Noon Hour Of Madness & Mayhem

On today's show - supposedly there's tunnels below Los Angeles, people overanalyzing video game characters, the internet is going to be filled with AI users, and Viktor wants to program GTA radio stations.

What is Noon Hour Of Madness & Mayhem?

The Noon Hour Of Madness & Mayhem can be heard live on KBEAR 101 weekdays at 12pm MST. Viktor and Peaches talk about a wide variety of topics depending on the day and you never know what to expect!

The noon hour of madness and mayhem powered by Jalisco's, the podcast. The noon hour of madness and mayhem is powered by Jalisco's What's Happening Peaches? You ready for another conspiracy theory? Oh, yeah. This time, I'm gonna tell you the the tunnels below LA.

The tunnels below LA. Now I haven't heard about this one. I mean, I've heard of the tunnels under Pocatello. There's also tunnels supposedly under Disneyland too because, you know, those big a list celebrity stars, whenever they wanna go to the happiest place on planet Earth, they have to go underground and go through those tunnels and pay, like, $9,000 an hour or something like that. But that's that's that's another story.

Yeah. This one right here That sounds legit to me. There's there's always 2 random dudes with a podcast. No matter who they are, there's always 2 guys who pay for microphones and they start digging into crap like this, making Mhmm. Crap up.

This one guy was, like, yeah, I used to work at a Starbucks that was hidden under Los Angeles specifically for, a listers like Will Smith. He's like, you you never see Will Smith or Jerry Seinfeld ever in traffic? You that's because they're going through these tunnels and then popping up where they need to go. That that sounds a little suspicious to me. That that sounds sounds like, you know, what are the odds in a city with millions of people And I'm thinking, you know that the average person's gonna bump into one of these specific celebrities at Starbucks.

Well, Victor, how did Kobe Bryant die? Helicopter crash. Right? Yeah. That guy had his own helicopter to get around the traffic in LA.

He wasn't using those tunnels. Yeah. Everybody everybody would just use the underground tunnels. There would be people like my friend, Matt, who would have explored those tunnels by now, would have found them out. There would have been tons of people going through those tunnels.

Now, according to the Internet peaches, there are tunnels under LA. I'm sure there are. I'm sure there are some some tunnels, but not like a whole route, you know, dedicated for Jerry Seinfeld to pop up in Burbank and then downtown LA and then elsewhere. Well, maybe where this led or, conspiracy theory came from is these labyrinth of tunnels were, originally constructed to ease traffic, but I don't think that there I mean, this was, like, a 100 years ago or something. There's about 11 miles of tunnels underneath the city, and then they constructed the, subway, and they started using most of those tunnels for the, the subway.

And I've used the LA subway before. It smells it's horrible. It's one of the worst things you can go on. Yeah. I didn't even know LA had a subway.

Yeah. My friend, Matt, for some reason, is like, let's just use the subway. I'm like, dude, I did not wanna smell this particular thing we can't talk about here because it's illegal here. So I hate that smell. I hate it, hate it, hate it.

And that's the smell of the LA subway. Go in there and I get so violently angry because I'm like, I do hate the smell. Yeah. And I would imagine that's kinda prevalent probably most places in LA nowadays. The whole town of LA, it gets it there's strong points and there's weak points, but there's never a point in downtown LA where it doesn't smell like that.

Yeah. New York was the same. Right. You know, it it was everywhere in New York. See, when I went to New York, it wasn't all that prevalent compared to LA.

How long ago did you go though? Because 2017. Okay. I don't know when they legalized the the devil's lettuce in, New York. Let's find out.

I don't wanna legal New York City. Let's see. They did oh, it was only 2021. Oh, so it's So you weren't around? A whole lot worse now.

Yeah. Yeah. Because, I mean, it it was everywhere because There's a reason to not go to New York again. You know, LA is a lot more spread out. Everything in New York's very, very condensed.

Right. It's all on top of each other. Yeah. So yeah. I mean, I I bet it was worse in New York than LA because LA is just so sprawling and Yeah.

But you also have those that are on the streets just hanging out, you know, with that whole thing in their mouth. Yeah. But in New York, there's like way more people on the streets. There's a lot in LA, but it's not like New York because it's just so compact, you know. And the people on top are usually the ones that are the wealthy ones.

Yeah. My daughter said she could even smell it when they were, like, on the elevator going to the top of the Empire State Building. I'm sure. Yeah. I'm sure it's all over the place.

I guess it was just everywhere. God, I hate that smell. There's gotta be worse though, peaches. There you know, what about a fresh, fresh fart? A fresh fart?

Mhmm. I don't know. I I feel like there's there's some smells I can tolerate, but for some reason that and, like, and what then when there's a person that reeks of cigarettes, it's worst. Well, okay. I make it evident too.

I'll put my shirt over my nose and, like, walk walk past them. You know, cigarettes are so weird because, you know, they're they as someone who used to smoke and It's a tough tough thing to give up. I understand. It's like the hardest thing to give up. Right.

But the you know, like, to me, I think that while they're being smoked, they smell good, but the smell that sticks to you is horrible. My grandma was one of the worst smelling people in her prime. Yeah. She would give us her crap from her house because she was a hoarder. Well, no.

And then all that stuff smelled like cigarette smoke, so we would just throw it in the garbage. Yeah. I went thrift store shopping with Maddie last week, and I found this, it's I don't know what it's made out of. Some type of, you know, a plant or something. It's some type of a weaved, it's like a cowboy on a horse Okay.

From Tijuana and it was like $3 and I was like that thing's weird looking. I'll take it. Sure. Yeah. And I got it home and I get it in my house and all of a sudden all I could smell was like, you know, dive bar and it just this thing must have sat somewhere just enveloped in cigarette smoke for decades.

So now it's out of my front porch. I don't know if it will ever air out but it smelled so bad I couldn't keep it in the house. Yeah. And it you know, it's it's not even, like, made out of fabric. What what's the worst smelling thing to you besides the whole smell here in town for that little while there?

Say dead body smell. I don't like that. Was that dead body smell? That smell like sewage. Dead carcass smell.

You know? Dead animals. Sewage is right right there with it. But that's what I smelled when I was going around Idaho Falls not that long ago. Just all sewage.

Now, in LA, there's there's skunks running around. Right? Because then you got coyotes. But skunks also smell like marijuana. Yeah.

That's I I I know and I was wondering like do people because I I don't generally hear people complain about that smell and I was wondering if they're just used to, you know, around here you drive over skunks and you just smell skunk all the time around here. So I was wondering if that why, you know, maybe in other places where people are in exposed to that. To that. It's skunks smell identical to that Yeah. Smell there.

And I I don't know. I mean, trying to think. Yeah. I mean, skunk smell, it's never really bothered me too bad. You know?

I think gas smells worse. Like, gasoline? I don't like the smell of it. Smell. Really?

I I don't like it. I don't like the smell of it. You can't you can't inhale it because it's gonna be bad for your brain cells, but I mean Yeah. But like No. You'll do you could die.

I I've got a horror story about that that we won't get into here. Now I was not sniffing gas. Okay? Jeez. Somebody else, Victor stuck to Elmer's glue.

I haven't heard of people dying after, sniffing gas. So don't ever huff anything, kids. What what's that weird smell that you actually like though? Weird smell that I like. Well Fresh paint.

Fresh paint so it's okay. I don't know. I don't know. What what's a weird smell? I guess fresh paint.

Fresh paint or gas for me? Yeah. I I don't really like either of those. I mean, there's a lot of smells I don't like. Like, vanilla scented air freshener, I don't like that.

Oh, the what's what's there's one the new car scent's not that great. Not very big fan of new car scent. Yeah. You know, I don't really like the smell of lavender. I don't like that smell like a sexy smell.

That's what you light up if, like, your lady's coming over. Not me. You're like, you get the lavender and vanilla, and you get the cocoa butter, and you're just, you know, laying there, like, hey. No. How's it going?

Sitting there all nauseated from the smell in the air. Just throws up all over the bin. The noon hour of madness and mayhem is powered by Jalisco's. I'm Victor Will. I'm Peaches.

And, Victor, the Internet is body shaming virtual characters, video game characters. What? Have you seen the main character in the bikini, on GTA 6? Her name is Lucia. Is that her name?

Yeah. Supposedly, that's her name. That's what everybody's been saying. They posted a picture of her standing there. Okay.

I saw that picture. And everybody was just body shaming her on the Why? Why would anyone wanna play as a fat Puerto Rican? Jeez. She's not even If she's fat, I'm built like Yokozuna.

Okay? I was gonna say I'm obese. I am so fat if that is fat. That's And there were there was, like, these ladies saying, like, clearly these men have never seen a woman with no no clothes on. No kidding.

Like, that geez, dude. And then I also read that's not even guaranteed to be an actual screenshot for the game. I think a lot of people are saying they thought it was AI. This guy said, she's not fat, but she's definitely masculine looking, which is fine. Also, not skinny.

Chad GPT says 22 approximately BMI. Called her body type curvy and tone. I asked her if she meant curvy or curvy said fuller figure and not the more traditional use of the term. This guy is a wild goose maniac. There's some there's some Internet weirdos out there.

I'd say, like, talk about people who need to find a hobby. My goodness. Yeah. Yeah. It's, it's rough out there in the Internet.

Well, just wait till the game actually comes out. Oh, there's gonna be so many It's gonna be because it'll be both sides. Oh, yeah. Because every time a GTA come game comes out, you know, uptight people lose it completely. Well, people now have complained about anything.

I just saw a post on Life in Idaho Falls. What kind of snow is this in town? This looks like powder. What is that? That?

There's a lot of different types of snow, everybody. And someone had to come in and say, this is the actual scientific term for this type of snow. Oh. That was just posted in Life of Idaho Falls. Well, there there was one I saw earlier, and I already forgot what it was, but I it it was the usual, like, why?

Why is this post? Why are you so mad about something like this? Why are you all fighting about this? Oh, yeah. I almost had it.

Oh, l, it don't matter. But I just wanted to keep you updated on GTA 6 news that they posted a picture of Lucia, if that's her name. And, people are now saying, well, she looks fat and disgusting. People are so critical. Like, I I've talked about here, let's turn the music back up.

Have you seen the subreddit called am I ugly brutally honest? Oh, no. I'm not even gonna I know. Put my picture in there. I don't know why this popped up on my feed, but it's popping up over and over and over again.

Have the roast my fridge subreddit popping up. Or no. It's like I think it's like, judge my fridge or, like, what do you think I do with this fridge? I see those too. But the am I ugly brutally honest, it's always people who are very good looking posting their photos.

Alright. Let's put Jade's old photo right there in in the subreddit. See what they say. See, well, one thing I noticed is that all the ladies, it's kinda like Facebook. You know, the ladies hot ladies up top?

Well, they get lots of, you know, good compliments and things. But, occasionally, you know, a guy posts a picture on there and everybody just trashes them. Of course. That's how it is. That's how Instagram is.

You you never see, like, you never see a bunch of dudes compliment their friend. They're always, like, man, you're ugly. You you disgust me. And you see the girls post all the time, you're beautiful, you're gorgeous, these compliments and stuff. And my sister just posted a whole 2024 recap.

All of her sorority sisters are like, oh, you're awesome. How many of those how many of those women are fake though and they're gonna insult her behind her back? Probably tons. Tons of them. Yeah.

The majority. There's people out there that suck like that. Mostly women too that that are in sororities that are just, you know, so fake. Well, I didn't go to college. I never dealt with, sorority people.

So It's just imagine the hawk toa girl 10 times. The noon hour of madness in AM is powered by Haliscos. Earlier, you sent me a text message, Peaches, about what Facebook's up to. This is one of the dumbest things I've seen in a long time, but I'm kind of excited about it. What was it again?

I forgot. Meta on Facebook and Instagram wants to add thousands of artificial intelligence users. So As I was waiting for my water heater get to get replaced, I was just scrolling Facebook and saw that. Like, this is perfect for Victor because we just talked about the whole hawk tone, whatever it is Hawk tone. In the, 105, the hawk country music fest or whatever that group's called.

Yeah. In the z group, the classy group, and the hawk group, there's some type of AI thing that's been added. What was the classy one called? Because I know it was, like, the z bot or whatever or the z one zero three group. Catch the name on it.

I just saw that it was AI enabled. When did they call ours the bear bot if that gets added? The bear bot. Yeah. Yeah.

They better let us name as far as I know Name it the better jade. The better jade? Or something like that. They they name it Rad Boyle. Rad Boyle.

I mean, you get to ask it questions. So it's funny that they're, like, oh, Meta's setting off alarms by announcing that they're going to add AI powered users. What are the moral and ethical implication there have been fake users on Facebook for There's been tons of them trying to add me as of, like, there's been tons of, Instagrams, like, these fake Instagram accounts liking my picture of me with fame on fire for some reason. I don't know what it was that triggered them to go after that picture. But literally every day, there's one new like.

Oh, fake girl in a bikini. Just like my photo. So if they're adding, you know, artificial users that will actually interact with you, it's better than the fake ones. Right? That you ask them a question and the answer they give has nothing to do whatsoever with what you ask Not at all.

Because it's just a bot programmed to, you know, spew whatever garbage. Hi. How's it going? My wife died. Okay.

That's great. Now that moves into the conversation. But this could be hilarious because people already argue over AI images and argue with each other. Can you imagine grandpa? You know, grandpa, who have you been fighting with on Facebook all morning and you pull it up and grandpa's been fighting with a person that doesn't exist?

I think it'd be great. You know, you just kick back and relax. No more effort required, Peaches. For these people that wanna do nothing but fight online, let them fight with the AI. I think this is actually a good idea.

I can totally see somebody like Nate Eaton over at East Idaho News, like, just posting some article that he knows is gonna generate fights in the comment section, and then he goes in with a fake account and just starts fighting with people himself. That would be fun. Well, I think even Elon Musk just got busted for, somebody figured out what his fake profile was. Well, there was a guy that just replied to his photo saying, like, Elon, you're a great father. We love you or some I go or something like like something like that.

If you were applying saying this is Elon's burner saying how great of a father he is to himself. Yeah. Somebody went through and did some kind of crazy analysis, I guess, And they did all this, like, voice, you know, analysis in audition with the spectral waves and things. And, I don't know. They we we don't know for sure, but they are accusing this account called Adrian Dittman.

That's the guy. Yeah. That's the one that was popped up. Yeah. Fake well, it's it's Elon Musk's burner account.

That was the name I saw popping up. It was a weird profile. Pick 2. Yeah. That's funny.

So, you know, how many peep I've thought about having fake profiles just so I could talk crap to people, be a troll, go on other radio stations, Facebook pages, and be like, you should be listening to K Bear. I did that with my real account, yesterday or the day before because now for some reason, there's this whole Twitter thread that we could talk about in the next break about, like radio died in 2011 back when they used to do stuff like this. Now they don't anymore and stuff like that. Oh, yeah. Let's check it out.

Yeah. Because it's probably a bunch of useless stuff that we didn't need to do to begin with. Well, it it was more so just Ariana Grande in studio on power 106 singing live and all the they said, like, radio was so great back in 2011 and 2012. What happened? And Alright.

It's just that you're nostalgic of those years because it's so much later and now you're an adult. Radio has nothing to do with it. You're a loser now. Yeah. If you go back and listen to old radio, it's it's not very good.

It's the same thing. I listen to old air checks from K Bear from way back when. It's the same thing. Just with Howie Rock's voiceband. Hang on.

Hang on. Hang on, everybody. Hang on. Well, we'll we'll dig into this, list or, you know, thread online You know what? In just a moment.

It's December 30th. We should do the end of the year what we should forget in 2024 when it comes to radio. Oh. We should do that. I've I've been throwing a few of them out there.

Yeah. We might as well put out our complete list, and I'll put it I'll put mine in the Radio Peeps Facebook Oh, yeah. Put it in there, man. It's gonna make so many people mad. They're gonna be not.

My whole job is based off traffic. The noon hour of madness and mayhem is powered by Haliscos. I attempted to find the post you were talking about on Twitter, Peach, as I travel finding it too. It's just radio. Just some random guy posted it, and it was like, radio was so great back in 2011, 2012.

What happened? And it was just literally a video of Ariana Grande back when she used to have life to her face. Now she looks kind of like a she looks kinda sad. You know? She doesn't look the same as she used to.

I'm wondering if something's going on with her secretly or what's going on. Probably just, you know, Hollywood life sucks the life out of you. That Dana Zempic, isn't it? Or maybe it's I don't know. Using it.

Even people that are skinny skinny, like like her are probably using it. You know? Probably. It's scary. I mean, can you get that with insurance?

I gotta get rid of this beer gut. Seemed to it we talked about Elon Musk earlier. Are against, you know, the the vaccines and stuff, but they're willing to to inject themselves with Ozempic. I know. They stick it right into their stomach.

And I just read a whole article about how Ozempic can cause, deterioration in your eyes to cause blindness. So yeah. Now, we are not doctors. So, you know, we're we're just Doctor Wilt? We're just saying, all the things we've read online and threw out some alleged leads there.

Would you trust a guy named doctor Peach? Probably not. No. No. No.

I would not. But, going what I posted or what I searched for on Reddit was the phrase radio was better because I figured that might bring up a variety of posts, and it did bring up a variety of posts. Here's one I see often that I disagree with, that GTA radio stations have always been better than regular radio. I disagree. I think that they reason why is because the commercials are so crazy.

Like, you can't you can't obviously air those in actual radio stations. I mean, the commercials on GTA are entertainment. Sorry we're not advertising a medicinal cocaine card. Yeah. Exactly.

You know, it's, it's fake. But the music playlist, I've been playing GTA. I played through San Andreas. I played through GTA 5, and I threw on for just a few minutes, Vice City. And, yeah, the the playlists are fine, but no.

Kay Bear is better than any radio station on GTA. That's what I'm trying to spread the word about. It's just us. You know, us here on Kay Bear being the best. And I don't care how many people say, you guys overplayed Nirvana and all that stuff.

Nirvana's popular. There's a whole science behind everything. If you wanna hear, something get overplayed, play GTA San Andreas. Or go go listen to another rock station that actually says we're the heaviest, and then they play all disturbed. Yeah.

In playing through GTA San Andreas, I don't know how many times I heard the same Doctor. Dre song over and over and over. It's a limited playlist for a video game. Exactly. You know, even GTA 5, you're still gonna hear the same songs all the time, and they're old songs.

They added more to it, but at the same time, like Yeah. Yeah. It's the same same stuff. So I reposted that person and said, no. We are better than any GTA station, but that I would be glad to program a GTA 6 rock station any day.

And, you know, it really is too bad because for most people, their local stations are pretty terrible. I can tell you though, most people who spout out this stuff about GTA radio being better than real radio, they don't hear the actual radio stations they wanna hear. They hear the grocery store, you know, Walmart radio, the same 5 songs every time. Yeah. And that's what drives them nuts.

That's what they think all these actual radio stations are. Like, if you only hear radio when you're at the dentist, yeah, you're gonna hear nothing but Taylor Swift or country music. Yeah. Exactly. You're not gonna hear Kay Bear at the dentist or No.

Kay Bear anywhere else. I would love to hear Kay Bear at the dentist, but, you know, apparently, they think it'll scare people as well. Places have played cannonball that I've been to, which is Yeah. Yeah. I I hear Hawken z or well, Hawk and classy the most.

Cannonball quite a bit. Kay Bear, you you gotta be in the right kind of place to hear Kay Bear, you know, which is which is fine. And it's funny because most of the places I've been to that are blasting the other stations are going, I wish we could play Kay Bear, but our clients would complain or something like that. It's, like, no, they wouldn't. They just I just saw the video peaches where they said, you know, radio don't do radio like this anymore.

Radio does bring artists in to perform live in the studio. Also, artists don't wanna come or they do most of the time to big stations like Power 106 there in LA. Yeah. This is that's the J Cruise show. J.

Crews is a popular hip hop radio show host. Dude, if K Bear was in LA, we could have a band in every day. We could we could kick K Rock to the curb. You know? No.

Easy. We would have Bad Omens, all those bands come in. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, these people just aren't digging deep enough.

It's like the people who say, oh, all the new music's terrible. No. You're not you're just not listening to enough. Right. You know?

And it happens when people get old. They lose their interest in new music. But if you, you know, keep pushing yourself to look for more and actually give new stuff a chance, you'll find great new stuff you like. They really don't bother. It goes back to that whole thing.

I said, hey. What artist did you discover in 2024? And someone said, 0. And it's, like, I've seen you in this group plenty of times. And you say you listen.

There's there's plenty of new bands that play on K Barrett all the time. Here's another guy that made me mad. If you need a reminder that Spotify or YouTube are ads aren't that bad, listen to the radio. Dude, like, oh, this is an older post, so maybe he hasn't gotten modern YouTube ads. Because, you know, I watch a lot of YouTube, and I watched a video last night that was maybe a 10 minute video.

Uh-huh. I think it had, at minimum, 3 commercial breaks, if not 4, that were a minimum of 30 seconds unskippable. Yeah. I watch I watch these long term like, long form videos. Like, one is 48 minutes.

Right off the bat, 60 second unskippable ad break right then and there. Yeah. Then shortly after, another 60 second unskippable ad break. Like and there's no way I'm ever paying for YouTube premium. That stuff's overpriced.

I should be paying for game blocker. Like, we've got 2 commercial breaks per hour on Kaybears. 2. 2 of them, they're spread out a half hour apart. You're get you know, you're getting a half hour with no commercials for sure.

And, you know, looking at you know, right now, the commercial break that, is coming up is only a minute and a half. So, you know, that's 3 minutes throughout the course of an hour. I guarantee in an hour of YouTube watching on my TV, I'm getting way more than that. For sure. For sure.

So I I know there are problems with radio stations in bigger markets. Definitely. And Los Angeles has terrible commercial breaks. They're Yeah. They're advertising, movie trailers.

Yeah. And they're, like, 5 minute commercial breaks. As long as that 3 or 4 times an hour. There was one time I was driving from Idaho Falls to Rexburg for remote remote, and I was listening to alt 987 just to see how long the commercial breaks are. It was about half the commute.

All I heard is non stop ads. So, you know, it's unfortunate that that is the case at a lot of radio stations. But But, yeah. Maybe tomorrow, I'll do my list of, like, things radio needs to get rid of. And, we'll do that as a big end of the year, like like, I should Photoshop something together, then put it in the radio peep screen.

Yeah. And see how many old timers get offended. Oh, they'll they'll lose their minds. But then, I create a fake account and use the fake account to clap back at them. Yeah.

And say how awesome you are and do it the Elon way. Or use my account and just use chat g p t generated comments to comment back. Yeah. That's the easiest way to do it. For sure.

The noon hour of Madness and Mayhem powered by Holy Ghost is a production of Riverbend Media Group. For more information oh, wow. It smelled of my spit wrong while I was still talking. That's funny. Alright.

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