The Web Canopy Studio Show

For most SAAS companies, their bottom of funnel call to action used for prospective customers is to push people on to a call with a salesperson. These companies don’t realize that these people want to sign up for a product demo. 

Getting people into a product or sales demo takes people’s guard down because they're there to see something really cool and valuable and don’t feel like they are being sold to. Therefore, demos convert at a much higher rate than sales calls.

But the sales demos we run are very different than watching a video on how to use a platform works or how to use a system.

How you structure them and set these demos up is super important. 

In this episode, John Aikin breaks down the steps you should take to shift your sales calls into more effective sales demos.


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Are you frustrated with your website’s performance? Is it a clearly outdated thorn in your side? Do you wish you could actually use your website as the #1 sales tool for your business and consistently put high-quality leads on your calendar for calls and demos?

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✅  Individual evaluations for how your website performs in each of the 6 key areas of the Website Conversion Framework

✅  Detailed descriptions of the areas you should focus on and why they are critical to your company’s success

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What is The Web Canopy Studio Show?

Everyone wants to grow their business, but not everyone has the time or patience to learn all the ins and outs of marketing, sales enablement, and making the most out of a CRM such as HubSpot. Join the Web Canopy Studio team, a HubSpot Diamond Partner Agency, as they chat about various topics all designed to help you grow your B2B business.

So if you're selling a platform, if you're selling a SAS, a software solution, most of the time that bottom of funnel engagement, that bottom of funnel call to action that we're trying to get people into is not just a call with a salesperson. People are actually wanting to sign up for a demo of their, of their product. A really important issue to hit on is, is that shift to getting people to a demo. If you have the opportunity to do that, it definitely breaks the, the wall down. It puts, takes people's guard down to come into a demo because they're here to see something really cool in, hopefully that's valuable that they can then, you know, put in their back pocket and go think about it and come back another time. The problem is most sales people fundamentally do a demo the wrong way, and that's not to say they're not good sales people.
It's just that sales demos for a product are very different than watching. Let's say a video on how to use a, a, a platform or how to use a system. And so that's where that's the way most people, especially younger startups tend to think about doing a demo is, let me show you the, let me show you the product. I'll show you the features. And we hop in and we walk them through the product. And, you know, we think because we built it, it's so cool. Of course, people are gonna love it. People are gonna wanna have access to it. They're gonna wanna buy it. But then as you probably have already seen, if you're selling a product that way, you're gonna see people just fall out and disappear and never come back. So how do you actually run a demo? How do you run through this process?
If you're doing a demo or sales demo? Well, you're gonna start with the exact same thing. So it's literally the exact same process. So if you've been going through this whole like sales call, like validation and all that stuff and thinking, well, we, we, we're doing a demo, so it's not like I'm trying to get them on a sales call, incorrect, you are doing a sales call. You're just positioning it as a demo. And the big difference, the, the biggest thing that's gonna be different from what you're doing compared to everybody else is you are using that pitch section as a demo. Okay? Your pitch section should be the demo of your product and everything else should be the exact same. You're gonna go through that same exact pitch process. You're gonna go through that same worksheet. And instead of where you're just telling people what the actual solution is for the solution part of each, each pillar, you're gonna show them inside of the platform.
And so you're gonna actually do the thing for them in there. And that does not mean you start and show them every single little feature that happens inside of your, your platform, because you're gonna overwhelm them. You really just need to show them the most essential things that are gonna solve their problems. You know exactly how you need to pitch your product. You know, how the demo needs to go to hit the points. If you know what those pains are from the people that you're collecting them. So when we go through our pitch worksheet or our demo worksheet, what we can do is go back to the Explorer questions and you're going, you're going to build your Explorer questions based off of the things, you know, you can fulfill because you want them to go through the questions and they're gonna be like, I don't have a solution for that.
I don't have an answer for that. Well, it just so happens. You know how, when you were, we, we were talking through X, Y, and Z just a little bit ago. Let me show you in our platform, how this actually works, because it's not that you have a, this problem it's that you have a, that problem. And I'm gonna show you how our platform actually fixes that. So that's the kind of format that you want to, you want to handle yourself in that kind of a way when you're in a sales demo. Okay? So again, you're gonna go through the exact same process, explore transition, demo, and close. All right. And there's nothing wrong with that because so many people think I'm doing a demo, just get in and show me the features. I'm gonna ask you questions. And you're gonna show me features.
Absolutely not. You as a salesperson, as the person running that demo needs to be in control of that conversation. The entire time you are diagnosing their problems, you are still diagnosing their problems. It's not like you're at a booth at a trade show and people just get to come up and ask you questions. And you just answer, whoever has a question, you are controlling this conversation. You are like a surgeon that people are coming into and, and telling you that there are issues that they have. And then you're going to diagnose their problems. And you're gonna diagnose and say, ah, yeah, see, here's the issue right here. Our solution, our product will solve that. This is the prescription that you need. All right. So make sure we still have that same exact mindset. So when we're shifting for a demo, we're gonna think about how we can say the right things to the right people.
We are not going to talk about the features of your product on a demo. That is the wrong way to think about a demo is to get people on and just show them features. Most people are doing demos the wrong way, like I was saying. And it's because they just can't wait to show them their product. And there's nothing wrong with feeling that way because your product is cool. You built it. It's awesome. But we have to remember, they are coming to you because there's a problem. So there's nothing wrong with running a demo this way and saying, remember, you're diagnosing their problem. So you get on a phone call and you say, I just wanna be mindful of time. I know we're short on time. There's a lot of different features that I could show you about our product and our platform. So what I'm gonna do is ask you some questions, get to know kind of where you're at and what your needs are.
And that way I know where to focus and, and show what features of our platform we should talk about. And then if you have specific questions, we can go into those as well. Does that make sense? And so that's the kind of a frame of how you wanna set it. So now you're in control. You get to ask any question you want, right? So most people are doing demos the wrong way. You need to make sure that your process is still the exact same. Okay. And then, then again, your pitch, just to reiterate that pitch becomes the demo itself. You still need to say the things that are in the pitch, you still need to follow that same framework, but you can do it in a way while you're talking through the product or you're asking them questions or getting them to understand the different features of the product.
Okay. And then last little bit, just to reiterate again, you still need to gather all of that important information. So all that stuff up front should not be skipped. Do not let yourself fall into the trap of just getting in, asking where they're located. Talk about the weather, talk about your cousin who is from that city as well, and then say, so let me hop in. I'll show you the product and, and we'll take it from there. That is a wrong way to do a demo. You're gonna lose more sales than you need to, unless you follow this kind of a process where you're diagnosing their problems, you're using that to frame what features or what areas of, or pillars of your software you should highlight. And that's how you go about setting up a successful demo. Hope that makes sense, guys, let me know if you have any questions, if you have not done so yet, please go to web canopy, and take the website conversion assessment you're gonna get about 30 questions is gonna ask you some really great questions about where you feel you stand on your website and based off of the information that you provide, you will be given a personalized, customized report of things that you should do to fix that and to make things perform better on your website.
I think that's it again, my name is John Aikin. I'm the CEO of Web Canopy Studio. And this was the website conversion show. We'll see you guys byebye.