The Extra Mile

State Representative Steve Massengill joined The Extra Mile Podcast: Legislative Session to introduce himself and talk about his new role as House Transportation Committee Chairman.

  • Show intro/Steve Massengill intro – 01:15
  • Steve Massengill position specifics – 03:14
  • Steve Massengill districts – 04:14
  • Differences as Chairman – 04:50
  • Big projects/Focused efforts – 05:27
  • Sustainable revenue conversations – 07:29
  • Legislative agenda/State affairs – 08:20
  • Roundabout Hwy 72 – 09:30
  • New committee members – 10:14
  • Steve Massengill extra Legislative comments – 11:24
  • Steve Massengill favorite concert(s) – 12:37
  • Steve Massengill favorite place(s) to eat – 14:03
  • Steve Massengill’s love for cars/favorite(s) – 15:00
  • Show outro – 16:16

What is The Extra Mile?

Tune in to The Extra Mile presented by the Mississippi Department of Transportation. Co-hosts Paul Katool and Will Craft take listeners inside the world of transportation infrastructure in Mississippi.

The Extra Mile Podcast: Legislative Session - State Representative Steve Massengill

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(Paul Katool) That's nearly 2 billion and that's money that's going to be spent on improving safety, enhancing mobility and improving economic growth and development in the state of Mississippi.

(Will) Yeah. And with this historic funding from the legislature, new construction will be popping up all over Mississippi.

(Drew Hall) MDOT presents the Extra Mile Podcast.

(Brad White) Men and women of the Department of Transportation are up to the task and up to make sure that we deliver a product that the taxpayers can be proud of. So I'm ready for us to go to work.

(Paul) Welcome in to the latest edition of the extra mile podcast legislative session presented by the Mississippi Department of Transportation. I'm MDOT deputy director of public affairs, Paul Katool. And as always, I'm joined by my co-host Will Craft. He is the director of public affairs here at the agency.

And well, very excited. We have a first timer with us today. State representative Steve Massengill. He represents District 13 That is Benton, Lafayette, Marshall, Union, and Pontotoc Counties. And he is the uh, brand new House Transportation Chair. So very excited to speak with him today. So first, first go around.

This is typically what we do. We want to know a little bit about you. So kind of tell us how you got into being an elected official.

(Steve Massengill) Man, it just sort of, just sort of happened to be honest with you. Uh, I guess 13 years ago now, my, my friend Jack Gadd was in here in the house in this seat and he decided he was not running again and I think about seven people signed up to run as a Democrat and I signed up as a Republican as the only one because no Republican had ever won that seat, so they didn't think anyone could.

And so. That's sort of how that happened. And somehow, some way I wound up winning. So, 51 to 49. So that was, yeah, it was pretty close. Pretty close.

(Will) And now have been our, uh, our vice chairman for transportation for the whole time?

(Steve) Yeah, 12 years, I think, minus a day or two because the speaker had nominated someone.

Jerry Turner, I think, was originally the vice chair. And I think they made a new committee and moved him over. And somehow I Moved right into that. So I've been working with, of course, Robert Johnson the first four years and Charles Busby the last eight.

(Will) I was gonna say got a lot of, got a lot of Charles Busby in there.

Commissioner, Commissioner Chairman. However you say it. Yeah.

(Steve) Hopefully I'll learn a little bit.

(Will) Oh yeah, no doubt. I'm very sure, very sure.

(Steve) So that's just all how it all has played out so far. And we'll see, you know, going forward.

(Will) That's right.

Now tell, tell us, you know, you're in transportation, in, in the world for sure.

In the, in the uh, politics arena and the public policy side of things. How about the private side? So you, now you guys work in the industry as well too, right?

(Steve) We do. My cousin actually owns Big M Transportation up in Blue Mountain, Mississippi. Uh, and I've worked for him for a while now. Just sort of do the government relations, public affairs stuff for him, and it's all been good.

(Will) And I'm sure that they appreciate, as well as we do, uh, you having that private sector insight to the way things work out there.

(Steve) Yeah, it does seem to help. Just knowing a little bit about the business world and how important the roads are to us, uh, yeah, definitely helps.

(Paul) I mean, it's key. You gotta have good roads and bridges to get goods and services where they need to be, right?

(Steve) Exactly right.

(Will) Especially way up there in that northern part of the county, man. You can't hardly get there from here.

(Steve) Yeah. Well, you know, my line actually goes to the very top of the state. So, uh, in Benton County.

(Will) Well, and you actually mentioned that we were just talking right before the show started.

So you picked up a little bit this time around, right?

(Steve) Yes. Yes. I've had. Of course, a little bit of Benton, a little bit of Marshall, a little bit of Union, have a good bit of Lafayette, then I actually picked up, uh, three boxes in Pontotoc, probably about 3, 000 people there, so. Mine's scattered out pretty good.

(Will) Some lucky folks down there, uh, up there in Pontotoc get picked up right there. And talking about the, uh, the, uh, district wise. Sorry for I didn't put any context in that question there. But yeah, picked up a little bit of Pontotoc. So good stuff, man. Good stuff.

(Paul) There you go. So, uh, you know, serving as a chair now.

So is that a little different?

(Steve) It is a little different. Uh, just going through the bills, seeing what you know, you hope to see. So you get maybe, you know, get getaways down the road and some of those bills you don't want to get down the road. So luckily I get to have a lot of insight on that now.

I do have some subcommittees. I've signed bills to them last week. And I know some of them are working on bringing a few of those out. So anxious to see how that goes. Plan on meeting Wednesday at 11 o'clock if all my subcommittee chairman get their stuff done. Or not. Definitely planning on getting a meeting again this week, trying to move a few bills out.

(Will) Any big things, I know it's still early on, but any big things taking form right now?

(Steve) You know, it's, it's always, you know, naming highways. If we go, If we're not gonna do anything, we're gonna name a few highways. Uh, yeah. Well we, we are looking at a few things. Uh, I, I've been very interested in this.

I've got a lot of constituents who are on having these utility type side-by-sides and making them road legal. So we're trying to figure out how we can do that. That's, you know, it's a safety thing. I know. And, you know, you get a little pushback because of that, but if we can tag them and, you know, make them road legal, you know, blinkers, headlights, windshield wipers, all that, you know, some of these things.

Now, somebody showed me a picture one other day. It was 56,000 dollars. So, you know, some of these things, side by side. We have one that we actually, you know, we had to ride to our fields. Check our cows. So, you know, it was not 50 something dollars, but still, it's, it's, it's still a side by side that, you know, get you from point A to point B.

And just a lot of people, you know, really would love to have those legalized. And I've got two different bills sort of looking at maybe just 55 and under. And another one also is looking at gravel road and non stripe roads.

(Will) I was curious to public like all public roads, highways. You're talking about local roads?

(Steve) Well, local roads, not any, you know, interstates or control access. But definitely, I would definitely like to see them at least on gravel roads. You know, these people get on them and ride them all the time now on gravel. So, and I still have gravel roads in my county. So they ride them a lot. So we're going to look at that, you know, bottom line, you got to have the votes.
So we're looking at that.

(Will) Is that different from Um, uh, Golf carts, I guess?

(Steve) It is different.

Yes. Yeah, definitely. Yeah, it's different different language. So we're looking at that So that's one thing, you know, there's just you know, I probably got 30 bills here Of course, probably 15 of them are naming roads.

So, you know, just just looking at a lot of different things.

(Will) How about the, I know one thing that director white has mentioned before. I don't know how, How far along that's come, but I'm at sustainable revenue, uh, for the future. Is that conversation taking place?

(Steve) It's, it's, it's taken place. It's just, it's just hard to figure out exactly how we can, you know, do that without saying the word tax.

Nobody wants to hear that word. So, but yeah, we're looking at some stuff. Hopefully come up with something.

(Will) Are you, are you, do you think that that'll get solved this session? I mean, and I say that with understanding the enormity of that task.

(Steve) It's hard to say. It really is. I mean we got, we got some pretty big elephants in the room this session and but that is one of them.

(Will) There you go. Just appreciate being thought of.

(Paul) Absolutely.

Done a lot of good things for MDOT and I know we'll continue to pay attention to that. So, kind of outside of transportation, uh, I know you probably have other kind of legislative things on your agenda. Anything else you're kind of looking at big picture?

(Steve) You know, that, that, honestly, I've I really have dove into the transportation stuff. I don't have a lot of other bills that I'm looking, you know, to push, but I am on state affairs and that's pretty, that's a new committee and I think it's going to be a pretty big committee. I think we're going to handle a lot of the bigger stuff, maybe handle the PERS.

Whatever we're going to do with that.

(Will) I've heard that a couple of times.

(Steve) Yeah, so, uh, I'm sort of waiting to see. Of course, I'm on appropriations, so there's plenty of stuff to do.

(Will)That's a doozy.

(Steve) That will keep up your time, for sure. So I'm trying not to spread myself too thin. Just, you know, just sort of focusing on that.

(Will) Look, I can, I appreciate that. You know, I don't think that there's any reason to come over to the Capitol and just file a hundred bills, you know?

(Steve) No. You know, I probably, the most I have filed is maybe 10 bills, and I may may get a few more than that this year, but not, it's not gonna be many.

(Will) I don't have 10 good ideas, you know?

(Steve) Well, and sometimes these come from other people. You know, your constituents always have good ideas.So you have to sort of, you know, try. Appease them.

(Will) Oh, yeah. And I think we've got is, uh, is the roundabout in 72. That's up there, right?

(Steve) Yes, it is.

(Will) Have you been through there?

(Steve) I've been through it, but now I hadn't been, It's not finished 100 percent is it?

(Will) I don't think so. Okay.

(Steve) Well, I was what I was waiting on,

(Paul) It’s getting close though. It’s getting close.

(Steve) I knew, uh, I guess I went through it around Christmas and, uh, it was, it looked like it was pretty close. So I'm anxious to see how it plays out.

(Will) That that's the high speed one?

(Paul) Yeah. Yes. I believe they're, they're, uh, finishing up a few like cosmetic things, checking a few boxes, but, uh, hearing good things from our end.

(Steve) I told them I was not passing judgment until it was done and we see how it, see how it plays out.

(Paul) So, you were saying, there are a few new members on the committee?

(Steve) Uh, yes. And I should have brought my list. Six or seven new members on the transportation committee this year. Yes.

(Paul) Excellent. How do you kind of get them up to speed?

(Steve) Well, you know, this, uh, All the new members at some point has to do a bill at the well, so I'm trying to, uh, help them along with that, so, uh, trying to give every one of them a bill to do at the well, so

(Will) Do you remember what your first

(Steve) I haven't, I do not remember.

(Will) Twelve years ago?

(Steve) You know, you're, it's very intimidating. Uh, you know, uh, especially the first time, and, uh, and even, even after that it's still intimidating, especially if you're not a law, if you're a lawyer, I think it's much easier. They, you know, they're used to that argument and answering questions and all that.

And, uh, so it's definitely intimidating your first time for sure. So I'm anxious to see how they handle some of the stuff we give them. So we had a couple do some Thursday and they did really well.

(Will) Oh, I didn't realize you're already taken up.
(Steve) Yeah, we had two new members, uh, Did Bills Thursday.

(Will) They did so going to get it out of the way.

(Steve) Yeah, I get it. If I was doing it, I'd want to go on and get it over with for sure.

(Paul) Very nice. So any anything other legislatively you want to touch on or any message you want to get out there to your constituents?

(Steve) Uh, you know, we just hope to keep going the way we've been going in transportation on, you know, the last couple of years we've done really well with the budget and the, you know, the one time money for projects.

And so I hope we can keep going. You know, stay the course with all that for the roads and bridge. I know I have a couple, I got a phone call. Just one of my supervisors just called me just then coming in about Highway 30. And I know it's on the plan to get done. So he's, he was wearing me out. He said, I'm getting worn out about this road.

(Will) That's how it works.

(Steve) And I like, well, I drive it every week. So I get it.

(Will)You get it.

(Steve) I get it. So, yeah.

(Will) Yeah, that's great. Well, look, that's all fantastic stuff. And look, before we get any further, we appreciate you and everything you're doing over there for us and everything you've done for the last 12 years.

So we're looking forward to that continued partnership. You're definitely a friend of transportation in the industry. We appreciate that very much.

(Steve) Yes, definitely.

(Will) To get to the end here, a little fun questions to wrap things up. And I got, we're gonna throw a curveball, a new segment, if you will, today. We love to talk about food and music.

You gave us a wonderful, uh, suggestion when we first got started. So we like to ask, you know, if you've been to any great concerts lately, any really great shows, and you have just come back, I guess, from one not to long ago?

(Steve) Yes, Friday night at the Biloxi Coliseum, I got to see Toto and Journey, and they were both fabulous.

(Will) That’s incredible.

And what do you say, they've been doing it 45 years.

(Steve) Toto 45th year and Journey's 50th year, so yeah, they both and it's funny They they tour together because and so they the lead singer for Toto and I can't remember his name But his daughter married one of the Journey member’s son. So they got a tie there, you know tie in together.

(Will) I did not know.

(Steve) Yeah, I didn't know it either music trivia question Yeah, there you go. So but they both were very good. Very good.

(Will) Paul’s gonna ask you about some food.

(Paul) We'll go food. Okay. I do have one question. So, Journey is Don't Stop Believing, right?

(Steve) Yes.

(Paul) Okay. That's the big song.

(Steve) That is. Well, you know. Yeah, that's funny. You know, they probably played, I don't know, 30 Minutes. I think there was only two songs that I did not know. And I'm sure those are new. Um, but everything else. I mean, I got videos of probably every song they sang on my phone.

(Will) I could do a Greatest Hits album with them, for sure.

(Steve) Yeah, it's pretty easy with them. Toto, a little bit harder. They have, you know, 4 or 5. Africa. That's about the only one I know, I think. Rosanna. Hold the line. I mean, they got some good stuff, too.
(Paul) Well, actually, after this, I'm gonna hit up Spotify and power through the rest of the workday. With some Journey.

So, like Will was just talking about, big food people here. Who isn't in Mississippi? Do you have any favorite restaurants around that? Any really anywhere in the state or here in Jackson?

(Steve) Yes, I do have a well have a good many at back home. Uh, we like, uh, Coffee's Catfish House.

That's a catfish, yeah. Marshall Steakhouse over there in Marshall County. Uh, and I have some friends that own Craven Catfish over in, uh, So, uh, I'm sorry, Sherman's where they're at. And, uh, so those are good at home and down here, uh, Lou's, Walker's, Kessler, you know, they're all very good.

(Will) Would you say you're a steak man?

(Steve) You know, I try not to eat, but maybe one a week.

(Will) Woo! That's tough. One a week, okay. That's tough. That's good.

(Steve) You know, if you, if you don't watch it when you're, when you leave home and you eat out a lot, you'll gain weight. Yeah. And, uh, I try not to gain too much. It's a tough task. It is. It is a hard job.

(Will) It is very hard.No doubt.

So our, our new question we want to throw into the segment here, because I think you've got, you guys are really into cars, or at least I think you got one very special to you, right? That was a present maybe?

(Steve) Oh yeah, yeah. My, my wife turned, uh, 50 a few years ago. And, uh, so I bought her a convertible, a red convertible 50th anniversary Camaro.

Yeah, it's beautiful. She loves it. And she don't hardly ever drive it y'all. I mean, I look at it every day. I walk out my door sitting in the carport and I crank it at least once a week. And, you know, Yeah, so, uh, she'll drive it to church and maybe to town.

(Will) Just to keep the oil going.

Well, look, the question is, do you remember your first car?

(Steve) Oh, yes.

(Will) What was that?

(Steve) I had a 67 Camaro.

(Will) Oh, wow. Look at that. Getting back to the dream.

Was it as beautiful and performed as well as the one you currently have?

(Steve) I wish I had it back. I really do. Yeah. Uh, it was beautiful. Uh, probably didn't perform like this one does, but it was a beautiful car.

(Will) Very nice. Very nice. That's a good answer. We'll have to get a, uh, we'll have to get a picture of the old Camaro and the new Camaro.

(Steve) Yeah. I had to find one of that one. It's, but it was a pretty car.

(Paul) Yeah. There's some good answers right there. All right. Journey right after this, I'm going to go hit it up.

Chairman Massengill. Thank you so much for joining us. Thanks for coming in. Thank y'all. I loved it. Absolutely. We'll catch up with you soon. Go ahead and close out the show right now. Thank you to our listeners, our viewers for tuning into the extra mile podcast. You can watch and listen to episodes by visiting go forward slash the extra mile.

Be sure to follow us on social media at Mississippi dot is the handle there. We want to think, thank our producer, our editor, Drew Hall, who does everything behind the scenes for us and remember to drive smart out there on Mississippi highways.