Traffic School

Utah drivers proven to be bad, electric scooters and bikes on the road, destruction and theft of political signs, posting political signs on public property, giant flags on trucks, death threats, custody issues, no-contact orders, led headlights, driving barefoot, causing distractions on the roads by kicking up dirt, Judas Priest concert

What is Traffic School?

The official replay of the weekly KBear 101 live call-in show featuring Viktor Wilt and Lieutenant Marvin Crain of the Idaho State Police. Join the show with your questions live every Friday morning at 8:45AM at!

Look at that. Perfect timing on the phone with me, Lieutenant Crane of the Idaho State Police. What up, buddy? Always perfect timing, my friend. Always.

Well, you know, it's a big shame upon you for not being here live in studio, but I guess we'll we'll settle for this. I thought, you know what? It's been, like, 3 weeks in a row. I've had to see you in person. I couldn't take another one, make a full month.

Alright. That that makes sense. I understand. And, Absolutely. Right back at you, buddy.

So everybody, here in about 2 minutes, we're gonna kick off Traffic School powered by The Advocates. Get those questions ready and call us up at 208-535-1015. We're gonna have a lot of fun, but it's all up to you to make it happen. 208 535-1015, the number to call for traffic school powered by the advocates. We got lieutenant Crane on the line coming at us live from Utah.

Boo. Well, I wanted to really clarify if the driving pattern down here is as bad as the listeners say. It it is. I wanna clarify and confirm. Yes.

Alright. Well, you know, I've I've thrown that out for years, and, it's always good to hear that, that I'm as well as the listeners, I'm correcting that Utah drivers are terrible. You know what? The funniest thing was we had a guy that, cut us off and stuff way back, prior to our destination. Well, we get to our destination and guess who's standing in the same check-in line as I am.

Nice. Well, I did have to mention it to him. Well, good. Good. You know, a lot of people need to be put in line.

Tell you what. So listeners, we hope you'll take part in the program today and make it good. My my show has been a complete disaster today, worse than usual, lieutenant Crane. On schedule is normal. Yeah.

So you you know when it's going bad that it's real bad. So listeners, I I really need your help today. Call and make the the last quarter of this show, top notch. Please help the program. My job.

Please. Alright. Well, let's see if we've got any questions that have been posted online. Is it legal for people So So electric scooters are not the same as a bike. Now electric bikes, yeah, they can do that.

Electric scooters, they really need to be in a bike lane or on the on the sidewalk unless the city ordinance says, hey, you can't even be on the sidewalk on this. So, the kind of the rule of that is common sense that if you, you know, are driving reasonable and not being an idiot, most people don't care. Right? But it's when you start doing things that you really shouldn't be doing and being erratic and stuff when there's other people trying to use the sidewalk is when people start getting concerned. Alright.

Which can go faster, bicycles or those electric scooters? Because if it if it comes down to a pacing issue, if the scooters are faster, I'd much rather have them taking up space in the road than those slow bicycles. Exactly right. And so that's the thing. Right?

If you just drive in a manner that's not gonna upset people, you're you're probably pretty good. But if you start cutting people off, swerving in and out of them, and doing some crazy stuff like, it's fun. If they take the fun out of it, you're probably okay. Nice. And we got Peaches just popped in here.

Is Peaches even allowed to ride an electric scooter, or is that just dangerous for all due to the, you know, the distraction to the other people on the roadways? I would say it would be absolutely amazingly fun to go scootering with Peaches, but then I talked out about basketball too, and I can't even get him to do that. Oh, Peaches. Afraid to play some ball. I saw the weight limit for most scooters is like 2220, so even you're too fat for them.

Hey. I'm not up to 220 yet. I have been packing on the pounds in recent months. I blame it on medication, not not just cheeseburgers and donuts and cake, but, I can still ride a scooter. But the last time I tried to rent one of those, it didn't work.

And And I I got very Is it too big? No. It just did it was a piece of garbage. It was a piece of crap. And it was in Utah as a matter of fact.

Everything down there is terrible. Like, I'm there now. Oh, that's right. You are down there. Sorry.

Yeah. That that doesn't count. I wonder how's it gonna be this, upcoming summer in 2025 with people trying to throw these scooters into Snake River if they're gonna be, extra cautious with them next year? Or Well, and from what I understand, chucking the scooters into the river is a crime. Correct, lieutenant It is a crime.

Now is it That is correct. Is it theft or vandalism or what? It'd be vandalism. Vandalism. Alright.

So the same thing is, you know, knocking down people's political signs. That's vandalism. Right? Or is that theft? That would be a vandalism and a trespass, because you're going on that property to get the sign and throw it off because that you're going there with the intent to commit.

What about the ones that are just by the ditch? Well, it depends on what your opponent you want, right? Yeah. You know, you, you, because you wanna make sure if it's the ones by the ditch, there's a convenient canal there already for you to chuck them in. And, as far as they know, canal is what?

City property or county? It it depends. It's typically city, but, like, where they, roadway or the waterway, the Snake River goes through Idaho Falls. That's actually a county. That's, jurisdiction is the county.

Alright. So people, if you don't want your signs chucked into a waterway, you gotta put them in your own yard. Yeah. I saw one one political sign completely torn up. Somebody must have just been like, I don't like this guy.

Right down the middle. Well, just know this too. Just, because it's out on the public access, it's still illegal to, mess with the political sign. So Real. Even if it's on public property?

Yep. Yep. There's a code out there that says you can't do that for that purpose because you have somebody that may not like you and they go out and destroy your sign. That's not really fair. Okay.

And so, yeah, they come up with a code on that that says, hey, you just can't touch these. So if I go put up signs all over the place that are on public land that say Victor Wilt for president and anybody touches them, I can charge them with a crime. Oh, do you know how much those would be worth? They'd be getting stolen like crazy. I know.

So I you know, I I'd have to spend a lot of dough myself to get them printed. They ain't cheap. Now one thing you wanna think about there is guidance and and ordinances and laws that pertain to where and how you can, put out signs too. So if you are in a public office or running for a public office, you need to research that so you know where, how, and when you can put your signs out. There's even a time limit.

You can't put them out too early. Once their election's over, you only have so many, I think, just a few days to get all your signs gathered back up. But if it comes down to flags hanging from your truck, you can just have those swinging, you know, 247 year round. Right? Just to make you mad.

Well, I, I saw this is kind of funny. Josh and I went to, lunch yesterday and had a purple cheeseburger. And, as we were driving back, we saw this guy and he had 4 no. Five flags hanging from his truck. And one of them, it might have been the American flag from camping world hanging off the back of the truck.

This thing was massive. Are there any kinds of limits as far as how large something you can hang from your vehicle would be? Because it was it was pretty crazy. That was about to be my question. I'm glad you asked that.

Oh. The the how far back the flag could go behind the truck? Yeah. Because I mean, this thing was huge. Yeah.

How did he keep it from furloughing down onto the ground? Well, he, I I don't know. I didn't see him when he was stopped, but because he he was driving, I would assume I mean, it was on a pretty big pole. So because I guess if it touches the ground, then it's a problem. Oh, also how tall can the pole be too?

Well, there's a height limit. Right? There's a height limit, and there's also limits to how far something can protrude from the rear of your vehicle without being, marked with a flag and warning other drivers that there's, you know, a board or whatever it may be sticking out from the back. So there are distances like that. Okay.

I mean, I don't the guy could be a listener. Not trying to shame you, buddy. But, you know, I was trying to I I always try to get these ideas for an advocate's commercial, and I'm like, oh, okay. If you're driving down the roadway and an American flag the size of, you know, somebody's house falls off the or it flies off the back of a truck and wraps your vehicle like a casket, then, you know, you're gonna need to call the advocates injury attorney. And you drive into something.

Yeah. Yeah. As so, anyway, was just curious on that. What else You you asked my question already. Right?

What was your question? The one about the dead, like, death threats? Oh, death threats. Okay. We saw in the news the other day that somebody was sending, death threats to weathermen, because they didn't like, I guess, news about the hurricane.

I mean, there's is there even any situation where you could send somebody a death threat and it's not illegal? Like, people are really stupid. Yeah. That especially over the Internet, there's Internet crimes that you you are bothering anybody across, the Internet, that's always gonna be an issue. Now if you have an un how would I put this?

So if I make a threat to you, but I have no means of following that up. If I tell you, I'm gonna bash your head in the baseball bat, but I'm standing a 100 yards away and I don't have a baseball bat in my hand, that's that's really not a threat because I don't don't have the ability to do the crime, if that makes sense. Alright. Well, I'd you know, regardless, I'd like to encourage people to not be stupid and make, death threats toward, weathermen. You know?

I get annoyed by Or anybody. Or well, yeah. Anybody. It's just it's a terrible thing to do. It it's upsetting to people.

Settle down. Yeah. I was wondering if it was okay for Victor to be across the hallway yelling at me too. He's gonna beat me up if I didn't get my job done. I will do your job or if I'm gonna hit you.

Yeah. Exactly. That would that now could that as if you were peaches, could you really take that as a serious threat? No. No.

Even if you had your fist doubled up. Even if I had my fist doubled up. Okay. Well, it's good to know I'm safe here. I know of this.

You're faster scared than peaches is mad. True. True. Alright. People, there were some people calling, and I was gonna pick up, and then they they jumped off the line really quickly.

Call us back. 208-535-1015. The number to call for traffic school powered by the advocates. Well, just in time for the, spoopy season, I guess. Is it okay to actually walk around at night dressed up as a clown to, you know, frighten people?

Yeah. Lieutenant Crane, can you dress up as a clown prior to Halloween and scare people? Well, it depends on what your intent is. Right? If you wanna just walk around as a clown and and see what the reaction that people have to you, you are in a public area open to the public, no problem.

If you're a scary looking clown and as people approach you or you approach people, you're going at them for the purpose to get a reaction and not minding your own business, then we have a problem. Alright. Oh, okay. Yeah. K Bear, you are live on Traffic School powered by the advocates.

Who's this? Good morning. This is Jason. Hey. Love you guys.

Love the show, you know, listen to you on a daily. We're, backed up in traffic a little bit here, Mount Manan area. I don't know if we got a wreck going on. I'm not quite there yet or whatever, but we're backed up almost to Rigby exit. So I just wanted to give everybody a heads up if nobody's heard about that yet.

And So That makes sense why the news is trying to get a hold of me while we're talking. Oh. Oh. Excellent. Well, thank you for the heads up.

Everybody, headed to or from that direction, please be extra cautious. Yep. Northbound traffic. Northbound traffic. Alright.

Great to know. I will stay, in east Idaho. No trip to Yellowstone this weekend. I don't think it'll take all weekend to clear up the track. Yeah.

I was about to say that. Okay. Alright. It's not construction. I mean, and we gotta go that way.

It's not construction. I'm looking at, something with maybe a cement truck going on, over here. I'm just getting up to it. I'm not quite sure fully. But make sure to say you can't park there and keep going.

Yeah. Absolutely. Alright. Well, everybody be safe. Hopefully, it'll be cleared out by this evening when we head out for the haunted meetup.

So Heck yeah. Have a great day. You too, man. Have a great everybody be safe out there. See you.

Hey, Bear. You're live on Traffic School powered by the advocates. Who's this? Hey. This is Jordan.

How are you doing? Good, Jordan. Hey. Actually, hang on a second, Jordan. I gotta make the FCC happy.

One sec here. Alright. Jordan, what's your question for traffic school powered by the advocates? Hey. So I was just curious.

So say you had a custody arrangement with someone, and they decided not to show up at the custody or the exchange. Is there anything legal that you're able to do about that, or would that be considered like kidnapping if they didn't show up? It wouldn't be considered kidnapping. This is a great question, and we hear it a lot. Right?

Matter of fact, I don't Victor's been out to my house. I've got a area inside of my house that has a a large parking lot. We'll get a lot of people that'll pull in there. I'll go, hey. Is there anything I can help you with?

Oh, we're just getting ready to do our child exchange to get Why? Here. Any or driesly? Oh, over by the Quonset. Yeah.

Well Yeah. Okay. Interesting. Yeah. This spot looks good at somebody's yard, but sure.

Well, let me you know, Maverick's in town. You know, that's got a big parking lot. But, anyway, with that being said, that's a great question. So what happens is if you have court documents that say you get, rights to your children and, the other party doesn't show up to do the exchange, you can contact law enforcement depending on the agency, and they'll assist with that. But it is a civil situation between you, your ex, and then also the judge issued that order.

So with that being said, a lot of times it's best practice just to contact your lawyer. And I know this gets hard because every time you contact them, it's a few $100. But to let them know, hey. I'm not getting custody. And then take them back to court and let the judge order that again.

Now with that being said, if you have the documentation that says, I get them on this date at this time, then they can be told, hey. You need to you need to hand the kids over. Okay. Cool. Yeah.

That's that's mainly what I was trying to figure out is if they were if there were sport documentation thing. So if they would actually have they have to do it or not. So Right. Yeah. And they are bound to do that.

But is it always best option to cause a scene and cause more problems? The easiest way, but most expensive. You contact your attorney that's handling it and, you know, you just, go that direction seems to work out best. Oh, hopefully, they'll work with me if it comes down to that. But thank you for answering my question.

Absolutely. Hey, also, I'll just say this, in any of those situations, right, it's never never a fun situation, but always, people get a lot further with kindness and anger. Absolutely. That is very true. As hard as that may be at times.

Well, appreciate your call today, man. Yeah. You too. Thank you. Have a great day, you guys.

Absolutely. You too, man. See you. Did you hear that, Victor? Kindness.

That's how you should treat me with more kindness. Kindness. I I am always nothing but kind to you. I never make cheap jabs or say anything that's disrespectful. He does it to me.

Yeah. Yeah. That's only peaches. And maybe, this guy bought, Josh Tyler who just stopped in. How's it going, Josh Tyler?

Hey. Just Dandy. Just Dandy. Yeah. I've been standing out on the street all morning, so it's nice to be somewhere else.

Alright. Alright. How come all the famous people are coming in when I'm not there? You know, when, when you don't come in, this is what happens. We get donuts delivered.

We've got a big box of donuts. We're having fun. And, we just kind of throw a party in your absence. Yeah. And go into the haunted mill.

Yeah. We're headed out to your direction because we know you're not gonna be out there patrolling. This is a great day to be there. Exactly. Perfect time to head to the haunted meetup at the haunted mill, everybody.

No lieutenant Crane in the area. K Bear, you're live on traffic school powered by the advocates. Who's this? My name is Thomas. I'm just calling in, I'm just calling about that gentleman that just called about his little custody issue that he's got going on.

Okay. Yeah. I've I've got something similar. Hey. You're Thomas.

Thomas, you're not the father, are you? What? No. No. Not not not involved in that, but I have my own little issue going on.

And I was, I was hoping maybe, lieutenant Crane could could, point me in the right direction, so to speak, or give me some, some advice about something. So Yeah. My my fiance has a custody agreement with her ex husband. Her ex husband pretty much abandoned the kids. He he he he dropped his son off at on our doorstep saying that he can't handle him no more.

And, the the kid was dressed in girl clothes because his dad refused to buy him clothes while he had him for a visitation. Anyways, fast forward 2 years, dude show the biological dad shows up on, parked out in front of my house last Saturday, taking pictures of my house, sending derogatory comments to his ex wife. Long story short, I filed for a protection order to keep him away from my house and my 6 year old son, and the courts denied the protection order. And I'm just a little upset about at them denying the protection order to keep my biological son safe away from this guy parking out in front of my house, taking pictures and stuff. And I'm just curious what to do.

Yeah. So this is because a very interesting thing. I don't know, and we don't wanna get in the weeds on what the protection order read. Right? But it always is good to keep good notes and documentation on why you're gonna apply for that stuff and make sure that, there's some threats, some, actable that something that could enact and complete as far as threats and what you're truly concerned about.

This is the interesting part about that. We we get it a lot. We get people that say, hey. I want these guys arrested or taken care of because they're taking pictures, outside of my house or took a picture of me or my car. Well, the problem with that is out in the public, if any even law enforcement started to do this for a while, officers would get out loud.

Can somebody turn down their radio? We're getting all kinds of background racketing. Sorry. That's probably me. It's all good.

Thanks, man. Telling people, hey, you can't you can't take a picture of me, you can't videotape me. Well, if you're out in public and the person that's doing that is on public lands and public access or public property, They can do that. And so if you don't want them to do that, you need to be the one to lead the area. So for him to come out and park where he can legally be, and what we'd call that is have legal standing.

Right? He can take pictures or whatever. When he starts acting upon that or maybe using that as slander or, causing threats and maybe takes the pictures we talked about earlier and saying, hey. I'm gonna come and burn your house down. Now you could take that posting and go apply for this protection order and say, hey.

Listen. He just come and took pictures of my house and posted it on the Internet saying he's gonna come burn it down, right, or do harm to somebody in my family. So with that being said, those kind of things need to happen. But, with just being on public ground, taking pictures, really tough to do anything about that. Understandable.

Yeah. My biggest issue was, 2 weeks prior to him taking the photos, he was he was threatening my life and stuff. I'm not really aware. I but and the thing is I don't have I didn't have documentation of it. It was it was word.

Word. It's a word against your word. Yeah. Hearsay. Okay.

And the other thing I would suggest to you too is if he abandoned the child a while ago, I would tell her, once again, kindness goes a lot further than anger, but just say, you know, approach it in a way, hey. You really you really don't wanna be financially responsible. You don't wanna take part as a, a father. Why don't you sign your rights away? I won't come after you for any back child support.

I won't I'll let you quit paying child support. You sign your rights away. You let me take the child and raise it. We did try that. He refuses.

Thankfully, the kids are 17 16, so we've only got a couple more years left to deal with this guy. Yeah. Well, that's what I hear a lot. But unfortunately, there's gonna be weddings and and, celebrations and sadness and stuff where all families gather. You'll have to still learn to get along.

Good point. Well, good luck with your situation, man. That really sucks. Sorry to hear about all that. Yeah.

It's it's it'll hopefully, it hopefully, it gets better soon. Yeah. I hope so too, man. Appreciate the call, and it's all good stuff to get out there to people who are, you know, dealing with the same thing. So these are important questions to bring up.

Yes, sir. You guys all have yourselves a wonderful day, and, it's unfortunate that you have to deal with that traffic in, Utah. So good luck to you today, officer Crane. Lieutenant Crane. Thank you.

Thank you. Have a great day. Hey. Thanks, man. See you.

Thank you. Thank you. Bye. Peace. Alright.

208-535-1015, the number to call for traffic school powered by the advocates. Josh just popped in and had, texted me asking if we talked about the big flag we saw. Yeah. And something else. It it was it was something else.

It was really big. So certain distance behind, I think, to where it could be hitting other vehicles or interfering. Obviously There's a bigger problem. There's a bigger problem than this flag situation. You know and everybody that listens knows I owe you lunch.

Right? Yes. What they probably don't know, man, I live for double cheeseburgers. And you guys went to lunch, got cheeseburgers, didn't even invite me. That tells me where my friendship is with you guys.

Well, I would love to see lieutenant Crane's reaction to the purple Whopper that you guys ate. We did have a purple Whopper. It had a purple bun, and, the bun was, you know, thick with, you know Dense. Very dense. Yeah.

It's a dense bun. It was a dense purple bun. Other than that, it was just a regular whopper. There's a lot of new I heard that. I just I've heard that I'm dense once in a while.

Yeah. So far, all the novelty, food items that have dropped in the last week, I I I wasn't too impressed by them. I didn't try the krabby patty burger. You got to. Yeah.

It was. It's alright. But it was just a regular burger with special sauce. You gotta try the pineapple frosty that comes with it. Yeah.

If I wanna That's correct. If I want a Dole Whip, I'll go to Disneyland. Alright? I know where you can get that in town. You can get a Dole Whip in town?

Yep. Yeah. Woah. Where at? Well, there's the place I go to lunch all the time.

Are you talking about that one place that I don't go? No. Not that place. I was I thought I thought you were hitting that one. The one that he's been trespassed from?

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. No. I wish I'd been trespassed.

Where we go when we wanna feel angry. Not that place. Okay. Alright. A different place.

Oh, okay. I I know where you're talking about. They don't deserve free plugs. No free plugs on the Victor World Show. Alright.

Well Josh, I've just been talking about kindness all morning to Victor, and you're telling him about anger. You're doing it. Yeah. Yeah. I'm I'm Hooray.

You're you're the angel. Josh is the devil. Apparently? Yeah. 1 on each shoulder right now.

Well, there is that gap. This one particular restaurant where you walk in and you can just feel the anger. Mhmm. Or well, you you hear it. Yeah.

You hear it. It's very loud. It is thrust upon you. Very loud. They just turn that up.

Don't you love that tactic? You're like, okay. I wanna enjoy myself a nice meal, and of course, I get bombarded with political radio. Yeah. Being blasted.

Fun. And TV. It's just in your face, But the food's good. I think I know where you guys are eating. I ate there yet one time.

It was like, okay, this, you know, I, I don't need the, if I could tune into certain radio shows, if I needed that blasted into my head. All right. I'm going to go, find the yogurt shop. K Bear, you're live on Traffic School powered by the Advocates Injury Attorneys. Who's this?

This is Mark. Mark, what's up? Oh, I had a question. So back in 2011 to about 2014, I had a little Mustang. I thought the limitations are over.

Oh, no. No, sir. I had a Mustang I was building with the HID headlights, and, man, I got ticketed all over the place for them. And now everybody in the in the world's got the, you know, the the white headlights and whatnot. Alright.

And are those legal now or we allow Well, what what it is is the cops don't like you. Yeah. That day that's not a lie. Hey, man. I understand how it goes, dude.

They were targeting you. Pulling me around. I'm too bright. No. We we do, have a code on lighting.

Now remember this is back in 2011, 2014, the progression on lights weren't where they are today. Stock lights on stock vehicles are brighter than what you probably ran as white lights back then. What the code does say is this, is, you cannot be blinding other traffic coming towards you at, 500 feet, coming face to face. And if you're coming up from the rear, 300 feet. So that's the the key to that nowadays is are you obstructing the view of the driver at those distances?

Okay. Well And if so, you'll adjust your lights. Right? Being being in black or something, you know. Every time I pass some vehicles, my memory is flash.

How How do you feel when the cops are around? Oh, I don't like those lights either. Then my memory is really flash. And the most important question, what kind of Mustang was it? No.

No. Can't answer that, sir. Smart man. Smart man. No.

I I wanna say that off off the record because I just bought a 65 Mustang on a whim. So Oh, yeah. Well, don't put bright headlights in it because, you know, I may have to call the police on you. It's all stock, that thing. No.

Those headlights aren't shining on anybody's eyes. Right. Wouldn't it be nice to just buy a Mustang on a whim? Yeah. What's that like?

Yeah. Oh, good for you. You get a hospital. I couldn't afford to buy a Geo Metro on a whim. I need someone with better gas mileage.

Yeah. Well, appreciate the call, man. Yes, sir. Have a good morning. Peace.

Bye. Alright. If we have any last minute questions for Traffic School powered by the advocates, now is the time to call. 208-535-1015. Crystal wanted to know if it's illegal to drive barefoot.

Oh, yeah. This question has come up before. What's the answer, Victor. Do you remember? You can, you can drive barefoot all you want.

You can. I've never been able to stop somebody and say, Hey, your big toe's a little too big outside of that sock. And then, chance wanted to know if you're running up and down a dirt road next to the freeway, making visibility almost 0, and you're not doing it for any reason other than messing around. Is that illegal? Because you're kicking up so much dirt that you're, you know, making a cloud in the roadway.

If you're causing it on a for a as a hazard on purpose, that becomes an issue. If you're just on a public roadway, once again, it's open to the public and you're just driving back and forth and it's dusty, that's something that probably needs a little water put on it so that it's not doing that or should dust retardant. And, no. You wouldn't be held liable for that at that point unless you are, like, flipping cookie spinning your tires or doing things of that nature that causes a crash on the main road. Well, if you're kicking it on a dirt road just flying around, of course, you're gonna spend cookies and, you know, have fun.

Sound like a sound like a country DJ there. It's kicking it on a dirt road. Taking it on a dirt road. Yeah. I mean, it doesn't it doesn't take too much to come up with some good country lyrics, man.

Pick up I wanted I wanted to say something that you done to me last Saturday. You guys, you took me out to a concert. And, boy, if I wasn't where's wobble in that place, I was a little out of my element there. Well, and I kept trying to find you, so I kept going back to your that other guy was an officer you're with. Right?

Yes. Yeah. So I kept going back to him. I'm like, where is Marvin? He's like, well, he he can't see.

So he went up to the side. He's like, he's so short. Yeah. You you need to have someone like Peaches to stand next to you. That's how people find me at the show.

I would have put them on my shoulders. Oh, see? Peaches would have helped you out, man. That would have been a chore. Would that have would that have been an awkward picture that would have went across the Internet?

What what did you think of the show? What did you think of Judas Priest? It was good. Yeah. It was amazed.

But, yeah, I I was the one guy when you see the pictures that says, one of these are not the same when they're teaching kindergarten kids. Which one is it? It it would have been so funny to see Rob Halford come out of that motorcycle and then, Lieutenant Crane flashes a flashlight, says your tags are expired or something like that. Or he's riding on the back. Yeah.

Yeah. It was funny. It was funny because Peach had spotted you, and I'm the only guy in there. I'm sure that someone goes, there's a cop and I run over. Hey, no no joke, scream Marvin Marvin.

They like skipped over to you. Only guy excited to see the cops. Well, it was lots of fun. I, I was glad to see you there and, yeah, looking forward to the next one, as soon as we get a real brutal metal show in town, then we'll have to bring you out. We'll bring you up on stage with us.

Oh, absolutely. Alright, man. Well, good traffic school. You enjoy your, trip down there. Tell the fam hello.

And, listeners, thank you for taking part today in traffic school powered by the advocates. Catch it every Friday morning, 8:45 right here on KBAIR. Traffic school is a production of Riverbend Media Group. To get more info on the show or to contact us, hit up our website,