Clydesdale Media Podcast

We talk with Matt Shingledecker changing the world we live in using fitness and CrossFit to do it.  the 911 Climb event is coming up and Matt brings Kristen Slaper with him to demonstrate the partnership with the State of Ohio in this initiative.  We also talk on how the Broken Science Initiative has stepped in to help track the number of participants.

What is Clydesdale Media Podcast?

We cover the sport of CrossFit from all angles. We talk with athletes, coaches and celebrities that compete and surround in the sport of CrossFit at all levels. We also bring you Breaking News, Human Interest Stories and report on the Methodology of CrossFit. We also use the methodology to make ourselves the fittest we can be.

Hey, hey, chill.

Let's go.

what is going on everybody

welcome to the Clydesdale

media podcast where today

we have a we have a couple

special guests and a

special topic because today

is all around first

responders and nine eleven

and a program that started

here in ohio um and has

grown exponentially in a

short amount of time uh

called the climb and so I

have matt shingledecker

And Kristen Sleeper with me?

Did I get that right?


You did.

And Kristen is the Director

of Law Enforcement

Initiatives here in the state of Ohio.

And Matt Shingledecker,

if you don't know him,

longstanding OG CrossFitter

and is doing amazing things

with his affiliate,

helping people in all aspects of life,

make a better life using

crossfit as that model so

with these welcome first of

all welcome to both of you

thank you brother

So, Matt,

I've known Matt since twenty

fourteen Cincinnati

regionals when we were

volunteering together at

the at the regional level of CrossFit,

the sport.

And we got put on the same

team back then and and been

friends ever since.

And it's been an awesome experience.

And I got to know Kristen

just five minutes ago.

So I want to dive into the climb.

This started a year ago,

and it started because you

had relationships already

because some other

initiatives you had started.

So Matt, walk us through that.

Yeah, so we,

myself and my business partner,

Debbie Wagner, we co-own CrossFit,

this nice little gym behind us here.

We started working,

we've been working with the state for,

The better part of seven

years in working with

juveniles in the juvenile system,

using CrossFit for that rehabilitation.


And that has put us in

contact with a lot of

pretty important people.

One of those being Director Andy Wilson.

So Andy is the director of

public safety prior to that.

He was director of law for

Governor DeWine.

And he came alongside of us to say,

you know, hey,

this juvenile program that

you've got is pretty successful.

How do we learn more about that?

And how do we spread that

throughout the state of Ohio?

We've got eighty eight

counties and we've got one

program that's keeping

recidivism rates in the

twenty percent range or

twenty three percent range,

which is one of the lowest

ranges across the nation.

How do we expand that?

So that took us on a journey.

to start working with more

people inside of the state to say, okay,

here's a program that is

both mental and physical

tied together that, that creates success.

And whether it's CrossFit or any type of,

I would say any type of

organized functional

movement that's coach led is,

is really the perfect

mixture of what makes success.

It doesn't necessarily have

to be in a CrossFit gym,


we use that model because it's

successful for us,

but as long as it's coach

led and it's community

surrounded or community developed,

that's where the success comes from.

So we, um,

started working with Andy in the

state highway patrol.

So two years ago, uh,

almost three years ago now,

Andy wanted to do Murph

with the state highway patrol cadets.

Um, so Andy's a CrossFitter, um,

knew it well.


how do we get the cadets ready to do

full blown Merc?

So he and I and Debbie worked together on,

we'd go to the Academy

every Friday morning for

about two months and train

these cadets on how to do Merc.

We did that first year and

it was a huge success.

We partnered with Rogue.

We had it at the Rogue facility.

Um, it went over really, really well.

Um, from that standpoint, um, Andy's like,


How do we grow this?

How do we really involve the

heart of this state when it

comes to our first responders?

How do we involve everyone?

And we were sitting at a

table at the police academy

or there at the Ohio State

Patrol Academy.

And Debbie was like, well,

why don't we do something

around nine eleven?



There are four hundred and

twelve first responders

that passed during nine eleven.

And how do we.

Honor those that have fallen.

Also pay tribute to and

respect those that are are

in the field today.

Well, let's come together on nine eleven.

Pretty important.

A lot of CrossFit people

already do a memorial

workout in that time.

Why don't we try to

collectively create

something that all first

responders can do,

regardless of your skill or

ability or your location?

So the nine eleven climb was created.

We worked a little bit with

Rich Froning on creating

the actual workout.

And that first year, Kristen,

what did we have, like a week?

Last year,

because it was one of those things like,

hey, this is a great idea.

And if anyone knows Director Wilson well,

he's all in.

And once it's on,

just get out of the way

because it's going to make it happen.

So we kind of threw this

together last year in a

very short amount of time.

This year,

we've had quite a bit more lead up to it.

And we're trying to make it bigger than,

you know, bigger next year,

even than what it is this year.

I'll let Tristan jump in on

kind of the state side of

what this event means for

first responders and maybe

what Tristan can explain a

little bit about, you know,

her job and what her

responsibilities are.

But that's kind of the start

of what we have today.


so as the Director of Law Enforcement


I have a bunch of different

programs under me.

But as Matt said,

Director Wilson and

Governor DeWine both are

very intent on helping

first responders in any way

and public safety in general.

So I have both law enforcement recruitment

and first responder wellness.

The Office of First

Responder Wellness started

a few years ago and the

focus has largely been the

mental health side, which as you know,

is very important to

address and to get at that

stigma and to get people

talking and to help with

the resources that we can.

We are moving into more now

the physical wellness and

physical health side.

and trying to pair physical

and mental wellness

together because we're

trying to really address

whole person health.

And when you think about first responders,

they are the people that

are helping other people all the time.

And who's taking care of

them really is kind of the

focus of my office.

And in partnerships with

Matt and Debbie and others,

we're trying to find ways

to bring resources to first

responders in the state.

So the nine-eleven climb, I'll be honest,

my first week that I worked

for the Department of

Public Safety was the week of the MRF.

And luckily,

Director Wilson had asked me a

few weeks in advance if I

wanted to participate.

So I got a little bit of

prep time because I'm not a CrossFitter.

I'm actually a runner.

um so I prepped for that and

kind of saw the energy

around that and just the

camaraderie and the

teamwork that went into it

and then we started talking

about the nine eleven event

um and last year we did and

matt's right we kept it

very fairly small we kept

it to the cadets and the

academy staff for the

highway patrol um and then

a few others and then it was kind of

once we were done with it,

it was this was a great success.

What can we do now?

And how can we make this bigger?

And Director Wilson, of course,

is always challenging us like,

like Matt said,

so throwing throwing audibles, curveballs,

all those things.

But this year,

we turned our focus a little bit more to

How we can incorporate

people both in the in-person event, also,

of course,

the CrossFit affiliates or any

gym or any first responder

place of business.

So a post or the firehouse or whatever,

or even people doing it at

their house with their family.

One of the things that we

know is that sometimes

people can be a little bit

hesitant about doing CrossFit.

And so one of the pushes

that I made this year was

to try to incorporate more

than just CrossFit.

So we're gonna have people that can walk,

that can climb stairs,

we're gonna do yoga.

We're really trying to make,

trying to address whole person health.

And, you know,

of course the mental side

and the physical side, and we just,

you know, the director said the other day,

he wants people to come and

stand shoulder to shoulder,

And do this and, you know,

forty one minutes and

twenty seconds dedicated to

those four hundred and

twelve first responders

that lost their lives.

That's right.

That's incredible.

You said that when you first

started this job that you

weren't a CrossFitter,

but I look behind you.

I see barbells.

I see plates on the wall.

Are you in a garage gym now?

I'm actually in my home gym

um and my husband so when

covid hit um my husband

started buying all the

things from rogue and ref

and and all of those and

and every every time like

every couple months now

he's like I have this new

piece of equipment that I

want to buy and it's just

okay go ahead but yeah we

have a pretty nice setup in

our basement um still not a

crossfitter but I give it a

try every now and then yeah

why the poster


the poster that actually was a poster

in the movie theater in

where my husband grew up.

I don't know.

I don't know if he was in

high school or whatever.

And he told his mom that he

really wanted the poster.

And she was,

my mother-in-law's just a

gracious human being.

She went back to the movie

theater and said,

how much can I buy that for?

And I think they charged her like,

thirty bucks or something like that.

But that's kind of the focal point.

I love it.

And of course, you know,

support law enforcement, right,

with bad boys.

So, Matt,

what are the chances we get her

to be a full CrossFitter as

these years go on?

Well, so, you know, if you see the barbell,

she's already doing

CrossFit style workouts,

whether she calls it CrossFit.

The challenge is, and I think,

I'm not sure,

I'm going to put her on the spot.

She keeps asking me when we

go for Wednesday to do the event.

So there is a live portion of this event.

Um, that, uh, that is an invite portion.

So when we go there,

I typically do myself and several others,

Debbie and Dale King.

And we'll talk about that in a minute.


we'll do the event at six AM and then

everyone will come and kick off there.

The, the, uh, old crew stadium at eight.

And I think.

Tristan is going to join us

for that CrossFit workout at six.

I'm not sure yet.

I'm not putting her on the spot.

Look, I will join you.

I am the mother of three kids.

So every day I have to

schedule out what time I

have to be where and whatever.

And so I've already in my

head and I've already told my husband,

I got to leave here by five

thirty on Wednesday morning.


I'll be there, Matt.

Scott, she will be a CrossFitter for that.

That's the beauty of CrossFit, right?

It's infinitely scalable.

That's right.

It doesn't matter if you're

the mother of three kids or twelve kids.

You can CrossFit just like the rest of us.


You know, so anyway, so...

So first you talk about Rich

programming this for you.

Is this year the same

workout as it was last year?

And how easy was it to get

Rich to write this workout?

Took about fifteen minutes.

So through, yes, this is the same workout.

As a part of the Expanding

Horizons Juvenile Probation

Program and our trauma training,

we've partnered with Mayhem

several years ago.

And how do we grow that program?

How do we get the word out?

How do we get the message out?

You know, for us, it's a, it's a,

it's a God led heartfelt

mission and who better in

this world to partner with

than Rich and Jake Lockhart

and Jimmy Hensel and that whole team.

So we were down there

actually for a meeting with

Rich and Jake and that whole group.

When this thing dropped, you know,

a year ago and, you know,

director Wilson's like, Hey Debbie,

great idea.

Thumbs up.

Let's do the nine, a lot of them event.

We're like,

Oh, my God.

OK, now we got to come up with a workout.

So we literally asked, you know,

Froning and Rich is like, yeah,

give me fifteen minutes.

They came back and he's like, here you go.

Here's the movie.

Here's the movements.

Here's the scaling.

Here's everything like, OK,

that's perfect.

And, you know, like Kristen said,

I think it's great that this year.

as she said, is expanding.

We want to involve as many

people as possible.

So yes,

you can come and do the functional


You can come in and do the

CrossFit workout or call it

functional fitness,

whatever you want to call it.

Or you can walk or you can do yoga.

The goal of there,

the goal really is you're

there with others.

If you think about what she said with Andy,

community that surrounds

these people is the most important thing.

Without community, we have nothing.

We can never do anything on our own.


what we find in,

in whole health and

wellness is especially in

the first responder,

brother and sisterhood is

there's a lot of isolation,

too much isolation,

especially coming out of COVID.

And the goal is to break

that isolation down and get

people to come back together.

And we prefer to do in a, you know,

in some type of a physical format.

So that's the rich froning.

That's the side of it.

That's how long it took him.

I think the,

The cool thing about this project,

you know,

last year we had a couple of

weeks to get it around.

This year, working with Kristen,

it's been a completely

different show for us.

It's been very precise and

very programmed and everything,

every step along the way,

it seems like it's already,

everything's been taken care of.

And Kristen has done a great

job with that.

The biggest gap I think we

had is we didn't really

know who participated last year.

We had no idea.

We sent flyers out.

We tried to get as many people involved.

We tried to call as many

CrossFit owners as we could

in email to say, hey,

let's see if you can get

your first responder

offices involved with this.

But we had no way of tracking.

So that was one of the things this year.

Like, how do we track this?

So Emily Kaplan and BSI and Dale King,

who you know,

real well.

And Kristen knows real well,

came alongside and said, Hey, let us,

you know,

let us help you through that process.

You know,

the goal that Emily and Dale and BSI has,

you know,

at the heart of it is how do we

get the right information

to the right people,

the correct information,

not what people want you to hear.

What's the,

what's the true story behind medicine,

behind functional fitness,

behind everything that's

health and wellness.

And then at the root of it,

Everything that was created originally,

if you think about CrossFit

in its original format,

was for first responders.

It was for military first responders.

And that's, I think, from Emily.

I don't want to put words in

Emily and Dale's mouth.

But if you think about the

true meaning behind what

they do is ultimately to help.

those men and women in blue

that are out there every

day serving our community,

whether it's police, fire, EMS, dispatch,

anyone that works in that public service,

that's who we want to

surround ourselves with.

And I think at the root of it, Kristen,

that's your heart.

So just a shout out to BSI

and what they've been able

to do to create a link and

help us get the word out.

So as someone who's worked

for the state of Ohio for

twenty one years,

one thing I know is we use

too many acronyms.

So BSI stands for Broken

Science Initiative.

That's right.

If you're new to this and

Broken Science Initiative

is the program that Greg Glassman,

Emily Kaplan started.

And now Dale King is a big

part of and and basically

trying to get the truth out as to.

um, what's really happening with science.


and they have partnered with you and

the client to give like a

registration link.

So, you know,

exactly who has signed up for

this program.

And that was, that was big for us because,

you know,

going back to what we'd said

about last year,

we just didn't know who participated.


and we wanted to be able to track that.

We want to,

we want to be able to say thank

you to those that jumped in and then

What are ways we can grow this?

How do we have every

firehouse and every police

station have this on their

calendar so they can do it in the office?

They can do it at home.

They can find a CrossFit

affiliate or any gym for

that matter that says, hey,

for forty one minutes and twenty seconds,

we want to come together and move.

When we do that, we share that suffering,

so to speak with others.

It, it creates, it changes us mentally,


It creates that bonding

through shared suffering

that allows us to maybe

break the walls of

isolation down just a little bit.

Um, you know, let's be honest.

We, what we find in,

in our facility and other

facilities like it,

people that come through

our doors when they're having a tough day,

they're probably

more often than not ready to

talk to their coach or the

individual that they just

shared suffering for an

hour with about their

struggles before they go

home and take it to their

spouse or take it to their

workplace or take it to their boss.

And that shared suffering

creates a bond that,

that is unlike anything else.

So when you couple that with

the mental awareness of, Hey,

I'm not the only one struggling here.

I know you're probably

struggling with something as well.

You create something much

bigger than yourself.

And what we're finding,

and Kristen can probably

talk to this way better than I can,

we're not seeing that in

the first responder brother

and sisterhood today.

There's a lot of self-isolation.


that was actually my next question

was for Kristen, and that is that

one of the reasons this

started is to first

responders are the backbone

of this country.

Like they are there to save

all of our lives.

And it sounds like that

you're the state of Ohio

wanted to jump in because

what you care about is the

health and wellness of your

first responders.

And how do we bring

awareness to that in a way

that promotes physical fitness?

Am I, am I on the mark?

Yeah, I think that, again,

there's a lot about mental health

And there are a lot of

programs out there to

address that and address

things in a reactive sense.


So somebody goes on a

critical incident and they, you know,

it's a really terrible

situation or whatever.

They have peer support after the fact,

you know,

somebody to talk to or they

might be referred to go to

counseling or something

like that or therapists.

And there are some people

and first responders,

especially law enforcement,

are a group of people that

just won't do that.

And, you know, they put up their shield,

they put that uniform back on,

they go back the next day

and they're tough, right?

And they have to be.

And again, first responders,

any of them are responding

to people on their worst day.

And then they're doing it a

few minutes later on the

next call that they get.

And it's that the whole

issue is who's taking care of them,

who's giving them time and

giving them space and also

addressing what their needs are.

Because like Matt is referring to,

they may not want to talk to somebody,

but they may want to go to

a gym or a facility.

and, you know, run a few miles,

do some CrossFit, heaven forbid,

they want to do some burpees.

But, you know, they,

they may want to use the

physical side as an outlet,

as opposed to talking to

somebody about it,

because maybe there's just

less stigma attached to going to the gym.

And so our,

our goal and our focus is

really to address

all of those things and and

whole person you know one

thing that we don't talk

enough about is first

responders sleep and how

much sleep they get and

their nutrition and what

they're eating you know

they're sitting in a patrol

car all day driving around

they're sitting in a

dispatch you know behind a

desk at the dispatch site

and they're they're taking

these phone calls all day

and are they getting up and

moving you know physically

moving or whatever so with

this event and moving

forward like we would like to address

whole person health and find

ways to bring resources to

first responders around the

state of Ohio.

And there just aren't enough

in a proactive sense like

that to build that

resiliency and to address

those physical needs.

There just aren't enough

programs out there yet.

And so this this climb and our, you know,

the Office of First

Responder Wellness are two

of the things that we're

going to utilize to try to

bring those resources if we can.

So Matt,

last year this was a very

Ohio-centric campaign.

With Broken Science

Initiative creating a

registration portal for you guys,

naturally that's made it

more of a nationwide event.

Have you had directors from

other agencies across the

country reach out to you

about this event?

So we've had other facilities,

other CrossFit affiliates

reach out and sign up to host.

And we've talked to Denver.

So Debbie and I work with

the state of Colorado and

particularly Denver County, Colorado.

And we've worked with them.

They are going to

participate in this event as well.

So it's starting to spread

slowly but surely.

And if you think,

I want to go back to what Kristen said,

about how do we why do we

want people to move why do

we feel that tying the

mental health along with

the physical health is the

best way to do it and and I

would say that all that the

proof is in the pudding if

you look at what dale king

has done with um with the

addiction services that he provides

And the background that Dale

has in successfully working

with individuals through

mental health and wellness

provides success.

You look at the program that we run,

you know, for seven years,

we've run a track record of

twenty three percent recidivism rate.

in juveniles,

which typically is in the

seventy or eighty percent,

meaning seventy percent of

the time a youth comes off for probation,

they're right back on

probation in years one, three or five.


And Dale has the same success.

If you look at what Dale and

BSI and that group is doing

and what we're doing,

the numbers are there.

So Greg Glassman always used to say, hey,

I can't tell you about CrossFit.

Just come in and give it six months.

I don't care if it's CrossFit or not.

Find a organized group of

individuals that's led by a

coach that provides a

physical outlet where you

can share that suffering,

whether you're walking or

doing yoga or doing

functional movement at some

type of intensity.

where you can share that

together and give it six months.

And I guarantee your life

will be different.

And that's what we need

first responders to do.

We need to, like she said,

they put on that shield every day, right?

But that shield on the other

side probably has cracks in it.

And those cracks lead to

devastation if not taken care of.

And we're trying to do that

by bringing people together

in this initiative.

So Kristin, I have a follow up to you.

You have this one big event

every nine eleven to

promote awareness to this.

What are the steps from that

day to make it make it

stick throughout the three

hundred and sixty four other days?

I think that's a great question,

and I don't know that I

have an answer to it,

but I think that it needs to be routine.

movement, whether it's events, you know,

there's obviously this is a big event.

But what about, you know,

monthly events or challenges.

So one of the things that my

office started a couple

months ago was we just

started a physical fitness

challenge for the month.


again that is that you're

kind of standing shoulder

to shoulder or you're doing

push-ups right next to each

other in the office or

squats or whatever it is um

but it's a challenge right

and it gets people talking

it gets people moving um

and also you know

addressing other things

like breathing you know how

that that can improve your

sleep or whatever grounding

and how that can just

improve your overall mental

and physical health and I think that

Making it a routine is

something that we're going

to be pretty diligent about.

Not sure what that looks like.

I don't know how many more

workouts everybody can come up with.

And if they include burpees, you know,

I may not do them.

But, you know,

I think it has to be

dedicated time and energy

to all of wellness and health.

And I think that's what my

office is hopefully going

to be focused on.

So I'm going to dive a little deeper.

Has there been any thought

to partnering with

different gyms or partnering with,

you know,

there's these programming apps

out there that send a

workout of the day every day,

partnering with them that, you know,

the state police force get

to use this at a discounted

rate or whatever,

or things of that nature to

promote fitness beyond this one day?


there are a lot of apps that are


There are agencies that

actually use those apps.

One of them is the Cordico app.

And it's really,

there's so many different

law enforcement and first

responder agencies that

addressing it holistically

is somewhat difficult.

But I think that that is

definitely something that

we could explore.

And one of the things that

we're asking through this

event is for local agencies

facilities, affiliates, gyms, whomever,

to open their doors and say, come on in,

come be part of this.

And we want that to

hopefully open up some partnerships.

We were contacted the other

day by a gym owner who his

gym is located right across

the street from a police department.

And so he works with them on

a regular basis to try to

Rehab them if there's an

injury or just help them

with workouts or whatever it is.

Some of this stuff is not

necessarily a state

initiative we can encourage,

but the locals, I mean,

if you go into all of these

local communities,

they're very supportive of

their first responders.

And so some of this is just

the awareness of, you know, this,

this facility exists, come on in,

you know, use the gym or whatever,

whatever it happens to be.


in addition to any types of programming

that we can, we can put on.

The awareness too,

because there's so many

different flavors of

fitness out there that

people like we talk,

the three of us probably do

a different type of fitness

from each other because of

what our needs are.



And maybe just awareness to

what all is available out there.

Some gyms have like PTs in

the gym that can help with rehab.

You know,

there's just a lot of different

possibilities out there.

And I think awareness is

just a big thing that needs

to be promoted.

Scott, I would add in my perfect world,

if you think about what we

do from an affiliate owner perspective,

If I if I look at, you know,

I'm sitting in Salina, Ohio.

It's a population of ten

thousand Mercer County

population of sixty five or

seventy five thousand.

It's pretty rural.


You know, I look at the fire,

the firehouse here.

We've full time firefighters

and they have a section in

their firehouse.

They could do physical

fitness in a perfect world.

I see this as.

groups like us, you know,

partnering with facilities like that,

doing something in-house, working,

you know,

having every firehouse that

houses full-time firefighters,

full-time police,

having the ability to do

functional movement, functional fitness,

call it, I don't care what,

inside of their facility, right?

Whether that's on duty or off duty,

something that allows them

Maybe they don't have an opportunity.

And if you think about a lot of families,

they're, you know,

first responders are

working odd shifts as it is.

They've got families, right?

So when they're not working,

they're trying to dive into

their family life,

kids and sports and all of that.

You start to look at, yeah, well, you know,

fitness is you just have to

schedule it out of your day.

For a first responder,

that's sometimes extremely difficult.

They don't have, you know,

a nine to five or an eight

to five like you and I do.


so how do we bring it to the firehouse?

And, you know,

one of the things that I

would love at some point is

to introduce programs that

we could partner with state

entities that says,

here's a program that we

could help you kick off the ground,

find us a firehouse and

let's do it inside of the facility.

And now it's there, it's there.

So it's not, you know,

it's not something that, Hey, they're,

they have to come to us.

They can supplement their

personal fitness in a gym like ours.

but it's driven through the office,

through the facility that

they're working for.

But anyways, I just, you know,

those are ideas that I have.

And I know Kristen and I

have talked about that briefly,

but those are our thoughts.

So before I let you guys go,

the details of this event, nine,

eleven is this Wednesday, I believe,


And so for your event,

you're kicking it off with

a live workout at, if people don't know,

we have an old soccer stadium,

not that old,

but they built a brand new one.

So this one isn't being used

as much here in Columbus.

And that's where you're

kicking it off is the old crew stadium.

Do you have the workout

published anywhere?


So it's on the flyer that we send out.

I know that we posted it on our,

web pages.

Kristen, has the state shared that out?


What's your web page?

I'm just going to try to pull it up.


let me see where it's at now that I

think about that.

You can go to our CrossFit Crave,

CF Crave Instagram.

I think it's on there.

You put me on the spot now, Scottie.

I don't help you on that.

Debbie does.

Where's Debbie at?

She might be putting it in the comments.

If you're reading comments,

let me jump on.


If you go to, just go to my Instagram,

go to coach underscore Schindelbecker.

I've, I found it on your crave.

There you go.

I got it.

So I'm going to share it.

So it's there.

And I think Kristen has it

on some of your state sites or PDS,


Yeah, there it is.


So here it is.

It's forty one minutes and

twenty seconds of physical

movement that you choose in

honor of the four hundred

twelve first responders who

lost their lives.

There is a CrossFit quad and

it is one hundred stairs or steps,

twenty burpees, thirty sit ups,

forty lunges, air squats.

And I'm assuming that that's

depending on what you have.


And there's a workout explanation there.

to do it.

And then, like Kristen said,

we're at the stadium,

we're having walking, we're having yoga,

and then you can climb,

you can just climb the

stairs if you'd like,

or just walk the stadium steps.

And the goal to offer those,

the rest of those is, listen,

you can do this anywhere.

You can do it at home,

you can do it at your fire station,

your police station.

The goal is there to move,

preferably with others,

meaning you're finding your

partner or somebody

that you can move with for

forty one minutes and twenty seconds.

And then we implore you to register.

So if you click on that link,

it takes you to the registration site.

I don't know if that's a

clickable link there on yours,

but if you click on that,

it takes you to the

registration site where you can sign up.

Tell us where you're doing

the event at and it'll walk

you through that whole process there.

so that takes you to broken

science yep um and their

link is on there some not

much and then you go to the

link that they provide I'm

trying and then there is

events my share screen doesn't follow so

Yeah, that's all right.

I don't see it on here.

I can get you the link, Scott.

So what I'll do is after

we're done with the show today,

I'll get that link from Matt.

I'll put it in the

description of this video.

And you can click on that to register.

And really the important

thing is move for forty one

minutes and twenty seconds.

If you want to do it in the

CrossFit WOD that they provide, awesome.

You get to do that.

If you want to climb stairs,

you want to go for a run, whatever,

ride a bike, whatever it is,

just move for forty one

minutes and twenty seconds.

Grab your friends and family, too.

That's it.

I was going to say,

we prefer you to do that with others.

And it's that shared suffering,

that shared bonding that

we're really looking for.

Well, guys, this has been awesome.

Is there anything I missed

in my questioning that you

guys want to get out there?


Not for me.

Thank you.

I think we're good here.


I appreciate the time and putting us

on and helping us get the word out.

That's the biggest thing, I think.

Sharing the message and

sharing the word is

probably the hardest thing to do,

and I appreciate you

jumping in and helping us out with that.

Well, Matt, you know,

you're one of my favorite

dudes in this space.

And anytime you need time on this show,

it's yours.

All you have to do is give

me a call and you can come

on here and we'll talk

about whatever it is you

want to talk about.

What you are doing for our state.

in this space is remarkable

and should be commended by

as many people as possible

that know about it.

Anytime you need a platform,

you have this one.

I appreciate it.

None of this wouldn't happen

if that girl that's sitting

right in the middle of us,

this wouldn't be a thing if

it weren't for her hard work.

I would not want the hours

that she's put into this,

I would not want that job.


this Wednesday move for forty one

minutes and twenty seconds

with a group of friends,

group of family members,

whoever you can get to come

around and just move.

And this is to honor the

first responders who lost

their lives at night eleven,

but also to celebrate the

first responders we have in

our lives today.

So make sure that you do

that this Wednesday, September eleventh.

And with that guys,

thank you so much for

taking the time out to do

this and we will see

everybody next time on the

Clydesdale media podcast.

Thanks guys.

See ya.