ONE OF 8 BILLION Trailer Bonus Episode 76 Season 1

Megan Glover: Building Communities with Kindness, Grit and Trust

Megan Glover: Building Communities with Kindness, Grit and TrustMegan Glover: Building Communities with Kindness, Grit and Trust


Megan Glover, Marketing Manager of Solhem Companies, discusses the transformational power of writing down company values, putting up buildings in the Minnesota winter, and the importance of Post-its in personal growth.

Show Notes

Megan Glover, Marketing Manager of Solhem Companies, one of our longest clients, discusses the transformational power of writing down company values, putting up buildings in the Minnesota winter, and the importance of Post-its in personal growth. 

Megan Glover of Solhem Companies.

  • The environmentally conscious real estate developer
  • The art of building naming (and anagrams)
  • How their strong sense of company "self" and values are important when changing the fabric of the city
  • The trend of micro apartments (and how Solhem started it in Minneapolis!)


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Hey everyone!

You’re listening to the TEN7 podcast,
where we get together every fortnight,

and sometimes more often, to talk about
technology, business and the humans in it.

I am your host Ivan Stegic.

My guest today is Megan Glover, who
is the Marketing Manager at Solhem

Companies, an environmentally conscious
real estate developer here in Minneapolis.

She also happens to be a longtime
client of ours at TEN7; we’ve been

working with Solhem for over 10
years, and with Megan for over five.

Hey Megan, welcome.

It’s so good to have you on the podcast.

It’s great to be here, Ivan.

Thanks for having me.

You’re welcome.

It’s nice to be talking to you.

I’d like to start with Solhem Companies.

I just kind of described it as
an environmentally conscious

real estate developer.

This is one of your founding principles.

This is central to what Curt
Gunsbury was thinking when he

first started Solhem back in 2008.

Tell me about why.

Why should this be a focus for a
real estate company, of all things?

Good question.

I think the simple answer is
because it’s the right thing to do.

That’s kind of what Curt’s
ethos has been since day one.

If we're doing the right thing,
it’s going to also be smart from

a business standpoint, and it’s
eventually going to pay off for us.

Another way to approach that is that
now, in 2019—over 10 years from when

Curt first started the company—it’s
just expected these days, I think.

I really think that if you’re not focusing
on sustainability as a company, it’s

probably something you should revisit.

Yeah, now that you say that, that makes
me realize that what Curt was thinking

about and what he was pioneering in
the Twin Cities, nobody was doing that.

And kudos to him for
approaching it that way.

You’re right, it’s to be expected now.


I think it’s part of our brand
very deeply, but it’s not even

necessarily something we’re
talking about day in/day out.

It’s very interesting to see how
that’s evolved over the past decade.

So, sustainability is one of the
values that Solhem stands for,

it’s part of your brand promise.

Tell me about the other
values that Solhem stands for.

Ivan, I’m so glad you asked this
because [laughing] this year we

actually formalized a document,
our official Solhem brand book.

And I must say that the process of
putting the values down on paper, and

then distributing them to the team,
has been really transformational.

Here’s what we came up with:

Our purpose is to build beautiful,
sustainable communities that

people love, and we do it with
kindness, grit, trust and awareness.

That’s amazing.

[laughing] Well, thank you.

It’s something that we’ve been feeling
for a decade now, but it was never

actually formalized and written down.

And I don’t think any of us knew what
that would do to all of us, on the

leadership team, as well as the rest
of the company, once we were able

to actually put that down into words
and then present it to the team.

It’s been a really fun year for us.

That’s lovely.

It’s so nice to hear that you’ve
formalized that and that you’ve

done what you’ve done, and that it’s
been as transformational as it has.

We did this a few years
ago and equally so.

You kind of know what the culture’s
like and what you’d like it to be

as a leader, but once you put it
down, there’s a line in the sand.



Did you guys work with anyone to do
that, or did you do it internally?

What was the process like there?

We did it internally.

We read a book a few years
ago called Traction...


Oh, you know Traction, okay.


[laughing] Yes.

[laughing] It did kind of
inspire us to formalize a lot

of processes across our company.

And one of them was really starting
with, what does Solhem mean, and how

can we teach someone that we have
just hired what Solhem means in a

month instead of a couple years?

When I started, it took me probably
a full year before I even really

understood what the company was
about and how cool it really was.

So, this is a way for us to expedite
our training process, so that as

we’re growing, as we’re scaling,
we’re bringing people on, and we

need them to be feeling this a lot
more quickly than one or two years.

The thing that I originally struggled
with when we first formalized our

values and our mission was, how
do I apply them to the day to day?

It’s nice to talk about the fact that
you do this work with kindness and

grit, but how do you remind everyone?

How do you live them on a daily basis?

They’re probably pretty new to you
and maybe you’ve been trying to

figure it out yourself, but what’s
your experience been with that?

This is maybe cheesy, but, Post-it notes.

[laughing] I literally write these
words down and they’re on Post-it

notes staring me in the face.

And sometimes I’m looking at them,
sometimes I’m not, but I will say that

occasionally I’m writing an email and
I’m about to send it, and then I get

a glance of [the word] "kindness,"
and I look back at my email and I’m

like, Ooh, I’m going to sit on that.


Undo send.


[laughing] Undo.



[laughing] Undo.


So, I would say it’s still a new process
for us, figuring out what that brand book

literally does for us day in and day out.

But I think the bigger thing we’ve
learned so far is that it’s just

had a great effect on team morale.

It just made everybody feel
a lot prouder about what our

company does, and that shows.

That trickles down.

That becomes clear in their interactions
with residents and with contractors,

and with our cleaning staff.

It has a really positive
ripple effect, I’d say.

I love it.

So, let’s talk about the first
building that Curt worked on.

And this is just kind of a nice, neat
coincidence that I like to bring up.

You probably knew this, but Solhem
Uptown was built in the neighborhood

of Uptown [Minneapolis] on Holmes
Avenue, and when I first saw

that, I thought, Hold on a second.

Did Curt plan this?

Because "Holmes" is an
anagram of "Solhem."

Like, did he go to Holmes and say, Okay,
I’m going to call my company Solhem.

Or did he look for Holmes because he had
already [laughing] …what is going on?

I love that you love this so much,
because honestly Ivan, I am pretty

sure that nobody knew about the anagram
until you brought it up to us [laughing]

however many years ago that was.

So, no, it was certainly not anything
that was in his mind at the time.

It is a very happy,
fun coincidence though.

Solhem, the name, was actually inspired
from Curt and his wife Catherine.

Their friends overseas, in Sweden,
had a beautiful seaside home

that they had nicknamed "Solhem."

And I think Curt and Cath were just always
very inspired by the design and the love

and care that they put into that home,
and that’s where the name came from.

So, that was the first one, and then
there was another building, Soltvå,

which everyone calls Soltvå [pronouncing
Soltwa], because it’s an a but it really

has a little o on top of it, and I
think that’s how you are supposed to

say it, and I think that’s homage to
the fact that it’s the second building,

because I think två means two, right?

Två means two, yeah, but I will
say as far as the pronunciation

goes, most of us just called it
Soltva, which is incorrect, right?

But everybody else, inquiring potential
residents would call it Solteva.



I have not heard that iteration.

That’s just what you’re going to get
when you name your building something.

When you put a character on
a letter somewhere [laughing]

where it’s not usually there.

[laughing] Right.


So, that was our second sun.

So that was Soltvå, and then
Solhavn coming along, maybe a

year and a half after that, “havn”
being a haven [so "sun haven"].

Then you broke from the brand, and
this is what I want to talk about.

I want to talk about from a marketing
perspective, this is really interesting,

because you started out naming the
buildings after the company, and then

you went with this motif of keeping the
sun part, the "sol" part of the name.

And then you branched out.

But, on one hand you have the
values of the company and the

vision of your leader, right?

And on the other hand, you have
the individuality of each building

you’re putting up, and the
neighborhood it’s in, and being almost

customized for that neighborhood.

So, how do you approach that and
how has it evolved over the years?

It is a very interesting nut to crack, and
l feel like the nut keeps changing on me.

When I started it was
a peanut, pretty easy.

And now it’s a really annoying
nut, a walnut [laughing] , is that

a really annoying nut to crack?

[laughing] Those are annoying nuts, yeah.

And this was all coming from Curt.

Curt was the person that
said, “You know what?

It’s time to move on from 'Sol.' We’re
going to name this building something

totally different and we’re just going
to keep changing it up from there.” That

was really the same time when I came
into my own as the Marketing Manager.

So, in some ways it was just a really
big challenge for me to figure out how

we keep true to this idea of Solhem, even
when we don’t have that name recognition.

We’re still learning to be quite honest,
and we’re still figuring that out.

I think a big part of it
has been our websites.

You can speak to that
from the very beginning.

We kept a very steady design
for each of our buildings so

you could see that continuity.

Yeah, that connection.


So, just trying to build and cultivate
that and again, it’s a work in progress.

We’re getting better every year with it,
and certainly you and I have talked a lot

about what the future looks like here.

But I’d say it’s a big challenge.

How has your own thinking about
marketing for the buildings and for

Solhem evolved over the last five years?

You’ve been with Solhem for about
five years now, if I’m not mistaken.


I’m curious to hear what you
thought you would be doing in your

job to start, what you actually
did, and how has that changed?

When I started, I was much
more on the sales front.

I was boots on the
ground, making the deals.

I think that’s something we do with
every new hire we have with the company.

We want them to be able
to lease an apartment.

That’s the heart and soul of the business.

Can you invite someone in?

Can you show them around?

Can you get them to sign on
the dotted line at the end?

So, that’s what I was
doing when I started.

And after about six months I was
getting a little antsy in that role,

and I started thinking more big
picture about what our marketing

efforts could look like in general.

Again, we’re like a 10, 12-person
company at this point, so

we don’t have departments.

We have 12 people and all
12 people do everything.

I could manage a building.

I could fix a clogged toilet.


Lease it up.

[laughing] I could lease it up.

I think just developing those
departments from the ground up

has been how my job has evolved.

And in doing so, I ended up just being
the marketing guru, not something

I was formally trained in, but I
just taught myself and learned and

read a lot over the years, and it’s
brought me to where I am right now.

We’ll get to what you originally were
trained to do later on in the podcast.

[laughing] I have some
questions about that.

[laughing] Good.

Because it’s really interesting.

[laughing] Stay tuned for what
Megan was really trained to do.


So, in preparing for the podcast, I
was fascinated by the many different

pieces of what you guys actually do.

I love that we’ve talked about the
company and what the values are, and

how you function as an organization.

I’d like to move the lens a little bit now
and talk about what you’re actually doing.

You were like, “I can’t
talk about everything we do.

I don’t know what all those things
are.” I was like, "Megan, come on.

You know much more than what we
do than what our listeners do."

So, I want to ask you, putting
up a building is not non-trivial.

There are many moving pieces.

What do those broad strokes look
like in Curt’s mind, and then how

does that trickle down to everyone?

Maybe it doesn’t trickle down—I don’t like
that phrase—maybe it’s more collaborative.

But Curt has an idea: let’s
put a building up somewhere.

You've got to find the place, you've
got to find the property, you've

got to work with the city, you've
got to find a developer, a general

contractor, you have to consider the
marketing, the leasing, the operations.

Tell me about those stages.

The first stage and by far
the most important is the

location, it’s just number one.

Yes, there are many empty
plots in the city that you

could throw up a building on.

For us, it is, where
in the city is special?

Where are people going to want to live
or where do they already enjoy living?

We try to get ahead of the
curve if at all possible.

Sometimes it’s hard to do
that because it’s a big risk.

But for us it’s location,
location, location.

That’s number one.

Then, after that, it is negotiate
price, apply for a permit with the

city, send that offer letter out to
the investor pool, call our architect.

And where we are right now as a
company, I would say a lot of this

process is pretty formalized in a
way that maybe five years ago, each

one of these steps was like, really
laborious and had a lot of uncertainty.

Now it’s like, we have an
architect we work with.

Our investors come along with us, and
they’re committed to the company and

to our mission, so we’re good there.

The construction bids, we've got a
couple people that we like to work with,

let’s see who gives us the best price.

We know the people that we
need to work with at the city.

So, it’s become a lot more
streamlined over the years.

I think that’s a big reason why we’ve
been able to see some big growth

this past year in terms of having
three buildings in the ground at one

time, which is pretty major for us.

I want to try to go through
a little more of the process.

You find the spot, you make the offer,
you send it, you talk to the investors,

then you have to get those contractors
in to actually start working, right?


Can you give me an idea about
how long it takes you to put up,

let’s say, a recent building.

I’ve noticed there’s typically six
stories, and we can talk about that, but

a recent building, six stories high, how
long’s the first part, how long’s the

middle part, how long’s the end part?

Tough question.

The parts can be a different
length depending on who the

construction contractor is.

Some teams work more quickly.

Some teams take a little bit longer, but
then the finished product is ready to go.

I’d say, in general, start to finish,
from finding the location, from that very

day, it’s about 12-18 months in general.


That’s actually really fast
when you think about it.

This is a building in which you
are creating homes for people for

more than—I actually don’t know—how
many apartments in such a building?



Our buildings, we’ve done anywhere
from 48 on the small end up to 198

which is going to be our biggest
property, and it’s opening next year.

That’s a lot of homes for a lot of
people, and 12-18 months is not a long

time to go from nothing to homes, and
to people moving in, and to operational.


It’s pretty cool.

That’s very cool.

That’s reshaping our city fast, honestly.

Yes, it is.

I think that's a good point to call
out—how fast we are changing the fabric

of the city, and it makes it even more
important for us to really have a strong

sense of who we are and our values,
so that we’re not making mistakes.

Because, if you make a big mistake
when you’re moving fast, it can

have pretty serious consequences.

So, we don’t take that lightly.


I’m so glad that that’s the case.

I want to ask you about the challenges
you might have in Minnesota from a

construction point of view you might
not have, in, say, a warmer climate.

And I’m asking this specific question
because when we were a brick and mortar

company and we had an office, we had
an office right outside of where Soltvå

went up, and I remember the middle
of January walking back to my car to

the parking lot, snow falling, in 10°
Fahrenheit weather, and you guys are

pouring concrete, and there are men out
there working, and I’m like That is crazy.

How is this even possible?

So, tell me about some of the
challenges with construction.

As you know, and other listeners
who live up here, Minnesota

has a very harsh climate.

And of course, our construction
crews are prepared for it.

So, I ran this topic by the VP of
Development for our company this morning,

Jason Lord, who does a lot of our
architecture and design work, and I was

like, "Jason, what exactly is possible
or not possible when it’s so cold?"

His response was, “Actually, it’s not
that hard to build in freezing temps.

The hardest part is the earth work,
when you’re actually moving the ground.”

So, for us, as long as the ground isn’t
frozen, you can basically do anything.

One kind of funny thing [laughing] is
that one of our supers, Kevin, he uses

a popular construction phrase with
his team, “The heat is in the tools.”

[laughing] So, it’s hard for the guys.

It’s hard for the men and women
out there, because it’s so cold.

But hey, the heat is in the tools.

The heat is in the tools.

I love it.

[laughing] So, I was talking to one of
my colleagues, and we were talking about

Curt’s success, and we all noticed and
were surprised by the fact that—and

you could correct me if I’m wrong—I
think every building that you guys

have put up has been six stories high.

I don’t think there have been buildings
that have been higher than that.

And, my friend said, “Oh, I don’t get it.

Don’t the economies
scale once you go higher?

If you’re going to go to 12 floors it’s
not going to be double the cost of being

at six floors, it’s going to be less than
double.” I was like, "Dude, I don’t know."

[laughing] You should really
ask Curt, because this is

all conjecture on our part.

Maybe there’s a law or something that
says you can’t go higher than six.

I don’t know.

What’s the deal with that?

So, here’s the deal, and a
very, very minor correction.

We have built up to eight,
so that was our highest.

Oh, you have?

Borealis is actually eight stories.

Oh, it is?



In general, we are
working with six to eight.

So, 95% of the reason there [why we don't
go higher] is economics, and then maybe

the other 5% would be zoning ordinances.

But for the most part, unless you’re
building in a historic neighborhood

or a certain residential area,
you can build as tall as you want.

The thing to keep in mind is that,
there’s a fixed cost as soon as

you put that hole in the ground.

So, when you’re considering that, it
is actually way more expensive to build

taller than it is to build shorter.

So, maybe you might think if you build
20 stories that would be not that much

more expensive than just having built
10, no, it’s quite a bit more expensive.

So, for us it’s just a
purely economic reason.

We just don’t.

We’re just a little bit too small
of a company to be throwing up

those big commercial high-rises.

So, we stick to what we know, and
we also keep in mind that we want

to maximize density wherever we go.

So, if we’re building a six-to-eight-story
building, we take up as much of

the plot of land as we can, surface
area-wise, so that we’re able to

put in as many units as possible.

I think that’s a smart
environmental way to approach it,

and financial way to approach it.


Now I can go back to him and say,
"Listen, this is how it works."


Listen buddy.


Listen buddy.


Yeah, it’s such a big project, and
it’s so expensive, and you see some

people coming into Minneapolis and
doing it now in the downtown northeast

area, you’re seeing major high-rises,
but those are big multi-national

firms that can afford to do it.

They can do that and can afford to do it.



I read in the news that one of the trends
on the East coast and the West coast

and that’s come to Minnesota as well
has been this idea of micro apartments.

I know that you guys have built some
buildings that are micro apartments.


Are you seeing that trend continue?

Are other people doing micro apartments?

Maybe you should give our
listeners a definition of what

a micro apartment actually is.

We define micro units as 400
square feet or less in general.

I think the standard definition is
actually 500 square feet or less.

But the way we approach it in our
building design is typically 400 or less.

Yes, it is absolutely a trend and what I
think is kind of cool is that our company

kind of started that trend in Minneapolis.

[laughing] We built a building in
the North Loop, NOLO, which was kind

of the first of its kind with the
micros, and it leased up incredibly

fast, and it rarely turned over.

We just saw that the
market is right for this.

People want to live more minimally;
maybe it’s Marie Kondo's book,

everybody’s talking about it.

Hey, throw it all away.


[laughing] Absolutely.

It’s simpler.

You can focus on being outside and
traveling, and when you come home,

you just have a very simple, elegant
place to live and it’s also cheaper.

We can provide a home for people at a
much lower rate than if we were to give

them a 700-square-foot one bedroom.

We’re still doing, obviously, a variety
of sizes, but we have definitely

shifted to the micros a bit more.

That’s really interesting.


You and I interact, and we’re obviously
focused on the website, on being the

digital marketing team for Solhem, so
that’s my lens into how Solhem works.

But, I’m curious about the
rest of your own digital

infrastructure and your technology.

I’m wondering about what role technology
plays in your organization in how

you function, and by extension,
how your buildings function.

How has that changed, and what does
technology do for you these days?

It’s absolutely changed, and I’d
say technology continues to play a

bigger and bigger role every year.

A big part of that is the shift to
automation, and it’s permanently

changed the face of all businesses,
and ours is no exception.

We’re kind of having to think like,
what does automation look like for a

company like us, and how can we stay
true to who we are, while we are adding

these certain features that might
seem a little bit more impersonal.

One example is virtual leasing.

For instance, how can we offer someone
out in Seattle, who is moving to

Minneapolis, a completely seamless
experience, 100% remote, where they

feel like they know exactly who we
are, what they are getting and they’re

really, really excited and jazzed to put
down a deposit from 2,000 miles away?

I think there’s a big part of
automation that comes into that, but

at the same time, I think we’re even
more focused right now on how will

we continue to keep it personal.

As much as technology is super important,
and it will always play a large role,

we know that having that personal
touch is what’s really memorable.

We’re kind of at a crossroads right
now with figuring out the best way to

automate and stay true to who we are.

Especially when one of your values is
that you need to be kind, and having

that personal touch is certainly a way
of being kind to potential residents.

And once you’re at a large company
there is a risk of becoming anonymous,

and I think that kindness goes
out the window when that happens.



It’s definitely a challenge.

I have an idea.


What if someone in Seattle who’s
looking for a place to make their home,

looking for a lease with you, what if
they could put on a virtual reality

cardboard box on their phone, and they
could walk through one of your new

apartments with you by their side?

As you walk through the bedroom and
the kitchen and the beautiful windows

and look out at the view of something
that doesn’t even exist yet, or of

something that actually does exist?


I think that’s where we’re headed, Ivan.


Oh, yeah.


Again, we want our friendly face to be
a part of it, but I do think that the

next generation is just wanting to take
care of all this stuff on their phone.

They all just want to
do it on their phone.

I love it.

Let me know how we can help you,
because that sounds really exciting

to me [laughing] . That’s awesome.

[laughing] Yeah.

I think we’ll probably
be shouting about this.

We already shout a lot.

So, yeah.

Talk to you next week.


[laughing] Alright.

So, right now, you’re working on
three buildings simultaneously, right?

That’s pretty brave and optimistic
and scary at the same time.

At least it would be for me.

Tell me about the three buildings.

Where are they?

What’s next after them?

Give me something about them.

It’s scary for me too, so, yeah, I
actually have a job coach this year that

I’ve been working with, and a few months
ago I remember telling her, "This is about

to get real for me because my job has
always been one building at a time, and

basically now I’m going to be doing three
buildings at the same time, and the same

amount of hours a week, so, just give me
some tips on how to get through that."


[laughing] Good for
you for having a coach.

That’s the best thing I ever did as well.

Oh my God, yeah.

Did she say delegate?


Oh, yes.

It’s a Post-it, Ivan.

Is it really?

Oh, yeah.

I have a "delegate"
Post-it at my workstation.


It’s been a game changer for me, for sure.

So, the buildings in the ground right
now coming up, we have one in Northeast

Minneapolis called the Gibson, a 159-unit
building, and these are all going to

be in the seven-to-eight-story range.

Another is over in the Mill District
which is a new place for us to be

developing, so that’s exciting.

That building is called OX-OP, a
very odd name, but it pays homage

to an art gallery that used to be at
that location called OX-OP Gallery.

And what’s kind of fun about that is, we
worked with that former owner to actually

bring an art gallery into our building,
so that we’ll have two separate entrances

there, one to the residences and then
the other to an actual art gallery.

That’s going to be pretty cool.

That’s awesome.

We’re super excited.

And then the last one in the ground
is—back in the North Loop, our

happy place I’d say—and that one
is going to be called the Archive.

It’s a very large 198-unit building,
and I’d say the most interesting design

element to this building is that there’s
going to be an open-air promenade that

cuts through two wings of the building.

We’re really going to be encouraging
public interaction with the space, and

hopefully having some little boutiques
move in there, and just add to the

character of the neighborhood even more.

So, some retail on the first floor.


That sounds cool.

If I’m not mistaken, that one’s
over by the Federal Reserve, right?

It is.

It’s ½ block from there, and then
on either side of that building

there are two historical structures
that will remain untouched.

So, it’ll provide a really neat new/old
juxtaposition on one single block.

I think it’s going to be really beautiful.

And there must be challenges
involved in being able to make

sure that what’s historic around
you remains preserved and solid.

I love that there’s that
attention to detail from Solhem,

that that’s a concern as well.

Kudos to you guys for that.

Well, thank you.

We are coming to the end of our podcast.

We’re going to be wrapping
it up here pretty soon, but I

wanted to talk about what you’re
actually trained to do [laughing]

compared to what you’re doing now.

And if I’m not mistaken you are
a classically trained pianist?


Is that right?

Yes, that’s right.


Tell us a little bit about where you
grew up and what path you took to

becoming a pianist and then moving
to Minnesota and working at Solhem.

Also, do you still play?

I do.

So, I play mostly for fun, which is
a big difference from when you’re

training to be a concert pianist.

I relate it to basically training
for the Olympics, but all the

time, constantly, every year.

[laughing] You never go to the
Olympics and then it’s over, you

just keep training for the Olympics.

For me, I started playing
when I was five, I loved it.

I did it because I loved it.

I got very serious.

I was talented, and I just eventually
got to a point in my mid-twenties

where I was like, You know what?

There’s more to life, and I don’t
want to train for the Olympics all

the time for the rest of my life.


But it gave me so much in terms
of discipline and opened my eyes

to the world of classical music,
which is something that I hope

everyone can find at some point.

And it did ultimately lead me up here
in a weird way, to Minnesota, because

I met my husband when I was in graduate
school in Southern Indiana, and he

ended up taking the leap to move up here
for a job, and so I followed him up.

And I became friends with someone who
lived in one of the Solhem buildings.

I was bouncing around, teaching
piano, but I wasn’t really happy

with it, and she was like, “Hey,
I know this really cool company.

I think you should take an interview
with them.” I had no idea about

property development and management.

It was a brand-new thing for me.

But I trusted that the culture seemed
like a good fit and interviewed with Curt

and that was the beginning of the end.


That was it.

Curt saw the potential and was
very smart to offer you a job,

so, good for him for doing that.


Well, thank you.


I think for him he was like,
Oh, concert pianist, okay, cool.

Like she’s kind of
crazy but in a good way.


[laughing] Well, I’m glad it’s worked out.

It’s worked out really well, hasn’t it?

It sure has.

Well, thank you for spending
your time with me today.

Thanks for talking about Solhem and
the values and what you guys stand

for and taking me through the process
of putting a building up, and also

through that little path through
being a concert pianist as well.

It’s been really awesome
talking with you today.

It’s been a great chat.

Thanks so much, Ivan.

Megan Glover is the Marketing
Manager [and former concert pianist]

at Solhem Companies, and you can
find them online at

You’ve been listening to the TEN7 podcast.

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Until next time, this is Ivan Stegic.

Thank you for listening.