It's Where I Am with Zandra Polard

In this episode, Zandra Polard welcomes Mark from the Asian Community Resource Center, shedding light on the remarkable work they're doing in Las Vegas. From assisting with Medicaid enrollment to providing crucial services like immigration support, housing assistance, and education programs, the center plays a vital role in fostering community well-being. Mark discusses upcoming events, including the celebration of Hawaiian Flag Day and a mental health matters event with clinical therapist Scott Thompson. The center's diverse offerings, including language classes, workshops, and support for seniors and children, showcase their commitment to inclusivity. Tune in to discover the extensive resources and support the Asian Community Resource Center provides, regardless of cultural background.

What is It's Where I Am with Zandra Polard?

Its Where I Am focuses on the various mental health struggles that people all around the world face every day. Each episode covers a different facet of mental health with a new special guest. It's Where I Am airs on 91.5 Jazz & More every second Saturday of the month.

Kevin Krall 0:00
You're listening to locally produced programming created in KU NV studios on public radio K, u and v 91.5. You're listening to special programming brought to you by it's where I The content of this program does not reflect the views or opinions of 91.5 Jazz and more, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, or the Board of Regents of the Nevada System of Higher Education.

Zandra Polard 0:54
Good morning, good morning. Good morning, Las Vegas. This is Andre Dillard. It's where I am. today. We have the Asian community resource center year to talk about some of the things that they're doing in the community. So I'm so glad to welcome my good friend, Mark. Thank you for coming on the show. How you doing? Good. How are you? I am well you know, it's been a few years since I've seen you. But I am always getting information in my email about some of the great things that your agency is doing in the community.

Unknown Speaker 1:36
Thank you.

Zandra Polard 1:37
So let's talk about those things like what are some of those things? So we met when you were signing up people for Medicaid? Right?

Speaker 2 1:49
Right. Exactly. Yes. And we still help people. Okay. In fact, we even have someone from the DW SS office, that is in our office, Mondays and Wednesdays to help people through all of their things they need, just like a Medicaid office.

Zandra Polard 2:08
Okay, so is it time to enroll? When is the enrolling process?

Speaker 2 2:12
So Medicaid is, is basically when you are you can enroll anytime of the year during Medicaid. Okay, it's whenever if you lose your job or is, you know, you're not making ends meet, you can see if you qualify, it's based off of the income. Okay, so yeah,

Zandra Polard 2:31
so you can if you're listening here, you can get it at anytime you don't have to wait for an enrollment process. If you need the help, you can get it and the Asian Community Resource Center is one of those places. Now where are you located?

Speaker 2 2:49
We're at 1771 East Flamingo Road in building a suite 113.

Zandra Polard 2:58
Okay, and what is the cross street?

Unknown Speaker 3:01
The cross street is Flamengo and Spencer.

Zandra Polard 3:03
Okay. All right. So right there near the Bulevar. Ma van. Right. Very close. Yes. Okay. Across the street from Sunrise Hospital. Is that still the case?

Speaker 2 3:15
No, that one is better is the old address. That's all? Yeah.

Zandra Polard 3:19
Oh, excuse me. Excuse me. Sorry about that. Well, I know you guys have a lot of upcoming events happening. And I wanted to share that with our listeners. You've got some things coming up. Well, today is Saturday, July 22. And we are you guys are celebrating Hawaiian Flag Day. So tell us about that. My Hawaiian,

Unknown Speaker 3:46
Hawaiian Friday.

Zandra Polard 3:48
Yeah, that's today at 11 o'clock.

Speaker 2 3:51
Yeah, we work. Well, that's our partner, one of our partners is having a big event. And we are just going supporting their efforts. So we have a big coalition of partners within throughout the different communities. So that's one of the events will be there

Zandra Polard 4:06
right at the Clark County Library. And that address is 14 01. East Flamingo Road, and it's going to be held in a large conference room. Correct. Okay. Well, you know, we have some really nice Hawaiian music we play here on Sundays I like to listen to in the afternoon

Unknown Speaker 4:27
is a good friend. Oh, okay.

Zandra Polard 4:28
Yeah, I love it. I love it. So tell us about the celebration of this Hawaiian Flag Day, what's going to be happening? What are they doing?

Speaker 2 4:38
So they're, they're celebrating the Pride Day. And as you know, in the Hawaiian culture, there's, there is no such thing. I mean, we are, we're all inclusive. We love every culture. It's very diverse in Hawaii, as well as it is here. So, you know, we're just there to celebrate Hawaiian pride

Zandra Polard 4:59
you Okay, now you have another event that is coming up that I was really interested in. And that's coming out on July 26. And that is yes. And that is your mental health matters event.

Speaker 2 5:16
Yes, that is with a clinical therapist, Mr. Scott Thompson, who's also from Hawaii as well, okay. And he is one of our partners, so we're doing a partner spotlight on him, and seeing what he's doing and what he offers to the community. He has some transformational programs, you know, that he works with and we've gone through, and it's, it's pretty interesting on these 30 day challenges he comes out with, and, and he

Zandra Polard 5:48
deals with anxiety therapy, depression therapy and self esteem therapy.

Speaker 2 5:54
Yes. So he does all of that. And like I said, he's a very, very good partner with us. He's actually planning on coming into our office and probably having space in our office. Start September.

Zandra Polard 6:09
Oh, that's wonderful. You know, to invite him on the show.

Unknown Speaker 6:13
Yeah, for sure.

Zandra Polard 6:16
Just share my contact information with them. And that'll that'll work out really great. I'd love to highlight him here on the show.

Unknown Speaker 6:24
That'd be great.

Zandra Polard 6:25
So tell us more about the agency. So I brought you on so that you can let our community know, everything that you're doing. So aside from, you know, enrolling in Medicaid services, what else do you provide?

Speaker 2 6:42
So we help people to navigate the health care system, the Affordable Care Act, okay. That's one of our big things, we help people with immigration services. So they need to be become a US citizen or are trying to study for the test. We help them with that. We help them also with Project reach, which is for seniors that are passed through under electric bill, so we can help them with a stipend to to get them caught up. Okay. We also do deliveries to 400, homebound seniors, through three squares, so we work on that.

Zandra Polard 7:20
Oh, wonderful. So you have to give the, for those who don't know what three squares? They provide meals. Right? So you're providing meals for seniors? So that's a great thing.

Unknown Speaker 7:30
Yeah, 400 of them every month. Oh, wow.

Zandra Polard 7:33
Now, do you work with the homeless population at all?

Speaker 2 7:37
We do. We try and do some outreach with the homeless populations with other organizations. So we work closely with a organization called the ninth Island aunties that go and help the homeless at Shannon West Center with the homeless kids, and they go out and do outreach as well.

Zandra Polard 7:57
Now, what is your website so that our listeners can find a lot of the events that you have coming up?

Speaker 2 8:05
Sure, so our website is ACRC dot orgy.

Zandra Polard 8:18
And I've also noticed on your website that you have a another mental health event coming up, and it's called the butterfly transformation program.

Speaker 2 8:30
That is the program with Scott Thompson. That's his program that he's created.

Zandra Polard 8:36
Okay, so he has the the mental health matters, and then he also has the butterfly Transformation Program. Yes. Okay. Scott, Thomas. Thompson. Thompson. Scott Thompson. There we go. And his credentials are, he is

Speaker 2 8:56
an MSW. LCSW. He's a social worker and a therapist. And his company is called XL behavior health services.

Zandra Polard 9:08
Wonderful. And then I noticed that you have a lot of workshops. So and then there also you have them for people who speak Spanish as well.

Speaker 2 9:19
Correct. So yeah, we're not only Asian organization, don't get mis misled by our knee. We help everyone. And we do things in Spanish. In all the different Asian languages as well. We're actually going to start a Tagalog class class coming up in August

Zandra Polard 9:40
was it to go what is that is that

Unknown Speaker 9:43
it's Filipino?

Zandra Polard 9:45
Oh, okay. Well, yeah. You learn something everyday conversation.

Speaker 2 9:48
Yeah, Filipino conversation. So that's going to be not not a formal one, but it's going to be a conversational class.

Zandra Polard 9:59
Okay, and I I love that you are also working with the babies, you're working with the kids. So you got the under the summer under the sea dance and design camp that started July 3, and it's going through the 31st. Correct. And it's on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays is $60 per child. And they have ballet and tap arts and crafts. And then for the, that's for the ages five to eight, and then ages nine to 13. They have contemporary hip hop, and arts and crafts also. Then you have the tutoring, math and reading. So if you want to gear up your you know, your little ones to prepare for the fall. You know, the Asian resource Community Center has a lot of things going on for the kids. Yes. Then also, you have a baby's bounty Las Vegas diaper bank. So for the actual little babies, you guys are supplying diapers?

Unknown Speaker 11:09
Well, we're working with the organization that does, yes.

Zandra Polard 11:12
Okay. And that organization is baby bounty. Okay. Yes, that is wonderful. So I want to give the information for that for those who may need diapers for the babies, because they are quite expensive. And they go through them, you know, every few hours. So they their address is 3400 West desert in road suite number eight, of course, Las Vegas 89102. And their website is babies Now, also, you have things for adults dealing with criminal record sealing. That's really important for, you know, employment purposes, to clean those, you know, old things that may be on your record. So can you tell us more about the legal aid center?

Speaker 2 12:15
Yeah, so Legal Aid Center is our, our trusted partner as well, they help with all kinds of different things. And all of it is all pro bono. So you're talking to a lawyer, and they can help you through whatever you need. We work with them for some more immigration things, as well as just normal evictions to whatever it may be that you need legal assistance on, they're there for help to help. And they don't charge anything.

Zandra Polard 12:49
Oh, and if I was going to ask you that, what is the fee for that? But it's totally free?

Speaker 2 12:53
Yes, Legal Aid of Southern Nevada. Okay.

Zandra Polard 12:58
Now also, for those who are interested, those adults who are interested in going back to school, you guys are also working with another agency to get your GED, or what are some of the other things if they want to go back to college.

Speaker 2 13:15
So there's actually quite a few of you in the culinary academy. If you want to get into the hotel industry, we work with them, they have classes that can help you, you know, go through and get your, your degree and, or or get your training and certification for housekeeping for or for different things, so that you can actually be job ready. Right off the bat. There's also different classes that we have, we work with, for getting your GED and getting, you know, certified or getting different things like trades. So we work with women in trade. So the females that want to become, you know, get into that industry of plumbing or electrician. She has Evelyn teaches people how to get certified to become ready to be in that trade. And she works with the union so they can get you in right away. We also work with the carpenters union, so they can help as well. They have apprenticeship programs.

Zandra Polard 14:23
And you also work with UNLV right here UNLV.

Speaker 2 14:26
We Yes, we do work with UNLV as well. Yeah.

Zandra Polard 14:29
Now also, you all have the urgent need for foster families. The Clark County foster care agency. Now I don't know anyone personally who wants to take on more kids, but there are a lot of kids out there that need some help. Yes. So what is that like? Is that process the extensive like, you know, I'm sure they have to do a background like what what does that how does that work?

Speaker 2 14:57
Yeah, that's a lot of background check, they make sure that you're, you're qualified, they even come out and do a site, your house visit to make sure that your house is set up to make sure that you are able to handle a new child coming in. Yeah, there there are costs with that, unfortunately. But, you know, it's, it's something that there are so many kids that are up for adoption and not enough families to adopt them. So there definitely is a need.

Zandra Polard 15:31
So there is a plethora of agencies that you all work with. I mean, the list is just going on and on and on. I mean, I'm scrolling in pretty quickly. And I mean, that stuff is still coming up. So you guys are doing a lot of work out there in the community. So whether it's education, foster care, you know, kids going to summer camp, food for seniors, homelessness, I mean, you guys do it all. So I encourage those who are looking for any type of resources, or assistance with things to contact the Asian community center, and see how they can be of service to you. Is there anything else? Oh, sure. Is there anything else you want to let our listeners know before I let you go, Mark,

Speaker 2 16:22
know that we're just here to serve anyone and everyone. So please, if you're not Asian, it doesn't matter. We're here to help.

Zandra Polard 16:30
I love it. Well, thank you so much. And thank you for your support. And we'll talk again soon.

Unknown Speaker 16:39
Thank you, Sondra, you take care. All righty.

Zandra Polard 16:41
Thank you, Mark. Well, 91.5 this is Zondra polearm. It's where I am. You know, I'm here every Saturday at 7:30am. And if you've missed a portion of this part of this broadcast, you can also find it on all the major podcast platforms, such as Apple, Spotify, Google and Amazon. So don't worry if you missed any piece of this, you can always find it. Okay, you know, I want to give a special shout out to my audio engineer Wes, thank you so much for all that you do. And I'm gonna leave you all with a couple of songs because I'm feeling really good this morning. I'm gonna play hope by decks written by decks and Roberto de Valencia produced by RBV music and right after that will play falling by Lady Blackbird written by Roberto B Valencia and Lady Blackbird herself produced by RBV music enjoy

Unknown Speaker 18:01
working for a day

Unknown Speaker 18:08
you can't find any estate shows up and then being full time

Unknown Speaker 18:22
ever since I was making man I've been working these bombs now I'm so tired and be can barely stand on my feet king can't get a full night's sleep god please have some mercy on me a king you notice we knew this can't find someone to love you in your life when your life don't make sense when your life is good it's tenfold as I can't find my happy day

Unknown Speaker 19:16
shoes off and you

Unknown Speaker 19:26
can take in Slack I'm losing control this world can't be that call. It just can't be that bad. I need a break so I can't take this monkey off my back. Guy cut me. Can't you see that? I just want to be so happy and stress free. So I don't walk into work today. State Go man there's got to be a bullish day

Unknown Speaker 20:34
here we go

Unknown Speaker 20:39
I can't find my parents

Unknown Speaker 20:57
the pain is not so

Unknown Speaker 21:13
much Shanti is accepting

Unknown Speaker 22:30
this worth it is worth this?

Unknown Speaker 24:00
easily turn up hearing me just drowning out the sound getting louder and louder is like me but a dog don't just read you walk away from it's like kissing me

Unknown Speaker 24:20
says hey you

Unknown Speaker 24:32
from now I have to start again

Unknown Speaker 24:40
and quickly just replay

Unknown Speaker 25:20
Finally I see the true you inspire

Unknown Speaker 25:26
and maybe it isn't it me in disguise

Unknown Speaker 25:32
you can have that you have that Bradshaw stupid

Unknown Speaker 25:39
and don't run into me

Unknown Speaker 25:54
now maybe manage

Unknown Speaker 25:57
how to Measure

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