Flip the Script with Vic

In this week's episode let's dive into the complexities of resistance and breakthroughs in personal and spiritual growth. I open up about the fears and self-doubt that surface on the brink of major breakthroughs and offer how I've confronted and transformed these feelings. 

If you're feeling stuck or on the verge of something big, this episode will provide you with the tools and perspective needed to navigate your journey with courage and authenticity. 

🔑 **Key Takeaways:**
- **Normalize the Challenge:** Feeling resistance and self-doubt is a natural part of the growth process. Acknowledging and understanding these feelings are the first steps towards overcoming them.
- **Engage with Your Inner Critic:** Rather than suppressing doubts, engage with them constructively. Journaling and contrasting these thoughts with your higher self’s voice can provide clarity and positive reinforcement.
- **Signs of Breakthrough:** Emotional upheavals and unexpected changes, while challenging, are often signs that you’re on the verge of a significant breakthrough.

Share your fave takeaways from the episode on Instagram with me (@victoriamargauxnielsen) and tag someone who needs to hear!

Join The Portal Collective, Victoria's new on-demand kundalini and breathwork membership to help you access your highest self with a daily meditation practice for $22/mo.

Applications are now open for the 2nd Annual Return to You Retreat from May 2-7, 2025 in El Sargento, Mexico. Apply now!

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IG: @victoriamargauxnielsen
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email: victoriamargauxnielsen@gmail.com

Cover art: @house.of.morgan

What is Flip the Script with Vic?

Welcome to Flip the Script with Vic, your weekly pep talk to expand and shift your perspective. I’m your host, Victoria Nielsen. Together, we’ll unwind all the things you thought you knew, and awaken to what’s truly possible when you flip the script on your reality and take control of your own life.

Speaker A [00:00:00]:
Hello, my loves. Welcome to another episode of Flip the script with Vik. I'm your host, Victoria Nielsen. I really wanted to share today about resistance and some of the things that can come up before you have a breakthrough. So whether that's in your spiritual life, your business life, your personal life, any of your lives, it can be a lot harder before it gets better. And I know that that can feel really ass backwards. So I kind of wanted to speak to it today because some of that's coming up for me. I'm having a lot of imposter syndrome as I'm putting together my new signature program, awakening, that is going to be opening doors here this summer.

Speaker A [00:00:44]:
And as I'm putting the finishing touches on the special podcast series that I'm doing as a part of that called cycle breakers, so much feeling, fear and negativity and resistance is arising within me right now. I have those old stories of who is going to sign up for this? Why should anybody care about this? Who am I to be the one leading women through this? All of those stories that are completely normal and completely natural for you to have at any point in your entrepreneurship path, in your spiritual awakening journey in life in general, right? And so I want to normalize talking about it because I think we think that we have failed if we feel these things, right, that if we're feeling like an imposter, then who are we to lead other women? But I find that the deepest initiations come before we are the ones leading the work. So if you are in the spiritual and healing space, like I am, if you are going to be teaching women about how to step into their power and into their worth, you sure as shit are going to come up against some old stories around stepping into your power and your worth so that you can truly embody the work that you are then teaching others. So I know that everything that's coming up for me around this topic and this journey is so that I can better serve and better be empowered for all of the women that join the awakening program. And you know, your inner critic will always make one last, loud, final attempt to keep you safe. And that's its job. It wants to keep you in the same comfortable box that you've always been in because it has a fear of the unknown. It doesn't know what's outside the four walls of that box, and it can't even fathom that it could be better than what's happening inside the box.

Speaker A [00:02:32]:
And so I like to tell my clients whenever this is happening, that let your inner critic have a voice. Let them have the stage. Like, take a second to journal and write down all of those negative things that your inner critic is bringing to the forefront of your mind. First and foremost, to get them out of your head and out of that, like, vicious loop, but also to, like, take a second and see them on paper because some of them are fucking ridiculous. And your inner critic has also tends to be, like, a bitch and an inner mean girl. And so you wouldn't talk to your friends that way. And when you see that writing so starkly and how that inner critic is talking to you, it's kind of like, man, like, what a downer. And, and so then I asked my clients to connect with their higher self and ask her perspective.

Speaker A [00:03:22]:
So whether you take a second to move your body or do a meditation and then journal from that higher perspective, it's really beautiful to see these two viewpoints side by side, because your higher self is always going to be cheering your on, cheering you on. Your higher self is always going to be believing in you, and your higher self is always going to be the one that empowers you. And there is a vibrational frequency to your higher self's words that are so important, I think, to see and feel and read, it's one thing to get these kind of, like, downloads and meditation where, you know, you're like, oh, I know I'm on the right path or I know I'm doing the right thing, but again, to see it, like, written in black and white is just really important for the logical mind. And so I like to do these both on the same piece of paper. And I kind of, you know, do a line down the middle. And it's a really beautiful exercise to, to then see what's actually true, because a lot of what your inner critic is saying isn't even true. It's just bullshit that your mind has made up. And then what's coming from your highest self, like, has a resonance and has a truth and a vibration to it that your soul recognizes and that makes you feel safe and makes you feel, yeah, like, it's easier to navigate or express whatever's moving through you as you move into this next level or phase of your spiritual journey or your entrepreneur path or, or again, just, just life.

Speaker A [00:04:51]:
And so, you know, another sign I have found that I'm about to have a breakthrough is that I experience some type of loss. So most of you guys know, if you've been listening, I had a miscarriage earlier this year, but I also broke a big contract of suffering when I was on my retreat in Mexico in April. And there are previous podcast, blah, blah, previous podcast episodes about both of those things. So I'm not going to get into the details of that, but just about the fact that energetically, you are cleansing and moving through, washing away things so that you can make space. So on the outside, yes, it fucking sucks to experience these things, but they are moving things out of your energetic field so that you have the space and the capacity for more and to hold more. And so it is always for your highest good, even if in the moment it doesn't feel like it. But it is definitely a sign that things are coming, things are happening. And, you know, another big sign that one of my mentors, Lauren love talks about a lot is when it comes to finances.

Speaker A [00:06:03]:
Like, you can be hit with big bills, perhaps, before you're going to have a big financial windfall, or you're going to move through some big money blocks. The universe wants to clean the slate, and so they're going to bring forward the stuff that hasn't been cleared so that you can move through it and move on, because you're going to be tied to those karmic cycles, you're going to be tied to the past until you do. And so it wants you to move through those low vibration things so that you can stay at a higher vibration for longer. And you're always at your least common denominator, if that makes sense. So if you have one area in your life that is at a lower frequency or a lower vibration than other parts, that is where you're gonna stay. And that is actually the. I don't want to say like the entirety of your vibration, because that's not true. But, like, it's almost like you're.

Speaker A [00:07:01]:
You're almost. You're only as good as your weakest link, right? It's that idea that whatever vibration is the lowest in your being around, whatever it is, your finances, your beliefs in self, your worthiness story, any of that. Like, that's going to be the highest vibration that you can match at the moment, even if you have other parts of you that are at a higher vibration, you're always going to be brought down by the ones that are at a lower vibration. And so we're always working to bring all areas into alignment and into a higher vibration. So another thing that can happen is that you can have manifestations fall through, right? Like, you may have thought something was coming your way, and then all of a sudden it's not anymore. And that, again, on the outside really fucking sucks. But it is bringing you towards the things that are in alignment. So, you know, for example, I think about.

Speaker A [00:07:56]:
I was supposed to be on this podcast last year, and I was really excited about it because she's a woman I admire and I really love, and I did an akashic reading for her, and it just didn't. I don't know, it didn't feel right. Like, the session wasn't great. I wasn't at my best capacity. But afterwards, I just was like, this isn't a match anymore. Like, it doesn't. It doesn't feel good. And sure enough, like, she.

Speaker A [00:08:19]:
She said I was gonna be on the podcast, and then it just kind of never happened. And at the time, I was really bummed about it. Cause I was like, fuck. I was, like, looking forward to that. I really admire her. I think it's awesome. And then as time went by, I realized it just wasn't a vibrational match anymore. Like, her community is not my community.

Speaker A [00:08:35]:
And actually, me being on the podcast wasn't serving anyone. Not that I'm not an amazing person that would provide value, but at this current time, like, her people were just not my people. And that's okay because I opened myself up to the people that I am for, and so it allowed those that I am not for to fall away. So it's, again, totally normal that things are realigning, even if on the outside, it seems like things are crumbling. Anything that's crumbling and dissolving is always because it wasn't meant for you. It's always because there is something better coming along that is in higher alignment with you. And so, you know, one of the last things that I'll share about these signs that you're about to have a breakthrough is with your emotions and with your body. I literally just experienced this.

Speaker A [00:09:35]:
I was sitting here trying to put everything together for awakening and for cycle breaker, and I just was feeling really overwhelmed and anxious and, like, ugh. And so I got the call to open my akashic records and then just play my sound bowls, and I started sobbing, like, absolutely sobbing out of nowhere, like, just like a baby. And it was because I needed to move through the emotions that I was carrying in my body. I was carrying this resistance, these low vibrations. And so the universe was like, nope, sis. If you want to actually embody these things that you are teaching others, you've got to move these emotions. And as I burp, burp, burping and bodily functions like that, are you moving? Energy and tears are just energy in motion emotions, energy in motion. And so you are going to have bouts of feeling like you are sad and like you are you anxious, perhaps, and angry.

Speaker A [00:10:41]:
And any of those low vibration emotions, again, are totally normal to feel before you have a breakthrough of higher vibration emotions because you're clearing and cleansing the vessel for more things to come through. And I know a lot of these feel really backwards, but there are signs that things are moving the way that they should. You know, the same. The same can be said for relationships, right? So if you're having a tough time in a relationship with someone, whether it's your partner, your friends, your kids, those are also signs that there are karmic patterns or things that are ready to be released if you are willing to look at them, if you are willing to shift them, if you are willing to change them. You know, if you feel like you're having the same fight over and over and over again, there's a reason for that. It's because it's ready to come up and be healed and to be looked at. And all it takes is you changing and shifting your perspective just a little bit. To say, again, this is happening for me and not to me.

Speaker A [00:11:36]:
And how can I use this to my advantage to move through with a little bit more ease? You know, I talked about this in a previous podcast episode, but I think we've really confused easy and easeful. Nothing in life on the spiritual awakening journey is easy. Well, okay, there are some things that are easy, right? But it's not all going to be sunshine and roses. We have to do things in our life to make things more easeful. And just because something isn't easy doesn't mean it's not meant for you, doesn't mean that you have to run away from it. You know, a message actually I got when I opened my akashic records earlier is that I have started to confuse things being in flow with not having to work hard. That I have started to tell myself this story that, oh, if things are meant for me, if I'm living to the highest of my ability and my capacity, then I'm not going to have to work hard again. This story about things being easy, but that's not true.

Speaker A [00:12:49]:
Just because I've convinced myself somewhere along the way that things would be handed to me if I did the inner work, that's not the reality. You still have to do the outer work to build and create the success that I want in this lifetime. Just because I'm doing all this inner work all the time doesn't mean it's going to be easy to put together this new signature program, awakening, or that it's going to be easy to record a podcast every week, or that it's going to be easy to do anything really, like, this is just a step along the way. The inner work is just a step in the process. You still have to do the back end work of writing the sales page and putting the program together and all of that. I know this is a very specific example that perhaps doesn't resonate with everyone, but what is it in your life that you've told yourself a story around that you said, oh, well, I did this, so now the rest should just fall into place. Because that tends to not be the case. Because then we're putting our preconceived notions and our expectations on things, and that never works out right.

Speaker A [00:13:58]:
Like, expectation is not the root of all evil, but like, it tends to be our biggest downfall a lot of the time. Because we then project what we want to happen, even if it's not the thing that's meant to happen, even if it's not the thing that's actually for our highest good or how something is supposed to work out. And so then we're setting ourselves up for failure, essentially, because of course we're going to be upset. Of course we're not going to be happy when things don't go that exact way. So how can we rewrite perhaps this rule that we maybe have put upon ourselves of, okay, we did this, so now we deserve why? You deserve a lot of things in life. You deserve joy. You deserve abundance. But you don't always deserve things handed to you on the silver platter, and that's any of us, okay? That just because you went through the trenches, you went through the dark night of the soul, it doesn't mean that everything is going to be handed to you because you still have to work through so many things for your soul's highest involvement.

Speaker A [00:15:02]:
So, yeah, I don't know, man. That's what I got today. That's what's on my heart, actually. Think. In upcoming episodes, I'm going to open the Akashic records for the podcast for anyone listening to share any messages that want to come through. But until then, I hope you guys will get on the waitlist for cycle breakers and for awakening. It is not officially open yet, but it will be very soon, and I will be sharing more about that with you guys in the coming weeks as we launch over the summer. Yeah, I think that's it.

Speaker A [00:15:42]:
I love you guys so much. Thank you so much for listening. I'll see you right back here next week. Be good to one another. I love you. Bye.