Church Nerds United

Welcome to Church Nerds United, where we blend faith with geek culture! In our latest episode, "Quest for Clarity: The Decision Dilemma," we dive into the crucial choices that shape our spiritual journeys. Just like in your favorite RPGs, every decision can lead to new adventures, and it’s essential to choose wisely.

Join Pastor Brandon Holm as he explores the importance of making up your mind in a world filled with distractions. Discover how setting your focus on higher things can unlock a life of purpose, joy, and fulfillment. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer or just curious about faith, this episode will inspire you to take charge of your journey and navigate the crossroads of life with confidence.

Don’t miss out on this exciting quest! Subscribe to our podcast for more engaging discussions that connect your faith with the things you love.

Creators & Guests

Pastor Brandon Holm

What is Church Nerds United?

Welcome to Church Nerds United, the ultimate podcast where the sacred and the geeky collide! Dive deep into the Holy Scriptures with us as we explore sermons sprinkled with your favorite gaming quests, cosplay characters, and anime adventures. Whether you're a Paladin of Prayer, a Cosplay Crusader, or an Otaku of the Old Testament, this is your sanctuary.

Join our fellowship as we level up our faith through the lens of epic battles, legendary heroes, and fantastical worlds. From the wisdom of the Proverbs to the valor of the Apostles, we'll draw parallels between biblical narratives and the beloved realms of gaming, cosplay, and anime.

Tune in for:

Sermon Side Quests: Discover the deeper meaning behind Scripture with analogies from your favorite games and anime.
Cosplay Character Spotlight: Unveil the biblical virtues embodied by iconic characters and how they inspire our spiritual journey.
Anime Apologetics: Engage in lively discussions that bridge the gap between faith and fandom, unraveling the spiritual themes in popular series.

So, grab your controller, don your cosplay armor, and get ready to embark on an epic quest of faith and fandom. Church Nerds United is here to guide you on a heroic journey, one episode at a time. May the faith be with you!

Guild Announcer:

Welcome adventurers to Church Nerds United, where faith and geek culture collide. Today, we embark on an epic episode titled Quest for Clarity, the decision dilemma. In this first installment of our 4 part series, Make Up Your Mind, we're diving deep into the importance of making decisive choices in our lives. Just like in your favorite RPGs, every decision counts, and it's time to choose your path wisely. So grab your headphones, ready your hearts, and prepare to level up as we navigate the crossroads of faith, and explore how setting our minds on higher things can lead us to a life filled with purpose and joy.

Guild Announcer:

Let's dive into the adventure.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Gather around, fellow adventurers. Welcome to this epic quest where we gather to level up not just our gaming skills, but also our spiritual lives. And today, we embark on a journey through a powerful principle. Keep doing what you're doing. Keep getting what you got.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

If you want something new, you're gonna need to try something different. I say we think different. You with me? In a good well crafted D and D adventure, we find ourselves at a crossroads faced with choices that can lead and change the course of our entire adventure. Every decision you make leads you down a different path.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Keep sticking to the same strategy, fighting the same monsters with the same weapons, you'll likely find yourself stuck, and unable to defeat the next boss, or complete the quest. Our spiritual journey requires us to adapt and innovate. Just like in our games, we can't expect to progress if we cling to old habits and mindsets. So today I'm here to remind you that making a decision is crucial much like picking your character class in the start of a game. You wouldn't choose a rogue and then try to tank like a paladin.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Right? Well, it's time to make a choice about whom we'll follow and I will live. And to start off, let's step back into the world of ancient Israel, where the prophet Elijah was facing an epic showdown. A kingdom is divided. Worshipers of Yahweh on one side, and followers of Baal on the other.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

All watching a colossal battle of faith. And Elijah stands before the people channeling his inner Gandalf and calls out, how long will you waver between 2 options? If the Lord is God, follow him. At this moment Elijah serves as a guide, urging the Israelites to really make up their minds. They were torn between the thrill of Baal worship and the true life giving power of Yahweh.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Can you imagine the tension in the air? The Israelites were at a critical junction just like us in our lives today. In our own world, we face similar challenges. We're pulled in multiple directions. Social media, materialism, and the daily grind, but just as Elijah urged the people to choose, we must decide whom we follow as well.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Will it be the fleeting pleasures of this world, or will we commit to a life guided by the spirit of God? Now let's turn to our ancient texts, and specifically the book of Colossians. Paul, ever the wise sage, writes, you were raised with Christ. Seek those things which are above where Christ is, setting on the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on earth.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is our life appears, then you will also appear with him in glory. This is not just a calling like say being a pastor. This is a quest. Paul reminds us that our identity as followers of Christ.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

He's inviting us to shift our focus from the daily grind of our lives here on Earth to the glorious treasures that await us in heaven. Imagine your mind as a character in an RPG. You are equipping it with the right gear, or are you wandering around with outdated equipment? When Paul tells us to seek those things which are above, he's giving us a mission to pursue eternal treasures. Now in gaming terms, this is about lovingly leveling up your character traits not just through experience points but also aligning ourselves with the value of God's kingdom.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

By setting our mind on heavenly things, we unlock new abilities, patience, joy, love that allow us to navigate our earthly quest with confidence. Remember, our true identity isn't found in our in game achievements but in our relationship to Christ. Let's talk about the internal battles we face daily. Did you know that studies reveal we have about 500 intrusive thoughts per day, each lasting about 14 seconds. That's like having a rogue infiltrate your mind sabotaging your focus for almost 2 hours a day, or better yet for those of us with ADHD, it is the bard constantly playing a different tune pulling our focus away.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

And imagine you're deep into a dungeon crawl and suddenly a wave of distractions floods your mind. Did I send that email? What's for dinner? It's chaos. It puts you away from your mission.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Martin Luther once said, you cannot stop birds from flying around your head, but you don't have to let them build a nest in your hair. Think of your mind as a castle. You can't control every intruder but you can choose which ones to let in. And this brings us to the essential part of our quest renewal. Paul encourages us in Romans 12:2, do not be conformed to this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

This renewal is like leveling up your character stats like I said before. It requires effort and intention. We have the power to choose which thoughts to entertain. When those negative intrusive thoughts creep in, I'm not good enough, I'll never succeed. You have the choice to wield the sword of truth and cut them down.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

You are not your thoughts. You are a child of the king equipped for battle. Voices matter in every game we play as you well aware. If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll keep getting what you've always got. It's now time to make a choice.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

In playing a strategy game, you're often focused with an enemy that you're often faced with an enemy that's too powerful. You have 2 options, stick with your old tactics which clearly aren't working, and rage quit like my youngest, Dunn, did in the past which leads to defeat, or the second option might just lead you to victory. I do say might because you are going to need to tweak the new tactics until that victory is accomplished. And James chapter 1 verse 8 warns us, a double minded man is unstable in all his ways. Just as a character with low stamina cannot endure a long battle, a double minded person cannot withstand life challenges.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

We must commit to a path to victory, and that's that's choosing to follow the spirit and and embrace God's truth. I want you to reflect on any of your past gaming sessions. When you hesitate and second guess your strategies you lose valuable time and opportunities, and this is especially true when we are playing any of the Dark Souls or Souls like games. Similarly, when we waver in our faith we miss out on the abundant life God has planned for us. Now is the time to choose your allegiance.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Will you follow the way of the flesh leading to chaos, destruction, and perma death, Or will you walk in the spirit in experiencing joy, fulfillment, and everlasting life? The choice is yours. And in Galatians chapter 5 16 and 17 Paul outlines the epic showdown within us. I say then walk in the spirit and you shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. For the flesh lusts against the spirit and the spirit against the flesh and these are contrary to one another.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Imagine this is a boss battle. You have 2 opponents, the flesh which seeks to pull you down, and the spirit which empowers you to rise. The flesh is crafty. It tries to lure you with temporary pleasures just like a mischievous n p c offering you quick loot in exchange for your integrity. Our real world has people like this we encounter, and they are just like NPCs in our game.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

But here's the game changing truth, the fruits of the spirit love, joy, peace are your ultimate rewards. When you walk in the spirit, you activate powerful abilities that transform your gameplay. No matter what it's a constant battle, and every day presents us with the opportunity to choose which guide we will follow, And in doing so, let's talk about the fruits of the spirit, the ultimate power ups in our journey, and Paul outlines these fruits in Galatians 52223. But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. Think of these fruits as the special abilities you unlock as you progress through your character's journey.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Each one enhances your gameplay and equips you to face challenges with grace. Imagine wielding love as the shield that protects you from negativity, and joy as a sword that pierces through despair. When we cultivate these fruits in our lives, we become a force to be reckoned with. Our gaming community becomes vibrant and thriving reflecting the character of Christ. When at your next gaming session try to infuse love and kindness in your game.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

How would that change the dynamic? How would it impact your friendships at the table, or even in an online lobby? Remember these fruits don't just happen automatically. They require intentional and being intentional, and the willingness to engage in practices that nurture them. We need to fill our minds with scripture, seek community, and worship with gratitude.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

As we do, we unlock new abilities that enable us to navigate our earthly quest with confidence and grace. As we wrap up this first session of for today, I want to leave you with 4 essential elements to help you and I walk in the spirit, and these 4 are scripture, siblings, singing, and of course the savior. And let me break them down here for you. 1st is scripture. Let the word of God dwell richly in you.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Dive into his truth, and let them guide your thoughts and actions. Make it the ultimate guidebook for navigating life's challenges. For some of you it means dusting off your bible and reading it. The rest of you need to find a bible that speaks to you in a way of understanding and asking questions because this is the foundation of faith. That leads us to second, siblings.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

And I don't mean like your family siblings. I mean surround yourself with fellow believers. Engage in community. Now as intro for some of us who are introverts that's a little difficult but when you engage in community you can encourage one another and hold each other accountable. We are strong together.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

I know it's a cliche from movies but let me give you an example how this is reflected even today from Abraham Lincoln in in a speech at the republican convention and that was a 166 years ago from this sermon. He said a house divided against itself cannot stand. I do not expect the union to be dissolved. I do not expect the house to fall, but I do expect it to cease to be divided. It will become all one thing As we progress in our lives, I told you we we need to also worship with gratitude, and that brings us to singing.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

I know it sounds weird, and it doesn't mean just turning on the radio and listening to whatever you want. I have a challenge for you in this, and it's coming up later, but I encourage everyone to worship through singing whether it's the hymns or spiritual songs or your favorite worship tracks that you'll find on Caleb. Let your heart be filled with praise. Music has a powerful ability to uplift our spirits. If you listen to a lot of old stuff and a lot of other stuff, rock and roll stuff like that, I'm not discouraging you to do that, because I watch people go cold turkey on all of that, and go straight into k love, and just they get burned out just like the volunteers do.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

So as I say don't go cold turkey in your listening right away, but I do encourage you to listen to 1 song on k love once a week, or whatever Christian radio station you have in your area. I want you to see how you feel. Now it may not change your listening overnight, but it's a start, and I listen to worship songs at church, And for those of you who don't go to church, Caleb, once a week that's all I ask. Finally, let's get to the savior. We want you to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

He's the author and perfecter of our faith. He is our ultimate guide and coach ready to equip us for every challenge we face. He allows us to become one with God through his teachings and example. If you stumble in sin or even in your faith, Jesus is always there to take your hand and pull you back up. So as we journey forward in this series, I challenge you to think differently.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Make up your mind to seek the things of that we mentioned earlier. Embrace the spirit. Engage with the word, and build a community of support. And together, we can level up not just our gaming, but in our spiritual lives. Furthermore, I encourage you to reflect on how you can implement the 4 principles in your daily life.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

What's this specific changes must you make? How will you set your mind on these things this week, and make it a habit? Finally, I want to give you a prayer as we commit to this journey. Trust that God will equip us to walk in his ways and experience the fullness of life in Christ. Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of your spirit and the truth of your word.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

Help us to set our minds on things above and to live out the fruits of the spirit in our daily lives. Guide us as we make choices that honor you, and let us support one another as we grow in faith. As we embark on this new journey, may we be emboldened by your truth, and empowered by your spirit. Help us to resist the pull of the flesh and stay focused on the mission you have set before us. Lord, I pray for everyone here who may not yet have a relationship with you.

Pastor Brandon Holm:

If there are those who are still living in the flesh feeling lost and without help, I ask that you would move in their hearts today. Bring them to a place of repentance and faith, where they thank you for the promise of the resurrection and new life in Christ. As we go forth from this place, may we be ambassadors of your love, joy, and peace. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.

Guild Announcer:

Thank you for joining us on this episode today. We've explored the decision dilemma and discovered how important it is to make up our minds in our spiritual journey. Remember, every choice you make shapes your adventure, and you have the power to align your decisions with the greater purpose God has for you. If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to subscribe to Church Nerds United for more epic sermons and discussions that blend faith with your favorite geek culture. Share this podcast with your friends and fellow adventurers, and let's spread the word together.

Guild Announcer:

Until next time, keep seeking the higher things, stay true to your quest, and remember, in the game of life, you're never alone. God's with you on this journey.