North Country Fruit & Vegetable Farmers

North Country Fruit & Vegetable Farmers Trailer Bonus Episode 4 Season 1

Alternative berry crops with Ben Shambaugh of Wayside Farm and Great Northern Berries

Alternative berry crops with Ben Shambaugh of Wayside Farm and Great Northern BerriesAlternative berry crops with Ben Shambaugh of Wayside Farm and Great Northern Berries


Listen to our interview with Ben Shambaugh of Wayside Farm and Great Northern Berries. Ben has tried a variety of different berry crops over the course of his career. Come learn about these crops and hear Ben’s prospective on growing fruit crops, farm ingenuity and marketing these unique fruits.

Show Notes

Ben Shambaugh founded Wayside Farm in Sandwich, NH over 30 years ago. Since 2013 he has been trying a variety of alternative fruit crops under the Great Northern Berries name. Through trial and error he has found what works and what doesn’t for his business. Come join us and learn about their journey into producing honey berry and other unique small fruit crops.  
Wayside Farm  
Interviewer Nick Rowley
Produced by
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What is North Country Fruit & Vegetable Farmers?

University of New Hampshire Extension specialists interview seasoned growers in northern New Hampshire who share insights into creating a successful agricultural business.