The Lucas Skrobot Show

Were the Georgia Guidestones destroyed by Dutch Farmers?

Show Notes

Time Stamps
Georgia Guidestone destroyed 00:00
Intro 04:46
UN advocating for world hunger? 05:18
George Kent & Satire 07:04
Capitalism vs NWO post modern Marxism 08:35
Alex Jones reports from Guidestones 09:48
Alex goes off on globalist agenda 13:02
Alex brings historical context to depopulation Darwinism destruction 14:27
Stewardship of the earth has been highjacked 19:03
Who destroyed the Guide Stones? 20:25
mike1956? 24:29
World silence on Dutch Farmer Protest 25:04
Hypocritical Twitter suing India for censorship 30:09
Jordan Peterson on getting banned from Twitter 32:25
Yeah that makes sense 33:53
VP Kamala compares abortion and slavery 34:20
The real evil? Pregnancy crisis centers... 37:42
What are abortion laws world wide? 40:31
Safe havens for abortion on demand? 44:18
Value 4 Value 45:53
Weaver and Loom 47:06
Ask a question 52:37

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The Georgia Guidestones were attacked
in an unthinkable act of cruelty against

humanity, the protectors of mother earth,
the globalists and the new world order

of lawlessness banned together, making a
joint statement on this issue, the attack

of the monument that sought to slow.

Commit genocide of 7.5 billion
people through war famine, inflation

viruses, and the granting of licenses
only to the brightest and fittest

to reproduce and finally produce the
perfect airing race, utterly condemn

the destruction of this satanic Olu.

They go on and say, we know
this was the working of the

one and only Nazi Donald Trump.

And if not directly by him, then
he probably paid the farmers

in the Netherlands to destroy
the Opolis regardless they say.

It is clear that farmers are the greatest
threat to society as they feed people.

And we at the humanism and reason
Institute have decided that all humanity

is inherently good, which makes them
very, very bad, which is why we put

up and published our plans to destroy
his plague of humanity, to nature

in the guide to humanity in Georgia.

The mother earth spokesperson
went on waxing eloquence about

how hunger is a good thing as
it causes the poor to work hard.

And it is the greatest form of equality
in the world because global poverty, if

everyone is equally dead from starvation
and war, then there'll be no more war.

The vice president of the United
States also weighed in on the

destruction of the Georgia.

Guidestones commenting by saying there
is a significance to the passage of time

and everyone stopped paying attention.

After that, CNN was also jolted by
the news that the destruction of

their propaganda portal was destroyed.

They were so shook to their core
that they decided to become.

Committed to journalism again,
stating quote, we now have lost our

communication to this spherical plane
through the satanic monument that

we had now, no choice, but to become
a news outlet that does journalism

instead of satanic propaganda.

As the lay lines and waning
power of child sacrifice across

America begins to crumble.

The pro sacrifice politicians
become even more emboldened as

they hang on for dear life stating.

Quote most all the nations on
the earth, either fully restrict

or largely restrict abortion.

America used to proudly stand among
a few nations that stand for the

destruction of human rights and the
supporting of satanic rights to kill

babies in their mother's womb on demand.

We used to stand alongside of
countries like the great North Korea.

And China in its ability to kill
babies at free will, but it is clear.

We are now finding our moral
bearings again as a nation, and

that must be stopped unquote.

Now of course you are probably
wondering what the celebrities

of America is saying about the
destruction of the Georgia monument.

Well, Rihanna Cardi B and Greta,
Thunberg all made public statements

in a joint public statement saying,
quote, I don't know what the Georgia

Guidestones were, but clearly if Alex
Jones wanted them destroyed, they must

have been human's last hope, a hope.

Being destroyed by the
farmers in the Netherlands.

When asked about their support for the
Indian farmer protest and contrasts to

the Netherlands farmer protest, they
said, quote, we've been doing a lot

of listening, reflecting and learning.

It is clear.

We must do better.

We now see how farmers
everywhere are Aris to humanity.

And just as they were dragged
off to the blogs in the SSR.

And the farmers were stripped
of their land and the CCP.

We must do the same for farmers
all across the world before

the world ends in 12 years.

Welcome to Lucas Skrobot
show I'm Lucas Skrobot.

And this is where we uncover purpose,
pursue truth and own the future.

It is episode 290.

We are Al already.

At, uh, July 7th, 2022.

Well, UN apparently the UN thinks
that hunger is a good thing.

There was a.

Post floating around.

It's actually from an article from
years back by the UN where it, it is

written by the author, George Kent.

And he starts by saying some,
the title of the, the article

is benefits of world hunger.

He starts by saying, we sometimes
talk about the hunger in the world

as if it was a scourge that all of
us want to see abolished viewing

it as comparable with the plague.

Or aids, but naive views.

Prevent us from coming to grips,
which cause and sustain hunger.

Hunger has a great positive
value for many people.


It is fundamental to the
working of the world's economy.

Hungry people are the most
productive people, especially where

there's a need for manual labor.

Well, ironically enough, the.

Those who are so good at satire did
not catch the satire of this piece.

George Kent is actually has a book
on how, uh, it is in people's best

interests to keep people hungry.

And so he was actually writing a
satirical piece, uh, but apparently

those who resurfaced this.

Found it not to be so satirical.

And it, it kind of ties into a lot
of the, uh, globalist world, one

world government theories, conspiracy
theories that are floating out about

there, which in fact, we are going to
talk a lot about in today's episode,

uh, but on its face, if you see
this floating around the interwebs.

This particular article
from the UN is not factual.

It is a satire and I love satire.

If you couldn't tell the entire
intro from the show is a satire.

So God bless George Kent.

I love your wits.

I love your satire and is totally ironic
that people actually fell for this.

But I think the reason that people
actually fell for it is because

the UN and other organizations.

That are are committed to
their globalist agenda.

It seems like something that they
would say they often talk about

limiting the world population.

They talk about this population collapse.

They talk about, uh, humanism.

They talk about transhumanism and how we
need to control the world's population.

So many people don't
actually feel it's far off.

I actually think that,
uh, I, I love Kent's.

As far as this article that at
least the intro goes, I know he's

making the argument that it is
capitalism that keeps people hungry,

but history proves quite otherwise.

It's actually capitalism, the, the free
market people being able to work for

themselves and negotiate their labor.

That has led to more people being
pulled out of poverty than ever before.

And those things, the foundations of
that thought that if you work, you get

the, the rewards of your labor and that
if you don't work, you don't get food.

The, that the foundation of those
thoughts are Judeo-Christian worldview.

Judeo-Christian beliefs
that come from the Bible.


Capitalism has its roots in, in
monotheistic Abrahamic, faith.

And that is why it has been so successful
worldwide versus what the new world

order, the new liberal world order,
which is really just a, a new, uh,

phrasing, a new phrasing for communis.

Socialism and Marxism and redistribution
of wealth so that we can all

be on the equal playing field.

Well, the equal playing field that we will
all be on is being this close millimeters

away from starvation on a worldwide level.

That is what happened in the USSR
when they seized the land from the

farmers and they threw them all into
the glue logs, no one knew how to farm.

And so it was a man-made famine.

That's what happened in the CCP
with, with the cultural revolution.

Where the Chinese government took
the land away away from the land

owners and the farmers, and they
redistributed the land, but all the

produce had to go to the government.

It caused a manmade famine, tens of
millions of people died well in the intro,

we talked about these Georgia Guidestone.

Oh man, the Georgia Guidestones
what a, what a hot topic.

Well, we are gonna go live to
our, on the ground correspondent,

who was just at the Georgia.

Guidestones just a little bit ago.

The, the one and only Alex Jones.

He is guessing on the show today,
guest appearance, his cameo first

cameo of not first cameo, but
on the show today by Alex Jones.

He is going to read off for us.

Exactly what is written
right there on the Georgia.

Guidestones maintain humanity under
500 million perpetual balance with

nature guide reproduction, wisely,
improving fitness and diversity, United

humanity with a living new language
esperan of the UN global language

rule, passion, faith tradition, and all
things with tempered reason, meaning

they are the gods that give us reason.

They decide who the social
justice warriors are.

They decide what's moral, protect
people and nations with fair laws

and just courts through the UN let
all nations rule internally resolve

external disputes in our world court.

All of its double speak, avoid petty
laws and useless officials need a world

government that dissolves your local.


That you control.

And then you can't say a damn thing to
the United nations that runs extermination

operations, worldwide balance,
personal rights with social duties.

You don't really have any rights
in article 30 of the UN universal

declaration of human rights.

It says, oh, you have all these
previous ones, unless we say

so then we can take 'em away.

Well, right.

You can take is not a right at all.

Prize truth, beauty love seeking
harmony with the infinite.

Be not a cancer on the earth.

Leave room for nature.

Leave room for nature.

You've got in eight major
languages of the world.

This was this Georgia Guidestone.

This was directed back in the 1980s
by globalist new world order of,

uh, organizations, billionaires who.

Built this monument kind of like a hedge
stone in Georgia with what Alex Jones just

read printed in eight different languages
on the, the sides of these massive stones.

Well, in the last 24 hours,
someone came and bombed the stones.

Bomb the stones destroyed one of the
stones to the point that they had

to tear the entire monument down.

Uh, I think is, I think it's, uh,
one, a, a crime to do, but at the same

time, I think it's brilliantly ironic.

I think it's awesome that, uh, I
just think it's funny because so many

people have talked about destroying
the stones and finally, someone did it.

We're gonna talk a little bit more about.

Our theories of who exactly is responsible
for destroying these stones, but we're

gonna go back to our correspondent live.

On the ground, Alex Jones, you know,
just talking a little bit more about

the, the new one world order and
what these stones were all about.

A very dark OS, a very, very evil
temple to the destruction of humanity.

And they intend to mesmerize you
brainwash you, or you love your

servitude and can't even fight back.

But I believe in you, I
believe you're gonna wake up.

I believe you're gonna wake other people
up now while you still have a chance.

But if you won't do it now,
if you won't fight now, you're

never gonna be able to fight.

This is the time when it's out in
the open, they think you're weak and

you're gonna give it acquiescence.

You cannot do this.

Civilization must expand.

Humanity is good.

We're not dirty.

We shouldn't have to wear a mask.

We shouldn't have to hear how
we're bad for the earth all day.

These are people getting you to
turn off your life force and to

hate yourself so they can rule you.

They don't give a damn about the earth.

These people are evil, selfish.

Alex, you seem very, uh, very emboldened
by what's happening here at this monument.

Can you at least maybe take a step
back Alex and give us some history

on where this worldview comes from?

What, what is the, the beginning seed
in history of people thinking that we.

Limit our population that we should
control, uh, humanity through

eugenics, that, that there are some
who are elite and worthy to live.

And some who are not here's Alex Jones.

This is a little bit of a lengthy clip,
but he actually breaks down a lot of

great historical, uh, precedent and
history, historical history, uh, that.

Really brings us to the modern day
where a lot of the, the thoughts and

the language around what a globalist
is or the new world order is, or

eugenics is, uh, why these thoughts are
prevalent in so much of society and why

people are fighting so hard against it.


Plato 2,300 plus years ago, the modern
father of eugenics, and so much more

saying there's too many people we
need to depopulate because humans are

crushing the breast of mother earth.

And then mouth is 270 years ago, 250
years ago saying we should kill the poor.

We should spread disease.

We should pack them into tiny little
coffin, like apartments in London.

There's too many people.

This is the excuse of the elites
to rule over the population.

And then you had the social Darwin
at the turn of the last century,

1900 and the robber Barrons.

And that was only a shadow.

You see, that was all just the beginning.

That was all the testing.

And we were there showing you the shape
of their plans, showing you the books.

They wrote, the quotes they put
out about depopulation prince.

Prince Charles all saying, we
need to cut the world economy off.

We need less consumption.

And they said 10 years ago in the
Rockefeller foundation operation lockstep,

we'll use a global threat of a virus
to kill civilization and collapse the

third world and collapse the first world.

And now we're told it never ends.

So all of that was the build up
to where we are moving from play.

Right here 2000 plus years ago,

over the ages, all the slavery, all the
wars and all the way up in time, 550 years

ago, we finally have the Renaissance and
real Christian ideas and egalitarianism

to build up humanity, to take care
of the poor, to have running water.

And that actually created our golden.

But they're deciding to go back to what
Plato wanted and that's where we are.

We're not in the shadow of this anymore.

We're not in the planning phase.

We're now in the future with those evil
visions of the past now manifesting

in the year 2020, we're now zero hour
and cloud swab and the UN the Davis

group all admit that their plan is
to be the guardians of the galaxy.

They all decide who lives and dies.

This is a UN temple, a UN shrine
maintain humanity under 500 million

in perpetual balance with nature.

That that is the history of Malian
thought comes from all the way from Plato.

That man really is a scourge on the,
the breast of mother nature and that we

are nothing but a virus on the earth.

And so these thoughts evolved over time.

To be brought to some of its full
conclusions, which we saw in the

early, uh, 20th century, the turn of
the 19th, 20th century with socialist

Marxist angles ideology that says we
are nothing but a sack of chemicals.

If you are nothing but a sack
of chemicals, then there, there

is no such thing as morality.

There's no such thing as God.

It is all materialism.

And if, if the world is all material.

Then then who is to say that there
is something that is moral or imoral,

who is to say that a, a baby in
its mother womb should be protected

also, who is to say that a two year
old who's not fully developed into a

human being ought not to be protected.

Who is to say that you or I are not
to be protected because maybe we're.

Fully developed.

This is the worldview.

This is the ideology of.

All those who are pushing this idea of,
I want, I wanna say global warming or

climate change, cl global warming has
changed to, to climate change and it is

good to take care of our environment.

We ought to take care of our environment.

We ought to make sure we are good
stewards of the things that we have

been given, including the earth.

The, the problem is that
movement has been hijack.

By Malian worldview to push forward
their agenda, to destroy the human race,

to control the human race, to create
an ING race, to create a superhuman.

And so they make humans hate themselves.

They're making youth hate themselves.

And love mother nature, and think that we
are the Scorge that everything that we do

in this world, every breath that we take
is only producing more destruction and

nothing could be further from the truth.

Well, people are, uh, outraged.

I'm sure.

That these beautiful ulous demonic,
satanic monuments have been destroyed.

The, the guy to humanity
is no longer with us.

What are we ever to do?

Well, there's some theories about who
exactly decided to go and destroy.

This monument in Georgia.

The first theory is Alex Jones himself.

He's in fact, seen hitting one
of these stones with his fist.

Some theorize that his hit,
uh, was so powerful that it.

Destroyed the integrity
of this granite stone.

And two to three years later, the
stone just decided to crumble.

Uh, but that has been largely
dismissed as Alex Jones makes a lot

of money talking about these stones.

Now he can no longer talk about these
stones, so I'm sure it's gonna hurt his.

Overall net worth the other,
the other person that people

are suspecting is bill gates.

Bill gates has a vested
interest to destroy these

stones because he realized that.

His plan was published
worldwide back in 1980.

And so people think maybe he's
trying to cover his tracks.

You know, he's gained so much traction
with, with buying farmland in America

and really pushing to control the masses
that now he wants to destroy his plan,

but that also has been largely dismissed.


Well, because we know the,
the globalists, like to.

Put their not so secret agenda
agenda far out in the open.

So it's not likely that, uh,
gates or the globalists with

their eugenic agenda decided to
destroy their own ulus in monument.

Uh, so, so who was it?

Was it Trump?

Well, we have casidy we have
Cassidy, uh, go, going to the

Senate saying I know who did this.

This was Trump here is, is Cassidy.

Testifying how Trump tried to
run the presidential limousine

into the Georgia monument.

The president had very strong,
very angry response to that.

Um, Tony described him as being irate.

So when the president former president
Donald Trump heard about this Georgia

monument here hears he being described
as being irate, very strong emotions to

hearing what, uh, was on this monument.

After all Trump was put into the
presidency to drain the swamp.

So clearly, uh, Donald Trump mean
a Nazi, as they say, uh, clearly.

It was in his best interest to
destroy this monument that really

echoed, uh, not see ideology.

So here here's the next
clip by, uh, Cassidy.

The president said something to the
effect of I'm the fing president.

Take me up to the Capitol now and capital
being code word for the Georgia monument.

Sir, we have to go back to
the west wing the president.

Reached up towards the front of the
vehicle to grab at the steering wheel.


Engel grabbed his arm said, sir, you need
to take your hand off the steering wheel.

we're going back to the west wing.

We're not going to the capital.

So there it is.

It is, it could have been former
president, Donald Trump trying

to steal the presidential limo
to run in and crash into the OS.

We are still looking for footage
to confirm if that is true,

obviously that is also, uh, sat.

As, uh, that is her testifying about,
uh, the, the date that cannot be

mentioned on Instagram or, uh, uh,
YouTube or your content will get flagged.

So I won't even mention that the
infamous date of American history.

Uh, but again, people
don't think that is it.

I personally think that
it could be the farmers.

Protesting in the Netherlands,
but upon further research, digging

around the internet, uh, you know,
searching the dark web of bitch.


I found this comment and I am
certain that we hear on the show

have solved the mystery of who
destroyed the George monument.

It is none other than Mike.


This is handle Mike 1, 9 56.

He says, quote, I think I'm going to
form a group dedicated to destroying

this monument to conformity.

Well, Mike, 1956, you have won.

You have, you have achieved your goal?

Well, as he said, it's probably
really just the, the Dutch

farmers in the Netherlands who are
destroying the world, uh, right now.

If you're not familiar with the story
as it, it's not getting as much air

time as I suspected it would get
as I think that it ought to get.

But the Netherlands government
recently passed laws and restrictions

against farmers, essentially
restricting emissions of nitrogen

oxide from farm animals and manure.

This is from Reuters,
from the use of amino.

Ammonia in fertilizers, the government
says estimating a 30% reduction

in livestock numbers is needed.

High intensity farming of cows, pigs, and
other animals has made the Netherlands

and Netherland Europe leading has
made the Netherlands, excuse me, has

made the Netherlands Europe's leading
emitter of the substances, construction

and traffic after off also contribute.

Dutch and European courts have ordered the
Dutch government to address the problem.

Farmers say, it's not fair.


What this is doing to farmers is it's
going to limit them from using fertilizer

and reduce the amount of livestock they're
able to have on their farms, which will

effectively cause many of these farmers to
have to just totally go out of business.

Totally go out of business.

And why, why is the government doing
all this, uh, greenhouse gases?

We need to be net zero.

So what are we gonna do?

We are going to kill our food supply
as if we don't already have a SU food

supply issue with inflation and supply
chain issues worldwide right now.

But no, it is it's in the best
interest of the people of the globe

for politicians to decide that farmers,
what, what farmers can or can't do.

I mean, of course there
needs to be some limitations.

Uh, farmers shouldn't just dump
chemicals into the ground, but it is

liken to what happened in the U S Sr.

It is likened to what happened in,
in the CCP where politicians come in.

No consequences, direct consequences
for the laws that they've been in place.

To then say, Hey farmers,
you can't do this.

Well, the farmers are protesting
there's lines and lines of tractors down

the highway, across the Netherlands.

There is this one clip of, uh, the
police opening fire on a tractor.

Here it is.

Hey, you hear the.

And they're stoked.

They got it on film.

The police shot at a tractor
going around roundabout.

Uh, man, I remember, I remember
just last year when the Indian

farmers were protesting and they
were protesting against laws that

the Indian government was making.

And the Indian farmers protested
and began to demand that there

was equal pay or, or, uh, set.

Prices for their food to be bought
at their grains to be bought at, to

give them guarantees and assurances.

And I remember the
entire world blowing up.

Remember Greta Thunberg and
Rihanna, the rest of the world.

It was just hashtag everything support
the farmers, no farmers, no food.

But now it's all silent.


Because the farmers are protesting
against global warming regulations and

it's better if we just kill off all
of society, it's better that humanity

starve than we produce greenhouse gases.

It is man that

the movement.

Of taking care of the environment has been
hijacked by a communist socialist Marxist

activists that are actively seeking to
destroy global economy, actively seeking

to cause revolts worldwide so that people
rely on the government and the government

can redistribute everything to people.


It always, it always turns out
in global famine, every place or

national famine, every place that
these ideologies have taken root.

And I just find it so ironic.

That just a year ago, people were
fighting, standing in solidarity.

Everyone posting their fists in
solidarity with the, the farmers in India.

But now as it goes against the,
the green new deal, the world

is going to end worldview.

It is cricket.

So speaking of India, India,
government is being sued by Twitter

for taking down some of Twitter's post.

Because the Indian government, as
policies that states you are, are

not allowed to post, you know,
certain political misinformation.

There's people on both sides who say,
well, the, the government of India

ought to be able to limit what is posted
on social media for the sake of the.

The, the safety of the
nation or misinformation.

And then there's the other side
that, well, this is infringement

upon speed, free, free speech.

You know, where we fall, we fall
more on the belief that people

should have the freedom to speak.

But what is deeply, deeply ironic about
this entire situation is that it it's

just completely hypocritical on Twitter's.

Twitter is saying, Hey, Indian government,
it's not fair that you have a policy

seeing what people can or cannot post.

And we ought to have freedom of speech
to post what we want to on our platform.

Freedom of speech ought to be all right.

At the same time, they have policies where
they say, Hey, Jordan Peterson, Hey Ruben,

you are not allowed to say certain things.

On Twitter, if you do, we are going
to censor you and we are going

to take your posts off Twitter.

It's deeply ironic.

It's deeply hypocritical.

Here is a platform that supposedly
is standard for free speech.

They're suing the Indian government for
not standing or not allowing free speech.

While at the same time, Twitter feels like
they ought to be able to enforce their

policies when it comes to their accepted
speech saying that calling someone by

their biological gender before they have
a surgery is, is somehow hate speech.

It's absolutely absurd.

Anine here is Dr.

Jordan Peterson commenting on how he
was taken off of Twitter and how he is.

He ain't never, never going back

and I'm not taking down that tweet or
acknowledging that my tweet violated

the Twitter rules up, yours woke
moralists we'll see who cancels.

Twitter's a rat hole
in the final analysis.

And I have probably contributed to
that while trying to use understand and

master that horrible toxic platform.

No doubt.

I owe some apologies for that and I'm
trying to learn, but it's a relief

in some real sense to be banned.

And I regarded under the present
conditions as a badge of honor.

Well, that was from daily wire, uh,
daily wire just signed, uh, Jordan

Peterson to be on their platform, which
deeply grateful for Jordan Peterson.

Uh, Ruben apparently reposted a link to
Peterson's post saying he was de platform.

Now Ruben is being kicked off
because he mentioned what was

happening on Twitter, on Twitter.

It's just, it's absolutely
asinine is absolutely ridiculous.

Especially when you look at the hypocrisy
of Twitter, suing the Indian government

for withholding their policies.

And yet Twitter feels like they
ought Tobi hold their own policies.

In the limiting of speech is just
completely, completely hypocritical.


That makes sense.

The post true society where we've
exchanged truth for lies and reason

for postmodern and rationality,
the truth and the, the, the

absurdities finally make sense.

Well, uh, Kamala Harris.

Did the unthinkable and she decided
to weigh in on abortion and slavery.

You know, when I made the comparison
of abortion and slavery, I received

comments from people saying, yeah,
please don't compare to the two.

They're not comparable.

Don't compare the two.

Well here's Kamala
Harris comparing the two.

What essentially has happened is
the statement has been made that the

government has a right to come in your
home and tell you as a woman and as a

family, what you should do with your body.

Uh, and it's just to correct.

MidAm vice president.

The government is saying, what not,
what you can do with your body.

It's what you can't do
with someone else's.

You can't murder and you can't
kill someone else's body, but

continue Madam vice vice president.

Oh my gosh.

And the, and the point has to be this.

We have to recognize we're a nation
that was founded on certain principles

that are, that are grounded in the
concept of freedom and Liberty.


Madam vice president, you do have the,
in the constitution, freedom and Liberty.

Which means that the person
being killed ought also have

freedom and Liberty to life.

There is no constitutional
right to kill your offing.

Madam vice president.

We also know that we've had a history
in this country of government trying

to claim ownership over human bodies.


And this is where this is
where we agree the government.

Had laws where slave owners had the
legal right to have ownership over

human bodies, just like we used to have
a, a law gro view, Wade that permitted

that in made, not just permitted,
it made it that states must enable

and must offer abortion services.

That it might not be illegal saying that.

The state has the right to kill a human
body saying that mothers somehow have some

special right to kill their offspring.

Just like somehow white slave owners had
some special right to own black slaves.

If they had plantations.

That's the, the, the, the correct
equivalence, because it's both

our oppression of people who
are suffering the consequences.

Which is the, the baby and the slave,
but of course, Madam vice president

is referring to something else.

Yes, that is right.

And we had supposedly evolved from that.

Time and that way of thinking.

So this is very problematic
on so many levels.

It is very problematic.

What the vice president here obviously
is saying is she's saying that now

women are being enslaved, that the
government is telling women what they

can and can't do with their bodies.

But that's not the case.

The government is saying one.

The states can decide what laws
are in place to protect the born

unborn or not protect the unborn.

So that's one and two what's happening is
the states are sane and deciding whether

or not a person can legally be killed.

Well, the.

The evil knows no bounds when
it comes to this side and

what people are willing to do.

Of course, there's the, the endless
argument that, well, you're not really,

pro-lifer, you're just a pro birther.

You just care about babies when they're
inside the womb, not when they're outside

the womb, but if someone tries to care
for babies outside the womb, it's totally

shut down and it's barred as well.

Uh, there.

On organizations within America.

Called crisis pregnancy centers.

These are centers that help women who
find themselves in unexpected pregnancies

needing help, and they provide help
financial aid, financial services,

uh, adoptive services for these women.

And they.

They walk with them.

They give them finances.

They give them resources.

They give them baby formula.

They give them diapers for women who find
themselves in unexpected pregnancies.

Well, apparently according to the
native American Elizabeth Warren from

the great state of Massachusetts, she,
uh, she believes that helping women.

In crisis is incredibly evil.

Senator Warren also taking
aim at pregnancy crisis

centers here in Massachusetts.

These so-called, uh, crisis
pregnancy centers outnumber genuine

abortion clinics by three to one.

She says, women walk into the centers,
believing they'll get abortions.

Instead they try to talk women out of it.

She calls it a bait and switch.

They are giving it over to
people who wish them hard.

And that has to stop.

We need to put a stop to that in
Massachusetts right now, one that's.

I mean, the obvious, the, the
evil knows no end and that the

blatant lie that volunteers,
these people are not getting paid.

They are volunteering.

In pregnancy centers to help women who
find themselves in unexpected pregnancies

to help them in their situation.

There are being accused by the
Senator that these people wish

them harm, seek to do them harm.

I mean, The, the turning of evil and
making it good and good and making it

evil on a societal level that is truly,
truly dark and truly destructive.

It is one thing for people to
break righteous and good laws

in a country and do evil things.

And it's another thing for a nation to
embrace wickedness and call it good.

Well, there was a thread that was going
on about this originally posted by, in.

Hallworth and he write, writes
this with a pro-abortion advocates,

painting the United States as
barbaric for limiting abortions.

Let's take a look at when other
countries ban abortions for

economic social or on toand reasons.

So Argentina, after 14 weeks
can't have an abortion Austria.

After 12 weeks, can't have an abortion
Brazil banned Bann Croatia, 10 weeks.

Cypress 12 weeks Czech.

The rev checks Republic 12 demark 12
Estonia 12 Finland 12 on demand is banned.

It's only could be for
economic or social reasons.

France is 14 weeks Germany, 12
weeks Greece, 12 weeks Ireland,

12 Italy, 90 days, 13 weeks Lavia,
12 Lithuania, 12, 12 Norway, 12

Poland ban Portugal, 10 Russia, 12.

Uh, It is to bring some
context in America.

What brought this Dobbs case
to the Supreme court, which

essentially overthrew Roe V.

Wade was a lawsuit in Texas
where they wanted to be able to

have abortions after 15 weeks.

and the state of Texas said, no,
you can't have it after 15 weeks.

You can, you can have it
before 15 weeks still.

It's still in our laws, but you
can't have it after 15 weeks.

And that, which is what led
to it being totally overthrow.

And seeing that Roe V.

Wade is unconstitutional.

Well, the majority of the world,
the majority of the world believes.

That there is no such thing.

You should not be able to
have abortion on demand.

And here he says, excluding risk,
the mother mother's health or

life, uh, rape fetal impairment
or social economic reasons.

Now I, I would say some of these
nations have exceptions to rape

fetal impairment or social economic
reasons, not all of these nations,

but virtually all of these nations.

If it's in a topic pre pre pregnancy, or
if it's some crazy situation where it's

apparent that the, the life of the baby
won't make it, or the mother won't make

it, then they do have access to abortion.

When really abortion is the
intentional killing of a child.

If you are seeking to save
the child's life and save the

mother's life at 23 weeks.

We now have the technology
to, to have a viable baby.

A baby is viable at 23 weeks.

They can live outside the mother's
wo without the mother's help at

23 weeks happens quite often.

So even when you look at the
mother's health, that often is

something that's used when they
talk about late term abortions.

When you can deliver the baby
and you can still have the baby.

Well, he goes and lists virtually every
other nation on the earth, starting

with a going through and ending with C.

We're not gonna read it all here on
the show, but that is to say that

most rest of the world has actually
a sane view on when life begin.

A sane view most every
other nation in the world.

Well, there was a talk about how
many other nations in the world allow

abortion on demand as is still legal.

In many parts of America, California,
New York, you can still have an

abortion in Colorado, Illinois.

These are still quote unquote safe
havens for the murder of innocent babies.

Well, there is approximately seven other
nations, seven other countries that

virtually have no bans on abortion.

That would be Vietnam, North
Korea, China, uh, Canada.

Uh, Australia in it's structured
more like in America where each

state, well, in Perth, in Australia,
there are pretty much abortions,

uh, upon request up to 24 weeks.

Um, and that is most of them.

And then America is, is one of
them, Singapore, Netherlands.

Those are the nation.

So Canada, China, Netherlands, North
Korea, Singapore, the United States

and Vietnam pretty much on demand.

This is, this is a small handful
of nations in the world, and I am

glad to see that America is finally
regaining their moral balance.

I am 4th of July week, this week,
proud to be an American proud that

there are states that are standing
up for, uh, Righteous injustice.

And for the life of the unborn, while
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We'll be right back with our
closing Weaver and loom segment.

Welcome back to Weaver and loom a
part of the show where we take ancient

wisdom and we weave it in with our
everyday lives so that we can own our

future and weave our destiny today.

We don't really have a quote.

Just more of a thought when I, when
I think about this segment Weaver and

loom and where, where the ideas for this
came from and what this segment is all

about, I thought it, it would be worth
to kind of visit that as it's a bigger

framework that, that plays into our life.

When I think of a Weaver at his
or her loom, You think of the loom

and if the loom is crooked, if
the framework that you're viewing

the world through is crooked.

When that carpet comes out of
the loom, it won't lay flat.

It won't lay straight.

It won't be a good carpet that are our
framework by which we view the world, the

lenses that we view the world through.

If they are warped, then we
will have warped results.

Another thing that I love about the image.

Of a carpet is that each
knot is like an individual.

Each knot is like a generation
and that we are individuals.

We have choices that we get to make.

For our life, but we were also
part of a bigger narrative.

We're also part of a bigger story.

We were also part of a bigger carpet,
the carpet of our, our lineage and our

generation from generation to generation
and part of society as a whole, as a

whole, that we are individuals, but as
individuals, we also exist within communi.

So how does our dot our one
little breath and vapor of life?

How does that affect
other people around us?

And then as a, a, as I was just
reflecting on, on this thought and

idea of having a right framework
and then being connected to lineage.

And then what, what is the one knot that
we are gonna bring to the, the line of

history, to the, the tapestry of history?

That knot is the actions that you and
I take in our life, the things that you

and I believe, and the things that we
act on, not just believe in theory, but

believe in action, that if we believe
something, if we truly believe something,

we act according to what we believe.

Otherwise it's just.

It's just ethereal knowledge.

It's not something that's worked through
our life in a, in a manifest way.

And as I've been reflecting

on life on growing older, not that
I'm old, I'm actually quite young.


I'm interested in my mid 30.

And I realized that really that's
still pretty early on in the race

of life and what is more important,
the starting or the finishing.

It's the finishing and there's many
traps and snares along the way that

can keep us from finishing well there's
many traps and snares that can cause

us to lose our way that can cause us.

Lose our, our so mindedness that can
cause us to fall into loose ways of

thinking, or I wanna use the word
debauchery, but really it's, it's

becoming drunk with the, the words of
the world that tickle our ears, being

drunk with the thoughts of, of the world.

Comforts en soothes our hearts, but we
are charged to be sober minded, to be of a

clear mind, to be aware because there are
snares that are set up for each and every

one of us and those snares really, really,
really can totally take our lives out,

destroy our lives, destroy our marriage.

It's not how our marriage
starts, but how it end.

You make it 30, 40 years, and then
you self destruct on your marriage.

It's still destructive to your kids,
still destructive to your grandkids.

And I know it happens.

I know, uh, it happens for many different
reasons and there is healing and

redemption on the other side of that,
but it is worth saying that our families.

And that our sober mindedness and
that what we believe in how we live

according to those beliefs are worth
fighting for, because we will be

one little, not in the tapestry of
history that our kids will attach to.

And the way that we order our lives
will affect the way that our kids

order there's one way or another.

So go out this.

Remain sober minded, be aware of the
ideas that you are adopting, the, the

actions that you are walking out and
the roots of where those come from so

that you can really own your future.

Well, Thank you for listening to the show.

Uh, if you have any questions
for me, you can WhatsApp me

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Uh, if you want to get more outta
this show, share it with a friend by

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End, probably have some fun conversations.

That's all.

I will see you next week on the show.

Go out and own your.