Card Chaos

On this week's episode of The Platinum Standard Grading Podcast, Rob and Pugz chat about all things Melbourne Hobby Hangout and Brett shows us more of his cards that he purchased over in the US.

What is Card Chaos?

Join the lads from Platinum Standard Grading for a chat about all things cards, sports and hobby events.

Produced by Media8.
Brought to you by Platinum Standard Grading.

Speaker 0 (0s): This is a podfire production.

Speaker 2 (13s): It's the highest of standards on the peak. We have land and it's not silver. It's not food. You want the best take advantage, go platinum.

Speaker 1 (20s): You know, you want do it platinum. You know, you

Speaker 2 (24s): Wanna do it? Go platinum, platinum, platinum.

Speaker 0 (27s): We're live man platinum. Hey, we're live platinum. We are alive. We're alive. And we're having fun. Yes, sir. How was your, how's your you've been so far pugs. Brilliant. It's been a brilliant week. Yours. Mine's been fantastic. We actually probably should introduce ourselves first. You're you are the host with the most I'm the host with the most. I am. I am Reese also known as pugs and also known as mojo chases on Instagram and everything like that. Yep. YouTube. All the good stuff. All the good stuff and yourself.

My name's Rob big wa big Rob. Yeah, that'll do. It's a, it's a term. My wife is not overly impressed with, but the fact is my name's Rob and you. Hi, Rob. And you're big. So big Rob. Really? You're not, you're not, you're not too big. Well, big enough. But anyway, just seeing, I'm just seeing if I can find us live on the, here we go, Ruby has graced us with the iPad. Oh, right. That's awesome. So I'm just gonna grace our with, oh, I think it's because I am actually, we are live and I'm in our, our one maybe.

Possibly. Yeah. So maybe I'll change that. Yeah. So my name's Robert ho I'm the GM of platinum standard grading. And this is Reese. Let's just psss. Really, most people know me is pubs. So yeah. It's you are, what is your, what is your role again? Tell everyone again, a cardiologist, a cardiologist where my, what, what does a cardiologist do like that? Basically what a cardiologist we know cards. So we know the, the ins the outs, the corners, the edges drop the iPad, drop the iPad.

But luckily you're not an iPad. It's not card. So it's right. But yeah, just know I've been collecting for 25, 30 years. So been around cards for a very, very long time. And, and you teach the new graders that come in here and yeah, one of the heads of the teams that just teach the graders, teach everybody else with all the ins and outs of the card game. So that's, that's what you do. So there's a few people have always also, oh, sorry. Already joined us.

Sid's cards and collectibles gel 15. Why gel was here with us last week. Oh, gels jelly. Jelly. Yeah. Jelly was with us last week as well. 1 0 1 Omar. Shout out to Omar. Omar, Omar, Omar, Omar, God, he's here. So would you like to introduce the other person on the podcast? No. The other one on the other side,

Speaker 3 (3m 1s): It's Casper,

Speaker 0 (3m 2s): Casper. He's not here yet. So Brett McCollum, who is normally on our podcast with us, he's not here at the moment. So he will be coming in. He's in a meeting at the moment, doing something

Speaker 3 (3m 11s): He will arrive shortly.

Speaker 0 (3m 12s): Very important sense. So if you've got any questions about grading, please get on, get on the chat on Instagram and let us know. And we will, we'll endeavor to answer them, but what's, what's happened this week in the card world, mate. Anything interesting that you've seen

Speaker 3 (3m 31s): This week? Well, I don't know if do you watch much of YouTube or listen to the news and all that kind of thing regarding sports cards? Yeah, of course I do. Just there, there was the breaks that happened at nationals with the 86 FLIR. And it was, there's a big controversy about the, the, the cards weren't in the right order as what they should come. I did,

Speaker 0 (3m 52s): I saw what's a company that authenticated that

Speaker 3 (3m 55s): BC, BC baseball card exchange

Speaker 0 (3m 58s): Or whatever that's on. Yeah. I saw they brought out a, a release, a press release to explain why they felt it was okay because they authenticated the box.

Speaker 3 (4m 5s): Yeah. I've also watched, I'll give a shout out to Dan the card man. He's an Australian guy. Yep. And he does a lot of like vlogs, I guess you can call him like little podcast on YouTube and he's quite, he knows what he's talking about. And he's, he knows that that box originally had packs put into it, to

Speaker 0 (4m 24s): It, the BC, whatever exchange, whatever it was, Facebook card. We're just gonna call him the authenticator. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (4m 31s): Steve, I know, I know the guys,

Speaker 0 (4m 33s): They said in their press release that there were two packs that had been added to the box. Cuz there were two packs less. Yeah. And they authenticated it. But it really, I mean, I saw the, the controversy on it all, but really it seemed to be a little bit of a people just wanted to have a bit of a whinge to be honest.

Speaker 3 (4m 50s): Yeah. I think that's what majority of it

Speaker 0 (4m 52s): Is because I was saying that you should get three or two,

Speaker 3 (4m 56s): Two or three,

Speaker 0 (4m 56s): Two or three Jordan rookies

Speaker 3 (4m 57s): And there still was two. There was in that box. Yeah. So, but I think it was just that the fact that there was car collector to Ryan yep. In his box was Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson, Johnson. It wasn't like in the card order that it was supposed to be in. So. Yep.

Speaker 0 (5m 14s): Well these who these things happened. I mean, I, we opened up in bringing it back to Australia. We opened up some, the local car shop opened up some old school AFL boxes from 15 years ago. And the correlation in those boxes were the correlation. Sorry, not correlation. The correlation of those boxes was horrible.

Speaker 3 (5m 33s): Oh really?

Speaker 0 (5m 34s): Just the same card 3, 4, 5 times. And then obviously would not have got anywhere near a base set out of those. So I just think that, you know, sometimes these things happen. It can

Speaker 3 (5m 44s): Happen. It can happen, I guess. So.

Speaker 0 (5m 46s): And any interesting cards you see, come through the door this week, we've had no, we had shout out to JCS toys and mint collectibles. We did have submissions coming from both those submission partners who are and

Speaker 3 (5m 58s): Big boss collectibles.

Speaker 0 (5m 58s): We have big boss actually seeing Marco today.

Speaker 3 (6m 1s): Yeah. We've actually finished his order. So

Speaker 0 (6m 3s): Finished one of his orders. We're gonna drop that off to Marco. So that's so if you are one of his customers through his submissions process, you will definitely be getting your cards back very soon.

Speaker 3 (6m 13s): Apparently. Hey, also people were calling out still city collectibles for Wayne nationals packs.

Speaker 0 (6m 18s): Holy heck.

Speaker 3 (6m 19s): Is that like the little silver or gold

Speaker 0 (6m 21s): Packs? Yes, that is. That's the one

Speaker 3 (6m 23s): Because I know you could get thick cards and stuff in that, which I print. I think you'd be able to tell if you got a thick one, but there you go.

Speaker 0 (6m 30s): Yeah. Those kind of things.

Speaker 3 (6m 33s): Cohen. K, sorry for cutting in. Yeah. That's alright. Just knock your phone over. He says, what car protection should you use when sending them integrating actually the, the, the first thing you should probably do is stick it in a penny sleeve. You can get penny sleeves with the little tab on the top. Yep. I can't remember what they're called. I'm sorry for those guys. But they send us a, a pack of them which were pretty cool. Or you can get, you know, those little tap things.

Speaker 0 (6m 59s): Yeah. Little, what do

Speaker 3 (7m 0s): They call PostIt notes? Post-its there you

Speaker 0 (7m 2s): Go. The tiny little ones that a lot of people stick those on the penny,

Speaker 3 (7m 5s): You stick them on and the piece, and then you put it in a card saver or a top loader.

Speaker 0 (7m 9s): So the most important thing though, is that you have it in at those very minimum at penny leave and a top.

Speaker 3 (7m 15s): Yeah. We've had, we've had people send their cards in without a penny leave. It's just sitting in the top loader. Yep. So, and that doesn't cards get scratched up.

Speaker 0 (7m 21s): Yeah. It's not that they are scratch when they get to it or whatever, but you just you're maximizing the opportunity for something to happen. Oh, it's definitely. So if you put it just into a top loader and nothing else, cross your fingers and hope that it hasn't been scratched because that's, what's gonna happen. And just question that I've had to email to me a couple of times this week from some customers that are sending in for the first time is what? Around the same thing. How do we send them in, but also asking what happens to their top loaders and things when they, when they come in, because one person wanted, he was adamant that he wanted to send it in or one touch, which is fine.

Do whatever you like, but obviously one touches aren't cheap, but we will send back everything.

Speaker 3 (8m 3s): Oh, most definitely. Yeah.

Speaker 0 (8m 3s): So you send,

Speaker 3 (8m 5s): I never send it in a one touch.

Speaker 0 (8m 6s): No way. I wouldn't either just for an FYI. Yeah. Because there is a little bit of movement in one touches, which is not great for the card. Cuz again, giving it an opportunity to be damaged. One touches are absolutely fantastic for those cards that you don't want to get graded and you wanna display it home. So not sure as long as they're not being moved or posted or anything like that, one touches are fantastic. But if you're gonna move them or, you know, take it out and put into a top

Speaker 3 (8m 29s): Line leave and then the top leader. Yeah. Peace leave. And top later. So like I always say protect your cards the best way to do things. Check the run. Good, good life

Speaker 0 (8m 40s): Mint collectibles. Thanks for the message guys. Yeah. Look, I just had Liam walk in about what was it? 10 seconds before we went live.

Speaker 3 (8m 48s): Yeah. It was about

Speaker 0 (8m 49s): That. Yeah. Yeah. And he said, min collectibles are wrong. We, and I said, good ring them back. So, so hopefully he's done that. It sounds like he has. Yes. And I do look forward to having a quick chat with you guys afterwards. I know Chris and I are on the road after this. So we'll give you a call when we're on the road. It's easier to do that. And just a little bit on Chris, he's back from the national and back from his trip to Birmingham, Birmingham, where he, where he mucked around with eSports.

Speaker 3 (9m 13s): Yeah. That sounds

Speaker 0 (9m 15s): Now, but he didn't wanna be on the podcast.

Speaker 3 (9m 18s): No. What is that?

Speaker 0 (9m 20s): So he's moved on. He's moved on. I would love to say that, but no, he loves, he just doesn't love being on the podcast because he doesn't love being on the video. Yeah. So he was happy for me to step in, step in and not bring him in for a farewell podcast. So, but yeah, no. So Chris is back. He had some exciting times over there as well. And at the national brought back a lot of products that's was fantastic. Yeah. Some of those Marvel cards that he brought

Speaker 3 (9m 47s): Back were he brought yeah. That's Stan Lee Marvel card. Like the one card I want from Marvel.

Speaker 0 (9m 52s): Yeah, absolutely brilliant.

Speaker 3 (9m 53s): That's

Speaker 0 (9m 53s): Sick. But then he went over to Birmingham where they were investigating some stuff for media, eight around eSports. And I know that the first thing he did when we came back, now we'll segue into this because we're gonna the hobby hangout in a couple of days. And I organized, we're all going as a PSG group to the Aussie rules on Hey, so there's a few people that are looking forward to that. We've got a couple of supporters with us, but then Chris came and said, boys, we have to, after the footy head to someplace and I forgot the name of it, but we'll report on this next week and we are going to do a, an eSports night.

Speaker 3 (10m 29s): Oh

Speaker 0 (10m 30s): Man. So there's a, I, and I don't know how it all works, but it's something different for me to learn about. Yeah. That's cool. Yeah. They have a place where you can go and you can actually play against other people on their different screens or whatever. Maybe someone who's watching might know, understand that a little bit more. Nathan Jager 34. He's joined. Good afternoon jelly. I just saw your message about check, run, good life video. If you get a chance, we'll do that. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (10m 56s): So that that'll be about the national, all the stuff that happened on national. Yeah. Regarding the, the FLIR and the,

Speaker 0 (11m 2s): Maybe the steel city packs and things like that. But

Speaker 3 (11m 5s): So that'll be interesting. So absolutely. I know. That's what gets me through my day grade cards and watch YouTube

Speaker 0 (11m 11s): Or listen to YouTube. Yeah. Or listen, you can't really watch it while you're grading cards.

Speaker 3 (11m 17s): Yeah.

Speaker 0 (11m 17s): No, it's not exactly what happens, but we do listen to a few podcasts and things like that. As we're going through the day in here

Speaker 3 (11m 23s): Helps you stay knowledgeable

Speaker 0 (11m 25s): And keeps you sane from looking at cards all day.

Speaker 3 (11m 27s): Although that is

Speaker 0 (11m 28s): Go blur now. So we're going down to hobby hangout. Yes,

Speaker 3 (11m 34s): Sir.

Speaker 0 (11m 35s): Let's play this game again. Hugs. What's gonna happen.

Speaker 3 (11m 38s): We're gonna go to the hobby hanging out.

Speaker 0 (11m 41s): This is cool. Cause we're playing. It's

Speaker 3 (11m 42s): Actually cool. It's gonna be my first time watching an AFL game live that isn't the gold coast suns. So I've been the gold coast suns where there are not

Speaker 0 (11m 50s): Many people in the world. People, there are not many people in the world that can say that. Cause most people, the last team they would've seen ever was a gold coast. That is the only team you've seen

Speaker 3 (11m 58s): Live. And it's funny. I'm from Melbourne. So

Speaker 0 (12m 1s): I have a team.

Speaker 3 (12m 2s): Yeah. Jalong you're Jalong. I was a Gary ABT senior fan. Oh wow. Since I was a kid. So

Speaker 0 (12m 7s): Who, I mean, if you were in that, if you're in that age group and you're not, you're a little strange if you're a long fan or even a footy fan. I mean I used to go to games just to watch Gary S

Speaker 3 (12m 16s): Play. I can, I can understand why. Yeah.

Speaker 0 (12m 19s): It was pretty special kind of stuff.

Speaker 3 (12m 21s): Dude was amazing.

Speaker 0 (12m 22s): But yeah, we're going to the football, but what are we doing? What are we doing at the hobby hanging out?

Speaker 3 (12m 26s): We're gonna be,

Speaker 0 (12m 27s): We're gonna be busy.

Speaker 3 (12m 28s): Yeah. We're gonna be very busy. Thanks to Brett right here, right? Yeah. Yeah. We've got, I like to

Speaker 0 (12m 33s): Call him father Christmas.

Speaker 3 (12m 34s): Yeah. Pretty. No he's Oprah. Oprah. Yeah. You, you get agreed. You get

Speaker 0 (12m 38s): Agreed. Everyone gets a free grade. Yeah.

Speaker 3 (12m 40s): And yeah. I just think it's gonna be awesome. Just, just catching up with collectors again, I guess will be.

Speaker 0 (12m 46s): So come to our table. If you are down there for two reasons, one, you can drop off a card, just pay postage and you will get it graded. Yep. So that's one reason, but also just come down and say hello.

Speaker 3 (12m 55s): And also if you have Jackson Hayes cards, you don't want just come give to me.

Speaker 0 (12m 59s): So Benny Allen's on the

Speaker 3 (13m 1s): Line's drawing. You should be working mate. He

Speaker 0 (13m 3s): Should. He is working very hard. He's at the local car shop. So I'm actually gonna do a bit of a Ben doesn't know about this year, but we're gonna do a little bit of a Ben video today. He so hopefully Ben's, hopefully Ben's wearing his best Celtics t-shirt

Speaker 3 (13m 16s): As he probably would

Speaker 0 (13m 16s): Be. So yeah. Come and say hello and any questions you've got about grading. We are gonna have a, a, not the kind exactly we use here, but we're gonna have a microscope there and a PC that we can look at people's cards under the scope and you can see,

Speaker 3 (13m 32s): See what

Speaker 0 (13m 33s): Kind of, what we see. Yeah. I mean, our scopes are a little bit stronger, but

Speaker 3 (13m 38s): Yeah, this is just the one we can carry around. Yeah.

Speaker 0 (13m 40s): This is it. Exactly. So we'll do that and we'll, we'll have a look at those. We're gonna have a whole heap of what are those things called? Slabs.

Speaker 3 (13m 49s): Yeah. Display for people to look at.

Speaker 0 (13m 51s): Yep. So we've just finished grading a heap of Tyson Beck's AFL cards.

Speaker 3 (13m 57s): Oh yeah. They're

Speaker 0 (13m 57s): Amazing. Cause we're gonna have Tyson there. So we thought it'd be good to have those. And being down in Melbourne, the AFL pretty

Speaker 3 (14m 2s): Popular AFL central,

Speaker 0 (14m 4s): Some old school MBA ones. Won't give it away. But that there's a three card set, which is really cool that we've

Speaker 3 (14m 9s): Graded three cards set. Yeah. From even though I dunno what that is

Speaker 0 (14m 12s): From back in the early nineties.

Speaker 3 (14m 15s): Okay.

Speaker 0 (14m 16s): So awesome. Yeah. So we've got a set of those. That's been graded. We've got some PC labels to show people, some basketball, some football, rugby, rugby league, rugby, not rugby, not rugby grid on whatever that's called the NFL cards. So we've got a fair few of those to have a look at as well. Brett, what's Brett doing

Speaker 3 (14m 36s): Brett, what is he doing?

Speaker 0 (14m 38s): No. On the hobby hanging during the hobby.

Speaker 3 (14m 40s): Yeah. He'll be talking main

Speaker 0 (14m 42s): Stage. So we up there with Tyson giving

Speaker 3 (14m 44s): Away more grades,

Speaker 0 (14m 45s): He probably will. He did that during the week. He sent me a message. I think it was Sunday night and he said, sorry mate, I've done it again. And that's all he wrote. And courtside collectibles, which is one of the, which is a breakers group. Yep. They were raising some money for someone who's going through a hard spot at the moment. And Brett decided to give people who donated $40 or more a, a free grade as well. So

Speaker 3 (15m 10s): Always, always good for the cause I guess.

Speaker 0 (15m 12s): Oh look, it was, it was for a very admirable cause. So that was, that was fantastic. So yeah, we had a few come through that way as well. I think this just shows you the card community. I believe it was over $5,000 worth raised in 48

Speaker 3 (15m 29s): Hours. That's amazing

Speaker 0 (15m 30s): For someone who really does need, it's going through some, some issues and needs, some just needs a little bit of support.

Speaker 3 (15m 36s): So that's what, that's what I love about this hobby. Like especially, I don't know what it's like in other countries and that, but here in Australia, everyone's just there to like help out and give. So yeah,

Speaker 0 (15m 46s): It's, it's a great way. Isn't it? So a great, a great thing about any group that you're involved in, whether it be a football club or cricket club or a hobby.

Speaker 3 (15m 53s): Exactly.

Speaker 0 (15m 54s): Have we got some? Who else? We got

Speaker 3 (15m 56s): Cohen. KR. When is the Arun popup shop? Opening

Speaker 0 (16m 0s): Cohen. Ah, Cohen, KR, the Arundel popup shop. If anyone has follows the local car shop on their Instagram and Facebook, it will be open on Monday. What? So yeah. Will don't act.

Speaker 3 (16m 14s): I I'm trying you,

Speaker 0 (16m 15s): You and I were literally, you know, it's 10 minutes ago. I know. And I don't know if you remember what I said, but I said, how the heck are we gonna have this ready for Monday? I know that's

Speaker 3 (16m 23s): But we will. It's the little boy's jobs for

Speaker 0 (16m 25s): Yeah. Michelle is there. Michelle is there and we have a, a sticker on the door. Yeah. So that's gonna be a lot of fun. The, the popup shop, it is literally a popup shop. It's it's not huge, but it will have a lot of stock in it. Yes. And if people wanted to get their MBA cards, NRL, NRL, elite

Speaker 3 (16m 42s): Will be

Speaker 0 (16m 43s): Delivered. Yeah. Will be delivered tomorrow. That's amazing. So they'll be available from our Brisbane shop on this, on, hang on. I should take this hat off and put the local card shop out on, but they'll be available at the local car shop and all your card retailers tomorrow. Awesome. So yeah, that's, that's gonna be a lot of fun as

Speaker 3 (16m 60s): Well. So what time do you open on Monday

Speaker 0 (17m 2s): Two,

Speaker 3 (17m 3s): Till six, 2:00 PM.

Speaker 0 (17m 4s): 2:00 PM till 6:00 PM. So yeah, that will be Monday to Friday and then 10 till four on the weekend. So nice. That will be a seven day pop-up shop. And the reason it's a popup shop is that we are looking for somewhere else. That's maybe a little bit bigger, but this is just an ideal way to, to get

Speaker 3 (17m 22s): The ball rolling. I guess,

Speaker 0 (17m 23s): Get the ball rolling on the gold coast again. Cuz we had two shops now we've only got one place at the market, so yeah. Yeah. That's that's what that is gonna be good. Jail. 15

Speaker 3 (17m 35s): Beam teams or scoring Kings in question marks.

Speaker 0 (17m 38s): Not sure. Incorrect. This is a three card set

Speaker 3 (17m 44s): Asking about that. Oh, so you're on the same way

Speaker 0 (17m 46s): Link. Yeah. Actually, if anyone can get it, I will give a free, I'll give a free, so we've got a three card and it's just, A's just three base cards, but it makes up a little set. The first person, if anyone can tell me what three cards we're gonna have there. And I dunno what year it's from. I don't even know what, I just know it as the,

Speaker 3 (18m 6s): Do you know what sport it is?

Speaker 0 (18m 7s): It's a yeah. Basketball. Okay. Basketball. Sorry mate. Yeah. Sorry. Basketball. So jelly and I mate, we're we're on the same page mate, because we he's talking scoring Kings and that we know what we're talking about.

Speaker 3 (18m 17s): So our three cards set,

Speaker 0 (18m 18s): Three cards are made up three I'll I'll I'll make it a little bit easier. Three cards that made up a larger picture.

Speaker 3 (18m 31s): Okay.

Speaker 0 (18m 31s): And the interesting thing is you graded these.

Speaker 3 (18m 34s): Oh did

Speaker 0 (18m 34s): I? Yes. So I know

Speaker 3 (18m 37s): Because I do so many cards. I don't actually know

Speaker 0 (18m 40s): What I'm doing. We actually bought them off the guy who you graded them for because it was cool. It was just a cool little set to have and to put it together. So,

Speaker 3 (18m 48s): Ah, yeah. I know now, you know? Yeah. I'm not gonna blur it out, but

Speaker 0 (18m 51s): No good because that would've, I'm not giving you a

Speaker 3 (18m 53s): Free break,

Speaker 0 (18m 55s): But yeah. If anyone can get it before the end of the podcast, I'll give him a free grade and I'll cover post back. Oh

Speaker 3 (19m 1s): Good job,

Speaker 0 (19m 2s): Brett. So yeah, exactly. So Brett's not here. All I need to do now is go, yeah. We're probably catching up with Tyson Beck. I needs a name drop.

Speaker 3 (19m 13s): Got

Speaker 0 (19m 13s): It. So yeah, no, I'm not gonna be real Brett, but yeah. So we do have that three card. So guess away Jill it's you're in the right. You're in definitely in the right era.

Speaker 3 (19m 23s): Keep guessing.

Speaker 0 (19m 24s): Yeah. You're definitely in the right era. Yeah. And the other thing we had to give away last week.

Speaker 3 (19m 29s): Yeah.

Speaker 0 (19m 30s): No one, no one had to join it. No

Speaker 3 (19m 32s): It's I found some actually I looked them up on eBay. Really. There's actually some pretty cool ones really?

Speaker 0 (19m 37s): So let's think of something that's in the, we're gonna do it again. We're gonna roll the dice. Sounds good. We're gonna do something. Find something silly. Just, and look just off the top. My, you know, what's been in the, in the, we, this is an Australian podcast. So what's been in the news this week has been Scott Morrison. Hey

Speaker 3 (19m 53s): It's I was gonna say SCO.

Speaker 0 (19m 55s): SMO. Yeah. SMOs been in the news this week and, and there are SMO trading cards.

Speaker 3 (19m 59s): I, I have seen some yeah.

Speaker 0 (20m 0s): A and Ginter I believe produced them. So not even in Australian

Speaker 3 (20m 3s): Sets catch cards too.

Speaker 0 (20m 4s): Yeah. But it's not even an Australian set.

Speaker 3 (20m 6s): No, that's, what's crazy.

Speaker 0 (20m 7s): And we've got the Australian prime minister of the day, you know, card. So that's amazing

Speaker 3 (20m 10s): If

Speaker 0 (20m 11s): Anybody has a S Gomo card that would like to have it graded. Sounds good. If you can, if you go to Rob PS, and shoot me a picture of that card, once again, send it in. And we'll we'll grade that card for

Speaker 3 (20m 25s): You or even better if you're in Melbourne,

Speaker 0 (20m 26s): If you Melbourne just give it to us. But SMO I'll do that because I've actually got a bit of an idea. Once again, like Brett said last week we'll we may or may not use the, the card in a bit of a photo shoot, but I would love to get a few S Schmo cards and we will definitely grade

Speaker 3 (20m 43s): Zach. Zack wants to PCs Schmo.

Speaker 0 (20m 45s): Yeah. Zach would Z Zach, but you're behind you're in the line mate. You're in the line. It's good stuff because there's two people. And the reason I find that one even a little bit funny is that I have a few of the S scoo cards personally, myself, and I know you do. I do. That's awesome. And I know another bloke who is in the empty chair, who you is just not here right at this minute.

Speaker 3 (21m 3s): He's got that patch card with the Australian flag on it. Have you seen that one? Oh

Speaker 0 (21m 7s): Yeah. That wasn't from

Speaker 3 (21m 8s): Something different it's from like a world leader set or something.

Speaker 0 (21m 11s): Yeah. That, yeah. I don't know what that I do know what the set was, but I can't remember. But the Allen and Gintas Gomo card, it's gotta be the full size car too, because only because unfortunately the mini we don't, we're getting we're close it's

Speaker 3 (21m 23s): Yeah. We're just trying to get the, the insert for it. But

Speaker 0 (21m 26s): So for people out there, we've had a fair few questions. I know jazz Payton, who's a big cigarette card collector from Victoria. He's been asking about it. And the big issue for us with the, with the cigarette cards is that it's not like you can just make a new slab for it. No, because you need to have the slab at a minimum. The size of the slab that we have is what you've gotta have because for

Speaker 3 (21m 48s): The label source the label. Yeah.

Speaker 0 (21m 50s): So

Speaker 3 (21m 51s): That would actually be kind of cool, like small label.

Speaker 0 (21m 53s): Yeah, exactly. But we've been working really hard. Omar who has been working on that to try and come up with a way that we can have an insert inside the slab. That is something that we, because cigarette cards change in size in not all the same size. So,

Speaker 3 (22m 7s): Or even some basketball cards are slightly different sizes.

Speaker 0 (22m 10s): Yeah. But with the cigarette cards, it's, it's a bigger issue because you're in a, that slab. So we are, we're very close. We think we've found the answer sounds good. And it is actually quite a cost effective answer. So that that's something that will be good. And they did up a slab and asked me to break it or to get the car, to move inside it. And it took me three days. I did get it to move, but man, did I give that? I gave that card.

Speaker 3 (22m 31s): You're not gonna do that card.

Speaker 0 (22m 32s): Bang, bang. Yeah. And that that's what gave us good. Good peace of mind that yeah. Awesome. Normal travel, normal display. This card is not gonna move. I was literally smacking it on the side of this table and I did that for three days before it started to move. But that was probably more the slab just cracking apart than the, than the insert, not working. So that's cool. We like shoutouts. We'll shout out to Omar for getting that idea.

Speaker 3 (22m 54s): 1 0 1 MC

Speaker 0 (22m 55s): Yeah.

Speaker 3 (22m 56s): Speaking of hobby hangout. What's what's this?

Speaker 0 (22m 58s): I don't know. What is that?

Speaker 3 (22m 59s): What? I don't know what it is. Oh

Speaker 0 (23m 0s): Yeah. Actually I've forgotten about that

Speaker 3 (23m 2s): Platinum ticket. Platinum ticket. Yep. Yeah. There's no gold tickets this time. We're just going straight to the, the platinum,

Speaker 0 (23m 7s): The platinum ticket winner. Get

Speaker 3 (23m 9s): He gets, I should probably read it. So it gets one card express graded every month for the rest of their life

Speaker 0 (23m 15s): Express graded

Speaker 3 (23m 16s): Express grade. So that's a

Speaker 0 (23m 17s): Week that was done before I was GM. It was oh, oh, that's that's ridiculous. Wait on, I just reading it.

Speaker 3 (23m 26s): So one person and we're doing the raffle ticket. Aren't we? So every time you, it

Speaker 0 (23m 32s): Does say it too, it says express

Speaker 3 (23m 33s): Grade. It says express.

Speaker 0 (23m 34s): I'm thinking like you're taking the,

Speaker 3 (23m 37s): No, I was reading it. I told you I was reading it. But yeah, if you submit a card, you get a raffle ticket and you're in the draw.

Speaker 0 (23m 43s): Yep. So a little bit different to previous hobby Hangouts where all you had to do was just register your details with our website, to, with

Speaker 3 (23m 50s): The QR code. Yeah.

Speaker 0 (23m 51s): With the QR code this time you must submit a card to be graded.

Speaker 3 (23m 55s): And that includes your free card,

Speaker 0 (23m 56s): Correct. A hundred percent. That's right. So, which is crazy. Yeah. So you don't have to it's we're not asking for a, for you to submit 10 cards or 20 cards or 30 cards, but you know, just one card is a free one. Just obviously you just pay that postage back and you are in the drawer and yeah. Somebody's gonna win that on, on Sunday afternoon. And we're hoping that Tyson Beck might draw it for us. Not

Speaker 3 (24m 20s): Hoping he's going to

Speaker 0 (24m 22s): Tyson shout out to Tyson.

Speaker 3 (24m 24s): Geez mate.

Speaker 0 (24m 25s): So yeah. He'll, he'll draw that for us in some lucky person. We'll get that. We'll get that card there. What else have we got? What else has been happening?

Speaker 3 (24m 37s): Not much that I can think of. We've

Speaker 0 (24m 39s): Been pretty busy with

Speaker 3 (24m 41s): Busy with your like LCS has been busy.

Speaker 0 (24m 43s): Yeah.

Speaker 3 (24m 44s): LCS has been, we've been busy for, we hangout

Speaker 0 (24m 45s): Hobby Hangouts taken up a lot of our time this week, but we're really looking forward to that. I just on a personal level, I just think it's a fantastic event. Oh, I love it. Anytime you get collectors together. I know that sunny down in Wollongong got his. Yeah. Yeah. He's got his events that are looking like he's gonna pop back up again and he's, he's a classics mate. They are, they are dead set old school,

Speaker 3 (25m 8s): But you get there's toys.

Speaker 0 (25m 9s): There's there's toys. There's cards. There's there's, there's everything thing about it that I love is that there's lots of people. Yeah. And I know hobby hangout. There's a lot of people as well, but there's something different about, about Sunny's. Well,

Speaker 3 (25m 22s): I remember last Sydney hobby hangout, like before I was here. So it would've been last year when the original hobby hanging out the first ever one. Yep. The next day in Penif there was one of Sunny's collectible fair type things. Yep. And there was like live wrestling and like, it was amazing.

Speaker 0 (25m 39s): He's never done. One of those in the Brisbane shows that I've gone to. Oh, so funny was sunny wrestling. Nah. No. Okay.

Speaker 3 (25m 44s): It's actual professional wrestlers. Oh really? Yeah. It's like an actual

Speaker 0 (25m 48s): Talk about professional wrestlers. Capric yep. Capric con, which is the central Queensland's ComicCon event is next weekend and PSGs gonna be there. Hey, so, and they have wrestlers. That's why that's that's where segue. Yeah. Great segue into that. So I know that next Friday. So I'll be on the podcast Thursday, but on Friday I'm driving up to Rockhampton. Oh wow. Yeah. Bit of fun. That's sick. It's a public holiday here. I mean, I couldn't even get a day off work to oh no.

That's to go up there, but yeah, we're gonna go up there and we'll have just a bit of an information stall there. Just,

Speaker 3 (26m 25s): Are you gonna take submissions or anything?

Speaker 0 (26m 27s): Not quite sure. We, I think we will. I think we will. But

Speaker 3 (26m 30s): Even if it's only like one or two. Yeah, look

Speaker 0 (26m 32s): Still. Alright, look, it's about getting our name out there and supporting, supporting a local local event. Now everybody,

Speaker 3 (26m 39s): Everyone make some noise.

Speaker 0 (26m 41s): No. Yeah. Here he comes. Come on

Speaker 4 (26m 44s): Set.

Speaker 0 (26m 44s): Come on. Show everyone missions. Show everyone the shirt here he comes here. He comes. So here he comes. Now you're gonna stand up and show everyone the shirt.

Speaker 4 (26m 55s): Now I'm gonna sit.

Speaker 0 (26m 57s): Can we see it? Hang on. Yes. Can we see it? Yeah, we can see it. We can see it.

Speaker 4 (27m 2s): Only change is one word. Let's gold coast. Tropics,

Speaker 0 (27m 5s): Baby. Let's go. So the gold coast tropics, if they weren't a thing already,

Speaker 4 (27m 9s): They are now they're

Speaker 0 (27m 11s): Definitely a thing now.

Speaker 4 (27m 13s): Sorry. I'm late. I had a very important meeting. I had to go to no, as important as this lot. Yeah. Had a very important meeting I had to go to and it was very successful and it's very helpful for our bid for the gold coast. Tropics

Speaker 0 (27m 27s): Let's go.

Speaker 4 (27m 28s): So

Speaker 0 (27m 28s): It's all happening.

Speaker 4 (27m 29s): We've got a little bit more, more that we're doing with the gold coast city council, but the mayor, Mr. Tom Tate himself has said, he's more than happy with everything we're doing. Loves our energy, loves our enthusiasm and wants to do anything they possibly can for us here on the gold coast to actually get the tropics up and running. Let's go so big shout out now to Jeremy lowlier we love your brother, the commissioner of the NBL. Please just grant us. So license. We don't really need to even bid. Then it'll save a lot of fucking time.

Speaker 0 (28m 0s): Well, it would save a lot of time and like, let's be honest. It's

Speaker 4 (28m 4s): Good. To

Speaker 0 (28m 4s): Be honest. It's great. To be honest. But if you were the commissioner of the BL. Yeah, right. And you said to yourself, oh look, you know, it's a big week in BL life. Yeah, it is. I've never

Speaker 4 (28m 14s): Top still last week. Yeah. Summer blitz this week.

Speaker 0 (28m 17s): Let's just talk about when the season start for BL it's

Speaker 4 (28m 20s): It's October

Speaker 0 (28m 21s): Let's let's say we're in, in November. Yeah. And he says, geez, I've had a big ING this week.

Speaker 4 (28m 26s): NBL.

Speaker 0 (28m 26s): Yeah. Yeah. And I'm not quite sure what I'm gonna do this weekend, but you know, I really gotta represent the NBL. And then he sees that the tropics are playing a home game. What a better place to go than come to the gold coast. Watch the tropics play Melbourne United

Speaker 4 (28m 40s): Indeed.

Speaker 0 (28m 41s): There's

Speaker 4 (28m 42s): One at Ben chicken stadium at

Speaker 0 (28m 43s): Benji stadium

Speaker 4 (28m 44s): And sponsored by platinum standard grading.

Speaker 0 (28m 47s): And we'll even, you know what we'll do. We'll take him down. We'll get him a ERs meal or something like that. We take him to

Speaker 4 (28m 52s): Dinner. Don't pay for it. Don't you think if we're at bin chicken stadium, the best thing to have, there would be chick fella.

Speaker 0 (29m 1s): So just a game on Sunday though. You can't be

Speaker 4 (29m 3s): Open. Oh, I can't be happen on Sunday.

Speaker 0 (29m 5s): Just ride the bin. Chicken stadium is just a working title for the stadium. Isn't it?

Speaker 4 (29m 10s): No, I'm actually, I've got this vision in head. God, of like my office is in the head and then there's like a sliding bit to get out to where my car is. All

Speaker 0 (29m 18s): Brett. There's a slight

Speaker 4 (29m 20s): Down the nose of the bin. Chicken,

Speaker 0 (29m 22s): Brett. I just wanna let you know just

Speaker 4 (29m 23s): I'm late for the meeting.

Speaker 0 (29m 24s): You are late. Forget that beat. That's amazing. But just, I just that bit just, I think we've just gotta be a little bit more serious about bin chicken stadium. I'm a hundred percent take the slide out of it. Everything else is fine. But the slide

Speaker 4 (29m 38s): Far, what if we build offices down the nose of the chicken?

Speaker 0 (29m 41s): Well, that's fine. That's not, that's not going too

Speaker 4 (29m 43s): Fast. I heard a rumor as I walked, was gonna walk in the studio 10 minutes ago. But someone said someone requested to see some of the shit that I got in the us.

Speaker 0 (29m 51s): That's exactly right. That was Jeremy.

Speaker 4 (29m 54s): So I, I went and grabbed some, just a few of the, of the things and bits and pieces STEs just joined us today. Stash stash, Adam Gradel cards joined know. Great. Do we know Gradel

Speaker 0 (30m 7s): Cards? No we don't.

Speaker 4 (30m 8s): What do you like to Gradel cards or he does Gradel cards. Well, that'd be interesting. You

Speaker 0 (30m 12s): Should grade him with

Speaker 4 (30m 13s): Us. Should we ask him? Let's ask him let's

Speaker 0 (30m 14s): Well, you just did graded NRL cards.

Speaker 4 (30m 17s): Gradel graded NRL cards. Ah, it's not great. It's graded. He I'm not real good at this.

Speaker 0 (30m 23s): Does he reading thing? Does he have grade NRL cards? Does he only collect graded NRL cards? Wouldn't I know. Well,

Speaker 4 (30m 29s): Shout out to graded NRL cards. Let us know what you collect brother and let us know what, what your best grade is. We'd love to have a look and have a crack at doing that as well. Just

Speaker 0 (30m 37s): While you were on mate had a few things that popped up or didn't pop up or things that

Speaker 4 (30m 42s): Happened. Did you get to George Jetson?

Speaker 0 (30m 43s): No. No. This is what we're gonna talk to you about. We did not get a George Jetson was too hard. A little bit. So I've doubled down on George jets. Yeah. We've got a good one now. Yeah. Okay. So, and I know these exist and I've got a little bit of a thing up here for 'em but S Schmo cards this week

Speaker 4 (30m 57s): Love a good S Schmo card. So especially the scan lands one that was actually done online, which was where he tackled the little kid. Yeah. But I tell you what upstairs. I actually have a S Schmo card.

Speaker 0 (31m 8s): We, we talked about that.

Speaker 4 (31m 9s): Yeah. Was one of those little,

Speaker 0 (31m 10s): Yeah, we can't have the minis.

Speaker 4 (31m 12s): It's gotta be full one.

Speaker 0 (31m 13s): Gotta be a full card, but yeah, you've a patch card too. Don't

Speaker 4 (31m 15s): You? I do have the patch card. That's not S Schmo. That's the dude that he stabbed in the back.

Speaker 0 (31m 21s): Oh, oh. Is it the other guy? The

Speaker 4 (31m 23s): One Michael Turnbull. Turnbull. Yeah. It's a Turnbull card. Ah, oh, there it's like a Malcolm Turnbull Australian card. And I've got a Donald Trump obviously us card.

Speaker 0 (31m 31s): Yep. So we got anyone that's. So we've given out Robert P as the email address. Yep. Anyone who sends one through to their picture of one through, within the next, before next week's podcast. Yep. I will. I'll

Speaker 4 (31m 43s): Grade it for, and you know what we'll do. We'll keep the George Jetson one running

Speaker 0 (31m 48s): Until George jets.

Speaker 4 (31m 49s): George Jetson appears.

Speaker 0 (31m 51s): Excellent. And you need to beat me cuz I've found some,

Speaker 4 (31m 53s): You found have you

Speaker 0 (31m 54s): They're on eBay and stuff. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (31m 55s): Oh, I love how people are getting. I'm trying to buy 'em to get it,

Speaker 0 (31m 58s): To get a free, great. I'd do that. Control yourself, mate.

Speaker 4 (32m 4s): That's a patch card where he shit him. So it is actually made yes. There is a plaque at the een. McDonald's in new south Wales where it says Schmo SHA here. True story. What? There's a plaque on the side of the thing. I got a very unique submission. I'm dropping off on Sunday. Clue is a cat and a king helmet thing. Crown. That's what they're called he over from Adelaide. I'm looking forward to meet you Adam Nelson. Yeah. What's the, what do you think? The cat and the king is

Speaker 0 (32m 33s): Cat king.

Speaker 4 (32m 35s): Is it like a LeBron?

Speaker 0 (32m 37s): LeBron's not king. We, we are are okay. So we've got, we've got someone from Adelaide,

Speaker 4 (32m 42s): Adelaide,

Speaker 0 (32m 43s): And he's coming to Melbourne

Speaker 4 (32m 44s): With a cat

Speaker 0 (32m 46s): And he's got a cat king. So it could be a Jalong player. Yeah. Jalong and Gary AB

Speaker 3 (32m 50s): It's Gary ABT mate.

Speaker 0 (32m 51s): It's be, we've already mentioned Gary

Speaker 4 (32m 52s): Jr.

Speaker 0 (32m 53s): Who cares is the king. Senior's a king

Speaker 3 (32m 55s): Tiger. King tiger

Speaker 4 (32m 57s): King.

Speaker 0 (32m 59s): No.

Speaker 4 (32m 59s): Well,

Speaker 3 (33m 0s): It's a tiger.

Speaker 4 (33m 2s): I tell you what Adam Nelson, if it is tiger king, I will buy it off you.

Speaker 0 (33m 9s): Tiger king. See who said is a cat

Speaker 4 (33m 10s): Funny, funny story. I ship my cards. A little thing arrived. Did you

Speaker 0 (33m 15s): Say ship? My,

Speaker 4 (33m 16s): My cards out in the us and what I try and do online is I buy really unique cards as most people know now. And I've got some here to show you, but I buy some unique cards and I bought the to 10 of Steve O with a ball bag full of beats,

Speaker 0 (33m 31s): Right? This is, this is a great story.

Speaker 4 (33m 34s): And what happened was that it goes to ship my cards and I don't use my address. Obviously I use Chris' just in case we get in trouble and they've sent a message to Chris saying, you've sent inappropriate cards to your ship. My cards, we're a family run company and we don't approve of this. And he's come back to me. What the fuck are you bought? Like seriously? And I said, well, it has to be the Steve and he's gone. Oh no, anyway, they've come back to him. And he apologized and they said, that's fine. We'll send it this time. So it arrives yesterday.

And it's got a big bit of blue tape over his ball bag. And even on the back where there's the little picture of it. The whole man's covered over in blue tape.

Speaker 0 (34m 11s): I saw it. That was hilarious. Oh,

Speaker 4 (34m 13s): What a great card. So

Speaker 3 (34m 14s): Jackass cards are causing a problem. That's

Speaker 4 (34m 16s): Y'all Steve with his ball bag hanging out is to 10. It's worth fortunate. This can,

Speaker 0 (34m 21s): Well, imagine someone, if they had 10 anyway,

Speaker 4 (34m 25s): It's better than having 10 ball bags

Speaker 0 (34m 26s): Before you go on too much. Because we have had a few little things that we decided. Yeah. They gonna tell me. Yeah. That's what we're gonna tell you. Now we've got, we've also got a guessing competition going on. Yeah. That, you know, the three cards that we are taking down, NBA cards that make up a bigger picture.

Speaker 4 (34m 42s): Oh yeah.

Speaker 0 (34m 43s): Anyone that, so if anyone can guess what it is. Yeah. We're gonna give them a free grade as well. Love it. So till the end of the

Speaker 4 (34m 50s): Pop, I'll be telling them what, what year it's from?

Speaker 0 (34m 52s): I told 'em I don't

Speaker 3 (34m 53s): Early nineties. That's it? 82 92 91 92.

Speaker 4 (34m 56s): Yeah. 91, 92. Is it I,

Speaker 3 (34m 58s): 93, 94, 90 I'm I'm

Speaker 0 (35m 1s): After 19. There's a, there's a clue. There is a massive clue. It is after 1992. Okay. Because it can't be in a 1992 product when it's

Speaker 3 (35m 9s): A big, no, I think it was

Speaker 4 (35m 10s): Before. No, it was before, when they had their first

Speaker 3 (35m 12s): Announce was before 1992.

Speaker 0 (35m 14s): So it is about something that happened.

Speaker 3 (35m 16s): It's in the early nineties. There

Speaker 4 (35m 18s): We go. That's a really good segment, boys. Tiger. King auto are going around. I think from leaf. Maybe they

Speaker 0 (35m 23s): Are. Yeah. And do you know how I know, you

Speaker 4 (35m 25s): Know, when I've fall in love with leaf,

Speaker 0 (35m 26s): Do you know how I know targeting auto are in leaf? Yeah. I have one.

Speaker 4 (35m 30s): There you

Speaker 0 (35m 30s): Go. Number, number to 37. How did they come up with number to 37?

Speaker 3 (35m 34s): Unless you did like 50 in like 13 of them got

Speaker 4 (35m 36s): Wrecked. No, I reckon it's more, 37 would be around the amount of years he got or there's usually around that sort of thing. Yeah. That's what I think. But I picked up and I showed you this morning. Actually I should have brought it down with me. And it is cause I'm obviously a Robert O

Speaker 0 (35m 51s): Super collector.

Speaker 3 (35m 52s): Super

Speaker 4 (35m 52s): Collector now. Yeah. It's got a piece of Kobe shack and H in the one card and it's shirt and it's number one to 12.

Speaker 3 (36m 3s): Oh,

Speaker 0 (36m 3s): That's

Speaker 4 (36m 4s): Sick. Oh, it's so good. It is. And it's a leaf product and it's, doesn't

Speaker 0 (36m 6s): Look like a leaf product.

Speaker 4 (36m 8s): It's really, really,

Speaker 3 (36m 9s): Some leaf is really good. Some leaf

Speaker 4 (36m 10s): Stuff. What about pro-choice? No, it's not. That's not it pro

Speaker 0 (36m 14s): Pro-choice I'm for pro-choice. Everyone has your own choices.

Speaker 4 (36m 17s): Have you heard of Superlo?

Speaker 0 (36m 19s): I only when Chris came back.

Speaker 4 (36m 21s): Yeah, so they, they're a brand, a card that they've got in the us now and we, and they have all really weird shit. And

Speaker 0 (36m 26s): Hang on, hang on. Stop time out. Hang on. Benny. You need to con contact

Speaker 4 (36m 31s): Us mate. Benny on a cob. Can you tell us how you guest it? Brother?

Speaker 0 (36m 35s): Cause pretty much gave it away bean team, but time out, Benny mate, if you, if you could message us on Instagram, I'll get to you this afternoon. And you

Speaker 4 (36m 45s): Saw that one for that. Haven't won my bar. Good dream team street

Speaker 0 (36m 49s): Beat. No, you haven't won it, but we'll put a photo up of that on the social will.

Speaker 4 (36m 53s): That'd be awesome. And

Speaker 3 (36m 53s): If you

Speaker 4 (36m 54s): Off was, was

Speaker 3 (36m 57s): Mentioned, it was 91 92 Starbucks.

Speaker 0 (36m 59s): There you go. Yeah. Yes. The Barcelo dream team,

Speaker 4 (37m 5s): Barcelo dream team. Great thing. Sorry. Anyway, back to my story,

Speaker 0 (37m 8s): Back to you anyway.

Speaker 4 (37m 9s): So I've got these super GL cards and I got mark Cuban. I was so excited. Big fan of mark Cuban. Obviously the owner of the Dallas Mavericks. We got to see when we're at summer league and he was sat there and he was just like sitting with the players, chilling out on the sideline stuff. Some bloke come up. Can I get a selfie and takes the selfie with the kid. Then grown man comes up. He takes the selfie there. Chris is going, no, no, you're not going over there.

Speaker 0 (37m 34s): You know the

Speaker 4 (37m 37s): Shouldn't do that to

Speaker 0 (37m 39s): You want, you know, that same thing happened to me while you're overseas. Really? Yep.

Speaker 4 (37m 43s): Mark Cuban.

Speaker 0 (37m 44s): Mark. Mening Meninga mark mening Mel Meninga really? Yeah. So I was gifted some tickets to the Titans from yourself. Yeah. And in the box? No.

Speaker 4 (37m 54s): Oh, you got the shit ones.

Speaker 0 (37m 55s): I got the shit ones, but that's okay. Because the shit ones were actually good.

Speaker 4 (37m 57s): They're gold tickets. So they're bad.

Speaker 0 (37m 59s): Yeah. The seats in front of me was the big, big male.

Speaker 4 (38m 3s): Really? Did you say hello?

Speaker 0 (38m 5s): I was a bit like Chris. I went, come on, man. It's his personal. Yeah. And then halftime. Everyone just came flat. No, I'm in.

Speaker 3 (38m 14s): I remember I was like, that was Sam McKinnon. Yeah. I was like fanboy, same thing and stash. Men's like, go, do you wanna see him? Like, nah, I can't. Should we ring him? But then I saw him. I saw him at, I saw him at the Josh pit event and I

Speaker 4 (38m 24s): Just we'll ring Samm next week. Yeah. We'll get him on the podcast and see if you can talk.

Speaker 3 (38m 28s): No, I probably won't be able to

Speaker 0 (38m 30s): What's next one,

Speaker 4 (38m 32s): Tom. Brady Patriots. It's a scorecard, but it's like a bobble head. And I, I bought this as a single I really, I really liked it. It was a really nice card. That's awesome. And then we move into the leaders.

Speaker 0 (38m 44s): How ironic his first one though, when you showed me,

Speaker 4 (38m 47s): Indeed, indeed. So this is tops and tops bought out a series, which was celebrity actresses. And there we have 19 of 99 of Jenny McCarthy.

Speaker 0 (38m 59s): Oh no, we don't look. Well, we do. We don't mind. Jenny

Speaker 4 (39m 1s): McCarthy. Oh, might have got another one of them. She's number five of 99 of Jenny McCarthy. Cause what happened is I went to the guy, mate, I'll just take 'em all. And we did a deal. Typical Brett

Speaker 0 (39m 10s): Fashion

Speaker 4 (39m 11s): Then there's Carmen Electra. Very nice. Carmen, Carmen. Yep.

Speaker 0 (39m 15s): That should go with the Dennis Robin

Speaker 4 (39m 16s): Piece. Then there's the, one of my favorite movies ever made is the American pie series.

Speaker 0 (39m 20s): Shannon

Speaker 4 (39m 20s): In the top 37. There's a one to 37. There's Shannon Elizabeth.

Speaker 0 (39m 25s): Very nice. I, I stalked her at the Rio hotel at the 2014 world series poker

Speaker 4 (39m 32s): With a pie.

Speaker 0 (39m 33s): She plays poker. No, she's a poker player. There. You plays

Speaker 4 (39m 36s): Professional. And we've got some commentary as we go here. Mark Cuban in the shark. Tank's great guy. Definitely not Google. Cheers boys. She was good in the nineties. Baywatch. I see a theme here. No, this is the one where this is the big fella on the end. Got that excited. And so it's actually the only reason I bought the sit, see the truth and that's Christy Brinkley. Yeah. 75 of 99. I think they retail around 200 bucks.

Speaker 0 (40m 2s): Those ones do. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (40m 3s): Wow. Absolute cracker of a

Speaker 0 (40m 5s): Card. But what made us or what made me laugh about that? Was that on Sunday at the local car shop

Speaker 4 (40m 11s): Someone cracked one didn't they? No,

Speaker 0 (40m 12s): I was just going through a whole pile of old cards and there was a 19 something, something card of Christie Brinkley and it was basketball draft picks. So it actually had rookie card on it. That's what this one has with basketball draft picks up the side. So all I kept thinking was with the third pick in the 2003 NBA draft, Rob OV picks Christie Brinkley. You go. Yeah. So

Speaker 4 (40m 34s): Who him? A crack in the side of the head. Yeah, exactly. I, another couple I had to buy these because they were, you know, when you look at a card and they're especially shiny stuff and that is Justin Bieber's rookie.

Speaker 0 (40m 44s): Ah, that's sick. You haven't showed us

Speaker 4 (40m 46s): That one and another Justin Bieber playing a piano. So that's JBS rookie. Okay. We'll get to them. One, one. Yeah. Big Andre. The giant. So I saw him in, I think it was cards and cardboard and coffee, I think in Utah

Speaker 0 (41m 2s): You actually saw him because difficult he did. Yeah. That

Speaker 4 (41m 6s): Would be difficult. Yeah. But he did drink 54 beers in one sitting at one stage. But the fact that he's Andre, the giant he's pretty cool is a pretty cool card. Going back to the, the BES. This is actually Drake's rookie card out of the Justin BBER set. It's a first print as well. So those surrounding the old Justin Bieber piece, I think will be very jealous of that one. That would be you and stash man.

Speaker 0 (41m 32s): Yeah.

Speaker 4 (41m 34s): And then this was pretty sick. Actually. We, we were in Utah city. Oh sorry. In salt lake city on our way back to salt lake. And we stopped at this little card shop on the side of the road and a guys walked out to us and he said, oh, you are the Aussie boys walking around, buying all the cards and we go, Hey, who's who's this and why someone

Speaker 0 (41m 48s): Wants to say some booty cards.

Speaker 4 (41m 49s): Yeah. Yeah. But the thing here is then I got my first ever 10 pristine Williamson stainless stars. And the fact that like we've dealt with a lot of these stainless things and normally they're pretty shit surface. The fact that it's got a nine and a half of the surface and 10 for everything else that's it is, is pretty impressive. So my challenge to you sitting there with the naked eye, is it a 10? Well, he's

Speaker 0 (42m 13s): Doing we'll keep going. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (42m 14s): Whilst he's doing that

Speaker 0 (42m 15s): Here, come my

Speaker 4 (42m 16s): Favorites. We might go this one first. Okay. This is got the most feedback of anything I've ever put online. I know.

Speaker 0 (42m 21s): Yeah. Got

Speaker 4 (42m 21s): Three reasons. I've got three responses. Is there the auto Chevy chase Irwin M Fletcher card. Absolute cracker of a card. It's actually got the prize. I paid on the back. Which, but hide that one from the wife.

Speaker 0 (42m 32s): Yeah. Make sure it's

Speaker 4 (42m 33s): Somebody doesn't but absolute cracker of a card. And the problem is there was another one there as a pick between the two should have took them. Both could have sold that for a fortune, but absolute cracker of a card, the Chevy chase and then the man himself, Mr. Ron burgundy.

Speaker 0 (42m 49s): I dunno what to do in my head.

Speaker 5 (42m 51s): Regraded

Speaker 4 (42m 53s): Must be the SGC slab. It must

Speaker 0 (42m 56s): Be

Speaker 4 (42m 56s): Just, it was a bit slippery jumped.

Speaker 0 (42m 58s): Oh, in fact you had Ron Bergen in your hands just made you nervous.

Speaker 4 (43m 0s): Yeah, exactly. That's it's Ron, but yeah. There's there's Mr. Ron burgundy himself. That's cool. That is cool. An absolute cracker of a car that is

Speaker 0 (43m 7s): Super.

Speaker 4 (43m 8s): So for those who asked what we got in the us there, probably some of the biggest stuff we got I'm frozen on here. Is there any commentary there?

Speaker 0 (43m 15s): Brett? You're mad. Brett. You're crazy. Brett. No gel gel 15 or whatever. Jelly jelly. I'm really a bit confused. Cause I, I get confused with these username things, but he, he thinks that we've got a bit of a theme of Baywatch girls going there, which was really not a bad theme to

Speaker 4 (43m 34s): Have great thing,

Speaker 0 (43m 36s): But I'll tell you what I'd love to. I'd love jelly. Are you hope? I wonder if he's in Melbourne because I'd love to meet you. Yeah. I know. Use your words, Rob, which is not good. When you're on a podcast, you should be able to use your words.

Speaker 4 (43m 48s): Always, always,

Speaker 0 (43m 50s): But I'd love to know if jelly was in Victoria. Cause I'd love to have a chat to him cuz he, he seems to be perhaps absolutely spot on and very knowledgeable about his

Speaker 4 (43m 57s): Cards indeed. And that's something that I think we need to, to, to get more of more often if we can make sure. Are you stuck there too?

Speaker 0 (44m 7s): Oh, the funny thing. What so was I I thought I wasn't, but now I can see this. This

Speaker 4 (44m 11s): Are we all stuck? All good. Now we're back. Did we miss much? Oh, well if you missed it, it'll be on the other camera. It'll come out on socials in the next few days. Yeah. You might have missed Ron burgundy Chevy chase and Justin Bieber. The dream team, obviously with Drake, Andre, the giant that's is what Rob has announced as his top four, top five for the year. That's his first starting five this year in the NBA. I have no something that he would love.

Speaker 0 (44m 37s): Get around. Try dunking on Andre. I dare

Speaker 4 (44m 41s): You. Now you could.

Speaker 0 (44m 43s): Yeah, you could. Okay.

Speaker 4 (44m 45s): He's laying flat. Yeah know. Yeah. I probably shouldn't make, probably shouldn't make dead Andre jokes. No. Okay. So there's one more thing I did this week boys. And as everyone knows, I have a problem and I announce this this week on, on the interweb and on Facebook mainly. So I do have an issue. And the issue that I have is I collect Robbie, Robbie, me and Robbie, Rob H flawless cards. And I had a whole polar obvious day from America. Hence ship my cards, hence ship my card. Yeah. Hence why the, the shout out went yesterday and I missed three this past two weeks.

And there's now none online. So bit, bit scared that I may miss my actual end game. And what I wanted to just was quickly show people what, what I'm talking about and go for it. The fact here, I only bought one pole down. Cause

Speaker 0 (45m 30s): I was gonna say it doesn't seem like it's all your

Speaker 4 (45m 32s): Ho so this is just one.

Speaker 0 (45m 34s): It's like one 10th of

Speaker 4 (45m 35s): One. No, this is actually just one like stream of them. These are the, I think they're 20, 21 momentous. And that's, that's what a Robert ho flawless card looks like in this particular series. The only one I'm missing is the one on one, but this is where it gets a bit awkward. Awkward. I'm gonna call it awkward is the fact that's a three of three and then we have the to five and I have number five and number four, which I'm trying to get all five obviously. Yes. And then this one here is the to 10 and I have number two, number three and number four that's in order.

Yeah. And then we go to

Speaker 0 (46m 14s): Oops,

Speaker 4 (46m 15s): Go to the red ones and that's to 15 and I have number 13, number 11, number 15 and number seven. So there's a little bit of the population of that card. And then from there you go to the 20 fives and I've got 12, three and five.

Speaker 0 (46m 31s): Hello. My name is Brett

Speaker 4 (46m 32s): Have problem. I definitely have a problem. But the problem is what I need. All of these people out there is to help me get, get to the, because what I need, the only way to solve my problem is to get them all yeah. Is to get 'em all. So I want gotta

Speaker 0 (46m 45s): Catch 'em all. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (46m 47s): I want the rest of the 25 and I want the rest of the, the 15, the 10 doing right with the fives. I have two of the five and obviously the three, I have one of them. So, and I either one on one. So anyone out in the world I will pay good money.

Speaker 0 (47m 3s): The irony is I know. I used to think, oh well, I'm not sure between the two of you. I know another Robert Hoy collector who is equally as

Speaker 4 (47m 10s): Managing, what do you have?

Speaker 0 (47m 11s): David Jane, most local David Jane

Speaker 4 (47m 13s): Let's make the call. I'll I'm more than happy to change the rest of my Robert ho collection, which is about 400 ho autos for

Speaker 0 (47m 23s): The flawless,

Speaker 4 (47m 23s): The flawless.

Speaker 0 (47m 24s): He, he only lives down the road too. Yeah,

Speaker 4 (47m 26s): We could do it live.

Speaker 0 (47m 28s): We could

Speaker 4 (47m 29s): Or

Speaker 0 (47m 29s): Might not. We might not alright nearly at time they

Speaker 4 (47m 33s): Bring, but Melbourne, Melbourne, Melbourne, Melbourne, let's talk. Bring your Robert Harry cards and I'll pay good money or we'll pay you in grading. That's a good idea.

Speaker 0 (47m 40s): No, that is a horrible idea.

Speaker 4 (47m 42s): Well, I'll pay good money. How's that sound? Yes.

Speaker 0 (47m 44s): Which you might as well pay in grading.

Speaker 4 (47m 45s): So hobby hangout boys. Yep.

Speaker 0 (47m 47s): We've we've had a bit of a chat about hobby hangout. So

Speaker 4 (47m 50s): Chatted about the fact it's our birthday and we away gifts.

Speaker 0 (47m 53s): We're giving. We actually didn't mention the birthday. We just mentioned the gifts.

Speaker 4 (47m 56s): So it is our birthday. It's our first birthday coming up. And what we've decided is we're gonna do lots of gifts to others. Yep. But I will also say that anyone that comes up to us in hobby hangout says happy birthday. We'll give him a free gift.

Speaker 0 (48m 12s): Oh,

Speaker 4 (48m 13s): Can't tell you what the gift is yet because

Speaker 0 (48m 15s): You haven't worked it out yet. No,

Speaker 4 (48m 16s): I worked it out. You've it out?

Speaker 0 (48m 17s): We'll wrap. Wrap him up in like, okay. Paper as well.

Speaker 4 (48m 21s): They might be, they might be made of paper. Oh,

Speaker 0 (48m 23s): There you go. All wrong on

Speaker 4 (48m 24s): One. There we go. That's the one I was looking for. So anyone in hobby hangout comes up and says, happy birthday to me or Rob, there you go. Oh dear. Not the others just me or Rob. Yep. Yeah. You'll get a, you'll get a special gift. Only one per person that does it, but you'll get a special gift.

Speaker 0 (48m 39s): So this has been Brett's crazy minute moment of

Speaker 4 (48m 42s): Tonight. Yeah. And the gift you wanna hear what it is not gonna tell you. I

Speaker 0 (48m 46s): Was gonna say you just told cause it's a gift. Yeah. Well, no, a gift you can, I guess.

Speaker 4 (48m 51s): No, it's a surprise gift.

Speaker 0 (48m 51s): A surprise gift.

Speaker 4 (48m 52s): Absolute

Speaker 0 (48m 53s): Surprise gift. So what we did talk about before was that we're gonna be the hobby hangout that we got the platinum ticket. We told people how to get

Speaker 4 (48m 59s): Involved. They're gonna have to get a card submitted ticket. That's the word I'm

Speaker 0 (49m 5s): After. So Tyson's gonna draw that for us. He doesn't know it, but he does. Yeah. We,

Speaker 4 (49m 8s): And today just didn't realize Tyson. He, new collector's club card came out, saw today, which was pretty sick. So shout out to Tyson obviously. Well done mate, bringing our new stuff into the hobby. I think that that's awesome. So

Speaker 0 (49m 21s): Also his Iverson stuff drops

Speaker 4 (49m 23s): On this weekend and guess what he may have at the show. Let's go

Speaker 0 (49m 28s): Iverson's maybe

Speaker 4 (49m 29s): Rumor has it. I started the rumor. Maybe

Speaker 0 (49m 33s): Here's another one that could be another, the room

Speaker 4 (49m 35s): File. The room file. And I'll the

Speaker 0 (49m 37s): Rumor start?

Speaker 4 (49m 37s): Yeah. Ship Brett made up.

Speaker 0 (49m 40s): So it could be, it's an Instagram profile called room file slash ship. Brett made up love

Speaker 4 (49m 44s): That. Love

Speaker 0 (49m 44s): That. Which would be good too. So we talked about the platinum ticket. We talked about submitting your card. Only paying grading fees. Yep. We told people to come and say hello. Awesome. Was Jackson Hayes was mentioned. Robert Hoy. Now being mentioned, if Rob's gonna pick one out, Rob is gonna definitely Gordon Haywood. If you're an NBA person, but just bring the crazy shit over to me. I love that stuff. Yeah.

Speaker 4 (50m 7s): Any non-sporting cards come and see me.

Speaker 0 (50m 9s): Yeah. That's the one

Speaker 4 (50m 9s): Big fan of that stuff. I got two more announcements to make. Okay. Two more announcements today. We've looks like we've officially sponsored two races. Hey, at the gold coast races in the company. When

Speaker 0 (50m 20s): You say we who?

Speaker 4 (50m 22s): Oh, are you ready for the race? I'll what do you mean by races? So horse races. Oh, horse race. Yeah. So the horse races and the good, good thing about gold coast turf club is that every Saturday they have races and they're all televised all the way across Australia. So

Speaker 0 (50m 34s): That's

Speaker 4 (50m 35s): Not true. Where is it? Not

Speaker 0 (50m 36s): The world?

Speaker 4 (50m 37s): It is global.

Speaker 0 (50m 38s): These races go around the world. There

Speaker 4 (50m 40s): You go. So if you're in another country,

Speaker 0 (50m 41s): You may see this.

Speaker 4 (50m 42s): You may see this. So the two races we're sponsoring. Yep. The GC bring the BL back handicap handicap and the happy first birthday platinum standard grading cup. How good that,

Speaker 0 (50m 58s): That's amazing on a scale of one to 10, that is a solid

Speaker 4 (50m 60s): Fifteen's. Oh man. So fucking excited. I've always won horse races to be, to be named after us. And this is our opportunity. We're helping out the Trinity Lutheran college foundation. So we're doing it for charity, but yeah, we're actually gonna have a couple races named after us. So I was, I was very, very excited about that earlier today.

Speaker 0 (51m 18s): One thing we haven't talked about today is the charity aspect of what we were talking about last week. Yep. I have struggled, severely define that Tyson back rookie card, but I'm gonna have a chat to Tyson. And when I do find it, we will get that sorted out as well. But we are going to get a card signed by Tyson. One of the ones he has designed for the AFL. Yep. So we'll get one of those signed and we'll get that up. But I had an amazing chat with Katie from beyond blue this week. Yeah. She's their corporate fundraising director and an amazing lady. And, and obviously beyond blue, do some fantastic things for the community or not some, they do a lot.

They that's what they do. Yep. Only fantastic things. So she's super proud that we are,

Speaker 4 (51m 59s): They're our charity of choice.

Speaker 0 (51m 60s): Yep. That they're our charity. And so on Sunday we will be getting those signed and we'll put them up on our socials in the next couple of weeks. And uming them off for a few dollars for beyond blue. But it will be something that we will do ongoing

Speaker 4 (52m 14s): Hundred percent and anything that people want donate. I know actually a big shout out to the court side, collectible guys. Yeah. Cause what they've done this week is someone within their community. The parents been diagnosed with, with cancer and cancer, socks locked, worst thing ever. And what they did, they, they went out there and they went out to the community and they gave away a few small things. The few small things like with a Barclay. So Jersey I think, and a few other bits now there's 15 prizes and they've had 2,580 people.

Speaker 0 (52m 45s): We did talk about this one. Well

Speaker 4 (52m 47s): Actually it's amazing donate two bucks each to go into these drawers. And absolutely obviously we're giving away some grading and stuff, which is absolutely nothing compared to what these other people have done. And I think, well done courtside, collectible boys. It's a massive shout out. And we thank you for what you do for the community snaps for the courtside boys. Great. What you guys do for the community. And we, we really appreciate really, really appreciate you all.

Speaker 0 (53m 9s): Yes, absolutely. We did mention that before. Cuz do you remember your message to me on Sunday night? Yeah. Oops. I've done it again

Speaker 4 (53m 14s): Indeed. So,

Speaker 0 (53m 16s): Which was

Speaker 4 (53m 16s): Fantastic. That was my Britney Spears for the evening.

Speaker 0 (53m 18s): Yeah. So no shouted to those guys.

Speaker 4 (53m 21s): Has Ruby wrapped us up? Is that what that was? I think our phones, our producer Ruby has wrapped us up. So we, we have to,

Speaker 0 (53m 27s): We do have to go because, and for the real reason is that her phone is running outta charge that we film this through. Yeah. So that's why you charge it through today. Yeah. So I don't know about, you know, should

Speaker 4 (53m 38s): She be reprimanded for the fact that this

Speaker 0 (53m 40s): New generation

Speaker 4 (53m 41s): Gen expert gen whatever gen, gen

Speaker 0 (53m 43s): Z she's gen Z. What's your gen I'm X. There you go. Your X too. Your

Speaker 4 (53m 47s): Gen,

Speaker 0 (53m 48s): My gen. You're

Speaker 4 (53m 48s): Got a Jen

Speaker 0 (53m 51s): Ish.

Speaker 4 (53m 52s): There you go. Shout

Speaker 0 (53m 53s): Out to my wife, Jen, indeed. But no Ruby is gen Z and your gen Z is in my mind. No Ruby's looking at me cuz I think she's a little concerned because she has had me comment on what I think gen Z is. But gen Z is the red bar on your phone generation. They don't care.

Speaker 4 (54m 9s): That's very, it's like the, would they be the same with fuel?

Speaker 0 (54m 11s): Yeah. They don't care.

Speaker 4 (54m 12s): The fuel light comes on. How long have I got that? Just fill the fucking car.

Speaker 0 (54m 16s): Yeah, exactly. And like red. Oh no, my phone's running outta charge. Well you should have bloody charged it

Speaker 4 (54m 22s): Before we go and outta charge

Speaker 0 (54m 26s): And we dunno what happened in the middle. We may have paused in the middle somewhere.

Speaker 4 (54m 28s): Well that's okay. We got it on the main camera. So on the socials, we'll be out there boys and girls. YouTube. Okay boys. How are we wrapping this up?

Speaker 0 (54m 35s): We are wrapping this up with a message from me, which is see you on Sunday. Hey, Hey, you're next? You're next? Ah,

Speaker 4 (54m 42s): And I'll see you all Sunday. Remember the surprise? Happy birthday.

Speaker 0 (54m 46s): Happy birthday. Yeah. And, and I'll see you on Sunday and protect your cards. That's right. Penny sleeves, penny sleeves. Thanks everyone. We will see you again next week. Same time. Cheers

Speaker 4 (54m 55s): Boys and girls have a cracker go.

Speaker 2 (54m 57s): Platinum

Speaker 1 (55m 5s): Collect,

Speaker 2 (55m 9s): Go platinum, go platinum.

Speaker 6 (55m 16s): You know you wanna

Speaker 1 (55m 18s): Go,

Speaker 6 (55m 19s): You know,

Speaker 1 (55m 20s): Go.

Speaker 2 (55m 25s): It's the highest of standards on the we of land and it's not silver. It's not food. You want the best. Take advantage, go platinum,

Speaker 6 (55m 32s): Platinum. You know you want

Speaker 1 (55m 33s): It?

Speaker 6 (55m 35s): Know you

Speaker 2 (55m 35s): Wanna go platinum, platinum,

Speaker 7 (55m 38s): Platinum, platinum, platinum, platinum, platinum, platinum.