Generally American (A Journey in American English)

As we navigate the fascinating world of celebrities, we explore the complexities of their influence and the weight of being a role model. Join us as we examine the fine line between authenticity and accommodating fans. From edgy metal bands to superstars like Taylor Swift, we unravel the responsibilities they hold, along with controversial moments like Aaron Rodgers' vaccine debates. Tune in for a candid look at the celebrity life, with all its highs and lows.


  • (00:00) - Intro
  • (01:28) - Announcement
  • (02:40) - Small talk
  • (08:00) - Main Topic - Mega Celebrities
  • (11:00) - Celebrities and Politics
  • (15:00) - Taylor Swift and Ticket Master
  • (25:00) - Celebrities and Stress
  • (35:00) - Celebrities as Role Models
  • (40:00) - Celebrities and Authenticity
  • (47:37) - Outro

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What is Generally American (A Journey in American English)?

Hello, Hola, Guten Tag, Bonjour, こんにちは !

Welcome everyone,

this is a podcast for those wanting to learn about U.S. culture through Standard American English, also known as General American. We talk about various different topics related to the U.S. and the U.S.'s relations with other countries.

My co-host and I would like to think of this as more of a journey because you never know where it’ll take us. Plus, since the journey’s more important than the end or the start, we hope that you’ll be willing to join us!

Let’s see where it takes us!

Hello and welcome.

My name is Christopher Chandler.

And my name is Chris Schauer.

And we are Generally American.

In our podcast, we discuss events,
culture, whatever else we want from a

generally American perspective.

From our differing viewpoints, our goal is
that we can offer others and ourselves

nuanced opinions on fascinating topics
related to the US.

We invite you to be part of the discussion
and we hope that you'll stick around to

see where the conversation takes us.

So let's dive in.

Hello our wonderful listeners.

It's me Chris.

Who else did you expect the other Chris?

No, it's just me He's not here at the

Anyway, I have a couple of announcements
to make before we begin.

This will only take a few minutes, so
please just stick with me for just a


Chris and I know that we have a lot of
listeners whose native language is not


That is one of the main motivations behind
this podcast, creating genuine content for

people who want to learn English,
specifically American English, and for

people who want authentic, unscripted
conversational content.

chapters to the new episodes.

Don't worry, the transcripts are made
after the episode, not before.

This means that Chris and I are not
reading off of a teleprompter or anything

like that.

It will still be all natural conversation
that you have come to know and hopefully


As for the chapters, they allow you to
browse the episode and skip to your

favorite part of the episode.

We will also retroactively add all of
those things to older episodes, but

Seeing as how we have a lot of episodes
and we are a small team, it could take us

quite some time.

Therefore, please be patient with us.

As some of you might know, I study
Japanese in my spare time.

I recently learned a phrase that I think
works very well here, and it is 褒められて伸びる


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Thanks so much for your attention.

Without further ado, let's proceed with
today's episode.

And we're live.

Welcome back.

We are, and welcome back everyone.

So beautiful weather here.

I think I saw...

the leaves turn brown for the very first
time, more or less.

And a lot of people have been raking their
lawns, using leaf blowers, all that fun


It's incredibly loud.

I hate it.

I don't really see the point of leaf
blowers, in all honesty, I really don't.

You know, if I had it my way, they'd all
be outlawed, but I can't really change


Well, they do pile up.


Yeah, that's true.

It's been pretty windy here actually,
pretty stormy.

It's been raining a lot as well.

I'm really looking forward to...

I'm really looking forward to fall and
then winter.

But how's the weather been in your neck of
the woods?

We just got a bunch of rain.

Uncharacteristic for us, we had like...

It started with like flash flood raining,
like it was quick.

And then it calmed down a little bit, but
it stayed raining for about two, two and a

half days, which we don't get very often

So it was kind of nice.

Cracked open a window a couple of times to
let some air rain air come in.

But it's we had a few nice days kind of
holding on the summer for a little while.

But that's over now.

Any day it doesn't snow now is now going
to be.

you know i don't think we don't have any
snow on the oh my gosh we actually have

some seventies on the forecast maybe i
need to be a little more optimistic now

that i look at it so seventy degrees and
because it is not out of the question for

it to start snowing seventy degrees in
fahrenheit what is that like fifteen

degrees in celsius i gotta double check
because i don't

Yeah, it's like 20.

I don't know off the top of my head.

I know it's around the temperature you'd
want to keep outside of your house at.

Yeah, yeah, so room temperature about 20
degrees Celsius.

But yeah, the weather here's been pretty

And so yesterday was, I guess, sort of a
holiday, but not really.

So Friday the 13th.

I don't know if anything like spooky or
magical happened where you're at.

It's it for someone somewhere.

Is there any, do you do it?

Because someone somewhere, what's that?

Do you do anything to like celebrate, you
know, Friday the 13th?

Back in the day when I used to actually
watch cable, you know, they would always

air the Friday the 13th movies so I would
probably watch some of those but Every

Friday the 13th some kid is gonna
accidentally watch a Friday the 13th movie

by themselves Way too early than you know,
they should be Yeah, that's that cuz

that's what happened to me

I don't know if that happened to me on
Friday the 13th, but I definitely watched

IT, the movie IT, when I was, God, how old
was I?

Maybe like eight or nine or ten, I can't

And I thought it would be a super fun
movie because, you know, it's a movie

about clowns.

Because I saw a clown on the movie, on the
movie box, and it definitely wasn't fun.

I couldn't sleep straight for like two

I was pretty, I was deathly, I was deathly

Um, no, I didn't do anything for Friday
the 13th.

Um, I think some of my coworkers took off
to kind of celebrate.

I feel like on Friday the 13th, it's
somewhat of a semi-official holiday where

people get together and watch movies or
have like Friday the 13th, uh, Halloween

parties or pre-Halloween parties, if you

But I didn't do anything.

I mean, in the month of October.


I get it.

You know what really got me as a kid?

You did you ever see Jason X?

Mm, I don't think so.

In hindsight, it might be the dumbest
Friday, the 13th movie, but basically, the


government was like, man, never really
Jason, obviously, just can't die.

So we're just going to movies.

If I have, it's been no, it's even it's
even it's even dumb.

Is it?

They freeze him and shoot him into space.

Oh, I didn't know that.

And then hundreds of years later, people
find him, bring him on board, and he kills

people, and then at one point they kill
him, and then he, like, some nanomachines

bring him back to life, and he becomes
like Metal Jason.

And as a kid, that freaked me out.

I was like, oh my God, no matter what you
do, he's gonna come back, and he could

come back as like.

That freaked me out, but now I realize
it's like the dumbest one.

It's funny.

No, I think I was more into like, Freddy.

I watched a lot of the Freddy movies when
I was a kid, but I haven't really watched

them in forever.

But that's not what we want to talk about
today, even though Friday the 13th is

super important and interesting, and I'm
sure it's a holiday for someone somewhere.

Which I don't think a lot of people watch
those movies in general these days.

We want to talk about mega celebrities.

the people that you can't ignore, no
matter how much you'd like to, one way or


Yeah, I feel like there are a lot of
those, a lot of mega celebrities in the


I feel like that's one of the things that
we do the best is just churn out one

celebrity after another.

Most celebrities go to Hollywood, of
course, to make it.

And I wonder how many people actually make
it they go to Hollywood.

But I think the one celebrity that's on
all of our lips at the moment is Taylor


You know, I think she's probably the
biggest at the moment.

Yeah, probably for two reasons.

One, she was telling young people to vote,
which got a lot of other people very


Then two, she is dating my favorite
football player, Travis Kelsey, and every

time I watch a football game now, they cut
to her in the booth like a hundred times.

I gotta stop you there.

So the first point that you mentioned, so
that she asked everyone to vote, so I

guess my question would be is, or she told
everyone to vote, sorry.


My first question would be is when did she
say that?

When was that?

I don't know if I recall.

I thought it was like a month or two ago,
but I'd been hearing people talk about it

as far back as like a week or so ago.

And so why did that upset people?

uh, because Republicans don't like it when
young people vote.

I guess that's true.

I- I mean, that's- there's no tiptoeing
around that, that's just the answer.

Yeah, I think that's actually an
interesting point before we move on, is

with mega celebrities in general, they
wield a lot of power.

And I think once most celebrities reach a
certain stage, they start to become



They don't really know what they're doing
or saying.

They're just doing it to appeal to the
masses, I would say.

So what's her name?

Isn't her name Kylie Jenner?

I think that's her name.

She posted.

Oh, that's just one of them.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

So she posted a couple of tweets on
Instagram about what's going on in the

Middle East at the moment.

And she got like a huge, huge backlash.

Because that's not her thing, you know,
she's not really, she's not known for

being a political person.

She's known for being a fashion icon, more
or less, or belonging to a, you know, a

fashion imperium, if you will.

And so I feel like a lot of celebrities
get like super political.

Do you remember the vote or die campaign?

No, I don't.

Okay, so there was, so P Diddy, like I
think back in the early 2000s, I believe,

let me double check.

Yeah, so 2004.

So he had this whole like go out and vote
for people or die.

And so there was this whole like vote or
die thing.

So if you don't vote, I'll kill you.

And there was this whole like spoof on
South Park about that, about how P Diddy.

or Puff Daddy, because he changes his name
like once every five years, where he was

going around chasing people saying that if
you don't vote, I'll kill you.

So vote or die, because voting is super

I think I do vaguely remember that.

I must have seen that episode like 15
years ago.

But it actually happened.

I mean, there was this whole, you know,
citizen change movement about people going


voting for Congress or voting for their
local politicians or whatever they were


But yeah, once celebrities reach a certain
status, I feel like they get super


I don't know why.

Well, and I think it becomes non-optional
because once you have that level of wealth

and influence, doing nothing is political.

It's a decision.

You have the ability to make change in the

And by choosing not to make change, that
is still a political choice.

You're just siding with the status quo.

You're just fine with whatever happens.

But that is a choice.

Yeah, I guess that's true.

Like no answer is also an answer.

You know, with as they say, like with
great power comes great responsibility.

But moving but moving on from that point,
I definitely want to touch on the second

point, which was her dating.

Forgive me.

I can't remember his name, but for her
dating the The football.

It's Travis Kelsey.

Thank you.

And the first thing I thought is Chris
definitely has an opinion on this Because

it's because it's football So at first
there were like little murmurs of this

because there were like little jokes and
I'm like It's not a real like cuz my

roommates kept harassing me about it.

Like there's no way that's a real thing

That's just, this is just a big

I wish it would go away.

We need to focus on football.

We need to focus on winning.

And then she showed up to...

I can't even remember what the first game
was, but she showed up to a game.

And I'm like, well.

I guess it's true.

I was actually really respected the way
they handled it, because, you know, I

don't follow Taylor Swift at all, but I
don't think she's really said anything

about it.

And Travis has said a little bit on his
podcast, but basically like, hey, like

We're just trying to keep this private.

So I'm like, okay, I respect that.

They're not like showboating.

There's actually a clip of him walking
through one of the stadiums after a game.

I can't remember which one.

Holding hands and you could tell they
weren't planning on getting filmed and

they did.

And Travis's face was just like, oh my
God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh

my God.

Like he was keeping it together, but you
could tell he's like, holy shit.

I'm here right now.

Yeah, I was definitely, I was reading a
lot of the news about all this and Taylor

Swift and it's impossible to escape.

And so I think I read it on CNN, I can't
remember, and a lot of the people or a lot

of reporters were like, are they dating?

Are they not dating?

And they were just analyzing her face and
analyzing her mom's face and all of that

because I think

Oh no, it's Travis Kelce's mom.

Yeah, thank you, thank you, Travis Kelce's

That she's always sitting with.

Yeah, yeah, they were sitting together and
they were like...

We love Donna Kelce.

Yeah, they were analyzing her facial
gestures and...

And they were just going super detailed,
like are they dating or they're not


And then I guess now it's official.


I don't follow Taylor Swift very much, per

I do like her music, truth be told.

more of the pop music than like the
country music.

It's very interesting to see how far along
she's come in her career.

I guess maybe most people outside the US
don't know that she started off as like a

country icon.

That was her thing way back in like 2000,
I don't know, like eight or seven because

she's been around for god forever
relatively speaking.

And so she was originally a country icon,
and then she slowly drifted into pop


And now you have like all like the
Swifties, I guess is what some people call


Um, and I think that's really when she
became like a mega celebrity is when she

became a pop icon.

And I can, I consider it to be one.

Well, what's crazy to me, and I've kind of
been, I've been forced to think about it

more lately for obvious reasons.

So she's about four years older than me,


So not that much older than me.

I remember being in high school, and like
everyone was like, oh yeah, T-Swift, let's


Like, and like, it was like the jocks and

And at first I was like, is everyone like
being ironic?

You know, teenage me is like, why would
these guys be interested in this pop


But no, man, they were genuine.

I never really listened to her music,

So she blew up fast when it happened,

like, at that point, she would have been
like 20.

Yeah, she's not that much older than me,
which is just crazy.

I think it's a relatively benign

But when you compare yourself to other
people in the same age...

and you think like, oh my God, we're the
same age and we're two totally different


I think like a good example is like, John
Oliver likes to compare himself sometimes

to like The Rock.

Like, you know, The Rock.

Or John Cena.


No, not John Cena.

The Rock, what's his?

I know he's...

He's compared himself to John Cena before.

He's like, would you believe we're the
same exact age?

Or maybe it was him, yeah, okay.

Maybe you are right.

And it's like, they're almost the exact
same age, but they're two totally

different people and they have two totally
different, you know, walks in life, which,

like I said, it's kind of a benign, a
benign statement, kind of a boring

statement, I guess, if you will.

But I think about that too when I see
celebrities and I'm like, hmm, they're

only like one year older than me and they
have a totally different life.

But, no, I mean Taylor Swift's been a part
of my life for, I mean it sounds kind of

weird when I formulate it that way, but
she's been a part of my life since I've

been in high school, so I've known who she
is and her music.

And even people back then were like, oh my
god, Taylor Swift, we love her.

But I feel, and I could be wrong, but I
feel like she was more of like an icon for

like women or like girls, but maybe not
necessarily for like men.

I don't know if that has changed per se,
but I do feel like that's her biggest


Um, women.

Um, yeah, it's definitely the case.

So some recent statistics, um, that were
released by the NFL, I think, uh, female

viewership has skyrocketed recently.


Specifically at the games she goes to.

So there was a, there was a game the
Chiefs had versus the Jets recently that

nobody expected to be a good game.

And, um, it w because she was there.

It was like the highest rated game in a
while like it didn't get the Super Bowl

levels, but it was like high Because
everyone just wanted to tune in to see a

shot of her and they cut and they cut to
her like 13 times in the booth That's

crazy and then it ended up actually being
a good game which kind of surprised people


I think...

But there have been things like the Taylor
Swift effect where they're like, oh well

we have to care about football now.

So people are like, here's like a basic
understanding of how this game works and

here's why you should care about this and
this and this.

Like they're invested now.

Yeah, so I feel like a lot of celebrities
have very huge impacts on the economy.

So like Taylor Swift or like Miley Cyrus

Selena Gomez or Justin Bieber, where when
they reach like a certain level of

celebrityhood or celebrity status, that
they become like movers and shakers.

And so I have been reading a lot of
articles about her, about the whole like

Taylor Swift economy or like the Taylor
Swift effect.

It was funny because I read an article a
couple months back about her doing

concerts, I think in Australia or

I can't exactly remember.

And the...

I don't want to say that the president's,
but like the mayors of the cities where

she was supposed to have her concert said
we should introduce like a new holiday for

like Taylor Swift or we should introduce a
new holiday for like a mega celebrity so

that when people come and Like watch their
shows that they don't like miss work or

school because it's an official holiday
Which I thought was I don't know if it's a

crazy idea, but it's very interesting To
say like hey, we're gonna have off of work

so that we can go to a concert, which I
feel like has been like the plot of like

so many movies where like they skip work
to go to a concert or to go on a trip or

something and so it just kind of reminded
me of that.

I mean, I'm fine with that kind of thing.

I mean, these days, especially if you
decide to, cause they're so expensive now,

if you decide to go to a concert, it's
like a big investment of your time and you

want to like enjoy it to the max.

So if you decide, Hey, I'm, I want to go
this T swift concert, or I want to go to

this whatever band concert, like do it,
enjoy it.


That's another point.

I'm, um,

that a lot of these celebrities,
especially the musicians, really complain

about the ticket prices because the ticket
prices are asinine.

They're extremely expensive because for
the most part, and correct me if I'm wrong

on this, but for the most part, most
tickets in the US are more or less sold

through one company that's Ticketmaster,
and they pretty much just dictate the


There's some others, but oh yeah, and then
there's scalpers.

So this is something, for some reason this
came across my feed lately.

There's this game called Stardew Valley.

What it is isn't important right now, but
I guess they were doing like an orchestral

tour around the US for playing the music.

And all of the tickets everywhere were
sold out within like minutes.

And because it was all bots and scalpers.

And all I've seen is like, hey I have
extra tickets, you wanna buy them?

Like everyone's just scalping tickets.

It's gotten so bad over here for ticket

And it's just...

skyrocketing all the concert prices.

Like I think I like Taylor Swift tickets
can be like thousands.

Uh I guess for those who don't know for
like what scalping is um it's a pretty

violent word I would say but basically you
buy something and you sell it for a higher

price I guess would be like the easiest
way to describe scalpers.

Um I don't think it's illegal though is


i don't think it's illegal it's just
immoral awful a lot a lot of these yeah a

lot of these in happens with electronics
and stuff too in a lot of companies trying

like building security measures to make
sure you know you can have a single pop

come in and buy fifty thousand tickets in
a fifty thousand cd arena you know

own everything.

Same thing, you know, when a new
electronic drops, you can't just buy out a

stock, but it helps.

But it feels like the scalpers are always
one step ahead because obviously, you

know, if, if this Stardew Valley concert
set selling out 10 minutes after posting

the tickets, there's a problem.

People like Stardew Valley, but they don't
like it that much.

I do like Stardew Valley.

Actually, it is a good game.

I must admit though that my, it is that my
wife has spent more.

more time and money on it than I have, but
it reminds me of Harvest Moon if anyone

knows who, if anyone knows what that is.

But it's a...

Although I will question...

the music in Stardew Valley is good.

I don't know if it's, I wanna go sit down
to a concert of it good.

I mean, I would if it was an option, but I
don't know if it's like...

Of all the fantastic game music in the
world, I don't know how that got a


Yeah, I don't know either.

Um, but pretty much just background music.

A little off topic, but it's just weird
for me.


So, um, so celebrities are definitely in a
position to, you know, influence the

economy on a great scale.

And I guess it's more of like, um, a love
hate relationship, I guess you would say.

Because on the one hand, a lot of these
mega celebrities don't really have, um,

like any privacy.

So they're not really privy to their own

But on the other hand, if they're too
private, then they become uninteresting

and then no one really wants to do
anything with them anymore.

And so you have to find a way to like
strike a balance between be a part of

society and also have your own private

And I feel like a lot of these celebrities
don't really cope with that very well.

And if they, well, actually they don't
cope with that at all.

I think a really good example of that
would be like Miley Cyrus.

Or any of the Disney celebrities who...

for like the longest time were just in the
limelight, were really just in the public

eye, and they had no like private life

So if they did anything in private, it
automatically affected their public life.

And so you have like Miley Cyrus or
Britney Spears or like Britney Spears'

sister, I can't remember her name.

Do you know what her name is?

Uh, I don't.

Oh, I gotta look it up.

Because this is gonna kill me if I don't
remember what her sister's name is.

No, no, go for it.

Oh, Jamie Lynn.

Thank you.

Jamie Lynn Spears.

And these are like all like Disney stars
that were so often in the limelight that

they didn't really have a choice or a
chance actually to develop as people.

And then when they finally became adults,
they just kind of went off the deep end

and just went kind of crazy.

I think Miley Cyrus is a really good
example of that.

I think she's gotten that mostly out of
her system because I feel like she's kind

of mellowed out by now.

But once she became like, once she turned
18 and left Disney, she just like went all

sex crazed and just did like all these
wild things.

I don't know how...

how much we can say that they're actually
mega celebrities, but I do feel like

Disney celebrities do have a certain kind
of pool when they're actually Disney


But once they leave this universe, I feel
like they lose a lot of that because

Disney is very family friendly, very
family oriented and stuff like that.

And so in order to actually be that, you
have to be pure of heart and pure of mind,

I would say.

And that's just pretty much suppressing
your whole being while working for them.

Yeah, and that whole world is always maybe
kind of uncomfortable.

I, you know, I was just trying to look up
the names of the people I was thinking of,

but I wasn't able to find it.

It might not have been Disney.

But there were these twin sisters growing
up, basically forced into acting.

And then by the time they hit adulthood,
they realized they didn't.

And they were a household name.

I cannot remember it.

It wasn't the- I don't think it was the
Olsen twins.

That's what I thought at first.

Oh, okay.

Maybe it was the Olsen twins, but they
basically, you know, made their money and

hit adulthood and realized this isn't what
they want to do and they disappeared.

There was another Disney star like that.

I can't remember her name.

Again, I would know it if someone said it.

It's not really my wheelhouse, but she hit
adulthood and she was like, oh, well.

wasn't a fan of that and i have millions
of dollars so i'm just gonna go i'm just

gonna be done now you know who also did
that and i can't say i blame them it's

crazy you know who also did that was mccoy
caulkin in uh...

home alone well he ended up going through
like you know having drug issues and stuff

like that he's still around doing a few
things here and there these days


he's made a few appearances on red letter
media which is been kind of interesting he

did like a little home alone parity video
like two years ago that was kind of that

was weird but that was kind of cool it
seems like he's doing a lot better now

these days which is nice to see yeah i
mean i saw him on a podcast a couple weeks

back with drover and he basically said
that he

But, you know, if he compared himself to
like other celebrities, other child stars

that he more or less had, um, like a, I
would say like a good childhood.

And he was pretty smart with his money.

And so he's just kind of living off of

But I do feel like a lot of these child
stars, they, they're just kind of

overwhelmed with all the celebrityhood,
with all of like the limelight, with all,

with the fame and the money and all of

and I think it ruins them for the most

Some of them do come out the other side

A good example of this I think would be
Drew Barrymore.

I don't know if we could classify her as a
mega celebrity, but I feel like she's a

household name.

And I've seen documentaries where she
talks about her childhood.

It's pretty bad.

And then you wonder how she actually made
it and how she's actually okay.

but she went through a pretty rough time
as well because of all the pressure of

being a star.

Yeah, and-

I don't know if this is necessarily the
root cause.

I didn't look too much into it, but I'm
guessing it was the pressure.

I don't know if you know this.

So Daniel Radcliffe, the actor who always
played Harry Potter, I think it was the

last couple movies, he was going through
like some severe, I think it was mostly

alcoholism, like, but he, I think he's
clean these days, but he went through some

rough times.

I think he was like always kind of drunk
or something on set.

I didn't know that.

Just, you know, ugly, ugly stuff.

Yeah, I do feel really bad for a lot of
those for like this for like the Disney

stars, but not the Disney stars, but the
Harry Potter stars.

Because I always describe the Harry Potter
movies as being very expensive, like home

videos, because you basically get to watch
them kind of grow up.


within the first week they're literally
kids and like in the last movie their

adults and but i've never really actually
analyzed what that did to them but i do

know they're kind of cursed because
whenever you they talk about any record

the first thing is all of that's the harry
potter star it is also unfortunate for

their career

Yeah, I try not to do that.

I try and separate actor from role, but
Uh, I think Emma Watson turned out pretty


Uh, Rupert Grint.

I don't I've heard like one or two things.

He's done.

I think he kind of just you know I don't
know I haven't really checked.

So I don't know if he's doing smaller
stuff or if he's just kind of taking it

easy because I imagine If you have harry
potter money From like it was eight


I imagine you can just

take it easy the rest of your life if you
really want to.

That's interesting that you mentioned Emma
Watson because if you remember what we

said like a couple minutes ago at the big
news episode, that she's super political.

She's super political and she's a staunch

For better or for worse, I'm not really
trying to evaluate that as like negative

or positive, but she's very well known for
being a feminist, very well known for like

social justice and all of that.

And I guess I don't even know if she acts
anymore, to be honest.

I think that's pretty much her day job as
being a, you know, political force.

Whereas the other two have just kind of
faded, but they're, Danny Radcliffe has

been trying to revive his career.

Not that it was necessarily dead, but it's
really hard to escape the shadow of your


And I think that's just, you know, what he
kind of fights with is, uh, the same thing

with Macaulay Culkin, like you think of
Home Alone or you-

When you think of Will Smith, you think of
Fresh Prince of Bel Air, and so you can't

really escape that.

That's another thing I think mega
celebrities really have to, you know,

contend with, is...

People love you as long as you're one

And if you leave that, then you lose,
like, this mega celebrity status, I would


Yeah, yeah, that's true.

And he's tried, like, do you remember when
he, I feel like this was like 10 years ago

at this point, but it was a big deal.

He was doing like a New York Broadway show
where he was gonna go like full nude.

I didn't know that.


Yeah, there was a show like that.

And part of me now wonders like, one, I
don't think he really cared that much, and


I wonder if he also did it like, I am just
trying, like I am not Harry Potter, I am

an actor.

And like, I'm at least gonna put something
in people's brains that when they think of

me, they're not just gonna think Harry

And if it needs to be that I got on a
stage naked, fine.

It's something different.

No, I definitely- I do wonder if that was
a thought process.

I did not know that.

Which, I guess kind of rolls into the
second point.

that I actually want to touch on with mega

And we somewhat touched on this a couple
episodes ago when we were talking about

influence and advertising.

And I think maybe a year or two ago when
we touched on parasocial relationship,

which is, do celebrities or mega
celebrities in general, do they have a

responsibility to be a role model?

I would ask you that question.

I would say yes, because anytime you are
fortunate enough to have a platform that

you are setting an example, you do have
eyes on you, you are responsible for that

to a certain extent.


I think there's ways you can kind of like

maybe hedge it one way or another.

Like say you're like in a metal band and
you're like in an edgy metal band.

I feel like you can get away with more
like, yeah, I don't need to be super

family friendly.

Like, you know, our band is called like,
you know, the blood cult or something.

Like, we're, you know, we are what we are
and it says it on the tin.

If you're like, you know, a singer like
Taylor Swift, I think.

you do have some level of responsibility
to not, you know, cause problems.

And no, I think rocking the boat is good,
but you know, rock the boat for good,

which I think she does.

My example for, I think, a bad use of
platform, and I think we've talked about

this in the past, Aaron Rodgers, who is
one of the most popular US sports figures,


Every time I get back to kind of liking
Aaron, he goes on about vaccines and

stuff, and I'm like, dude, shut up.

And it's frustrating, because it's like,

If you want to do it, not do it, fine.

I disagree, whatever.

Stop going on TV and talking about it,
because other people are going to be like,

well, you know, if my favorite football
thrower says he's not going to do it,

maybe I shouldn't do it.

Yeah, that was that like the whole like
corona and the covid vaccine that was

really a contentious point for a lot of
people He's he's been no he's been

bringing up again lately Okay, so kind of
coming full circle on this so even before

the travis kelsey dating thing Because he
and his brother launched a podcast last

year that was huge And then they both
played each other in the super bowl like

their popularity has exploded and he's in
like a million

TV commercials now.

One of them is for Pfizer.

So Aaron Rodgers is calling Travis Kelce

Pfizer, which is hilarious because Aaron
Rodgers plays for the Jets, which is owned

by the heir to Johnson and Johnson, which
also makes a COVID vaccine.

So he doesn't really see the hypocrisy
there, but he's like, oh, like, let's,

let's debate.

I'll get RFK and you can have Fauci and
we'll debate it.

And I'm just like, dude.

Shut up, please.

Yeah, that was a pretty hot point when
they were releasing all these vaccines

from these different companies and all the
celebrities were like, take the vaccine or

don't take the vaccine.

Isn't RFK, isn't he running for

Yeah, he was running as a Democrat and
then an Independent, now I think he's

running as a Republican.

I don't know, he's just...

He's just paid for to obstruct, which is
what he's doing.

Really, you think so?

I mean, he's kind of all over the place.

Yeah, he has big ties to oil money.

He's paid to obstruct.

And I think that's what he's most known
for in recent history is him being against


But yeah, a lot of these celebrities do
take some sort of political position or

some sort of like role model position.

I don't feel like they do it very well

I feel more often than not that a lot of
these positions that those celebrities

take are very kind of ad hoc.

Like they're after the fact, basically.

So going back to the example that I
mentioned at the very beginning of this

episode was when Kylie Jenner posted a
couple of tweets showing support for what

was happening in the Middle East.

That's not what she's known for.

So it comes across as being incredibly
fake and her basically being viewed as

being an opportunist for better, for

And I feel like it's a fine line that you

um between being like genuine and trying
to accommodate your fans and so I feel

like a lot of celebrities just try to
accommodate and that's not actually what

they are.

I don't know if I could do it any better.


Truth be told.

Well, and for what it's worth, I think the
Jenners and the Kardashians are just fake

people and nobody should be taking what
they say serious at all.

And the whole situation happening right
now, if anyone has any kind of extreme

take one way or another, I don't think
they should be taken seriously.

It's a nuanced and complicated thing.

and anyone advocating for either side
about like, yeah, let's go take an action

that involves a bunch of civilians dying.

Like, I don't think, I don't think they
should be listened to seriously, but I

might be getting off topic there because I
have strong feelings about that.

I mean, I have strong feelings too, but I
think there's, there's a time and place

for everything.

And there's a time and place for when you
should voice your opinions and when you


but I'm definitely always very...

I'm always very cautious about what I say
and I feel like a lot of people are just

Which by the way, which is my new what my
new word, but my favorite word, which is

virtue signaling Which is basically saying
like hey, I stand for this I stand for

that and Then because of that you get like
a lot of love but you don't actually turn

that into anything Yeah, I definitely feel
like celebrities should be role models

but it's incredibly difficult.

My favorite example is Adele.

You know who Adele is, right?


Yeah, so for those who don't know, a
couple years back Adele was pretty heavy

set, I would say.

And then she just kind of like disappeared
from, you know, the limelight basically.

She was just gone.

And then she came back a year later and
she had lost like 50 or 60 pounds.

So she was super, I guess slim you could

And overnight she got like a lot of hate
because basically a lot

because she was overweight.

So she was overweight, she was a beautiful
singer, she was a really good singer, and

a lot of people gravitated towards her
because of the fact that she was


And when she lost that, in the eyes of a
lot of people, she lost her status as a

role model, more or less.

So it's a really, so it's a, like I said,
so it's a really fine line you walk with.

being a role model and being genuine, but
I feel like it's very suffocating to

really accommodate so many people.

As they say, the friend of everyone is the
friend of no one.

And if everyone's happy, then you're doing
something wrong.

And I feel like that's a good way to live
your life.

I mean, that's how I live my life, but I'm
not a prescriptivist in that sense.


Yeah, I feel like I might just be
repeating myself, but I do like the, you

know, the you can't be everyone's friend
bit, because, you know, having actual

principles and taking a stand for
something means making enemies, especially

if it's something real in the world.

You know, if you take a stand and say, you
know, I like, you know, white meat chicken

and dark meat chicken is garbage, like I
think, you know.

people might think you're weird, but I
think you can take that stand and not make


But if you're gonna, if you have a serious
platform and you take a stand on something

that actually means something in the
world, then yeah, you're making enemies.

And I think if it's genuine to a certain
extent that should be respected, I even

ever so slightly respect Aaron Rodgers for
doing it just because, and that feels

gross to say.

But just in the sense that like,

He believes what he believes.

And he's going to keep saying it.

And he knows every time he says it, like,
you know, it's, it, it hurts his


It helps his popularity with some other
people, but like, he's still, he believes


So he says it.

I mean, I can, and in that, in that very
small capacity, I respect that.

I mean, I can definitely respect that too.

Um, is that people say what they mean.

even if it you know they don't really get
brownie ports for that even though they

lose their popularity um but there's this
one song i can't remember the artist's

name um where um basically he i can't
remember the artist's name but basically

he was super popular in the early 2000s
and i believe he did a song with um the

with the paramour singer from the band

and the song I think is called like Paper
Planes, I can't remember, and he was super

popular because of that song and everyone
loved him and then he started going off

into like flat earth territory and like
vaccines and all that and suddenly his

popularity just tanked, you know, people
just stopped following him, but he's never

waved from that position so he's like I'm
definitely a flat

Everything else is a conspiracy theory,
and I don't care if it costs me fans, I

don't care if it costs me points, I'm
gonna believe it.

So even though I'm definitely not of the
same opinion, I can still respect someone

if they're true to their principles, which
I definitely don't feel is something you

can expect for anyone in Hollywood for the
most part.

I feel like your principles kind of come
and go with the times.

And same with politics, which I mean, I
feel like it's we've set our standards

very low that we just respect people for
telling the truth of what they believe,

but here we are.

Yeah, yeah.

I mean, I do admire people for telling the
truth, even though truth be told, I think

the majority of the people don't actually
want to hear the truth.

But before we go, I definitely found out I
found out people was trying to talk about.

So it's.


That's the artist's name.

And he did a song with Hayley Williams
called Airplanes.

And the guy is pretty much known for being
a flight earther.

but he's true to his principles, so you
gotta give him that.

Yeah, gotta give them that.

Yeah, so we're wrapping it up here.

We touched on a lot of topics.

I had a lot of fun.

So I hope everyone else did too.

I don't know if you have anything you want
to add before we dip out of here.

Um, no, I think we covered it.

Alright, I think so too.

Thanks so much for listening, it was a
great episode, had a lot of fun, and we'll

see you all in the next one.

Alright, bye everyone.

Alright, take care, bye.

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