News from EWTN Norway

This is a summary of the morning news stories in the Church from EWTN Norway. We bring you key updates and insights to keep you informed about important events and developments. 
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Christ Church Cathedral (Holy Trinity) in Dublin, Ireland. | Credit: Bas van den Heuvel/Shutterstock

Creators & Guests

Pål Johannes Nes
Editor in Cheif EWTN Norway

What is News from EWTN Norway?

"News from EWTN Norway" is a podcast featuring the latest Catholic news, produced with AI narration. Episodes cover significant events and updates from the Vatican, stories of sainthood, and other relevant Catholic news. Content is sourced from reputable outlets like the Catholic News Agency and The National Catholic Register. Regular updates ensure listeners stay informed on important developments in the Catholic community.

News in the Church | Morning news 25.06.2024

This is a summary of the morning news stories in the Church from EWTN Norway. We bring you key updates and insights to keep you informed about important events and developments.

Special South African Catholic Bishop on Transparency Conference in Rome South African Catholic Bishop Xolelo Thaddaeus Kumalo spoke at a transparency conference in Rome, emphasizing the need for greater accountability within the Church. He highlighted the importance of transparency in fostering trust and ensuring that Church leaders uphold their responsibilities with integrity and openness. Read more

Christians in Egypt Embark on Construction of Churches as Persecution Ebbs In a significant development, Christians in Egypt have begun constructing new churches as religious persecution in the country shows signs of decline. This marks a hopeful period for the Christian community in Egypt, as they continue to practice their faith and build places of worship in an environment of increasing religious tolerance. Read more

Pope Francis Meets with Opus Dei Prelate Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz Pope Francis held a meeting with Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz, the prelate of Opus Dei. The discussion focused on the role of Opus Dei in the contemporary Church and its mission to promote holiness in everyday life. This meeting underscores the ongoing collaboration between the Pope and Opus Dei in addressing the spiritual needs of the faithful. Read more

Catholic Authorities in Spain Excommunicate, Expel Renegade Nuns Catholic authorities in Spain have taken the severe step of excommunicating and expelling a group of renegade nuns. These nuns were found to be in serious violation of Church teachings and discipline. The action taken by the authorities highlights the Church's commitment to maintaining doctrinal integrity and ecclesiastical order. Read more

Texas Investigates Children's Hospital Over Alleged Secret Sex Changes on Minors In Texas, an investigation has been launched into a children's hospital over allegations of performing secret sex changes on minors. This investigation aims to uncover the truth behind these serious claims and ensure that ethical medical practices are upheld, particularly in the care of vulnerable children. Read more

Irish Bishops Decry Assisted Suicide Proposal as ‘A Failure of Hope’ The Catholic bishops of Ireland have issued a strong statement opposing a proposed legislation to legalize assisted suicide. They argue that such a law would undermine the value of life and the hope that palliative care provides. The bishops emphasize the need for compassion and support for the terminally ill, rather than measures that facilitate the ending of life. Read more

Stay tuned for more updates and insights from the Church as we continue to share important news and stories from around the world.

Special South African Catholic Bishop on Transparency Conference in Rome

Christians in Egypt Embark on Construction of Churches as Persecution Ebbs

Pope Francis Meets with Opus Dei Prelate Monsignor Fernando Ocáriz

Catholic Authorities in Spain Excommunicate, Expel Renegade Nuns

Texas Investigates Children's Hospital Over Alleged Secret Sex Changes on Minors

Irish Bishops Decry Assisted Suicide Proposal as ‘A Failure of Hope’

Stay tuned for the evening news.