Proteomics in Proximity

Welcome to Olink Proteomics in Proximity Podcast! 

Below are some useful resources from this episode: 

Highlighted publication: Grasberger H, Magis AT, Sheng E, Conomos MP, Zhang M, Garzotto LS, Hou G, Bishu S, Nagao-Kitamoto H, El-Zaatari M, Kitamoto S, Kamada N, Stidham RW, Akiba Y, Kaunitz J, Haberman Y, Kugathasan S, Denson LA, Omenn GS, Kao JY. DUOX2 variants associate with preclinical disturbances in microbiota-immune homeostasis and increased inflammatory bowel disease risk. J Clin Invest. 2021 May 3;131(9):e141676. doi: 10.1172/JCI141676. PMID: 33651715; PMCID: PMC8087203.

Highlighted platform that was used to measure proteins in this study with a qPCR readout (Olink® Target 96): 

Learn more about the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation, which is non-profit, volunteer-fueled organization dedicated to finding cures for Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis:

In the fall of 2021, Dr. Andrés Hurtado-Lorenzo spoke at a Boston Olink event, and his 25-minute presentation is available here where he discusses the discovery and follow-up work with both RNA and protein biomarkers for Crohn's Disease: https://7074596.fs1.hubspotuserconten...

Olink® Insight is an open-access resource, which aims to support the user throughout the Olink user journey, starting from product selection and study setup to post-run analysis and visualization of data output. Features include a pathway browser to reveal and understand connections between proteins and human biology, a publication browser, automatic annotations, and access to exclusive data sets. Sign up for free:
Here is general information about inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC):,damage%20to%20the%20GI%20tract.
Here is general information from GeneCards about DUOX2, one of the protein biomarkers identified in this study:

Here is general information from GeneCards about IL-17C, one of the protein biomarkers identified in this study:

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In case you were wondering, Proteomics in Proximity refers to the principle underlying Olink Proteomics assay technology called the Proximity Extension Assay (PEA), and more information about the assay and how it works can be found here: 

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Proteomics in Proximity discusses the intersection of proteomics with genomics for drug target discovery, the application of proteomics to reveal disease biomarkers, and current trends in using proteomics to unlock biological mechanisms. Co-hosted by Olink's Dale Yuzuki, Cindy Lawley and Sarantis Chlamydas.

What is Proteomics in Proximity?

Proteomics in Proximity discusses the intersection of proteomics with genomics for drug target discovery, the application of proteomics to reveal disease biomarkers, and current trends in using proteomics to unlock biological mechanisms. Co-hosted by Olink's Dale Yuzuki, Cindy Lawley and Sarantis Chlamydas.

Welcome to the

Proteomics in Proximity podcast, where

your co-hosts, Dale Yuzuki, Cindy

Lawley, and Sarantis Chlamydus from Olink

Proteomics talk about the intersection of

proteomics with genomics for drug target

discovery, the application of

proteomics to reveal disease

biomarkers, and current trends in using

proteomics to unlock

biological mechanisms. Here we have

your hosts, Dale, Cindy, and

Sarantis. Welcome to another

episode of Proteomics in Proximity.

I'm your host, Dale Yusuki, with my

co-hosts, Cindy and

Sarantis. And this morning - Hey

there - and, Sarantis, what are we going to

be talking about today? Today, it's a

great paper, actually. There's a great paper

where it describes

ways of using biomarkers - protein

biomarkers - in early discovery of

inflammatory bowel disease (IBD),

and it is a great example of a crosstalk

between gut microbioma and

immunohomeostasis. And

it's really great because it combines a

multiomics approach where they have

investigated genetics

and proteomics, and

metabolomics, and also

they have done sequencing

of microbiota in order to

identify this crosstalk.

Cindy, what do

we know about the DUOX2? What is the

importance of this protein?

So the name, DUOX, stands for

Double Oxygen.

So it's a

marker within the genome. And,

in fact, this paper highlights

some variants in the

DUOX2 gene

that code for something that will

produce hydrogen peroxide,

H2O2, in the epithelial

lining. So in what is

the apical layer, or

the layer that's right next to

where essentially the results of

our food go by. And so

that production has an effect on the

microbiome. So this

idea that we might have a proteomic

biomarker that

is indicating something about

the host microbiome

interaction, that gut bacteria

that we all are so curious about and

has been the topic of so

many interesting

publications that we might have a protein

biomarker that's indicating something

about the dysbiosis or the

shift in that microbiome

that precedes inflammatory

bowel disease, is super exciting.

So that's what I see here.

Inflammatory bowel disease is

devastating. I mean, I personally know

three individuals who are affected. You

may know others, right?

Their digestion, their

immune system, and

it's really, really difficult because

you talk about the interplay

between the person,

their gut

microbiota, which is off.

It is different than regular people and

it's a complex organ, right? The

gut microbiome is essentially, I

mean, a lot of people talk about it as an

organ. This

group, including a group out

of Institute for Systems Biology,

does a fair amount of work on gut

microbiome, particularly

in their wellness

cohort. So, Cindy, why don't you tell

us more about this wellness cohort? I

understand this is Arivale.

That's right. So Arivale,

was a

company that spun

out of the Institute for Systems Biology. It

was based in Seattle.

And the

team focused on

collecting data


for a bunch of people

that just opted in for

reconsenting, so opted in

for updating their consent

and recontact. And

the great thing about that is they're coming

in regularly. They're

"well" when they start. And we'll

be talking about some other papers

that are coming out of this

exciting group.

But it offers an opportunity

to look retrospectively at

samples where individuals

who were healthy

actually will develop

some diseases.

As we age, we tend to

do that, unfortunately.

So it's

a powerful demonstration

of a wellness cohort

and having longitudinal sampling.

Like I

said, we'll double-click on that in this

podcast I think quite a bit. This paper

talks about over 2800

individuals from this cohort, but it was

larger. Was it almost 5000, something

like that? Yeah, that's right.

And of course, over time, you're going to

have people dropping out

inevitably. And so this is a really

great sample number. And the longitudinal

data that they have collected for

this group of individuals is stunning. So

they already had their whole genome

sequence. And then what? Did they

also sample their microbiome,

like from feces? Yeah,

exactly. But then they don't

need to necessarily collect data

on all the samples in all the modalities.

What they've done is they've

seen interesting things evolve in

this cohort and

then do specific,

work within

a subset. And that's

exactly what happened here.

So a subset of the individuals

from this


subset of the Arivale

cohort had these

DUOX2 variants

and those DUOX2

variants had some,

I would

say this sort of

brings me back to this

idea that if we had -

what was the total number, Dale?

You pulled it up for me right before the

podcast. 300 and some

odd individuals? It was like 357


With rare variants.

12.4%. Yeah, if we were going

to do a GWAS on

357 individuals

and compare that to control

samples, that's not a very

powerful GWAS by our

standards, in the genetic space. And

so making the association between

these variants and

inflammatory bowel disease, or Crohn's

disease, or this IBD

phenotype, might have been very

challenging. And so this is a novel

discovery, this DUOX2

association with IBD. And it

was made through an association that


phenotypic data that is closer

to the disease, which includes


That, as well as the

microbiome. So the ability to

have this multiomics as

Sarantis highlighted and

amplify the power to detect

the relationship between genetics and

disease is something I think is

exciting. We end up with whole genome

data, right? And we also

have then all the clinical

laboratory measurements. You

have metabolites, where apparently they

measured some over

metabolites from these patients or

these volunteers, healthy

individuals, it looks like they used

three Olink Target 96 panels

for a total of 266

proteins. And then the microbiome, which

is a really important part, they're doing

16S ribosomal RNA

sequencing, which gives you this idea of

what the constellation of

bacterial species looks like

just from sampling

rsRNA. But then they do a

PheWAS. And maybe

we can walk through that a little bit?

What is a PheWAS

again? I don't know. Sarantis, you want to

talk about it, or cindy? I guess I'm

not so familiar with a PheWAS,

actually, to be honest.

I mean, it's one of the few

times I have seen that or come across that.

But I checked a little bit in the literature.

It has to do with phenotypic associations

and how these are correlating with the

changes that happens in the genome, for

example. And that's how

phenotype is like the correlation.

And the phenotype, their phenotype is

IBD. So they

have individuals with IBD from

these 2800 people, and they're

saying: What's associating

out of all this

multiomic data? You just say,

"Well, Dale, there's how many different kinds

of microbes in the stool?" We're

looking at 266 proteins and

950 metabolites and all

these other clinical measurements.

But then they zero in on this

one particular enzyme.

Or is it an enzyme?

This DUOX2?

Yeah, it's an enzyme. Enzyme.

And what is it doing?

What is the function of

DUOX2? Producing hydrogen peroxide


kills bacteria.

And that is

adjusting the

microbiome, it

appears, right? I like to use the

language that we're

unveiling here in this paper -

these authors are unveiling - a little bit

about the mechanism. Super exciting.

But there could also be complexity

that they're yet to uncover


As far as that particular

function, we have this idea

of hydrogen

peroxide, and we normally use hydrogen

peroxide to clean

up. It's antibacterial.

It oxidizes.

Exactly. What is

it then? DUOX2 is

normally doing what in the

body? I mean, DUOX2 in

the context of these

individuals is keeping a certain

type of gram-negative

bacteria away. We're talking

about homeostasis at the end. Whatever happens

in biology is homeostasis.

It's like the equilibrium. And

when you have the shifting of

equilibrium, then you have all of these

pathologies that's at the end,

according to Greek philosophy also, I

thought, let's talk about the equilibrium.

And keeping the equilibrium at the

end. That's pretty much what we have in our


Looking there, yeah,

that's the thing. And looking a little bit

at the rare mutations, they have mutations of

frameships. Let's

say mis-sense. We have

different types of rare mutations in

the DUOX2 gene that

leads to loss of function.

They have

heterozygous individuals

with loss-of-function allele.

And, of course, this affects the level

of DUOX2. And, as a consequence, they have

seen this increase of IL-17C.

But just to

repeat what Sarantis said in terms of

homeostasis in the normal, healthy

gut with a normal,

functioning DUOX2

sort of enzyme right at the surface

of the gut lining, you've got

gram-negative bacteria held at

bay because of the hydrogen

peroxide. Apparently there's some kind of

segmented filamentous bacteria that's

also a healthy bacteria

that's associated

in that side of the

gut that's facing

the external environment.

But we have these individuals with these

DUOX2 mutations, where DUOX2

is not doing its job

correctly. This

PheWAS, this genetic

association. And then we have

the gram-negative bacteria

disrupting, right?

No more segmented

filamentous bacteria, gram-negative

bacteria invade. And then we have

this IL-17C being activated.

And so now we're talking

about no more


It's dysbiosis.



right? The Greek

word of the day. There you go.

And then we have the same

cells that are being affected by

these gram-negative bacteria

producing IL-17C

in the

system, in the body that can be

picked up.

In mice, this

DUOX2 deficiency and

this IL-17 elevation

are associated with this

expansion of proteobacteria,

sorry, pathogenic


That was pretty

fascinating, right? Where they're able to

take the same system and draw these

conclusions even down to

invertebrates. I'm like, wait,

we're talking about DUO function in

invertebrates. Primordial,

they say, right? So you've got

your primordial

DUOX2 producing hydrogen peroxide.

You've got, in mice, this DUOX2

deficiency increasing IL-17C levels in the

intestine and


elevation. And then you've got

in IBD patients this evidence. I


this approach to see

multiple lines of evidence in different

systems, especially in such a

historic pathway.

Historic meaning going back to

invertebrates in evolution. Evolution,

exactly. In C. elegans,

in worms. And here, even this whole

idea of, we've got this mechanism

that they're able to look at via - what

did they use - knockout mice? Yeah. And so

these mice were deficient in

DUOX2. They can go ahead and do a lot of

experimentation on those

tissues. And then there is something called

a colonoid. And I'm like,

colonoid? What's a colonoid?

Sarantis, what is

a colonoid? Again, I'm taking

the difficult questions now.

I try to be creative also in

the way that I'm answering.

Organoids. A lot of

buzzwords, different things. They called

organoids, I'm guessing,

that what they mean here

is just a culture. They take a

tissue and they culture this tissue, like

primary cell culture, in a way, but

keeping the integrity of the tissue. And

they can do measurements of the proteome

based on this tissue, I'm guessing this is

pretty much what they are doing there. I

see. And this is what? Colonoid. But

mini colons

from primary tissue. Mini tissues in

vitro or something, or 3D

tissue culture or something.

To take then

that finding in mice and then

being able to translate it

to humans, to say

that they believe that these

sort of deficient individuals.

And I thought one of the interesting figures

was just how rare these variants

were, but yet it

was in

certain populations it was

like the odds ratio was

really high. Was

it Ashkenazi Jews

as a population? Yeah, that's right. And

then there was another

cohort that it seemed

like these odds ratio

estimates were pretty high

because they were enriched. Right. These

populations have a lot of these

DUOX2 mutations in the

population. I just thought that was really

interesting, where you can have then maybe a

genetic test where

somebody's susceptible.

I will say, though, the

IL-17C levels

were high in

other subjects that didn't have that

DUOX2 variant enrichment. Didn't have

that DUOX2. So you have the

option, a possibility

suggested here, that you could do a genetic

test to see about those rare

variants. But in fact, the


levels were

elevated. There was a common

response, sort of a cascade,

that suggested this.

I don't know if they use the word

inflammatory, but in my mind that's what I

picture. And I think

this is

where I think the excitement around

proteomics is, but also with the

DUOX2, just going back to the DUOX2

variants, this is kind of how

I think about proteomics in the context

of genomics. If you

have a DUOX2

rare variant that suggests

an increased IL-17C

level - Dale, we'll just pick

you -

and I don't you see how

I end up in the good category? And

then you have an exposure

to a protein level over

your lifetime,

perhaps that I don't,

that exposure internally

in our body is a way that I sometimes think

about the relevance of

how we make these connections between

genetics and protein levels.

But anyway, that's just a

way of thinking about it that I think.

No, that was great. And then

I will add also the macrobiome factor

here because they have done a really crazy

experiment and they really like it in mice.

They use antibiotics to

eliminate actually the negative, the gram-

negative and they see that

IL-17C levels, they drop

down again. That means there's

really close talk with


One of the

applications of this paper is: could

fecal microbiota

transplantation, FMT,

or antibiotic treatment

for people

with this dysbiosis

where the gram-negative bacteria

are where they shouldn't

be is pretty,

how do I say, remarkable.

To think this is

a potential sort of mechanism,

by which,

again, knowing the mechanism

suggests therapeutics,

and even though the complexity

of DUOX2, and then the IL-17C,

and then there's a whole

bacterial story,

and then the immune system ...

There's T-helper cells.

CCR6, the chemo

attractant for lymphocytes,

there's FGF23


just a cascading


immunity, intestinal mucosal immunity

that has a protein signature

that I think can be

shifted and has that potential to

provide value. Well,

we should probably highlight the Crohn's and

Colitis Foundation, actually, in this

discussion. Right. So Crohn's and Colitis

Foundation, of course, has developed

a subset of

proteins that are

useful in helping

identify in a pediatric

cohort which of

those kids is

likely to develop complications

from their diagnosis of

IBD. So, again,

a longitudinal

cohort that they followed, and they came up

with this signature that helps them

have the potential to

score and insert a pause

between taking out a kid's belly, which

seems like a pretty good

use of a proteomic signature. So,

that's an important

story. We've got several

webinars from the team there.


One of the interesting take homes, getting

back to the IL-17C

story ...

I'm reading from,

right before the discussion, high

IL-17C in carriers of DUOX2

loss-of-function variants is

not only a potential biomarker

for disturbed gut

microbe immune homeostasis,

but appears to reflect an early stage of



So here now we're talking about

a biomarker that could

be an early

predictive marker of

disease. And you think,

wow, by

studying genetics, by

studying phenotype,

by looking at multiomics

here it is: we come up with a



And you're doing

it simultaneously, or they're doing it

simultaneously. So I don't know if

you remember the Alnylum story, where


amyloidosis has

this diagnosis

that's based upon a Gait

test, like your walking test in your

doctor's office.

So that is sort of a

difficult thing to diagnose,

but you can have the genetic test very

and know you've got a predisposition for it.

You just don't know if it will ever

penetrate and if you'll ever actually

be diagnosed with it. It

took time for them to identify a protein

biomarker that had promise for that

diagnosis. Here they're doing both at the

same time. So here you've

got a potential for a genetic test,

but maybe these people never

develop IBD.

And so you can do the

genetic test, and then you know who you will

have to monitor over time and again. This is

all research use only, right? But

we're talking about the potential for the


What would be the clinical

utility of something like this? And


seems like -- A comment on that. Probably

more to a philosophical point-of-view, it's

like, at the end,

having a genetic test will

help for a prediction because there are so

many rare, let's say, mutations,

that at the end, you will never know the

real levels of your protein.

Because at the end, what people care about is the

proper levels of DUOX2, independent

of the mutation or not.

That means probably you will

need the protein biomarker,

the IL-17C, and all the

cascades that follows to be more

sure and more concrete in what we are seeing.

That's the way that they see, because so

many rare mutations, difficult to predict

the levels of the protein. I think that's

really important to have a plasma

biomarker to follow at this point.

Yeah. And

everybody's not going to use our 3K,

our Explore panel,

right? We're talking about something that's

developed for the clinic

that's very

specific. That would need to go through

regulatory approval to

get into clinical utility. But

yeah, very exciting.

And you think this could be

... well, in the

commentary, the researchers

saying patients and physicians

and scientists are looking

for how to unlock

this microbiome host

and then immune system

as like a Holy Grail

within IBD. And I thought that was

so interesting, that here it

is. They're looking at so

many different variables. When you

think about whole genome data and all the

genetics that could be evolved, and then you

think about all the different other

measures that they did, and then to

settle on a model,

a gene, a

particular plasma-based

biomarker, and then looking at how they all

interact, it's just

really interesting. And

down to the

types of microbiota

that are being

affected. It's

so cool. I mean, it's a

big data story, right? It's

how big data and a cohort that's

collected and consented longitudinally - I

know I've already said this - can drive

mechanistic discovery

to help define

disease biomarkers. And I think having a

biomarker is great, but having it where you

actually kind of have a sense of the,

like these multiple lines of evidence

- a mouse model -

having multiple

lines of evidence and some mechanistic

understanding of it, makes

it so much ...

I'm much more comforted in

seeing it implement in the clinic. And I

would hope it has the potential to move to

the clinic a little more quickly when we

actually have that mechanistic insight.

Sorry, go ahead. I was going to say that

after reading a paper like this, because it

was pretty dense, it's pretty intense,

right? It was,

I don't know, maybe 12 or 14

pages of heavy duty reading

and lots and lots of immunology,

which can be difficult to grasp. We had

mouse models in terms of dual knockouts. We

have all these

multiomics, and yet it's almost as

if, man, this is like the final word,

right? This is one

conclusive particular

avenue. And then it makes me think, wow, it

was only 250

or so proteins in the

plasma [that were measured]. What if they did an

Explore 3K on it, right?

And then I think, wow, I don't

know. Cindy, maybe you can shed light on

this. Does the UK Biobank collect,

the microbiome

samples from individuals?

Not to my knowledge. I haven't

seen any studies on it, which

I would expect. I know they're doing

metabolomics on

samples in the UK Biobank, but my

understanding is it's on plasma. Don't quote

me on that. But I just haven't seen

any data come out on the

microbiome on those patients. Because that

data set, that 16S

ribosomal data is super

important, because that's one-third of the

whole story here in terms

of how that microbiome

is interacting with the

host. Any

final comments on this? I mean, this is

such a cool paper, right? Even though it

was published in


This association

with inflammatory bowel disease and

its practical application, and a

wonderful multiomic story.

I mean, it'll be really

interesting to follow.

Yeah, it's a great story. And

so I'm thinking in the show notes, we

can maybe even put some of these proteins in

our Insight app and provide a link

to the ability to browse

through those, because I think looking at

these pathways might be really interesting.

And just to remind folks around our Insight

app, we've had a podcast

about this before, but essentially

it's a browser where you can very

quickly what I love about it is

that you can actually convert gene names to

UniProt IDs. And with

UniProt IDs, there's

only one UniProt ID per protein, whereas

we've got multiple gene names for

them. So that's really handy. But

also being able to just look at the

pathways and see which

proteins we have in our

panels, that you can get at that

pathway through multiple proteins versus the

ones that we don't have in our panels. And

that also helps people to identify the ones

they want us to put in the panels. And we

have a mechanism by which you can request

proteins to be included in our future

product development efforts. And

so we've talked

about how we're trying to cover the

proteome. We've got 3000 [proteins that our platforms measure]

today, but certainly our R&D team

is working hard on

covering more. Yeah, thank you for bringing

that up, Cindy. is how to access this free

resource. There's some really great

tools inside it. Even if people wanted

to browse publications by

biomarker, right?

Very good point. Wouldn't that be

interesting to punch in

IL17-C and see what other

publications come up?

Which, by the way, is a low,

abundant protein, right? So if you look in

our validation data, also available on our

website that you can freely download, you'll

see that IL-17C is

in the dilution category of one-to-

one. So it's neat, right?

You're not

adding any dilution factor to it


manage how much

reagent might be needed to count

when our NGS readout or our

qPCR readout is used. And so

that one-to-one ratio suggests that it's in

that area that we've talked about before,

where Olink has really shined a light that

makes it much easier to see these low,

abundant proteins

than some traditional methods that we, of

course, have already made lots of great

discoveries using mass spectrometry, for

example. But this low abundant

area, I think the

number of publications we have in our

1100-plus publication

database, many of those are

focused on those one-to-one

neat proteins that are in that

low, abundant range. Speaking of show notes,

I'll be sure to include Dr.

Uh, Hurtada-Lorenzo's

talk from the Crohn's and Colitis

Foundation. This is where

they were looking at

pediatric Crohn's and colitis.

And it's a remarkable story in

terms of was it maybe 70

or 80 real-time

PCR markers that they had

developed from biopsy tissue, but

then they went to plasma and they found a

much smaller signature that's much more

practical. Instead of using

biopsy tissue and real-time PCR, here

it is. They're able to look at circulating

biomarkers. Some really exciting work.

And that team

has created, of course, it's a nonprofit

Crohn's and Colitis Foundation, but they've

created a ventures arm for that

entity in order to bring investment in

to take things like this to the clinic.

And they're funding the majority of

Crohn's and Colitis research in the world.

In fact, I was at a meeting in South

Africa, in Cape Town a couple of weeks ago,

and there was a poster on

IBD, and I talked to the

authors, and in fact, they were also

funded by the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation.

So it's just a

small world in some of these disease

areas where the movers and shakers are

really making a difference.

Well, thank you for joining

us this afternoon or this morning,

wherever you may be, and,

Cindy and Sarantis,

till next time, so long.

Thank you

for listening to the Proteomics in Proximity

podcast brought to you by Olink

Proteomics. To contact the hosts

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