dog combined with, Trent Reznor sounds pretty cool to me. Now I will shamefully admit I haven't played a lot of other Naughty Dog games. Have you played Uncharted Peaches?

I haven't played Uncharted. It's it's funny that you mentioned that because I owned it for the PlayStation 3 Mhmm. But never opened it. I I think it came with the system, and it it just sat there on my shelves for the longest time. And I played Little Big Planet and all these other games, but never got into Uncharted.

I did play another Naughty Dog game called Sleeping Dogs. Okay. I think I'm sorry. A lot of people refer to as the Asian GTA. Okay.

Like, I forgot exactly where you are. It's a fun game. It's almost like Yakuza for the PlayStation. Yeah. I remember that game.

But I think you're a cop, and then you have to I don't know if you're, like, this undercover cop that takes flight. It's a it's a fun game. It's a it's a little bit older now. Well, I might have to check it out because I'm I'm getting kinda into, some of these older games. Like, San Andreas is way better than I remember it.

I I mean, I remember at the time it came out, it was the most groundbreaking amazing game there was. But, you know, when you play games as they go on in time, get something like GTA 5, you're just like, oh, this is newer. It's flashier. San Andreas might be almost almost as good as GTA 5. The story is fantastic.

The story is great, and it's got smoke. A giant You picked the wrong house fool. It's got this giant world, 3 cities. It's it's a really good and it's long. Mhmm.

It's I think the playtime is as long as GTA 45. I know there's a guy that was ranking all the toughest missions in GTA missions in GTA games, and, one of them is from San Andreas where you fly the drone and it runs out of gas, and I was getting so frustrated playing that mission. I just did that mission. Yeah. And it was frustrating.

It's very frustrating. By the way, I just Google searched. Trent Reznor has worked on the soundtracks for many video games, of course, including Quake, Intergalactic, the Heretic Prophet, but then there's also Call of Duty Black Ops 2. Really? He he composed the instrumental theme song.

I didn't know that. And then he also was a music consultant for the trailer for Batman Arkham Knight. Well, that's cool. And then he has his music's been featured in Guitar Hero, Rock Band, Crisis 2, The Darkness 2, Dead Island Riptide, Doom 3, FIFA 14, Fortnite's also on here. Even on Fortnite?

Even on Fortnite. Well, I think he's on that festival mode where you can play a 9 inch nail song. Oh, I just assume you're roaming around, and it's all that would be terrifying. Going into closer? Yeah.

Going head like a hole. Victor, we got a driving related question in the Life in Idaho Falls Facebook group. I'm glad there's actually something different compared to what was that loud boom? Why are there cop cars driving around the city? What's that smell?

Where's my package? Yeah. And, you know, I don't know how many times we posted in that group that if you have questions about the law, to tune into traffic school where you can ask a real cop the questions rather than getting answers from people on Facebook, which I've looked at a lot of these questions before, and there are always tons of incorrect answers. So they were asking about, a 2 lane road. Right?

Yeah. Basically, this is a question from this dude's wife that for some reason, I think she's too good for Facebook so the husband had a post. Oh. Driving laws are different in Alabama where she's from. On the highway to Ryrie, if you're driving towards the bus, do you have to stop?

In Alabama, even if there is a median in the center, you have to stop. Okay. The way this works. Now the one thing I wanna point out beforehand is you never compare Idaho law to another state's law because everyone around here gets riled up like this ain't this ain't interstate here. This is Idaho.

Well, and every state's completely different with all of their laws. Right. So, yeah, it it doesn't matter. You know, you go down to Utah. The traffic laws are different.

Go to Montana. Same deal. So the correct answer to this question is if there are 3 or more lanes and you're in the, you know, the far lane, you don't have to stop. So, like, on the freeway, I 15, for example, if there's a bus on the other side of the road, you don't have to stop. If you're on Sunnyside, you know, 4 lanes, and there's a bus on the other side of the road, you don't have to stop.

If it's a 2 lane highway, yes, you have to stop. So that question's come up a lot of times on Traffic School powered by the Advocate's injury attorneys. Have you shared a video in that group of the show, like a clip of the show? You know, I don't Because I'm think I have. We probably should.

You're allowed to. Yeah. Because it's not as it's not you don't have to pay for an advertisement for the program because it's beneficial to the community. And if they, for some reason, delete it, then you're like, okay. They're against, local Idaho talk, I would say.

If they didn't approve my post and they approve some of these other podcast posts Right. We're gonna fight, admins. We're gonna fight. No. I should post a clip from traffic school in there.

I'll I'll try to remember nonstop in there with that traffic school stuff just to be like, okay. Here's your answer to the roundabout question that keeps getting asked. Yeah. Because there are tons of times I call out answers on there that are incorrect. Definitely.

And I think, yeah, showing the cops face. Here's a cop. Here's what he has to say. That that would probably go over pretty good. Did anybody give them the correct answer in there, or are they just yelling at her about moving to Idaho?

No. There's a there's correct answers, but there's not a single person in the KhabAir Rock Army that said, hey. Listen to Traffic School and stop asking dumb questions in this group or something like that. Maybe I should put that in there. You should put, for any traffic related questions, tune in to Traffic School on KhabAir 101 every Friday morning at 8:45.

You don't have to put this in there, but to the people who are loyally listening to our radio station right now, I wanna give you the heads up that on Friday, Ben and Mason from the advocates are coming into the show. And you know when Ben comes by, he pretty much always brings something really cool to give away. So this Friday is a must listen to traffic school if you're what we call a prize pig. Oh, I'm I'm just kidding. I'm just joking, everybody.

Pig and also a pig in the studio with lieutenant Crane. Oh. We might as well gusset point. That's right. I'm gonna bring in donuts and everything.

No. I'm kidding. I'm not calling the cops pigs. Don't don't make another Reddit post about Peaches going woke on Kay Bears or something like that. Peaches is totally woke.

Oh, jeez. So, yeah, tune in to traffic school this Friday. Trying to line up some fun additions to traffic school. You know that girl on, Instagram who's got the viral account? Carolina Rosalind.

Carolina Rosalind. She films, here in East Idaho. There was somebody in the kitchen that was hilarious that was at the Taco Bell on 25th Street, and they got out of the drive through. And she's approaching the Taco Bell. They went out of the drive through and just made a zoom loop around and went back into the drive through.

And the caption said, like, when you forget something from your order or something like that. But, yeah, she has some hilarious Instagram reels of, people just making dumb driving mistakes here in the area. Yeah. So I figured we could go over some of her, videos and stuff like that, bring her in on the show. So we've got some pretty cool stuff lined up.

But make sure to check out Traffic School, the pre Christmas edition where you might win something fun just in time for the holidays. Did she hit you up? I'm sorry. Mhmm. Okay.

Good. Yeah. I've I've been going back and forth with her. I was gonna have her in on Friday, but since we've got a packed studio with the advocates and lieutenant Crane, I was like, ah, it's just too much mayhem. Well, next week is gonna be, well, December 27th, 2 days after Christmas.

Yeah. She said she'd come in then. Oh, really? So Oh, good. Alright.

Cool. So either then or after New Year's or we'll get her in soon, but she's you know, seems excited about it. Awesome. Cool. The very woke noon hour of madness and mayhem.

Painted sideways goes. Sell that. You're gonna make listeners crazy. They there's no worse four letter word in 2024. We're getting w o k e.

That just saying that would probably make some people tune out. They're like, I heard them say it. They've gone woke. W woah or w o k e. That's right.

Is that You are fake news. Is that a radio station, w o k e f m? See if that's real call letters. It's gotta be somewhere. Yeah.

Woke FM, Fort Myers, Florida 949. Nice. 949. Woke FM. They're they're urban contemporary.

In Florida, playing rap music. Very nice. Yeah. Very nice. We're going woke.

That's great. Well, Peaches, speaking of making things, better, have you I'm sure you've been to a funeral at some point. Yeah. Yeah. Both like, all my grandparents, thank you guys for, you know, dying early.

Appreciate it. Okay. Yes. Funeral think I I never got the chance to ask them any stories. Like, my grandma on my mom's side died when, like, shit, when I was 3, and I was at the funeral with my parents.

My mom's crying, and I'm like, grandma, wake up. Get out of the net tub. Oh, no. Oh, no. But I stopped laughing.

I wanna play. And my mom's like, oh, no. Oh, Jesus. Did your parents not tell you what's going on? I was, like, 3 years old.

Still? I remember seeing my grandpa when I was 5, and I got it, but I 5's older than 3. Yeah. But your parents actually say, like, by the way, grandpa died. Yeah.

I think they did. You gotta be honest with your kids. That's part of life. You know? I mean, my kids are about being woke and dead grandparents.

Well, let's continue talking about dead people because it's fun. There's a there's a funeral home in Ohio that's trying to make funerals more fun because they're not fun. Oh, sorry. They're generally pretty terrible. You know?

I've been to some celebration of lifes that were pretty fun, my friend Joe's. We had a good time at that. Joe was a fun caller. I never And that was it. You made some terrible joke, and that was about it.

That sounds like Joe. Yeah. So this funeral home, what they're doing is they're gonna start serving liquor, during the food truck ceremony. I don't think that's a great idea. I can't wait for one of those people in the audience to be like, good riddance and chuck the bottle.

That's the thing. You never know what kind of person's gonna emotionally lose it and fly off the handle. That's right. That person owed me money. Who's next in line to owe me that money?

It's the sun sitting in the 3rd row. Give me my $40. So I'm thinking, like, alright. Joe's thing, for example, that was held in a bar. So there was alcohol that was available, but it was in that kind of setting.

Can you imagine being in the nice funeral home? They got the, you know, peaceful music playing. You've got the benches. And Here comes drunk uncle Randy walking in. He's got the, you know, just a glass full of whiskey.

Jack Daniels asked him for a triple. Encore. I'm spinning stuff in the audience. I don't know. I I think I am for it because This is an awful opening act.

Get to the real band. You know, after you spend the money that's required to have a funeral, you're going to need some whiskey cake. Not a fan of grandpa Joe. Name 3 of his quotes. Like, holy cow, dude.

The very nice urn that I bought my parents off of Amazon, It cost less than the plastic box that I got from the actual funeral home. They nickel you don't wanna talk about nickel and dime again. My goodness. Actually, it's not nickel and diming. It's like the 100 and thou you know, I mean, they've that's if you wanna get into a good business, the funeral home business, people ain't gonna stop dying.

People are dying to get in there. And you can charge so much money. Might as well start serving booze. You know? It'll be like stadium prices, I'm sure.

Yes. Speaking speaking of funerals and such, I'm so sick and tired of these funeral processions going down Sunnyside. Every time on my lunch break, they block the entire street. We got enough traffic as it is. We had enough traffic as it is.

Alright? They alright. They're not gonna remember this whole theme. They're dead. So As one of my platforms, when I run for, city council or mayor, what do you think about requiring funeral processions to take back roads through neighborhoods?

Oh, yeah. Okay. Make it all bumpy. One of my platforms. I'm all for it.

Alright. Alright. So, changing k Bear to w o k e. W o k right. Yeah.

Because, west of the Mississippi, you're supposed to start with a k. So I don't know what kind of, We're the dyslexic version of KOWE. That's right. Cow and Van. I I kinda like that.

That's a Moving to the left to Cow and Ben. Oh god. You know what's funny, Victor? Yesterday, I was getting all these threats of like, hey. Today's the last day to have your order shipped before Christmas.

Yes. Magically, out of nowhere, I just got an email. Oh, it's been extended. Of course. Of course.

That's like, today I won't say where I went, but I went to ship a package during my lunch break. And, you know, they're like, okay. For Christmas delivery, you need to get, you know, the next level. You know, you needed to pay more. And I was like, okay.

So if I pay the cheapest, when would it get there? They're like, probably Monday or Tuesday. Isn't Tuesday Christmas? Wednesday's Christmas. I thought it was Yeah.

Wednesday's Christmas. So Oh, yeah. I was like, okay. I guess I'll pay the cheaper route since Monday or Tuesday is before Christmas. Did they go, oh, my mistake?

No. They didn't say anything. So I I think that, you know, for guaranteed delivery, you had to pay more. I mean, you know how it is with shipping packages. Sometimes stuff just goes awry, and then it doesn't show up on time.

It happens. So, I mean, like we talked about earlier, for me, at this point, Christmas just a it's just a day. That's what I was about to ask or because you said before, like, oh, Christmas should last all month. I mean, who cares if you they have that weird week after Christmas where you have nothing till New Year's. Yeah.

And it's just a regular week. So it'll be fine if, if stuff shows up a little bit late. Just do it another day. You know? Yeah.

I mean, I'm hoping it'll get there on time. But the the the week after Christmas sometimes can be fun if you have a whole bunch of gift cards. You'd be like, okay. Shopping spree it up. Yeah.

I see what I want. I don't get a lot of presents anymore because, you know, most of my family lives elsewhere or has passed away. Going back to the funeral talk, you know, showing up drunk to dad's funeral. I'm sure my dad wouldn't have minded. My mom would have.

You know? My mom would have frowned upon that. My dad would have been like, alright. Alright. Cool.

Party on. Exactly. But, yeah, if if you wanna get your gifts out, I recommend doing it about the time I did. It was kind of slow at the place I went to a little it was about 10:30. So Interesting.

Highly recommended that if you can avoid the afternoons, I bet everywhere you try to ship items right now, it's nightmarish in the afternoons. Now is the time for these drivers, these delivery companies, the delivery services. Now is, like, showing up to a restaurant at 9:55 when the restaurant closes at 10, that type of feeling. They want you to, like, pay for the higher priced shipping so they can make it easier for the delivery drivers. But Yeah.

I mean Again, be nice to the people at these businesses that, are handling your packages. I figured there was gonna be some sort of posts about people asking, where's my package all over life in Idaho Falls? It's it's ridiculous how many people just go, where's my box at? They put their full name. Like, they ask for, hey.

Do I have an Alicia Silverstone's package? My my the thing that drives me nuts is when they say, like, I found somebody's wallet. Here's their ID and their photo. Yeah. And it's got their address?

Yeah. And it's like, who do do you those to Jerry Jones, you left your wallet at the Grand Teton Mall. I have it for you. Here's my address. Yeah.

Like, just just cruise it by. You know? There there's ways that you can deal with those kind of things. So just again, we talked about it on the morning show. Try to exercise a little bit of patience during the next week or so.

Anybody involved in shipping is going to be completely overloaded. It's their busiest time of year. There are going to be package delays. You're just gonna have to put up with it. It's not the end of the world.

So, you know, you walk into a place. You waited till now to ship it. So if you're like, well, I can't believe I'm gonna pay this much to get it done by that day. It's your fault. You know?

Settle down. The noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by all these ghosts is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information oh, wow. It swallowed my spit wrong while I was still talking. That's funny.

Alright. Okay. Where was I? Oh, for more information or to contact the show, visit