Hello, flower friends! This is Jen and you are listening to the Floral Hustle podcast. , I want to talk about my favorite things. I get DMs. I get, um, obviously people going and checking out my Amazon store. I get asked about like the clothes that I wear and things like that. So I just wanted to do some of my favorites because I, I love when I really love something.
It's usually because I'm a, I would say I've, I've tried a lot of things I am particular, but when I love something, I just. There's reasons why I absolutely love it. So I want to talk about some of my favorite business, uh, loves, and then I'm going to talk about some of my favorite personal loves as well.
So the first business love, and if you are watching this on YouTube, you will be able to see a lot these things, but my first is my HC Creations Clippers. I have had a million pairs of these because I absolutely love them, and with being ADHD, I sometimes misplace them. These are my favorite cutters, and the reason why is they pretty much cut through anything.
It's always up to the job. I'm never having to go and really wrench on my hand. I am really particular about making sure that my hands are not overworking. I design so that my wrists and hands are not overworking and I choose a cutter. If you go, everything is going to be listed in my show notes, but these are amazing.
If you have never had a pair You, these will change your, your life. Like I am so in love with these. Every person who I've ever gifted one of these to, um, has just been in love with these. So you just have to run and get your own on Amazon is the best place that I have found. All right. Then, from a vessel standpoint, there is a company in Canada called Camilla Supply.
This dish here is called, I call it my lake dish, but they have three different shapes. I love how fun this is with pin frogs. They also have these cute little pin frog boat, little bugs that he says. And then they have these really fun elevated, this is called a lotus bowl. I just also absolutely love it.
I think it can elevate your weddings and just looks stunning no matter what. Um, then I do a lot of candle rentals and I hands down love Jamalia's Garden. They have beautiful ribbed votives. I just absolutely love them. But you have to have long burning tea lights. And long burning tea lights will help you be able to Have rentals that are going to burn the duration of your wedding.
It looks like crap, in my opinion, when somebody goes to Michaels or something like that and gets the four hour tea lights. They are not adequate for an event. An event is way longer than that. So these are a deeper vessel and they will burn eight to nine hours. I buy these on Amazon. I usually buy the pack that comes with like a hundred and fifty.
It's three fifty fifty pack bags in one box and as you can see, they're like really, really deep and I use them all the time. Uh, then. My next business love for silk flowers with this new adventure I've been going on with the silk flower business. I love Allstate. Allstate is a silk flower company and I love their price points on their flowers comparatively to others.
I love the color on a lot of their product. I love the quality. Um, I like that I have a person that I can talk to, um, because I have a dedicated rep. Like, all of these things just has made me, really, from a silk flower perspective, love Allstate as a company. I've also purchased the course that is from Blue Blossom Academy.
And in that, she, like, has gone through, with every silk flower company, this is her flower sourcing guide. And, uh, It is amazing. I, I mean, I love this whole new journey that I've been on with the silk flower rental business because I have been exposed to, I was kind of a silk snob just thinking that they sucked.
And this has brought silk flowers to a whole new level for me, a whole new income opportunity. And so one of my also favorite things is the Blue Blossom Academy program. I. Love how I, I went and started going and ordering rogue from all state and some of the other companies. Like, I spent so much money for sourcing guide.
Yeah, you can go and find all of these so flower companies. But like, she has curated the product out of that in her sourcing guide, which is in her, her main signature course that I purchased that walks you through A to Z starting a business, and I spent a ton of money starting to just buy stuff. And like, it just wasn't the quality of all the items that she had curated.
So, I'm just throwing that out there. I also love, from an education standpoint, I love her course. It is an investment, but I've already, and I haven't even formally launched it with getting my website set up because I'm building a new website right now. It, it is already paid for itself, um, I think, let's see, I've had five rentals and I've had it at three different places to showcase it, that I got tons of photos.
They were open houses. Next week I'm bringing it to a bridal shop that is having a trunk show. So like I've also just gotten so much more exposure in a different way that I couldn't have got with silk flowers. So. Total different kind of tangent, but love it. It's amazing. And I will link that in the show notes.
Vistaprint. I use and produce materials not only for the floral hustle, for the workshops, and things like that, but I also do that for everything that you know, that's client facing. My open houses that I participate in, I make beautiful postcards. I've ordered shirts from them. I, my Christmas cards, I send to vendors, I get from there.
So like, just a ton of different items. I love their product quality is always good. I'm never like, what the hell has happened? And I usually get some type of email that gives me a deal that just reminds me or is the catalyst for me going, Oh yeah, I need to order from them. So, definitely Vistaprint is a great product as well.
I. Had for a long time been in love with Bellevue Roses, but they had a staffing change and My salesperson has started a new company that is direct from Ecuador Roses, it is called Trilogy Roses and Catherine who My was my salesperson at Bellevue is I I love her like I honestly I've I've never met her on video I've only talked to her on the phone But I love working with her and salespeople make the difference I truly think like having the right wholesale salesperson can make or break your business and I am using her now with her new company, Trilogy Floral, and if you guys want to check it out, I'm going to link it in the show notes, and I'm going to put a discount code there because I use it.
You have to try it. She has way more varieties available, and it's direct from Ecuador, so it's from a farm to your door, and I just, I love her, and so I'm just sharing the love. All right, then. Holocs. This is something that I need to talk to holocs direct, because I use holocs all the time, and as an educator it's It's frustrating because it's your wholesaler that often dictates if they even tell you about it.
And I have some product in the studio. It's like a gold tinted plumosa from them right now. I have some things coming today that are teal, um, but I also buy roses from there. I buy South American product. I buy product from Holland. I mean, I buy so much stuff from them and It is such a great tool because I love going on and being able to look at all these amazing options, but I love that it is like looking at different, it's like an auction.
That I am able to pull, pull into, and often with really great deals. So, if you have Hollix as an option, ask your wholesaler. I'm telling you, like, this changed the way I order. I, I love ordering from them. And it is something that is an integral part of my business. I mean, sometimes I order thousands of dollars from there in one week.
Go check it out. www. Hollix. com I will link it in the show notes, but you need to talk to your wholesaler if you want it shipped direct to your wholesaler, which I recommend, because then it's with their cold stored items, etc. Uh, so check it out. It's H O L E X. Alright, now I'm going to talk about my favorite personal items.
Alright, the first I'm going to start with, if you guys watch me on Instagram, I'm always wearing these flower shirts or bright colored shirts, and a lot of times with matching earrings. I love Mod Boutique clothing. It is a weekly drop that every Sunday at 10 a. m. they have a new drop of clothes and everything is almost always true to size of, like, if I order a small it's just, it's going to fit.
I rarely I mean, I order from them maybe every other week, so it's kind of a problem, but I love all of the flower clothes, I love wearing matching bold earrings, and they position that with, with, you know, the really cute, like, the sweater that I'm wearing right now, this really cute sweater with these really cute earrings, like, they automatically just match.
put things in front of you, often with jeans. I, rarely, I'm a big White House Black Market fan, and most of my jeans come from there, just because, especially with my weight loss, like, I just, I know their jeans are going to fit me, even if I shrink. I love the quality, so, like, White House Black Market is one of my diehard favorites for a million years, but Mod Boutique, it's modboutiquevw.
com. It's so much more affordable than White House Black Market and they just like the flower stuff. Like, I'm all about wearing flowers. I love how that makes me feel. And I love, I get people commenting all the time on my shirt or my earrings or like, oh my god, that's so cute together. And so just go and check it out.
It is so cute. They do have like plaid and all these other things, but I'm all about their flower prints and their weekly drops. I love looking and there's something new that I might fall in love with. So that's one of my favorites. Then from a skincare, because as a woman, like, and as somebody who is aging, like I'm just throwing it out there.
I am 45 and I have small children. I mean, I have a five year old that still likes to party. And so I love dermatology. They have a luminous eye corrector. It's like a concealer. And I swear, like it just makes my bags under my eyes look so much brighter, so much less. Obviously you can't make them erase them, but I love how it makes me feel.
I love how. It's really easy to put on and I also love they have a serum called needle less serum, which is like Botox, they say in a little bottle. And I love how that feels putting it on. I love, um, just how my skin feels afterwards. So if you are looking for good skincare, I love, they also have a pumpkin enzyme mask that I love like pampering myself and going and putting a mask on and putting their little under eye patches on and like relaxing in the bathtub because I deserve to take care of myself and that is just one, I'm a serious bath person and that's just one fun way that I do it.
Uh, then bare minerals makeup. I love bare minerals. I've been using bare minerals for a long time. I do think that that is one reason why I do look younger because I've always taken care of my skin. I don't go in the sun. I don't bake my skin. Also like tattoos, that's horrible for them. So my tattoo color just stays really, really well because I'm not in the sun soaking up all the rays.
But I love their powder foundation. I love their they have a, it's almost like a, a, you take a brush and you paint it on. It's a liquid foundation that is you know, hides like imperfections in your skin really easily, but I absolutely love Bare Minerals. If you've never used their makeup, everything's kind of a powdery other than that liquid foundation, and I just absolutely love it.
I use their eyeshadow, I use their blush, I use their pretty much everything. One of my favorites, but I was a lashes girl. Like, I got, I had lash extensions. I, this seems so vain to talk about it, but I have very little lashes. If you don't know, I'm a vegetarian. So I, like a lot of things, except my hair, I've always had really, really thick hair.
But a lot of things are just kind of not super strong because I am not, You know, I, I'm trying to eat as much protein as possible, especially on my health journey that I'm on right now of trying to be the strongest version of myself but like, my nails are super short and kind of brittle. My eyelashes have always been puny, so I, I was really big into having lash extensions for a long time and then COVID happened and I, I did it for a while, but I just.
I had so much. fear around. We had my nanny at the time, her little girl had cancer when she was younger. And so she had a compromised immune system. And I just was so worried about making her sick that I didn't want to be the reason why she was sick because I had to have my lashes done. So I stopped doing them and it like broke my heart, but I started buying Lashify.
So it's L. A. S. H. I. F. Y. And it is amazing. It is lashes. They're not strip latches. They're little chunks and you put them under your eyelash instead of over so you don't get this big line and you don't wear them for a day. They're like you wear them for a while. I absolutely love them. I'm in a lash club so I get them for half the price pretty much.
Normal pack of lashes is like 20 and in the lash club I'm getting them for 10. And I think I have to order four or five, four sets a month and it's just a subscription. And I love it though because it, it just, it lets me. If something isn't holding, or I slept on my face wrong, or whatever, I can fix it myself.
I'm not having to go, and I mean, the time was a huge investment for me to get my lashes done. That was like an hour every week and a half or so, because my lashes also shed because of not being very strong. And so I just, I've loved Lashify. They are absolutely the best, and If you've never used them, definitely check it out.
Then, um, this is a new thing that I've started, but I also don't drink alcohol. Um, I grew up with alcoholic parents, and I will occasionally go out and like have a Bloody Mary. But like, I don't like how it feels afterwards. I don't like the person, like, I feel like I am. There's just so much ickiness around alcohol in my brain because of my parents, because of, I inevitably think that's how my mom passed away.
I'm guessing she went into liver failure. We never had not talked to you, but when you find 17 vodka bottles that are empty in someone's house, it's very indicative of probably what's going on. So I just don't like how it feels. So I started a subscription box called Curious Elixirs, which is a mocktail.
It's With adaptogens in it. So you're supposed to have like this relaxed feeling and I just love the experience like of making a fun cocktail and like feeling that fun of that. And if you like. That part, but don't like how you feel don't like for one even I don't even like having alcohol in my house I don't like showing that to my children as like a way to escape a way to feel good a way to anything so it's something fun I can have in the house and feel good about as a mom because Being a mom that doesn't show everything that I was exposed to is really really important showing my children a better way Is really, really important.
Another thing that's really I prioritize and I think is completely underrated is massages. I love going to mall, kiosk, massage places, and so those are one of my favorite things. I don't have a particular one. I mean, there's one that I like better, but it's not like drastically different. If you are a mom or a busy business owner that does not have time, or you think you do not have time.
You have time to go get a 20 minute massage. I can be in and out of the mall as long as there's no wait, which there rarely is, in 30 minutes with a 20 minute massage. Like, I know where to park at the Mall of America. I live really close to the Mall of America here in Bloomington, Minnesota. I know how to get in, get out, get on with rocking my day and feeling better about my body and how everything feels because that is in play.
So if you are like, I don't ever have time, you have 30 minutes. I guarantee you have 30 minutes. You can go in, Get a, a massage. I just, I like chair massages. I do not laying, like, laying down because I want them, I had a couple car accidents when I was younger and I want them to just work on my neck and shoulders because I hold a lot of a tension there and I just want that.
And sometimes they'd be like, oh, the table massage is better. I don't care if you think it's better. I know I'm very, like, I know what I like and that's what I like so. If you are looking for some self care, it is a really easy way because you're not having to call and schedule something with a salon and having to go in there and go change into a robe and do all of that.
Like, this is get in, get out, get yourself taken care of. So, absolutely absolutely. probably next to lashify, one of my favorite personal self care things that I do. It's just, I absolutely love it. So thank you so much for listening and if you want to check any of these things out, go in the show notes. I'm not an affiliate for probably a million percent of these because I think, I only have an Amazon store set up, but I just am so passionate about when I love something, sharing it because I think, like, I love it.
You never know when somebody else is going to share something with you. So thank you so much for 📍 listening flower friend and you have an amazing flower filled day.