The Socialize Podcast

Today’s episode of the Socialize Forecast covers this week’s trends, original content ideas, and social media updates!
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Social media updates, trend alerts, original content ideas, music/audio suggestions, tutorials and more!


Welcome to the Socializ Podcast, June 4, 2024, the Tuesday edition of the Socializ Podcast where we take you through the trends, original content ideas, and social media update updates of the week. If you are watching this on video, oh, check out my smiley face vase, flower vase, which is next to me. And it was given to me by a client when I was going through my chemo journey. So it will be with me always. And this guy calls me Helen with a smile.


That's what the client nickname is. And so when he sent me this, it was so meaningful. And honestly, it's one of my favorite things in my apartment. So I'm really, really happy that I can share it with you if you're watching. Okay.


Let let's get going on the forecast for the week, and I really wanna send out some feel good vibes because the first thing is not a trend. It's just something I wanna share about the best support stranger on the Internet of recent of recent days. There is a story that is very viral of a young woman who is taking some kind of a test. I don't really know the details of what the test is, but she had to call a testing center. And her sister took a similar test years 3 years ago or 5 years ago and got a voicemail, which was the night before the test to prepare her for what she needed to know and left all these details of information.


And the woman who left the message at the towards the end of the message just goes on and on to say, and most importantly, bring your confidence because you got this, You're gonna do great. This is what you're meant for. And she goes on to give this stranger who she was calling just to make a call about the logistics of the test, a pep talk. It is so beautiful. I'm linking it in the newsletter.


I've linked it. I've linked it in the newsletter, and I'm linking it in the show notes because you need this in your life. And her name, it turns out, is Tamika, and the Internet TikTok found her. So the creator who posted the video, she shared with her audience that she's due to take this test and her sister sent her the voicemail to listen to because her sister saved it from years ago. So it's just this feel good story of the week in my book.


So I'm gonna share it with you because we all need to feel good story. And now to me, she ended up calling the woman and connected her and told her that her video of her voicemail went viral. And that's even more of a beautiful story. It just keeps on going. So I will link the first part of it, and then you can follow the thread yourself to see what happened.


Beautiful. This is what social media is made for, in my opinion, and it's about spreading really good vibes. So fantastic when someone likes that, someone like that gets recognized. Oh, it's so nice. Alright.


So I will I'm gonna move right into the trends, and then I'll share about the workshop and whatnot in the in the middle so that I don't keep you waiting. Let's get started. The first trend for this week is called it's called, We're Back. I almost forgot what it was called. It's called We're Back, and I will I will include a language alert because sometimes these trends do have the, you know, the songs have the the the, you know, the the f bomb going, and a lot of people get offended.


So I wanna make sure that you're aware of that. I am aware of it. And sometimes I do share the trend anyway because I wanna make sure that you are in the know and you can obviously choose to opt out if it's not something that you want to partake in, which is totally understandable. Everybody has certain rules about their content and you should stick to your true self no matter what it is. Alright.


I took a little pause to actually shut the air conditioner off to see if that makes the sound better because I can hear it in the background. I'm not sure if the mic even picks it up, but just in case. So the idea of this trend we're back is you can do it with colleagues, you can do with friends. I'm looking forward to using it when my family gets together for a family vacation. And I know that's weeks away, and it'll probably be an old trend by then.


But this is when I say, do what you want to do. Who cares? Who cares if it's an old trend when I decide I wanna do it when my kids are all together and we're at the beach, and I'm gonna do a whole we're back, baby, we're back. And it's gonna be a lot of fun, and I know my kids are gonna get really into it. So I'm gonna do it even if it's well after the fact.


You can look forward to that for me around the July 4th. And for now, while it's trending, you can hop on it. So the link is included in the newsletter today. The next trend is who matches your vibe. So this one is finding someone in your life that matches your vibe can be hard.


So you wanna dance this audio and think about what your specific vibe is and share, I guess you can put, like, who's out there that's gonna share my in my freak, and that's what the the song is. It's really, really a fun one, and I I wanna try to make sure that we are including very fun and irreverent style of trends because I think we need good vibes. And a lot of times, we all get so sucked into our niche, the things we have to do, the obligations on content we have to post for whatever reason it is. And sometimes it's fun to just do something for fun. I'm gonna interject that I did get the strangest comment on a video recently, and I'm not calling it out on a video.


But I'm gonna share it with you guys as more of a learning, a learning lesson, I guess. Because this person feels feels the need to comment that whenever I'm posting something that's not a tutorial, there's some kind of rude comment about, you know, stay teach editing. You're not a good dancer, or this haps has absolutely no value when I did a tour of a bakery in New York City, like, stick with editing. And I find it strange because, first of all, they're taking the time to comment. So obviously, they're watching these videos that I'm posting that are outside the niche.


And they're being fed to this person, which means they are watching them till the end. Because when you watch videos all the way through, that creator tends to be sent to you again and again. And that's how the algorithm works. The algorithm learns that you like that content. You watched it all the way.


So it's gonna send you more like that. So I find it interesting, number 1, that the comments are being made. They're so negative, but obviously, clearly, this person is engaging. And my lesson on this is I am not bothered by it. I am just looking I purposely don't wanna engage, But I'm not.


I think this is what I want to teach about the the hater part. When you have negativity, and you know at your core, that you're doing what you love. I love to share my snippets of New York City. I love to dance with strangers in New York or with friends that I get together with. And I'm not gonna let comments stop me from doing that.


So this is your sign to do what you wanna do. If sometimes you wanna move outside your niche, that just might be the one that goes viral for you. So don't put yourself in a box and not allow yourself to enjoy what social media was meant for. And that is spreading good vibes and having people who need you be able to find you. That's my lesson for today.


Hurray. It's a lesson for myself as well because even when I say this doesn't bother me, I'm sure it does bother me to some degree because I'm talking about it. But I'm talking about it in a way that I want to turn it for the positive. I don't want to have it dwell me into a negative place. And that's why I'm sharing it because I don't want other people to have the same feeling where they might take it in a negative way.


So don't do it. Don't let it get to you. Okay. This next trend is a fun and playful trend to show off a moment in your life that might be embarrassing. A lot of creators are sharing things they did or posted to social media or things that happened to them in middle school.


And a lot of former, creators, most former well, I'll say we're gonna call myself an original vlogger because Julie called me that recently. She's like, the only reason I know so much about my childhood is because my mom was one of the OG vloggers from back in the day. Because I was always capturing content. I always had a video camera, and I have wasn't good at it at the time, but I have information on them of you know, I have my son reading my daughter a book and her calling, cookie what what did he she called? Cocoa beans.


He was teaching her something reading some story about, like, cocoa beans, and she was calling them cookie beans. Okay, Julie. You went right under the bus for that one. And so we my son plays this video over and over about cookie beans, cookie beans, and it's just the cutest thing. So if you have content, if you're a parent, or someone in your life saved content from when you were younger, I mean, this is the perfect time to be able to share that and maybe share an embarrassing moment.


It could be it could really be a lot of fun. And it's really good to be able to laugh at yourself. So don't get yourself in a place where you never think that you wanna share something embarrassing because you feel awkward. A lot of people can relate to embarrassing moments, so go for it. But the audio for that trend can be lip synced or you can just let it play and have text on the screen.


But it's I remember when I remember I remember when I lost my mind. I won't be a singer. Don't worry. But that's the audio so you can lip sync along or you can just put the text on the screen, whatever you wanna do, and it could be a really, really fun trend. Clearly, the weddings on the weekend that I'm attending, wedding after wedding lately, is is really taking a toll on my voice because the music's loud, and I'm talking a lot, and I'm losing my voice every weekend.


So hopefully by next weekend, I'll have my voice back and I don't have a wedding. I only have a shower. So still wedding themed, but hopefully I won't lose my voice at a bridal shower. Alright, now I'm going to interrupt the broadcast to tell you about the next expert workshop on June 17th at 2 pm Eastern Time. And that is when I'm going to be interviewing the founder.


She's really a co founder with her son of her small business, which is a growing big business now called My Conquering. And that is the fidget spinner rings that she and her son created. They're inspiring. They help you feel empowered, focused, calm. It gives you something to do if you're somebody that fiddles with things.


It gives you it keeps you busy. I have it on right now. Oh, let me flip it around so you can see it. Hold on. If you're watching, this is one of the fidget spinner rings.


I love this one because it is a mood ring, and it changes colors. And I always say it works the colors seem to change with what I'm doing or what I'm wearing a lot of times. So I enjoy it a lot. Thank you so much, Tammy. But we are going to have a nice workshop, expert workshop, where Tammy is going to share how she launched her business on social media, how she found success on social media.


She really, really does well on TikTok. And I'm gonna talk to her a little bit about her strategy on Instagram as well. Lots of growth on both platforms. She really seems to connect with her customers, and that's the thing. A lot of people are trying to sell to their customers.


And, really, Tammy has somehow crossed over and into a place where she is sharing, and she has become a friend to her customers. It's funny because I'm one of them. And I feel that she is my friend, and she's there to help me. So I'm excited to get some expertise from her to share with you. Yay to that.


And I'm really pumped about our next expert after that in July. So stay tuned because that's gonna be a really good announcement. And I'm wink, wink, nod, nod. The preview information is that it's a talent agent. So got lots of nice workshops coming up.


When I say a talent agent, I mean, a social media agent that can that manages, influencers. So we're gonna have some really we have some really good expert workshops coming up. So pumped. Can't wait to meet with Tammy. If you wanna register, there is a link in the newsletter, and I'll put the link here in the show notes.


And it is again on June 17th at 2 PM. Let's get on to the original content ideas. And Julie has really put these together. Guess what? I'm reading them for the first time right now live on this broadcast.


I haven't even read her original ideas yet. So her first one is, did you catch our worship worship our workshop this week? Make a video and add a voiceover on top. This could be a vlog, a story time or an explanation of an event. I really want to do this.


And I'm telling you, my soul doesn't let me do it. It's whatever for whatever reason I think I'm gonna make a vlog, I end up shooting the video of myself talking to the camera. And then I intercut the the scenes. I just did it with the bakery. I'm like, oh, I'm gonna do one.


I'm gonna go to the bakery. I'm gonna show the bakery, and I'm gonna do a vlog. Guess what? Nope. I recorded myself walking in, talking to the bakery person.


It is just not my style of content. I don't know why. I wanted to do it when I saw the tree house in Central Park. I wanted to put a voice over on it. I ended up talking through it and not putting a voice over on it.


Anyway, this is your sign to try a voice over video. And maybe I have to challenge myself into one this week. So fingers crossed, maybe I can find something interesting that I can share in a voice over format. The next one is, do you have oh, I actually do know that about this one. Do you have a favorite local or small business?


Visit their store and make a video, maybe interview the owner, or just share what makes you love their shop, find it great. If it's an online business, maybe you can share a product or service you received from them and why it's your favorite. And I think this one was inspired by my bakery run because I went to this bakery. What happened to me was I was teaching a tutorial and the location sometimes on TikTok show up on your screen as suggested locations. When you're so when I was typing the caption in the tutorial, the location showed up for this bakery, big booty bakery, and lots of comments.


What's that? Is it a real place? Oh my gosh. The locations have me distracted. Very funny comments about the locations that were popping up in that tutorial.


So I was inspired to go and walk in there and ask them how how I would get a small boot, which what I should order if I wanted a small booty. And it led to a whole all tick tock that I had fun with. Whether or not you are interested in it, whatever. It doesn't matter. I really had fun, and I wanted to share about this place that I discovered.


So maybe do the same thing. Think about something fun that might be off the beaten path of your life that you wanna share. Okay. The next one is summer playlist. Oh, I love this.


What I've started doing myself on Spotify is when I am playing, my workout mix and I'm going I'm out for a run and a song comes on, I'm like, I wanna remember this song. I've been adding it to a liked list, and I'm not always the Spotify engaged person that does that. I don't make playlist. I just go with the playlist that are available. I don't have time to make playlist.


But now I have been very conscious of finding the songs I like, putting them into a playlist. And you can do this yourself by creating a carousel of photos of album covers, sharing your favorite songs. You can share a Spotify screen. You can also just dance it out to the song that's stuck in your head. You can use a trending song, have fun with it.


But doing a summer playlist is fun because a lot of times people are not listening to the music that you're listening to. And it's great. We all love to diversify and hear what other people love. All right. Let's talk about the, tutorials for today.


I didn't, I honestly have to tell you sometimes I get in a, I wouldn't even say, call it a rut, but I get in a place where I'm like, what do I wanna teach this week? I I don't know. Sometimes sometimes I just don't have an idea of something, and then usually they're prompted by requests. People who have requested tutorial, and I'm like, I'll teach that. So okay.


So one of the tutorials I I did teach recently was when I thought that we all lost our ability to link a video in the caption. And I thought it was gone, and so did a lot of people. And when I when I had a creator, I think one of my followers said, oh, I found it. It's in the when you clap, when you click on people, it comes up and it gives you a choice. And I was like, oh, look at that.


It's right there. So I did that tutorial. So if you think you lost the ability to link a video in your caption, there's a tutorial for that. And the other thing I did was how to connect a microphone, a podcasting microphone to your iPhone. I have not never had success doing that with this even though I had purchased a I didn't have a wire.


I pushed purchased an adapter so I could use the one that's plugged into my computer and adapt it to my iPhone, and it didn't work. But I I purchased a specific wire and I taught a whole tutorial on the other steps you need to take in order to hook your podcasting microphone up to your iPhone, in case that's something you wanna do. Alright, so that's something for you to enjoy. And, I of course, the music suggestions are coming up in there in the newsletter, and I have some really fun up and what up and coming ones. Obviously, maybe some of you that it might be Eminem fans know that he's got some a new release a new song released, and it's getting some attention.


And he's got some you know, I won't call him controversial songs, but Eminem is who he is. So maybe you wanna skip that one if you don't like bad language in your songs. Anyway, so I'll be so the songs are there to share. The other thing I wanted to alert you to is that there's a newsletter called survival signal. It is a newsletter written by a really a friend of mine and a former someone that I was a colleague and worked with me on writing blog posts.


He's a really, really talented writer. He's amazing. And he interviewed me for his newsletter, and it was really fun because his newsletter is so succinct. I love that word. It's so, it's really tight.


So it's not like very wordy and long winded. And then you're getting to someone's story, and then you just really don't have time to read the whole thing. It's really digestible little blips of answers to questions. So he's interviewing founders that have gone away from the corporate world and started their own businesses, for example. And it's so great because you can learn from someone.


You're getting. You get these short, digestible tips that I think are really helpful. I've been reading the newsletter where he's featuring other people, and then he asked me if I wanted to be featured. So I had a lot of fun with that. But so you can check out mine, but then you can also subscribe because you'll you might learn a little.


I think that we always learn from people who have done something that maybe we aspire to do or something that we are doing. It's so cool for me to read his when he's featuring other founders of of businesses, like other newsletter founders that are I find it so I think it's number 1, it's inspiring. Number 2, it's enlightening. And sometimes there's things I hadn't even thought of. And I'm learning from someone just by a quick answer to a question in a newsletter.


So check out his newsletter, subscribe. He's a good he's a good egg. His name is Keith O'Brien, and he is super, super talented. So, hey, Keith, if you're listening. Hi.


I had so much fun working with you, and I I really hope we have an opportunity to work together again. Okay. Gonna leave you with that. I had a really fun time chit chatting as I always do. I feel that, with you and whether you're driving now or cooking dinner, whatever you're doing, putting makeup on, if you're listening in the morning, getting ready for work.


Thanks for taking me with you. If you enjoy listening, do leave a review because I'm supposed to ask for that. I hate doing it, but I'm gonna do it because I'm supposed to. I'm a I'm a rule follower, so here you have it. So leave a review and please submit questions.


So I will try actually, I'm going to put a link in the podcast show notes this week and moving forward, a link to submit questions because I think that a lot of times people who are listening to the podcast don't go back to the newsletter to submit a question. So maybe if you're in podcast platform, I can put it right into the show notes. That's what I'm gonna do today. You heard it here. I'm gonna make sure I do it.


Happy Tuesday. Have a great week. Submit your questions because I will be happy to answer them on Friday, and I'll see you then. Have a good week.